
感谢邀请。折腾过数百篇计的Common App主文书,那玩意不容易。&br&&br&名校每年在中国本科收的人有限,极端者如达特茅斯之类只收几个,多的不过几百人,但这个群体的申请者数以万计,每个人还拿Common App去申请十多二十所学校。美国申请官蛮神的,看着一篇篇长篇累牍无病呻吟大同小异还经过中介甚至老外润色过的,或似绣花枕头或若心灵鸡汤一样的美文,居然还能从沙里淘金找到真正厉害的孩子。我是佩服他们。&br&&br&形式玩不转,语言玩不转。这些凡是能够玩的部分,中国中介早玩爆了。很不幸,这些16-18岁的美国本科名校申请者群体中有很大一部分都雇佣了中介,中介又雇佣了大量英美文学硕士或博士、留美归国毕业生、甚至是毕业于哈佛耶鲁等名校的老外,直接代笔捉刀。在Common App里交上去的文字一篇比一篇厉害,情感充沛,文字优美,气势磅礴,whatever......尼玛,这基本就是校长杯足球赛遇到外援雇佣军的节奏。我们正摩拳擦掌准备好好跟你们踢一场,结果一看对面10号怎么这么眼熟?尼玛,穿了个马甲而已,这不就是巴西队10号尼玛吗?这请雇佣军也不用这么夸张吧,给跪了。&br&&br&这让许多真正优秀的DIY孩子无奈地折戟沉沙。&br&&br&&b&不妨反向思维一下,要推敲Common App文书的内容的话,请问自己两个问题:&/b&&br&&b&1 有什么是雇用一个老外或者美国毕业生也无法比我做得更好的内容?&/b&&br&&b&2 美国申请官明知这种状况的大量存在,他们是如何分辨并去伪存真的呢?&/b&&br&&br&内马尔来也踢不过你,你就赢定了。怎么做到这个?&br&&br&试举几例,希望好理解。&br&&br&1 我有一招凶悍杀手锏绝技,无与伦比,即使知道也没人能做的,比如秦升、加图索和乔伊巴顿,内马尔来也直接跪;(比如申请中那种回忆我在刚果金难民营的非人岁月,只要有真实细节,其他请枪的全部跪倒。写这个题目:Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?)&br&&br&2 直接告诉裁判(申请官),我爹是他信,我姑是英拉,还是照住我吧;(Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. 第一句就吓倒裁判:Both my father and aunt are prime ministers.....)&br&&br&3 改比赛项目,告诉裁判(申请官),大家都比足球比学习,我其实别的厉害。申请酒店管理、建筑、艺术、音乐、护理等等,都是这个道理。文书里不要写什么义工、学习、科研或拯救世界什么的,那些都烂大街了,另辟蹊径。要跟内马尔比射门、过人、颠球、带球,门都没有。突然你大叫一声,我运动医学特别厉害,说不定内马尔都进不了切尔西队,你都顶替了切尔西美女队医的位置了。&br&&br&不好意思,世界杯邻近了,满脑子都是足球。
感谢邀请。折腾过数百篇计的Common App主文书,那玩意不容易。 名校每年在中国本科收的人有限,极端者如达特茅斯之类只收几个,多的不过几百人,但这个群体的申请者数以万计,每个人还拿Common App去申请十多二十所学校。美国申请官蛮神的,看着一篇篇长篇…
你好,&br&&br&Common App Essay有5个题目,你选择一个写。除此之外,不同的学校还有补充文书,有的是有题目的,有的没有。一般没有的就自由发挥,基本上就是peronsal statement-告诉招生官你是谁,你的成长经历等等。Personal Statement这个词更常用在研究生院的申请,同时还有SOP-statement of purpose. 你应该是申请本科,所以我就不介绍SOP了。&br&&br&至于怎么写,转发我之前回答的一个问题。希望对你有所帮助。&br&&br&作者:Jordan Dotson&br&链接:&a href=&/question//answer/& class=&internal&&出国留学申请的文书(PS、CV、WS等)怎么写? - Jordan Dotson 的回答 - 知乎&/a&&br&来源:知乎&br&著作权归作者所有,转载请联系作者获得授权。&br&&br&&p&毋庸置疑一篇好文书会提高你的录取几率。如果你有大把的时间,你可以读一些
如何写文书的书,比如 On Writing The College Application Essay by Harry Bauld,
Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10 Steps by Alan Gelb,
或者我的书 “美国常春藤名校录取”(封面很丑,哈哈)。如果没有时间,那么可以看一下我的回答&/p&&br&&p&&b&故事第一&/b&&/p&&p&选择你的文书题目不要像简历一样列出你的课外活动。重要的话说再说一遍:不要像简历一样列出你的课外活动。也不要列一堆模糊的,抽象的概念,比如teamwork,leadership这类。不要觉得招生官会喜欢看这些。他们完全不care你在模联“学到”什么。他们认为你在贫困山区做志愿者无非是富人孩子的假期。那类你做过的team
project that shows great leadership?招生官看到都要哭了-太无聊了。&/p&&br&&p&事实上,不要写任何和你的奖项,成绩,课外活动相关的东西。不要写!除非你有非常强的创意写作功底,或者你在Elon Musk的公司做暑假实习,否者很难很难很难把你的成绩、课外活动写的meaningful。这类的文书只会显得你很幼稚。&/p&&br&&p&那该如何写呢?就写你自己。不要试着去迎合任何人。试想描述你的一天,用一种作为读者的我能够真正理解你的方式。你是这部电影主角,或者小说的主人公。你要让你的读者-招生官有一直看下去或者读下去的兴趣。&/p&&br&&p&如果你是一个精力旺盛的人,那么告诉我能够充分体现你精力旺盛的一天。如果你是一个内向的、安静的人,晚上会因为想事情而睡不着。那么告诉我你经历过的最黑暗的噩梦。告诉你的读者你是如何成为今天的你的。如果你一直都是一个运动神经很烂的人,但是有一天,你突然决定去游泳,被水呛到、窒息,但是还是达成了目标。这个故事就非常棒。&/p&&br&&p&这看起来很装逼,而且反直观。但是,它管用。事实上,艺术性的处理会让读者爱上这篇文章。它真的管用。&/p&&br&&p&&b&现在谈一下结构。&/b&&/p&&br&&p&你的文书的形态是什么样的?我从没见过一个学生在写文书之前能够回答这个问题。而这是我们的教育的巨大失败。就像每一个伟大的电影都有它的形态和方向。文书也是一样,需要大纲,需要计划!&/p&&br&&p&去百度“戏剧结构”或者“弗莱塔格的金字塔”。&/p&&br&&p&除了很著名的5段线性发展结构-exposition, rising action, climax,
falling action, denouement(类似于中文的起承转合)-你需要构思文书结构以满足你的需要。我比较喜欢的结构是:action,
background, conflict, deep thinking, and ending&/p&&br&&p&Action:还记得你想写的那段故事吗?你想和读者分享的那段经历。那么你就要写一段最美丽,有视觉感,有细节的故事。思考“5种味道”-视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉。这些感觉把我们带入你的世界。就像契诃夫说的“不要告诉我月亮在发亮,给我展示月亮在破碎的玻璃上的反射的微光。&/p&&p&Background:很简单。直接告诉我们为什么这个场景对你重要,用感情说话。有什么重要的元素隐藏在这个故事中,而这些能够体现你是谁。&/p&&p&Conflict: 同样很简单。比如,你开始学游泳,但是总是呛水,水进到了你的肺里。。。&/p&&p&Deep Thinking: 这是我最喜欢的部分。这部分应该就像标题一样:深度思考。你的故事在广义上意味着什么?还拿游泳举例。在这个世界上还有谁有类似的经历?为什么Matthew Webb在1875年游过英吉利海峡?那么,上个月在香港没有游过维多利亚港的不幸青年呢?&/p&&p&Ending: 我没办法告诉你如何结尾。也许还是比较具象、描写的、细节的,呼应开头。你也可以用直白的结尾。但是,不管怎样,这是你的故事。只有你能够掌控如何结尾。一旦你完成了深度思考的部分,你自然知道怎么结尾了。&/p&&br&&p&当你做到以上这些时,祝贺你。你已经是一位会讲故事的人了。你的申请文书会让招生官读了之后说“哇,我喜欢这个孩子。”&/p&&br&&p&Whoa! Huge question. I'm going to assume that you're
targeting top universities and want to write the best essay possible. That is,
an essay that actually &i&increases&/i& your chance of admission. I'm also
going to assume you have looming deadlines, and thus, don't have time to read &a href=&///?target=https%3A///Writing-College-Application-Essay-Anniversary/dp/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&On Writing The College Application Essay by Harry
Bauld&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&, &a href=&///?target=https%3A///gp/product/B00AUSCPKK/ref%3Doh_aui_d_detailpage_o01_%3Fie%3DUTF8%26psc%3D1& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10
Steps by Alan Gelb&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&, or &a href=&///?target=http%3A///.html& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&my book&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a& (the one with the ugly cover, ha).&/p&&p&If all this is true, then you need to focus on two things:
structure and story. &/p&&br&&p&Story first.&/p&&br&&p&In choosing a topic for your essay, do not, I repeat...DO
NOT...try to write a resume' list of your activities, or try to write about a
bunch of vague, abstract concepts (teamwork, leadership, etc) that you think an
admissions office will like. They don't care about how much you
&learned& at Model UN. They think your experience volunteering in a
poor rural village is presumptuous (a rich kid's vacation). And that team project
you were assigned, the one where you showed great leadership and a capacity for
teamwork? Yes, that's so boring it makes AOs want to cry. &/p&&p&In fact, do not write about ANYTHING that's presented on
your Awards/Honors/Activities list. Just don't. Without a very long, deep
education in creative writing, or without having spent the summer conducting
lab research with Elon Musk, it's almost impossible to write about those
activities in a meaningful way. These sorts of essays make you look
short-sighted and juvenile. It's true. Be careful. &/p&&p&Instead, just write about you. Don't try to impress anybody.
Just try to be honest. Let's just choose one day in your life, and write about
that day in such a way that I, the reader, really understand you as a
character. You are a character in a novel. You are a character in a movie. Make
us want to read that novel. Make us want to watch the rest of that movie.&/p&&p&Are you a pretty energetic, upbeat person? Then let's write
about a day when you were &i&really&/i& upbeat and energetic. Are you a
quiet, introverted person who has trouble sleeping at night because you worry
about things? Let's write about the darkest night of the soul you've ever had.
Let's write about the YOU that your parents don't know. Let's write about the
YOU that your teachers have never met. Let's write about who you are when
you're dreaming at night. Have you been a terrible athlete your entire life, but
all of a sudden, one day, all by yourself, you decided to swim across the lake
by yourself anyway, and almost drowned? Oooh...great story. I like that.&/p&&br&&p&This may seem counter-intuitive, but it works. Honest,
artful writing makes the reader fall in love. Trust me. It works. It really,
really, really, really works.&/p&&br&&p&Now - structure.&/p&&p&What is the shape of your essay? I've never met a single
student who could answer this question before having written their essay, and
that's a great failure in our education system. Just like every wonderful movie
you've ever seen, your essay should have a shape and a direction. It needs an
outline. It needs a plan!&/p&&br&&p&Get on Baidu and search for &dramatic structure&
or &Freytag's pyramid.&
This outline has worked for history's greatest writers for thousands of
years. Let's use it! &/p&&p&Instead of those famous five linear sections - exposition,
rising action, climax, falling action, denouement - you're going to tailor the
sections (or paragraphs?) of your essay to suit your own needs. I like: action,
background, conflict, deep thinking, and ending.&/p&&p&Action: remember that story from your life we thought about
earlier? That one moment in time? Here you're going to write about that in the
most effusive, beautiful, graphic detail possible. Think &5 senses& -
sight, sound, smell, touch, taste. Bring us into that world. As Anton Chekhov
famously said: &Don’t tell me show me the glint of
light on broken glass.&&/p&&p&Background: Easy - tell us directly why this scene is
important for you, in an emotional way. What is the ominous underlying conflict
that made this story truly representative of who you are? &/p&&p&Conflict: Also easy - you start swimming across the lake.
You flail. Water gurgles into your lungs. Uh oh. &br&&/p&&br&&p&Deep Thinking: This is my favorite section, and it should be
exactly as it sounds. Think deeply. How does your experience resonate in a
larger context? Who else in the world has had a similar experience? Why did
Captain Matthew Webb swim across the English Channel in 1875? How about those
poor, unfortunate souls who died in the Hong Kong cross-harbor swim last month? &/p&&p&Ending: well, I can't tell you how to end your essay. It
should &i&probably&/i& retain some of the graphical, beautiful detail of
the introduction. We call that circularity, and it's quite nice. But really,
this is your story, and only you know how it ends. Once you finish the deep
thinking section, you're going to know how to end it. You'll feel the impulse
deep within you. &/p&&p&When that happens - congratulations. You're now a
storyteller, and you've now written an application essay that will make readers
sit back and say &wow - I love this kid.”&/p&&br&&br&&img src=&/c94d266ac43a5e3487ec3b_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&258& data-rawheight=&258& class=&content_image& width=&258&&
你好, Common App Essay有5个题目,你选择一个写。除此之外,不同的学校还有补充文书,有的是有题目的,有的没有。一般没有的就自由发挥,基本上就是peronsal statement-告诉招生官你是谁,你的成长经历等等。Personal Statement这个词更常用在研究生院的…
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& CA的ESSAY题目及分析
1、Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
2、Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?
Common Application Essay题目分析及写作建议(新版)_教育学_高等教育_教育专区。年最新改版的Common Application Essay 五个题目分析及写作建议 ...新版Common Application Essay题目及分析_其它_高等教育_教育专区。新版 Common Application Essay 题目及分析 发表于 2013 年 07 月 03 日 Please write an essay...商科常见essay题目分析。商科常见 essay 题目分析商科是中国留学生最为热门的专业类型,而商学院动辄四五篇的 essay 也让众多申请 者头痛。 在目前七一党 (即 GMAT...SAT ---essay 题目分析和总结_高中作文_高中教育_教育专区。怎样准备 sat 写作: 1,把题目分类:本人大概分了这几类:亲人篇,朋友篇,失败篇(成功篇,这两个可以... 盘点七类美国大学申请 essay 题目美国大学申请 essay ...从多个角 度和方面去分析这件事情, 这会使你显得更加成熟, 避免使用大家都在...1 考研英语写作题目分析 图画类作文是主流: 单图类: 2012 年: Part B Directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In ...斯坦福 GSB 最新 2012Essay 题目大解 析! !申请的童鞋可以同时看看去年的 essay 分析~比较中会有收获: /bbs/viewthread.php?tid=...2016 Common Essay解析_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。2016留学通用文书题目分析 Common Application Essay Topics 通用申请系统文书题目 Instructions: The essay ...描述问题时所需要背的句子 二. 1.文章的基本知识 Basic knowledge of an essay Essay is made up of paragraphs that develope one main ideas. 文章是由几个...请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功能问题或意见建议,...allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay ...你对车祸原因的分析 An Eye-Witness Account of a...2018年美国本科留学申请Essay题目由CA系统正式放出
近日,美国本科网申系统Common application正式公布了年度Essay题目,今年的Essay题目都发生了哪些变化,对我们申请美国本科有和影响?请看下面的介绍!
Common Application Essay Prompts
1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. [No change]
2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? [Revised]
3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? [Revised]
4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. [No change]
5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. [Revised]
6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? [New]
7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. [New]
其实,我们可以看到每个题目后面都有[Revised],[New]和[No change]三项标注,代表了改进,全新,以及没有变化的文书题目。之前反响不好,或者选择较少的题目都得到了替换。据CA统计,年,超过80万申请人通过Common application提交申请,其中47%的学生文书写的是关于自己的背景、身份、兴趣爱好,即第一个essay题目是选择最多的;有22%的申请人选择了第5个题目,写自己的成就;17%的申请人选择第二个题目,写经历过的失败;10%选择第4个题目,写了自己解决的某个问题;剩下4%写的是第三个题目(about an idea challenged)
今日搜狐热点Essay - 359 Words
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: July 5, 2014
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What do you think is the biggest barrier to widespread adoption of “Western-style” medicine in rural areas of India?
Giffen good behavior
Selection effect
Entitlement effect
Selection bias
1、 Indian people don’t believe how will it work
Western medicine is the term used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions. Other names for Western medicine include traditional medicine or allopathic medicine.
Indian’s different culture
One story from my friend who was just came back from Yuannan, a 偏僻 mountain region, with CERS. She told me
a. a Tibet grandmother get epilepsy. After went to hospital, nothing got better, then she went to see the Tibet temple, Buddha. Who told her that she had crop too many trees , so she need to retreat the nature-to plant more trees. After 3 month , she was healed
b. Another epilepsy patient in ethnic Lisu, who was told that his soul was lost, and need to be call back. The wizard dance around the patien for 3days , squashing worms and
3、These technologies have very high benefits. So if people do not want to pay for them, is it because they think there is something bad with these technologies (the “culture” argument)? 4、low demand: Two difficulties with preventive care:?– It is difficult to learn what works?– Benefits are in the future, and the cost is now. 5. Most diseases are self-limiting: they get better after being worst. o If you start from the theory that a shot is needed, and someone is willing to give you that shot, then you will usually feel better, and attribute it to the shot. o It will be harder to attribute it to nothing... tendency to overmedicate is always present (in rich and poor countries), and needs to be regulated away. 6. in the book the poor economics, there is a case that a doctor in Delhi who had no credential...
...1) Beta can be negative because it tries to quantify the relationship between the stock (or whatever else you are applying it to) and the market. Gold is an example of something with a negative beta. Remember, this doesn't represent zero-risk. It shows that, all else equal, the gold should move opposite the market as a whole in a macro setting. Try to think about it more like a relationship.
2) The beta varies between different companies because at the end of the day each company is
different. No two are alike. They are compared to the market as a whole (in the form of returns, etc.) in order to attempt to quantify the risk. The risk that matters is the systematic risk. People try to mitigate or diversify away the company specific risk in a set of portfolios. You aren't looking at the risk of the market each t you are looking at how the stock (or whatever you are applying statistics to) interacts with the market. There is a re however, the market doesn't reward unnecessary risk taking. Unnecessary risk taking=not diversifying away the company specific risk.
1. What is financial management all about?
2. In general what are the principles on which the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is based?
3. You have been offered a note with four yrs to maturity, which will pay $3000 at the end if each of the 4 yrs, the price of the note to you is $10200, what is the implicit compound annual interest rate you will...
...History And Anthology of American Literature
PartⅠThe Literature of Colonial America殖民主义时期的文学
1. 17世纪早期English and European explorers开始登陆美洲。在他们之前100多年Caribbean Islands, Mexico and other Parts of South America已被the Spanish占领。
2. 17th早期English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts(弗吉尼亚和马萨诸塞)开始了美国历史
3. 美国最早殖民者(earliest settlers)included Dutch ,Swedes ,Germans ,Freunch ,Spaniards ,Italians and Portugueses
4. 美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
5. 第一批美国永久居民:the first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown,Virginia in 1607(北美弗吉尼亚詹姆斯顿)。
6. 船长约翰·史密斯Captain John Smith他的作品(reports of exploration)17th早期出版,被认为是美国第一部真正意义上的文学作品in the early 1600s,have been described as the first distinctly American literature written in English.他讲述了filled with themes, myths, images, scenes, character and events,吸引了朝圣者和清教徒前往lure the Pilgrims and the Puritans.
7. 美国第一位作家:1608年Captain John Smith写了封信《自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍》“A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony”.
8. 他的第二本书1612年《弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述》“A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country”.
...Literature Review
Hu Zhuangling stated in Linguistic: A Course Book (2001), “Language has to serve various purposes as there are different types of occasions for using it.” In written languages, major focuses from the linguists are on literature, government documents, law items or business materials, while nowadays, public signs are gaining the attention from all around China. Plenty of studies and researches are carried out lately. Bilingual public signs, meaning public signs
written both in Chinese and English, are prevailing in major cities in China with the development of opening and reform. With the steady growth in the population of overseas foreigners traveling and migrating, public signs which can provide different kinds of information are going to assist more people increasingly.
Public signs provided in English language, mainly written languages with or without pictures, surely bring convenience to English users in China, particularly, tourists and businessmen who have the necessity of understanding the signs in Chinese streets and places. But what if these signs or the English versions are wrong compared with the original Chinese meanings? The current situation of bilingual public signs or English public signs in China is far from satisfying. Bunches of wrong translations of public signs can be found, most of which are caused by careless spelling, grammar errors, cultural gaps or proficiency failures of translators. In major cities like Beijing and...
...After starting a new job Benny applied for a credit card to help him set up in a flat.
The interest rate charged is 16.05% per annum for any amount still owing 30 days after the statement date.
Task 1 – Making minimum repayments
After the second month Benny decided not to use his credit card for new purchases until he had paid back what he owed.
1. Fill in the following table for 6 months showing Benny making minimum repayments of the amount owing (usually calculated
at 5% of total outstanding).
Making minimum repayments
Owed at start
amount due
2. Clearly show the interest calculations for months 2 and 3.
Mouth3: I=$2,079.28×0.013375
3. Calculate the total paid in interest at the end of 6 months.
4. Estimate how long it will be before Benny clears the amount he owes. Clearly show the calculations for your estimate.
Amount owing is decreasing in roughly...
A o tio ay
Beach 25 St
Beach 36 St
D oF oN oQ
Brighton Beach
Ocean Pkwy
NY Aquarium
Coney Island
Stillwell Av
Beach 98 St
Beach 105 St
Beach 90 St
Far Rockaway
一、令人震惊的会计造假案 4
二、会计造假为何频繁发生 5
(一)会计造假的含义和类型 5
(二)会计造假的原因和手段 5
(三)会计造假的产生和防治 5
三、会计从业人员的伦理道德 6
(一)法治下的道德缺失 6
(二)对伦理和道德的概念理解 6
(三)诚信为本 7
四、“经济人”和“道德人”的悖论 8
(一)关于“经济人”的辨析 8
(二)所谓的“市场失灵” 9
(三)市场不可缺失的道德伦理 9
五、如何应对会计造假 10
(一)提高会计造假的经济成本 10
(二)提高会计造假的责任成本 10
(三)诚信观念的培养 11
近年来,会计造假案频繁发生。从“安然事件”及“安达信事务所倒闭” 到“世界通公司造假案”,再到国内震惊一时的“银广夏造假案”,会计行业的公关形象面临着严峻的考验、行业道德也遭到了严肃拷问。
...SSAT 样卷试题
SSAT 样卷试题
Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions about it. For each
question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best
answers the questions.
Radiation from the Sun continuously breaks two-atom oxygen molecules into
single atoms. Some of these link up with ordinary oxygen molecules and form
ozone. Some rejoin other free singles and revert to stable molecules. This
process, if left undisturbed, maintains a fairly constant supply
of ozone above the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer begins about eight miles
up and is distributed thinly to about thirty miles up. This lofty umbrella of
ozone shields the Earth from much of the Sun’s deadly ultraviolet rays. Without
the ozone cover, life on Earth would be literally sunburned to death.
Some scientists believe that relatively small amount of synthetic chemicals,
such as spray-can fluorocarbon or jet exhaust, reach the upper limits of the
atmosphere and break down the three-atom ozone molecules. It is also believed
that just one atom of the spray-can or get pollutant can affect vast numbers
of ozone molecules. Weather research satellites have observed the ozone shield
SSAT 样卷试题
in great detail, but their data have neither put to rest the “doomsday
theories” nor incited a global campaign to stop destroying the Earth’s
protective covering.
1. According to the...
Indeed, the perfect Christian state is not the so-called Christian state – which acknowledges Christianity as its basis, as the state religion, and, therefore, adopts an exclusive attitude towards other...
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