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2009年陕西高考完形填空谁给个译文One afternoon,my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute,and then I said,“I’ll explain,.if you can just wait until we make a quick stop at the grocery store. I have something interesting to show you."
At the grocery store, we bought some apples—red,green and yellow ones.Back home.I told Adam,"It’s time to answer your question.”I put one apple of each type on the table.Then I looked at Adam, who had a curious look on his face.
“People are like apples.They come in all different colors,shapes and sizes.On the outside ,some of the apples may not even look as delicious as the others.”As I was talking, Adam was examining each one carefully.
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them, placing them back on the table, but in a different place.
“okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”
He said, “I can not tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of each one. See if that helps you decide which one is which.”
He tookbig bites, and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are just like apples! They are all different, but once you take offthe outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside.”
He totally got it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.
? der Palast, k&nnte nicht vom Einflu& die Bücher,verursachtMensch zum zu lesen aber zu ihm zu h&ren. Die Lehren und dieMinisterv&terund S&hne, die Politik unterrichten die Stra&IsNational People&#39: &istKongre& der nationalen Leute mu&The person does not say, does personally theRung matter. Recently the great-hearted waspeaceful, n'a aucun temps pour éDie Person sagt nicht, faitpersonnellementLa matière sonnée, at the palace, could not from hold the books. Ancientheures,unconsciously non -.&下面是德语Für Kongre& der nationalen Leute mu&szlig,共在书内。古人云:‘不学,墙面; για λ&#941,躬亲戎事,不暇读书? le palais, ne pourrait pas de la prise les livres,causéshumain à lire mais écouter lui,
Study, the wall surface, is not present the matter only trouble.&#39, zusammen imBuch. AltWolke: ' studieren S das Wει τον κυν&#972, jocht die Sache unter, tutpers&nlichGeschellte Angelegenheit, hat keine ZΕίναιΤο συνέδριο των εθνικών ανθρώπων πρέπει η γνώση. Ι στο δυσοίωνοAMαναποφάσιστο για την ομάδα, το πράγμα υποτάσσει, κάνει προσωπικάΤο θέμα βαθμίδων, δεν έχει κανέναν χρόνο να μελετήσει. ∏ρόσφαταο μεγαλόψυχος ήτανειρηνικός, ?? το παλάτι, δεν θα μπορούσε από τη λαβή που ταβιβλία, προκάλεσανο άνθρωπος για να διαβάσει αλλά ακούει το. Οι κυβερνήτες και οιπατέρες υπουργώνκαι οι γιοι, η πολιτική διδάσκουν το δρόμο, συνολικά στο βιβλίο.Αρχαίοςσύννεφο: &Η μελέτη, η επιφάνεια τοίχων, δεν είναι παρούσα τοθέμα μόνο;.&Το πρόσωπο δεν λέει. ∑κέφτεται πραγματικά τη συμπεριφορά λίγωνωρών,ασυναίσθητα μη -.&下面是西班牙语Para el congreso de la gente nacional debe el conocimientoEl emperador Taitsung de la espiga para dice el colmilloXuanling para decir: &esEl congreso de la gente nacional debe el conocimiento. I a lasiniestraindeciso para el grupo, la cosa subyuga, hace personalmenteLa materia sonada, no tiene ningún tiempo para estudiar. Elgrande-hearted estaba recientemente&pacífico?? el palacio, no podría de asimiento los libros,causadosser humano a leer sino a escuchar él. Los reglas y los padresde los ministrosy los hijos, la política ense&an el camino, en conjunto enlibro. Antiguonube: ' estudie, la superficie de la pared, no es presente lamateria solamente?.'La persona no dice. Piensa realmente la poca conducta de las horas,unconsciously no -.&在下面是意大利语Per il congresso della gente nazionale deve la conoscenzaL'imperatore Taitsung di linguetta per dice la zanna Xuanlingper dire: &èIl congresso della gente nazionale deve la conoscenza. Iall'ominousindeciso per il gruppo, la cosa sottomette personalmente, faLa materia squillata, non ha tempo di studiare. Recentemente ilgrande-hearted erapacifico?? il palazzo, non potrebbe dalla stretta i libri,causatiessere umano da leggere ma ascoltare esso. I righelli ed ipadri dei ministried i figli, la politica insegnano la strada, complessivamentein libro. Anticonube: 'studi, la superficie della parete, non è presente lamateria soltanto?.'La persona non dice. Pensa realmente il poco comportamento di ore,unconsciously non -.&这样子应该满意了吧,呼,真不容易啊。, die Wandoberfl&che, ist nicht Geschenknur die Angelegenheit. I to ominous amundecided for the group, caused thehuman to read but listens to it. The rulers and the ministers fathersand sons, the polση&#962. Récemmentle grand-hearted étaitpaisible . I zu omin&ν ανθρ&#974。比来四海安静,身处殿堂: &#39, um zusagen? ; das WissenKaiser Taitsung des Zapfens für sagt Rei&szlig. Les gouverneurs et les pèresde ministreset les fils, la politique enseignent la route, tout à fait enlivre,莅事惟烦。’不徒言也。却思少小时行事,不觉非也. Denkt wirklich die wenige Stunden Führung,unconsciously nicht -.&下面是希腊语Για των εθνικώπων το συν&#941, n'est pas présent lamatière seulement , 再下面是法文Pour le congrès des personnes nationales doit la connaissanceL'empereur Taitsung de la saveur pour indique le croc XuanlingLa personne ne dit pas. Pense réellement la quelque conduited&#39: &estLe congrès des personnes nationales doit la connaissance. I auAM sinistreirrésolu pour le groupe, la chose subjugue?.&#39. Vorkurzem war das gro&e-heartedruhig. Antiquenuage : 'étudiez,δριο πρέπει η γνώσηΟ αυτοκράτορας Taitsung της γεύδονταXuanling για να πει: &quot?.&#39,不能自执书卷,使人读而听之;semmorgensunbestimmt für die Ge, altogether in book.&quot。”真是搞不懂,你要翻译成哪国文字,下面一部分是英文For National People's Congress must the knowledgeEmperor Taitsung of Tang for says Fang Xuanling to say: &quot. Thinks actually the few hours conduct,unconsciously non-为人大须学问唐太宗为谓房玄龄曰:“为人大须学问。朕向为群凶未定,东西征讨;s Congress must the knowledge。君臣父子,政教之道;zahn Xuanling
上面的比我厉害的多了,但复制那么多还不一样。你是不是只要英文。译文:Behavior big beard knowledgeTang too for call the building 玄龄曰 :& Behavior big beard knowledge.I to be fierce to for the cluster undecided, the thing quell campaign against, 躬 close warfare, not the 暇 studying.The ratio come the whole world peaceful, the body hall, can't from keep the book, make person read but hear it.The king and his ministers father and son, the way that 政 teach, total in the book.The ancients cloud:' Don't learn, the wall face, the matter of 莅 is however vexed.' Not the 徒 talk also.But think the little hour to do, don't feel not also.&Problem complement:Behavior big beard knowledge translation become vernacular我可是很喜欢说老实话,我是用金山快译翻译的。
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