
18299被浏览分享邀请回答7.4K1333 条评论分享收藏感谢收起5.3K1954 条评论分享收藏感谢收起英文论文的写作开题报告是很重要的一部分,由于是英语论文的关系很多同学在写起来会很麻烦,所以为了方便大家的写作小编特地为大家发表了这篇英文论文开题报告范文function and application of。下文为范文,希望这篇文章对大家有所帮助!
一个方便的工具已经成立来进行DTS。 “规范”是在描述和解释的每个阶段工作。功能,工艺和产品以及它们以及关系是什么构成了描述性研究的骨骼结构。翻译现象占与规范的帮助。
2.2 methodolgy
2.3 DTS在对比其他理论
附录2 – 引文范例(仅供参考)
“这是毫无意义的,因此要尽量让TC更加科学比鉴于其复杂的主题和方法也懂事了。 。翻译是不能穷尽一个语言框架,忽略了翻译的人内调查了精神,多因素的活动“(威尔斯,)
威尔斯,钨。问题和方法 – 翻译的科学。冈特NARR蒂宾根出版社,1982年。
纽马克,彼得。翻译的教科书。纽约:Prentice Hall出版社,1988年。
function and application of descriptive translation studies 1 introduction the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analy..
function and application of descriptive translation studies
1 introduction
the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).
dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.
the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.
a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.
the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.
in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.
2.1 development and major concepts of dts
in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product.
2.2 methodolgy
i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.
2.3 dts in contrast to other theories
a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.
2.4 case study
in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at rando
2.5 conclusion
based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.
(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)
附录2- 引文范例(仅供参考)
“it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”(wilss, )
附录3- 参考文献范例(仅供参考)
wilss, wolfram. the science of translation – problems and methods. gunter narr verlag tubingen,1982.
newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. new york: prentice hall, 1988.
delabastita, dirk. translating puns: a false opposition in translation studies. target, ):137-152.
school of international studies
university of international business and economics
pragmatic strategies
in advertising: implicatures
a thesis submitted to school of international studies of
university of international business and economics
in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the degree of master of arts
beijing, china
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简历修改润色修改润色是很多同学都头疼的一件事,每年都有几万人写留学个人简历,几万人都同时写一样东西难免会撞脸,说不定就写的很像。所以润色好对于留学个人简历来说还是很重要的。一份好的留学个人简历能够让留学个人简历更加有效,下文就是小编为大家整理的个人简历润色的一些介绍希望帮到 大家。
Adrienne Rich defines re vision as “the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction.”
Effective re vision requires establishing some distance between yourself and what you’ve produced. This enables you to read your work as though you’re part of the audience for whom it was written.
Checklist for reading your own essays as part of the re vision process:
1) Are there any places in the writing where the meaning is confused or unclear?
Any breaks in logic?
2) Are the ideas arranged in a logical fashion? Does the structure of the argument make sense?
3) Does the essay provide textual evidence to support the observations and opinions that are offered?
4) Is the language appropriate to the topic and the audience? Is the word choice and style of writing effective?
5) Is the essay persuasive?
Aspects of the writing you may be able to improve:
1) Strengthen content. Is there enough information?
2) Sharpen focus. Clarify the introduction, emphasizing the thesis. Eliminate irrelevant text.
3) Improve organization. Sharpen topic sentences. Rearrange blocks of text to make better sense.
4) Refine the tone. Introduce variety of sentence structure.
5) Check the mechanics of the writing: punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
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材料来源:什么是资源相关的话题? (例如技术工具,特别是组织,档案文件,罕见的出版物等)在哪里这些来源?是否有其中的任何访问的问题呢?
to assist us allocate the right supervisor it will be helpful should you offera brief proposal not exceeding three A4 pages relating to the next information.
you’ll be able to attract out of your assignments within the research methods module if still relevant on your MSc research. this isn’t marked but proves to be very useful within the initial discussions with an idealvisor. it is going to also function a fundamentalfor the existingation of your research interest on the Dissertation Day, in order to be organised initially of the dissertation period.
there is not any popularshape dissertation
the person nature of eachsubject and that its research needs couldrecommenda diffehireformat or form of professionalposal. generally, however, proposals should include the next dataor answer the next questions:
Dissertation Subject: what’s the professionalposal subject? What are its limits (in period of time, geographical area, organisations and theories to be examined, etc.)? This need to be stated initially of the professionalposal.
Significance: Why is the topic important? What gentlecouldit shed on larger communication questions, or in what opposite direction couldit contribute to our field? Is the topic of sufficient interest thon the dissertation might be publishable?
Theoretical framework: Which theories and theoretical concepts shall be used for your dissertation? Why? How do they relate for your subject area? How can they explain phenomena into account?
Methodology: What form of querywill the dissertation address, and the way will it attempt to respond to it? Which research methods are can be maximumappropriate to make use of considering your limitations?
State of existing scholarship: To what extent hbecause the topic alin a positionbeen studied? What are the strengths or deficiencies of the prevailing scholarship?
Material Sources: What are the resources relevant to the topic? (e.g. technical tools, particular organisations, archival documents, rare publications, etc.) Wlisted here are these sources? Are there problems of access to any of them?
Work Accomplished: How far have you ever alin a positionprogressed into the study? it could also be appropriate to mentiat the origin of your interest within the subject, relevant courses which were taken, etc.
Work Remaining: What research shall be required, and where will it’s done? How long is it more likely to take? Are there any special problems that can impactthe processthe dissertation work?
Outline: Outline and proposed table of contents of the dissertation as presently envisaged.
Bibliography: this can be a expressbibliography, giving an vitalworks and suggesting the form of literature relevant to the topic.
再次,这并不是新的信息。你是不是分析材料来了,上面有你自己的,新的视角。你只是像个电脑 – 注意模式,孔洞,并假设所有的源服用。
评估你的源代码。你可以有最好的意图和散文的形式,说服持怀疑态度坚定,但如果你的源代码是没有生命力的,仅此而已。 Finito。确保您的源上的多个层面的评估。
校对你的工作。你有困难的部分了。现在,所有你需要做的就是去在它的拼写,语法和标点符号。以写作和校对的休息 – 你的大脑可能有点饱和。跳回到它当您准备好。
How to Do a Literature Review
Some people might think of a literature review as reading a book and then giving it a thumbs up or thumbs down. Nope, not so. A literature review is a review of various pieces of literature on one topic, ranging from series of books to shorter pieces like pamphlets. Sometimes, the literary review is a part of a larger research paper. Its purpose is to prevent duplication of efforts, resolve conflicts, and point the way for further research.
Before Writing
Clarify your professor’s requirements. Some instructors may ask you to do a literature review and not get more specific than that. Or, maybe they did and you were playing Plants vs Zombies. Either way, knowing precisely what your professor is looking for is the first step to getting that A.
How many sources should you include? Does he/she want a specific number of each type? Do they have to be at least semi-current?
In discussing your themes, are you just summarizing or critiquing? Some reviews require a thesis, some may not.
Should you offer your opinion on your sources?
Do you need to provide background information, such as definitions or histories, to aid in your audience’s understanding?
Is there a page or word requirement?
Narrow your topic. Get as narrow as you possibly can while still having the amount of sources necessary. Studying birth order may lead yo studying birth order of same-sex siblings will make your search for sources much quicker and more manageable.
Get current. If you are writing a review in the humanities, history, or social sciences, you can afford to be less concerned with timing (in fact, changing opinions throughout history may be an aspect of your paper). But if you are writing a literary review for the sciences, say, on treating diabetes, information from 5 years ago could already be obsolete. Sort through current bibliographies or literature reviews in the field to get a sense of what your discipline expects.
Find a focus. Unfortunately, you are not just gathering sources and summing up what they have to say. You should be considering what themes and ideas connect your sources together. Think of these books as your group of friends all arguing on the same topic. What are they all assuming? How are they the same and how are they different?
Read between the lines. You’re not necessarily looking for explicit content. Is there an aspect of the field that is missing? Are your sources all prescribing to one specific theory? Do you see trends being revealed? This will help you structure your paper immensely, zeroing in on what will give your paper purpose.
Construct your thesis. Now that you’ve found your focus, it’s time to construct a thesis statement. You may be thinking that literature reviews don’t have thesis statements. That’s both partly true and false: They have theses, but they’re quite different. Your thesis statement will not necessarily argue for a po rather, it will argue for a particular perspective on the material.
For example, “Current trends in [topic] are A, B, and C,” or “The X Theory is assumed by most sources from 1985 on.” Stating something like this begs a few questions, making your review more interesting and meaningful: How will trends change in the future? What if the assumed theories are wrong?
Again, this is not new information. You are not analyzing the material and coming up with your own, fresh perspective on it. You are simply acting like a computer–noting patterns, holes, and assumptions all your sources are taking.
Assess your sources. You can have the best of intentions and a form of prose that convinces the staunchest of skeptics, but if your sources aren’t viable, that’s it. Finito. Make sure your sources are evaluated on a number of levels.
What are the author’s credentials? How are their arguments supported (narratives, statistics, historical findings, etc.)?
Is the author’s perspective unbiased and objective? Are they ignoring any data to make their points seem stronger?
How persuasive are they? Do any of their points leave a bit to be desired?
Does their work lead to a greater understanding of the subject?
Constructing Your Paper
Start with a solid introduction. As with everything, first impressions matter. Your intro should give a quick idea of the topic of your review, be it thematically or by organizational pattern.
Help the reader along by letting them know what kind of ride they’re in for. If you are employing a thesis statement, place it toward the end of your introductory paragraph. At the end, your reader should be anticipating getting into the evidence and bulk of your paper.
Organize the body. Here is the part where you have the most options. You have a number of sources and, since they’re all on the same topic, they probably have loads in common. Choose whichever way seems the most natural to you for your specific focus.
Arrange it chronologically. If you are dealing with varying opinions by era or changing trends over time, chronological organization may make the most sense.
Arrange it by publication. This organizational method fares well if each publication has a different stance. If there is a natural progression (radical to conservative, for example) between the sources, this works swimmingly.
Arrange it by trend. If you are noticing patterns in your sources, arranging them by the trends they suggest may be the most obvious structure. Certain sources may, together, suggest one pattern that shifts over time, region, or other variable.
Arrange it thematically. This highly depends on your thesis statement and what sources you have chosen. If you are choosing a focus that is more abstract (“Colonialism is depicted as evil,” for example), the subsections may be arranged on the different methods employed to put the theme across.
Come to a clear conclusion. The closing paragraph needs to wrap up your paper, reiterate what was said in the intro, and discuss what you’ve drawn so far from your studies.
You may make your conclusion suggestive. Where might the discussion proceed if someone else picked it up where you left off? What are the consequences of the patterns and holes in toda
如果你的思维模糊或有缺陷的,你的决定可能会导致小于理想的后果。思维技巧很容易被认为是理所当然的。 “当然,我能想到的!”你可以对自己说。现在的问题是,如何你觉得呢?
铲除消极的自我谈话。大部分的思维传递什么真的自我对话子的声音,你不断地与自己进行交谈。这种自我暗示往往需要关键的判断和对自己态度的形式。你的思维能力可以通过自我对话,超过并传达负面的信息一再被削弱,强化负面的自我形象(“我不能做任何事情的权利”,“我只是不一样聪明的其他人”)或态度( “我还是不相信任何人”,“学校是浪费时间”)。除非这种消极的思想受到挑战和更积极的自我对话取代的时候,会以不希望的方式来影响你的决定。在这种变化的基本要素是自尊的培养。心理咨询是一个很好的解决了这类问题。
检查您的信息的有效性。信息可能是可靠的,但无效。有效性具有的信息,其中被施加它的上下文的相关性有关。它可能是一个可靠的事实,当你划火柴,火会导致 – 除非你是在水下还是在太空真空!语境很重要!
How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
If your thinking is fuzzy or flawed, your decisions may lead to less than desirable consequences. Thinking skills are easily taken for granted. “Surely I can think!” you may say to yourself. The question is, how well do you think?
Value objective reality. Our thinking can only be effective if it is based on reality. R it exists independently of your desires, wishes, whims, and objectives. Your thinking will be productive to the extent that you are able to accurately perceive and interpret this reality. This requires objectivity–the ability to separate “what is” from what you might want to believe or what might be more comforting to believe.
Keep an open mind. A closed mind is cut off from reality. The closed mind thinker can
he or she has a rigid set of opinions and attitudes that are not open to discussion. Such a thinker cannot be reasoned with, since this process involves processing new input. If you feel as if you are talking to a brick wall, you are probably dealing with a closed mind thinker. However, being open minded does not mean that you should not stand by the truth as you know it, or that you must accept every point of view. Truth will w only illusion is threatened by the exchange of thought.
Do not tolerate ongoing and unproductive ambiguity. Most decisions that you face involve a degree of ambiguity, a gray area between the obvious black-or-white alternatives. This is not an argument for the tole it is a recommendation to exercise the power of thought to establish clarity. Ambiguity is often a symptom of sloppy, incomplete, or irrational thinking. When you experience such a state, it is time carefully to examine your premises, your principles, your knowledge, and the efficacy of your thinking process. Knowledge is the progressive retrieval of clarity from uncertainty and confusion.
Avoid the bandwagon. When a notion becomes popular, many people will jump on the bandwagon to embrace it. This is usually more a function of conformity than it is of critical thought. Look (and think) before you leap.
Distinguish between observation and inference, between established facts and conjectures that follow.
Withhold judgment until you are sure you have adequate information. It may be tempting to jump to conclusions, but you may end up in a hole you didn’t see. On the other hand, once you have adequate information, do not hesitate to make judgments based upon it. Judgment is part of the process of thinking, the application of your ability to come to conclusions about reality.
Maintain a sense of humor. You can’t think straight if everything seems like a matter of life and death to you. The ability to laugh at yourself and to see the humor in situations can often help you maintain clarity of thought and perspective. However, beware of laughter used as a weapon to denigrate what you value or as a p such uses require a serious response.
Cultivate intellectual curiosity. The world is full of things you don’t yet know about. Curiosity is the sign of a mind that is free and open to the wonders of reality, unafraid to face the unknown in order to grasp new knowledge. A curious thinker will explore new manners of looking at things and doing things. Learning can be an adventure of constant and exciting discovery if you cultivate a curious mind.
Don’t take things at face value. At an early age, most of us learn not to believe everything we hear. Imagine how disappointed you would be if you believed all the claims you hear in television advertising! This same principle should be applied to the other information that comes through the media, even what is presented as “news.” It is meant to be chewed (and sometimes spit out), not swallowed whole! Beware of packaging that hides the truth. Sometimes a big box with a fancy picture on the front bears little relationship to what is hidden inside. Open it up and take a look for yourself!
Challenge conventional wisdom. Every culture is based upon certain assumptions that go largely unquestioned. Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer and mathematician, was brought before the Inquisition because he dared to question the “truth” that the Earth was the center of the universe. Even today, members of the Flat Earth Society are said to believe that the world is as flat as a pancake! You cannot assume what is commonly accepted as truth is indeed true. Truth is established by rational thought, not by a public opinion poll or past practice.
Resist appeals to emotion. Emotion can sometimes cloud your reason. If you are angry or ecstatic, your thought processes will not work in the same way as when you are in a more dispassionate mood. Beware of situations in which your emotions are being intentionally stimulated (by flattery, fear, or anticipations while you are being asked to make a decision. It may be a strategy to manipulate the outcome.
Do not automatically accept authority. The appeal to authority is a favorite advertising gimmick: Hollywood stars, sports figures, and popular culture heroes are used to promote everything from breakfast cereal to underwear and underarm deodorant. We are encouraged to think that if he (or she) says this is great stuff, it must be! The fact that such an authority is getting paid millions of dollars for his or her endorsement might be enough to make you question him as an objective authority.
Beware others’ ego pleasing behavior. Flattery is a time honored method of persuasion. If someone starts with flattery, they may intend to end with your thinking or your money in their pocket. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between a sincere compliment and a statement designed to manipulate you.
Be aware of your own ego enhancing behavior. Decisions can often be influenced by how you want to appear to yourself or to others. If you are overly concerned about maintaining a given image, you may be doing and saying things that are not really in your own best interest. As you achieve authentic self esteem, behavior based on appearances often loses its appeal.
Maintain a sense of perspective. When you are in the midst of an important matter, it is easy to lose a balanced view of the situation. It can often be a good practice to “zoom out” and view the matter in a larger context. One method to establish perspective: On a scale of one to ten, with one being the death of a blade of grass and ten being worldwide nuclear annihilation, what does your situation rate? Is it truly as critical as it seems at the moment?
Be aware of unspoken rules. Sometimes how we behave is dictated by hidden rules. If you are not aware of such unspoken rules, you won’t have the knowledge you need to make a wise decision. If you are in a familiar situation, chances are you know the rules (for example: don’t rock the boat, don’t question the boss, don’t challenge the professor). If you are in an unfamiliar situation (or a foreign culture), it may pay to be unusually observant and to question those more familiar with the situation. This is not to say that you should be limited by such rules, only that an awareness of them is advisable.
Be aware of nonverbal behavior clues. The impact of verbal communication is less than half of the message you receive from others. The rest of the message is communicated by nonverbal behavior. You will be influenced by both. If someone is acting friendly while painfully squeezing your hand in a handshake, you may have reason to question what he or she are saying! The same would apply if someone is stretched back in his chair and yawning while telling you how interested he is in your ideas. The clearer your perception of the facts of the situation, the clearer your thinking will be.
When under pressure, stop and think. Impulsive decision making often results in poor decisions. As the pressure for a decision increases, the temptation to make an impulsive decision also increases. You may rationalize this by thinking that any decision is be this is rarely true. Indecision is often the result of poor decision making skills. Impulsiveness only assures that you’ll reap the consequences of poor decisions that much sooner!
See beyond labels and stereotypes. Labels and stereotypes are a type of mental shorthand that can facilitate thinking and communication. If you are in need of a four legged piece of furniture designed for sitting, it is easier to ask for a chair and to ignore the many possible variations of design and materials. However, if you are investigating a possible career choice, you should not be satisfied with a stereotypical description of the occupations involved you want to know exactly what it really means to be a police officer, brain surgeon, or financial analyst. Likewise, dealing with people from different backgrounds or cultures is seriously hampered by prejudicial stereotypes that obscure the truth.
Weed out negative self talk. Much of what passes for thinking is really self-talk–sub-vocal conversations you constantly hold with yourself. This self-talk often takes the form of critical judgments and attitudes about yourself. Your thinking skills may be undermined by self talk that conveys negative messages over and over again, reinforcing a negative self image (“I can’t do anything right,” “I’m just not as smart as everyone else”) or attitudes (“I better not trust anyone,” “School is a waste of time”). Unless this kind of negative thinking is challenged and replaced by more positive self talk, it will tend to influence your decisions in an undesirable manner. The fundamental element in such change is the cultivation of self esteem. Counseling is a good solution to this kind of problem.
Look for consistency. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: “foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” A thoughtful consistency, however, is the hallmark of careful and thorough thinking. Consistency and logic are criteria that should be applied to whatever you consider. Inconsistency is often used to obscure the truth.
Practice empathy. There’s an Indian saying that you should walk a mile in another person’s moccasins before passing judgment. In other words, you should not judge others until you fully understand their situation. By practicing this type of empathy, you will decrease the likelihood of making snap judgments that you may later regret. You may also find that a little understanding facilitates a deeper insight into other people and their behavior. The deeper your insight into yourself and others, the wiser your decisions will be.
Take time to check the facts. If you don’t have the facts straight, your decisions are likely to be skewed. In important matters, you should try to obtain firsthand access to the relevant facts. If you are trying to make a career decision and want to know something about your occupational skills, it is better to take an aptitude test than to ask your buddies what they think “you’re good at.” Likewise, it is better to find out the nature of work for a given occupation, based on accepted references and worker interviews, than to rely on stereotypes that may be full of partial truths and significant omissions. Check the reliability of your information. Did it come from a reliable source? Can you find another source that confirms your information? If you can answer yes to these questions, you can be more confident about the facts you use as a basis for your decisions.
Check the validity of your information. Information may be reliable but not valid. Validity has to do with the relevance of the information to the context in which it is being applied. It may be a reliable fact that when you strike a match, fire will result–unless you are underwater or in the vacuum of outer space! Context is important!
Cultivate listening skills. When it comes to conversation, what you hear is what you get. Listening is another skill we tend to take for granted, but it is rarely utilized as effectively as we think. How many times have you been in the middle of a conversation and suddenly realized that the other person had asked you a question that you didn’t even hear? How often are you so preoccupied with your own thoughts in class that you tune out the instructor? It happens to us all, which illustrates the difficulty of practicing this seemingly simple skill. The better you listen, the more correct informa the more correct information you have, the better decisions you will make.
Be aware of illogical thinking. There are entire philosophy books devoted to logic and the manner in which it can be distorted. Stereotypes are often based on illogical thinking, applying specific characteristics in a universal manner without verifiable basis in fact, or assuming a causal connection between two unrelated events. Advertising commonly encourages illogical associations: beef is touted as “food for real people” (what do “unreal” people eat?), and white teeth or the right deodorant seem to guarantee a bevy of babes (or hunks) at your feet (Where’s the Crest?). It may seem obvious that such claims are ridiculous, but someone is paying big bucks for these commercials for a reason!
Heed your intuition. All of us have hunches about things at one time or another. These hunches are often the result of information that registers at a level other than conscious awareness. It’s like when you sense someone staring at you, only to look up and find it is true. There was no logical reason to believe someone was looking it you, but it somehow registered nevertheless. Intuition cannot take the place of logical thought, but it can be developed as a valuable supplement. By trying to be more aware of your intuitions, you can increase your sensitivity to this kind of information. As you learn to test it and to trust it, it can enhance your decision making skills.
How to Critique Creative Writing
Writing well requires talent and skill, but it also requires practice and feedback to evaluate the results of that practice. Critiquing creative writing successfully requires knowing what’s important to the writing and what’s important to the writer receiving the critique. The following steps offer direction in how to critique creative writing for others.
Don’t critique the work without first being asked to. The writers who are most open to having their work read and evaluated by others are those who ask for it. Usually, writers who can’t handle feedback aren’t willing to put their work out for critiquing.
Understand what kind of critique the writer expects. Discuss what kind of feedback the writer is looking for before you review the manuscript. If the writer tells you he or she has had trouble writing a particular passage within the manuscript, focus your efforts on that passage. If the writer is looking for help with spelling, punctuation, and grammar, provide that to the best of your ability.
If the writer comes across solely as looking for an ego stroke, you may want to politely decline the request to do a critique.
Be well-read, preferably in the genre of the writing. Your critique will be more effective if you have a background in the genre or area of the writing, such as being an avid reader of science fiction if asked to critique someone’s science fiction manuscript. If you aren’t well read a given genre, you may still be able to critique the work for the overall quality of the writing, if that’s what the writer looking to be critiqued is asking you for.
Be able to write reasonably well yourself. Being well-read and being able to write well usually go hand-in-hand, but not automatically. If you regularly confuse words such as “tenant” and “tenet,” write incomplete sentences without good reason, and punctuate irregularly, you’re probably not the best candidate to critique someone else’s writing.
However, if you do write well, recognize that your style of writing is not necessary the only or best way to write a given story or article. You should be familiar with several writing styles and points of view in order to critique creative writing effectively.
Read the manuscript over carefully. Reading a manuscript to critique it requires reading in more detail and depth than reading for pleasure. You’re reading the text for content, consistency, grammar, punctuation, and style. Read the text carefully, making notes as you go, either in the margins of the manuscript or on a separate piece of paper. Re-read any difficult passages and, if you have time, the entire manuscript.
If you’re reading the manuscript in a word processing document, you can use the word processing program’s comments feature to make comments.
If you run into a word you don’t understand, look it up, either in a hard-copy dictionary or online. Also look up any historical or scientific information included in the manuscript that you have questions about.
Address your critique to the manuscript, not to the writer. Comments within the critique should be in the nature of either “This section needs ?” or “I didn’t understand this sentence,” not “You need to.”
Begin with a summary of what you got from the work. State what you thought the story was about and what the author was trying to accomplish with it. This lets the writer know how well he or she was able to communicate the story’s key themes to you.
Tell the author what worked, and why. Identify what parts of the writing and what you liked about them. Point out the author’s strengths, with specific examples, such as “I liked the details in your characters, such as giving your heroine the same middle name as her mother, in addition to describing her as being a dead ringer for her mother.” Also point out things the author got “right” that seem to be outside his or her strong areas.
Tell the author what didn’t work, why, and suggest how to fix it. As with describing the strengths, provide specifics in a positive way. Don’t say, “This word ‘said’ in this passage is weak,” wi instead, say, “The word ‘said’ in this passage is weak because you’ve established that the character is frightened. You might want to use the word ‘quavered’ instead.”
If you’re not comfortable with the genre or writing style, acknowledge it in those points where your discomforts might have an impact on your view of the work. That will let the writer know whether to dismiss your comments or to look for a critique from another person more familiar with the genre or writing style.
Give the author what he or she needs to refer to when incorporating your feedback. The more complete your feedback, and the more effectively you present it to the writer, the easier and more likely he or she will be to incorporate it into future revisions. How you present it depends on whether you are providing feedback orally, in writing, or electronically.
If you’re critiquing the manuscript orally, organize the points you want to make and be sure to cover them thoroughly. Point to specific places in the manuscript where possible and provide the writer with a copy of your notes.
If you’re critiquing the manuscript in writing (hard copy), review your critique for clarity and consistency. Give the writer a copy of the manuscript with your markup and comments and a separate feedback document.
If you’re critiquing the manuscript electronically, you can do a “Save As” on the marked-up manuscript, accept the marked-up changes on the new copy, and then save it with a different but related name from the original manuscript, such as “ManuscriptCleanCopy.” If you’re including comments about the manuscript in the email, cut and paste sections of the manuscript into the email where appropriate, using a different text color or font if sending the email in rich text format.
利用互联网快速定义条款。肥胖是一种疾病?什么是我们通过调用它的一个“流行”呢?这些条款,你可以,也应该查查在线快速。通过定义你的条件,而且越来越熟悉的话题 – 成为它一个业余专家,其实 – 你将更加明智的,当你到了更多的技术种源,您需要使用您的支持研究。
一些学生认为更多的资源,使研究论文更好。它没有。理想情况下,你想要的“自己的”声音的平衡 – 这意味着研究 – 和你的声音,你的论点。一个好的研究项目使用的研究,以形成支持一个参数,而不是像一个口技假人,重复你在阅读的长度信息。
Learning to search effectively for sources of information online and at the library doesn’t have to be complicated. By learning to form effective research questions, plan out your venture, and explore the options available, you can get started using good sources to explore and support a position with research. See Step 1 for more information.
首先:Forming a Research Question
Learn about the different kinds of research you can conduct. Research happens any time you actively seek out information about a specific topic. You can research to explore a topic you’re unfamiliar with, as well as to provide evidence for claims you’re making in a presentation or research essay. Research can be collected by gathering your own data, reading online, or using previous research projects to guide your efforts.
Exploratory research is done when you read online, getting the quickest summary of the topic at hand. Say you were researching the general topic of “obesity” in the United States. To explore the topic, you might start with a Google search, read the wikipedia page, and find other web entries to get yourself familiar with the topic. What’s the issue with obesity in the US? What arguments are being made about it? What other subjects are related to this topic? Health and fitness? Fast-food? What are you interested in researching further? In this kind of research, you’re looking for facts.
Write down what}


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