it s my lifeeisntperfect

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Life, Living and Death
What is the most important
thing to do in this life?
Do not disturb yourself
by thinking of the whole of your life. Do not let your thoughts
at once embrace all the various troubles which you may expect to
but on every occasion ask yourself ‘What is there
in this which is intolerable and past bearing?’ for you will
be ashamed to confess. (Marcus Aurelius)
Life is full of difficulties.
But don’t despise life. Human life is an opportunity to learn
and grow. You have lessons to learn and develop your wisdom. If you
don’t learn deeply you have to come back again to learn. All
the difficulties you are going through are very meaningful if you
have the right attitude and proper perspective. You must help others
to live a meaningful life and there are others who will help you.
We must have some kammic connection. We will help each other. So,
please don’t think all these difficulties are meaningless. We
we have to go through.
Things will never be
perfect in life. Better not to expect perfection. I
I will never be, and I don’t expect that.
&That which does
not kill me makes me stronger.& (Nietzsche) Even with
all its pain, disappointment, despair and regret, I still find life
interesting and meaningful.
&The times when
you are wounded are often times when, out of these wounds, come new
thoughts, new possibilities.&
&Joy increases to
the extent that the capacity for woe does also.&
It is a considerable
boon for a person to realise that he has his negative side like
everyone else, that the daemonic works in potentiality for both
good and evil, and that he can neither disown it nor live without
it. It is similarly beneficial when he also comes to see that much
of his achievement is bound up with the very conflicts this daemonic
impulse engenders. This is the seat of the experience that life
is a mixt that there is no such thing as pure
and that if the evil weren’t there as a potentiality,
the good would not be either. Life consists of achieving good not
apart from evil but in spite of it. (Rollo May)
Life would be so superficial
and boring if there were no hardships.
Suffer, learn, and grow.
I have suffered a lot
and I suffer now, but I suffer calmly, with dignity. I take suffering
as part of life, a very important part. How can I learn anything if
I don’t suffer? But I stay calm when I suffer. Who would believe
that I have deep suffering? I don’t think that there should be
I don’t think that there is something wrong because
I don’t think I should try
I do not try to overcome suffering, but I try to make
I try to understand suffering deeply. No resistance. I am not depressed,
agitated. I only hope that I am wise enough to understand suffering
Each time I suffer intensely,
I take a step forward towards detachment. It teaches me to let go.
Samudaya (the second Noble Truth: desire) leads to dukkha
(suffering). How simple and how true.
We have hard lives. So
we learn a lot more than easygoing people. My life is very hard too.
Anyway I like it. I have learnt quite a lot: feeling, seeing, and
learning very deeply. If you are mindful, suffering makes you see
things very deeply. I don’t want a carefree life, nor do I want
to live superficially, but I do want to know all about life and suffering.
Most people live their
life very superficially. They are born into a society and they live
the values into they are caught up in that society.
You have to be very clear about what you want from life in order to
create your own value and live it. Even when you create your own value
(judgment) you must keep on looking into it and see whether it is
realistic, see how it affects your mind. Living your life is an art.
There is no formula. You must always be alert and creative. Once you
lose creativity you are as good as dead. Creativity in living one’s
life is so rare. No wonder people behave like robots! No wonder they
have no joy.
All of us have ups and
downs. It is important to see them objectively.
To take my life one moment
at a time. Not to think too much and confuse my mind. To accept life
as it is and also to be ready to die at any moment. They say life
is hard. It’s even hard for those who don’t need to work.
But still you can be cheerful and learn a lot from your life. And
if you prefer you can go out of this round of existence. (Is it a
I don’t like dukkha
at all. Do you? Here life is simple, and I want it to be even more
S be patient.
Do whatever is possible at the moment. Nothing lasts forever. Things
will change, possibly for the better if you stay clear and calm, but
if you get agitated and run around like crazy you will disturb the
All the things that happened
to me in the past brought me here, to this point. Since I’m living
a meaningful and peaceful life in the present moment now, I feel OK
about the past. I forgive myself and everybody, and I am grateful
to all of them for what they have done to me or for me. If they had
been good to me I might not have decided to become a monk. Now I understand
them much better, I appreciate their good qualities.
We feel hurt as if we
are still that little boy or girl. To accept the inevitable is very
important for peace of mind. I am v it has taught
me so much. I want to live a long life so that I can learn more. There
are certain things which we can only learn in old age.
Life is very important.
The way we live our life, the way we relate to people is the reflection
of our practice of Dhamma.
Where you live and with
whom you associate is very important. Some people and places put your
mind in a bad mood, and to be in a bad mood all the time can really
damage your mind. You are very subtly influenced by people around
Life isn’t so bad.
At times it can be really peaceful, blissful, but I don’t want
another life. I’m trying to understand myself and others and
life deeper. To understand is the main thing in my life. I have less
craving for things, which makes my mind lighter. However I still have
craving for books. No desire to do anything great. Just trying to
live my life with the least amount of pain and with the most understanding.
I am doing what I can.
Not taking anything too seriously. Everything which arises passes
away. Nothing really happens the way I want it. So it is better not
not to insist that it should happen the way I want
it, especially with people — they have their own mind, their
own preferences.
So many things have happened
in my lifetime. People have suffered so much because they take things
too seriously, not knowing that it is not worth the trouble.
I want you to know that
whatever happens is OK with me. I can let go of anything. Death seems
closer as I grow older. Many of my friends have died. Two died of
liver disease, one of leukemia, another from a heart attack, and one
other by accident. My mother died from I don’t know what. I will
I don’t know when, where, or how. Everything passes away.
It’s not worth getting too attached to anything.
I have learnt something
from everything that has happened to me in my life. So I am open to
any experience now.
Every situation/experience
in life, whether it’s good or bad, is an opportunity to learn.
To be able to accept
uncertainty, and live with it, is a sure sign of maturity. We often
want to be sure about the future. Whatever will be, will be. Before
we know about life we say &It’s no good&. Before we’ve
learnt how to live our life we want to know how to overcome it. All
head and no heart makes life very dry. I just hope that you know what
you want to do with your life. Do something that will help you feel
really happy all your life, until you die.
Three treasures I cherish:
The first is fathomless love,
The second is frugality,
The third is reluctance to lead. (Tao Te Ching)
Yes, the world is crazy.
What can I do about it? Nothing. Why waste time and energy being upset
You know ‘funny
business’ gives you more pain than pleasure. I knew all the while
what was going to happen but I had no way to tell you. If you want
pleasure you have to accept the pain which comes with it. If you don’t
want pain then don’t go after pleasure. Defilements make life
complicated. Without greed, desire, and attachment you can live a
simple life like Ryokan. I don’t want to tell you to become a
monk. I know it’s too hard for you, but at least you can be a
layman living a simple life. You have conflicting desires. You are
like the proverbial donkey between two stacks of hay. First of all
understand your mind deeply. How do you want to live your life? What
do you want to value most in life?
There is no satisfaction
in anything at all, and yet we think, ‘I’d be happy if…’
Looking for satisfaction is looking for pain. Knowing this deeply
we learn to let go. Psychological explanations are all right, (I like
reading psychology), but unless it leads to seeing our attachments
and company and letting go it doesn’t lead to peace. With no
peace we are still confused and unhappy. Intellectual understanding
it explains and explains, and the problems pile up
— there’s no end to explanations.
Many times you said,
&Really, I don’t know&. I think that’s a real
feeling. What do we really know? Really, I don’t know either.
But I I’ I don’t expect
too much either from myself or from others. I make mistakes and I
learn from my mistakes.
When you don’t know
what to do, when you are confused, then you really start looking.
It is an opportunity for a new beginning. Uncertainty is unpleasant
but it makes the mind become alert. What to do? Look deeply into your
mind without thinking too much. Keep your heart open to uncertainty.
You have ‘don’t know mind’ now. It is part of your
it wakes you up from your slumber.
I hope you are not unhappy
about being confused. Life is strange, at least for me.
Life is a series of changes.
No finality or certainty. Always experimenting with new ways of living
and relating, thinking that there must be a perfect place to live
and a perfect
fooling ourselves all the time.
How scared we would be without such make-believe! But as we grow up
and become more and more disillusioned we find out slowly that there
is no perfect place in the world, no perfect friend, no perfect teacher,
no perfect monk… Nothing in this world is perfect. I’m not
perfect and I never will be. They say the Buddha was perfect.
Is there anything you
know for sure? How full of assumptions our life is. Full of make-believe.
We are standing on assumptions. If we take away all the assumptions,
we will have nothing to stand on. Are you really sure what you are
living for? Yes? What is that?
Beliefs, assumptions,
hopes. Enough!! Without them the mind becomes light. Those are burdens.
Without those one can pay more attention to what is.
You know that if you
are not living for something meaningful your life is meaningless.
What are you living for? Truth, love, political ideal, your country?
You see it’s hard to answer. No?
If you have an answer,
say, truth. Then, does your everyday life show any proof for your
answer? My dear friend, we are so lost. We are going nowhere. We are
drifting like a boat with no rudder.
It’s quite amazing
the way people are living their life, without any direction, goal,
or meaning in life, without metta (loving-kindness) and understanding
for each other. What a great mess life is!
Some people are just
drifting, going nowhere. They have no direction, they are
lost. They don’t understand life, the meaning of life, and the
nature of samsara (the cycle of births and deaths).
Some people here have
all the opportunities to live the dhamma, to practise, but
they are wasting their time. You don’t know the value of what
you have until you lose it.
I’m interested in
how you live your daily life, how your days are spent. The way you
live should be the source of your inspiration.
I received a letter from
U Dh. telling me of his difficulty living in the West as a bhikkhu
(monk). He found it impossible to meditate. He said that there was
too much happening around him. Well, I know that.
Don’t be busy. Get
a lot of time to relax. About being busy, the Buddha said, &Appakicco
ca sallahukavutti & (not busy, living simply) — busyness
is the way to craziness.
If you limit yourself
carefully you’ll be able to develop a deeper understanding of
life. Understanding life and understanding dhamma go together.
First of all learn to live your daily life meaningfully, sanely.
Do what is the most important.
There are many useful things one can do, but we must limit ourselves
and do what is best.
One of my friends told
me: &You are very talented&, but I don’t want to be
a slave to my talents. I limit myself although I can do many things.
I’ve done a lot in my previous lives. In this life however, I’ll
I’ll learn the meaning of life.
One should understand
deeply that one has been almost everything (man, woman, rich, poor,
educated, powerful, etc., etc.). Why be the same this life?
We need some sort of
ideal in our life, so that we have some direction/purpose, but we
shouldn’t become crazy about our ideal. The best ideal is to
be mindful always. An unrealistic self-image is very dangerous.
First of all understand
your mind deeply. How do you want to live your life? What do you value
most in life?
&How to make life
as simple as possible?& Make your mind as simple as possible,
then your life will be simple. It is greed hand-in-hand with ignorance
which make life so complicated. Not easy when almost everybody around
you is living such a greedy, speedy, and complicated life. One needs
great wisdom and a strong mind not to follow them. Before you know
it, you are thinking of what to do to prove that you are not a failure.
You’ll try to do all the things you can to prove that you are
a success. It’s hard to live your life without thinking of what
others think of you.
You don’t have to
spend your life earning and spending money, and yet that’s what
most people do.
When you want to buy
something, ask yourself: Do I really need it? Don’t buy something
just because it’s useful. There are too many useful things in
the world. (Too many useless things too.) Make the best use of what
you have. Paper is made from trees. If you love trees don’t waste
Time is very precious.
We waste so much time reading, talking, going here and there, just
to kill time. Boredom/ennui is a big problem. That is why entertainment
becomes so important. The mind wants a change. It can’t stay
with one object.
For many years, I read
about philosophy, comparative religion, Buddhism, science, politics,
psychology, literature, poetry, trying to find out some sort of guideline
to live my life by, something to live for, and trying to find some
universal formula to follow. The more I read the more I found that
religious or political ideals cause a lot more harm to humanity. Religious
wars and political wars prove that. It is really ironic: they talk
about making people happy and ye they talk about
love and yet they can’t bear the they talk
about solidarity and unity, yet create schism and faction instead.
Now I think for myself.
It is my responsibility to find out how I want to live my life, what
I want to live for. If I make a mistake I am the on
I cannot blame anybody. I cannot be sure about my value judgments,
and the choices I make. I have to always be on the alert and see how
my thinking affects my life. This is not easy to do. I need to be
very mindful, sensitive, and absolutely honest with myself.
Taking complete responsibility
about how I live my life is not an easy thing. No wonder most people
put that responsibility on religious and/or political leaders! —
somebody else to take the responsibility for our happiness or unhappiness.
I am not a follower,
because that would mean I am not taking complete responsibility for
my life. Neither am I a leader, because that would mean I am taking
responsibility for others, which would mean taking away from them
responsibility for themselves. I am a friend. I am forever an explorer.
I want to keep my heart
open for anybody or anything. I don’t know how much I will succeed
in doing that. I’ve been living a very secluded life for about
six years now, and now I want to expose myself to more people. I believe
I will learn a lot if I learn to live with people. It will be a great
challenge for me. &Alienated people don’t contribute.&
That is true.
Can you tell me your
first priority in life? I am not trying to be somebody. I just try
my best to understand whatever is happening in my life, in my mind,
and in my heart.
Most things have lost
their importance for me because I don’t invest anything in them.
Some people might find it hard to understand my change of attitude.
I understand them and their problems but I can’t take them so
seriously. For example, my friend U Dh., wrote about trying to make
a sima (chapter house, boundary) in his monastery. I have totally
lost interest in such things. I don’t even care what people think
of me — just fleeting thoughts in somebody’s mind. I don’t
want to disturb them though.
Do what you can, but
remember you will never reach your ideal. You cannot be blamed for
not being perfect. As for me, I am less concerned about what people
I don’t care if I don’t meet their expectations.
Feels like I am getting clearer about myself. I have my own standard
of values, and I don’t think anybody should agree with me about
it. I cannot share my understanding and insights with other people
because most people are tradition-bound.
To be in conflict with
people is tiring. To desire for the esteem, appreciation, and regard
of people is a prison. I’ve tried my b I’ve
tried to make everybody happy but I found that when I made somebody
happy, there was always somebody else who wasn’t happy about
that! So I failed in making everybody happy. Now I am trying my best
to make just one person happy and that’ even that’s
not always possible.
I’ve tried to improve
people around me, tried to find solutions for the problems in the
world. I used to carry a big philosophical question in my mind. A
few years back a friend convinced me that I was not God. I think he
was right. I’m not respo I shouldn’t
carry the world on my shoulder. Since then I dropped it. So now I’ve
no burden to do anything about it. I live each day simply, peacefully
with a ‘joie de vivre’.
&Thinking about
the people in this floating world something must be wrong somewhere&
— I think it’s in between their ears.
One day is exactly the
same for me as any other day. I’m neither happy nor unhappy about
the coming new year. So instead of saying ‘Happy New Year’
to you, I would rather say ‘Happy every day’, if such a
thing could be. It is the same for I don’t
know why I should feel happier on my birthday. But I don’t mind
people saying ‘Happy Birthday to you’.
One day is the same as
another. Sometimes I lose track of what day, date or month it is.
Sometimes I don’t look at a calendar for weeks to check. Time
days slip away quietly. Very soon this life will
be over. But don’t worry, you’ll have many more lives. So
take your time, take it easy. Why be in such a hurry?
This insight gives me
tremendous energy (psychological); it makes me alert. I am an explorer
travelling into an unknown territory. Being careless is something
I cannot afford. I’m always observant, al
always careful about every move I make, and always making adjustments.
&I’m aimless.
It took me a while to realise I was lonely.& Well, I think you
are not alone in that. There are billions who are aimless and lonely.
Most of them are not aware of it and the rest are denying it or covering
it up with something (job, sense pleasures, etc.).
It’s hard to accept
that I’ve nobody on whom I can depend, who will understand my
loneliness, but a little bird told me, &Such is life, don’t
carry all the past memories and all the future cares in your mind.
Live each and every moment mindfully. The future will take care of
You said, &I’m
lost.& Where are you going? If you are not going anywhere you
cannot be lost. You are where you are. Well, I’m joking. I know
how you feel, and I’ve heard a lot of people say that. Even some
people in Burma feel that way. We want our life to be different. But
what do we want? Not money, not fame, not power. Something beyond
those. Isn’t it better not to want anything at all? But then
people will say you’ve no motivation, you’re not contributing
anything to your country, or humanity. Society demands that we must
want something, do something, or else we are useless lazybones. It’s
hard to just sit quietl it’s hard just to
be mindful.
I’m doing a lot
of ‘doing nothing’ here. It’s great, and people support
me just for that. Thanks to the culture, and thanks to the Buddha,
too, who made it possible.
&To dare not to
be ahead of others.& I like that.
More and more people
are looking at me as if I’m a wise monk. Sometimes I feel that
as a burden. They won’t allow me to be foolish sometimes. It’s
so nice when nobody is around. I’m not faultless, and I don’t
aspire to be perfect. It’s easier when I allow myself to be foolish.
A good reputation is a prison.
Try to understand people
more. Only with kindness and understanding can you get close to people.
Otherwise they will not share their lives with you. It’s dangerous
to reveal yourself to somebody who’s not kind and who cannot
understand you, who will judge you and condemn you instead. If you
can get into people’s hearts you will see that a lot of people
are suffering deep inside but they have learnt to cover that up.
Be kind to people but
don’t try to please them. Don’t be an angel. It is hard
enough to be a decent human being. Being too good might mean
ending up being too bitter.
I always tell people
my limit, even when it is something about Dhamma. It is quiet
and peaceful here because we have a limit. People want to come every
day but we say &No! Sorry&.
In the end you must decide
what you want to do. Nobody can decide for you what you should do.
You cannot live my life and I cannot live your life. It’s hard
to be an adult. We cannot rely on anybody. Self-reliance is the best.
Nobody and no place is
perfect. A perfect place, a perfect community, or a perfect teacher
are nowhere to be found.
I know many people but
I haven’t found anybody who is peaceful except U&I.; he
is uneducated but he knows how to live peacefully.
We are not all-wise.
So sometimes we make mistakes. I don’t think we have to feel
guilty for the rest of our lives for the misdeeds we have done in
Forgive yourself. Let
yourself be a new person. We confirm ourselves as this or that sort
of person. Others who know us also confirm us as such and such a kind
of person, but what you are is always changing. You are not the same
person as yo you have you
are always changing. Allow yourself to change, to become a different
Life is an experiment,
an adventure. It is risky. Take the risk but make sure that your decision
comes from a quiet mind.
When I was young I thought
life was like a mathematical formula. Now that I am older I see that
life is like a poem.
I’m trying my best
to make my life tolerable. Sometimes I am in bliss, sometimes desperate.
You won’t think
I have dukkha (suffering). You think my life is unending bliss?
It is dukkha on top of dukkha; a different kind of dukkha
though, but dukkha nonetheless. I I
I have to pay the price. I suffer but I don’t complain. I hope
I am worthy of my suffering, suffering observed calmly.
A life which is really
fulfilling does not need advertisement. If your life is really fulfilling
you don’t feel the need to prove that.
You said, &It’s
so easy to get lost here in the USA, lost in busyness, lost in the
unbelievable flood and glut of entertainment and information…
lost in various distractions.& You’re right and I think
this is very dangerous. A busy life is a superficial life. If you
are too busy you don’t even have time to understand your feelings,
your mind. My father was a businessman. Very busy. He died a stranger
to us, his children. I don’t know anything about his mental,
emotional, or psychological life. He was a workaholic. As a result
I decided not to be busy. Most of the wise men, wise authors, and
poets I know were/are not busy. They lived/live a quiet and peaceful
life. They don’t care for recognition, name, fame, money, luxury,
etc. What people mean by success is so superficial.
Of course one has to
earn a living, but to spend all your time running around like mad
doing a hundred and one things, which are not essential, is crazy.
You don’t even know about yourself, you don’t have time
to look deep inside, because you are always looking outside, which
you think is more important, or you get into the habit of looking
outside. You don’t even know the person you say you love so much.
I understand what you
said about the feeling of inadequacy among American males. I have
noticed this myself when I was in America. This disease (so-called)
is quite rare among tribal people in underdeveloped regions in Burma.
Yet even Burmese from well-to-do families have this problem too. I
think it’s because people expect too much from them, and the
model of a successful life is too rigid, narrow, materialistic, stereotyped,
and dumb. As if there were only one good model for everybody. Live
your life in your own way. Whoever really cares about you anyway?
Take it easy. Ultimately
nothing matters.
I hope you learn to live
peacefully in this imperfect world.
I completed my thirty-ninth
year on 5th August. According to the Burmese way of counting
I am in my fortieth year. My hair is turning grey, especially on the
sides, and I’m also getting thin on the top, a sure sign of old
age! Can’t escape it. It was so unreal when I was young. Very
soon I’ll be gone, but I feel OK about that.
What’s wrong with
death? It is a very important and necessary part of life. It would
be terrible not to die. I wonder what will happen to my mind if I
live for another forty years? I might be as stupid as I am, or…
Yes, I’m getting old too. Lost a lot of my hair. A bald patch
and grey hair. Very soon I’ll be dead. Now I have pain in my
back on and off, pain in my finger joints. Arthritis? That’s
part of life. No complaints. I want to really live my life fully in
my own way for the rest of my life. After that I don’t know.
there’s no doubt about that. What I mean to say is that as I’m
old now I can really feel it now through how I as if
I’m blind with an acute sense of touch. I don’t just see
I feel them in my heart. I know how warm or cold
they are, I smell them too — I know whether they
are clean or not, whether they are pretending or not.
The good part is that
the mind is becoming more mature, more detached. I know nothing is
worth the dukkha. I have a place to live, I
get enough food every day. My health is not bad. I have enough and
I know that. I’ve some good friends. I
I’m never busy. So, you envy my way of life? I am doing OK. Getting
old though. Becoming less attached to my self-image. Happy to be nobody.
Late at night,
listening to the winter rain,
recalling my youth -
Was it only a dream?
Was I really young once? (Ryokan)
Very soon you’ll
be asking yourself the same question.
Now I’m becoming
more expressive of my love. Seems like this old monk’s heart
is growing bigger in his old age. Cardiomegaly — not the disease!
But I cannot love everybody. Those whom I love, I love really well.
There are a lot of people I love dearly, and some feel it.
Dying a natural death
is OK. The important point is how to live a peaceful and meaningful
life. I don’t mind dying, but I don’t want to suffer. All
of us must die one day. It might be now. It is one hundred per cent
sure that we will all die. Knowing that, we must really live wisely
and not waste our time and energy doing trivial things, thinking and
worrying about insignificant things.
Death is not that bad.
It is the pain in dying which is actually difficult. Because of attachment
we think of death as bad, for we leave everything dear to us when
we die. I think we should educate ourselves on how to die with peaceful
heart, and on how to leave everything we love. A person who hasn’t
learnt how to live peacefully hasn’t learnt much from life. Living
all one’s life denying death is a sure sign of the immature mind.
Better to accept what cannot be denied.
Yes, I reflect on death
quite often. I got close to dying twice. Seeing life from that point
of view, it’s so clear that we are wasting our time — foolishly
chasing after status, possessions, admiration, approval, and there
is never enough. I’ve seen death closely, but how can I tell
others what it’s like? When you know you’re going to lose
everything and when you feel that it’s OK, I gave up everything.
Then I know the most precious thing I have is the deep understanding
of life. Well, some day I’ll tell you all about that. I’m
quite well. Just growing old and learning from my mistakes. I’m
trying my best to live a peaceful life.
Repeatedly I find that
attachment leads to suffering. There is no mistake about that. Watch
out for attachments. Desires make you believe that you’ll be
happy when it is fulfilled, but there is no end to fulfilling desires.
We think that some day we’ll be happy. Some day, some day…
and that some day always moves on ahead. You’re lucky if you
can say ‘I’m happy’.
Growing old is not that
bad if you have mindfulness and wisdom. Take care of your health.
Rest before you are tired. Please take care of your health so that
you live a long and healthy life. We will have a lot more to share
when we grow old. As we grow older I hope we become more open and
friendly. Real sharing and caring. I am very grateful to life. It
has taught me so much. I want to live a long life so that I can learn
more. There are certain things which we can learn only in old age.
I don’t feel sorry to hear that another of my friends has checked
out (died). It’s so natural.
People have so much to
do that mostly they forget the dead.
We think we’re important.
That is a delusion.
We should do what we
can without expecting that people will remember what we have done
We want to be important
in other people’s lives. We want to feel (believe) that we make
a big difference in other people’s lives.
You try too hard to be
kind to people.
You have too much concern
about other people’s practice. You will not be at peace if you
go on doing that.
Live your life peacefully
first. Then do whatever you think is appropriate with a peaceful mind.
&Giving others the
freedom to be stupid is one of the most important and hardest steps
to take in spiritual progress.& Yes.
Do whatever you do with
care and attention.
Better to do a little
and do it well.
Pure motive is rare.
(It’s almost impossible.)
The more we deny our
selfish motives the more harm we will do to ourselves and to others
in the name of selfless sacrifice.
To deny darkness is
to deny danger.
Acknowledgement illumines.
Denial darkens. (Unknown)
We can pretend for a
while, but the truth shows through every now and then.}


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