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Hippo Swivel Clip Tarp Weight
Get QuotesYes! I am interestedFOB Price : Get Price The Hippo Swivel Clip Tarp Weight is made of a heavy-duty nylon material that resists cracking even at 45 below zero! The swivel action is equipped with a standard, threaded bottle cap allowing the user to create a heavy duty tarp weight. To use, simply fill any used plastic container with water, twist on the Hippo Tarp Weight and then clamp onto any tarp. Use For: Tarps, awnings, pool covers, canopies, plastic sheeting, camping, boating, RV, hunting, fishing, gardening, construction, work shelters and much more. 4 Piece Pack
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I have to get out. I have to leave. I have to run. I leave everything behind. My cell phone, my computer, all these things that I say I need to survive, I leave them behind. More than that, I leave my comfort. I leave my sofa, my bed, my room. I leave them and venture out. They are my kingdom, but I choose exile. At first, thoughts race through my mind, the consequences of storming out like that, how I will get home. These are too painful, so I push them out. I leave them along my path, they are no use to me.
I’ve recently been reading some of the debates about barefoot running that I try to avoid, and the reason that I try to avoid them is that I don’t really think that there is much to debate with people who think that ‘better’ running is ‘faster’ running, because I think that better running is the running that the running that doesn’t hurt or injure you, and if that means running barefoot, then that’s what you should do.
The master of pace
There are many interesting things to find in running, for example, freedom, barefoot, trail, ultra running, or even statistics analyzing. Some people are so good in pace and distance calculation, that they express running only in numbers. Here are few examples how pace experts understand the running:
McMillan chart – every run is based on the famous chart, and don’t dare to run at different speeds.
Race report – only numbers, and maybe some complaints about a previous injury.
Fartlek –
because pace masters blindly believe in statistics, therefore fartlek is pre-programmed in a GPS watch.
Training plans – easy, recovery, tempo and long run are defined by exact pace and distance.
Pause – press a “pause” button at every red light stop or before lace shoes.
Check – they look at the GPS watch at every 30 seconds or so.
Advice – they know very well how much other people have to run to achieve their personal goals. Moreover, pace slaves will involve you into the world of numbers and statistics. Where pace is the God and Garmin is the King.
What does it mean to listen to your body
Bridget Franek is a Penn State grad, Olympian Steeplechaser. Bridget shares her college and professional experience on how to listen to your body and why it is so important.
In high school, I used to think I was listening to my body and I would end workouts when my legs were tired. This wasn’t listening to my body though, it was listening to my legs. In races, I began to notice that if I really wanted to beat someone, I could easily run through the pain in my limbs by running with my heart.
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Road cycling log
(north – west – north – north -north –
west – north – west – north ) * small hills * against the wind
A cake break
( south – east – south – east – south – south – south -east – south) * small hills * tail wind
= cameback to reality in 3-4 hours
An easy run is not a workout, which means that it’s not a couple more things: it’s not structured or planned or focused on a certain pace. It’s also not broken into intervals. These thoughts help us turn to what an easy run is. the easy run is executed in a relaxed way with little conscious control. We just let the body run at the pace it wants to run. Like a raft on a river, we just float on the current. We don’t fight it. Sometimes floating the river is placid and frankly kinda boring slow-as-heck experience, from beginning to end. Usually, the flow of the river begins pretty placidly but picks up some steam as the body warms up. And then there are those days where the river – for whatever reason – is really pumping, and the raft ends up catching with a swift current, and we flow along the river at new paces. All of these runs are easy runs, regardless of pace – we aren’t fighting the run, we’re
that’s what makes it easy.
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Running is simple
Just get out and run. Take it easy, take as many breaks as you need to.
Spend as much time for running as you want to, but keep your enthusiasm for the feature runs.
Enjoy your time, explore your area, find new routes, but respect the distance.
Try different speeds and find your own tempo, where you can run like this forever.
Give 10 minutes a day to make some push-ups, squats and various core training exercises.
Running is not a rocket science, don’t make it too complicated.
1 kg of running
Running with the 7 C’s of success
46 years old marathoner and philosophy professor talk about Morris 7 C’s success. According to this philosophy, there are 7 keys to reach your own personal goals. Here are the 7 C‘s to success:
Clear Conception of what we want, a vivid vision, a goal clearly imagined
Strong Confidence that we can achieve our goal
Focused Concentration on what it takes to reach that goal
Stubborn Consistency in pursuing our vision, a determined persistence to achieve our goal
Emotional Commitment to the importance of what we’re doing
Good Character to guide us and keep us on a proper course
Capacity to enjoy the process along the way
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How to become a better runner
run even more
run even more than that
keep running
Perfect pacing at Copenhagen half
There were no fancy GPS gadgets, no racing plans, no structured training plans – just running. Enjoying at the beginning of the race, suffer in the second part and final sprint at the finish line. Great race and perfect split times from the first step and all the way to the finish line.
Physiotherapist tips for runners
Physiotherapist do see some trends with the runners who regularly get injured, so here are some pearls (of alleged wisdom) to help you through your run:
Just running will get you injured
Core stability exercises are essential
Focus on getting a strong BUM
Be assessed every time you buy a running shoe
If you have an area of your body that has pain due to an injury you’re carrying, you’ll probably give yourself a new injury on top of the first one!
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What will you be thinking about during your next run?
Enjoy running on weekdays, cycling when the weather is nice, running strong at the race and enjoying a dark beer afterward.拒绝访问 |
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