字典中[oft n for n] oft是什么意思思

最近收录的字英文字典里单词解释的前面都标注.n. vt. 等字母. 这些都具体是什么意思
n是名词,是Nouns的缩写.vt是及物动词,是transitive verb的缩写 adv.表示副词prep.表示介词vi.不及物动词其他有:prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写 pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写 v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词 sc = 主词补语 o = 受词 oc = 受词补语 vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写 a = 形容词,adjective的缩写 ad = 副词,adverb的缩写 art = 冠词,article的缩写 num = 数词,numeral的缩写 int = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 pl = 复数,plural的缩写 语气词 int.缩写词 abbr.
prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写n = 名词,noun的缩写v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写s = 主词sc = 主词补语o = 受词oc = 受词补语vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写vt = 及物动词,transitive v...
1.N-SING地;地面The ground is the surface of the earth.&Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground...四五十个女人盘腿坐在地上。We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground.我们沿着屋顶滑了下来,落到地上。2.N-SING(相对于空中的)地面If you say that something takes place on the ground, you mean it takes place on the surface of the earth and not in the air.&Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.协调地面的航空交通与管理空中交通一样复杂。3.N-SING土;土地;土壤The ground is the soil and rock on the earth's surface.&The ground had eroded.这片土壤遭到侵蚀。...the marshy ground of the river delta.河流三角洲的沼泽地4.N-UNCOUNT(尤指建筑物极少或具有某种特性的)土地You can refer to land as ground, especially when it has very few buildings or when it is considered to be special in some way.&...a stretch of waste ground...一块荒地This memorial stands on sacred ground.这块纪念碑屹立于圣地之上。5.N-COUNT(有特定用途的)场地You can use ground to refer to an area of land, sea, or air which is used for a particular activity.&...Indian hunting grounds...印第安人的狩猎场The best fishing grounds are around the islands.最好的渔场在这些岛屿周围。6.N-COUNT运动场,…场(美国英语中亦作grounds)A ground is an area of land which is specially designed and made for playing sport or for some other activity. In American English grounds is also used.&...the city's football ground.该市的足球场...a parade ground.阅兵场7.N-PLURAL(大型或重要建筑周围的)场地,庭院,花园The grounds of a large or important building are the garden or area of land which surrounds it.&...the palace grounds.皇家花园...the grounds of the University.大学校区8.N-VAR(适于方法、思想等发展的)地方You can use ground to refer to a place or situation in which particular methods or ideas can develop and be successful.&The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques...该公司一直享有新技术研发基地的美誉。Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses.西雅图是适合小型企业发展的沃土。9.N-UNCOUNT范围;领域;基础You can use ground in expressions such as on shaky ground and the same ground to refer to a particular subject, area of experience, or basis for an argument.&Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject...感到自己的观点站不住脚,玛丽于是换了个话题。The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation...法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。It's often necessary to go over the same ground more than once.常常有必要对同样的内容不只一次地进行检查。10.N-UNCOUNT优势;有利条件Ground is used in expressions such as gain ground ,lose ground, and give ground in order to indicate that someone gets or loses an advantage.&There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls...有迹象表明该党在最新一轮投票中正逐渐领先。The US dollar lost more ground.美元失去了更多的优势。11.N-VAR理由;根据If something is grounds for a feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do something on the grounds of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.&In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism...他接受采访时阐述了持乐观态度的理由。The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence...法庭以检控方拒绝出示关键证据为由撤销了那项判决。Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense.欧文因费用问题对此表示反对。12.VERB以…为根据;建立在…基础上If an argument, belief, or opinion is grounded in something, that thing is used to justify it.&Her argument was grounded in fact...她的观点有事实根据。They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.基于对人类精神神圣性的信仰,他们认为灵魂是永恒的。13.VERB使不能起飞;使停飞If an aircraft or its passengers are grounded, they are made to stay on the ground and are not allowed to take off.&The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded...民航部长下令所有飞机不得起飞。A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停止了航天飞机的发射。14.VERB罚(儿童)不能出门;禁足When parents ground a child, they forbid them to go out and enjoy themselves for a period of time, as a punishment.&Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television.汤普森罚他一个月不能出门,并禁止看电视。15.V-ERG(使)搁浅If a ship or boat is grounded or if it grounds, it touches the bottom of the sea, lake, or river it is on, and is unable to move off.&Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded...居民们被告知不要靠近船只搁浅的区域。The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.那条船最终在松软的水下浅滩搁浅了。...a grounded oil tanker.搁浅的油轮16.N-COUNT接地装置;地线The ground in an electric plug or piece of electrical equipment is the wire through which electricity passes into the ground and which makes the equipment safe.&in BRIT, use 英国英语用 earth17.ADJ(肉等)切碎的,磨碎的Ground meat has been cut into very small pieces in a machine.&...ground beef.绞碎的牛肉...The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.这些香肠用切得较粗的猪肉制成。in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 minced18.Ground is the past tense and past participle of grind .20.PHRASE开辟新领域;开创新方法If you break new ground, you do something completely different or you do something in a completely different way.&Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War.当盖尔霍恩发出她第一篇关于西班牙内战的报道时,她也许已经开辟了一片新的天地。21.PHRASE烧为灰烬;夷为平地If you say that a town or building is burnt to the ground or is razed to the ground, you are emphasizing that it has been completely destroyed by fire.&The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.该镇在法国大革命后被夷为平地。22.PHRASE共同看法;相同的立场If two people or groups find common ground, they agree about something, especially when they do not agree about other things.23.PHRASE躲藏起来;潜伏起来If you go to ground, you hide somewhere where you cannot easily be found.&Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.东贝鲁特的市民们躲进了地下室和掩体中。24.PHRASE中间立场;中间观点The middle ground between two groups, ideas, or plans involves things which do not belong to either of these groups, ideas, or plans but have elements of each, often in a less extreme form.&She seems to have found a middle ground in which mutual support, rather than complete dependency, is possible.她似乎已经找到了实现相互支持而非完全依赖其中一方的中间立场。25.PHRASE开始;起步If something such as a project gets off the ground, it begins or starts functioning.&We help small companies to get off the ground.我们帮助一些小公司顺利起步。26.PHRASE在自己熟悉的领域里;在自己的地盘If you are on your own ground, you are in a place or situation in which you feel confident because you are very familiar with it.&On her own ground she knows exactly what she's doing.她在自己熟悉的领域里对自己的行为有十足的把握。27.PHRASE为…打下基础If you prepare the ground for a future event, course of action, or development, you make it easier for it to happen.&...a political initiative which would prepare the ground for war.为战争埋下了伏笔的政治倡议28.PHRASE改变立场;改变观点If you shift your ground or change your ground, you change the basis on which you are arguing.&29.PHRASE坚持主张;坚定立场If you stand your ground or hold your ground, you continue to support a particular argument or to have a particular opinion when other people are opposing you or trying to make you change your mind.&The spectacle of Sakharov standing his ground and speaking his mind gave me hope.萨哈罗夫坚持立场、坦率直言的样子让我看到了希望。30.PHRASE坚守阵地;不退却If you stand your ground or hold your ground, you do not run away from a situation, but face it bravely.&She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching.听到有人走近,她只好强迫自己鼓起勇气,绝不退缩。31.PHRASE(工作、衣服等)完全适合If you say that something such as a job or piece of clothing suits someone down to the ground, you mean that it is completely suitable or right for them.&32.PHRASE为数不多;数目少If people or things of a particular kind are thin on the ground, there are very few of them.&Good managers are often thin on the ground.优秀的经理人常常寥寥无几。}


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