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re-elected是什么意思 re-elected在线翻译 re-elected什么意思 re-elected的意思 re-elected的翻译 re-elected的解释 re-elected的发音 re-elected的同义词
re-elected英 ['re?el'ekt?d] 美 ['re?el'ekt?d] 原级:第三人称单数:现在分词:re-elected 基本解释重选,重新推选( re-elect的过去式和过去分词 );re-elected 网络解释1. 1. 再度当选:re-edit 重新编辑 | re-elected 再度当选 | re-election 再次竞选2. 重新推选的:in the country's first presidential election 在国家的第一次总统选举中 | re-elected 重新推选的 | a hard fought presidential campaign 一个艰难的总统战役re-elected 双语例句1. It has just re-elected its leader, Motiur Rahman Nizami, for another three-year term.&&&&人民党领袖Motiur Rahman Nizami才刚刚连任成功,任期为三年。2. 2. Christie's is auctioning a handwritten copy of the 1864 speech Abraham Lincoln delivered at the White House after being re-elected.&&&&英国拍卖巨头佳士得准备拍卖林肯1864年连任总统时的就职讲演手稿。3. re-elected在线翻译3. The Obama figure exceeds President Bush's on the eve of his twin victories and Bill Clinton's level just before he was re-elected.&&&&奥巴马的这一支持率超过了布什总统在两次大选以及克林顿总统在第二次大选胜利前的比例。4. He was re-elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.&&&&他奇迹般地引导该国渡过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当5. He was re-elected with 77% of the vote.&&&&为此,他以77%的选票连任。6. 911查询·英语单词6. This is going to get me re-elected.&&&&这能让我竞选连任7. Sergio Campana has been re-elected president, Leo Grosso vice president and Gianni Grazioli secretary for the next four years.&&&&塞尔吉奥·坎帕纳再次当选主席,里奥·格罗索成为副主席,吉安尼·格拉齐奥利担任秘书长,他们的任期都是四年。8. Outstanding achievements as a result of Lincoln, November 8, 1864 he was re-elected as President of the United States.&&&&由于林肯的卓越功绩,1864 年 11 月 8 日他再次当选为美国总统。9. 9. Indeed, its relatively successful management of the economy is one reason why AK was re-elected with an even bigger share of the vote in 2007. With March`s municipal elections now behind him, Mr Erdogan badly needs to revert to fiscal discipline.&&&&实际上,相对成功的经济管理是该党派在07年以更多的选票婵联执政党的原因之一。3月份的地方性选举已成历史,现在,埃尔多安迫切需要对财政规律做出回应。10. At school, I was a CYL members, re-elected four years squad is a good teacher aides, a good example of the students.&&&&在学校里,我是一名共青团员,连任四年班长,是老师的好助手,同学的好榜样。11. Davis, a Democrat, was re-elected not on the strength of his own popularity but because the Republicans put up such a weak candidate, too rightwing for most voters.&&&&&&作为民主党人的戴维斯能连任州长并非因其的自身声望的力量,而是因为共和党一方的候选人实在太弱,对于多数选民来说是太右了。12. 12. The first plenum of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee elected the new central leadership, with Comrade Hu Jintao re-elected as general secretary of the Central Committee. A group of yong and energetic leaders, having both a good character and professional competence, were elected to the new central Committee and the central leadership. This fully reflects that our party is prosperous, vibrant and full of vitality.&&&&&&中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第一次全体会议,选举产生了新的中央领导机构,胡锦涛同志再次当选为中央委员会总书记,一批德才兼备、年富力强的领导干部进入新一届中央委员会和中央领导机构,充分反映了我们党兴旺发达,朝气蓬勃,富有活力。13. 13. They also say that the popular president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is expected to be re-elected in July, appropriated the largest Islamic party`s signature theme of clean government through a far-reaching anticorruption drive.&&&&&&这些专家与政界人士另外指出,民选总统苏西洛E班邦E尤都约诺全力反贪,使这个最大伊斯兰政党的招牌政见,一个乾净廉洁的政府无处著力。预料尤都约诺会在7月当选连任。14. He was re-elected four of the only president in American history.&&&&&&他是美国历史上唯一连任四届的总统。15. Roosevelt became the only history of the United States re-elected four of the great President of the United States.&&&&&&后来。罗斯福成为美国历史上唯一一位连任四届的伟大的美国总统。16. 16. It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.&&&&&&令人惊奇的是政府把税收提高这麼多仍再次当选了。17. In other elections, Angela Merkel was returned to power in Germany at the head of a new centre-right coalition, the Congress party increased its majority in India, Jacob Zuma was chosen as South Africa`s new president and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was re-elected president in I ndonesia.&&&&&&在其他国家大选中,安吉拉·默克尔重返德国权利之巅,成为新一届中右派联合政府的首脑,印度国大党增加了其在印度多数票地位,雅各布·祖玛被选举为南非的新任总统,苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺连任印度尼西亚总统。18. 18. An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director: provided that if a Director retires and is re-elected by the meeting at which such retirement took effect, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Article which was in force immediately prior to his retirement shall continue to operate after his re-election as if he had not so retired.&&&&&&候补董事应根据事实不再是候补董事如以任何理由停止他的委任人被导演:并规定,如果是一名退休主任连选连任的会议,这些退休生效、他所作的任何任命是根据本条生效之前,他将继续退休操作连任后,他没有这么退役。19. 19. Details of the Directors to be re-elected at the 2008 AGM are CORPORATE GOVERNANCE set out in the circular to the shareholders sent together with this Annual Report.&&&&&&所有在 2008 股东周年常会重选的董事的资料,载于连同本年报企业管治寄发予股东的股东通函内。20. The President promised across-the-board tax cuts if re-elected.&&&&&&总统许诺如果能再次当选将采取全面的减税措施。re-elected是什么意思,re-elected在线翻译,re-elected什么意思,re-elected的意思,re-elected的翻译,re-elected的解释,re-elected的发音,re-elected的同义词,re-elected的反义词,re-elected的例句,re-elected的相关词组,re-elected意思是什么,re-elected怎么翻译,单词re-elected是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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