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Thrasher Magazine - Raney Beres: The Road Back
What’s up, Raney? I want to get the lowdown on that Antihero trip to Israel in 2015. Who went and how long did you go for?The crew was the whole Antihero team except for you, T-Mo and Grosso. We needed you guys but next time. And we were there for ?two weeks.You’re headed there you’ve never been there. This isn’t a normal place that you go to. This is Israel, man. They have wars and crazy shit going on. Where was your head at before you landed?Dude, I went into this one kind of blind. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. It’s the Middle East, so it’s definitely a trip and not many of us had been out there. We were all kind of just anxious to see what was going to happen, man. It was just a new experience for all of us. Alright, fuck—let’s just get fuckin’ right to it, man. We know that you got fuckin’ broke off. What fucking went down, man? Fuck, man. I hit my head really hard. I want to say it was the fourth day of the trip. Real early on.
Raney yanks one to fakie in tagger territory
What was the spot?If anybody saw the video that came out, the Israel video, you’ll see that we’re skating this sick natural quarterpipe spot. It’s kind of like a cobblestone quarterpipe on this sidewalk.Where you fuckin’ push at it, you ollie up the curb and then you hit the quarterpipe, right? That’s the one.But there’s pillars sticking up, right?That was the problem. They’re right in your way.
?So that’s where you got broke off, right?Yeah, yeah.
Is that thing street eagle? Tall Smith, wings spread
So what the fuck happened?Fuck, the session was fired up, man: Grant, Robbie, Frank, Tony—everybody was getting some there, man. It was on fire. And there was a real rough street leading up to the curb that you had to ollie up. My set-up was a little jacked and I had some old wheels that were a little too small. My wheels and the rough street had a disagreement and it sent me flying into one of those cobblestone pillars just head first, man.So I know you had to be fuckin’ going mach 118,000 miles an hour and you just head butted that thing?Yeah. I was cooking, man, and it was a freak accident. It was just a rough street and I was riding smaller wheels than usual and I got fuckin’ pitched. I remember thinking, “Take it to your back. Hit your back,” you know? And that’s pretty much the last thing I remember.Did you see the pillar coming?I mean, obviously we knew to avoid it, but it all happened so fast that I didn’t have enough time to really think about it.Dude, you fucking died. You were a flatliner. We won’t say no names, but I know everyone had to be freaked out and going crazy but they were saying, “Homie ain’t doing too well,” and someone jumped to the occasion to help a motherfucking comrade not fucking ?go out.Yeah, man. Apparently I was out. I wasn’t breathing on the sidewalk there. I was totally out. And you know our crew is always ready for action, so when the time came they were fucking right there, man, and I’m fucking thankful to roll with such a tough crew, because some other motherfuckers would have panicked. So yeah, I scored, man. They jumped on it and they fucking revived my ass and got me to the hospital.Alright, so you’re at the hospital. Do you remember waking up?Yeah, totally. The first memory—I don’t know how long it was after I actually hit my head but I woke up in the hospital not knowing why I was there and Pat and Julien are standing at the end of my bed and I’m just asking them what happened, you know? And they’re letting me know that I gotta get surgery and I didn’t even know what I had hit. And so they told me that I had to get brain surgery, man, and I was tripping so I just kind of freaked out and told them, “Let’s do this right now. Let’s knock this shit out if that’s what’s going to happen.”The sweeper before the stormIf that’s what needs to be done—Yeah, let’s fucking do it.You’re all the way over there. It ain’t like they have the same hospitals as us. It has to be the craziest situation. So the doctors are telling you what? You said they were gonna do brain surgery but—What did they actually do? My skull was cracked, you know? I had broken my skull. Yeah, went right through that thing. I don’t know too much about it still, but I had what they call a subdural brain hemorrhage and that meant that the blood—from what I understand—was still seeping. Basically my brain was getting flooded with blood. And so they had to get in there to fucking get all of that blood out of there before it was done.That’s fuckin’ insane. So everyone must have been rattled. They see a homie just die and now they got him back. And this is the beginning of the trip. This is only four days into it and this shit happened. So these guys were, like, “What’s up, Raney?” and you told them, “I’ll be more pissed if I know you guys are sitting around on your ass waiting around for me. I would be more stoked and fired up if you guys were out there skating. That’ll make me heal.”Of course, man. That’s what we went there for in the first place was to go get some, so I didn’t want to be the one to hold anybody back, that’s for sure. And with something that mental, it’s kind of something that you have to take on on your own anyway to get your mind right. So I kind of needed to be alone for myself and I didn’t want to stop the ripping that those dudes were gonna do. So it worked out in both ways.One-hundred-percent fucking skateboarding. Skateboarding’s nuts, man. People have no fucking idea. So—I don’t know—I’m not a religious person or nothing but you died in the fucking Holy Land.Yeah. I mean, it was a trip. After those dudes left I obviously had some time to think, man, and despite it being the so called Holy Land it wasn’t quite a religious experience for me. I mean, I overcame some shit but I didn’t see the light and I’m not a born-again Christian or nothing like that, so I think I’m alright. It was definitely a trip. I didn’t quite see the light. It was a little more dark for me. But yeah, it was more just a weird experience dealing with the language barrier and stuff like that. I just couldn’t speak the language, you know? I couldn’t understand what most of the nurses were trying to say to me.Lower Bobs makes him aggro too. Grasser back home in OaklandDid the doctors speak English?From my memory, the surgeon was the only one that I could speak to that could articulate well enough.And tell you exactly what he’s gonna do to your brain. Well, by the time I talked to him it had already been worked on, so I just kind of had to trust him, you know?So now you’re fuckin’ stuck in the hospital and—those dudes—you told them to kick rocks. They go skateboarding. Did anyone hook you up with some weed or something to help you fucking get through all this?Ha! You heard the story, man. Yeah, some fuckin’ young Israeli skate kids had heard something about it on the news. I guess the news had covered something about me hitting my head&and they found out where I was and came in and brought me some hash and some juice and some snacks and stuff.&Yeah, they hooked it up, man. And I was so beat in the hospital that I just had to smoke the hash right in the fuckin’ hospital bed because I couldn’t go outside or nothing. So there I was, smoking hash in the Israeli hospital bed and trying to fight all the nurses, ‘cause brain injuries make you aggro, man. That’s all I can say.Didn’t you wake up to them strapping you down or something?Yeah, apparently I was strapped down like a mental patient, man. I was trying to fight everybody because you get protective. ?You want to protect your head. It’s the most important thing, you know? So naturally whether you’re 100 percent there or not you fucking go into some animal instincts and you wanna protect your skull. You wanna protect your brain, man, and you’re willing to fucking fight for that shit. So anybody that was standing in my way, even if they were really trying to help me, I took it as a threat and I had to fight back because that was my life.It’s pretty heavy, dude. It’s a roll of the dice, man. That’s why we skateboard, though, right?It was a Hellride.Nothing shitty about Raney’s front bluntsThat’s what we do. That’s all we know. We don’t give a fuck about our future. We’re not saving up to buy shiny cars. We’re trying to skate new fucking shit. That’s all we want to fucking do.Well, if you’re in it for life and you really love it, you knew what you were getting yourself into the first time you stood on a board. So, I mean, if you’re not ready for some shit like this to happen then that’s on you.Yeah, get the fuck out, right? Pain only lasts for a little bit. It goes away. It don’t last forever.You’d be surprised on how fast it really goes, man.You fucking died and now I’m sitting next to you. We’re fucking here. So now you’re fucking back in the United States, right? Did you see a doctor when you got back to let you know what you’ve got ahead of you, rehab—whatever the fuck it is? Yeah. Fuck, man. It was a crazy ride home.Oh, wait. I’m gonna hit the brakes for a minute. How many staples did you have in your head when you got out of surgery?I want to say it was 40 total.Forty staples almost from ear to ear. So when you got out, you got excited and tried to go push around with the fellas and your fuckin’ head swelled up. You just couldn’t wait.That was not my smartest moment. Fuck, man, I made it out of the hospital. I was still so out of it but didn’t know how out of it I really was and these dudes are still getting some, you know? They picked me up. I was back in the van and I thought I was back. I jumped the gun a little bit. Yeah, man, it looked fun. Those dudes were ripping so I tried to roll around a little bit and then next thing you know—this is the day before we’ve got to fly out of there and the swelling in my head was going down and I fuckin’, like an idiot, like a skateboarder, I couldn’t keep away and I jumped on, rolled around for a little bit and then my head started fucking swelling up again and seeping blood out of my staples. Yeah, I fucked up. It got pretty big. The doctor told me as long as I stay on the anti-seizure medicine that I was on at the time that I should still be fine to fly home. So I had to take that chance. I was a little sketched but&I ran with it.You can’t bench Beres. HurricaneYou fucking got staples from ear to ear and you still can’t stay off your fucking board.Yeah, that was only seven days after I’d had surgery.Skateboarding’s a pretty heavy addiction huh?That’s for sure.So&the doctor is telling you what? What do you got to do?Once I got back to the States the doctor told me that the doctors in Israel didn’t do the job right. I shoulda had more metal put into my head and more braces and support but—Because you had a hole in your head, right?Well, yeah. The skull, after you crack it, it never fuses back together completely. So I think they said I have a four-millimeter gap&in my head forever. But I got metal, you know. I’ve got titanium bracing it shut and enough scar tissue that it should be as strong as it ever was. But yeah, the doctor told me not to ever skate again, but we all know that ain’t gonna happen so—When he said that, did you even say anything to him or in your head were you, like, “Fuckin’ you’re tripping, doctor,”?I think I just told him that that was not the case, so if I’m not going to abide by that what’s the second best thing? When can I start skating again because I’m not gonna stop. So tell me when you think it will be safe for me to start rolling around again. Yeah, I think I waited maybe seven-eight months before I really started rolling around again.And I know that had to fuck with you, dude. That’s your fuckin’ head. I had friends that hit their heads: Nick Foster, Coco Santiago. Those dudes never came back the same. They were slower than before. I don’t see that with you. I’m just so thankful that I don’t see any of you slowing down. So it had to be hard but I did see when you first started skating again and getting back into it again, like, the inverts—you were tripping on that.Yeah. Well, fuck—being upside down you’re just that much closer to your head. So it took me a minute to get those back.You told me, “Inverts are fucking with me,” but we were at Potrero and you went and started doing them just to get over it, just to wipe that shit out of your mind and fucking get through it and I liked that.Yeah. I mean, we’re skateboarders, man. We’ve been ready for this, you know? We know we’re gonna get hurt. That’s just the bottom fuckin’ line so you gotta get over it.And were you losing any money or do you make lots of money skateboarding? Nah, I’m not particularly rich.You just love skateboarding, not for the money.No, not at all. It’s what we’re gonna do either way. I mean, yeah, I had to pay my own medical bills and all that, you know? We’re gonna do this regardless, you know? Nothing’s gonna slow us down.Dark daysIt’s in our fucking heart and our soul. But seriously, your time co you’re just rolling the fucking dice.Yeah. I mean, more than it being a religious experience, which some people would probably say it is or whatever. Fuck that. ?It’s more of just a reminder for me and everyone else to just do fucking what you want whenever you want because time’s ticking, homeboy. Gotta make it happen now. You never know when somebody’s gonna fucking take you out.Always skateboard like it’s the last time you’ll ever skateboard again because you don’t ever know when your time’s up. That’s how we fuckin’ skateboard.And that’s how we’re gonna keep doing it, man, no matter what happens to us.Raney, I have so much respect for you, man. You’re an old soul. I truly think that. You fucking skateboard like I want to see people fucking skateboard. It fucking has to be gnarly. That’s just what it’s all about, right? It’s dangerous. But that’s why we like it. How long does pain last? Not very long.Fuck, this was the longest case that it’s lasted for me and it was still, like I said, seven-eight months and I’m skating again.And I’ve been skating with you and I don’t feel like it slowed you down at all. Do you want to go back to Israel? Of course, man. Well, actually I fucking hit my head in Canada pretty hard too about six months before I had gone to Israel.The indy gapper to gapper, right? The bowl to bowl that no one has ever done—let’s just put that down.And let’s just say I’m more willing to go back to Israel than Canada even though Israel was more traumatic. They just have a badass skate scene, man, and it’s still somewhat in its infancy. It’s real and it’s raw. They love it for what it is.Doctor’s orders be damned! Invert with no signs of slowing down. Welcome back, RaneyWhat does infancy mean?It’s young, you know? Skateboarding hasn’t been around as long out there as it has here so everything’s fresh. It’s not played out. People aren’t complaining, you know? And Hubbard is kind of the first guy to go out there and really start making shit happen. So what they know is what Hubbard and the Grindline dudes have presented and we all know that those dudes are the gnarliest so they’ve shown them the best side of skateboarding. And they took&it and ran with that. So all they know is the most radical side of skateboarding that there is: building your own shit, playing live music, you know, punk rock music and just fucking getting some. They’re doing it, man.Israel. The Holy Land. They got blessed.I’d go back. Who’s buying me a plane ticket?Raney, I just want to say thank you for you being you. Israel, watch out, motherfuckers, we’re coming back, right?That’s right.
The stars came out and the guests get grilled, Andy Roy style! Show starts June 8th at 9pm on Viceland!
The show starts Thursday, but skateboarding's pros and bros got a sneak peek in Hollywood last night with Hambone covering all the action.
Cardiel’s Loveletters episode continues with Part 2.
If KOTR is war, consider Andy Roy a regular John Rambo. Season 2 starts June 8th on Viceland.
Lizzie brought the heat, stoked the fire, and put out one hell of a video part. Here's a glimpse of the raw footy.Dave Days - Love Story
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did you know
That I was Romeo you were throwing pebbles
And your daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And you was crying on the staircase,
begging me, 'Please, don't go.'
And you said,
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I' all there's left to do is run
I'll be the prince and you'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while.
Cause I was Romeo, you were a scarlet letter
And your daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me
And you begging me, 'Please, don't go,'
And you said,
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I' all there's left to do is run
I'll be the prince and you'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
Romeo save me; they're tryin' to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don' we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
"Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think"
Then I knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
"Marry me, Juliet. you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story - baby just say---
Cause we were both young when I first saw you...
I want to let you know
That you don't have to go
Don't wonder no more
What I think about you
If it's loving that you want
Then you should make me your girl your girl
If it's loving that you need
Baby come and share my world share my world
If it's loving that you want
Then come and take a walk with me walk with me
Cause everything that you need I got it right here baby baby
Now it's obvious you need a friend to come hold you down
Be that one you share your everything when no one's around
Baby come tell me your secrets and tell me all your dreams
'Cause I can see you need someone to trust
You can trust in me
Di di di di da da dey
So just call me whenever your lonely
Di di di di da da dey
I'll be your friend I can be your homey
If it's loving that you want
Then you should make me your girl your girl
If it's loving that you need
Baby come and share my world share my world
If it's loving that you want
Then come and take a walk with me walk with me
Cause everything that you need I got it right here baby baby
It's been so long I've had this feeling
That we could be
Everything you've ever wanted baby
Your fantasy
I won't push too hard or break your heart
'Cause my love's sincere
I'm not like any other girl you know
So let me erase your fears
Di di di di da da dey
So just call me whenever your lonely
Di di di di da da dey
I'll be your friend I can be your homey
If it's loving that you want
Then you should make me your girl your girl
If it's loving that you need
Baby come and share my world share my world
If it's loving that you want
Then come and take a walk with me walk with me
Cause everything that you need I got it right here baby baby
If it's loving that you want
Then you should make me your girl your girl
If it's loving that you need
Baby come and share my world share my world (I got what you need so come share my world)
If it's loving that you want
Then come and take a walk with me walk with me
Cause everything that you need I got it right here baby baby
Di di di di da da dey
So just call me whenever your lonely
Di di di di da da dey
I'll be your friend I can be your homey
If it's loving that you want
Then you should make me your girl your girl
If it's loving that you need
Baby come and share my world share my world
If it's loving that you want
Then come and take a walk with me walk with me
Cause everything that you need I got it right here baby baby
Put your hands up to the ceiling
I want to let you know
Okay everybody get down if you feel me
Put your hands up to the ceiling
That you don't have to go
Come Mr. DJ song pon de replay
Don't wonder no more
Come Mr. DJ won t you turn the music up
What I think about you
All the gyal pon the dancefloor wantin some more what
What I think about you boy
Come Mr. DJ won t you turn the music up
Come Mr. DJ song pon de replay
Come Mr. DJ won t you turn the music up
I got what you need so come share my world oh
All the gyal pon the dancefloor wantin some more what
Come Mr. DJ won t you turn the music up
In Da Club
演唱:50 Cent
Go, go, go, go, go, go,
go shawty- ish yo birthday
we gon party like ish yo birthday
We gon sip bacardy like ish yo birthday
and u noe we dun give a fuck if that's yo birthday
You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub,
look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug,
if u in there gettin rubbed
You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub,
look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug,
if u in there gettin rubbed
When i pull out up front u see the benz on dub's
When i roll 20 deep is 20 knives in the club
Niggas heard i fuck with dre now they wanna show me love
When you sound like eminem and the hugs they wanna fuck
But homie ain't nothing change hold down, G's Up
i see xzibit in the cut that nigga roll the weed up
If you watch how i move you mistake me fo a playa or pimp
Been hit wit a few shells but i dont walk wit a limp
in the hood the ladys saying 50 you hot
they like me, i want them to love me like they love Pac
but how them new york, niggas tell ya im loco
when the plan is to put the rap game in a choke-hold
im feelin focus man, my money on my mind
got a mill. out the deal and im still on the grind
Now shorty said she feelin my style she feeling my flow
A girlfriend with it get ride and we ready to go..(Ya ok)
bottle full of bub,
look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug,
if u in there gettin rubbed
You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub,
look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug,
if u in there gettin rubbed
Mah flow, Mah show, brought me the dough,
that bought me all my fancy things,
Mah Crib, mah cars, Mah pools, Mah jewls,
look nigga i got kmart and i aint change
And you should love it, way more then you hate it
nigga you mad, i thought that you'd be happy i made it
Im that cat by the bar, toasting to the good light
You that faggot ass nigga trying to pull me back ride
When it dark, Well be pumping in the club, its on
now wit my eyes on my bitch, if she smiles, she gone
if the roof on fire, let that mothafucka burn
if u talken about money homie, i aint concern
imma tell you wat Banks told me
cause go ahead switch the style up
if niggas hit the letta make watch the money pile up
or we go upside there wit a bottle of bub
you know where we fucking B
You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub,
look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug,
if u in there gettin rubbed
You can find me in the club,
bottle full of bub,
look mami i got the extacy into taken drugs,
im in there having sex i aint into maken love,
so come give me a hug,
if u in there gettin rubbed
ha ha ha ha
Dont act like u dont no were we b nigga
we in da club all da time nigga
is a problem? pop off nigga
Rhythm Of The Rain
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be along again
The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a aband new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart
Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away
When she don't care I can't love another
When my heart's somewhere far away
The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a aband new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart
Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we know start to grow
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be along again
Oh listen to the falling rain
Di li ad la oh~~~
Red - Taylor Swift
Written by:Taylor Swift
Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street
Faster than the wind passionate as sin ending so suddenly
Loving him is like trying to change your mind
Once you're already flying through the free fall
Like the colors in autumn so bright just before they lose it all
Losing him was blue like I've never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Loving him was red
Touching him was like realizing
All you ever wanted was right there in ront of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword
And realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you'd never found out that love could be that strong
Losing him was blue like I've never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Burning red
Remembering him comes in flashbacks in echoes
Tell myself it's time now gotta let go
But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head
Burning red
Loving him was red
Oh losing him was blue like I've never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
Cause loving him was red
Yeah yeah red
Burning red
And that's why he's spinning round in my head
Comes back to me burning red
His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street
演唱:Colbie Caillat
It's always been about me' myself' and I
I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew 'til I met you
You make we wanna say
I do' I do' I do' do do do do do do doo
Yeah' I do' I do' I do' do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can't live without it' I can't let it go
Ooh what did I get myself into?
You make we wanna say I do' I do' I do' I do' I do' I do
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now
Baby there's nothing' there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say
I do' I do' I do' do do do do do do doo
Oh baby' I do' I do' I do' do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it' I won't let it go
What more can I get myself into?
You make we wanna say
Me' a family' a house' a family
Ooh' can we be a family?
And when I'm eighty years old I'm sitting next to you
And we'll remember when we said
I do' I do' I do' do do do do do do do
Oh baby' I do' I do' I do' do do do do do do do
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it' I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do' I do' I do' I do' I do' I do'
Jessie J ft. Big Sean & Dizzee Rascal
If I go hard, let me tell you that is worth it
Play the right cards, I ain't afraid to work it
Brushing right off, when they say I dont deserve it
Hands on my heart, you keep my fire burning
Ooh it feels so crazy when you scream my name
Love it when you rock me over every day
When I think about it I could go insane
Here we are with beautiful, I'm blown away
If this is a dream, won't open my eyes
Am I asleep? No I'm alive
I just can't believe that this is my life
In my fantasy, we're running wild
If this is a dream, won't open my eyes
Am I asleep? No I'm alive
I just can't believe that this is my life
In my fantasy, we're running wild
When it gets rough and the rain starts pouring
I turn up the heat 'cause the drama ain't important
Let 'em all talk-talk, I'mma just ignore it
Hands on my heart, you you keep me moving forward
Oh it feels so crazy when you scream my name
B I G Sean don, OK
Today I woke up feeling like the mayor
Spent about an hour looking in the mirror
As I should, as much as I been through
It's a wonder I look this damn good
Probably make it out any situation
That you try to put me into
If I swim with the piranhas guaranteed
That I'mma probably have a fish dinner
Met a young girl with a sexy shape
But like Jessie J, that we escapade where it's extra shade
She make me wanna give and not take like collection plates
Wow, all the awards, brawls, call, wall to wall was all a mirage
And I could lose it all tonight
Just to show the world I could do it twice, with my life
If this is a dream, won't open my eyes
Am I asleep? No I'm alive
I just can't believe that this is my life
In my fantasy, we're running wild
If this is a dream, won't open my eyes
Am I asleep? No I'm alive
I just can't believe that this is my life
In my fantasy, we're running wild
Rass Collar Double the dollar
Im a jetsetter, brother more hitched on the white collar
But I can't be boxed
Flow tighter like Bob Marley locks,
I can't be dropped
I'm at a P, cuz I can't be touched
I'm wilding out
I've lost a blood
I can't be stopped
Pull up in a Narley Warri, buy me what?
Opposite, I can't believe
If i'll ever get the party what? I can't be blocked
10 years plus running the game
You brothers just come in the game
But now I'm coming again
To get the people going fuming insane
100 fives and people going vocals in the mother marine
Women on shoulders, tops off, shouting my name
I'm all in dey brain
Why would I complain?
I thought I was the boy in the corner
But now I'm in a penthouse
Nigga where is the water?
I'm living
If this is a dream, won't open my eyes
Am I asleep? No I'm alive
I just can't believe that this is my life
In my fantasy, we're running wild
If this is a dream, won't open my eyes
Am I asleep? No I'm alive
I just can't believe that this is my life
In my fantasy, we're running wild
Wild wild w-whoa (x4)
Payphone Supreme Cuts Remix
演唱:Maroon 5,Wiz Khalifa
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I've spent on you
Where are the times gone
Baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two
Yeah I I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be
It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me
You said it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try
And then that time that you wasted
All of our bridges burnt down
I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stucked in that time
When we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change i've spent on you
Where are the times gone baby
It's all wrong
We're at the place we made for two
If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
And all those fairytales are full of sht
One more fucking love song I'll be sick
You turned your back on tomorrow
Cause you forgot yesterday
I gave you my love to borrow
But just gave it away
You can't expect me to be fine
I don't expect you to care
I know I said it before
But all of our bridges burnt down
I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stucked in that time
When we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I've spent on you
Where are the times gone baby
It's all wrong
We're at the place we made for two
If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
And all those fairytales are full of sht
One more fucking love song I'll be sick
Now I'm at a payphone
Now fuck that sht
I'll be right here spending
All this money while you sitting round
Wondering why wasn't you
Who came out from nothing
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me I'm strutting
And all of my cause a way to
Push up a button
Telling me the chances
I blew up or whatever you call it
Switched the number to my phone
So you never can call it
Don't need my name or my show
You can tell it I'm ballin'
What a shame coulda got picked
Had a really good game
But you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could've saw
But sad to say it's over for it
Phantom roll out valet open doors
Where's the car way
Got what you was looking for
Now ask me who they want
So you can go take that
Little piece of sht with you
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I've spent on you
Where are the times gone baby
It's all wrong
We're at the place we made for two
If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
And all these fairytales are full of sht
One more fucking love song I'll be sick
Now I'm at a payphone
&2017 Baidu


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