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学生在使用《思维导图学与用》  《小学生思维导图学与用》从学生学习的角度出发,介绍思维导图的思考过程,通过图文搭配,把思维导图绘制方法拆解成步骤,深入浅出,利于学生更好地掌握这一思维工具。教材一共分为七个单元,每个单元含有不同的课题,每个课题包括“思维萌发、思维开花、思维结果、思维播种“四个步骤,让学生逐步学会在学习上、生活上应用思维导图。  七个单元包括:  第一单元:认识思维导图  第二单元:绘制思维导图  第三单元:思维导图的思考关键  第四单元:思维导图笔记法  第五单元:思维导图在语文学习及其他学科的应用  第六单元:思维导图在生活中的应用  第七单元:思维导图绘制软件介绍  作为一本课程,傍西小学还在实践中制定了《小学生思维导图学与用课程标准》。按照“前言、课程目标、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价、实施建议及各单元课时教学设计编排”七个方面做了详细、明确的阐述,提出了教学基本要求。  为了让校本课程正常开展,使研究成果为教师理解、掌握和实施,从而解决思维导图应用的实际问题。2015年9月开始 ,该校每逢双周对一至六年级学生开设一节思维导图课程。当前位置: >>
最新五年级英语下册第七单元课件unit7 chinese festivals storytime
Unit 7 Chinese festivals Twelve months in a yearDecember Twelve months in a yearOctober January February March June May July November and August December September April3 Twelve months in a yearDecember Do you remember them?February 二月 rua Feb ry 五月 一月 十月 January nua October Day May Ja ber ry May Oc to 十一月 vem ber November No 六月 June September 九月 Sep tem ber5 Guessing game:猜猜是哪个节日double ninthninth nine Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 double 双重的 fe s ti val 节日6 Guessing game:猜猜是哪个节日dragon boat race龙舟比赛Dragon Boat Festival端午节 dra gon 龙 dragon boat 龙舟 Guessing game:猜猜是哪个节日Spring Festival 春节 Chinese New Year Guessing game:猜猜是哪个节日Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Mid- 中间 Mid- Autumn 中秋 Watch and match.观看视频,将图文匹配。
Unit 7 Chinese FestivalsThe Spring Festival is in January or February. people also call it Chinese New Year. At this festival, people get together with their families. Some people eat dumplings. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. There are Dragon Boat Races in some places. People eat rice dumplings at this Festival. The Mid-autumn Festival is in September or October. People look at the moon at night with their families. They eat moon cakes and fruit. The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November. It is a festival for old people. People visit their parents and grandparents. They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival Listen and answer.听录音,找出答案。When is the Spring Festival?What do people do?What do people eat? Tips: 听课文时,可用笔在 文中划出答案哦!The Spring Festival is in January or February. People also call it Chinese New Year. At this festival,get people get together with together with their families. Some people eat dumplings. dumplings和…在一起 饺子to getherdum pling Can you fill in it?. 你会填空吗。 FestivalsSpring FestivalMonth(月份)Food(食物)get together with Activity (活动) their familiesJanuary or February Listen and answer.听录音,找出答案。When is the Dragon Boat Festival? What do people do? What do people eat?The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. There dragonboat boat races are dragon races in some places. People eat rice dumplings at this Festival.龙舟赛 places:地方 粽子 Can you fill in it?. 你会填空吗。 FestivalsSpring FestivalDragon Boat FestivalMonth(月份)Food(食物)Activity(活动)January or FebruaryMay or Junedragon boat races 龙舟比赛 Read and underline.(阅读剩余的两段文字,划出月份、人们的活动和所吃的食物)Tips: 遇到不懂的单词可以 结合图片猜测意思! Let’s fill in the blanks. 根据你所划出的内容将表格 填完。 FestivalsSpring FestivalDragon Boat FestivalMonth(月份)Food(食物)Activity(活动)January or FebruaryMay or JuneMid-Autumn September look at the moon Festival or October visit old people moon cakes 月饼 October or The Double Ninth Festival November climb mountainsrice cakesm ground oun tain Reading time.Tips: 跟读时,注意模仿语 音语调哦!The'Spring Festival is in 'January or' February . People 'also call it Chinese New Year. At this 'festival , people get together with their families. Some people eat 'dumplings . Reading time.The' Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. There are dragon boat races in' some places. People eat rice dumplings at this Festival. Reading time.The Mid-autumn Festival is in September or October. People look at the moon at night with their families. They eat 'moon cakes and fruit. Reading time.The'Double Ninth Festival is in October or November. It is a ' festival for 'old people. People visit their' parents and grandparents. They 'also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival. Read by yourselves.(自由朗读)四人一组,选择自己喜欢的方 式阅读课文吧!Read together(齐读)Read after one(一人领读)Read in turns(轮流读) Game time: 快速抢答。get together January or February 1.The Spring Festival is in______________. 2.People _________ with their families at their parents and grandparents 9.People visit __________________at 3.The 5.People Double eat _________at Ninth Festival Dragon is inNinth ________. Boat or rice dumplings October Double 6.People climb mountains 4.The 8.The Dragon Mid-Autumn Boat Festival is in in_________. ________. September or Spring Festival. May or June Mid-Autumn 7.People watch the moon at_______Festival. Double Ninth Festival. November Festival. October at________Festival. 打开信封,四人一组,讨论,合作完成 思维导图。 打开信封,四人一组,讨论,合作完成 思维导图。根据图表和下面的句型,组内成员每人复述 一个节日。People …. at this festival. People eat… at this festival.…festival is in … Homework :1. Make a poster about one of the four festivals.(选 择一个节日,做一张英文海报。) 2. Listen to the recording of the text and try to imitate.(听录音,并模仿跟读) Thank you !
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