china:too old to get getrich国睿驰?中国:致富太老了吗

bbc随身英语--China: too old to get rich? 中国:致富太老了吗?
China: too old to get rich? 中国:致富太老了吗?
As China's economy has grown bigger, its population has grown older. But is China growing too old, too fast?
The one-child policy has caused a
in the birth rate, while the average age has gone up. One in four permanent
in Shanghai is , and the rest of China will soon be just as mature. The Chinese population is no spring chicken: by the year 2050, a third of Chinese people will be over the age of 60.
from Fudan University said that &the speed of ageing in China is unique.& It has only taken China 20 years to reach an age
that took Britain or France 60 or 70 years.
But what problems are associated with living until a ripe old age? Fewer than 2% of the elderly will find a place in a state nursing home because all the beds are taken up.&
China's economy also depends on a supply of cheap, young workers & and this supply is running out. &You can see the way an ageing society is affecting the labour force& says Jerry Mo, owner of a small factory. &We are becoming unprofitable.&&
An ancient Chinese saying sums up why this challenge is so worrying: China will become &too old to get rich.& Despite its
economy, China is still a developing country. Can it find solutions as quickly as new challenges are born?
Quiz 小测验
1. Find four words or expressions in the article that mean 'old'.
Mature, no spring chicken, ageing, elderly.
2. Is this statement true, false or not given? One in four Chinese people is retired.
False. One in four residents in Shanghai is retired, and soon the situation will be the same in the rest of China.
3. Is this statement true, false or not given? In 2050, a third of Chinese people will be in their 60s.
False. In 2050, a third of Chinese people will be over the age of 60, but not
in their 60s.
4. Name two problems caused by China's ageing population and low birth rate.
1) Fewer than 2% of the elderly will find a place in a state nursing home. 2) The supply of young workers is disappearing.
5. Find two words in the article that mean 'growing'.
Booming and developing.
Glossary 词汇表
grown bigger 已经越来越大
grown older 已经越来越老
birth rate 出生率
average age 平均年龄
retired 退休的
mature 成熟的
no spring chicken 不再年轻了
demographer 人口统计学家
age profile 年龄轮廓
until a ripe old age 直到老年
elderly 老年人
nursing home 养老院
ageing society 老龄化社会
ancient 古老的
booming 蓬勃增长的
developing 发展中的
I must decline to show favour to any of the candidates.我必须拒绝偏袒任何一位候选人。
The birthrate is on the decline.出生率在下降。
n.居民( resident的名词复数 );(旅馆的)住宿者
Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。
Local residents have reacted angrily to the news. 当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。
The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
Professor Antonio Golini is a demographer at the University of Rome. 罗马大学安东尼奥教授是位人口统计学家。 来自互联网
Demographer William Frey says immigrants with young families will help keep the United States competitive. 人口统计学家佛瑞表示这些年轻的家庭会帮助美国保持竞争力。 来自互联网
I turned my head and saw the profile of a man.我转过头,看见一个人的侧影。
He drew her profile.他给她画侧面像。
adj.急速发展的v.激增( boom的现在分词 );猛涨;发出隆隆声;以低沉有力的声音说话
The opera singer has a deep, booming, masculine voice. 这位歌剧演唱家有一副深沉而又浑厚有力的嗓音。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
He is booming as a teacher. 作为一位教师,他日趋成功。 来自《简明英汉词典》
More work does not necessarily call for more men.增加工作量不一定就要增添人员。
A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.选民必须在18岁以上。
本文本内容来源于互联网抓取和网友提交,仅供参考,部分栏目没有内容,如果您有更合适的内容,欢迎分享给大家。随身英语:Facebook wedding “脸书”婚礼
Vocabulary: Business 词汇: 商业
The founder of Facebook ended a busy week, which saw his company valued at $106bn after a stock market flotation, by getting married.
Mark Zuckerberg, who's the CEO of the world's most popular social networking site, wed his long-term girlfriend Priscilla Chan. The 27-year-old bride had a hectic week of her own, having graduated from medical school.
The wedding ceremony was a low-key event. It took place in Zuckerberg's garden in Palo Alto California and was attended by fewer than 100 guests, who came along thinking they were there to celebrate Priscilla Chan's graduation.
Displaying his flair for innovation, Mark Zuckerberg designed the wedding ring himself. It's described as a &very simple ruby&.
The couple met at Harvard University nine years ago, the year before Zuckerberg launched his business in 2004. They later moved to California, where Facebook has its headquarters.
The multi-billionaire listed his company on the Nasdaq stock exchange on Friday. Facebook's valuation after its flotation means the site is worth about the same as the internet shopping site, Amazon, and more than corporate giants such as Disney.
Even after the flotation, Zuckerberg continues to control just under 56% of the voting power of the company.
Glossary 词汇表
stock market flotation公司上市
CEO 首席执行官
low-key event 低调的活动
flair 天赋
launched 推出
headquarters 总部
Nasdaq stock exchange 纳斯达克股票交易所
internet shopping网上购物
corporate giants企业巨头
voting power投票权
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