have you justt have to go

You should sleep
求翻译:我很健康 是什么意思? ...
因为突发心脏病 Because heart attacks
你应该睡觉了 You should sleep
南湖google earth原始航拍图 Google Earth in Lake Nanhu, original aerial map ...
You should go to bed
求翻译:just like 是什么意思? ...
这些年,我付出得太多。 >> Over the years, I paid too much.
你应该睡觉了 >> You should go to bed
参考建议 >> Reference proposal ...
Sleep you should
You should go to bed
You should sleep it
You should not sleep
我能玩电脑游戏吗? 不,你不能。 你现在应该睡觉了。
Can I play computer games? No, you can't. You should go to bed now.
Johann my dear, you should just go to bed. Something always comes up.
Sometimes he would be asleep when I came in, and I would wake him, saying,“If you were so tired, you should have gone to bed.”
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!It's stupid that if a dog bites you more than once, you have to put it down cuz it's violent (even if you provoked it), but if a cat does the same thing, most people just say 'it's just what cats do' and go on with their lives, amirite?
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Featured on the home page on Apr 13th 2011
It's stupid that if a dog bites you more than once, you have to put it down cuz it's violent (even if you provoked it), but if a cat does the same thing, most people just say 'it's just what cats do' and go on with their lives, amirite?
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