
&&&&&&&&&&& &&&
&中国国际工业博览会-China International Industry Fair&&
&中国安博会-Security China&&
&中国国际社会公共安全产品博览会-China International Exhibition on Public Safety and Security&&
&大宁财智中心-Darin Origal Center&&
&伯灵顿北方圣达菲公司-Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation&&
&北京中电联环保股份有限公司-Beijing CEC Environment Stock Co Ltd&&
&宁波杰艾人力资源股份有限公司-Ningbo Gi H.R. Co Ltd&&
&重庆微标科技股份有限公司-Chongqing Micro Identification Technology Co Ltd&&
&印度石油天然气有限公司-Indian Oil and Natural Gas Corporation&&
&淡水河谷公司-Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce&&
&淡水河谷集团-Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce&&
&巴西淡水河谷公司-Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce&&
&巴西淡水河谷集团公司-Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce&&
&日本制造业外包协会-Japan Manufacturing Outsourcing Association&&
&捷劢克日能咨询(上海)有限公司-JMAC Shanghai&&
&日本能率协会-Japan Management Association&&
&大金工业株式会社-Daikin Co Ltd&&
&金茂大厦-Jin Mao Tower->上海市&&
&汇丰银行大厦-HSBC Tower->上海市&&
&震旦国际大厦-Aurola Tower->上海市&&
&时代金融中心-One Lujiazui->上海市&&
&汇亚大厦-Azia Tower->上海市&&
&花旗银行大厦-CitiBank Tower->上海市&&
&未来资产大厦-Mirae Asset Tower->上海市&&
&中银大厦-Bank of China Tower->上海市&&
&上海银行大厦-Shanghai Bank Tower->上海市&&
&中国保险大厦-China Insurance Building->上海市&&
&城建国际中心-UC Tower->上海市&&
&民生银行大厦-Min Sheng Bank Building->上海市&&
&浦项广场-Polo Plaza->上海市&&
&浦发大厦-Pudong Development Bank Tower->上海市&&
&新上海国际大厦-New Shanghai International Tower->上海市&&
&财富广场-Fortune Plaze->上海市&&
&上海证券大厦-Shanghai Stock Exchange->上海市&&
&上海湾鄂尔多斯大厦-ShangHai Bay Ordos Building->上海市&&
&华能联合大厦-Hua Neng Union Tower->上海市&&
&信息大搂-Information Tower->上海市&&
以上内容包含了一张普通商务名片的大部分元素,有:单位名称(Entity) , 单位地址(Location) ,
人名(Name) , 职衔(Title) , 电话Tel , 传真Fax , 帐号A/C No. , 开户行(Bank) , 电子邮件Email , 网址Website , 经营范围(Business Scope) ,
Qingniao Furniture Town日期: 13:05:00&&&提交者ip:
Shijia Experimental Primary School日期: 13:01:00&&&提交者ip:
Yipinshang Apparel Shop日期: 13:00:00&&&提交者ip:
请将:即墨家电城 译成英文
Jimo Household Appliance Mall日期: 12:58:00&&&提交者ip:
Ximin Household Electric Appliances Market日期: 12:56:00&&&提交者ip:
Fuyu Shopping Plaza日期: 12:55:00&&&提交者ip:
Linnan Home Furnishing Shop日期: 12:55:00&&&提交者ip:
Feiyang Shopping Plaza日期: 12:55:00&&&提交者ip:
Xiaxuan Clothing Store日期: 12:54:00&&&提交者ip:
Pinghui Household Electric Appliances Mall日期: 12:53:00&&&提交者ip:请输入要翻译的英语文字内容或者网页地址
We recently asked people to tell us about the most suspenseful book they'd ever read — and they totally delivered. These titles will definitely take your breath away.最近我们请人们列举出自己读过的最精彩的悬疑小说,人们给我们的答案五花八门
Now, Ustwo Games releases Monument Valley 2, a 16-level follow up to the 2014 blockbuster. 现在,Ustwo游戏继2014年推出的《纪念碑谷1》,发布了《纪念碑谷2》, 总共16个关卡。The game is like a funhouse mirror of the original: On the surface it
The U.S. doesn’t even make the top 25 when it comes to mobile connection speeds.提到移动互联网连接速度,美国甚至还排不上前25。That's according to the latest State of the Internet report from Akamai, which showed the U.S. smack in the middl
China’s Kweichow Moutai Co., the world’s most valuable liquor distiller, said it aims to boost revenue by more than 15 percent this year as it benefits from Chinese consumers shifting to pricier spirits.世界上最有价值的酿酒公司中国贵州茅
Whether they come in jelly donut, Peeps, Swedish Fish, cereal, or fidget spinner varieties, most people agree at this point: Oreos are perfect. Their sandwich-like construction notwithstanding, the philosophy that's driven their flavor line
The national college entrance exam, known as the gaokao, is finally over. The papers have been collected and are being sent to the examiners. While you await your results, there’s no point in worrying about the exam – it’s done with. Wha
For fans who went to see US singer Ariana Grande’s solo concert in Manchester, England, on May 22, the night should have been one of the most exciting of their lives. But instead, it became one of the most tragic.5月22日,美国歌手爱莉安娜
这估计是一篇会让老板掀桌子的文章。今天我们要讲的是美国《周刊报道》(The Week)的一篇报道,它提出了一个让人大跌眼镜的观点:每天只工作4个小时,效率最高、成就最大。说到效率和成就,就很容易会谈到一个时下流行的概念:刻意练习(deliberate practice
E-sports has been included as an official project in the 19th Asian Games to take place in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou in 年中国杭州第19届亚运会,电子竞技已被正式列入比赛项目。 E-sports or electronic sports is a form of
Ethiopia has blocked access to the internet to prevent leaks as grade 10 students sit for exams, reports the Guardian.据英国《卫报》报道,埃塞俄比亚为防止十年级学生考试作弊而切断了互联网。The nation also shut down access to some social medi
A job opening at a Dublin veterinary clinic is getting a ton of attention because it basically sounds like a dream job for cat enthusiasts.都柏林一家兽医诊所发布的一则招聘信息吸引了大量的关注,因为对爱猫人士来说,这基本上听起来像一份理想的
Alibaba’s mobile payment platform Alipay has announced the launch of an app in Hong Kong that will handle mobile payments in HK dollars.阿里巴巴的移动支付平台支付宝宣布在香港推出一款可以用港元进行移动支付的应用软件。“Introducing local cur
China's bike-sharing companies have found that success breeds its own set of challenges. As bike-sharing's popularity has skyrocketed, Chinese cities have strained to deal with the sprawling masses of shared bicycles that surround many bus
One afternoon, US high school boy Clay Jensen receives a mysterious package with no return address. When he opens it, he is shocked to find seven audio tapes which have been recorded by Hannah Baker, his classmate who had killed herself two
One afternoon, US high school boy Clay Jensen receives a mysterious package with no return address. When he opens it, he is shocked to find seven audio tapes which have been recorded by Hannah Baker, his classmate who had killed herself two
China's bike-sharing companies have found that success breeds its own set of challenges. As bike-sharing's popularity has skyrocketed, Chinese cities have strained to deal with the sprawling masses of shared bicycles that surround many bus
One afternoon, US high school boy Clay Jensen receives a mysterious package with no return address. When he opens it, he is shocked to find seven audio tapes which have been recorded by Hannah Baker, his classmate who had killed herself two
Chinese badminton head coach Li Yongbo will step down from his position after 24 years while former world champion Xia Xuanze and former Olympic titlist Zhang Jun will take charge of singles and doubles respectively, the Table Tennis and Ba
Former Chinese men's basketball national team members Du Feng and Li Nan have been appointed as the new coaches of the national team, the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) announced here on Friday. 中国篮球协会周五宣布,前国家队队员杜锋
China's star sprinter Su Bingtian claimed the men's 100m title at the Shanghai Diamond League on Saturday. 中国明星短跑选手苏炳海上周六在上海钻石联赛中夺得男子100米冠军。
After two false starts that seen Isiah Young of USA and Japan's Y
China's top snooker player Ding Junhui has been awarded with the 'Outstanding Achievement in Sports' award in London, honoring Asian excellence. 中国顶级斯诺克选手丁俊晖在伦敦被授予“亚洲杰出运动员奖”。 The 30-year-old is regarded as the
England haven't hosted the World Cup since 1966, but it's never yet been held in China. The two countries are now the most likely rivals to hold the 2030 tournament. 1966年之后英国再也没有主办过世界杯,然而中国从未举办过。现在中英两国成为2
13-year-old diver Zhang Jiaqi enjoyed her moments at the Chinese National Diving Championships as she beat two Rio Olympic medalists Ren Qian and Si Yajie to win the women's 10m platform on Sunday. 周日举办的全国跳水冠军赛10米跳台赛,13岁
Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan, a two-time Olympic champion, has accused his Super League club of failing to pay him and six others for the 2016-17 season. 中国羽毛球超级巨星、两届奥运冠军得主林丹指责广州粤羽拖欠他以及六名队友2016-17
China's manned submersible Jiaolong departed from south China's Shenzhen for deep-sea dives in the northwestern Pacific Ocean on Tuesday. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号周二离开深圳港,开赴太平洋西北部海域进行深海潜水。
During the mission, which r
Chinese volleyball legend Jenny Lang Ping will serve as vice president of the Chinese Volleyball Association (CVA), a senior official confirmed on Thursday. 中国排球界传奇人物郎平将担任中国排球协会副主席。 &I am glad to confirm that Jenny
China will host the World Cup at some point in the future, as this eventuality has already been included in the country's national plan for soccer reform, said a senior FIFA official. 中国足协一位高级官员表示,未来中国将申办世界杯,这已成
The first pilot project to use China National Nuclear Corporation's cutting-edge third-generation ACP100 nuclear reactor has completed its preliminary design stage. 首个利用中国核工业集团的尖端第三代ACP100核反应堆的试点项目已经完成初步设计
Facebook says it is working on technology to allow us to control computers directly with our brains.
脸书称,他们正致力于研发一项技术,使人们可以直接通过自己的大脑控制电脑。 It is developing &silent speech& software to allow people to t
While you may have been carefully curating your vintage flannel collection and waxing your tiny moustache way before everyone thought it was cool, this dude is about to sit you all down.可能众人还未意识到这很酷炫的时候——你就在细心整理复古
If crosswords are too easy and Sudoku a touch boring, why not go and climb a tree?如果你觉得填字游戏太过简单,数独(一种运用纸、笔进行演算的逻辑游戏)又有点无聊,为什么不去爬爬树呢?A study found that childish pastimes such as climbing tree
Developed by researchers from Japan’s Kanagawa Institute of Technology collaborating with the Fujitsu Social Science Laboratory, the HTC Vive app places a tracking module onto a doll. 神奈川工科大学和富士通社会科学实验室的研究者联合开发了
According to an article on The Information (paywall), Uber reportedly implemented an algorithm to figure out the lowest possible offer it could give to new hires. 根据The Information(paywall)上的文章所说,据说Uber实行了一个算法来实现给新
What do you get when you combine chicken and pizza? Well, apparently, an entirely unappetizing portmanteau that no one really knows how to pronounce but on trying sounds like a disease that claimed millions of lives in South America circa 1
What things can you do in the UK that you cannot in the USA?有什么事你在英国可以做,在美国却不可以做? W. AdamsEat real haggis. The stuff they sell in the USA isn't real.吃正宗的羊杂碎布丁,美国卖的一点也不正宗。Dr
Cracking the screen on your iPhone is always a headache. 碎屏一向让iPhone用户头疼不已。Not only because cracks make it difficult to use your phone as a very expensive mirror, but also because Apple has made fixing those cracks a time-cons
A new court injunction in the United Kingdom has ordered Huawei to begin paying royalties on each smartphone it sells or face a potential handset sales ban. 英国法院发布的新禁令要求华为公司为其销售的每台手机支付版税,否则可能会面临手机销售
Uber Technologies Inc. CEO Travis Kalanick is likely to take a leave of absence from the troubled ride-hailing company, but no final decision has yet been made, according to a source.知情人士称,优步技术股份有限公司总裁特拉维斯·卡拉尼克可
Greater Manchester political leaders have welcomed news that urban bicycle sharing service Mobike is launching a six-month pilot scheme on Thursday, June 29th, which will see 1,000 bikes available for public hire in Manchester and Salford.
One of the most frustrating things that can happen when eating out is ordering one dish but receiving another. Surprisingly, one restaurant is offering just that – The Restaurant of Order Mistakes popped up in Tokyo, and its mission was to
Was China a super power in ancient times?古代中国是超级强国吗? Anansakunwat:China has been a global superpower in almost every historical period.中国几乎在每一个历史时期都是全球范围的超级强国。The only exception was
What is the hardest truth?最令人难以接受的真相有哪些?Owais Raza:1,No one actually cares about you the way that you think they do. It is human nature to be more self-involved and worried about oneself rather than others.1、事实上人们并不
Mattel expects to grow three to four times in the more than $31 billion toys and games market in China by 2020 through digitally connected toys.美泰公司(全球最大的玩具公司)希望借助数字玩具使其在中国玩具和游戏市场的收益到2020年可以增长三到
When we talk to our friends online, typing can become a little boring. More often than not, we turn to memes to make our conversations more fun. But sometimes, sending the wrong meme can mean trouble.在网上和朋友聊天时,只是光打字总显得有些
Silicon Valley, the heart of the American tech industry, has given Hollywood endless ideas for movies and TV shows. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been the subject of two movies and one documentary, while the story of Facebook founder Mark
The works he’s created have been called Japan’s answer to Disney movies. The hand-drawn animation for which Hayao Miyazaki is famous creates fictional worlds that could only otherwise be found in the likes of the Lord of the Rings and the
You know what we're talking about. When you check your bank account and all you see is ?20 left to last you five days, and basically causing you to regret every purchase you made over the last month.你知道我们在说什么,你发现自己卡里只剩下
Alibaba’s four-year-old Yu’e Bao surpassed JPMorgan’s US government money market fund to become the world’s largest, according to the Financial Times.据美国《金融时报》报道,阿里巴巴旗下设立四年的余额宝超越了摩根大通美国政府货币市场基金
Prince Harry left tens of thousands of German schoolchildren distraught as they could not understand a single word of his speech in their final school exam.哈利王子让上万名德国小学生心烦意乱,因为他们期末考试的试题中有哈利王子的演讲,而他们
Mark Zuckerberg teared up during his commencement speech to Harvard graduates, telling them it is up to their generation to care about others and to fight inequality.马克o扎克伯格在哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲时哽咽着对毕业生说,这一代年轻人肩负着
There are works of fiction that are published, enjoyed, but after a few years, more or less disappear. Then there are novels that don’t just have literary success, but major cultural impact. One such book is One Hundred Years of Solitude (
Pinterest announced new ways for users to collect, search, and explore recipes–positioning the popular image-collecting site to further compete with cooking sites .Pinterest公司推出了寻找、收集和探索食谱的新办法,让这家
Airbnbhas launched a new magazine in collaboration with Hearst that will appear on newsstands soon.爱彼迎(旅行房屋租赁网站)与赫斯特集团(美国出版界巨头)合作推出了一本新杂志,该杂志很快就会发售。It is Airbnb's first attempt at printed con
Message from the world’s best StarCraft players to the world’s most advanced AI: bring it on.面对最先进的人工智能,星际争霸世界顶尖玩家表示:放马过来吧!The space-war computer game is widely regarded as the ultimate challenge for AI progr
In Sweden there’s a constitutional right they call allemansr?tten. It’s a national concept of “freedom to roam” that allows anyone the right to access, walk, cycle, or camp on any land (the only exceptions being private residences, as
In Sweden there’s a constitutional right they call allemansr?tten. It’s a national concept of “freedom to roam” that allows anyone the right to access, walk, cycle, or camp on any land (the only exceptions being private residences, as
搞不懂喵星人?看尾巴秒懂它的心情(上)&&8. Swing their tail from left to right8. 尾巴左右甩It shows confidence. They show their strength by walking majestically and swinging their tail from left to right. It is also a sign that they are wit
搞不懂喵星人?看尾巴秒懂它的心情(下)&&Although it is hard to tell how cats feel, as a matter of fact, their tails tell you how they feel. We summarize 14 patterns with illustrations and comments. Once you know these patterns, it will help
说起重男轻女,感觉似乎是发展中国家和落后国家的特色,美国这种发达国家也会有?还真的有,而且不轻,有人对美国人在 Google 上的搜索行为进行了统计,发现:搜索“我儿子有天赋吗?”的比率,比搜索“我女儿有天赋吗?”的比率高了2.5倍。而搜索“我女儿是
NASA is sending a probe to the sun. Yes, this time NASA is the alien entity probing a helpless star. NASA's Parker Solar Probe, named for astrophysicist Eugene Parker and outfitted with an almost 5-inch thick coat of carbon-composite solar
If you’ve ever stared enviously at an ant, jealous of its six-legged efficiency, then you’ll be happy to hear that engineers at Japan’s Inami Hiyama Laboratory have developed a multi-limbed robotic suit – able to give users control over
Google’s latest project may be the most widely accessible and comprehensive fashion collection on the planet. All you need to view it is an internet connection.谷歌的最新项目可能是世界上可使用的最广泛、最综合的时尚资源库了。网络连接就是你
Most of us don't really take the time to pay careful attention to the product instructions we receive when purchasing an item - however, you should. 大多数人买了东西都不会花时间去仔细看产品说明,但是你应该好好看看。 If not for the instructi
真的可以不花一分钱就环游世界?对,不光能环游,而且住的可能是豪宅哦。这都要多亏一个网站:可信任的看家客 这个网站是这样运作的:养宠物的人有时候要旅游对不对?↓但是旅游不一定能带宠物对不对?↓而宠物在家就没人照顾对不对?
接下来的一个月,巴黎的画风会很玄幻。为什么呢?因为又到了一年一度的“巴黎海滩 Paris Beach”活动~(这英文名称对于分不清长短音的人有迷之喜感)法语原文叫 Paris Plage每年6月中旬,巴黎这个内陆城市就会摇身一变,变成“海滨城市”;为什么呢?因为政府
Google Lens will give the company greater insight into our daily lives than ever before.谷歌镜头(Google Lens)将把谷歌带入用户生活的方方面面,此举前所未有。It uses machine-learning to identify real-world objects through your phone’s camer
Hundreds of people gathered in Potters Fields Park in London on June 5, with flowers in their hands. They were there to pay tribute to those who died in terrorist attacks in England’s capital on June 3.6月5日,数百人手捧鲜花,聚集在伦敦的
Movies and Hollywood. For quite a few people, the two seem to go together like knife and fork. Hollywood movies are the ones that the world wants to watch. They’re the most expensive and the most profitable. They are so dominant that when
Zoo officials in Washington hope they can get lucky again with female giant panda Mei Xiang.美国华盛顿动物园管理人员希望能让大熊猫“美香”再度怀孕产崽。The Smithsonian's National Zoo is trying to get the 18-year-old giant panda pregnant in
Starbucks has been ordered to pay a Florida woman $100,000 after she suffered first- and second-degree burns from their coffee.佛罗里达州一名女士被星巴克咖啡烫到,系一度、二度烫伤,陪审团要求星巴克支付受害人10万美元作为补偿。Joanne Mogavero
Dating back to 600 BC, the imperial family of Japan is the world’s oldest continuous monarchy. But for the first time in history, the family, as Reuters put it, “enters uncharted waters”.日本皇室的历史能够追溯回公元前600年,是世界上延续
When 19-year-old Ke Jie, the world’s top-ranked Go player, confirmed via his micro blog account that he would take on the artificial intelligence (AI) program AlphaGo, one of the 4,600 comments below read: “Ke, you are facing mission impo
Google is rolling out new analytics tools for marketers, including attribution modelling and YouTube ‘store visits’.谷歌公司正在为营销人员推出新的分析工具,包括归因建模和YouTube‘商店访问量’。Google is also launching promoted places and
The Russian Navy is proud of its cats.俄国海军对其舰猫深感自豪。Although Russia and the West have many differences, one thing that unites the two is a feline obsession.俄罗斯与众多西方国家差别甚大,但在一件事上它们却是相通的,那就是对喵星人
For the first time, Chinese engineers have successfully extracted natural gas from icy deposits beneath the South China Sea.中国工程师首次成功地从中国南海下方的冰冻沉积物中提取出天然气。Just last year, China's government announced that geol
Yan Ning, a biology professor in Tsinghua University, is a high-profile female scientist in China. She has been called China’s “Goddess scientist” on social media for her fashionable looks and outstanding research work. And in May, she b
Yan Ning, a biology professor in Tsinghua University, is a high-profile female scientist in China. She has been called China’s “Goddess scientist” on social media for her fashionable looks and outstanding research work. And in May, she b
The Russian Navy is proud of its cats.俄国海军对其舰猫深感自豪。Although Russia and the West have many differences, one thing that unites the two is a feline obsession.俄罗斯与众多西方国家差别甚大,但在一件事上它们却是相通的,那就是对喵星人
For the first time, Chinese engineers have successfully extracted natural gas from icy deposits beneath the South China Sea.中国工程师首次成功地从中国南海下方的冰冻沉积物中提取出天然气。Just last year, China's government announced that geol
Yan Ning, a biology professor in Tsinghua University, is a high-profile female scientist in China. She has been called China’s “Goddess scientist” on social media for her fashionable looks and outstanding research work. And in May, she b
Why Do British Love Tea So Much?英国人为什么这么喜欢茶? TrifonovWell, to put it simply- they started to drink tea because they didn't have much coffee.简单来说,欧洲人开始喝茶是因为他们并没有太多咖啡。Tea is a sti
今天故事的主角是一位日本老太太,她叫岩室纯子(Sumiko Iwamuro),她如今在日本可算红人一枚,因为她虽然年过八旬,却是个颇有名气的DJ,艺名叫 SumiRock。不过这并不是她的本职工作,在白天,她其实是一位饺子店老板娘:她的这种双面生活,得从63年前说起
Meitu, the Chinese company behind that viral selfie app that may or may not take all your personal information, just released the M8 and upgraded Meitu T8. 美图,这家公司有一款火到爆的自拍APP(这个APP可能也可能没有获取你的所有个人信息),它
是哪个角色呢?那就是《模仿游戏》里的艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)看过这部电影的同学应该都知道图灵这个人,他被称为计算机科学之父,现在我们用的电脑都是因为他才存在的。(图灵本尊)另外,正如电影里面所演的,英国是在他的帮助下才破解了(decode)德国
World No. 1 Ma Long edged Chinese compatriot Fan Zhendon 4-3 in one of the most thrilling final to retain the men's singles title while Ding Ning won her first women's doubles trophy in her fifth attempts at the World Table Tennis Champions
The bronze zodiac animal heads looted during the second Opium War are among the most potent symbols of China's &Century of Humiliation.& 第二次鸦片战争圆明园的十二生肖铜兽首被掠走,成为中国“百年耻辱”最重要的标志之一。 But now they've made
Six Chinese mainland universities have been listed in the QS World University Rankings 2018, improving on last year's total by two. 2018年QS世界大学排名新鲜出炉,中国共6所大学上榜,相较去年增加了2所。Zhejiang University, based in Hangzhou,
China will launch a network of 156 mini-satellites to facilitate global broadband coverage as part of the country's effort to give a wider push for commercial space development.中国拟发射156颗小卫星,以实现宽带全球覆盖,大力推动商业航天事业
“These could transform the city - not just in the way you move, but in social and economic terms too.”“这会改变这个城市,不仅会改变你出行的方式,还会改变社会和经济环境。”Chris Martin, head of International at Chinese firm Mobike, is des
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick sent a letter to employees announcing a leave of absence. He did not specify when he would be back. In this email, he wrote:优步首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克给员工发了一封邮件,宣布自己暂时休假,并未说明何时会回到公
Apple is changing the iPhone. Multiple leaks repeatedly argued that after three generations of virtually identical design, the iPhone 8 will celebrate the range’s 10th anniversary in style.苹果公司正在改变iPhone(苹果手机)。透露出来的多条
What do men think when women cry?女人哭的时候,男人在想什么? WalkerGenuinely curious as to his thought process, I just asked my husband this question.我刚刚问过我丈夫这个问题,出于我对他的思考过程真是太好奇了。Me:
What did you eat, only to regret it moments later?有什么食物是你吃完就后悔的? W. Adams:There's a preserved fish dish in South Korea called Hongeohoe. 韩国有一种腌制的鱼叫洪鱼脍。I was warned off it, but decided
Amazon's deep learning-powered image detection and recognition service got an upgrade on Thursday: It can detect celebrities. 周四,基于深度学习的亚马逊图像检测和识别服务获得升级,目前已能检测名人。The service, part of Amazon's web service
Figure 1 has made a name for itself as a social network that lets medical professionals discuss photos of patient conditions with colleagues around the world. 作为社交媒体的Figure 1 已然为自己树立了声望,医学专家们可以和全球各地的同行在Figu
You’ve probably heard the old joke that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. In the minds of some people, that idea is all too real.巧克力牛奶来自棕色奶牛,你可能听过这个并不新鲜的玩笑,但在有些人看来,这个说法听起来太像真的了。Just to a
How Advanced Are Chinese High-speed n DavermanThe Chinese high-speed rails have a quality all on its own, because it’s so massive. 中国高铁的质量独树一帜,因为它规模庞大。There are more than
Ask people to name the first three or four superheroes who come into their heads and they’ll probably choose Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and maybe Iron Man. What do these figures have in common? They’re all men, of course. It seems that
In a world where the impact of climate change is becoming more obvious, an announcement by US President Donald Trump on June 1 dealt a huge blow to global environmental campaigners.在当今气候变化所造成的影响日益明显,而美国总统唐纳德·特朗
This month is the arrival of the graduation season. A large number of students will say goodbye to their colleges and get busy finding jobs. However, it seems not all students will be in a hurry to get to work.这个月迎来了毕业季。一大批学生
Since the NBA Finals began on June 2, fans have been seeing something that has never happened in the history of the game. For the first time ever, the same two teams are facing off in three consecutive NBA Finals.自NBA总决赛6月2日开赛以来,
What Is the Most Inappropriate Time You Have Ever Laughed?你笑得最不合时宜的一次? AroraI have a habit of grinning in doctor's office and especially if they are giving me some bad news.我有一个坏习惯就是在医生办公室里
You might not have as many close friends as you think. Researchers have provided new evidence that lends weight to a theory that says you can only maintain five close friendships.你的亲密朋友也许没有你想的那么多。研究员提供的新证据强调了一
More than 99 percent of your genetic information is exactly the same as every other person on the planet. But it's in that less than 1 percent that things get interesting. Specific genetic variations allow some of us to acquire certain “su
Security researcher who discovered worm that could have bigger impact than WannaCry says the author seems to have given up.安全研究员发现了一种本可以比勒索病毒影响更大的蠕虫病毒,但他表示这种病毒的开发者似乎认输了。The EternalRocks worm att
Earlier today Amazon joined a very elite club—the group of companies whose stock costs $1,000 or more per share. 5月31日早些时候亚马逊成功加入到了一个精英俱乐部——由每股股价超过1000美元的公司组成的团体。On Tuesday, shares in the retail gi
What are the easiest ways to make instant noodles tastier?有什么简单的方法让方便面更美味些?@Garrick Saito: Shichimi, a Japanese pepper, can be added, which lends a much different flavor that traditional black pepper. It can be found in mo
那么问题来了,米其林开了什么车?其实吧,什么车都开,因为人家的本体是个轮胎公司,对,就是有米其林先生的那个米其林公司:1889年的今天,是他们创立的日子。说起米其林,很多人的第一印象应该是它的米其林指南(Michelin Guide)不少人还并不知道,出米其
我们要说的是哪种烂大街的零食呢?就是雀巢家的奇巧巧克力(Kit Kat)而刚刚说的“它在日本的神效”,指的是:日本的学生党在考试之前会有一个仪式(ritual),那就是特地吃奇巧巧克力,传说吃了就能考过,吃了就能不挂科,吃了就能考个把自己吓死的高分。(
It's not easy being a soldier or a spy: you have to immerse yourself in dangerous situations, assess intelligence in the field, speak foreign languages, and handle all kinds of technical equipment and weaponry.当个士兵或者间谍可并不容易:你
France has banned unhealthily thin models as part of a new law targeting “unrealistic body images” and eating disorders.法国颁布法令禁止模特病态消瘦,旨在控制为追求不切实际的暴瘦而造成的饮食紊乱。Models will be required to provide a docto
There’s a battle that wages inside anyone wearing high heels on a dance floor. About halfway through the evening, continuing in your shoes seems unbearable. Do you suck it up and keep dancing until your feet bleed, or take them off and ris
BoredPanda 最近盘点了一些怎么入镜都有范儿的神奇动物们,分分钟就像阅读出的新专辑!真的是,让那些怎么自拍都不好看的人类怎么想?1.Wu pand clan胖达五人众 2.The aggressive rock chickens我们是霸道摇滚鸡 3.the electronic rock penguins电子摇滚企
Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. Gentlemen may no longer prefer blondes - according to research.  Gentlemen no longer prefer blondes - with most believing brunettes make better wives and girlfriends,
  国外地名与中国地名中英对照时的重合,爆笑。  都说Pearl harbour是“ 珍珠港”的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译: 蚌埠。  都说Greenland是“格陵兰”的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译:青岛。  都说Deep River是宇多田光的专辑,其
  If you have a loud voice and aren’t too scared of large animals then you may be interested in a new polar bear spotting job that has become available.   如果你有个大嗓门,而且你并不是很恐惧大型动物,
  New Zealand officials have released a list of baby names put forward by parents that were rejected because they were too bizarre or offensive, including &Lucifer& and &Mafia No Fear&.  新西兰官员公
    在Cooper照片展览上   Ever wonder what the cat gets up to when you let it out? Well, now you know, thanks to the amazing Cooper - the feline photographer.   你想明白猫猫平时都去哪里玩嘛?让Cooper这
Blobfish wins ugliest animal vote 英国票选最丑动物 深海水滴鱼夺冠   The grumpy-looking, gelatinous blobfish has won a public vote to become the official mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.
  American street artist Mark Jenkins creates disconcerting, lifelike mannequin scupltures and install.  American street artist Mark Jenkins creates disconcerting, lifelike mannequin scupltures and in
Meet the furry Fuhrer!小狗形状酷似希特勒爆红网络  When Lynda Whitehead introduced her new puppy Patch to her family, she didn’t realise quite how much of a führer he would cause.  当琳达将小狗丁丁带回
囧事一箩筐:没有最囧只有更囧!   1、英国女子称因“太幸福”被迫辞职   Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse. Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful t
  President Dilma Rousseff may be among the world’s most popular presidents but her re-election next year is being jeopardised by a formidable opponent: the humble tomato.  巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(Dilma
  Dog people are 50% more likely to be conservative  养狗的人更保守  Cat people skew liberal  养猫的人更不拘小节  Dog people are 23% more likely to have an iPhone  养狗的人多用iPhone  Cat people are 7
  对于《甄嬛传》里的经典台词,有10年翻译经验,重庆灏华博盛翻译公司同声传译员程灏然给出了他的翻译,并解释了缘由。  1、贱人真是矫情  搞笑版:bitch is so bitch。  正解:Bitch is so bitching。  解读:bitch意指贱人。后
    日本作家夏目漱石有一次让他的学生翻译“I Love You”,有学生翻译成我爱你。夏目说,日本人怎么可能讲这样的话,“今夜月色很好”就充足了。这段风雅的文坛轶事,昨天稀里糊涂成了网络段子手吐槽的范本,什么李云迪说“找力
  Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog.  英国某警局的警察因为以警犬的名义而开玩笑地填写证词而被调查。  Officers became exasperated when
  It's a common belief that over time pet owners start to look like their animals. Now comes the terrifying news that cats look up to their owners as role models and mimic their behavior.  人们普遍认
  It is a debate that has raged since Titanic became one of the most successful films of all time: Did Rose leave Jack to die by not letting him up on the makeshift lifeboat as they floated in the oce
  Men hit on hotties despite their own unattractiveness, study confirms.  最新的一项研究证明了人们的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。  &You're prettier than I am,& Seth Rogen'
Worrying too much? Researchers found dwelling on negative events can increase levels of inflammation in the body.  Worrying too much about stressful events can trigger inflammation, according to a new
Stick a bunch of smart engineers in a room to build a product and you're bound to get a few funny ideas.让一帮智慧的工程师呆在一间屋子里研发一件产品,你肯定能收获些有趣的想法。  April Fool's is typicall
  One of the Chinese Internet's most popular microbloggers, former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee, became the perpetrator of one of the country's most pointed April Fool's jokes on Monday morning.  中
  This pint-sized politician may not speak softly but he sure does carry a big stick. Mayor Robert Tufts is calling the shots in Dorset, Minn., a small community near Park Rapids.  这位小小政治家可能
  Research suggests that balling up the right hand and squeezing it tightly makes it easier to memorise lists.   Clenching your fist could be enough to help you get a grip on your memory.   Research s
Loyal dog searches for his missing owner 成都版“忠犬八公” 车站苦等寻主人   成都一只小狗近日受到人们的关注,最近几周里,它每天都等候在与主人分别的车站,搜遍每一辆公交车,试图寻找失踪主人的气息。   Every day
Cute cat takes over Internet萌猫红小胖爆红网络  The internet`s favourite felines have a new challenger to the title of cutest cat.   网上最受宠爱的喵星人们现在又多了一个争夺“最萌宠物”桂冠的竞争对手。  
  The rise of the creepy perma-smile   Women in South Korea are resorting to dangerous and painful surgery in their quest for a more western face.   Demand for double jaw surgery, a bone-cutting proce
The world's most extreme loo全球最极品厕所,你敢试吗?  This loo with a view has been voted the most extreme place to do you ablutions in the world.  这座拥有良好视野的洗手间,最近被评为了“世界上最极品的
Best bad family photo ever? 最失利全家福爆红网络   It can sum up parenthood pretty succinctly.`That`s how 32-year-old Steve Cramer described a family photo that shows his wife, Elizabeth, launch the c
  Hanging out: A cat idles across the bars on a laundry rack, in an at first perceived awkward position, until noticing its tranquil face and jello hind legs   晾晒姿:在衣架上睡觉真是个不错的选择,各处
Awkward family photos – Chinese style!网友晒“不堪回首的童年照”走红  We all have the odd photographic skeleton in our closets - those embarrassing childhood pictures that we hope never see the light of
Everyone wants control《控制》:讲述阴谋与救赎的故事  It’s bad luck getting involved in a crime without knowing why. So imagine how terrible it is to be controlled all the time without being able to brea
星星大结局,你有“叫兽假”吗?近日,厦门一化妆品公司负责人利用微博公开表示,将为员工放半天至一天的“叫兽假”,让他们得以同步观看韩国大热剧集《来自星星的你》的大结局。 据悉,苏先生所在的公司共有两百多名员工,而在24
Long journey to victory《霍比特人2》:期许续集的完美Last year’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey — the prequel to thetrilogy The Lord of the Rings — was quite a success at the box office (it reached abo
Time travel wins fans穿越时空爱上你: 美中韩虐心穿越剧大盘点America美国The Time Traveler`s Wife《工夫旅行者的妻子》The Time Traveler`s Wife is a film based on the bestselling novel by US author Audrey Ni
第86届奥斯卡金像奖完整获奖名单: BestPicture最佳影片 TwelveYearsASlave《为奴十二年》 Actor(inaLeadingRole)最佳男主角 MatthewMcConaughey,DallasBuyersClub马修·麦康纳《达拉斯买家俱乐部》 Actress(inaLeadingRol
What do an eccentric British detective, a cut-throat Washington pol and a bunch of nerds at Caltech have in common? 一个怪异的英国侦察、一个残酷的华盛顿政客,以及一帮加州理工学院的神经大条,会有什么共同
Duo on hunt for truth 《真探》:时下最好看的美剧? I’m usually skeptical whenever I read such words from critics as “the best” or “the greatest”. So, I didn’t quite buy it when True Detective, HBO’s crime
If some of your favorite US television series are currently on a break and you’re upset about having to wait several weeks or even months for the next episode, don’t be. A handful of new and returning
《生活大爆炸》等多部美剧下架 且看且珍惜  Video streaming websites in China have been ordered to stop showing four popular American TV shows, including The Big Bang Theory and The Good Wife.   中国多家视
“Frozen” breaks with tradition 《冰雪奇缘》:颠覆迪斯尼童话定义 A beautiful princess with magical powers, an adorable snowman withbuck teeth and a carrot for a nose, and a picture-perfect prince. These c
迪塞尔在保罗车祸现场演讲:希望好兄弟仍在   Vin Diesel finally broke his silence on the death of his friend Paul Walker last night -- arriving at the crash site and thanking mourners for &showing that a
Director’s paternity sparks debate 张艺谋身陷“超生门”  Family planning authorities confirmed on Monday that film director Zhang Yimou fathered three children out of wedlock, ending months of speculati
Unusual comedy《无人区》:冲破喜剧传统的贺岁片  When it comes to a Chinese holiday film that is directed by Ning Hao and stars Xu Zheng, 41, and Huang Bo, 39, it’s easy to expect another no-brainer comed
《速度与激情》男主角保罗沃克车祸身亡   Actor Paul Walker died in a car crash in Santa Clarita, Calif., on Saturday (Nov. 30). He was 40 years old.   《速度与激情》男主角保罗·沃克于美国当地工夫周六(11月30
《爸爸去哪儿》落幕,为啥这么火?  Where Are We Going, Dad? presents a new generation of men who, in a break from Chinese tradition, now take an active role in their children’s lives.   综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿
Feng’s comedy surprises《私人订制》:惊喜还是意外?  “What you don’t dare imagine, we dare to do.” The slogan of Personal Tailor, Feng Xiaogang’s latest comedy project, not only introduces the film’s basi
Breeze of memories 《等风来》:你若等候,清风自来   Critically acclaimed or not, well received by audiences or not, the film Up in the Wind is undoubtedly going to be compared with Love Is Not Blind, the
王诗龄“撞脸”天后,撞脸英语怎么说?  近日,有网友在微博上传了两张李湘和王岳伦的女儿王诗龄参加《爸爸去哪儿》的截图和王菲的童年照,王诗龄和王菲看起来眉目之间颇为神似,王菲也在该条微博下评论“哈哈有”,还配上了一个
探秘大溪地   Celebrated as the &island of love&, Tahiti is the French territory’s administrative and commercial backbone. Its breezy cosmopolitan capital, Papeete, sits on Tahiti’s northeastern tip an
  Zhang Guoli to host 2014 Spring Festival Gala   张国立将主持2014年春晚   The host list of 2014 Spring Festival Gala, including Zhu Jun, Dong Qing, Bi Fujian, Li Sisi and Zhang Guoli, are released on
1.RYAN:I apologize for not complying. I should’ve stopped working as soon as you instructed me to. 瑞恩:我很抱歉我没有遵从你的命令,我当时应当听你的命令赶紧终止工作。 MATT:We were gonna get hit no matte
A New China in ’House of Cards’ 热门美剧《纸牌屋》中的中国新形象 When the history of America’s onscreen visions of China is written, from Charlie Chan to “House of Cards,” it may be that a turning point
爸爸去哪儿英文版演唱:阿摩司Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.See my daddy he looks so coolLife with papa likes magic bookLovely father cooks tasty foodTeaching me everything to d
Marvel gets political 《美国队长2》:是超级英雄,更是血肉凡人   Whether you’re a comic fan or not, you have to admit that Marvel Studios knows how to make superhero movies. Its latest offering Captain Ame
《真爱如血》 (True Blood)-HBO 《真爱如血》在经历情节缓慢的第一季之后,这部吸血鬼剧在第二季点燃了粉丝们的热血。但当粉丝们终于开始接受乔·曼根尼罗(Joe Manganiello)等新角色之后,这个吸血鬼的宇宙圈子突然就膨胀得
  In a twist of events, it wasn’t EXO, Justin Biever, or One Direction that took home the 2013 MTV Europe Music Awards. Instead, on November 10, it was Chris Lee, who won the World Wide Act. She was r
Korea’s finest export 韩剧《来自星星的你》火热的背后 Beer and fried chicken — this seemingly unorthodox combo has been the most sought after late-night snack recently in Yang Xiaoqian’s dormitory on the}


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