
美媒:中国崛起让西方不安 认为中国是邪恶之国_凤凰军事
美媒:中国崛起让西方不安 认为中国是邪恶之国
[责任编辑:刘畅 PN012]
责任编辑:刘畅 PN012
播放数:5808920  为什么西方国家不害怕一个日渐强大的印度,而却害怕一个崛起的中国? 为什么美国可以接受一个经济上更加强大的欧洲,却不能接受一个经济较欧洲稍弱的中国?是因为中国的崛起挑战了西方的全球霸权,还是因为中国的政治意识形态完全颠覆了西方关于民主和人权的理想?又或者正如索尼创始人盛田昭夫所说的,仅仅是白人狭隘的种族主义偏见?  总体上讲,中国的崛起对全球经济推动作用是毋庸置疑的。13亿中国人所拥有的新财富意味着这个世界又增加了一股由13亿人构成的巨大购买力。从美国实验室到日本的工业区再到巴西的矿山,中国正为世界创造着无数的就业机会。不再单单依靠美国消费者来拉动增长的世界经济将会变得更加的稳定和繁荣。  然而很少有人以这种方式看待中国。很多人根本不承认中国在世界经济中所起的积极作用。相反,他们更关注于中国给世界,尤其是给发达国家带来的竞争,很多人认为中国"偷走"了他们的就业机会。但是,即便是那些认识到这一点,甚至是直接从中国发展中受益的人也依旧对中国的进步感到很不安。这是为什么呢?为什么我们不是害怕一个日益崛起的印度,而是去害怕一个崛起的中国? 为什么我们可以接受一个经济上更加强大的欧洲,却不能接受一个经济较欧洲稍弱的中国呢?   很多人对中国崛起都持着一种矛盾的情感,这正是我最新一期的时代杂志故事的主题,这本杂志侧重于描述澳大利亚与这个中央集权国家的关系。在澳大利亚发生的事就是我们对未来的一种预见。对于我,在当地报道的那段时间里我一直在思考一个问题:为什么我们— — 不仅仅包括西方人,很多亚洲人也是如此— —就这么难对中国作为超级大国这一想法达成共识。   这个世界上极少有国家能像澳大利亚那样从快速发展的中国获得如此多的利益。不断飙升的中国需求让澳大利亚的出口,特别是原材料出口,享受着长期的繁荣。这也是为什么这个国家在2008 年金融危机后的避免了经济衰退的关键原因,甚至说是决定性的原因。与中国的贸易也促进了投资,创造就业机会。但同时,澳大利亚人却对日益增进中澳关系感到不安。他们担心经济增长会过于依赖中国。他们也担心中国会利用其经济影响力对自己的国家施加政治压力或者把其日益增强的经济实力变成一种战略威胁。他们不太喜欢来澳大利亚购买资产的中国公司。澳大利亚人担心在经济上帮助了他们的中国会在政治上和战略上伤害到他们。中国越强大,潜在的危险也就越大。澳大利亚国立大学战略与防御研究中心主任休?怀特向我讲述了他的观点:发展的中国将强大到足以满足澳大利亚的经济愿望,他将变得更强大,强大到可以动摇美国的霸主地位和我们的战略愿望。人们意识当自己从中国经济增长中获益的同时,也得到了某种程度的脆弱性。   我想世界各地许多人都会和澳大利亚人有着共鸣。最近,戴维皮林的《金融时报》指出,中国的邻国不太喜欢北京利用经济杠杆向他们施加影响力。这就是为什么当韩国和台湾的经济越来越依赖于中国时,他们的政治领导人却想方设法的维持和华盛顿的牢固联系。中国拥有着巨额的美国国债,这让美国人感到很不自在。日本也持着巨额的美国国债,但这似乎并不让人感到麻烦。   当然,30 年前,我们也许会感到日本是个麻烦。今天很多人对中国的反应恰似的我们上世纪 80 年代对日本的反应,当时这个日出之国正是挑战西方的崛起者。近年来,美国人总是对中国试图购买优尼科公司感到惴惴不安,20 多年前,在日本收购洛克菲勒中心时美国人也感到无比紧张。这是为什么呢?索尼创始人田昭夫指出:在索尼收购好莱坞哥伦比亚影业之前,澳大利亚出生鲁珀特 ? 默多克已经买下了 20 世纪福克斯,但戏剧性的是,美国人对默多克的收购没什么动静,对索尼的收购却表现出了过激的反应。盛田昭夫认为这是种族主义偏见在作怪。   这可能是与当今中国相关的故事的一部分。但实际的问题比那复杂得多。在西方,欧洲人和美国人长时间主宰着世界,以至于他们对有人声称要夺取全球霸权的宝座的打算感到很不舒服。那时美国和日本的关系变冷淡的原因正是因为日本人已成为其在全球经济中的竞争对手,而不是伙伴。美国人害怕日本试图破坏他的统治地位,至少是害日本破坏其在商业领域的优势。但日本确实成功的用这个经济体系挑战了美国理想的自由市场和自由企业。对于许多人来说,日本的崛起的背后似乎有什么险恶的阴谋 — —一个极具竞争力却不为人熟悉的经济体、 他们的企业和文化系统比之西方更能产生卓越的业绩,并且他们似乎只关心自己的利益。可以说来自日本的挑战并不只是在经济上,也包括了意识形态领域的。   这与今天许多人担心中国的原因是非常相似的。中国也使用同样的经济竞争模式— —"国家资本主义"— —挑战着西方的经济意识形态。在许多方面,中国同样给人以一种自私自利的重商主义的印象。他操控货币以保持出口优势,他贪婪的获取自然资源。他的国有控股的公司往往做一些吸引眼球的事,这使中国看起来像是一个极具威胁的庞大主宰。最糟糕的是,中国经济崛起背后的政治意识形态完全颠覆了西方关于民主和人权的理想。中国不只是与美国在全球市场竞争,而是给世界提供了一种完全不同的经济和政治体系,这种体系有时似乎更善于创造经济增长和就业,但它也极大限制了公民的自由权。中国所推销的理念正是美国人所蔑视的。   世界上一些关注中国的人想到的还不止这些。没有人会去想日本是否会成为西方的军事威胁者或者外交影响的竞争者。日本想做第一,但也是仅限于经济领域而已。除此之外,日本的角色就是G7的成员国,一个完完全全的美国军事盟友。而中国哪个都不属于。中国正越来越多的利用其经济影响力,向世界提供替代美国为主导的政治和经济制度。北京经常抱怨美元的主导地位,并希望自己的货币方面发挥更大的国际作用。中国外交官已尝试跨非洲和拉丁美洲扩展他们的国家政治影响力,同时支持对美国怀有明显敌视的国家,例如朝鲜。北京军事力量正变的更加强大,这使那些过去与他有过历史冲突的邻国,比如韩国,越南,日本,台湾感到极度不安。中国的GDP每增长10%,就意味着中国政府有更多的钱可以投入到海军和武装部队中。   换句话说,中国似乎不只是挑战当今的正统经济模式和秩序,也挑战着世界的政治和军事框架。中国并不会像日本那样,仅满足于卖更多的电视给世界。中国想要的是更多地控制世界。他们想要利用其经济影响力来得到它。   或者我们认为,事实是我们只能是猜测,当中国在成为一个超级大国时,他会做些什么?由于中国今天仍然是一个相对贫穷的国家,所以我们对他的领导层所做的一些利己的事表示理解,但富裕之后的中国呢,野心会扩大吗?我们不得而知。   当美国从日渐式微的英帝国接管了全球领导地位时,世界有了一个不错的预期 — —美国必将继续坚持自由企业和民主的思想。如今一个崛起的东方大国又一次主导了这种转变,但我们还不清楚的是这次转变对全球文明发展意味着什么。或许如今最让人害怕的情形就是,我们将面临一个从根本上转变,却饱含着不确定性的世界。
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  谁好搞 谁不好搞显而易见,上百年没统一过的欧洲,最近几十年才被西方统一的印度,这种全身都是破绽的对手根本不值得害怕。而像中国俄国这种有封建史有帝国史,有核心民族力量有独立军事武装的才是主要对手,美国的战略家看的非常清楚。
    JY领钱的地方真多啊  公有制的国企,美国资本家没法下嘴,总不能把整个国家买了吧,只有先打碎,私有化后,资本家才能以超低的价格(美国人花了几亿美元就套走了俄罗斯人民28万亿美元的财富)鲸吞,老毛子亏大发了  ---------------  如果中国像毛子一样被美国洗劫一遍,肯定是饿死几个亿没问题。毛子没饿死,是因为几乎所有的城里的毛子在乡下都有个小房子,都有块地,自己种点土豆吃,好几年才缓过劲来,否则饿死毛子几千万很正常,中国根本就没这种条件   ----------------  永远要小心美帝剪中国的羊毛
  “创造财富的人越来越少,吃财政的越来越多”   关于“管人”,刘锡荣说的是编制法。他说新中国成立至今,都还没有制定过编制法。随之带来的是:乱设机构、乱定级别,临时机构林立,人员严重超编。  官满为患老百姓养不起   刘锡荣说,因为没有编制法,给“买官”“卖官”留下了无限的空间。   “要是只有一个岗位,那还买什么呢。我有一次到地方去,人家说今天是我们的十五阿哥接待你,后天是十二格格接待你。我都没听懂,原来是他们的秘书长有十几个,男的秘书长叫阿哥,女的秘书长叫格格。一当上秘书长,车子、房子、秘书、办公室都要换。这怎么可以啊,官满为患啊!”  刘锡荣认为,官员超编也给亿万人民加上了沉重的负担。他说,“老百姓再勤干,官太多了也不行的,养不起。过去一个县委,百把人以上就是大县委。现在我到乡镇去看,一个乡镇有三四百名干部,小汽车停了好几排。”刘锡荣用一句古话总结,这就是“食之者众、生之者寡”。   “创造财富的人越来越少,吃财政的人越来越多。如果600万大学毕业生都去考公务员,那是历史的倒退,因为没有人创造生产力了。”   官员监督人多了就难办   刘锡荣认为,官员超编也给反腐倡廉带来巨大压力。   这位前中纪委副书记首先说,“我们确实感到我们的反腐倡廉没做好,没话说。”他随即表示,这是因为监督力量也是有限的,要监督的官员一旦多了就很难办,“监督10万人和监督1000人是不一样的”。   他说,对于中国每年要处理10万多名干部,其中省级以上干部10多人,有些外国人不理解,觉得人数太多。“我跟他们说,因为中国的官员人数多,大象身上洗下来的泥巴总比小猪身上洗下来的泥巴多。外国人也就理解了。”   刘锡荣说,中国的干部只进不出,没有流动体制,也给精兵简政带来困难。“你看国外,一发生经济困难,第一件事情减少官员。我们减过谁啊?谁敢减啊?都是上下级关系,面子拉不开啊!”刘锡荣忧心地列出一组数据:4年前公务员是600万人,现在是1000万人,每年涨100万人,“速度惊人”。
  做好自己 强大 主宰
  中国需自强 革命尚未成功
10:24:38  “创造财富的人越来越少,吃财政的越来越多”  关于“管人”,刘锡荣说的是编制法。他说新中国成立至今,都还没有制定过编制法。随之带来的是:乱设机构、乱定级别,临时机构林立,人员严重超编。  官满为患老百姓养不起  刘锡荣说,因为没有编制法,给“买官”“卖官”留下了无限的空间。  “要是只有一个岗位,那还买什么呢。我有一次到地方去,人家说今天是我们的十五阿哥接待你,后天是十二格格接待你。我...........  -----------------------------  一党专制,这就是病根,怎么调整都是枉然
  回复第1楼,@werqi  别吹了,意淫能强国?中国差人家一大截呢,继续努力吧!  --------------------------  他们差中国了几千年!  
  据大边晚报报道:日,7名外籍旅客乘坐大连客运段担当的2220次列车时险些无法赶上从大连机场起飞的航班,大连铁路员工得知旅客难处后紧急请示沈阳铁路局,这趟火车在周水子站临时停车1分钟,这些外籍旅客不仅得以在离机场最近车站下车,而且由警车护送赶往机场、最终顺利搭乘飞机、返回日本。前天,由杉本洋江代表其余外籍旅客用汉语写成的感谢信由铁道部部长刘志军批示并发至大连。   日上午10时50分,嘉峪关市14岁的女学生梅君因车祸断肢,被送到嘉峪关市医院紧急救治,但经检查,医院建议到兰州的大医院进行再植手术。为了争取手术时间,伤者的家人决定乘坐当晚的飞机赶赴兰州。当时担心机场方面可能不给他们卖机票,但经过和嘉峪关市医院的医生反复协商后,认为孩子生命没有危险,可以登机。一切安排妥当后,等待登机,但是出乎他们意料的是,机场工作人员却拒绝他们登机。无奈当晚他们只得用医院的救护车,送孩子赶赴兰州。因为失去了最佳时机,梅君无奈被截肢。最后机场的说法是:航班以病人的现状不具备登机条件为由拒绝了。而所谓的"不具备登机条件"竟然是因为病人要多占几个座位!   日,来渝旅游的日本游客岩濑忠雄在朝天门码头不慎摔断脊椎。其妻子要求回日本继续治疗。考虑到病人脊椎骨折,国航决定拆掉6个座位,专门设置了一张特殊的病床,供他旅途中使用。  “我不是日本人,我的单车也被偷,还能找得回么?”已经骑单车游历了全国10多个省市的彭炜,半个月前途经东莞大岭山镇时,单车意外被盗,致使他的骑行全国计划搁浅。十多天过去了,彭炜依旧没有等到自己的单车归来。而发生在武汉的一起日本人单车丢失事件,仅仅用了四天时间就顺利找回了单车。同样的事情不同的结局,多少让这位走出大学校园不到一年的小伙子心理生出了些许纠结。  日,齐齐哈尔驶往大连方向的2220次列车晚点。为了帮助7名日本乘客赶上飞机,在离机场最近的周水子车站临时停车一分钟,用汽车送旅客去机场,7名日本旅客顺利登上飞往日本大阪的航班。后日本乘客写给沈阳铁路局大连客运段的写感激信“这在世界任何一个国家都是做不到的。……这也是铁路的又一创举。”  日,由张家界开往广州的N589次旅客列车由于受冰雪影响,被困长沙西站长达24个小时。车上包括乘务员在内共1600人都处于停电、停水,缺乏食物且极度寒冷包围中。其中有78名韩国乘客,多数在50岁以上,列车员专门组织他们转移到卧铺车厢。  2009年安阳市旅游部门对外公布,从7月1日起至年底,包括世界遗产殷墟在内,安阳市所有景点将对持有外国护照的游客免费开放。“为什么只对外国旅客免门票?”这一消息引起社会各界质疑。
  中国的挑战不在于取代欧美,而在于向落后国家展示了,应该用什么方式才能从奴隶变成奴隶主。  在从奴隶变成一个仁爱、优雅、有品位、有人性的奴隶主之前,奴隶们应该学会先做一个冷血、势利、强硬的小混混。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:johnbobyray 转载请注明出处论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread--1.html
Does the West feel uncomfortable with China' s rise?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:johnbobyray 转载请注明出处论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread--1.html
Bevin Chu, veteran commentator on Sino-US relations
upxed Oct 29
Many people in the West are clearly uncomfortable with China’s “rise”, even though they shouldn’t be.
China’s “rise” is actually not a “rise” at all. It is a “reversion to the norm” of millennia old Chinese superpower status. As the old joke has it, “China has had a couple of bad centuries, but now it’s back”.
中国的“崛起”实际上根本不是 “崛起”。这是中国几千年来的超级大国地位的“回归常态”。正如一个过去的玩笑所说的:“中国经历了几个世纪的失败,但现在它又回来了。”
The reason so many people in the West are uncomfortable with China’s reversion to its superpower norm, is mental conditioning. Many people in the West know China only as the “Sick Man Of Asia”.
They consider this historically abnormal weakness of China to be the norm. They are accustomed to perceiving China as a doormat. Any departure from this “abnormal norm”, sets off alarm bells and throws them into a panic.
The reality of course, is that when China was an unrivaled naval superpower during the Ming dynasty, it could have colonized much of the world, the way the Spanish, the British, the Dutch, and the Portuguese did soon afterwards.
But it did not. China has always been a conservative, isolationist superpower, not an expansionist one. China’s most enduring symbol is the Great Wall, whose purpose was not offensive, but defensive.
Like the Ice Wall in “The Game of Thrones”, its purpose was to prevent invaders from pouring in. As even conservative hawk William F. Buckley noted,
"China... is different from the Soviet unx, with its forthright determination to conquer the world in the name of Marxism. China is passionate as an irredentist power, not as an expansionist power… China is not now a threat on the order of the Soviet threat, so that the question of appropriate behavior focuses on the moral, not the strategic, question. Here relevant is the... maxim of John Quincy Adams that the American people are friends of liberty everywhere but custodians only of their own."
William F. Buckley, circa 1997
“中国与苏联不同,后者在马克思主义的名义下以一种直截了当的决心去征服世界。中国是一个民族主义统一的大国,而不是一个扩张主义的大国。中国现在不是类似苏联这一威胁的威胁,因此,恰当行为的问题关注的是道德问题,而不是战略问题。与此相关的是,约翰·亚当斯的格言是——美国人民是各处的自由的朋友,但它们所关心的只有自己人。”——威廉·巴克利, 1997年
NB: China considers the South China Sea islands a matter of irredentism, of reclaiming what is rightfully its own. China’s historic claims to sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea went unchallenged until after WWII.
Choi Wonseok
Oct 26 · 5 upvotes
I agree with your answer on most points, but if your purpose is to convey less biased hatred by the west to China, I think your approach of stating that “it is just returning to the norm” is not a good approach.
Though it is true China was dominant, the world has changed a lot from that time just like China has also progressed.
There cannot be a “revert” back to old China’s glory days. New glory days must be created.
If you look at border problems like the SE China sea problem you mentioned, or disputes with countries like Mongolia, it is that the countries surrounding China are no longer what it was in the 16th or even 19th centuries- But you saying things like this is precisely what makes these people offended.
If your temperament is that bellicose, and you don’t mind China in open dispute this way, then there is nothing more to be said. But I don’t think it is the best mindset or approach no matter what “western media” says bad or wrong about China- especially for China itself.
Jose Luis Malaquias
I agree that China is not on a rise, but rather on a regression to the norm. I am just not as sure with your reassurances. One of the first acts of the new China that emerged from WW II was to invade Tibet, which was a weak defenseless neighbor. So, people naturally fear that a powerful China might be tempted to create a few other Tibet around. China’s aggressive economic practices in places such as Africa are also not very reassuring. Furthermore, China is not a democracy, and it does not have the mechanisms to prevent a very powerful leader from repeatin the tragedy of the Cultural Revolution, if he feels so inclines. There is no Freedom of Expression. So, while it is true that China has been a stable member of the international community, there is nothing to assure the rest of the world that a Super Power China wouldn’t, under a misguided leader, lead the world into a catastrophe. So, as those mechanisms do not exist, all we can hope is that a maniac doesn’t rise to the top job in China because, if he does, there are no checks and balances to rein him in. That’s the only reason why the world is not as comfortable as it could be with China’s rise.
Troy Shang
Maybe you don't understand Chinese history idea, this is different from the so-called western idea of country, Tibet into China's territory is in 1246 yuan, it is just recovered in 1951, and two times of force is not the final means. About China's leaders, I think you may also not clear that China's current political system, the cultural revolution is also not very understanding, hope you can learn more, so that you will find the Chinese essentially free may be much more than you can imagine, the word democracy, in the laughable now.
A huge land, a huge population, a long history. You should see how different it is.
Ben Morley
Oct 27 · 2 upvotes
I think some of the reasons we in the US are nervous about China’s “rise” is that its frxd as a return to imperial power.
The impression we get is that China is going to return to being the Middle Kingdom and be hostile and imperialistic. China will abandon the soft power approach and go hard power and invade other countries. There is also the fear that China will take away the economic vitality of the US economy by stealing IP and using it to overcome the West and in turn taking over the global system.
The CCP has a terrible human rights record and tries to control their people in just about every aspect of their day to day with a massive propaganda system that basically absolves the Party of any wrong doing and scapegoats people like the Japanese when politically useful.
Their actions point to rising military interests and their actions in Asia (Dokhom, the South China Seas, etc.) are causing a headache for the USA while painting an image of China as a growing threat to stability with military ambitions.
Personally I think its more a case of seeing some of our own problems reflecting in another society. Human rights? Gaze into our own history with African and Native Americans or how we drop the ball on stopping genocides or backing dictators in the Middle East and Asia. Trying to control the population through propaganda? Name a single major power or country that doesn’t have some level of societal engineering and fake news. Military interventions and imposing on others? We’ve been doing that since the Cold War.
So its not so much fear of another nation rising as said nation rising and doing to others, including us, what we did to others. I also think its the fear that they’ll repeat many or all of the same mistakes we have, and the consequences will be just as terrible as ours.
The problem with one party rule is that it only takes one bad election or leader to make things go the hell in a hand basket. Think Caligula or Domition of ancient Rome. The reason we value democracy is not because it supposedly gives voice to the people, its because it creates more hurdles and accountability mechanisms for our leaders. Its more difficult to amass power in a democracy because there are so many other people vying for your power and its only the people who really give the power to you. That means we have to see many more things go wrong in our current system before we have terrible leaders or tyrants.
Lastly, I don’t think China will replace the USA as global hegmon any time soon. That took many decades to do, and we’re not headed towards a world of single super power dominance. That time was a historical anomaly, one that made the USA both the global superpower and responsible for leadership. That means we’re stuck in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t status in any action we do globally and its expensive. China has a far way to go before reaching superpower status, such as developing their rural regions and tackling economic inequality.
Cristian Ariel Rodriguez
Oct 29 · 3 upvotes
One thing that always amazes me is that the US people really believe the rest of the world is stupid and at that any other country that have strength will go around invading other countries for no reason at all, just for the fun of the sport.
The only current country that fits in that descxtion is the US itself. China has no reason to invade anyone, nothing to gain about it.
If they need resources, instead of supporting brutal absolutist monarchies and dictatorships like the US does, or killing democratically elected presidents that started to industrialize their countries and take contro the chinese go and buy what they need, the couldn’t care less about ideology, government type or what countries you trade for.
They go and ask for what they need and give you what you ask.
Instead of bombing an entire country electric grid, water supply, schools and hospitals to take its oil they go build highways, railroads, urban centers, give credits, modernize the host country and take the resources they need negotiating a mutual beneficial deal.
Bob Henderson
Nov 3 · 1 upvote
Europe let Hitler do that. It was called “Peace in Our Time”, or Appeasement. Oh and there was Uncle Joe and the Soviet unx.
So why did Hitler invade Poland? Or Belgium? Or France? Why did the Soviets invade Afghanistan? What a country “gains” from invading another country depends on who is deciding for that country and what THEY want. In case you haven’t learned from history, a strong country invades a weak country when it wants something from that weak country and thinks invasion is an option. Russia did that with Georgia when Georgia started talking about joining the EU, thus their invasion and de facto annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Cristian Ariel Rodriguez
This are other times.
China does not need to invade to get resources, they can get them easier and cheaper helping the country than destroying it like the US does.
Georgia attacked Russia with the ok of the US, it was te test the russian response capacity.
Bob Henderson
Nov 4 · 1 upvote
Times change, but politics doesn’t. Stronger nations invade weaker nations. The reason Russia invaded Georgia was not because of any “attacks”, it was because Russia knew stationing Russian troops on Georgian soil meant Georgia couldn’t join the EU. The USA had nothing to do with it either, it was entirely Georgia deciding not to be a vassal of Russia anymore, and Russia wanting a buffer between the “West” and Russia. It doesn’t help that Georgia is geographically part of a larger natural gas pipeline that Russia uses to export to the West, and if Georgia joined the EU, Georgia could change the energy market by diverting the natural gas pipelines in their country.
China doesn’t invade other countries for natural resources? Yeah I doubt that will last when China gets more power and the water starts to dry up in the Himalayas. They can invade for many other reasons, like taking territory away or to impose their will on others. The USA didn’t invade Afghanistan for oil, they invaded because the Taliban hosted Osama bin Ladin and refused to hand him over after the 9/11 attacks. I doubt China would let a terrorist like bin Ladin stay nice and warm in another country to plot more attacks.
Besides, China has followed a time honored tradition in the West of making deals with dictators and autocrats for resources extracted from other nations. They’ll deal with anyone to get what they want, and it saves face since they don’t have to invade to get what they want. They just pay the strongman of a country to sell them the resources they need, like arable land in Africa.
Ben Morley
Its not that every other country is stupid, its that major powers do all the same things. Look at the history of any major regional or imperial power and its very similar- you gain power by economic and military methods, and project that power on those who are weaker or more compliant. China itself has been a military and imperial power longer than most Western countries had been countries. They also have a long history of invading other nations for every reason one can expect from an empire. Just ask the Tibetans, the Vietnamese, the Indians, or Turks.
Now assuming China replaces the USA as global hegemon, that means it’s military would have to replace the USA military as the military of a global hegemon. That means China would have fundamentally changed, it would not be the insular and non committed hermit nation, it would be the active global power house everyone either respects, fears, or plots against. Just as we are expected today to intervene on humanitarian crises and to fight a global war against the latest threat, so too would be expected of China. Would they step up and follow through? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on their internal politics and international calculus. China currently shows no real problems selling arms to genocidal regimes like the Burmese junta before their nominal move towards democracy. They had no problems supporting Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. They also sold arms as part of the global arms trade, and have no problems propping up dictatorships like North Korea. I doubt this will change if they assume hegemonic status, it certainly didn’t change for us.
Lastly, the deals China strikes to acquire what they need from other nations is a lot like the arms deals they make- they will deal with anyone to get what they need. The land they bought in Africa could come from governments that came to the deal democratically and with the approval of their people, or it could come from a government that simply sold off the land without consent of the people. China would not care so long as China gets what they need.
Already we see China unilaterally taking land in the South China Sea to build up their naval presence even if it violates the sovereignty of other nations like the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. They also entered Bhutan unilaterally to build roads around the Dohkam region, an area that would allow China to cut off the North Eastern states of India in case of a war between the two powers.
In all, its unlikely China would stay the same if they became the sole hegemon. They already are acting a lot like any other major power and should be expected to wield the power of sole hegemon the same way as every other major power has in the past. Including Imperial China.
Calvin Yong, lived in Shanghai ()
Answered Nov 6
Yes, the West feel very uncomfortable with China’s rise, or any non-Western country into significant influence. This is because of:
History & Experience of West - Since fall of Rome, Western Europe had established themselves through constant war, family kingdoms,betrayals and slavery until last 70 years. This unlike Chinese civilization that had relative long periods of peace since her formation after Qin dynasty.
Cannot interpret the Chinese - The West tends to read based on their own definitions rather than the Chinese or East Asian. The Chinese seems to operate on many rituals which seems very odd in Western eyes. Perhaps they should refer to Japanese management styles vs. US, which has been comprehensively studied. This could help them understand the Chinese better.
Retribution - Which is very much accepted part of Western values. The West has much to fear if China were to assert retribution and revenge, either on what as done to her for last 200 years or just following the West for how to treat lesser nations / civilizations.
But these fears are likely unfounded with better understanding of the Chinese’s views and values. China want to be like its great past, Tang, Song or Ming where they reach out and trade with nations in the region for hundreds of years, in peace and safety for all.
Bob Henderson, works at Self-Employment
Answered Nov 8
Depends on what you mean by “rise” and whether it’s really a rise in reality or for show. China has been around for thousands of years as a nation, but only really in the last 150 years did China “fall”- colonial rule by Western powers and Japan, going into a state of economic weakness, and declining as a global power for a time.
Like India, China was one of those major civilizations that drove the world economy for millennia, the West itself was mostly just Rome followed by inter tribal wars and wars between kings. It wasn’t until the Colonial Era () that the West took over global leadership.
Now we have this notion of the West always having been in charge, and people are nervous with change (or return to) international norms and leadership. For the Westerner, we tend to look at governments close to our system and be more at ease than governments that are different. Case of India and China- both former colonial possessions that originally drove the global economy and now are rising powers. Both violate human rights, historically and currently, both have a populist impulse in their nationalism, and both make things the West likes. The difference, India is a democracy institutionally while China is an autocracy under single party rule.
That makes a difference- when Westerners think of democracies they have a tradition of allies who can talk with them and have a system of decision making that makes sense to them. With autocracies we have dictatorships that run the gamut of mildly useful to the threatening to the dangerous, and their decision making is really based on what their leadership is thinking. That can be good or bad. Simply ask yourself which would be worse to a Westerner- a Donald Trump in America or a Donald Trump in North Korea. One has checks and balances, the other is entirely beholden to the leader.
Now from a cultural and societal standpoint, the image of China in the West is one of mouth foaming nationalists who think all other nations are either a) vassals to the Middle Kingdom, b) enemies of the Middle Kingdom, c) the West is a threat, and d) the United States of America is an enemy to be undermined. What also doesn’t help is that while the hypernationalists, many of whom are easily rallied and directed, there is also the use of IP theft and hacking. China likes to take and deny- they take Western tech and IP and deny or downplay and even sometimes play victim. When the Westerner sees this behavior, real or imagined, they assume China is a country run by shady dealings and people who are stealing because they can’t compete fairly.
How much of that is truth or fiction is irrelevant, its really about impressions. We spy on each other all the time and steal state and business intel. I think its more of the fact that when China plays the game, they don’t play by the rules all the time and they can get caught.
Last on this thought, China makes a convenient scapegoat for poor economic performance in the US. The “They Steal Our Jobs” mentality is alive an well among the stupid and poorly skilled in America. Domestically we have people blaming illegals from Mexico, abroad its China. Very little about real causes of manufacturing job loss are focused on- IT, automation, changing consumer demands. What also gets ignored is the changing nature of the economy from manufacturing to higher skilled knowledge and services and financial.
I think China also plays a role in this response, they don’t like to admit mistakes. Part of what makes the West distinct is that we’re always trashing our politicians and other countries. In the West, Western nations and leaders can do wrong. One of the reasons the so called Deplorables love Trump is because he says what they’re thinking, and some even see themselves in Trump. Yet Chinese leadership doesn’t admit mistakes, doesn’t like criticism, and their bots and apologists do everything to portray a China that is better and more noble than the West. It doesn’t pass the sniff test for Westerners since their own frx of reference is full of examples of the opposite, both in the West and China.
If you bring up anything good and hold it up as an example of superior treatment, a Westerner will find something dirty in China’s closet to bring up. Instead of admitting to it, the apologists will either ignore it, claim racism, or downplay it and pretend things have changed. Fact is, the game of politics is universal and everyone plays the same way. For Westerners, anyone claiming to be better than their political rivals is lying.
Nachi Sawrikar, Have followed history and alliances closely.
Answered Oct 26
Not just the West, even it’s neighbors are uncomfortable.
In reality, everyone benefits from a rising and prosperous China.
The cause of discomfort is twofold. Chinese Communist Party tries to gain legitimacy by giving economic growth and by projecting a muscular China. This is in contrast to a previous China that was militarily weak and economically poor.
The neighbors would have adjusted to a rising China by accommodating them. However the presence of USA in Asia ensures that they don’t compromise.
That means more tensions and USA uses it as an excuse to spend more on defense.
Jean-Francois Dufour-Poirier
Answered Oct 26
Well, I see it from a french quebecer here.
What I do like to say is welcome to China. I, for one, do realize the effort China is doing to open itself. It’s a shame that we do not know each other more. I’m hoping for a new Era where we all stand togheter for a better future.
Hopefuly, the language barrier shall fall soon enough with all the new technologies around the corner.
This, the language, always has been a huge wall and only now we can start to think about it’s fall and all the possibilities coming out of this.
Dewitt Cordino, lives in Xiamen, China
Answered Oct 26
it might be 2 items
Chinese is believed as the Communist country and it did not have democracy, which is brainwashing by media for years that democracy is the only way to make things better. however , how dare a country rise to prove they are incorrect? and dont forget that what Communist of Latins do to American and what media told how bad communist is for years
Everyone say China raise, but, should be say China is on the way back to its position? as the most gorgeous country for thousands of years before industy revolution, China just goes down to bottom for recent 100 years only. are westner worry about the awak of this lion, or we say dragon.what happen then after China awak completed?
Ludwig Nijholt, works at Marvel: Avengers Alliance
Answered Oct 26
Given the businessmen flocking to the occasion, your guess is as good as mine. The China market has been the capitalists’ wet dream since at least the 19th century, when purchasing power of the average Chinese was negligible.
So I’d say things have started to look up, wouldn’t you?
Ameya Chavan, Enthusiast
Answered Oct 26
There are mixed reactions from West like some countries want to benefit themselves but not at the cost of national security and some countries see that rise of China as a threat. Answers simple as sweet.
Peter Jones
Answered Nov 5
As a Brit, I can say we are happy to see a sensible, large trading partner steadily developing.
I do perhaps worry that it can be hard to do business fairly in China, but that’s a problem in much of the world.
I’m actually looking forward to China putting the US in it’s place in the South China Sea in the next few years, I just wish they would not feel the urge to submit their neighbours so badly.
Gregg Gray, former Worked at the White House for Six Years.
Answered Oct 26
I can only speak about my area of America. We are not concerned about China as we have fairly decent relations with them. We are vital trade partners and the economies of both countries are intertwined to the point of being dependent on each other at this time. So intertwined that a war between the two is all but inconceivable. We may both Saber Rattle in the South China Sea and the East China Sea but little will ever come of it.
China still has a long way to go, but is making rapid progress in the area of quality of life.
Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty, studied at University of Antwerp
Answered Oct 26
Only Americans feel uncomfortable.
In Europe at present Chinese investors are preferred over US investors as the Chinese have proven to be more trustworthy and law-abiding.
Fredrik Payedar, studied Accounting & Economics at University of Gothenburg (2005)
Answered Nov 9
HEEEEL YES!!! Chinas rise was at least until very recently made possible with western technology. They sold or rented out their cheap labor in return they got, investment, machinery, technology.
It would have taken hundreds of years for China to achieve this on their own. In other words they did it with our blessing.
As for China having many reasons for revenge against the west, but being sooooo gooooood that it wont= bullshieieieeiit. ‘’ the west’’ did some bad things against China and some good things, such as support them against the Japanese invasion 1937.
Anthony Pilolli, studied International Relations
Answered Nov 3
It's not necessarily that the West is uncomfortable about China's rise as it about China's intentions.
The Chinese government is a very closed institution. It's not a democratic nation and it has it's neighbors more worried about the Chinese, more so than the West. Which is to far away.
China is and will be a major competitor to the West. But from all indications the Chinese like the current world order the way it is.
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zxc8-01-05 09:53:07
flyingbirds-05 11:15:42
jiangwan531 发表于
中国的发展确实存在很多问题和隐患,但治理和管理中国的困难是西方小国、甚至美国都无法想象的,他们依仗了 ...你跟一个村长说,管理一个省真tm累,他也得能理解不是。记得,见过一个老头,捷克的,在山东转悠一群就有点懵逼,说你们这么多的人,说这么不一样的语言,怎么还是一个国家(山东他觉得就足够是个国家了)。我们几个人也很懵逼,山东这点地方这点人还能是个国家规模?其实看看地图,山东这个gdp,面积和人口在欧洲的话,那tm也能横行一下了吧。他们的脑袋根本理解不了中国是什么,更不可能理解中国的老大们是怎么玩的。根本性的差异。


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