hill's e-pencileye pencil是什么意思思?

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> 最新冀教版七年级英语上册Lesson7家庭作业:Jenny's new skirt总结
最新冀教版七年级英语上册Lesson7家庭作业:Jenny's new skirt总结
初一大家学习了很多英语知识,课下大家要及时的进行练习巩固,这样才能记忆好课堂上学过的英语知识,为此下面学而思网校网为大家带来了冀教版七年级英语上册Lesson7家庭作业:Jenny's new skirt,希望大家能够认真做这些题,从而提高英语学习水平。
2016年初一年级英语Lesson7家庭作业:Jenny's new skirt
I. 用适当的介词填空。
1. ________ the middle of Tian&anmen Square, you can see our national flag rising every morning.
2. The London Eye is ________ your right.
3. You can get off the boat ________ Tower Bridge.
4. Walk ________ the street until you reach the end of it.
5. There are lots of paintings ________ our National Museum.
II. 根据句意及首字母提示补全句中所缺单词。
1. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this short t________ of London.
2. We&re standing o________ the National Gallery, a famous museum, not on the same side.
3. We can see the hill on a c________ day.
4. The Tower of London is n________ Tower
Bridge. It&s not far.
5. We&ll f________ our homework after class and then go home.
III. 单项选择。
( ) 1. After ________ the Tower of London, you may take the boat back.
A. visit B. to visit
C. visiting D. visits
( ) 2. It ________ me five minutes to walk to school every day.
A. take B. takes
C. to take D. taking
( ) 3. When you are tired, the best way
________ see London is by boat.
A. in B. at C. of D. to
( ) 4. People can see most of London
________ a fine day.
A. near B. in C. on D. behind
( ) 5. The Tower of London is over 900
________ old.
A. years B. a year
C. year&s D. years&
以上就是学而思网校网为大家带来的冀教版七年级英语上册Lesson7家庭作业:Jenny's new skirt,希望大家能够重视英语课下练习,这样才能在做题中提高自己对知识的掌握水平。


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