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高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
本科 香港非八大的BBA in Management。大一大二学过intro to micro&macro,对经济学的兴趣也是从那时候开始的,但最后成绩一般,,,本科GPA也是刚刚过3,,,
研究生在香港Poly读 是一个商学院的MSc 有讲经济的课 但也绝不是专业的经济training。GPA也只有3.5,,,master期间帮一个econometrics的教授做了3个月part-time RA,是关于简单的regression的教学项目。
现在想全心准备Econ PhD了,,不过看样子一定要读一个Master做跳板先了,,了解过一些合适的programme,但喜欢的学校貌似都要求几个sem的math training,所以要先从这个开始下手了。
看了版内的帖子,发现现在可行的就是上美国学校的online course了,我看到UIUC有,想问问还有其他学校有吗?然后这种course是一定会被接受吗?发了邮件问心水学校还没得到回复,,
No gain is too light to struggle for.
最后登录在线时间17385 小时寄托币6479 声望646 注册时间阅读权限50帖子精华0积分11791UID3505689
长老二袋, 积分 11791, 距离下一级还需 8209 积分
声望646 寄托币6479 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 cheesechan 于
18:14 编辑
one of SYU / HSMC / OUHK ?
math part: if you are still in HK, take the diploma for graduate in mathematics from UoL international......(Abstract mathematics + Further linear algebra + Further calculus + Advanced mathematical analysis + Optimisation theory + Advanced statistics: distribution theory + Advanced statistics: statistical inference)
econ part: where is your intermediate micro / macro / econometrics ? you also need to find a way to take it back somehow as most solid econ master will look into this also seriously too.
the keypoint for a course to be accepted as taken is: examination. How well you master the knowledge of the course must be formally assessed through an creditible approach.
Alternative solution
1. if you are not in a job / are willing to take few weeks off, you can consider a on-campus summer school somewhere in US/UK. cost is a concern but not the biggest one as the opp. cost for going to study is much bigger.
2. get a &water& master in economics somewhere (e.g. HKU MEcon, JHU MS Applied econ, ....) which indeed only teach economics at senior bachelor level (and thus they have lower admission requirement on your math & econ requirement), and use it as springboard to a more solid one. The biggest concern is indeed.....your background is not strong enough (both uni and gpa) to get into a &water& one from a famous university......
Q1. be honest are you really interested in academics economics? [as you seems don't have any exposure to it before (into level micro / macro, business MSc for sure don't count)]
Q2. please list out all the math (if any), stat, econ course taken.
Q3. which schools you had been looking into till now?
P.S.1. and indeed.........paper being sample in a business MSc = it shows nothing, since 1. it is a business MSc, and thus your peer group are not well trained in academics. 2. it is PolyU only, academics is a very competitive field.)
P.S.2. your undergradate GPA is a very very big concern, i.e. need something else to show your academic ability (GRE is not useful for this purpose). I had heard of someone from this level of university getting admission from master of level at UK top 5 or eqv., but he/she is the top of the class for sure.
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高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
cheesechan 发表于
one of SYU / HSMC / OUHK ?
math part: if you are still in HK, take the diploma for graduate in math ...
Firstly, I'm just so honored to get your reply..I have to say your words really discourage me...but this is exactly why I'm writing this post, to set myself into the right position. So, thanks a lot!!!BTW, you are right, I'm in one of the three Us.
It is not easy to figure out a dream career path, but I'd really love to dedicate my time to do economic research. But yes, I don't have the chance to get a econ-related degree, and systematic training. I tried to apply for master econ programmes in HK, but failed. So I wonder if my undergrad GPA will stop me from econ study forever...
So are there any chances I could be admitted to any Us in the US that offering a master econ programme for PhD, given that I finish taking foundation math and econ courses with an excellent grade? If no, to what extent will it help if I take a &water& econ programme?
If there is a way, I will follow it anyway, no matter how many years it will take...so please at least give me some instructions on what I can do now...many thanks!!!
最后登录在线时间17385 小时寄托币6479 声望646 注册时间阅读权限50帖子精华0积分11791UID3505689
长老二袋, 积分 11791, 距离下一级还需 8209 积分
声望646 寄托币6479 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 cheesechan 于
20:03 编辑
羅小沈 发表于
Firstly, I'm just so honored to get your reply..I have to say your words really discourage me...but this is exactly why I'm writing this post, to set myself into the right position. So, thanks a lot!!!BTW, you are right, I'm in one of the three Us.
It is not easy to figure out a dream career path, but I'd really love to dedicate my time to do economic research. But yes, I don't have the chance to get a econ-related degree, and systematic training. I tried to apply for master econ programmes in HK, but failed. So I wonder if my undergrad GPA will stop me from econ study forever...
So are there any chances I could be admitted to any Us in the US that offering a master econ programme for PhD, given that I finish taking foundation math and econ courses with an excellent grade? If no, to what extent will it help if I take a &water& econ programme?
If there is a way, I will follow it anyway, no matter how many years it will take...so please at least give me some instructions on what I can do now...many thanks!!!
A1. Life is like that. If one's background is not enough, i.e. far from the goal, one have to think twice if one really want it or not as the cost (time and $$) towards it is high.
A2. not high GPA + not related discipline + not famous uni = very big problem to be solved, but nothing stop you forever.......at the worst case you have the solution of doing another bachelor.
A3. there're many university in US, from the best to the worst in the world, i.e. you always have chances to be admitted. the only uncertainty is........if the program is good enough for preparation for a good enough PhD. I guess still difficult. (but given your profile, be honest, things will be difficult anyway...)
Q1. are you working full time now?
Q2. what's your expected budget for the period before you get PhD studentship? and time frame?
Q3. which school had you applied and planning to apply?
P.S.1 the general picture is an exception rather than the norm that US university offer an academic master in economics, since their PhD consider BSc applicant directly, which is not the case for most other part of the world. most US master is for professional purpose
P.S.2 &water& master indeed not much use, but just only for those student who want a name on CV to find a job, and if one plan to go for PhD, a place for getting good reference if one comes outside the network but with solid preparation, i.e. guess not a good solution for your case.
最后登录在线时间1050 小时寄托币1725 声望75 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华0积分1143UID3429947
高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
cheesechan 发表于
A1. Life is like that. If one's background is not enough, i.e. far from the goal, one have to&&...
I'm full-time preparing all these things now, and I really don't care too much about the costs.
Alright, I get your point. Let me just focus on those things I have to do, and then give it a try. Maybe at last I will fail, but I won't regret it anyway. At least, I really did the best I can.
Thanks, seriously.
最后登录在线时间17385 小时寄托币6479 声望646 注册时间阅读权限50帖子精华0积分11791UID3505689
长老二袋, 积分 11791, 距离下一级还需 8209 积分
声望646 寄托币6479 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 cheesechan 于
21:07 编辑
羅小沈 发表于
I'm full-time preparing all these things now, and I really don't care too much about the costs.
given you have no time and budget constraint, there are many choice anyway.........
two main part have to make up:
math: multivariate calculus, linear algebra, probability, and statistics is a must. it is nice to have analysis (but really abstract), and a bit more applied math course (e.g. stochastic, optimization, time series, differential eqn) will help too.
econ: for a solid one, intermediate micro and macro is a must. econometrics is assumed. in general a bit more topic course in economics helps but not something that must be there.
I suppose you have statistics and econometrics already in bachelor but not others. Theses among to around 1.5 year of coursework at normal speed in university I guess.
P.S. (there are others solution for sure, but I am more familiar with the UK one)
- UoL internation dip for math to make up the mathematics part (but beware: exam is really as strict as on-campus one and no support.....) for 15-17.
- LSE summer school for intermediate micro, intermediate macro and intermediate econometrics for 16 summer.
- find your previous professor to see if there are any RA/TA available.
- and then apply for fall 2017 admission. (apply for 2016 is a bit too rush unless you can have all the things ready by end of this year, but can still try it for sure if you want)
最后登录在线时间1283 小时寄托币1884 声望281 注册时间阅读权限100帖子精华2积分1333UID2988063
声望281 寄托币1884 注册时间精华2帖子
我的建议是在你决定大笔投入时间和金钱进行这样一项浩大的工程之前,先去看一看Econ PhD们到底都在干什么。Ms和Undergraduate的paper和研究能力几乎对于你是否能成为good researcher没有任何预见能力。坦白的说,我自己以前写的很多东西也一样,都是一些garbage。因为你的背景是相对来说较弱的的,而且我本人因为也有BBA Degree所以我知道商院到底有多水,所以我的建议是你去MIT OCW这样的网站找一找他们PhD的课程,然后一步一步根据Prerequisite倒推回去,看看要到哪一门基础课你才能看懂。然后按照3-4门课一学期的速度计算一下自己大概要多久才能达到PhD Econ的基础要求(满足Prerequisite很多时候不保证你就具备了搞定一门课的基础,但是这是best guess)。如果你是一个普通的Econ学生,只是欠缺一些背景,我很鼓励大家去尝试一下。但是因为你从来没有过相关的训练,我的建议是你先去详细了解一下到底Econ PhD将经历什么样的学习和研究过程再下决心来读PhD。我认识一个和你差不多背景的PhD同学,他28岁才进入PhD项目,而且这个人的数学水平和研究能力其实是很高的,只是背景不好就把他挡在PhD门外整整6年。
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长老二袋, 积分 11791, 距离下一级还需 8209 积分
声望646 寄托币6479 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 cheesechan 于
22:20 编辑
bsyben 发表于
我的建议是在你决定大笔投入时间和金钱进行这样一项浩大的工程之前,先去看一看Econ PhD们到底都在干什么。 ...
我的建议是你先去详细了解一下到底Econ PhD将经历什么样的学习和研究过程再下决心来读PhD。
100% agree.
I know quite some people feel that they are interested in economics during their secondary school and thus want to be an economist, and go to economics major in university, and then find that it is not something they expected..
bsyben 发表于
然后一步一步根据Prerequisite倒推回去,看看要到哪一门基础课你才能看懂。然后按照3-4门课一学期的速度计算一下自己大概要多久才能达到PhD Econ的基础要求(满足Prerequisite很多时候不保证你就具备了搞定一门课的基础,但是这是best guess)。
without taking the level of university in account, but just talk about making up the coursework gap back academically, I guess it take around 4 year for OP:
- multivariate calculus, linear algebra, elementary analysis, elementary analysis, probability, intermediate micro, intermediate macro, probability, statistics & econometrics
- stochastic process, statistical inference, optimization, time series, real analysis, and a bit more math/stat/econ....i.e. basically doing another bachelor in math & econ but just kick away those general requirement (e.g. language and general education)
- master year 1: core micro X2, macro X2, metric X2
- master year 2: other econ course and thesis
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初级会员, 积分 250, 距离下一级还需 100 积分
声望64 寄托币249 注册时间精华0帖子
如果连最基本的微积分、线性代数和概率论都没有的话,summer school也很难弥补。Poly的那个credit based比较靠谱。我身边的同学(PhD同学)也有这么干的。
最后登录在线时间1050 小时寄托币1725 声望75 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华0积分1143UID3429947
高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
bsyben 发表于
我的建议是在你决定大笔投入时间和金钱进行这样一项浩大的工程之前,先去看一看Econ PhD们到底都在干什么。 ...
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高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
伪摇滚爱好者 发表于
楼主你好,感觉目前你对经济学博士申请准备不是很充分,希望最大的也就是你现在就读的学校,看看教授能不能 ...
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高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
zero的小号 发表于
如果连最基本的微积分、线性代数和概率论都没有的话,summer school也很难弥补。Poly的那个credit based比较 ...
太好了!谢谢你!因为签证问题,我最早也要enrol Poly明年1月的那个学期了,但是知道靠谱还是很开心的!如果补齐了数学,再去summer school可以吗?
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高级会员, 积分 1143, 距离下一级还需 457 积分
声望75 寄托币1725 注册时间精华0帖子
cheesechan 发表于
100% agree.
I know quite some people feel that they are interested in economics during their se ...
Thanks for all your help!!!!! Will plan for next 2 years based on your suggestions!
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羅小沈 发表于
版主你好。是的,,我之前确实没有认真的准备过,,还走了很多弯路,,所以现在想尽力挽回。其实接受美国 ...
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以学习求发展 ——关于教师专业发展的几个问题 陶西平.ppt 106页
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——教师在专业化道路上成长 (二)教育是一种服务
——教师在以人为本 的服务中成长 (三)教育是一项集体智慧
——教师在专业化道路上成长 我国完整意义上的教师专业化的起始于1902年京师大学堂师范馆的设立,至今教师教育已经走完100年的历程,但总体上看,教师专业化水平还很低。
教师是一种专业职业,因为它具有专业化的一切特征。教师职业的专业性体现在有国家的学历标准,必备的教育知识和教育能力,职业道德的要求,严格的教师资格管理和制度等。这个职业应该具有不可替代性。 美国卡内基促进教学基金会主席\斯坦福大学教授舒尔蔓提出七类教师知识的观点,他认为学科教学知识是七类教师知识的核心。 学科知识; 一般教学法知识; 课程知识; 学科教学知识; 学习者及其特点知识; 教育背景知识; 教育目标、目的和价值观及其哲学和历史背景知识。 世俗观念轻视教师的教育专业定位。 1.轻视教师的教育专业素质; 2.轻视教师的教育专业知识; 3.轻视教师的教育专业能力; 4.轻视教师的教育专业素养; 5.轻视教师的教育创新能力。 联合国教科文组织的重要文献《学会生存》早在20世纪70年代就指出,加快教师专业化的进程是提高教师质量的成功策略。 20世纪80年代以来,教师专业化形成了世界性的潮流,极大地推动了许多国家教师教育新理念和新制度的建立。
教师专业发展的关键问题——教师教育。 (1)专业入门教育——职前教育(师范教育) (2)专业终身教育——职后教育(继续教育)
(1)师范教育。培养新教师的师范教育制度的改革是提高教师专业化水平的基础。 划分师范教育学科门类; 制定教师职业资格标准; 确定教师培养的内容、方式。
应当从一劳永逸的静态专业发展观转变为终身学习的可持续的专业发展观。 教育行政部门和学校有责任关注教师的专业化进程。
实行双作业线 :(价值创造与支持)
教师发展工作规划 (二)教育是一种服务
——教师在以人为本 的服务中成长 (1)坚持教师专业发展的服务性,明确为全体学生全面发展服务的目标; (2)坚持教师专业发展的人文性,将教师的发展与学生的发展统一起来; (3)坚持教师专业发展的务实性,防止教师培养过程中的形式主义倾向。 (1)坚持教师专业发展的服务性,明确为全体学生全面发展服务的目标。 建国以来,我国进行了四次大的教育改革。 建国之初:肃清封建的,买办的,法西斯主义的思想,发展为人民服务的思想,建立民主的,大众的,科学的教育。 1958年:教育为无产阶级政治服务,与生产劳动相结合; 1966年:资产阶级知识分子统治我们学校的现象再也不能继续下去了; 1978年:努力提高教育在现代化建设中地位和作用。
化的发展和改善人民物质文化生活是互为前提和基础的。人越全面发展,社会的物质文化财富就会创造得越多,人民的生活就越能得到改善,而物质文化条件越充分,又越能推进人的全面发展。 —江泽民


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