Love isn't thatlove complexx

**惯难受,**惯思念,**惯等你,可是却一直没有**惯看不到你。I have been used to being in distress, missing and waiting, but never get used to your absence. -----**惯难受,**惯思念,**惯等你,可是却一直没有**惯看不到你。Behind every tear of sorrow, there's a smile of memories.在每一滴悲伤的眼泪背后,都有一个充满回忆的微笑。If you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past. If you tell a lie, it becomes a part of your future. 说出事实,这件事过去就过去了。说谎话,那这件事就会纠缠你一辈子。Love isn't that complex and Mr. Right is the one who can crack you up.爱情哪有那么复杂 & 能让你开开心心笑得最甜的那个人就是对的人 .Always remember two things Don't make any decision when you are angry. Don't make any promises when you are happy. -----生活中一定要记住这两件事:不在生气时做决定,不在高兴时轻许诺言。I want to refresh my mind,delete all my problems,undo all my mistakes,and save all the happy moments.我想刷新自己的思维,删除自己的毛病,撤销犯下的错误,保存所有欢乐的时光Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。Happiness is holding the right hands, even lost the direction, still not afraid.----幸福就是只要牵对了手,就算失去了方向,也不会害怕。In life, we have secrets, things we regret, dreams we can’t reach and a love that we will never forget.------生活中,我们有秘密,有悔恨之事,有触不到的梦想,还有永远忘不掉的爱。The pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter, it will go away when you learn to accept your fortune with good grace.------痛苦不会因为发泄愤怒或者怨恨不平而消失,让它消失的方法是,学会优雅的接纳你的命运。该作者最新发布网友推荐的文章最新发布的文章@}


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