经济学人中英对照:国外私立大学 是上海房价贵还是北京贵对

Europe in a foreign field
The Europeans& ability to deploy force abroad is falling, but Mali shows it is still needed
When young men go to war resentment turns against those shirking danger. In Iraq the Americans denounced the French as cheese-eating surrender monkeys. In the intervention in Mali, French politicians are dismayed by the absence of allies, especially Europeans, in the fight against jihadists.
青年前赴沙场时,就无比憎恶逃兵。在伊拉克战争中,法国人被美国人贬为&投降派奶酪猴&(cheese-eating surrender monkeys, 译者注:讽刺法国人在战场上表现软弱)。而本次对抗伊斯兰圣战教徒的马里军事介入中,法国又因缺乏盟友(尤其在欧洲)而使其政府官员深感失望。
The French conservative opposition leader, Jean-Francois Cope, was among those complaining that &for now, our country is alone at the front.& Plantu, cartoonist for Le Monde, had President Francois Hollande as Tintin riding into battle, with the European Union depicted as the comically inept policemen, Dupond et Dupont (Thomson and Thompson in the English version), calling from their couch: &We are all with you!&
在这些官员中有法国右翼反对党党首让&弗朗斯&库佩(Jean-Francois Cope),他们一起抗议道:&现在只有我国孤军上前线。&任职于法国《世界报》的漫画家伯朗都则将其画入漫画。画中的法国总统弗朗索瓦&奥朗德(Francois Hollande)成了漫画人物丁丁(Tintin),并坐车前赴战场,而欧盟则成了成了搞笑的菜鸟警察杜邦与杜帮(Dupond et Dupont,英文版中为&汤姆森与汤普森&(Thomson and Thompson)),两人坐在板凳上上喊道:&你不会一个人的!&
Such criticism is harsh. The British, the Belgians, Danes, Italians, Germans and Canadians off the Americans are thinking of offering intelligence and air-to-air refuelling. French officials, who usually deride Cathy Ashton, the EU&s foreign-policy chief, are pleased she called an emergency meeting of foreign ministers on January 17th, and is ready to speed the deployment of a planned military training mission to Mali.
该批评略显苛刻。本次马里冲突中,英国、比利时、丹麦、意大利、德国和加拿大五国都向法军提供了空运援助;而美国则考虑提供情报共享与空中加油。本月17日欧盟外长(EU&s foreign-policy chief)凯瑟琳&阿什顿(Cathy Ashton)召开紧急外长会议,准备向马里政府军提供军事训练团。这让向来爱对其冷嘲热讽的法国官员十分满意。
Yet the reality is that only the French are putting their troops in harm&s way to push back the militants. African forces that were meant to lead the reconquest of northern Mali in the autumn are being sent pell-mell, but many worry about their abilities. Nobody in Europe or America disputes the danger posed by the emergence in the Sahel of a Taliban-style haven. For one senior (non-French) security source, the region has become &al-Qaeda&s fastest-growing franchise&.
As the former colonial power in the region, and a target of jihadist menaces, France feels the danger more acutely than others. And the fact is that, among Europeans, only the French and the British have the will and wherewithal to fight abroad at short notice. The French never wanted a front-line role. Instead they had hoped to send a small contingent of French experts wrapped in a European training mission, inside a multinational West African force&all enveloped in a political strategy to promote the return to democracy in southern Mali and reconciliation with some rebels in the north and sealed with a UN mandate. It was the jihadists& pre-emptive assault on the south that forced the French to abandon the indirect approach.
由于马里原为法属殖民地,并存在伊斯兰圣战教徒的威胁,这让法国对马里冲突之担忧超乎其他各国。事实上,欧洲各国中,唯独英法两国具备短时间出兵海外的意向与资金。而法国却从不希望打头阵。相反,法国本希望以欧洲培训团的名义派遣一小批法国专家,加入包含各国成员的西非(West African)军中。该行动囊括于&对南恢复民主、对北绥靖叛军&的马里政治方针之下,并已得到联合国授权。但伊斯兰教徒抢先袭击了马里南部,这让法国不得不放弃原先的间接援助政策。
Still, Mali is the sort of contingency that the EU&s &battlegroups& (formations of about 1,500 soldiers deployable at short notice) could be taking on. The unit currently on the roster, the &Weimar battlegroup&, is led by Poland with contributions from France and Germany. But for the Poles, already committed in Afghanistan, Mali is a foreign war too many. And the Germans are always reluctant to put boots on the ground. Established since 2007, the battlegroups have never seen action. Enthusiasm for them is already waning. There are supposed to be two battlegroups at the ready in each six-month period, but lack of contributions means this has dropped to one.
但是,马里冲突仍属欧盟&战斗群&(由约1500名士兵组成的部队,可在短时间内立即调动)可解决的突发事件。如今当值的&魏玛战斗群(Weimar battlegroup)&由波兰军带头,外加法、德二军组成。但已投身于阿富汗的波兰军无暇顾及马里战争。德军也不愿涉足于该地。2007年成立后的&战斗群&从未投入实战中过。&战斗群&的士兵热情已大不如前。原本两支&战斗群&将轮换待命,但由于其无所作为,两支已精简为一支。
L&Europe de la defence, as the French call the idea of an autonomous EU force, has an unhappy history. France killed the idea of a European army in 1954. Europeans& reliance on America during the Balkan wars of the 1990s revived the idea of greater EU military capacity, launched at the 1998 St Malo summit by Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac. But the plan ran afoul of America, which feared France was trying to undermine NATO, and was then stalled by Franco-British spats over the Iraq war in 2003. Reassured by France&s return to NATO&s command in 2009, the Americans then encouraged a stronger EU military role. But last year Britain vetoed plans for a new EU military headquarters. At the behest of Britain and others, NATO took charge of the war in Libya, leaving the EU on the sidelines.
建立欧洲独立军队这一想法被法国人成为&欧洲国防(L&Europe de la defence)&,该设想进展并不顺利。1954年,欧洲建军的设想遭法国封杀。而随后1990年代巴尔干半岛接连发生战争,多次依靠美国后让欧洲再次兴起欧盟扩军的想法。该计划于1998年的圣马洛(St Malo)峰会上,由英国前首相托尼&布莱尔(Tony Blair)和法国前总统雅克&希拉克(Jacques Chirac)发起。但该计划却让美国担心法国企图削弱北约(NATO)而损害其利益。而后的2003年伊拉克战争中,英法两国不合让该计划暂时搁置一旁。2009年,法国重掌北约后,终于说服美国,使欧盟扩军计划得到了其支持。但去年,在新建欧盟军事总部的计划上,英国投了反对票。最终,去年的利比亚战争根据英国等国的要求,全权由北约负责,而将欧盟军队架空一边。
Now a new Franco-British pragmatism is gaining ground. The French have discreetly set aside institution-building and the British have quietly accepted the benefit of modest EU operations. The most visible is Operation Atalanta, the anti-piracy naval patrols off Somalia. Last year an Italian helicopter was sent in to shoot up a pirate supply base. The EU now runs a training mission for Somali forces (based in Uganda), pays for the African intervention force in Somalia and is training neighbouring countries to secure their own coastlines. This has reduced piracy and raised hopes for a better future in Somalia. Some of this is being applied to the Sahel. Apart from training the demoralised Malian army, the EU will help African contingents with money and logistics. It is already training forces in Niger, and may soon help the new Libyan government secure its border.
而今,英法两国重新走上务实路线。一方面,法国谨慎地将建立总部的计划搁浅,而另一方面,英国则默默承认欧盟采取适当军事行动的益处。最明显的一例莫过于驱逐索马里(Somalia)海盗的&亚特兰大行动&(Operation Atalanta)。而去年,欧盟还派出一架意大利直升机,在海盗补给基地上空进行扫射。如今,在索马里冲突问题上,欧盟不但为索马里政府提供军事训练(训练基地位于乌干达(Uganda)),资助非洲军队武装介入消除该冲突,而且还为加强索马里各邻国海岸防线而对其进行训练。欧盟的介入在削弱海盗的同时,也让索马里的前景一片光明。而上述手段现都已投入到马里冲突之中。除了为士气不振的马里政府军提供军事训练外,欧盟还在资金和后勤上援助了数支非洲军。尼日尔的训练基地已投入运营,或许不久后将支援利比亚(Libyan)新政府驻守国境。
Unappealing, but unavoidable?
The French may have felt compelled to go in alone, but to get out they will have to rely on the EU and the Africans. Mali shows that, although the French and the British retain the ambition to fight on day one, they want the EU, for all its flaws, to help maintain stability on day 100 and beyond.
Europe&s strategic outlook is changing. As the Americans pivot towards the Pacific, Europeans will need to take charge of their own security and the stability of their &neighbourhood&. Yet their means to do so are dwindling. The debt crisis has forced many countries to cut their defence budgets, often in an unco-ordinated manner. The British and French are retrenching, too.
Even given more money, soldiers and equipment, the formula for success in foreign wars remains mysterious. Iraq, Afghanistan and even Libya have hardly been unqualified successes for Western intervention. Some Europeans hoped these would end the appetite for overseas adventures. Yet the war in Mali came unexpectedly and may have been unavoidable. For better or worse, it will not be the last European intervention.
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英文原文译者: @经济学人翻译组
供求关系告诉我们,供应的增加会导致价格的下降。但是这对于高等加教育来说看起来是不成立的。这就是“教育一瞥”给我们所展示的一个难题,这是一个对工业化国家进行调查研究的总部设在法国的智囊团――经济合作发展组织(OECD)所提出来的一份年度研究概述。“每年,我们都会调查这一年的受高等教育的毕业生是不是身价减少,但是至今没有迹象表明这一情况”,OECD的教育研究主任Andreas Schleicher说到。最近出版的研究表明,发达国家的毕业生的学历更高:OECD的调查表明,在1995年发达国家受高等教育的学生仅占总数的五分之一,但到了2007年,这一比例上升了两倍。Schleicher表示,现在的毕业生的数量比它五年前认为社会需要的数量要多得多。尽管人在市场上存在很大的供给,但雇主们给这些毕业生的报酬很好的补偿了他们所投入的时间和金钱。“教育一瞥”对于那些希望借鉴别的国家的经验的政府来说是很好的指导。经济衰退给了这些研究结果新的证明。鉴于接受高等教育的机会成本,在现在工作紧缺的情况下,更利于清楚证明这些研究结果。OECD的答案很简单:教育越多越好。考虑到学费,学习期间的收入损失和额外赋税,一个男性大学毕业生在净现值的情况下比一个高中毕业生或同等学力的人的财富多82000美元(女大学毕业生的财富要少点,因为她们工作和收入的要少些)。数据显示,到目前为止,即使在扣除了帮助大学生完成学业的公共教育基金的情况下,纳税人从每个大学毕业生身上获益50000美元。
潜在的大学申请数量超过了历史记录。但是大学教育经费却没有增加。金融危机中的美国政府在削减公立大学教育经费。私立大学的捐赠款也在减少。这意味着学生的工作岗位,工资和援助将减少。在英国,税收仍然是本科教育的经费来源。所以大学被禁止“过度招生”。今年秋季,大学拒绝了40000申请者,而他们成绩本是够格上大学的。在每一个以国家支付高等教育经费的国家里,新生们发现教育资源是越来越紧张了。一个国家依旧可以浪费它的受过高等教育的学生,Schleicher说到。他举西班牙为例,这个国家在近些年以来高学位毕业生的待遇下降很大。“人才市场没有学会去配置好这些新的有技术的人才资源”,他说道。但是有些人质疑高等教育和增长的内在联系。任教于伦敦大学国王学院的Alison Wolf激进的将其一本书定名为“教育有何用?”,她表示许多学生考大学的原因仅仅是因为来自同龄人的压力。在有越来越多的大学毕业生可供选择的情况下,不论工作的性质,雇主们越来越看不起那些没有学历的人。结果就越来越像军备竞赛,大家都停止不前,比有个别强大要好。学历代表更好的能力和学会了一些技能,她强调;对教育投入的回报在一定程度上取决于一个国家的劳动力市场的结构。“丹麦毕业生的报酬美国美国的毕业生少,但是丹麦仍是世界上最成功的经济体之一。丹麦的大学毕业生真的比美国的毕业生能力差么?还是丹麦允许低工资差异以及高税收?”对于那些将要上大学的学生,这些争辩是表面上的,又是学术上的。当劳动力市场复苏的时候,很多毕业生的处境将会很糟糕。这些年轻的未就业人员很容易变成长期就业人员。即使就业计划解决了一些失业人员,但这将会给他们的履历留下污点。花费在大学中的时间则不会给履历造成污点,即使这些时间是虚度的。是时候该重新考虑一下扩大高等教育的决定是否正确了。但现在还不是时候。
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空间的其他文章:经济学人|私立大学:是贵还是对?| |总第80期_外刊时文双语精析_传送门
经济学人|私立大学:是贵还是对?| |总第80期
From The Economist | Mar 19th 2016Higher education 高等教育Class apart私立大学,别具一格Vivienne
| 李季导读李季▼本文音频声音资源加载中...?A growing number of European students are opting to pay for their education.越来越多的欧洲学生选择付费教育。●●●本文摘自2016年3月19日《经济学人》Europe版块,请点击“阅读原文”查看本文纯英文版本。导读:讲个短语、句子和一个比较好的表达方式。?1.Class Apart首先讲一下标题中的Class Apart,照字面意思和结合本文的内容来看,这个标题表达的意思接近于“课程选择分化”,但是Class Apart作为一个短语其实还有“与众不同”、“别具一格”或者“卓尔不群”之意,一般的词典上查不到,看看上面的释义:在这个表达方式上,apart取的是“与众不同”之意。图片内容如下:adjectivehaving independent or unique qualities, features, or characteristics (usually used following the noun it modifies):a class apart.?2. 重复罗列数字的表达方法In Turkey the private sector increased by 22% over that period, compared with 14%
in Germany by 13% versus 7%; in France by 3% versus 1% and in Spain by 6% compared with no growth in the public sector at all.在这段时间内,土耳其的私立院校学生数量增长率为22%,而公立院校仅为14%;德国则分别为13%和7%,法国是3%和1%,西班牙的前者为6%,公立院校基本保持不变。① 对于后面各个国家的比较,要注意作者省略的规律,与完整句相同的部分都予以省略,但是by这个关键性的介词建议不省略,另外同时加上一个versus来表示两者的比较,有的时候也可以只用逗号带代替versus。② 后面完整句与省略后的结构之间用分号连接。?3.International students are also swelling the ranks of private providers.另外,本公众号推送的第79期双语文章PDF精排版整理完成,已存放于百度云盘,请点击导航栏“双语PDF下载”获取链接。发布的规律一般都是在公众号推送一期新文章的同时会给出上一期的精排版。1. “SOME of my friends think I’m a snob,” admits Christopher Karp, a 20 year-old aviation-management student. Mr Karp attends the business school at the International University of Applied Sciences (IUBH) in Bad Honnef, a spa town in Germany. Rather than enroll in a free public university like his friends, Mr Karp borrowed money from his parents to study for a degree at IUBH. He has no regrets. Classes are small. Lecturers know the indust many work for Lufthansa, an airline. He doesn’t even mind the shorter holidays. “We pay a lot of money for our studies and we want to make sure we receive a good education,” he says.▌ “我的一些朋友认为我挑三拣四,”20岁的航空管理专业学生克里斯托弗·卡普(Christopher Karp)说道,他目前就读于国际应用技术大学(IUBH)的商学院,该校位于德国温泉小镇巴特洪内夫。卡普没有像他的朋友一样选择免学费的公立大学,而是从父母那里借钱在IUBH攻读学位,但是他并不后悔。这里都是小班教学,讲师也了解他想从事的行业;许多人都就职于德国汉莎航空公司。他甚至也不介意假期短。“我们的学费挺高的,所以我们想确保我们能接受优质的教育,”他说道。2. Globally, one in three higher-education students is in the private sector, according to Daniel Levy, an academic at the State University of New York. In Europe the figure is only one in seven. But the share is set to rise. According to Parthenon-EY, a consultancy, between 2011 and 2013 the number of students enrolled in private higher education grew at a faster rate than those in the public sector. In Turkey the private sector increased by 22% over that period, compared with 14%
in Germany by 13% versus 7%; in France by 3% versus 1% and in Spain by 6% compared with no growth in the public sector at all. In Britain, the number of higher-education students attending an “alternative provider” has climbed from 142,000 in 2009 to around 200,000 now.▌纽约州立大学的教授丹尼尔·利维(Daniel Levy)指出,全球接受高等教育的学生中,有1/3选择了私立院校。而在欧洲仅为1/7,但是这一比例正不断上升。咨询公司帕特侬—安永(Parthenon-EY)的数据显示,2011年至2013年,私立高等教育学校的学生数量增长率高于公立院校。在这段时间内,土耳其的私立院校学生数量增长率为22%,而公立院校仅为14%;德国则分别为13%和7%,法国是3%和1%,西班牙的前者为6%,公立院校则根本没有任何增长。而在英国,就读于其他非公立高等教育院校的学生人数已从2009年的14.2万人增长至目前的20万人。3. Disruption is nothing new for European higher education. In the 16th century Martin Luther, a scholastic entrepreneurof sorts, said universities would be “the great gates of hell” if they did not teach scripture. But the appeal of studying in old buildings, combined with free tuition and regulatory barriers to entry, have sheltered the public sector from competition.▌欧洲高等教育的混乱情况已经不是什么新鲜事了。在16世纪时,马丁·路德算是一位学术企业家,他表示大学如果不教圣经,那么大学就可能会成为“地狱之大门”。但是由于令人神往的古建筑里学习氛围、再加上免收学费以及各种规定的准入门槛,这些因素使得公立院校免于参与竞争。4. This is now starting to change. One reason is that private providers, including ones out to make a profit, are increasingly attractive to those who might have once gone straight into a job after school. Many do not take well to straight academic life. Nearly half of French students who pass their baccalaureate exam and enter university do not pass their second year. These sorts of students are starting to “buy differently”, says Matthew Robb of Parthenon-EY. They want courses that offer a clear progression to a career.▌现在这种情况正在发生变化。原因之一是,对于那些曾经中学毕业就参加工作的人而言,私立大学(盈利性的也包含在内)越来越具有吸引力。很多人并不能很好地适应正统的大学生活。在法国,通过中学毕业会考进入大学的学生中将近有一半未能顺利完成第二年的学业。这些学生开始“寻求不一样的路径”,帕特侬—安永的马修·罗博(Matthew Robb)说。他们想上那种能提供清晰的职业发展的课程。5. Companies are also turning to private universities, further boosting their growth. IUBH offers a “dual studies” hospitality degree, paid for by hotels, whereby students spend alternate weeks on campus and at work. Even its standard degree features a 22-week internship. Other private university groups offer tailored MBAs in sectors such as the wine business, which distinguish them from their more traditional rivals. “We cannot compete with Harvard but we can do better than chambers of commerce,” says Bertrand Pivin, a partner in Apax, a private-equity fund which owns INSEEC, a French business-school group.▌各大公司也将目光转向私立大学,这进一步促进了私立大学的发展。IUBH设立了一个“双重学业”酒店管理学位,由酒店资助,借此学生们可以一周在校上课,一周外出实习。甚至为期22周的实习也成为了一个标准学位的特色。其他私立大学推出了一些涉及某些领域的定制版MBA课程,如葡萄酒行业,这就使他们从传统的竞争对手中脱颖而出。“我们不跟哈佛大学比,但是我们可以比商会做得更好,”私募股权基金公司安佰深(Apax)的合伙人Bertrand Pivin这样说道。该公司还拥有法国的英赛克商学院(INSEEC)。6. International students are also swelling the ranks of private providers. There are 4.5m international higher-education students worldwide, a number that is expected to rise to 7m-8m by 2025. America’s State Department wants to double the number of American students abroad from 300,000 to 600,000 by 2020. European countries are popular destinations, both for students from other parts of the continent, and those from elsewhere.▌国际学生也正不断壮大私立大学的队伍。现在全球有450万接受高等教育的国际学生,该数字预计将于2025年之前达到700—800万。美国国务院想使美国赴海外留学的学生数在2020年前翻番,达到60万。对于欧洲本土以及世界其他地方的学生来说,欧洲国家都很受欢迎。7. It’s fashionable abroad出国正流行The Istituto Marangoni fashion school in Milan (pictured), which with its modernist furniture is as chic as one of the boutiques near the campus, is opening outposts in Florence and Shenzhen this year, adding to those in Paris, London and Shanghai. In Milan foreign students account for 70% of those enrolled, with Chinese students the biggest group. Many are well-off: annual fees start at EUR13,600 ($15,400) for a degree-level qualification, rising to EUR32,000 for a “fashion elite” course.▌马兰欧尼时尚设计学院(如图)位于米兰,其现代主义的家居风格使之看起来跟校园附近的精品店一样时髦。该学院已在巴黎、伦敦和上海设立了分校,并将于今年在佛罗伦萨和深圳也开设分支机构。米兰的外国学生占到所有注册学生数的70%,其中中国学生最多。很多人家境都很殷实:学位基础课程每年的收费最低为13600欧元(合15400美元),而“时尚精英”课程的收费则上涨至32000欧元。8. Some European governments are starting to welcome private colleges. The Italian government should start to accredit degrees from the Istituto Marangoni this year. In Britain, the government will soon say how it intends to ensure that good alternative providers thrive and dodgy ones die. After Germany ended its eight-year experiment with tuition fees at public universities in 2014, the government has become more open to the idea of entrepreneurs stepping in, argues Patrick Geus, who teaches at IUBH.▌私立院校开始受到欧洲一些政府的欢迎。今年,意大利政府将开始认可马兰欧尼时尚设计学院的学位。英国政府也会尽快表明将如何确保优秀的私立院校能繁荣发展,而野鸡院校则关门大吉。2014年,德国结束了其在公立大学为期8年的收费实验,此后,就职于国际应用技术大学的派特里克·戈伊斯称,德国政府对于企业家参与教育的理念已更加持开放的态度。9. More countries are likely to follow, as many will have to start spending less on universities. “France is completely broke,” says Mr Pivin of Apax. This will create an incentive to offload more costs on to students, creating opportunities for investors from outside Europe, he thinks. Investors in education are also keen to diversify after scandals in private universities dented the American market, says Andrew Rosen of Kaplan, an education company. Some providers were accused of recruiting students with little regard for their academic ability or financial situation. Classes at a university founded by Donald Trump allegedly focused largely on persuading students to sign up for more expensive courses.▌越来越多的国家可能会紧随其后,因为许多国家必须开始减少在大学教育方面的支出。“法国完全破产了,”安佰深的Pivin先生表示。他认为,这会导致更多成本转嫁到学生身上,并为欧洲以外的投资者们创造机会。教育公司卡普兰(Kaplan)的安德鲁·罗森(Andrew Rosen)表示,因为之前私立大学的丑闻损害了美国市场,所以教育投资人也热衷于使其各项投资更加多元化。一些私立大学在招收学生时几乎不考虑学生的学术能力及经济状况,因而遭人诟病。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)创办的大学里开设的课堂据说总是劝说学生选择收费高昂的课程。10. America offers lessons for Europe. The decline of for-profit higher education is one reason Barack Obama could oversee a fall in the share of 18- to 24-year-olds attending university, argues Mr Rosen. It need not be like this. Students can benefit from being treated as consumers. But regulation is needed. Providers should be transparent about admissions and employment data. Failing private colleges should be shut down. Across Europe, students are looking beyond traditional options when deciding their future. Governments should be equally open-minded.▌美国正是欧洲的前车之鉴。罗森称,巴拉克·奥巴马可能会注意到18—24岁中上大学的人数有所下降,原因之一就是盈利性高等教育的衰退。其实也不一定会落入这般境地。就算学生被当作消费者,他们也可以从中获益,但是监管要到位。私立大学要公布其入学率和就业率。表现不佳的私立大学也要被勒令关闭。全欧洲上下,学生在对其未来做出决定时关注的已不仅仅是那些老路子了,政府同样也得更加开放。微信名:外刊时文双语精析微信ID:kaoyanganhuo? 个人微信号:kaoyan_abc? 长按右侧二维码关注我们微信名:经济学人长按右侧二维码添加“经济学人”官方微信公众号,了解订阅详情。▼
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