They arewho are they talkingg turkey. 怎么翻译?

I'm Susan Clark with the Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
这里是美国之音慢速英语词汇典故节目,我是苏珊?克拉克(Susan Clark)。Young Mister Smith had an idea for his employer. It was an idea for saving money for the company by increasing prices. At the same time, Smith suggested that the company sell goods of less value.
年轻的史密斯先生为老板出了个主意,就是通过提高价格为公司多赚钱。同时,史密斯建议公司应该销售一些低价值的产品。If his employer liked the idea, Smith might be given more pay. Perhaps he might even get a better job with the company.
如果老板主喜欢这个主意,史密斯可能得到加薪,甚至他可能在公司得到一个更好的职位。Business had been very slow. So Mister Smith's employer thought a few minutes about the idea. But then she shook her head. "I am sorry, Smith," his employer said. "It just will not wash."
公司业务一直不瘟不火。因此,老板考虑了一下史密斯的这个主意。但随后她摇了摇头。“很抱歉,史密斯,”老板说,“It just will not wash.”Now, the meaning of these English words should be, "It will not get clean." Yet Smith's idea did not have anything to do with making something clean. So why did his employer say, "It will not wash?"
这个短语现在的意思应该是,“这不会有什么帮助。”史密斯的主意对生意没什么帮助。因此,老板说:“It will not wash?”Most word experts agree that "it will not wash" means it will not work. Eric Partridge wrote that the saying probably developed in Britain in the eighteen hundreds. Charlotte Bronte used it in a story published in eighteen forty-nine. She wrote, "That wiln't wash, miss." Mizz Bronte seems to have meant that the dyes used to color a piece of clothing were not good. The colors could not be depended on to stay in the material.
大多数词汇专家一致认为,“it will not wash”意思是这行不通。埃里克?帕特里奇(Eric Partridge)写道,这种说法可能起源于19世纪的英国。夏洛蒂?勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)1849年发表的故事中用到了这种说法。她写道,“That wiln't wash,小姐。” 勃朗特貌似是说,用于染这块布的染料不太好,颜色无法附着于布料。In nineteenth century England, the expression came to mean an undependable statement. It was used mainly to describe an idea. But sometimes it was used about a person.
在19世纪的英国,这个短语意味着一种不可靠的状态。它主要用于形容一种想法,但有时也用于形容一个人。A critic once said of the poet Robert Browning, "He won't wash." The critic did not mean that the poet was not a clean person. He meant that Browning's poems could not be depended on to last.
一位评论家曾经这么形容诗人罗伯特?布朗宁(Robert Browning),“He won't wash.”这位评论家并不是说这位诗人不讲卫生。他说的是,布朗宁的诗不能传承下去。Today, we know that judgment was wrong. Robert Browning still is considered a major poet. But very few people remember the man who said Browning would not wash.
今天,我们知道评论家的这个判断是错误的。布朗宁仍被认为是一个大诗人。但很少有人记得这位评论家。Happily for the young employee Smith, his employer wanted him to do well in the company. So the employer "talked turkey" to him. She said, "Your idea would be unfair to our buyers. Think of another way to save money."
幸运的是这位年轻雇员史密斯的老板希望他在公司更加出色。所以,老板认认真真地(talked turkey)对他说。她说,“你的想法或许对我们的买家不公平。换个赚钱的想法。”A century ago, to talk turkey meant to talk pleasantly. Turkeys in the barnyard were thought to be speaking pleasantly to one another. In recent years, the saying has come to mean an attempt to teach something important.
一个世纪前,“to talk turkey”意味着愉快交谈。谷仓里的火鸡被认为在彼此愉快交谈。近年来,这句话的意思已经开始转变为“认真谈某些重要的事情”。Word expert Charles Funk tells how he believes this change took place.
词汇专家查尔斯?芬克(Charles Funk)讲述了他理解的这个短语词义发生变化的过程。He says two men were shooting turkeys together. One of them was a white man. The other was an American Indian. The white man began stating reasons why he should get all the turkeys for himself. But the American Indian stopped him. He told the white man, "Now, I talk turkey to you."
他说,两名男子一起去打火鸡。一个是白人,另一个是印第安人。这位白人开始陈述为什么他要拿走所有火鸡的原因。但这位印第安人打断了他。他对白人男子说,"Now, I talk turkey to you."(注1)Mister Smith thought of a better idea after his employer talked turkey to him. He was given an increase in pay. So if your idea "will not wash," try "talking turkey" to yourself and come up with a better idea.
(MUSIC)This WORDS AND THEIR STORIES program was written by Jeri Watson. I'm Susan Clark.
注1:相传在北美殖民时期,一个白人和一个印第安人去打猎,事先说好了平分打到的猎物。一天下他们共猎得2只火鸡和3只老鸦。白人把老鸦给了印第安人,把火鸡全留给了自己。印第安人反对这样分配,白人就说You have three birds, I have only two.(你分3只鸟,我只拿了2只。)印第安人回答Stop talking birds. Talk turkey.(别谈什幺鸟了,还是谈火鸡吧。)因为两个人都明白,他们想要得猎物是火鸡。
山东科技版五年级上册英语全册备课Unit 1 Teachers’ Day 单元备课【单元教材分析】 功能:谈论人物外貌及性格特征。 【单元教学目标】 知识目标: 1、 能听懂、 会说、 认读、 规范书写单词:card, who, young, kind, his, little, thin, interesting, pupil,能听懂、会说、认读单词:September, strict, was, then,were, ago,active, smart, naughty,并能结合句型灵活运用。 2、能听懂、会说、认读句型:&Who' s your favourite teacher?& &She' s young.” “She has long hair.”“She was young.”“Her hair was short.”“Were they active in class?& &Yes, they were.” 能力目标: 1、能运用所学语言谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。 2、初步了解字母 x,y,z 在单词中的发音规律。 情感目标: 培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质。 【学情分析】: 本单元的教学对象是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初步 的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一些 积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴望能用英语进行日常交际,在实践中 提高自己的英语水平。 因此教师要通过丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他们 的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而又容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获 取知识,形成能力。 【教学重点】: 能听懂、会说并 认读 句子“ Who' s your favourite teacher?& & She' s young.”“She has long hair&“She was young.”“Her hair was short.”“Were they ac-tive in class?& &Yes, they were.”能灵活运用一般过去时与他人谈论人物以前的外貌及 性格特征,并与人物现在的外貌及性格特征进行比较。 【 教学难点】: 用一般过去时描述人物以前的外貌及性格特征, 并与人物现在的外貌及性 格特征做比较。 【基本功训练重点】: 能运用所学语言谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。 【课时数及课时安排】 共四课时,Lesson 1 1 课时, Lesson 2 1 课时, Lesson 3 1 课时, Lesson 4 1 课时 【教学方法】 :任务教学法、 情境教学法 【教学手段】 :光盘、卡片 【检测试题】 : 一、读一读,写一写。 ( young, kind, t all, thin, old) 1、 He was short then. Now he’s _________ and_____________. 2、 My aunt was young then. Now, she’s a grandma. She’s ___________. 3、 They were __________thirty years ago. They are old now. 4、 Miss zhang is ___________.She has long hair. 二、读一读,选一选。 ( )1、He _________young then. A、 is B、were C、was ( ) 2、_________is your favourite teacher? A、 What B、Who C、Whose ( ) 3、He was short four years ago. Now he is_____________. A、 thin B、tall C、big ( )4、Is she tall? A、 Yes,she was. B、 Yes, he is. C、 Yes, she is. ( )5、They were in my class ten years_________. A、now B、old C、agoLesson 1 She’s very kind. 课型:新授课 一 教材分析: 《英语》 第五册 Unit1 的主题是 Teachers’ Day.Lesson 1 She’ s very kind. 其语言功能是描述人物外貌及性格特征。 二 学情分析: 本单元的教学对象是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初步 的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一些 积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴望能用英语进行日常交际,在实践中 提高自己的英语水平。 因此教师要通过丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他们 的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而又容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获 取知识,形成能力。 三 教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词、规范书写:card, who, young, kind 2. 能听懂、 会说、 认读句型: She’ s very kind. She’ s young. She’ s strict. (二)能力目标: 能运用所学句型,描述他人的外貌特征。 (三)情感目标: 培养学生尊敬你师长的品质及学会树立良好的人际关系。 四 教学要点分析: (一)教学重点: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词、规范书写:card, who, young, kind 2. 能听懂、 会说、 认读句型: She’ s very kind. She’ s young. She’ s strict. 灵活运用一般过去式描述人物外貌及性格特征。 (二)教学难点: 能在真实语境中运用所学句型灵活描述人物外貌及性格特征。 五、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法 六、 教学准备: 录音机、单词卡片、头饰 七、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up: Free talk: talk about the summer vacation. T: In my summer vacation, I met some new friends. They are very kind. Please open your books, turn to page 1, and look at the characters together. Can you find who our new friend is? Ss: It’s Lucy. T: Does she have long hair? Ss: No, she has short hair. T: Who can say something about Lucy? S1: She’s beautiful. S2: She’s cute. ?? T: Who’s in this circle? Ss: It’s me. T: Yes. You can draw yourself here.[设计意图]:既复习了以前的关于外貌的单词及句子,又为新知做了铺垫,也起到了课 前热身的作用。Step 2 Presentation: T: Today we’re going to learn Unit 1 Lesson 1 She’s very kind. Please open your books, turn to page 4. Look, Jenny and Danny are talking. Task 1: please listen to the tape once, try to find who they are talking. 1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to find. 2. T: Let’s check: Can you find who they are talking? (Invite individual to answer, check: Miss Zhang) T: Yes, they are talking Miss Zhang. How is Miss Zhang? Is she tall? Is she beautiful?[设计意图]:整体感知课文,让学生根据图片带着问题听录音,既练习了听力,又助于 对课文的理解。Task 2: please listen again, try to find the sentences to describe Miss Zhang. 1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to find the sentences. 2. T: Let’s check: Who can say something about Miss Zhang? (Invite individual to answer, check and write: She’s young. She’ s tall. She has long hair. She’s very kind. And she’s strict. Learn the words: young, kind, strict) 3. Practice the sentences, read one by one or group by group, and check. T: Look, what’s Danny doing? S1: He’s making cards. (learn: card) T: Why is he making cards? S2: It’s Teachers’ Day. T: Great! Tomorrow is September 10. It’s Teachers’ Day. Danny’s making cards for his teachers. (learn: September)[设计意图]:带着问题再次听录音,有助于学生加深对课文的理解。 Step 3 Practice: 1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to point and follow. (learn: who) 2. Listen again, pause and try to follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 3. Practice in groups. Each has a role. Teacher walks around and helps them. 4. Invite some to show, praise them in time. Practice talking about appearances: (2. Let’s talk.) T: Let’s see the teachers. Who are they? (Miss Liu, Miss Wang, Mr Li, Mr Black) Please try to describe their appearances in groups. T: Let’s guess who the teacher is. Invite individual to describe, the others try to guess and say. Praise them or encourage them in time.[设计意图]:通过分角色朗读,机械操练,游戏等方式,调动学生口、眼、耳、脑的参 与激发兴趣,加深印象,使新知识在游戏中得到延伸练习和拓展。Step 4Production:Ask Ss to draw their favourite teachers and talk about in groups and then show in front. Step 5 Summary: 1. What do you learn this period? 2. Can you read the new words and sentences.[设计意图]:节课的重点知识进行再现,留下总体的、深刻的、持久的印象。Step 6 Homework: 1. Must do: Listen to the tape and read the text after it. 2. Choose to do: Danny’s favourite teacher is Miss Zhang. Who’s your favourite teacher? Please try to draw and write a passage to describe him or her. (See the example together.)[设计意图]: 为使课堂内外形成一个完整的体系,作业的设计可以进一步提高学生运 用语言的能力,使学生学以致用,感受成功的喜悦。板书设计 Unit 1 Teachers’ Day Lesson 1 She’s very kind. She’s young. She’s tall. She has long hair. She’s very kind. She’s strict. 七 教学反思Lesson 2 He was young then. 课型:新授课 一 教材分析: 《英语》 第五册 Unit1 的主题是 Teachers’ Day.Lesson 2 He was young then. 其语言功能是用一般过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。 二 学情分析: 本单元的教学对象是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初步 的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一些 积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴望能用英语进行日常交际,在实践中 提高自己的英语水平。 因此教师要通过丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他们 的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而又容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获 取知识,形成能力。 三 教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:his, little, thin, interesting 2. 能听懂、会说、认读句子:He was young then. He was strong. (二)能力目标: 能运用所学句型描述自己或他人过去和现在的外貌特征。 (三)情感目标: 培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质。 四 教学要点分析: (一) 教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:his, little, thin, interesting 2 能听懂、会说、认读句子:He was young then. He was strong. 3.能用一般现在时及一般过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。 (二)教学难点: 能在真实语境中用一般现在时及一般过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征, 并做 比较。五、教学准备 图片、单词卡片、磁带等 六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法七、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up: Check the homework: invite some to show and try to say something about their favourite teacher. Praise and correct them in time. Work in groups. Take out their drawings and try to describe. Teacher walks around and helps them. T: Can you say something about Danny’s favourite teacher Miss Zhang? (She’s young. She’s tall. She has long hair. She’s very kind. She’ s strict.)[设计意图]:通过对作业的检查,既对上节课的知识做了复习与巩固,又为新知的学习 做了铺垫。Step 2 Presentation: T: Please open your books, turn to page 6. Today we will learn Lesson 2 He was young then. T: (Point to picture 2) Look, what’s Miss Zhang doing? S1: She’s making a card. T: Yes, she’s making a card for her teacher. T: Who’s her teacher? Let’s listen and find. Task 1:T: Please listen to the tape once and try to find. (Students listen to the tape and try to find.) T: Who’d like to share your answers? (Invite individual to answer: It’s Mr Wang.) T: Yes, it’s Mr Wang. Look, this is Mr Wang. How is he now? S2: He is old. S3: His hair is white. T: (Show the photo) Look, who is he? (Mr Wang) Who is this little girl? (learn: little) (Miss Zhang)[设计意图]:整体感知课文,让学生根据图片带着问题听录音,既练习了听力,又助于 对课文的理解。What was Mr Wang then? What was Miss Zhang then? Task 2: T: Please listen again and try to find: What was Mr Wang then? What was Miss Zhang then? (learn: was, then) (Students listen carefully and try to find the answers.) Check: T: What was Mr Wang then? (He was young then. He was strong. His hair was black.) (learn: his) T: What about Miss Zhang? How old was she then? (She was nine then.) T: She says: I was nine then. What was she then? (She was) T: She says: I was short and thin. (learn: thin) Practice the sentences: read after the teacher, invite individual to read to check, point and read, read one by one or group by group.[设计意图]:带着问题再次听录音,有助于学生加深对课文的理解。此处讲解一般过去 时,让学生对一般现在时与一般过去时进行比较。Step 3 Practice: 1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to point and follow. Learn: interesting. 2. Listen again, pause and try to follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 3. Practice in groups. Teacher walks around and helps them. 4. Invite some to show, praise them in time. 5.Let’s talk.) T: Who are they? (Miss Liu, Miss Wang, Mr Li, Mr Black) What were they then? Now let’s talk. 1. Discuss in groups. Teacher walks around and takes part in them. 2. Invite some to show. Pay attention to the word “was”.[设计意图]:让每个学生都能在轻松愉快的氛围中操练语句,调动学生口、眼、耳、脑 的参与,激发兴趣,加深印象。Step 4 Production: Let’s do. T: You can talk about the teachers well. What about you? What were you then? What are you now? Have students look at the example in the text. Then let them take out their photos and try to say. Then invite some groups to show.[设计意图]: 让学生描述自己过去是外貌, 有效拉近了所学语言与真实生活的关系, 有 效的实现了知识的拓展运用。Step 5 Summary: 1. What do you learn this period? 2. Read the sentences on the board.[设计意图]:节课的重点知识进行再现,留下总体的、深刻的、持久的印象。Step 6 Homework: 1. Must do: Listen to the tape and read the text after it. 2. Choose to do: Talk about their photos.[设计意图]: 为使课堂内外形成一个完整的体系,作业的设计可以进一步提高学生运 用语言的能力,使学生学以致用,感受成功的喜悦。板书设计 Lesson 2 He was young then. He was young then. He was strong. His hair was black. 七 教学反思 I was nine then. I was short and thin. Lesson 3 Were they active in class? 课型: 新授课 一 教材分析: 《英语》 第五册 Unit1 的主题是 Teachers’ Day.Lesson 2 He was young then. 其语言功能是用一般过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。 二 学情分析: 本单元的教学对象是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初步 的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一些 积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴望能用英语进行日常交际,在实践中 提高自己的英语水平。 因此教师要通过丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他们 的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而又容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获 取知识,形成能力。 三 教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写 pupil ,but 并能结合本单元所学句型灵 活运用。 2. 能听懂、 会说、 认读单词: naughty、 smart,句子: “Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were.” (二)能力目标: 能灵活运用一般过去时与他人谈论人物以前的外貌及性格特征。 (三)情感目标: 培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质。 四 教学要点分析: (一)教学重点: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写 pupil ,but 并能结合本单元所学句型灵 活运用。 2. 能听懂、 会说、 认读单词: naughty、 smart,句子: “Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were.”并能灵活运用。 (二)教学难点: 能灵活运用一般过去时与他人谈论人物以前的外貌及性格特征,并能与一般 现在时做比较。五、 教学准备 图片、单词卡片、磁带等 六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法七、 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up: 1. 教师说出关于人物性格或外貌的形容词,全班学生一边重复教师说的词,一 边做动作。如:tall, short, thin, strong, young, old, kind, strict 复习 前两课所学内容。 2. 运用所学句型自由交流,两人一组进行问答 Who’s your favorite teacher? What’s he/she like? What was he/she like?[设计意图]:通过游戏,营造轻松愉悦的课堂气氛, 复习所学语言,为学习新课做好铺垫。Step 2 Presentation: 1. 教师出示 Listen and Say 部分的教学挂图, 指着图中的高中生问 Who are they? 然后播放录音,引导学生回答:They were Mr Wang’s pupils. 教师出示单词 卡片并讲授新词 pupil.[设计意图]:让学生边听对话,边思考问题,透彻地了解本课对话内容,这样既训练了学生 的听力,吸引了学生的注意力,又培养了学生动脑思考的学习习惯。2. 教师引导学生对比挂图中这些学生现在和小时候的样子,说出 They’re very tall. But they were short then. 教师板书,将 were 和 then 标红,引导学 生在语境中体会、理解 were 和 then 的含义。 3. 教师提问并板书 Were they active in class? 单词 were 标红, 教师再次播 放录音或教学光盘,启发学生找出答案:Yes, they were. And they were smart. 教师出示单词卡片 active, smart 进行教授。 4. 教师引导学生找出课文中另一个含有 were 的句子 Were they naughty? 教师播 放课文录音或教学光盘,学生跟读并回答: “Yes, sometimes.”[设计意图]:从答案中学习新单词,再通过层层递进的方式引申学习 单词句型,通过图片的 远近、教师的体态动作等让学生自然理解句意,学习新知。5.教师再次播放录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读 Step 3 Practice: 1. 请学生分组演练课文对话,然后戴头饰上台表演展示。 2.. 请学生看教材 Let’s talk 部分的内容,教师播放录音或光盘,学生模 仿跟读后上台展示,最后两人一组操练此部分内容。 Step 4 Production: 1.做游戏:Guessing game。教师提前搜集一些小动物的图片,对图片进行遮 盖, 只留下关键词 animal, 并随着学生的提问不断露出动物。 学生可以提问 Were they tall? Were they big? Were active? Were they naughty? 教师回答,最 后教师问 What are they? 学生猜 They are ? .[设计意图]:让学生都能在轻松愉快的氛围中操练语句,调动学生口、眼、耳、脑的参与, 激发兴趣,加深印象,使新知识在游戏中得到延伸练习和拓展。Step 5 Let’s write: 这一部分给出的单词 small,young, short, thin 都是描述人物外貌的形容 词,此处要求学生仿照例句,根据图片和句子的需要,将所需单词填入相应位置,书写 应正确、规范。 Step 6 Homework: 1.听录音,模仿跟读。 2.以小组为单位,从报刊或网络上搜集一些人物过去与现在的图片进行对比,就 外貌或性格进行提问或描述。[设计意图]: 为使课堂内外形成一个完整的体系,作业的设计可以进一步提高学生运用语言 的能力,使学生学以致用,感受成功的喜悦。七 Board Design Lesson 3 Were they active in class? “Were they active in class?” “Yes, they were.”Lesson 4 Again, please! 课型:复习课 一 、教材分析: 《英语》第五册 Unit1 的主题是 Teachers’Day.Lesson 4 Again please. 其语言功能是用一般现在时和一般过去过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。 二、 学情分析 本单元的教学对象是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初 步的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一 些积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴望能用英语进行日常交际,在实践 中提高自己的英语水平。 因此教师要通过丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他 们的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而又容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中 获取知识,形成能力。 三、 教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 准确掌握句型 Who’s your favorite teacher?” “She’s young. ” She has long hair . ”“She was young. ”“Her hair was short . ” “Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were .能运用本单元所学语 言谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。 2.初步了解字母x ,y ,z 在单词中的发音规律。 (二)能力目标: 能灵活运用一般过去时与他人谈论人物以前的外貌及性格特征。 (三)情感目标: 培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质。 四 、教学要点分析: (一)教学重点: 准确掌握句型 Who’s your favorite teacher?” “She’s young. ”She has long hair . ”“She was young. ”“Her hair was short . ”“W ere they active in class?”“Yes, they were .并能在真实语境中灵活运 用。 (二)教学难点: 能在真实语境中运用所学语言描述人物以前及现在的外貌及性格特征。 五、教学准备图片、单词卡片、磁带等 六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法七、教学设计 Step1 Warm-up: 1.教师快速呈现本单元的单词卡片,学生快速读出单词,复习本单元知识。 2.教师与学生问答,如:T: Who’s your favorite teacher? S: She’s /He’ s ? . 同学根据描述来猜这名同学最喜欢的教师是谁 Step2( Practice) : 1.完成 Let’s Listen 部分的内容。 2.完成 Talk about the above picture 部分 。教师组织学生观察听力部分 四位教师的外貌特征,并进行描述。 3.学习 Listen and repeat. 部分。教师播放录音,请学生跟读,引导学生 找出每组单词中红色字母的发音规律。 然后再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读,找 出其他符合此发音规律的单词并朗读。 Step3(Production) : 1.完成 Let’s read 部分。 此版块的功能是通过阅读帮助学生巩固拓展知识,使学生感知词汇、语句的 用法,更好地理解和内化知识,改善学生的语感,增加中外文化常识,培养学生 自主阅读的能力。 学生阅读短文之后自主完成相关练习题,教师也可以针对短文 内容口头提问,能够答对问题即可。 (1 ) 教师组织学生默读以李明的日记形式呈现的语篇,引导学生自主阅读, 发现问题, 提示学生可参考“notes“来理解文章。 (2)教师检查题目完成情况,也可根据学生的学习水平提出问题,请学生回 答。 (3 )教师播放 Let’s read 部分的录音,请学生模仿跟读。 2. 完成 Fun time 部分。 先请学生自己阅读谜语,然后在小组内讨论答案。 Step4 Homework: 运用本单元所学知识描述朋友或家人过去和现在的外貌及性格特征。 板书设计 Lesson 4 Again, please. She’s young. She’s tall. She has long hair. And she’s kind He was young His hair was short “Were they active in class?” “Yes,they were.” 七 教学反思UNIT 2 FELLINGS教学内容: Unit 2 Book 5 的主题是 Feelings.语言功能是谈论及描述自己或他人的心情感受; 学习任 务为 Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. He was sad. 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是五年级学生。 通过两年的英语学习, 他们的听说读写能力已经初步形 成,已掌握了丰富的英语知识。同时不能忽视后进生的发展,培养学生积极的情感态度和自 主学习能力。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:late,能听懂、会说、认读单词:glad, worried, , wasn’t, poor 并结合句型灵活运用。 2. 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. He was sad. 能力目标: 能够运用所学句型: Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. He was sad.表达自己或询问他人的心情感受。 情感目标: 通过各种形式的同桌或小组活动,激发学生表达的欲望,培养学生的合作意识。 教学重点: 能听懂、会说并认读句子:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. He was sad.能用一般过去时表达自己和询问他人的心情感受。 教学难点: 教学难点是一般过去时与一般现在时的区分。 基本功训练点 1 规范书写单词:late, 2 能听懂、会说、认读单词:glad, worried, , wasn’t, poor 并结合句型灵活运用。 3 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Were you happy? Yes, I was. Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. He was sad. 教学手段 多媒体课件、单词卡片、人物头饰。 教学方法 实物激趣法、任务型教学 课时数及课时安排 每课一课时,共计四课时。 单元检测试题 伴你学单元过关卷LESSON 1 He's excited .课型:新授课 教学目标: 知识目标:使学生能够听说认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad.掌握单词 及读音。能准确理解并熟练地运用句型: He's excited/happy/sad/angry/. “ What' he doing ?&&He's doing.......& 能力目标:通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感目标:感受到他人的喜怒哀乐。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点: 1、听说、认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad.. 2、能够准确理解并熟练运用句型 He's excited/happy/sad/angry/. 教学难点:在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Step 1 : warming-up T: Hello! Boys and girls! S: Hello! Miss Sun! T: OK! First, let us read these words one by one ,are you ready? S: Ready! (We read these words about UNIT 1 ,and we can review these words.) T:OK! Stop here! Everybody is so great! Now, look at the blackboard. Yes, there are 4 people ,can you talk about them ? S: Yes! T:Now,2 in a group talk about them ,then i will invite you to show it, understand? S:YES! (The students talk about the pictures,we can review the sentences patterns.) T:OK! Which group ? OK! YOU two. S1:He is young and strong . S2:YES, She is beautiful and kind. T:OH! You are so good! ......................... Step2:Presentation T:OH! Everybody is so good! NOW, look at the blackboard, I show some pictures for you .Can you say it ? S1:他看起来很高兴。 T: YES. Can you say it in English ? Now ,look at the card. Read after me“excited .& S: &Excited & T: He looks excited . S:He looks excited . T: Who can say it ? OK ,you please. S: He looks excited . T:Great boy! (I WILL lead students to learn the new words like this.) T: Everybody is so great!Now.Look at the pictures. let's listen to the tape. (Students listen to the tape .) T: Now, open your books.let's listen to the tape again .Listen and point .Ready? S: Ready! (we listen to the tape .) T: Next , let's follow the tape .ready? S:Ready! (Students read after the tape .) T: Now, Let's read it in groups.5 in a group .then ,I will invite you to show the dialogue. Understand? S: Yes ! (Students read it ) T:ok !which group ? OK,tis group. S1:You look so happy ,Danny. S2:Yes.We're going to the park . ............................................ (I will invite 3 groups to read it .) STEP3-Practice T:OK! Everybody is great! look at the blackboard ,Can you say it ? Now,2 in a group .talk about it. OK? Start! (Students talk about the pictures.) T: OK! Who can ? OK, You two please! S1: S2: T:OH! Very good! Thank you! (I will invite 4-5 groups to do it ) Step4- Consolidation. T:Now,Take out a piece of paper and draw a picture, and then say it .OK!START! (Students draw it and talk about it.) T: WHO can say about your pictueres ? OK, boy please. S1:..... (I will invite 4students to do it.) Step5- Summary T: Today, we learned how to say about our fellings .Can you say it? Now, let us say it together. Step6-Assignment T:I hope you can say it to your parents .and our homework is to listen to the tape. Understand? S: Yes. T:OK! Class is over! Goodbye class! S: Goodbye MISS SUN! (THE class is over .) 板书设计: UNIT 2 LESSON 1 He's excited. What′s Danny doing there ? He is dancing there. He is sad/ excited./happy./angry.课后反思 本课的教学,经过反复琢磨,感觉有以下收获: (1)面向全体,活动设计由易到难,梯度合理。 在学习课文时,第二副图的问题让学生通过选择来回答问题,难度较小。当学生比较 熟悉问答句型后,采用教师提问,学生直接组织语句回答问题,难度略有提高。而在学习第 四副图时,让学生自己提出问题,自己选择学生回答。将学习的主动权放给学生,进一步提 高了学习要求。这三副图的不同处理方法,也是对班里不同层次学生的不同要求,适合四年 级学生的现状。在学习第二副图后,教师设计 chant 帮助学生巩固核心句型,而在学习了第 三,第四副图后,让学生自己替换单词编写 chant 巩固句型,提高学生的创编能力和学习主 动性。情景表演,内化课文环节,也考虑到这是第一课时,难度不易过高,需要照顾全班各 个层次学生的不同情况,所以将课文分成三部分,让学生自由选择,自主学习,充分体现了 以学生为本的教学原则。 (2) 开展各种形式的学习活动,提高学习效率,培养合作意识。 学生的个性差异是客观存在的,无论教师如何精心设计,总会有个别学生学习效果不 够理想,因此在教学过程中经常要采用同桌学习、小组学习的方式,以提高学习的效率,培 养学生互帮互助的合作意识。在本课的教学中,学习完课文后先是采用集体听录音读课文, 接着全班分成两大组,分角色朗读,之后采用同桌分角色朗读的形式,互相检查互相学习。 而在后面的 Practice 中均采用小组活动的方式来完成这种难度稍大的任务, 在交流过程中, 小组内不同水平的学生都可以分工做难易程度不同的工作, 这样, 每个层次的学生都各得其 所, 学生都有较强的集体荣誉感, 因此都积极参与, 认真学习, 以最佳的状态参与集体活动, 使平日里比较低调的学生展现出自己的学习热情,从而达到全面丰收。UNIT 2 Feelings Lesson 2 Was he happy ?课型:新授课 教学目标: 知识目标: 使学生能够听说认读单词:late, glad, worried, with, wasn’t,poor 掌握单词及读 音。能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:Was he happy? 能力目标: 通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感目标: 感受到他人的喜怒哀乐。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点 1 听说、认读单词:late, glad, worried, with, wasn’t,poor. 2 能够准确理解并熟练运用句型 Was he happy? 教学难点: 在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Step 1 : warming-up T:Good morning,Boys and girls! S:Good morning!Miss Wang! T:OK!First,let us read these words one by one ,are you ready? S:Ready! (We read these words about UNIT 2 ,and we can review these words.) T:OK!Stop here! Everybody is so great! Now,look at the blackboard.Yes, there are 4 people ,can you talk about them ? S:Yes! T:Now,2 in a group talk about them ,then i will invite you to show it,understand? S:YES! (The students talk about the pictures,we can review the sentence patterns.) T:OK!Which group ? OK! YOU two. S1:He is young and strong . S2:YES,She is beautiful and kind. T:OH!You are so good! ......................... Step2:Presentation T:OH!Everybody is so good! NOW,look at the blackboard,I show some pictures for you .Can you say it ? S1:他看起来高兴吗? T:YES.Can you say it in English ? Now ,look at the card.Read after me“happy .& S:&happy & T: Was he happy. S: Was he happy . T:Who can say it ?OK ,you please. S: Was he happy . T:Great boy! (I WILL lead students to learn the new words like this.) T:Everybody is so great!Now.Look at hte pictures.let's listen to the tape. (Students listen to the tape .) T:Now,open your books.let's listen to the tape again .Listen and point .Ready? S:Ready! (we listen to the tape .) T:Next ,let's follow the tape .ready? S:Ready! (Students read after the tape .) T:Now,Let's read it in groups.5 in a group .then ,I will invite you to show the dialogue.Understand? S:Yes ! (Students read it ) T:ok!which group ? OK,this group. S1:Were you happy? S2:Yes.i was. I played games with Ienny and Li Ming.. ............................................ (I will invite 3 groups to read it .) STEP3-Practice T:OK!Everybody is great!look at the blackboard ,Can you say it ? Now,2 in a group .talk about it.OK? Start! (Students talk about the pictures.) T:OK!Who can ?OK, You two please! S1: S2: T:OH!Very good!Thank you! (I will invite 4-5 groups to do it ) Step4-Consolidation. T:Now,Take out a piece of paper and draw a picture,and then say it .OK!START! (Students draw it and talk about it.) T: WHO can say about your pictueres ? OK,boy please. S1:..... (I will invite 4students to do it.) Step5- Summary T: Today ,we learned how to say about our fellings.Can you say it? Now ,let us say it together. Step6-Assignment T:I hope you can say it to your parents. and our homework is to listen to the tape .Understand? S:Yes. T:OK! Class is over! Goodbye class! S: Goodbye MISS SUN! (THE class is over .) 板书设计: UNIT 2 LESSON 2 Was he happy ? Was he happy ? Yes. he was.MNo. he wan′t,he was sad. Were you happy ? Yes. I was. MNo. I wasn′t. I was worried. He was excited. She was worried.UNIT 2 Feelings Lesson 3 You look worried.课型:新授课 教学目标: 知识目标: 1 知识目标:使学生能够听说认读单词:matter, find, worry, saw, yesterday 掌握 单词及读音。 2 能准确理解并熟练地运用句型:You look worried. 能力目标: 通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感目标: 感受到他人的喜怒哀乐。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点 1、 听说、认读单词:matter, find, worry, saw, yesterday. 2、 能够准确理解并熟练运用句型 You look worried. 教学难点:在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Step 1 : warming-up T: Good morning, Boys and girls! S: Good morning! Miss Wang! T: OK! First, let us read these words one by one ,are you ready? S: Ready! (We read these words about UNIT 2 ,and we can review these words.) T: OK! Stop here! Everybody is so great! Now, look at the blackboard. Yes, there are 2 people ,can you talk about them ? S: Yes! T:Now,2 in a group talk about them ,then I will invite you to show it, understand? S:YES! (The students talk about the pictures, we can review the sentence patterns.) T:OK!Which group ? OK! YOU two. S1:Was he happy? S2:No, he wasn’t. T:OH!You are so good! ......................... Step2: Presentation T: OH! Everybody is so good! NOW, look at the blackboard,I show some pictures for you .Can you say it ? S1:你看起来不安。 T: YES. Can you say it in English ? Now ,look at the card. Read after me“worried .& S: &worried & T: You look worried. S: You look worried. T: Who can say it ? OK ,you please. S: You look worried. T: Great boy! (I WILL lead students to learn the new words like this.) T:Everybody is so great!Now. Look at the pictures. let's listen to the tape. (Students listen to the tape .) T: Now, open your books. let's listen to the tape again .Listen and point .Ready? S: Ready! (we listen to the tape .) T: Next ,let's follow the tape .ready? S: Ready! (Students read after the tape .) T: Now, Let's read it in groups.5 in a group .then ,I will invite you to show the dialogue. Understand? S: Yes ! (Students read it ) T:ok! which group ? OK this group. S1:You look worried, wang hong. What’s the matter? S2:I can’t find my English book, mum…. ............................................ (I will invite 3 groups to read it .) STEP3-Practice T:OK!Everybody is great!look at the blackboard ,Can you say it ? Now,2 in a group .talk about it.OK? Start! (Students talk about the pictures.) T:OK!Who can ?OK, You two please! S1: S2: T:OH!Very good! Thank you! (I will invite 4-5 groups to do it ) Step4-Consolidation. T:Now,Take out a piece of paper and draw a picture,and then say it .OK!START! (Students draw it and talk about it.) T: WHO can say about your pictueres ? OK ,boy please. S1:..... (I will invite 4students to do it.) Step5- Summary T:Today, we learned how to say about our fellings .Can you say it? Now,let us say it together. Step6-Assignment T:I hope you can say it to your parents and our homework is to listen to the tape. Understand? S:Yes. T:OK! Class is over! Goodbye class! S: Goodbye MISS Wang! (THE class is over .) 板书设计:UNIT 2 Lesson 3 You look worried. You look worried. What@ s the matter ? I can′t find my book/cap. He is happy/excited/worried.UNIT 2 Feelings LESSON 4课型:复习课 教学目标: 知识目标: 使学生能够听说认读单词: look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad. late, glad, worried, with, wasn ’ t(was not),poor, matter, find, worry, saw(see 的 过 去 式 。 )yesterday 。 掌 握 单 词 及 读 音 。 能 准 确 理 解 并 熟 练 地 运 用 句 型 : He's excited/happy/sad/angry/.“What' he doing ?&&He's doing.......&“Was he happy ?””Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t” ”You look worried.” 能力目标: 通过讨论及互动,学会描述他人的及自己的喜怒哀乐。 情感目标: 感受到他人的喜怒哀乐,学会关心他人。并在生活中学会描述出自己的感受。 教学重点: 1、听说、认读单词:look, excited, sky, angry, lost, sad. late,glad, worried, with, wasn’t(was not),poor, matter, find, worry, saw(see 的过去式。)yesterday。. 2 、 能 够 准 确 理 解 并 熟 练 运 用 句 型 : He's excited/happy/sad/angry/. “ What' he doing ?&&He's doing.......&“Was he happy ?””Yes, he was./No, he wasn ’ t ” ” You look worried.” 教学难点: 在真实的情境中灵活运用新知识询问并描述他人的感受。 教学方法:实物激趣法、任务型教学 教具:录音机,单词卡片,磁带,挂图。 教学过程: Waming up: T: How are you feeling? I’m happy. Because I have English with you . Are you happy? 设计意图:热身环节引导学生表达自己的真实感受。 T: We have a new friend. Who is he? Mr Feeling. T: Today he is going to help ue to review U2. 设计意图:介绍 Mr Feeling,运用卡通人物贯穿整节课,引导复习活动,呈现知识点小贴士, 增加趣味性。 Review the text. 1、T:We have many feelings. They are interesting. We can’t touch them. But your body can show them. Can you say and act? 设计意图:快速出示脸部表情,引导学生抢答单词并用体态活动表演。在趣味活动中复习单 词。 T:Can you say more words about feeling? 设计意图:反馈学生搜集新单词情况,给学有余力学生提供平台当小老师。 2、T:Sometimes the colours can represent the feelings. 设计意图:通过学生猜测颜色可以表示的情绪,引导学生从不同角度感知 feeling.让学生板 书单词。为复习第一课的故事做铺垫。 T:Can you act the story and ask some Qs? 设计意图:小组合作表演对话,反馈课前布置的作业完成情况,并且让学生在小组里提问, 培养自主学习能力。 T: Q:Who is worried about Danny?What does he say? 设计意图:引导学生对课文内容进行深入思考,通过进一步挖掘 LiMing\Jenny\Wanghong 对 Danny 说的话中所体现的感情,引导学生体会关爱他人的情感和表达方式。 3、 T: Mum was worried about WangHong.So she is asking her some Qs. Can you make a dailoge? 设计意图:指导学生复习第二篇课文,根据图片提示和课文内容编排对话,学生设想自己是 Mum,体验 Wanghon 晚回家的那种担心的情绪,进行小组活动编演对话,发散思维,最后通 过 Mr Feeling 的提示 Don’t be late.渗透情感. 通过板书梳理 Was/Were…? 4、T:Our feelings can change from time to time. WangHong was worried,now she is happy? What’s the matter? 设计意图:通过 Mr feeling 引导学生了解感情是随时变化的。运用课本图片 WangHong 表情 的变化,引导学生复述第三个故事,强化 was-is。并引导学生自读 Fun time 的小故事,并且 引导学生在小组里根据提示讲故事,充分运用教材提供的素材。 5、T:We reviewed the 3 stories of this Unit. 设计意图:梳理板书,提炼语言框架。 Do the exercises. 1. Listen and match. 设计意图:连线,回答问题,训练学生的听力。 2. Read and write. 设计意图:引导学生阅读句子,写出关于 feeling 的单词,训练学生书写,单词过关。 3、T:Different things can give us the same feeling. Think it ove. What can make you feel happy/worried? 对学生进行思维训练,头脑风暴说出让你感到快乐的事情。 4、Game 设计意图:采用新课标提供的案例,学生抽单词描述自己的情感并说明原因,小组成员提问 交流,学生真实谈论自己的 feeling,进行语言实践,灵活运用知识进行表达。 Talk about feelings deeply: 1. T:If some children are playing in your garden, how do you feel? T:On the same thing,we have different feelings. 设计意图:引导学生发表自己的见解,表达真实想法。同时让学生明白对待同一件事人们会 有不同的感觉。 2、T:Read the story Mr Black’s garden. Then answer the Qs. T:Is Mr Black happy? Find out the words about feelings. Mr Black is sad. What’s the matter? Spring-winnter Mr Black’s garden is beautiful again. Why? What do you learn from the story? T:Share your happiness,share your love, you will be happier. 设计意图:学生自主阅读小故事,通过问题,引导学生理解故事大意,体会故事中的表达的 分享快乐道理。 Sum up: 1、 T:思维导图。 设计意图:通过思维导图梳理本课从不同方面理解 feeling。加深学生对 feeling 的理解:用 体态表达感情、颜色和感情、感情会随时变化、同一件事可以有不用的感情、不同的事情 会给我们相同的感觉。 运用板书梳理知识点。 Homework: Tell the story Mr Black’s Garden to your friends. 板书设计: LESSON 4 He is worried./ excited ./ happy. She is kind./strict./young. 教学反思:Unit 3Happybirthday 单元备课【单元教材分析】 功能:谈论生日所在月份及生日聚会上所做事情, 用一般过去时描述活动。 【单元教学目标】 知识目标: 1.能听懂、会说、认读、正确书写单词:party, when, open, song,能听 懂、会说、认读单词和短语:March, May, April, October, present, wish, say cheese, had,did, sang, took, ate 并能在情境中灵活运用。 2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:& When is your birthday?& & It' s in March. & & Happybirthday.” “Make a wish,please.” “What did you do at the party?&“We sang anddanced.” 能力目标: 能运用所学语言询问他人生日所在月份,描述生日相关活动,并能用一 般过去时进行复述。 情感目标: 通过本单元学习,懂得感恩父母。 【学情分析】 本单元的教学对象是已经接触过两年英语的五年级的学生, 他们的英语水 平在听说读写上已经有了一定的基础,因此,在课堂教学中应充分发挥学生的自 主性,给学生创造出更多的锻炼机会,培养他们自主的发现并解决问题的能力, 使学生能在真是的环境中用英语进行对话,使他们所学知识真正达到活学活用。 同时针对本学期课时少的特点, 应着力解决后进生的转化工作,做好后进生的思 想工作。 【教学重点】 能听懂、 会说并认读句子 “When is your birthday?& “It’ s in March.” “Happy birthday.” “Make a wish, please.” “What did you do at the party?& “We sang and danced.” 能与他人谈论生日这一话题, 并用一般过去时复述生日的相关活动。 【教学难点】&What did you do at the party?& &We sang and danced.”一般过去时 的理解与运用。 【基本功训练重点】能运用所学语言询问他人生日所在月份, 描述生日相关活 动,并能用一般过去时进行复述。 【课时数及课时安排】 共四课时,Lesson 1 1 课时, Lesson 2 1 课时, Lesson 3 1 课时, Lesson 4 1 课时 【教学方法】 :任务教学法、 情境教学法 【教学手段】 :光盘、卡片 【检测试题】 : 一、 看一看,写一写 (excited,sad, worried, happy) 1、 Today is Xiaoming’s birthday.He’s ___________. 2、 Tom’s lost his cap.He’s ___________. 3、 Li Hong’s family will have a picnic on Saturday.She’s__________. 4、 He can’t play football. He’s _____________. 二、 ( ( ( ( ( 读一读,选一选。 )1、I’m ________you’re back. A、 look B、glad C、had )2、Don’t be _________. We can help you. A、 happy B、excited C、sad )3、_________he happy? A、Were B、Was C、Are )4、You look____________. A、 worried B、worry C、exciting )5、Don’t worry, I saw your book _________. A、 now B、yesterday C、tomorrowLesson 1 When is your birthday? 课型: 新授课一、教材分析:英语实验教材第五册 Unit 3 的主题是 Birthday. Lesson 1 When is your birthday?的语言功能是口头运用 When is your birthday?询问别人的生日时 间,并能用 My birthday is in ......回答。二、学情分析:本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们在英语知识上有一定的积累,求知欲 强,表现欲强,急于得到别人,特别是教师的肯定。他们在英语听说读写的能力 方面有了一定的基础, 发言积极性也很高,具有一定的解决问题和组织简单会话 的能力。所以,我们应多为他们创设一些与生活相关的语言环境,多给他们提供 大胆实践、积极参与的机会。并培养学生观察和总结规律的能力,在语言交流运 用中能做到举一反三。三、教学目标㈠知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、并认读单词 party when March May April October. 2.能听懂、会说并运用句型 When is your birthday?及其答语 My birthday is in ...... ㈡能力目标 能口头运用 When is your birthday?询问别人的生日时间,并能用 My birthday is in ......来表达自己的月份。 ㈢情感目标: 让学生能流利地在学校内外互相询问和回答生日时间,非常实用。四、教学重、难点1.重点: ①单词 party when March May April October 的听说认读 ②能听懂、会说并运用句型 When is your birthday?及其答语 My birthday is in ...... 2.难点 ①单词 party when 的读音。 ②句型 When is your birthday?及其答语 My birthday is in ......的熟练运 用。五、教具准备:日历表、单词卡、录音机等。 六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法 七、教学过程:教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting:师生互相介绍自己,并互致问候。 2.Sing a song。 Step 2 Presentation 1. ① 教师拿出事前准备的年历,逐月用英语介绍,让学生初步 接触了解 12 个月份的英文表达方法 ② 教师翻到某一月,向学生介绍说: “My birthday is in ?.” , 并在当月画上一个大的生日蛋糕,让学生理解“birthday”的意 思。而后询问学生: “When is your birthday?” 。 ③教师点击 12 个月份的英文单词, 学生可重点学习自己生日的月 份,而后说一说: “My birthday is in ?.” 。 2.听录音,回答问题。 When is LiMing’s birthday? 学习 March,板书。 3、再听录音,回答问题。 ①When is Peter ’s birthday? 学习 May,板书。 ②When is WangHong’s birthday? 学习 October,板书。 我的思考 Chant: March,March,March,My birthday is in March. May,May,May,My birthday is in May. October,October,October,My birthday is in October. 师生拍手有节奏地练说 chant。 掌握重点句型后,同桌间互问互答,前后位开火车问答,男生问 女生答。 4.听录音,跟读课文。生自读课文。 5.四人一小组,分角色朗读,小组展示。 Step 3 Practise 1. 教师出示几幅图, 但展示时不出示月份及其英文。 请学生猜一 猜每幅图是哪月,教师问: “What months are they?” 。学生指着 一幅图说: “It’s ?.” ,说对了教师则点击此图,出示月份及英 文。 2.出示一张大日历表,小老师问生答。 小组内互问互答:When is your birthday?及其答语 My birthday is in ...... Step 4 Consolidation 小记者采访 ①教师发给学生一个表格,让学生在组内进行调查,问问组员都 是几月份的生日。 ② 教师提问一个组: “ How many birthdays are there in January/May ??” ,学生根据小组的调查表进行回答。 ③ 请若干名学生询问其他组的调查结果。 教师还可以鼓励学生根 据调查结果说一说全班在三月份生日的有多少人,四月份的有多 少人?。 Step 5 Summary 生自由交流本课的收获,并做小老师领读板书内容。 (设计意图: 让学生自由交流自己本节课的收获, 并让他们领读所 学会的单词或句型,又复习巩固了本节课的重点句型和所学新单 词。) Step 6 Homework 1.听录音,跟读课文。 2.课后对照日历表和同学交流,并向家长介绍所学月份。 板书设计 Unit 3 Birthday Lesson1 When is your birthday? When is your birthday? My birthday is in March. May. October. 教学反思: 本课利用情境教学法和直观教学法进行新知识教学,有利于 学生对新知识的认知,理解和运用,还能引导学生把所学知识灵 活地运用到实际中。多种方式的练读能够调动学生的学习热情, 提高课堂效率。 本课利用各种形式进行操练,让学生在活跃的气氛中巩固了 本课学到的单词和句子.小组间的练习,起到了“教”和“督”的作 用.比赛的形式迎合了学生好胜的心理,调动了学习积极性. 本课引导学生把所学知识应用于实际生活中,利于提高学生 实际运用语言的能力.同学间的练习能够对学生课后作业的完成 情况起到有利的监督,便于维持学生对英语的持久学习兴趣. 我的不足是没有把握好时间,前边练习的时间过多,让学 生小组活动时间较少,结束时有些仓促。我没有最大限度地让学 生发挥其主动作用。这是我要改进的地方。Lesson 2 Have some cake,please 课型: 新授课一、教材分析:第五册 Unit 3 的主题是 Birthday. Lesson2 的语言功能是学习谈论生日并 了解与生日相关的活动。学习任务是 Have some cake,please.二、学情分析:本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,通过两年的英语学习,他们的听、说、 读、写能力已经初步形成,已掌握了丰富的英语知识。因此,教师在课堂 上要把学习的主动权还给学生,要多创造机会让学生通过小组合作、自主 发现等多种方法去获得知识,同时进行语言的拓展延伸,使学生能在真实 的语言环境中用英语进行交流,提高学生口语表达能力。三、教学目标:㈠知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、并认读单词 present,open,wish,song,say cheese. 2.能听懂、会说并运用句型 Have some cake,please.Here’s a present for you. ㈡能力目标 能口头运用 Have some cake,please,Here’s a present for you 等进行交流。 ㈢情感目标: 学生能流利地在学校内外谈论生日并了解与生日相关的活动,增加彼此的友谊。四、教学重、难点1.重点: ①单词的听说认读 present,open,wish,song,say cheese. ②能听懂、会说并运用句型 Have some cake,please.Here’s a present for you. 2.难点: ①单词 present, cheese 的读音。 ②句型 Have some cake,please.Here’s a present for you 的熟练运用。五、教具准备:图片,单词卡、录音机等。 六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法 七、教学过程:教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting:师生互相介绍自己,并互致问候。 2.Sing a song. Step 2 Presentation 1.教师手持有关月份的单词卡片, 让学生进行传递, 全班问 “When is your birthday?”持卡片的学生要用 My birthday is in?回 答,回答好的同学可以成为这张卡片的拥有者,教师奖励卡片时 说“Here’s a present for you”并引导学生说“Thank you.” 2、播放课文录音,请学生看挂图或书中图片。 (1) 第一遍看挂图听音讨论自己听到的信息,如:他们吃什么, 干了什么?西方人庆祝生日和中国的生日聚会有什么不同?教 师再对西方人的生日聚会特点进行简单介绍。(注:此处可将 我的思考 Here’sapresentforyou,Let’s sing the birthdaysong,Have a cake ,please 进行教读) (2) 再次打开书听录音,请学生们核实刚才讨论的内容是否正 确,让学生初步感知如何用英语描述与生日相关的活动。 (3) 听音跟读模仿,教师不断发现和表扬读音准确的学生,促 进学生的学习动力。 (4) 教师对比较难掌握的词汇以及语言结构进行强调。 (5) 教师请学生以四人小组为单位相互帮助朗读课文。 (6) 全班齐读课文。 Step 3 Practise (1) 教师将全班分成不同的组,分角色对课文内容进行朗读。 (2) 鼓励学生的表现, 请个体学生扮演课文中不同的角色朗读课 文给大家听,并评出最佳配音奖。 (3)Chant Birthday,birthday,Happy birthday. Present,present,Here’s a present. Open, Wish, Song, open, wish, song, Open it please. Make a wish. Sing a song.Cheese, cheese, Say cheese please. Step 4 Consolidation 1、问一问学生,最近有谁过生日,并且请他们到讲台前来,由 于仓促没能给他们准备礼物,建议大家用手中的获奖卡片当作 礼物送给他们,在进行此活动时,教师鼓励学生多运用今天新 学的语言结构“Here’s a present for you.Thank you ”. 2、 请学生们以四人小组为单位, 讨论自己平时是怎么过生日的, 学生可以将自己过生日的情景通过短剧的形式表现出来。 教师 可以不时地帮助每个小组。 然后再请同学们上台, 表演出来各 自的“Birthday Party”,并评选今天的最佳表演奖。 Step 5 Summary 总结本课内容,学生自由交流本课的收获,并做小老师领读 板书内容。 (设计意图:让学生自由交流自己本节课的收获,并让他们领 读所学会的单词或句型, 又复习巩固了本节课的重点句型和所 学新单词。) Step 6 Homework 1.听录音,跟读课文。 2 给爸爸妈妈讲讲西方国家过生日的方式。 让自己的家人更好地、 更全面地了解外国人的风俗习惯。 板书设计: Unit 3 Birthday Lesson2 Have some cake,please. Here’s a present for you. Make a wish. Let’s sing the birthday song. Have some cake,please. Say cheese.Lesson 3 We sang and danced. 课型: 新授课一、教材分析:英语实验教材第五册 Unit 3 的主题是 Birthday. Lesson 3 We sang and danced.的语言功能是口头运用 What did you do at the party?询问做什么事 情,并能用 We did ......回答。 二、学情分析:本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,学生有了前面的知识和学习方法的积累。 学习的积极性有了很大的提高。 更加会主动思考问题, 解决问题。 在教学过程中, 多注重知识的传授,注重兴趣的培养显得尤为重要。三、教学目标㈠知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、并认读单词 children,had,did,sang,took,ate. 2.能听懂、 会说并运用句型 What did you do at the party?及其答语 We did...... ㈡能力目标 能口头运用 What did you do at the party?询问,并能用 We did......来回答。 ㈢情感目标: 培养学生乐观,积极向上的情感态度。四、教学重、难点1.重点: ①单词 children,had,did,sang,took,ate 的听说认读 ②能听懂、 会说并运用句型 What did you do at the party?及其答语 We did...... 2.难点 ①单词 children,sang 的读音。 ②句型 What did you do at the party?及其答语 We did......的熟练运用。 五、教具准备:单词卡、录音机等。六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法 七、教学过程:教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting:师生互相介绍自己,并互致问候。 2.Sing a song。 Step 2 Presentation 1. ① 让学生谈谈自己是怎样庆祝自己的生日的?都做了哪些事 情? ②看图片, 听录音。 看看王红是怎样庆祝自己的生日的?并找出 生词。 ③教师出示单词卡片,并领读单词。注意单词的发音,采取单个 读,齐读的方式。熟练掌握单词。 2.听录音,回答问题。 What did you do at the party? We sang and danced. We played games and took pictures. We ate a big cake. 我的思考 掌握重点句型后,同桌间互问互答,前后位开火车问答,男生问 女生答。 4.听录音,跟读课文。生自读课文。 5.四人一小组,分角色朗读,小组展示。 Step 3 Practise 1. 教师根据课本中 Let’ s talk 的图片内容, 运用句子: What did you do at the party?进行询问。学生根据图片内容进行回答。 小组进行讨论,然后,选出两位同学进行问答练习,选出较好的 予以表扬。 2.自己用两句话,表达自己过生日时,是怎样庆祝的? Step 4 Consolidation 看看课本中的“Let’s write”根据所学的知识,完成填空任务。 要求正确选择,规范书写。教师检查小组长的书写,小组长检查 组员的书写。 以这四句话为主要的谈论内容, 小组内进行讨论, 每人都要发言。 Step 5 Summary 生自由交流本课的收获,并做小老师领读板书内容。 (设计意图: 让学生自由交流自己本节课的收获, 并让他们领读所 学会的单词或句型,又复习巩固了本节课的重点句型和所学新单 词。) Step 6 Homework 1.听录音,跟读课文。 2.背默本单元的四会单词。 板书设计 Unit 3 Birthday Lesson3 We sang and danced. What did you do at the party? We sang and danced.Lesson 4 Again please! 课型:复习课一、教材分析:英语实验教材第五册 Unit 3 的主题是 Birthday. Lesson4 主要功能是对 前面所学知识进行巩固和练习,同时对字母组合的发音和阅读能力进行了训练。二、学情分析:本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,学生的阅读能力还有待提高。大量的阅读 练习,丰富了学生知识量,提高了学生的思维能力。三、教学目标㈠知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、并认读本单元单词。 2.能听懂、会说并运用本单元句型 ㈡能力目标 能口头运用所学知识询问别人的生日时间,如何庆祝? ㈢情感目标: 培养学生乐观,积极向上的高尚情操。四、教学重、难点1.重点: ①本单元所学单词的听说认读 ②能听懂、会说并运用本单元的句型 2.难点 ①四会单词的掌握。 ②本单元句型的熟练运用。 五、教具准备:录音机,单词卡片。六、教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法 七、教学过程:教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting:师生互致问候。 2.Sing a song “Happy birthday to you ” Step 2 Presentation 1. 1.Listen and choose. 听两遍录音,完成选择。 两人一组, 谈论自己的生日。 教师找几组同学到前面说出他们是 怎样庆祝的? 2.听录音,模仿发音。 注意 fr、ts、oa 等字母组合的发音。找几组同学试着发音,教 师矫正。跟读课本中的单词。采取开火车的方式读单词。 3.Let’s read. 听短文录音,参照右边的生词,大体弄懂短文的意思。 然后,看着问题,再听短文录音,初判问题。第三遍录音确定 我的思考 自己的判断是否正确。 教师边读课文,边翻译。校正答案。 4、Fun time. 要求学生会读图,并能根据语句提示了解大意。 先找学生,说出自己读懂了多少。 最后,老师完整讲解。 Step 3 Practise 1. 1.听录音,模仿跟读短文。 2. 2.完成配套练习册 Lesson 4. Step 4 Consolidation 小记者采访 ①教师发给学生一个表格,让学生在组内进行调查,问问组员都 是几月份的生日。 ②同学是怎样庆祝的? Step 5 Summary 学生自由交流本课的收获。找几个同学正确读音。 Step 6 Homework 1.听录音,跟读课文。 2.调查父母的生日,他们是怎样庆祝的。 板书设计 Unit 3 Birthday Lesson4 Again ,please. When is your birthday? What did you do on your birthday? fr、ts、oa 的发音Unit 4 School in Canada 单元备课教学内容: Unit 4 Book 5 的主题是 School in Canada.语言功能是谈论加拿大学校课程和课外活动, 描述学校样貌,比较加拿大学校和中国学校的不同。 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是五年级学生。 通过两年的英语学习, 他们的听说读写能力已经初步形 成,已掌握了丰富的英语知识。同时不能忽视后进生的发展,培养学生积极的情感态度和自 主学习能力。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、能听懂、会说、认读、正确书写单词:after film busy tree photo tell building 运用。 2、能听懂、会说、认读句型: “What does she do after school ?” “There is an old building in my school .” “What subjects does she have ? ” “She has ?” “What’s the school like ? ” “ It’s big and beautiful.” “How many pupils are there in the class ?” 能力目标: 能运用所学语言询问他人所学的课程及课外活动,运用 There be 结构描述景物,了解 中国与加拿大学校的差异。 情感目标: 了解中国与加拿大学校的差异 教学重点: 能听懂、 会说并认读句子 “What subjects does she have?&&She has reading.& &What does she do after school?&“She watches films.&“W hat’s the school like?&&There is a big playground.&“How many pupils are there in the class?&“There aretwenty-five.&&What are they doing?&&Some are reading. Some are making things.”能自如地与他人交流与学校相关的话题。 教学难点: &What's the school like?& &There is/are,There be 结构单复数的运用。 基本功训练点 1 规范书写单词:after film busy tree 2 能听懂、会说、认读单词:after film busy tree 并结合句型灵活运用。 3 能听懂、会说、认读句型: “What does she do after school ?” “There is an old building in my school .” “What subjects does she have ? ” “She has ?” “What’s gym story sit 能听懂、 会说、 认读单词、短语: really reading French send group tell stories circle different 并能在正确的语境中 the school like ? ” 教学手段 多媒体课件、单词卡片、人物头饰。 教学方法 实物激趣法、任务型教学 课时数及课时安排 每课一课时,共计四课时。 单元检测试题 伴你学单元过关卷Lesson 1 Lucy is in a new school .一 课型:新授课 二 教学目标: 1、知识目标: 能听懂、 会说、 认读、 正确书写单词: after film busy 能听懂、 会说、 认读单词: really reading French 能听懂、会说、认读句型: “What subjects does she have ? ” “Shehas ?” “What does she do after school ?” 2、能力目标: 能用英语来询问学校的课程及课外活动 3、情感目标: 了解中国与加拿大学校的差异 三 教学重难点: 单词:after film busy does she have ? ” “She has ?” “What does she do after school ?”句型: “What subjects 在生活中的应用。 四 教学方法: 表演法 五 教具:情境法 模仿法等 单词卡片、录音 、调查表、配套练习册 六 教学过程: Step 1 warming Cup 1、师生自由交流,将学生引入英语的学习氛围。 2 、复习动词词组: have Chinese play the piano? [设计意图] 复习旧知,为新课程做好准备 Step 2 Presentation 1、出示 Listen and say 部分的挂图,或让学生看课本插图 “Now Lucy is in a new school . Does she like her new school? Let’s listen the tape and find the answer .”播放录音,学生带着问题感知课文,找出答案 2、 “What subjects does she have ? ”学生阅读课文,找出答案 “She has sciense, have maths\art\ science ? draw picturesmaths ,art French and reading .’教授单词 French reading 3、 “What does she do after school ?”播放录音,学生带问题再次感知课文,生找出答 案, 学习单词 after film 引导学生理解 “Lucy does many things ,so she’ s so busy .”让学生先自己猜测 busy 的意思,然后教授单词 4、再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读,注意语音语调。 [设计意图]让学生自主感知课文,教师加以引导,辅助,充分发挥学生学习的主导作用。 Step 3 Practice 1、小组内分角色朗读课文,选出几组同学上台表演展示自己的成果 2、观看 Let’s talk 部分图片及句子 ,听录音,模仿,小组内操练,学生上台展示 [设计意图]通过小组活动,学生之间相互合作,相互帮助,让学生在一定的语境中去掌握并 运用所学知识 Step 4 Consolidation 让学生观看 Let’s do 部分内容,完成调查表 1、学生通过上网、查阅书籍,与朋友交流等方式获得资料 2、根据查获的信息填写表格,小组内相互相问答,交流信息。 3、完成配套练习册 [设计意图] 通过练习进一步巩固所学知识学会生活中的应用。 Step 5 Summary 引导学生回顾本课所学内容,学生能针对本课知识找出学习重点 [设计意图] 整体感知,加深理解 Step 6 Homework 1、听录音,模仿跟读 2、调查其他学校朋友的课程及课外活动 [设计意图] 让学生尽可能地在真实语境中去运用所学语言 板书设计: Lesson 1 Lucy is in a new school . What subjects does she have ? She has ? What does she do after school ? 教学反思: 一、创设情境,串联知识,知识复习脉络清晰,易于学生理解记忆。复习课具有知识综 合,内容繁杂的特点。本节课抓取了教材的单元话题 School in Canana 恰当的语言情景的创 设,将日常教学中学到的零散知识串联起来,为学生梳理了语言规律,帮助学生在头脑中形 成知识板块,很好地完成了学生复习巩固和语言运用的教学目标。 二、情感激发到位,学生语言输出自然流畅。精美新颖的图片,激起了学生的好奇心, 引发了学生参与讨论的欲望, 尤其是对图片的争议是课堂上精彩的生成。 充分的口语交流后, 再让学生把语言注入笔端,学生也写得比较顺畅,达到了理想的教学效果。 三、注重合作探究,达到和谐平等交流。本节课既注重了学生的兴趣取向,又重视了活 动形式服务于活动内容的教学理念。通过开展了个人活动和小组、同桌、全班交流等集体活 动,充分调动了学生的参与积极性,培养了学生语言交流习惯和合作学习的能力。在师生和 生生双边活动过程中充分体现了思维的碰撞和情感的交融。 本堂课我认为我的教学设计还是比较合理的, 每一环节学生的参与度也很高, 特别是操 练环节我设计的“情景模仿秀”学生很喜欢,而且这样的生活场景学生比较熟悉,我只说了 一遍,学生就已掌握。虽然有的同学模仿的不是十分像,但是他们的这种认真的态度和精神 感染了我。 不足之处就是自始至终学生对 What subjects 的发音不是特别的到位, 在以后的不断操 练中还应反复加强单词的朗读。Lesson 2一课型:新授课 二 教学目标: 1、知识目标:There is an old building in my school.能听懂、会说、认读、正确书写单词:tree photo能听懂、会说、认读单词:building gym send 能听懂、会说、认读句型: “What’ s the school like ? ” “ It’s big and beautiful.” “There is \are ?”2、能力目标:能用英语来介绍新学校的情况3、 情感目标:了解中国与加拿大学校的差异。三 教学重难点:单词:tree photo 句型: “What’s the school like ? ” “ It’s big and beautiful.” “There is \are ?”在生活中的应用。四 教学方法: 表演法 情境法 模仿法等五 教具: 单词卡片、录音 、调查表、配套练习册 六 教学过程: Step 1 warming Cup 师生自由交流, “What subjects does she have ? ” “She has ?” “What does she do after school ?” [设计意图] 通过对话,进一步巩固上一节课所学内容 Step 2 Presentation 1、出示 Listen and say 部分的挂图,或让学生看课本插图 Lucy Li Ming 正在通电话, Li Ming 对 Lucy 的新学校很好奇, 板书问题“What’s your new school like ?”学生快速阅读,找出答案 2、教师讲授新单词 building tree gym3、引导学生发现 There is 与 There are 的区别,讲解句型 4、教师提问:What does Lucy do in her new school?引导学生理解图书馆和体育馆的功 能,进一步理解 I like reading there . I like doing sports there . 5、Li ming 想看 Lucy 的新学校是怎么说的?学生听录音找出答案,教授单词 send photo 6、再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读,注意语音语调 [设计意图] 让学生带着问题自主感知课文,教师加以引导,充分发挥学生学习的主 导作用。 Step 3 Practice 1、 1、小组内分角色朗读课文,选出几组同学上台表演展示自己的成果2、观看 Let’s talk 部分图片及句子 ,听录音,模仿,小组内操练,学生上台展示 [设计意图]通过小组活动,学生之间相互合作,相互帮助,让学生在一定的语境中去掌 握并运用所学知识 Step 4 Consolidation 一、 1、完成 Let’s do 部分内容 二、 2、完成配套练习册 [设计意图] 通过练习进一步巩固所学知识,学会生活中的应用。 Step 5 Summary 引导学生回顾本课所学内容,学生能针对本课知识找出学习重点 [设计意图] 整体感知,加深理解 Step 6 Homework A、 1、听录音,模仿跟读 2、 用本课所学语言来描述自己的学校和家 [设计意图] 让学生尽可能地在真实语境中去运用所学语言 板书设计: Lesson 2 There is an old building in my school. “What’s the school like ? ” “ It’s big and beautiful.” “There is \are ?”Lesson 3How many pupilsare there in your class ?一课型:新授课 二 教学目标: 1、知识目标: 1.学习句型:How many pupils are there in your class? What are they doing ? 2.学习单词:photo group 2 能力目标: 1.能用 How many pupils are there in your class?询问并回答人物的数量和用 What are they doing ?询问并回答人物所做的事情。 2. 能 听 懂 、 会 说 、 认 读 下 列 单 词 : photo different 3 情感目标: group tell story sit circle tell story sit circle different 在学习过程中培养学生善于倾听,敢于交流,乐于合作的意识。 三 教学重点分析 学生能用 How many pupils are there in your class? What are they doing ?询问并回答。 四 教学方法: 表演法 情境法 模仿法等五 教具: 单词卡片、录音 、调查表、配套练习册 六 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1、教师组织学生 Chant: One two three , play basketball , read booksFour five sixSeven eight nine , draw pictures Ten twenty thirty , make things【设计意图】和学生一起欢乐的 chant,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,营造良好的学习氛围, 同时使学生迅速进入到英语学习的状态,为接下来的学习奠定了基础。 T: There are some numbers and things in the chant. Do you know any other numbers and things? 【设计意图】 这一问题的提出能充分地挖掘学生脑海中已有的知识储备, 启发学生说出 一些其他的数字单词和动词短语,此环节学生参与热情高,课堂气氛活跃,在轻松愉悦的氛 围中不知不觉复习巩固了旧知识。 Step 2 Presentation 1.leading-in: T:Look here, please. This is a photo of Lucy’s class .(出示照片,讲解单词 photo 和 photos.)How many pupils are there in her class ?what about her class ? Let’s listen and answer .(听第一段录音)And then read . 【设计意图】通过照片直接引入新课的学习,目标明确,快速切入主题。 2.Text: 1)Her class is small ,but classroom is big .What are there in the classroom ?What do they do there ?Listen and answer .(听第二段录音) And then listen andread . 2)出示挂图: What are you doing in groups ?(讲 group 和 groups 的发音及区 别)Listen and 3)Look at the answer .(讲 tell story ) picture . What are they doing ? Can you find thedifferent ?(讲 sitting in a circle ) 【设计意图】让学生带着任务听教材配套的 CD-ROM,使信息的输入立体化,调动了学 生多种感官的参与,问题帮助学生初步整体感知和理解课文。 3) Listen again and read. 【设计意图】听音模仿跟读课文,充分利用教材提供的情景引导学生听说,帮助学生形 成正确的语音语调。引导学生在语言操练中潜移默化地领悟和消化新知。 4)Read and act the dialogue by yourselves . 【设计意图】通过角色表演,不仅为学生提供语言运用的机会,达到熟练掌握知识的 目的,为各层次的学生提供展示自己的平台,还能在小组准}


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