one or moremissing shx filess are missing 怎么办

现象是用 debug中的 step info或者run to cursor合着设置断点会出现One or morebreakpointscannot be set and have been disabled.&& Execution will stopat the beginning of the program.解决方法,
1.在project-&setting-&c/c++-general-&debug info-&program databse fo
2.edit-&breakpoints-& active project configuration-&*.exe win32 debug.
单击菜单[Project]-&[Settings…],出现&Project Settings&对话框,选择“Release”状态;
将C/C++标签中的Category选择General,Optimizations选Disable (Debug),Debug info选Program Database;
在Link标签中选中Generate debug info复选框。
“One or more breakpoints cannot be set and have been disabled. Execution will stop at the beginning of the program.”
&One or more breakpoints are not positioned on valid lines.Thesebreakpoints have been moved to the next valid line.&
2)、把工程拷贝到新目录,删除ncb, .opt,.plg文件。 注意是拷贝,不是剪切。
3)、再菜单栏(menu):Build-&Rebuild All。
fortran内部函数出错信息解释 内部函数出错信息解释
[sourcefile(line)]run-time error M62××MATH
错误号 函数级数学错误信息
M6201 functionnames:DOMAIN error
M6202 functionname:SING error
M6203 functionname:OVERFLOW error
M6204 functionname:UNDERFLOW error
M6205 functionname:TLOSS error
M6206 functionname:PLOSS error
CVF中有两种编译(连接、执行)模式:release模式和debug模式。调试程序时,宜用debug模式;调好后再用release模式,得到高效的执行程序。设定debug模式:点击菜单Build/Set Active Project Configuration,选 *- Win32 Debug,OK,即设定为debug模式。以debug模式执行:点击“Go (F5)”按钮,或直接按F5键,则执行程序,并在第一个出错语句处停止,在该语句前有一个小黄色箭头。若程序没错,则一直执行完毕,自动关闭dos窗口。此时,宜用“!”按钮或“Ctrl+F5”键,执行完成后,dos窗口等待用户关闭。设置断点:若希望执行时在某一语句处暂停,可将光标置于该语句,点击“手”形状的按钮,或按F9键,则程序执行到该语句时停在该语句处。单步执行:F10(不进入子过程程序段)或者F11(遇到子过程进入子过程程序段继续单步执行)。在工具栏上都有相应的按钮。查看变量值:小黄箭头停在某语句时,按下Variable按钮,显示当前程序段的变量值;对于简单变量,将光标放在该变量上,则即时显示该变量值。先简单说这么多。
如何用Debug模式获得更多的提示信息 依次选择/打开:Project =& Settings =& Fortran =& Compilation Diagnostics 建议选中以下各项: Argument Mismatch (类型不一致) Data Alignment (数据排列错位) Uncalled Routines (从无调用的子过程) Undeclared Symbols (未声明变量、过程等) Uninitialized Variables (未赋初始值的变量) Unused Variables
(从未用到的变量) Usage (用法) 用了这些选项,可以对很多潜在的问题给予警告,使代码更为规范安全。注意:Uninitialized Variables只对简单变量有效,对数组无效。如果简单变量a未给初值,而用于 b=3.0*a,则编译时将报错,但是如果a是个数组变量,则不报错。(不知后来的Intel VF版本有没有改进?) 另外也建议以下设置:Fortran Standard Checking: Fortran 90/95这样,非标准的、厂家扩充的语法功能就会给出警告。
Visual Fortran常见运行错误
Insufficient virtual memory 虚拟内存不足
Integer overflow 整数溢出错误
Integer divide by zero 整数除0错误
Floating overflow 浮点数溢出错误
Floating divide by zero 浮点数除0错误
Floating underflow 浮点数下溢错误
Floating point exception 浮点数异常错误
Subscript out of range 数组定义超出边界
Floating-point conversion failed 浮点数格式转换失败
Null pointer error 空指针错误
Stack overflow 堆栈溢出
String length error 字符串长度超出允许范围
Substring error 数组下标超出允许范围
Range error 整数值超出允许范围
Allocatable array is already allocated 数组重复定义
Program Exception - array bounds exceeded 引用数组下标超出允许范围
Program Exception - denormal floating-point operand 非法浮点数操作符
Program Exception - floating stack check 浮点数堆栈检查
Program Exception - integer divide by zero 整数除0错误
Program Exception - integer overflow 整数溢出
Program Exception - privileged instruction 非法执行特权指令
Program Exception - illegal instruction 非法指令
Program Exception - stack overflow 堆栈溢出
Array or substring subscript expression out of range 数组下标低下数组定义下界或高于数组定义上界
CHARACTER substring expression out of range 字符串非法表示
Label not found in assigned GOTO list 不属于GOTO语句引用的标号
INTEGER arithmetic overflow 整数运算结果出现溢出
INTEGER overflow on input 输入的整数值超出允许范围
Invalid INTEGER 非法整数值
REAL indefinite (uninitialized or previous error) 产生非法实数
Invalid REAL 非法实数
REAL math overflow 实数值溢出
No matching CASE found for SELECT CASE select case语句中缺少case项
INTEGER assignment overflow 整数定义超出允许范围
A edit descriptor expected for CHARACTER 字符型数据的格式化输入和输出需要A编辑符
E, F, D, or G edit descriptor expected for REAL 实数型数据的格式化输入和输出需要E,F,D,G编辑符
I edit descriptor expected for INTEGER 整数型数据的格式化输入和输出需要I编辑符
L edit descriptor expected for LOGICAL 逻辑型数据的格式化输入和输出需要L编辑符
Multiple radix specifiers 输入或输出语句重复说明
Array already allocated 数组已分配
Array size zero or negative 数组大小为0或负数
Array not allocated 没有被分配的数组
Invalid argument 非法参数
Invalid number in input 输入非法数字
Invalid string in input 输入非法字符串
Comma missing in COMPLEX input 输入的多个表达式之间缺少逗号
T or F expected in LOGICAL read 输入的逻辑值必须是T或F
Illegal character in hexadecimal input 输入非法的十六进制数
Integer expected in format 格式语句中要求的整数
Initial left parenthesis expected in format 格式语句中多余的左括号
Positive integer expected in format 格式语句中要求用正整数
Integer expected preceding H, X, or P edit descriptor 在H、X、P编辑符前要求用整数
'.' expected in format 在D、E、F、G编辑符中w和d域之间用'.'分隔
Unexpected end of format 格式语句没有结束
Unexpected character in format 格式语句中的非法字符
M field exceeds W field in I edit descriptor 在I编辑符中M域的值大于W域的值
Integer out of range in format 格式语句中的整数值超出允许范围
Separator expected in format 格式语句中需要分隔符
Out of range: substring starting position 'pos' is less than 1 子字符串的起始位置小于1
Out of range: substring ending position 'pos' is greater than string length 'len' 子字符串的终止位置大于字符串长度
Out of memory 内存不足
Cannot allocate temporary array -- out of memory 由于内存不足不能分配临时数组
Cannot ALLOCATE allocatable array -- out of memory 由于内存不足不能分配数组
DEALLOCATE failure: ALLOCATABLE array is not ALLOCATED 释放没有被分配的数组
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(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(3)(2)(1)(1)(5)Android Studio 1.4 Rendering Problems In New Drawer Template - Stack Overflow
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I have just updated to Android Studio 1.4. I have created a new project with the target SDK set to Marshmellow. When I create a new Navigation Drawer Activity, I can run the activity on a virtual device just fine. However none of the XML layouts display in the preview pane.
Here are the errors:
Rendering Problems Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?
Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout, or fix the theme style references.
NOTE: One or more layouts are missing the layout_width or layout_height attributes. These are required in most layouts.
Or: Automatically add all missing attributes
The following classes could not be instantiated:
- (Open Class, Show Exception, Clear Cache)
Tip: Use View.isInEditMode() in your custom views to skip code or show sample data when shown in the IDE
Exception Details android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Could not find bool resource matching value 0x7F090006 (resolved name: abc_config_showMenuShortcutsWhenKeyboardPresent) in current configuration.
at android.content.res.BridgeResources.throwException(
at android.content.res.BridgeResources.getBoolean(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate_Original(
at android.view.LayoutInflater_Delegate.rInflate(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( Copy stack to clipboard
Failed to find style 'toolbarStyle' in current theme (8 similar errors not shown)
Rendering Problems Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?
Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout, or fix the theme style references.
NOTE: One or more layouts are missing the layout_width or layout_height attributes. These are required in most layouts.
Or: Automatically add all missing attributes
Failed to find style 'toolbarStyle' in current theme (8 similar errors not shown)
Rendering Problems Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?
Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout, or fix the theme style references.
NOTE: One or more layouts are missing the layout_width or layout_height attributes. These are required in most layouts.
Or: Automatically add all missing attributes
Failed to find style 'toolbarStyle' in current theme (8 similar errors not shown)
Rendering Problems Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?
Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout, or fix the theme style references.
Couldn't resolve resource @style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark (3 similar errors not shown) Failed to find style 'textViewStyle' in current theme (2 similar errors not shown)
Since its mentioning missing styles, here's my styles.xml:
&!-- Base application theme. --&
&style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"&
&!-- Customize your theme here. --&
&item name="colorPrimary"&@color/colorPrimary&/item&
&item name="colorPrimaryDark"&@color/colorPrimaryDark&/item&
&item name="colorAccent"&@color/colorAccent&/item&
&style name="AppTheme.NoActionBar"&
&item name="windowActionBar"&false&/item&
&item name="windowNoTitle"&true&/item&
&style name="AppTheme.AppBarOverlay" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar" /&
&style name="AppTheme.PopupOverlay" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light" /&
I'm new to Android development and when the default templates are throwing errors at you like this, it isn't the best way to be introduced to a new framework :(
Even an explanation as to what is going wrong would help. Thanks.
Go to app -> res -> values -> style.xml
and then add the word "Base" in front of the parent.
for example, before adding the keyword "Base"
after adding the keyword
for more information please refer to this youtube video
I have encountered the same issue, and I think the best solution is to click on the "Automatically add all missing attributes" link. Then, everything will work fine.
I had the same issue. I just opened sdk manager and updated 'Android Support Repository' to version 24. This worked for me.
Android Support Repository can be found below in the 'Extras' category.
sdk manager default path is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
If still it does not work, try updating 'Android Support Library' 'Google Play Services' and 'Google Repository' too.
Your activity class must extend AppCompatActivity
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