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英文翻译appeal to forappeal to(court/master)beg a favour offall back on uponfall back uponhave recourse toresortseek helpturn to sb for helpturn to(sb/sth)&&&&turn to&&&&turn to&&&&turn to&&&&resort to&&&&turn to&&&&have recourse to&&&&turn to&&&&resort to&&&&turn to&&&&to turn to drugs&&&&call
appeal to sb. call to one' cr ...&&&&aid for lawsuit&&&&prefer refer&&&&resort to&&&&resort to&&&&fall back on&&&&refer oneself to&&&&refer oneself to&&&&fall back on&&&&fall back on&&&&turn to&&&&turn to&&&&turn to&&&&fall back on&&&&turn to&&&&help menu
例句与用法He had been too proud to ask for help .他自尊心太强,从不求助于人。What time i am afraid , i will trust in thee .我感到害怕时将求助于你。The red cross appeals to philanthropy .红十字诉诸(求助于)人类的善心。Our recourse in illness is to a doctor .患病时我们求助于医生。The government took refuge in another committee .政府求助于另一个委员会。Thought has recourse to ultimate principle and ideas .思想求助于终极的原则与观念。Go to your teacher for help if you are in any difficulty .你如有困难,可求助于老师。Rarely did she request help but this was a matter of urgency .她很少求助于人,这事却是十分紧急。They resorted to sarcasm irony, invective and self-praise .他们求助于使用挖苦、讽刺、谩骂和自吹自擂。The french refused, and the kaiser appealed to roosevelt for support .法国人拒绝,德皇乃求助于罗斯福。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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UID 1269775
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 60
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于
21:42 编辑 ]
UID 1269775
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 60
UID 1228186
阅读权限 60
来自 浙江平湖
The quotation&&above is&&in that very day,just for your reference
UID 1182801
积分 16316
福步币 14 块
阅读权限 80
来自 广东中山
The above price is current price,just for your reference.
UID 982886
积分 16531
福步币 -1 块
阅读权限 120
the above quotation is valid within today, just for your reference
UID 1122467
阅读权限 60
来自 佛山南海
the price is base on validity&&of today,for your kind reference
UID 1109272
积分 10793
福步币 4 块
阅读权限 80
The validity of the above quotations is one day, just for reference
UID 1057407
福步币 47 块
阅读权限 40
来自 靜坐忘川、淺唱流年。
原帖由 longevity 于
09:54 发表
the above quotation is valid within today, just for your reference
UID 1306462
阅读权限 25
the above quotation is valid within today,just for your reference.
UID 930654
阅读权限 40
来自 山东青岛
原帖由 longevity 于
09:54 AM 发表
the above quotation is valid within today, just for your reference 额支持这个
UID 1194284
阅读权限 25
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
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