
请高手帮忙把下面的中文翻译成英文,要质量好点的,谢谢 我希望能在五年内成为一个优秀的项目经理,与公司的团队共同合作,快速开发出满足用户需求且整体架构科学合理,性能优越,易于维护的软件项目,为公司创造价值。因此,我希望从最基础做起,成为一名优秀的程序员,通过项目的实践充分积累经验,开拓视野,逐步学习整体的设计思想与设计方法,成为系统架构师,通过积累学习各种管理,最后成为一名优秀的项目经理。
09-03-03 &
我希望能在五年内成为一个优秀的项目经理,与公司的团队共同合作,快速开发出满足用户需求且整体架构科学合理,性能优越,易于维护的软件项目,为公司创造价值。因此,我希望从最基础做起,成为一名优秀的程序员,通过项目的实践充分积累经验,开拓视野,逐步学习整体的设计思想与设计方法,成为系统架构师,通过积累学习各种管理,最后成为一名优秀的项目经理。I aspire to be a project manager within five years through my efforts on company team work, the quick development of such software projects that are featured with scientific overall framework, excellent performance and easy maintenance as well as making contributions to my company, to that end, I have decided to start first as an outstanding programmer, which may accumulate for me through the years the practical project experiences, expand my vision and let me gradually grasp the overall design strategies and methods, and then become a system architect, and finally, my accumulation of the learning of various management skills will surely make me an outstanding project manager.
I hope to become an excellent project manager in five years ,with the company's team work together to meet the rapid development of user needs and the overall scientific and rational architecture, superior performance, easy to maintain software projects, create value for the company. Therefore, I hope to start from the foundation to become a good programmer, through the practice of project experience, open up horizons, gradually learning the overall design idea and design methods, to become system architects, through the accumulation of various management study Finally, be an outstanding project manager.
内容摘要:The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.Not the norm ground the usage IP address, usually result in the IP address in the network disorder.The IP address appropriates to bring the network management safe 隐 to suffer from, resulting in to the customer inconvenience, that text analyzed the IP address to appropriate an in common use method, give correspond of guard against measure, and put forward adopting a dynamic state to install the mechanism of the MAC address. 关 键 词:Area net IP address in bureau appropriates the ARP DHCP port fixed position dynamic state MAC
I hope to become an excellent project manager in five years.I'll work together with the  team to meet , so as to be able to  develop the software which will meet the needs of our customers, which will have overall scientific and rational architecture,  superior performance, and be easy to maintain, so that we can create a greater value for the company. Therefore, I hope to start from the foundation and try to become a good programmer. Through my career practice I will have more experience, so I can open up horizons, and gradually learn the overall design ideas and design methods, and naturally I will  become a  system architect. What's more,through the accumulation of various management studies, I am sure to become an outstanding project manager.
I hope to become an excellent project manager in five years.I'll work together with the  team of our company, so as to be able to  develop the software which will meet the needs of our customers, which will have overall scientific and rational architecture,  superior performance, and be easy to maintain, so that we can create a greater value for the company. Therefore, I hope to start from the foundation and try to become a good programmer. Through my career practice I will have more experience, so I can open up horizons, and gradually learn the overall design ideas and design methods, and naturally I will  become a  system architect. What's more,through the accumulation of various management studies, I am sure to become an outstanding project manager.
I hope in five years to become an excellent project manager with the company's team work together to meet the rapid development of user needs and the overall scientific and rational architecture, superior performance, easy to maintain software projects, create value for the company. Therefore, I hope to start from the foundation to become a good programmer, through the practice of project experience, open up horizons, gradually learning the overall design idea and design methods, to become system architects, through the accumulation of various management study Finally, be an outstanding project manager.
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相关内容&a包装形式 Packing form & atigger u r makeing me nard 做我nard的tigger u r & a约翰 布朗 John Braun & a洗发剂 Washes sends the medicinal preparation & a不能穿牛仔裤上体育课 Cannot put in the jeans the physical education & azhengge zhengge & a他们从星期一到星期天上班 They go to work from Monday to Sunday & aheat rejection 热拒绝 & a我一见到她就把这本书给了她 As soon as I saw she on has given this book she & aNo i have class later so cant eat 没有我后安排类,因此伪善言辞吃 & a微笑依然 Smile still & a由于学生最近忙着开学 Because the student busy was beginning school recently & a那很棒,让我们为我们组再找两个人 That is very good, lets us look for two people again for our group & a你认为我是一个称职的警察吗 You thought I am the police who is competent for the post & aloverwoman不知道是什么意思 loverwoman did not know is any meaning & acridic cridic & a这支铅笔被用来书写 This pencil are used for to write & a所以在场的人都被他的事迹所感动 Therefore presents the human all move by his fact & aAccording to my schedule,i still have to teach 根据我的日程表,我必须仍然教 & afor supple and glowing skin, pour this precious exotic oil with jojoba into your bath or apply directly all over your body in a gentle massage 为柔软和发光的皮肤,倾吐这珍贵的异乎寻常的油用加州希蒙得木入您的浴或直接地在您的身体申请在柔和的按摩 & asexiest men sexiestmen & a许嘉晴 Xu Jiaqing & aDoes not leave to assure 不离开保证 & ano separate tour will be arranged for late comers 分开的游览不会被安排已故的来者 & a他们不知道为他们的儿子买哪个包。 They did not know which package buys for theirs son. & aCavity's 洞的 & a为了你可以放弃一切 In order to you may give up all & a你要保证 You must guarantee & a昨天晚上我看到她拿着瑜伽垫子我问她拿瑜伽垫子干什么用 Yesterday evening I saw she takes the yoga cushion I to ask she takes the yoga cushion to do any to use & a叙旧 Talking about old days & anot a bit 不是位 & a谁也有自尊。 Who also has the self-respect. & a她是个英国女孩 She is the English girls & a契约之胜利之剑 Sword of victory of the contract & a张浩楠 チャンHaonan & amemorizing the words of pop song also helped a little 记住流行音乐歌曲的词少许也帮助了 & aIt takes one to know one. The guy is from Boston. 它采取一认识一。 人是从波士顿。 & aon the bus 在公共汽车 & apackge installer packge安置者 & a我每次上数学课都是很激动的 On my each time mathematics course all is very excited & a现邀请XX先生到非洲贝宁参观旅游 Presently invites XX gentleman to visit the traveling to African Berlin & a她喜欢交朋友 She likes becoming friends & aWhen I came late,my mother was concerned about me 当我后来了,我的母亲关注我 & a你应该按照保罗的吩咐做。 You should defer to Paulo's instruction to do. & a我喜欢的爱好是听歌 I like the hobby listens to the song & a他不会做饭 He cannot prepare food & ai still remember my first birthday with you when you was buy underwear that is say happy birthday and give me pig card and buy me cake 我仍然记得我的第一个生日与您,当您是言生日快乐的购买内衣并且给我猪卡片并且给我买蛋糕 & aalthough ford loved the farm ,he was not destined to stay there. 虽然浅滩爱农场,他未被注定呆在那里。 & a对于传统译论的不足之处,刘宓庆做了总结和归纳: Translated the deficiency regarding the tradition which discussed, Liu Mi Qing has made the summary and the induction: & aYou ill do your best to calm lucy down 您不适做您最佳镇定lucy下来 & amixede motions Mixede工作 & ahave a good time with firends 有一一味寻欢作乐与朋友 & a我选择等你,结果等的却是你离我而去 I choose wait for you, the result and so on is actually you goes to me & a下面请让我来为大家介绍一下自己 Below please let me come to introduce for everybody &英语学习  
我们知道,&黄书&不是yellow books,而是pornographic books,&蛙泳&并非frog swim,而是breast stroke,隐形眼镜也不是invisible glasses,而是contact lens,&小三&更不是little 3,而是mistress或者the other woman&&
期中、期末,各种考试前期使用率最高的词,没有之一。把&抱佛脚&说成grab the Buddha's foot,会让人误会咱们是要去抢劫金佛~
正确姿势:bone up/ cram (at the last minute)
打小报告、公报私仇神马的最讨厌了,我们常常用&穿小鞋&形容这种行为。而直译wear small shoes的意思就差了十万八千里了。
正确姿势:make things hard for someone (by abusing your power)
请自行脑补&土肥圆&版&小笼包&姑姑。然而如果你天真地把包子译成小笼包bun,土包子译成dirt bun,那就大错特错了。其实英语里正好有一个现成的词,不过可不是包子~
正确姿势:(country) bumpkin
网络赋予了&打酱油&新的生命,buy soy sauce自然也是落伍的直译。
正确姿势:It's none of my business, I am just passing by.
如果你翻译成eat tofu,当然在某种情景下也是对的,不过这个词组更多的时候表达的是引申义~
正确姿势:come on to someone
此种草莓非彼种草莓,&种草莓&通常比喻留下吻痕。快收回还没说出口的plant a strawberry吧。
正确姿势:give someone a hickey
& &一丝不苟
英文直译: to attend to every detail
对应英文习语: Dot the i's and cross the t's.
老师常常会叮嘱学生,写字要一笔一划,不得马虎,i上的一点和t上的一横,都要清楚地写上。之后,dot the i's and cross the t's 就演变为&一丝不苟,细致认真&了。
栗子: Before taking the project to the CEO, let's make sure we dot the i's and cross the t's.(在把项目拿给大boss看之前,我们一定要认真仔细,一丝不苟。)
& & 半途而废
英文直译: to leave something unfinished
对应英文习语: to throw the towel in
在拳击比赛中,如果教练将毛巾投入赛场内,则表示投降、认输。Throw the towel in就是主动放弃、认输的意思,和半途而废意义接近。
栗子:After failing to find a job, Susan wanted to throw in the towel, but she knew she had to keep trying.(苏珊没找到工作后,她曾想过放弃,但是她知道自己只能不断努力。)
& & 画蛇添足
英文解释: to ruin the effect by adding something superfluous
对应英文习语: to gild the lily
中文里画蛇添足的成语来自《战国策&齐策二》中一则比赛画蛇的故事。而英文gild the lily则是莎翁的杰作。他在历史剧《约翰王》中曾写过这样一句话&&&
栗子: For such a beautiful girl to use make-up would be to gild the lily.(对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆有些画蛇添足。)
& &塞翁失马,焉知非福
英文解释:A setback may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
对应英文习语: a
every cloud has a silver lining
&塞翁失马,焉知非福&讲的是祸与福相互转化的故事,它告诉我们要辩证统一地看待事物。它与英文中a blessing in disguise(隐藏的福气)和every cloud has a silver lining(每片乌云都有一道亮光)意思接近。
栗子:It turned out that losing his job was a blessing in disguise, because it forced him to start his own company and it was successful.(他丢了工作但是却因祸得福,因为这迫使他自己创业最后取得了成功。)
& &对牛弹琴
英文解释: to address the wrong listener
对应英文习语: to cast pearls before swine
各国人民对猪的误解都是惊人的相似。口语中swine多含贬义,可指&遭人鄙视、令人讨厌的人或事物&。英语俗语cast pearls before swine,意为&对牛弹琴、将珍贵的东西送给不识货者&,此语出自《圣经马太福音》。
栗子:Trying to talk sense to an irrational person is like casting pearls before swine.(跟一个不讲道理的人讲道理无异于对牛弹琴。)
& &九牛一毛
英文直译:an insignificant number in the midst of an enormous quantity
对应英文成语: a drop in a bucket
英文成语a drop in the oceanucket(大海中的一滴水),形容数量很小,和它意义相近的成语有九牛一毛、沧海一粟、杯水车薪等。
1. One dollar to a millionaire is a drop in the ocean.(一美元对土豪来说,就是九牛一毛。)
2. If you lend me some money it will be very helpful, but it is really only a drop in the ocean.(你如果借点钱给我当然很好,但这点钱不过是杯水车薪。)
以上这些词组只是中英文词库中的a drop in the ocean,世纪君抛砖引玉,欢迎各位小伙伴在评论里补充哈~


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