什么是药物T/Pf psa t psa比值偏低

你可能喜欢T/P比值,T/P ratio,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专业英语
1)&&T/P ratio
Objective: To study the efficacy and T/P ratio of three kinds of antihypertensive drugs in essential hypertension monotherapy and the effect on microcirculation.
目的 :比较三类 (氨氯地平、苯那普利、比索洛尔 )长效降压药降压疗效、T/P比值及对微循环的影响 ,以期为临床用药提供帮助。
Objective To study the clinical effect of T wave transient change(T wave change from upright to inversion,then upright again,t-T)by routine12leads of electrocardiogram.
4)&&T-T absorption
5)&&T H1 /T H2
6)&&T-T annihilation
分子式:CAS号:性质:采用容量法与分光光度法相结合的一种差示定量法。其原理为选择一种适当的酸碱指示剂,其酸式色和碱式色的吸收光谱和吸收度有显著的差别,且该指示剂的pKa值在某一酸碱反应的化学计量点的pH值附近,当酸碱滴定时,在酸式色和碱式色的最大吸收波长λ1和λ2处分别测得其吸收度Aλ1及Aλ2,计算吸收度比值r′(r= ),便可通过滴定中r的变化而准确测&定样品含量。该法除用于弱碱性药物的测定外,还可用于磺胺类、氨基酸等的测定。JP(9)已收载用于水杨酸钠、枸橼酸钠、氨基比林、无味奎宁、烟酰胺等药物的测定,《中国药典》(1985)也已收载用于枸橼酸钠的测定。
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频道本月排行&&&peak ratio
The trough:peak ratio for SBP and DBP were 91.5% and 94.4% with Lodoz 2.5 mg/6. 25 mg, and 79.9% and 80.5% with Lodoz 5 mg/6.25 mg.
(2)Lodoz(2.5 mg/6.25 mg)对收缩压和舒张压的谷/峰比值(T/P比值)分别为91.5%和94.4%,降压平滑指数(SI)为9.07/6.48;
The radioactivity of tumor was higher than that of muscles in all phases (P<0.05-0.01),the peak activity of tumor occured at 30min (3.58 ± 0.48ID%/g) and the peak ratio of T/N occured at 60min after the injection.
②The trough:peak ratio of carvedilol for SBP and DBP were 79.7% and 73.4%, res pectively.
②该药的收缩压和舒张压谷 /峰比值分别为 79.7%和 73 .4% ;
The peak ratio of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure,when the patients were treated with bisoprolol,were 68.6% and 65.0% respectively,on an average of 66.1%.
比索洛尔的收缩压及舒张压谷峰比值分别为 6 8.6 %和 6 5 .0 % ,平均 6 6 .1%。
Results Both SBP and DBP decreased in two groups after the treatment. The effective rates were 74% in candesartan group and 73% in fosinopril group. The trough/peak ratio in candesartan group was higher than in fosinopril group (SBP79% vs 63%, DBP 79% vs 62%).
Results Trough to peak ratio of SBP and DBP were 72
结果谷峰比率 :收缩压为 72 .6 %± 8.5 % ,舒张压为 5 9.5 %± 8.1%。
\ Trough to peak ratio of SBP and DBP was 73?5% and 52?8%,respectively.
Results:Effective rate was 80.4%. Trough to peak ratio of SBP and DBP was 72.4% and 50.6%,respectively.
结果 :总有效率80 .4 % ,谷峰比率 (T/ P) :收缩压 (SBP)为 72 .4 % ,舒张压 (DBP)为 5 0 .6%。
Methodological Study on Calculation of Trough:Peak Ratio of Antihypertensive Drugs
To explore the best way of calculating antihypertensive effect of nifedipine GITS on trough to peak ratio (T/PR), and smoothness index (SI) of the drug from ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).
目的 探讨计算控释硝苯地平治疗原发性高血压患者降压效应谷 /峰比率 (T/PR)的最佳方法和该药的平稳指数 (SI)。
The Trough/Peak ratio(T/P) of depress hypertension in group A and group B were 96% and 38% respectively (P<0.001);
The antihypertension effectiveness or compliance correlated significantly the trough peak ratio respectively in group A (
A,B,C组的单药降压控制率、治疗依从性比率均与谷峰值比率呈正相关关系 ,r分别为 0 .83 ,0 .79,0 .80 ,0 .76,0 .78,0 .77。
A组、B组降压谷峰值比率分别为 96 %对38% ,A组明显优于 B组 (P<0 .0 0 1) ;
RESULTS: There were no significant differences of age and blood pressure between groups. The antihypertension trough peak ratio was measured in group A (101±12)%, B (65±9)% and C (36±9)%, respectively.
结果 :A,B,C组降压谷峰值比率分别为 ( 10 1± 12 ) % ,( 65± 9) % ,( 3 6±9) % ;
Placebo-corrected trough:peak ratio were 69% by VAL and 49% by ENA.
VAL组和 ENA组分别有 4 4 %和 6 0 %患者加用利尿剂。 VAL降压谷峰值比率 6 9% ,ENA为 4 9%。
The trough: peak ratio of carvedilol for SBP and DBP were 78% and 77% .
The mean trough/peak ratio in carvedilol group and metoprolol group for SBP was 63% and 57%,DBP was 59% and 51%.
15 cases ABPM data showed that there was no statistic difference in heart rate of before and after treatment ( P > 0.05), which illuminated that amlodipine bad no effect on heart rate. The bough/peak ratio of systolic and diastolic Hood pressure was 65.3%, 73.1% respectively (more man 50%) .
(2)The mean trough/peak ratio(TPR) in Benidipine group and Amilodipine group for SBP were 65% and 95% ,DBP were 62% and 69% , respectively.
(2)谷峰比:贝尼地平组和氨氯地平组SBP分别为:65%、95%; DBP分别为62%,69%。
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After the reaction of formaldehyde induced fluorescence, followed by a 5 min treatment with HC1, the CA fluorophore in SIF cells showed a shift in excitation maximium from 420nm to 350nm, with a drop in 390/350 nm peak ratio to below one. The changes were different from the spectral behaviour of dopamine fluorophore, but well in agreement with the characteristics of noradrenaline in protein models. The results suggested that in the cells most of CA, if not all, were noradrenaline.采用一种简化了的Bjorklund方法,直接根据荧光团的表观激发光谱特征对豚鼠腹腔神经节SIF细胞内儿茶酚胺(CA)的性质进行鉴别,在进行了甲醛诱发荧光(FIF)反应,随后用盐酸处理5分钟后,SIF细胞内的CA荧光团的最高激发峰由420nm变为nm激发峰比值也降至1以下。这一变化与在同一条件下在标准蛋白膜上记录的去甲肾上腺素(NA)荧光团的特征是一致的;而与多巴胺荧光团的光谱行为有明显差异。结果表明,这些SIF细胞中的CA主要是NA。 The radar signal design and signal processing are investigated comprehensively to obtain the optimum statistical pulse compression characteristics (SPCC). First, the SPCC of a code set with L codes is studied that is obtained by truncating a cyclic PN code in a fixed step length with the truncated length L being equal to the code length of the cyclic PN code and transmitted in turn to implement the code agile in pulse-to-pulse (CAPP). The general expressions of SPCC for the kind of codes mentioned above are... The radar signal design and signal processing are investigated comprehensively to obtain the optimum statistical pulse compression characteristics (SPCC). First, the SPCC of a code set with L codes is studied that is obtained by truncating a cyclic PN code in a fixed step length with the truncated length L being equal to the code length of the cyclic PN code and transmitted in turn to implement the code agile in pulse-to-pulse (CAPP). The general expressions of SPCC for the kind of codes mentioned above are derived. The peak ratio of main-lobe to side-lobe (RMS) of SPCC within the pulse repetition period (PRP), refered to as RMS in the near region, is greater than L, but is very small outside the PRP which is refered to as RMS in the far region. Next, in order to improve the RMS of SPCC in the far region for the code set mentioned above, a code set truncated from a cyclic PN code in a stochastic step length is proposed with the truncated length L. Although these agile codes have a good RMS of SPCC in the far region compared with previous one, however, the agile fashions in this manner are very few than that in a fixed step length. Finally, a new kind of pulse-to-pulse agile codes (NKPPAC) and their SPCC are investigated by means of the computer simulation. The RMS in the near region for the NKPPAC is the same with that one the truncated PN code set had given, and in the far region is also greater than L except a very few code sets with particular code length L in the particular agile step length. Even so in the last case the difference of RMS of SPCC in the far region from L is also very small. If the code length L is sufficiently large, the high RMS of SPCC required can be achieved without weighted processing. This will lead to simplify the hardware for engineering implementation. It is proved by the hardware experiment that the generators of this NKPPAC are very simple, which is expected for engineering applications.通过对雷达信号设计和信号处理的综合研究,导出了关于固定步长截断PN码集脉间码捷变信号的统计脉压特性通用表达式,提出了一种随机步长截断PN码集脉间码捷变信号。前者的近区主副瓣比优于码长L,但其跨周期远区主副瓣比很小。后者的统计脉压特性之跨周期主副瓣比优于前者,但仍然不够理想。针对这两者的缺陷而提出的一类新型脉间码捷变信号,其近区主副瓣比优于码长L,跨周期远区主副瓣比除极个别码长下的个别捷变步长外,也优于L,只要信号的码长足够长,不用加权处理即可得到所需的主副瓣比,而且其码产生器极易实现。 The technological process of brake materials for the rotating wings of z-8 helicopter was studied in the research,Frictional properties of nonmetal-base, coper-bake and iron-base brake materials were compared under same test conditions. The effects of lubricating components, MoS_2 and BN, and frictional materials of iron-base were discussed,The mechanism of this effects was also explained. The amount of nonmetal components may control the peak ratio of moment of frictional force in the braking process... The technological process of brake materials for the rotating wings of z-8 helicopter was studied in the research,Frictional properties of nonmetal-base, coper-bake and iron-base brake materials were compared under same test conditions. The effects of lubricating components, MoS_2 and BN, and frictional materials of iron-base were discussed,The mechanism of this effects was also explained. The amount of nonmetal components may control the peak ratio of moment of frictional force in the braking process by friction materials. It may also increase the stability of moment.The iron-base materials with fine lamellar pearlite structure showed the best frictional properties. A "9-9 iron-base material" was successfully manufactured and firstly used in brake system of z-8 helicopter.阐述了直八型直升机旋翼刹车材料的研究工艺;探讨了非金属基、铜基和铁基在相同条件下的摩擦性能;研究了润滑组元MoS_2、BN以及摩擦组元Sic对铁基摩擦材料性能的影响,并分析了其影响机理;指出非金属成分含量可以控制摩擦材料制动过程中摩擦力矩的峰比值,提高力矩的稳定性;同时也指出细片状珠光体组织的铁基材料耐磨性最好,并研制成功国内首次应用于直升机旋翼刹车装置的9—9铁基摩擦材料。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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