
卧薪尝胆是什么意思 卧薪尝胆在线翻译 卧薪尝胆什么意思 卧薪尝胆的意思 卧薪尝胆的翻译 卧薪尝胆的解释 卧薪尝胆的发音
卧薪尝胆 基本解释卧薪尝胆[wò xīn cháng dǎn]词典sleep on the brushwood [sticks] and taste the gall -- to nurse vengeance词典endure hardships to accomplish some ambition:卧薪尝胆。词典eat [swallow] the leek词典I have lain, as it were, upon thorns, and my mouth filled with gall.卧薪尝胆 汉英大词典卧薪尝胆[wò xīn cháng dǎn]sleep on the brushwood [sticks] and taste the gall -- endure hardships to acco eat [swallow] (For days) I have lain, as it were, upon thorns, and my mouth filled with gall.; lie on faggots and taste gall -  例:他卧薪尝胆, 图谋报复。    He endured hardships to plan retaliation.卧薪尝胆 网络解释1. endure present hardships to revive:recall a painful experience痛定思痛 | endure present hardships to revive卧薪尝胆 | blossom period兴旺期2. Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall:为虎作伥 helping the tiger to Pounce upon its victims | 卧薪尝胆 Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall | 笑里藏刀 Hiding a dagger behind a smile3. eat dust:尘归尘,土归土Ash to ash, dust to dust | 卧薪尝胆eat dust | The emporer Yue ate dust for several years and finally fought back/turned against and won. 反目turn against卧薪尝胆 双语例句1. 历史上,勾践卧薪尝胆,韩信跨下之辱,这些人都是胸怀大志的能人。他们刻苦自励&&&&He filled with ambition to become famous person.2. 日前,在第二届新媒体高峰论坛上,酷6网副总裁姚建疆幽默地表示,当整个市场是春天的时候,酷6网在卧薪尝胆,别人都在吃烤鸭,而自己只能吃烤红薯,现在我们壮大了,并发现烤鸭更便宜了,还赠送很多小菜,所以我们也想尝尝。&&&&A few days ago, on forum of height of the 2nd new media, yao Jianjiang of 6 networks vice president expresses cruel humorously, when whole market it is spring when, 6 nets are in cruel undergo self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen one's resolve to do sth, people is having roast duck, and oneself can eat the yam that bake only, we expanded now, discover roast duck is cheaper, still give a lot of meat, so we also want to taste.3. 在后来的两年中,可以说我们是卧薪尝胆地把这个产品做出来了。&&&&Two years later, we can say that we are hardships to bring out the products.4. 4. 日本人到底是什么心理,卧薪尝胆?&&&&In the end what is psychological, hardships?5. 卧薪尝胆的故事不就告诉我们忍耐的美德吗?&&&&Story on the hardships do not tell us the virtues of patience it?6. 卧薪尝胆6. 也许,关于亲密,你只能自己定义,靠自己卧薪尝胆。&&&&Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself.7. 他可以受尽凌辱,但不会忘记卧薪尝胆。&&&&He could suffered abuse, but it will not forget the Revival.8. 鄙人始终相信,兴趣是最大的动力,素质是最强的实力,好为人师且诲人不倦的人才能成为好老师,看汉教理论书象看小说的人才最容易通过考试,立意高远,卧薪尝胆,渊鱼察见,志得意满,愿以此言与同道共勉。&&&&I have always believed that the greatest interest is the driving force, quality is the most powerful strength, and to become much more诲人不倦people can become good teachers, teaching theory KanHan book to read the novel as the talent most likely to pass the exam and shows Gaoyuan, hardships, Yuan fish inspection see full satisfied, willing to share this statement with the fellow.9. 卧薪尝胆的反义词9. 苦心人,天不负;卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴是越王勾践的路,他能蔑视人生挫折,是如此的坚强。&&&&Good hardships, can swallow a 3000 Miss Vietnam is Yue way, he can flout the setbacks in life, is so strong.10. 911查询·英语单词大全10. 苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴&&&&After finishing the BEC Vantage, I stepped into my third-year study.11. 无人不知“卧薪尝胆”的故事,可你未必知道吴国败给越国的真正原因。&&&&&&Everybody in China knows the story'Sleeping on bavin and tasting gall', but I wonder if you know the true reason of the destruction of the ancient State Wu by State Yue.12. 他们卧薪尝胆。&&&&&&They sleep on brushwood and taste gall.13. 他卧薪尝胆,图谋报复。&&&&&&He endured hardships to plan retaliation.14. 14. 这种心不旁骛,悬梁刺股,卧薪尝胆的进取精神,就是一般男子也是很难做到的啊。&&&&&&Not next to the heart of this fast, Cigu cantilever, the hardships of the enterprise, that is, men in general is very difficult to do ah.15. 越王句践决心兴越灭吴,励精图治,卧薪尝胆,与越民同甘共苦,十年如一日,终于完成了十年前的愿望,复兴自己的国家。&&&&&&Conquest of Wu Xing Yue Yue Ju Jian commitment, good governance, Revival, and the more the people through thick and thin, ten years on end, and finally completed a decade ago, the desire, rehabilitation own country.16. 为了尽早摆脱这一“停滞期”,朝鲜选手卧薪尝胆,不断在国际比赛中磨练自己,积累经验。&&&&&&As soon as possible in order to shake off the " standstill period " North Korea's hardships, continue to hone in international competitions themselves and gain experience.17. 后越王勾践卧薪尝胆,任用文种和范蠡重振国政。&&&&&&The King of Yue, Gou Jian submitted and sued for peace.18. 为什么勾践要选择屈服和卧薪尝胆。&&&&&&Why choose Gou yield and Revival.19. 越王勾践卧薪尝胆,于是有了“苦心人,天不负”这样的豪言壮语。&&&&&&Yue hardships, they have " good people who live day " such words.20. 卧薪尝胆的反义词20. 也就是这种爱,这种报效祖国之爱,给了我“卧薪尝胆”和19年坚持留在大陆打拼的动力。&&&&&&So the love which serving country's love that provides me the power for revival and have insisting on working for19 years in motherland.卧薪尝胆是什么意思,卧薪尝胆在线翻译,卧薪尝胆什么意思,卧薪尝胆的意思,卧薪尝胆的翻译,卧薪尝胆的解释,卧薪尝胆的发音,卧薪尝胆的同义词,卧薪尝胆的反义词,卧薪尝胆的例句,卧薪尝胆的相关词组,卧薪尝胆意思是什么,卧薪尝胆怎么翻译,单词卧薪尝胆是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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拼音wò xīn cháng dǎn注音ㄨㄛˋ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄔㄤˊ ㄉㄢˇ词性基本解释◎ 卧薪尝胆 w&xīn-ch&ngdǎn[firm resolve in danger to wipe out a national humiliation] 身卧于柴薪,口尝着苦胆。比喻发奋磨砺,时刻不忘雪耻 此臣子痛心切骨,卧薪尝胆,宜思所以报也。&&《宋史&胡宏传》越勾践卧薪尝胆欲报 吴。&&《吴越春秋》引证解释春秋 时, 越王 勾践 战败,为 吴 所执,既放还,欲报 吴 仇,苦身焦思,置胆于坐,饮食尝之,欲以不忘 会稽 败辱之耻。见《史记·越王勾践世家》、 汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·勾践归国外传》。卧薪事不知所出。后用为刻苦自励,发愤图强,不敢安逸之典。 宋 苏轼 《拟孙权答曹操书》:“僕受遗以来,卧薪尝胆,悼日月之逾迈,而嘆功名之不立。”《宋史·胡寅传》:“太上皇劫制於强敌,生往死归,此臣子痛心切骨,卧薪尝胆,宜思所以为报也。” 明 张凤翼 《灌园记·齐王拒谏》:“他那里卧薪尝胆勤修政,我这里宴安鴆毒不思省,兵马临城待怎生?”《胭脂血弹词》第七回:“我则是,济河焚舟求雪耻,你须将,卧薪尝胆励君王。” 李大钊 《国民之薪胆》:“其外交黑幕之风云,以錮封於秘密之键,无从窥其奥藴,即此已足为吾民未来二十年卧薪尝胆之资。”相关汉字、、、||
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