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新西行漫记 - 95天玩遍[已完结]我们是一对已退休的夫妇。从2012年7月31日至11月1日,用95天横跨美国东西南北,游历了近40个州(美国共50个州)。乘飞机7次(含3次转机),火车5次,一万五千多公里(开了12辆车)游览了16个国家公园,8个州立公园,6个主题公园,几十个城市。坐世界最大游轮“海洋魅力”号(22万吨),游览了西比海的 、和。西北到、西南到、东北到与接壤的千岛湖、东南到与相距154公里的Key West、还有远离本土的,一次玩遍美国。行前在网上游览了大量旅美游记攻略,合理周密设计行程,预订了所有的机票、火车票、游轮票、和酒店。所以此次旅游没有出现任何失误,一环扣一环,非常顺利圆满走完全程,我们都很佩服自己的计划和体力。下面是以时间为顺序的《新西行漫记》,一方面是为了纪录我们人生的这段旅程,另一方面是为了答谢网上大量发表游记攻略的驴友们,也希望对前往美国旅游的朋友有些帮助。 我们新写的《乘火车游》,连接: 即可观看。
7月31日早上5点半女儿开车将我们送到首都机场T3航站楼,天公不作美下着小雨,担心飞机不能正常起飞。运气不错, 8:30全日空(ANA)准时起飞。预定的坐位靠窗,快到时天气晴空万里,天蓝,地绿。远远望着一览众山小的,在云雾之中像海市蜃楼一样渐行渐远的离去。下午3:35到达东京成田机场,等候转机的3小时,我们漫无目地的闲逛免税店。商品、食品做得都精致美观,但价格不菲,买一些三文鱼片、鱿鱼片零食,味道很棒。6:30从成田机场起飞,飞行9个小时,在飞机上吃了2次饭,睡了2个觉,填了I-94入境表,于美国西部时间上午11点到达西雅图Tacoma国际机场(时差15小时)。入关时移民局官员问:待几天?老公以为问的是在西雅图呆几天,回答说两天,他瞪大眼睛说就两天,老公赶紧回答在美国95天在西雅图2天。之后把我们的行程表给他,他阅后立马喜笑颜开竖起大拇指说:非常伟大的旅行(送钱来了,当然伟大),崩、崩、大印一盖(6个月的停留期)过关。出了机场步行十几分钟,就到了酒店。下午2点酒店司机开车把我们送到地铁站,地铁站都是无人自动售票机,从机场到西雅图市中心来回2人11美元(不贵)。乘地铁11站到西雅图美术馆参观,不巧休息。信步走到附近的,它是西雅图最古老的市场。市场内很热闹,买什么都有,主要是海产和农副产品。特别是鱼贩愉快地大声吆喝着,把选好的鱼在空中抛来抛去做各种表演,最后像变魔术一样将包装好的鱼送到顾客手中,人们叫好鼓掌、照相、录像、完全融入到欢乐海洋。我们无法烧鱼,只好买了熟海鲜回酒店解馋。美国紫色大樱桃很便宜。黄粉色的大樱桃4美元1磅非常甜。坐地铁去城感觉那里很冷清,萧条得很,回酒店休息。8月1日早餐后乘地铁进市区,自行车在车厢里有专门的存放架。出了地铁后坐市区观光车看了一下城市景色。公交车前也有专门的自行车存放架。到美术馆参观,票价每人16刀。与两年前我们在英国参观的(免费)相比,无论规模、展品数量和质量都有天壤之别,让人大失所望。风景画静物画人物画艺术品意外的发现了一副毛泽东的画像大街上的“鸭子两栖旅游车”街上的涂鸦都比艺术馆的展品强地铁站正在修整的先锋广场下午到机场取网上预订的车,中国驾照在他们确认后没有任何异议。使劲推销各种保险,我们已含上路的基本保险,所以一概回答No。办手续很顺利,直接到停车场选了丰田威姿。小车很好开,我们如虎添翼。马上到沃尔玛采购了大量食品和日用品,因为后面34天我们要开车游览西部十几个国家公园。刚出沃尔玛GPS报警没电了,原来点烟器12V输出瓦特了。我们人生地不熟的,没有GPS指引如同盲人一样,顿时急出一身汗来。出师不利必须冷静应对,凭着说的过去的英语沿途问了两次路,终于在天黑前回到酒店休息。
8月2日一早去换车,公司二话没说就让我们到停车场自己挑车(赞一个,服务就是好,像我们这样34天的客户不多,为了利润必须服务好)。结果惊喜的发现了一辆里程表才五千公里的顶配科努兹,插上点火器电源GPS立即点亮工作,心里那个高兴就甭提了。都说有福之人不用忙,人品好就是有好报。我们开的第二辆车。赶紧返回酒店退房。驾驶我们的宝驹开始伟大的西部之旅(下面是我们34天西部游路线图)。第一站:——Grants Pass拉牛奶车与油罐车的区别摩托侠路过(Portland)的Outlet下车休息。花球朵朵逆光开了近700公里后,下午顺利到达Grants Pass镇,预定的Motel 6 汽车旅馆。放下行李后,去吃了一顿餐,味道还可以,豆酱很有风味。没想到晚上就拉肚子,从此再也不想吃墨西哥餐了。
8月3日Grants ——(700多公里)7点半开始新的一天旅程,前往红杉树国家公园行驶了2个多小时到达了红杉树国家公园。高大苍劲的红杉千姿百态姿,光线像利剑一样穿过树林洒落在大地上,形成梦幻般地景色,穿越让人浮想联翩……。景区双向单车道,成片挺拔高耸的千年大树在道路两旁一闪而过,最高的树有一百多米,匪夷所思的高度。最长寿受到专门保护的是一棵Big Tree的红杉,1500岁,可称为植物化石,但它仍然枝繁叶茂,呈现顽强的生命力。一路上弯道极多(这一天我们走了一百多个弯道),拐来拐去非常考验驾驶技术和乘坐能力。精神高度集中,动作协调一致才能保证安全,没有健全的神经和体力是万万不能的。空气新鲜湿润,天然氧吧靠边停车休息。伐倒的红杉,废弃在林中无声控诉人类轻率的破坏。置身于远古年轮的绿色海洋,引来无数游客留影拍照。站在树下感觉人很渺小,大自然无比震撼的美让我们惊叹!林中还有供游客休息、购物和参观的印第安人博物馆。太平洋公路旁的英姿飒爽的女骑士继续前往旧金山下午1点多到了一个小镇,看到8刀的中餐自助,赶紧进去大快朵颐。食品多种多样,尤其是奶油烤蚝味道极佳。饱餐之后又开了3小时的车人,有点疲劳困乏,马上靠边停车休息。一小时后继续开车直扑旧金山旁的。晚上9点到达我们预订的Motel,结果大门紧锁。喊了半天,出来一美女(顾客),沟通之后才知道没有经理和管理员。顿时感到茫然,在这陌生的环境,难道要我们在寒风中露宿街头。不行!打电话找预订酒店的,客服态度蛮好,经过协商升级到Eexecutive公寓酒店,宽大舒适,景观优美,窗外是湖,免费早餐,无线网络,在此住宿4晚。这里要特别表扬公司的服务,出现问题他们不推诿、不回避,充分体谅万里之遥的游客急切和无奈的心情,尽量合理安排满足顾客的要求。这次酒店升级,承诺差价由他们支付,回国后他们很快支付了三百多刀的差价。今后国外旅行我们还要通过预订酒店,这样大公司有良好的口碑,才能赢得客户。
weiping527 8月4日早餐按计划前往Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market跳蚤市场(海军航空兵的旧机场)。天气不太好人不是很多,随便逛逛。从那里前往,穿过海底遂道,再上跨海大桥,进入市区。在不知是路面好,还是车技高,每辆车的速度都很快很猛。各种皮卡和重型货车呼啸而过,让人感到有些紧张和不适应。但由于大家都遵守交通规则,很少看见交通事故,又提高了车流量,这对建立在轮胎上的美国是非常难得的。旧金出租车大厦缆车民居城堡没车的游客只好乘观光车游览十字教堂,可以用信用卡支付3刀的停车费。39号码头的海狮,臭烘烘的挤在一起取暖,不时发出难听的吼叫。水中嬉戏观光船街头表演依偎旅游商品店非礼勿看、非礼勿听、非礼勿说雾锁金门海边餐厅比翼齐飞凝神关注许多人带着爱犬在海边玩耍,将球抛到海里,狗跳入海中将球找回来交给主人,抛来抛去、游来游去,大大小小的犬们都那么快乐有趣。只有这只撒泼打滚,就是不肯将球交给主人。原是世博会的旧址,市政府本想拆除,遭到市民的一致反对才保留下来,成为了著名的景点。前面的池塘里天鹅、野鸭各种水鸟在水中嬉戏,引来游人驻足观看,环境非常优美。高大的柱上,站着4个女神在寻找什么?仿式的建筑精美华丽开放式大殿问候庭院
weiping527 亚洲艺术馆是西部最大的专门收藏亚洲艺术品博物馆(门票12刀)。神像猪神宝座印尼木偶王冠美国历史太短,上百年的东西就算文物了。面对世界几千年的文明,没有不眼馋的,所以从各国巧取豪夺了无数珍宝。其中尤以的文物最多。展出的艺术品只是收藏的很少部分,就这样也件件是价值连城的瑰宝:构思巧妙、工艺精湛、美幻绝伦,足以傲视全球。看到如此巨量的文物流落他乡,与故国隔海相望而不能团聚,心里很不是滋味。其中很多展品是从中国抢掠得来,有些是民族的败类为了蝇头小利盗取走私而来。中国近代史就是一部辛酸史,国家落后就要挨打受人欺辱。世界上没有公平正义好讲,从来就是强权即真理,都是凭实力说话。国内的战乱和动荡不知毁灭了多少文物,文化革命将无数珍宝毁于一旦,至今想起来都让人痛心不已。从保护世界人类共有文明来说,美国又做了这样功德无量的好事,使我们今天还能看到老祖宗的东西(虽然要飞越上万公里)。唐卡欢喜佛法螺号香炉青铜鼎镇墓神兽唐三彩粉彩瓷屏龙凤盆粉彩瓶象牙雕刻漆雕椅百宝阁托塔天王
weiping527 建在丘陵地带,开车走在一会高一会低的坡路上像坐过山车一样。经常是车上坡只能望到天空,踩油门爬到顶,突然一个大陡坡又要马上要踩刹车,对于走惯了平坦宽阔道路的我们有点恐怖。上空蜘蛛网一样的电线让人很难相信这里是,号称世界唯一的超级大国。有一对新婚佳人正在拍婚纱照,新郎长着一张亚洲人的脸,新娘有点不高兴。与伴娘合影席地而卧返回8月5日酒店大堂天气阴有小雨,按计划前往“荣誉殿堂”。GPS带我们七拐八拐的到了一个城市大学,人机还没有磨合好,经常输入地址找不到。校园里空无一人无法问路,只有改变输入方式,将信将疑的跟随GPS乱闯,终于找到了该博物馆。15刀的门票不便宜,参观后觉得还值。思想者角力静物神话打击侵略者肖像合奏浴室人布道塑像客厅圣女贞德满身鸟屎的骑士
weiping527 雨雾中的街景洋葱头式的东正教堂迪杨美术馆在一个很大的公园内,没有车位转了好几条街才停好车。门票20刀,穷疯了,见人就宰没商量。玻璃艺术品美国大师萨金的肖像作品风景坐像落难的天使搏斗跃马扬鞭逮捕印第安风格公园里的全家骑行雕像唐吉可德之父塞万提斯城就餐扭曲门前,近40度的陡坡,汽车一辆接一辆往上爬。这不是开车完全是玩特技,踩死刹车一起步就往后溜车,猛踩油门到底,就听见轮胎吱吱的响,胶皮味冲鼻,爬行几米又要猛踩刹车,只有这样才能避免与前后车辆亲吻。路边的行人看的惊心动魄,鼓掌叫好,不少司机受不了刺激,掉头逃脱。几百米的陡坡,爬了半个多小时才到顶,回头望见上百辆汽车排成的长龙,即兴奋又得意。开始下坡了路旁民居花圃总算安全到底,长长的舒了口气。回到酒店休息
comTeam 8月6日的清晨加州大学分校校园里的朋克还是新纳粹生命科学大楼前,遇见一群暑假到名校旅游的学生。校园里的露宿者都带有书卷气纪念碑超市鲜花杂粮中国庙宇下午前往杰克广场大鹏展翅傲然屹立体育纪念馆工人领袖杰克伦敦火车回到酒店大螃蟹酒店旁的码头
weiping527 8月7日清晨前往:始建于1885年。当时加州铁路大王老利兰·斯坦福为纪念他在游历时染病而死的儿子,决定捐钱在帕洛·阿尔托成立以他儿子命名的大学,并把8180英亩培训优种赛马的农场也捐出来作为学校的校园。据说他们曾先去了,被当时的校长拒绝,于是直接创立了Stanford。一九五九年工程学院院长特曼提出了:将一千英亩校址以极低廉、只具象征性的租金,长期租给工商业界或毕业校友设立公司,再与他们合作,为学校提供各种研究项目和学生实习机会。于是硅谷应运而生。校区洁净美丽大气。布告天下回廊寂静教堂巍峨讲坛精美窗花如梦风琴异香花穗如瀑校园记潭笑颜如花由于不了解校规,停车违章,被这个校警贴了罚单,45刀罚你没商量(网上信用卡缴款),只当买了两张大学门票。野马敞篷车呼啸而过行驶一百多公里到达蒙特瑞(Monterey)。小镇美景宜人,湖边的大雁一点都不怕人,绿草茵茵,儿童游乐场。25年前曾2次到Pro-Log公司培训,公司早已不知所终,故地重游“胡汉三我又回来了”。公司曾经宴请我们的“雅敍园”如故当年住过的“孤独橡树”旅馆,真的没有什么变化。相比国内日新月异的发展,显得没落了。“人无百日好,花无万里红”,任何文明和国家都有“盛极而衰”的规律:古、古、古、古、古,近代的、拿破仑、希特勒,再如何强大都逃脱不了这样的宿命。美国也一样开始走下坡路,无论其精英如何搅尽脑汁想力挽狂澜,也无济于事。“更年期”的美国正在遭遇“青春期”的中国,必然会产生矛盾和摩擦。只可惜“落花流水春去也”,“风水轮流转今年到我家”。二十几年前到美国,我们是仰视人家,如今是平视,再过二十年(不知我们还建在否)可能就会俯视了。车技继续前行1小时后到达Carmel艺术小镇,美不胜收的鲜花世界老板告诉我们:爱犬上过当地报纸,真乖。家居店画廊玩偶皮具店艺术造型,体现了美国人热爱生活,不拘一格的天然本性。艳丽芳香关不住,满目鲜花出墙来。继续沿着“国家地理”选出的人生必去的50个旅游胜地——太平洋1号公路前行,景色非常漂亮。又是上百个弯道,在峭壁与大海之间疾驰。双向单车道,后面的车紧贴,迫使你必须超速(限速40公里)。太平洋海风撩人浪拍沙滩全家福溪边小息冲向大海蜿蜒曲折修建中的防护堤加油站停车场千堆雪
weiping527 傍晚6点多赶到赫斯古堡(Hearst Castle),关门,只能明天再来。前往入住,庭院幽静夕阳无限好,已是近黄昏。
weiping527 沿着101号公路往南2小时来到村北欧海盗童话世界风格绿树成荫穿街而过街边公园安徒生警察摩托队鸟礁车顶车西部小镇三轮摩托冲浪,真想和他们一起玩。但岁月不饶人,已是心有而力不足了。圣巴布拉蓝天白云,细沙绵绵,人肉海滩。童心未泯风格剧院教堂
weiping527 8月9日沿着海岸线前往(San Diego)来到风格的超市,各种蛋糕很艳丽让人眼花缭乱(不知放了多少色素)。每进一个超市都有所不同,就像风景一样,不同地方不同风格。沿太平洋海岸线大约二百公里的海滩边,到处都是汽车、、小帐篷、白沙、美女、帅哥,游泳的、冲浪的、打球的、日光浴的。冲浪污染军舰公路两旁长满鲜花,商店,酒店餐馆,别墅各式各样,让人目不暇接。彷佛掉进了天堂,美得让人惊叹,美得让人眩晕。公司变形金刚、汽车、自行车市区五彩缤纷的楼房
weiping527 Balboa Park1915年博览会(张裕葡萄酒得金奖)和1935年的加州太平洋博览会场。因而留下了无数当时的展馆,开辟为博物馆:包括人类历史、自然历史、摄影、艺术、汽车、飞行等在内的15个博物馆,六个露天或者室内演艺场所,八个风格各异的花园。门楣 花园倒挂酣睡美术馆的油画壁毯又见文物,所有的艺术馆都藏有中国文物,否则就不够档次。肖像救助建筑雕塑精美绝伦拱门小女孩脸上画着漂亮的蓝蝴蝶,嘴唇也是蓝色的,好可爱。童趣席地而坐大爷(夫人有点像女王)的胡子很有特点,羡慕。长廊秃毛鹦鹉不如鸡
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Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province! Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River. At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River, the Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River, next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of nature's most fantastic sights. The Three Gorges---Qutang, wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge, but grandest of the three. The Yangtze River, mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like "a thousand seas poured into one cup", as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc----221BC) Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along which the river snakes between based strange-shaped mountain peaks, each of which has a reputation based on a beautiful legend. The story of the "12 Peaks of Wushan goes like this: 12 nymphs once descended to enjoy themselves in the secular world. Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been yaoji, the youngest daughter of the Queen mother of the Western Heaven .Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the northern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell, hence its another name, Viewing the glow Peak. Seen at a distance, it resembles the silhouette of a beautiful young lady. Down stream from the zigzagging Wuxia Gorge is Xiling Gorge which stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters. Xiling Gorge is awesome with its dangerous rapids, shoals, reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools. The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. Xiling Gorge in the east consists of several small gorges. On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword. On the crag of the north bank are two pieces of brown rock, which are named Bull's Liver and Horse' Lung, whose shape they take. Next does the Lantern Shadow Gorge, which has four rocks, resemble Monk Xuan Zang and his three disciples---Monkey, Piggy and Sandy in the classic Chinese adventures of the four on their way to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures. Around the last bend of Xiling Gorge stretches a vast plain. The river suddenly becomes wide here. Travelers on the Yangtze cruise may also visit many sites of historical and scenic interest along the river banks including the ruined of baidi Town and Precious Stone Village. Everyone knows that the Yangtze Gorges are changing since the well-known Three Gorges Dam Project is being built at Sabdouping, Yichang, Hubei Province. The dam is 181 meters in height. Its construction investment comes up to 203.9 billion rmb, equals to 24.65 billion U.S. dollars. The installed power generation capacity is expected to be 18.2 million kilo watts. With the dam built, the flood in the Yangtze River valley will be controlled, navigation improved besides the economic benefits. Tourism will be little affected. Many cultural and historical relics are now being removed to a higher ground before the rise of the water level approaches. 北京长城英文导游词 ?岳阳楼英文导游辞 ?重庆英文导游词 ?西藏英文导游词Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has gone very quickly and your trip is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you cannot stay here any longer. Please allow me, then, take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and if you come back in the future, I hope to see you again and be your guide again
文章标题:《三峡大坝英文导游词》相关阅读三峡大坝英语导游词The Three Gorge DamDear friends Welcome to Yichang. I’m your tour guide in Yichang, my name is Wang Jing, you can call me Xiao Wang. I’ m from Xiazhou International Travel Service. Now, bring your belongings with you, and follow me to coach. Ok, let me introduce our driver, his name is Li Yao, you can call him Li Shifu, here is our itinerary for these days. If you have some difficulties, please let me know, I would be very happy to help you. My contact way is in it. You must be very tired after a long journey. We are going to Taohualing Hotel and take a rest. Here is our hotel, please give me your ID and I’ ll help you to register. Hi, here are your room cards and remember we’ ll meet at the gate at 8:00 tomorrow morning, we will visit Three Gorges Dam. Hi, good morning, You look better than yesterday. Now collect your belongings and get on the bus. Hello, we ‘ll visit the Three Gorges Dam. It may take you half an hour bus from the Yichang urban to the dam area. Let me tell you something about it, The Three Gorges Dam is the first 5A-class tour sites in Yichang and has been listed as one of the first national demonstrations on industrial tourism. As the world largest hydropower project, the Three Gorges Project is located at the Zhongbao Island near Sandouping in Yichang, and about 37 km away from the Gezhouba Hydropower project in the downstream. The whole construction is completed according to the plan of “first class development, complete construction, reservoir by stages, and continuous immigrants”. The total construction period lasted for 17 years including three phases. The first phase was from 1993 to 1997; the second phase was from 1998 to 2003; and the third one is from 2004 to 2009. The total investment is estimated to be RMB 203.9 billion Yuan. The reservoir will submerge about 1.1318 million people to immigrate to higher place. When this project is finally completed, the reserved water level will reach 175 m, with total reservoir capacity of 39.3 billion cubic meters. Tanzi Ling (Peak Crock) Scenic Spot Here we are the top of the Dam area, the Tangzi Ling (Peak Crock),with a height of 242.48 m. And we can overlook the general of Three Gorges Project and Dam Area. The name is from its shape of upside down crock. It’s said that in the ancient time, when Da Yu led people dredge the watercourse and fought against the flood, he was too involved to enter the door even when he passed his home third times. With the help of magic bull, he excavated 200-km watercourse. In order to thank his achievement, people sent him 24 pigs and a big crock of wine by boat. When the boat reached Sandouping (the Project site), they saw the magic bull going away on clouds and leaving its image in mountains, where was called the Bull Rock later. Hastily, Da Yu followed the bull, leaving a big rock for memory. People were deeply moved by what happened, and kept the boat waiting in the river. Later, the boat turned into an island, called Zhongbao Island. 24 pigs were down into the river turning into 24 reefs. And that big wine crock was set in the left bank turning into now called Tanzi Ling. The Model Hall of the Three Gorges Project 模型室 On the Tanzi Ling, we first visit the Hall of the Project Model, where shows the whole mini construction of the Project. And there we can view real part of the Eternal Riverbed Rock, the Sill under the Dam and the Damming Rock. Then we climbed the peak top and overlook the overall appearance of the Three Gorges Project. These models lay out the complete project with a scale of 1:850. As the largest one in the world, the Project with large installed capacity and huge engineering scope will bring out marked and integrated benefits. With13 tops in the world, this project is not only for flood control but also giving great benefits to the later generations, showing great role in comprehensive national strength increase of China. The Project body consists of the main dam, generation stations and navigation building. The concrete gravity main dam is about 2309 m in length and 185 m in height. And the dam top width is 15 m, while the bottom one is 124 m. The discharge dam is in the middle of the Main Dam, while power generation stations are in both ends. The 483-meter discharge dam consists of 22 overflows and 23 deep overflows, functioning as flood discharge and sludge remove. The generation stations are in the both ends of the main dam. 14 generators are installed for left generation stations, while 12 for right ones. With 700 thousand kW capacity for each, the installed capacity will reach 18.2 million kW and 84.7 billion kW/h each year, which accounts for 1/9 of the nation total and is 5.3 times of the Gezhouba project’s total. The navigation buildings consist of two-way 5-stage ship lock and ship elevator. The ship lock is 6442 m in length and 300 m in width, with two way and 5 stages. And it is divided into 10 rooms, 280 m in length and 34 m in width for each, with minimum water depth of 5 the fall between upstream and downstream is 113 m, suitable for 10 thousand tonnages ships. But it takes almost two and half hour to pass through the lock. Therefore, the ship elevator is designed for fast navigation for medium and small ships below 3000 tonnages. The elevator container is about 120 m in length and 18 m in width, with minimum water depth of 3.5 m. And it only needs 30-40 minutes for these ships to pass through the dam. Eternal Riverbed Rock 万年江底石 This is a riverbed rock. It’s granite, with weight over 20 ton. Commonly we call it the “Eternal Riverbed Rock”. Actually, it’s over 0.8 billion years old. From this rock, people get to know the very past of the Yangtze River. Now, on the rock, we can see some bore holes, which were left by the geologists and the hydropower s when investing the dam site. And this rock was originally excavated from the footing groove of cofferdam['k?f?,d?m] during the 2 phase construction period. The Damming Rock 截流石 This is the damming rock, a double sized model. We put it here to make it a symbol of the spirit of water controlling. The real rock is triangle tetrahedro, with each side length of 2.5m, and weight of 28 ton. In 1981, rocks used for damming the Yangtze River at the Gezhouba Project were just half the size. This shape was approved by the modern technology as the best to fight against the rip current. When thrown into the water, its sharp edge cuts into silt to make it stable in the flow. So rocks of this shape, representing the modern hydro technology, have been applied for both Gezhouba Project and Three Gorges Project. The Sill under the Dam This columned rock pillar is a sample of the sill under the dam. Before the construction, there used to be an island, Zhongbao Island, in the center of Yangtze River. And this rock was drilled out from the rock formation under the island. Been considered and approved over 70 years, the Yangtze Three Gorges Project site was finally set at the Zhongbao Island. And now, this island is disappeared. So this rock shows both memory and witness for the great Three gorges Project. The great Embossment 浮雕群 This embossment is called “the headstream breeding the life”. The big copper plate embossment in the front looks like a generating wheel in water, and 3 strong men are rotating it hand, representing a spirit that the world is living on the water. On two sides of the copper embossment, there is a tiger and a phoenix telling the specific geographic location and the cultural background of the Three gorges Project because the Chu People adored the phoenix while the Ba people adored the tiger. The commanding tiger and the illustrious phoenix are the best representatives of the people in the Three Gorges to tell the world their dreams of the dam. Please take a careful look at the both sides, the figures on the top right side are a modern man and the legend Da Yu. They are lapping over each other to show two Chinese characters, the “big” and the Man” . With a sill rock core in hand, the modern man represents the advanced hydropower technology. A shovel in hand, the legend Da Yu tells the long history of the Chinese fighting against the floods. The background here is the great scenery of the dam construction. Starting from the left, it also shows the sceneries of the great immigration movement, the industries of the stockbreeding and the shipping. There are characters like laborious women, lovely kids, and the reliable husband. Dramatically, there are three fairies flying there in the sky. Together with the other fairies on the whole picture, there are 12 of them in total standing for the 12 peaks among the Wu Mountains. Turn to look the f the leading character is a young lady together with a fairy. The flowers and fruits symbolize the sweet love and the happy ideals. Meanwhile, the plant, animals, and fishes in the background are telling the environment of the Three gorges. The figure of the Easter Pearl Tower, the Shanghai Port, and the buildings in the bund areas signify the contribution that this project will make for the region along the mid and the down stream of the Yangtze. Additionally, some other figures are also show in the picture like the fairies playing music, dance of the Ba People, the thousand-hands Kwan-yin, and etc. Echoing with the figures in the front, the central embossment in the back is the legendary that the magic bull helped Da Yu excavate the gorges. On both of the tow sides, there are the paintings of the gorges and the waters. In the gorges, there is an ancient picture showing the poor boatman, the boat trackers, and the people plunged into an abyss of misery, which tell you the worst living condition of the people in the Three Gorges region in ancient times. On two sides, there are the sun, the moon, the Polaris, and the Big Dipper, composing a small celestial body. The flowing water splashing on the grass links together the figure of the whole embossment to show the strong culture connotation of the union of the space, the earth, and the human. Sightseeing Platform on Tanzi Ling 坛子岭观景台 Here we are the sightseeing platform at the top of the Tanzi Ling, and here is the best place to view the entire construction site. Firstly, we ca see the main dam, where was former main navigation route. And next to the south bank is the 3 phase site of the Three Gorges Project, where will set the right bank generation stations. Please look at the further city at the mountainside of the opposite bank, it’s the new city of Zigui County. The reserved water has submerged the old city. And national government chose the mountainside as the new city site, and kept 30 thousand immigrants from places below the 175-meter water level. And look to the downstream, you will find the entire construction of the permanent ship lock. So here is the place “when standing at the top summit, we will see how small the surroundings are”. 185 Sightseeing Stand The so called 185 sightseeing stand is the start place of the main dam, which got the name from its height of 185 m. Now we are here, and I will give you a brief introduction to this main dam. Firstly, please allow me to ask you a questionhow many dams have been finished in the world? Maybe we all know there are too many, but no exact numbers. From the material aspect, all these dams can be sorted in two typesone is earth rockfill dam made from earth, and the other is plaster dam made of rocks or concretes. And the Three Gorges Dam is the latter one. Before, we said this dam is concrete gravity dam, and now it belongs to plaster dam, why? Here plaster refers to bricklaying, tiling. And now the concrete has replaced bricks, with better reliability and operation. Although the section of this gravity dam is large enough for safety, it will also split off after a certain time for its high intensity. The cause is the adhesive of concrete dam, the cement. During the solidifying process, the cement will release heat, especially in summer, this heat will ca but the solidified dam will shrink and cool, if limited, the shrink will cause cracks. And large cracks are very dangerous for the concrete dam, so there must some cool measures for the concrete structure. The traditional measure was firstly from American. That is to add cool aggregate and ice while mixing the concrete and place water pipes inside the dam for water cool. As a result, the builders call this “Feed Ice and Water for Concrete Dam”. Sightseeing Stand at the Dam Top Ladies and gentlemen, please look down the dam, the extra water or flood will discharged by this discharge dam at the middle of the main dam. The discharge dam is 483 in length, consisting of 23 deep outlets, 22 overflows and 22 bottom outlets. The bottom outlets have been submerged since the first water reserve in June of 2003. Normally, the speed of the water column from the deep outlet can reach 110 km/h, even 120 km/h when eater level equals to 175 m. Looking at this high speed water, maybe everyone would worry about the down stream’s safety if the dam was destroyed in war. The Three Gorges Project is located at the center of China main land, with dam height of 185 m, and total reservoir capacity of 39.3 billion m3. It can effectively control the flood and contribute to the economy and social development. If war took place in China, the Project would be one of main targets. So during the construction period, engineers were well considering its security. As early as October of 1958, former Premier Zhou Enlai established rules for dam security in detailsWith location in the central china and giant body, the concrete gravity dam is strong enough for conventional arms except nuclear ones. However, there are certain measures in case of nuclear attack. Besides, approved by hundreds of model test, the downstream gorges and watercourse are long and bend enough to decrease the flow speed and power. And later, the water will flow into bill areas where speed and power are decreased again. Then the water will be controlled in safe. In case of emergency, most water in reservoir can be empted to prevent main dam from break. Damming Memorial Park The damming memory park is located in the right bank of the main dam, covering an area of 90,000 m2. Here will take you back to the great historical damming moment by site remains show, scene play, video illustration, and historical records etc. Before, Chairman Mao Zedong described the plan “To rebuild the steles, to remove the clouds among Wu Mountains, and make a lake among high gorges mountains”. And now, all these have come true. Following the steps of Da Yu, thousands of builders have dammed the Yangtze 3 times within 37 km in Xiling gorge, and successfully built 2 main dams. And now, all of us can even image the complex technology and hard construction. But we are setting foot in this memorial park, sharing both top records in the world and the theme of spirit for builders to work all out in heave struggle. This memorial park consists of material section, technology exhibit section, acting section, and tour & entertainment section. The material section is the former material site for construction in the right bank. The giant tetrahedron spreading in the grass are the remains of damming rocks, which vividly show us the great of damming in the Yangtze River. And the giant construction machines, used to be “heavy weapons” for successful damming. In the technology exhibit hall, we will back to the damming historic moment by the modem image reproduction system. In the acting square, engineering cultural shows will carry on every day. By these shows, we will follow the builders to recall true stories in the damming project. While in the damming memorial park, we will find the advancement of the modern society, as well as the enchantment of the improved science technology.; The three damming project in the Yangtze River, are not only the proud of the Chinese people, but also a resplendent new page in the world hydropower developing history. We’ll stop here and return to our coach by transfer bus, please follow me with your transfer tickets. 各位朋友大家好!欢迎您到三峡大坝参观游览!下面我将通过介绍,使大家对工程有一个较为全面的 了解。我们现在所看到的是三峡工程的 1:1250 的微缩模型,它反映的是 2009 年三峡工程全面竣 工之后的坝区景观。先让我们来确认一下我们目前所处的方位吧!刚才各位途径享有“公路 博物馆”之美誉的三峡工程专用公路、坝区主干道江峡大道后,经过了永久船闸,然后盘山 而上来到了三峡坝区 15.28 平方公里征地范围内的海拔制高点―坛子岭。坛子岭因其山体形 状酷似四川人做泡菜的坛子倒扣在山顶上而得名,海拔 262.48 米,只要大家登上坛子岭的 顶部观景台, 便可俯瞰三峡坝区的施工全貌, 饱览西陵峡黄牛岩的秀丽风光和秭归新县城的 远景。因此,坛子岭作一个永久性的观景台,随时欢迎您的到来。模型上的蓝色水流代表长江, 长江的左岸右岸是如何区分的呢?顺水而立, 您的右手方向为 右岸,即通常所说的江南,相对地,各位刚才来的这一边为长江的左岸,即为江北,背对的 是长江的下游宜昌方向。宏伟的长江三峡工程主体建筑物由横跨长江的拦河大坝、 位于其中段的泄洪坝段、 左右岸发 电厂房及通航建筑物组成。拦河大坝以 185 平台为左岸起点,延伸到长江南岸的白岩尖,轴线全长约为 2309 米,属于 混凝土重力坝 (用混凝土浇筑的依靠坝体的自重来对抗库区的水压和其它荷载作用不同于另 一种坝―拱坝) 。坝顶是沟通江南与江北的公路,宽度为 15 米,大坝底部宽度为 124 米,如 果您从侧面看这个大坝剖面,它呈现为直角梯形,大坝的海拔高程与 185 平台等高,为海拔 185 米。这样,万里长江就将在西陵峡中段被拦腰截断,从三峡大坝直至上游重庆市六百多 公里的水路形成了一个天然的河道型水库, 水库容量为 393 亿立方米, 正常水库水位是海拔 175 米,洪水来临之前,将水位降低至海拔 145 米,这样防洪库容量达到 221.5 亿立方。中段的泄洪坝段长 483 米,22 个溢流表孔(宽为 8 米,堰顶高程 156 米,主要作用是泄洪) 与 23 个溢流深孔(7 米×9 米,孔底高程为 90 米,主要作用是冲沙。)主要承担渲泄洪水和 清除泥沙的任务,泄洪的设计最大流量是 11.6 万立方米/秒,相当于千年一遇的洪水流量, 因为历史上长江上最大的洪水发生于 1870 年, 当时的最大水流量为 10.8 万立方米/秒。黄陵 庙的木柱上就留下了当时的水迹, 这为我们的三峡工程的设计提供了珍贵的水文质料。相信 1998 年的洪水给大家留下了深刻的印象,荆江大堤全面告急、牌洲湾决口、九江新区被淹, 直接经济损失高达 1600 亿, 这次洪水的最大流量是 6.8 万立方米/秒。所以在大坝竣工之后, 荆江河段的防洪标准将大大提高。左岸发电厂房安装了 14 台水电机组, 右岸发电厂房安装 12 台水电机组, 每台机组的单机容 量为 70 万千瓦。相当于一个丹江口水电站的发电量。这样大容量的发电机组目前在全世界 仅有 21 台, 其中目前居世界第一位的巴西和巴拉圭合建的伊泰普水电站拥有 18 台, 目前居 世界第三位的美国大古力水电站拥有 3 台,而将来三峡水电站将拥有 26 台水电机组(每台 机组重达 600 吨超过埃菲尔铁塔) ,总装机容量达 1820 万千瓦,年发电量 847 依度,相当于 葛洲坝水电站年发电量的 6.5 倍,相当于广东大亚湾核电站年发电量的 10 倍,于当今世界 最大的伊泰普水电站相比,其三峡大坝为中心,可以输送到 1200 平方公里左右,最东―上 海;最西―兰州;最南―广州;最北―天津,源源不断地输向华中、华东和四川东部地区, 促进这些地区的水电开发和经济腾飞,实现“西电东送”的战略格局。水能是清洁的可再生 能源, 不会消耗自然资源和造成环境污染。三峡工程每年可以节约四千万吨至五千万吨的原 煤,减少火力发电,减轻环境污染,从而优化中国的能源结构。工程的第三大部分包括两个永久性的通航建筑物, 一个是大家刚才路过的永久船闸 (既双线 五级船闸) , 另一个是单线一级垂直升船机。由人工开挖的永久船闸镶嵌于花岗岩山体之中, 全称为双线五线连续梯级船闸, 它是世界上最大的内河船闸, 上下游水位落差高达 113 米 (上 游水位海拔高度为 175 米,下游葛洲坝库区水位海拔高度为 62 米,这么高的水位落差相当 于一个三十多层高的摩天大厦) ;所谓“双线” ,既大家看到的两个凹槽,是两条单行航道, 一条为上行船的航道,另一条为下行船的航道,永久船闸使船在这儿上通下达,互不干扰, 井然有序地过闸;所谓“五级” ,是说永久船闸分为五个层次,类似人们经常爬的楼梯,那 么两条航道、 五级梯级便拥有十个小闸室。每个小闸室的尺寸大小与宜昌市葛洲坝二号船闸 的尺寸相同,长 280 米,宽 34 米,最小水深为 5 米,船经过一次葛洲坝二号船闸时间至少 为 30 分钟,那么连续过五级葛洲坝二号船闸,从时间上看至少要两个半小时了。讲到这里, 有的游客也许会问“中小型客船怎样过坝呢?是否也要花费这么长时间呢?”那么我可以 请大家放心, 为了使普通客货轮能快速过坝, 我们在 185 平台旁设计了另外一个永久性的通 航建筑物―单线一级垂直升船机。如果说船过永久船闸类似人慢慢地爬楼梯的话, 那么垂直 升船机便类似人们乘坐电梯了。其实, 垂直升船机的机械原理与大家常乘坐的升降电梯的原 理类似。垂直升船机有一个巨大的承船箱(有效尺寸为长 120 米,宽 18 米,水深 3.5 米) 当船到来的时候将闸门打开,让船和水安全进入承船箱内部,当水深达到 3.5 米时,闸门关 闭, 依靠我们在上方安装的八台卷扬机提供动力, 通过 192 根纵横交错的钢缆将船、 水、 人、 承船箱一齐提升或下降 113 米,前后不过 30―40 分钟便可过坝,但是垂直升船机的最大承 重量是 11800 吨 (超过目前最大的同类设施――比利时拦海大坝提升机的 7800 吨) , 所以它 一次性只能提升一只三千吨以下的小船, 三千吨以上的大船和万吨级船队还是要从永久船闸 驶过。参观完宏伟壮观的三峡工程后, 可以乘车下行, 也可以乘船继续游览三峡的美丽景色。从航运效率上来说,在上游水库的江面上,从宜昌至重庆航程便可节约 5―6 个小时,而且 将来万吨级船队就可以全年从武汉市直达重庆市, 长江将成为一条名副其实的 “黄金水道” 。长江横贯中国东西,干流延展 18 个省市,水运条件十分优越,素有“黄金水道”之称长期 以来, 虽然国家对航道和港口进行了较大规模大的整治和建设, 但长江航运发展仍未能适应 国民经济发展的需要,特别是宜昌至重庆 650 公里川江航道,落差大、水流急、险滩密布, 事故多发生在此地。自古以来“蜀道难,难于上青天”之说,就包括江水行船的艰难。三峡 工程建成后,回水至重庆巴县,险滩淹没,航道加宽,水流趋缓,可改善航道 650 公里,时 速由目前 15 公里/小时提高到 30 公里/小时,万吨级船队一年中有 50%的时间可由武汉直抵 重庆,运输成本可降 35%―37%,结合港口建设和船舶现代化,下水单向年通航能力将从目 前的 1000 万吨增加到 5000 万吨。同时由于水库的调节,宜昌以下的枯水量从目前的 3000 立方米/秒左右增加到 5000 立方米/秒以上,从而增加中游荆江河段的枯水航深,有利于航 道的维护和船舶运行。从这个意义上讲, 三峡工程的兴建将促进长江航运事业的进一步发展, 提高行运的安全度,加强西南、华中、华东、三大经济区的联系,促进沿江长江经济带的发 展。纵观三峡工程主体建筑, 可以看出, 长江三峡工程具有三大显著的综合效益防洪、 发电、 航运。其他的效益还有南水北调、开发性移民、水产养殖、旅游观光、环境保护、农田灌溉、 等等。三峡库区对周围地区气候有明显的调节作用,冬季气温对库区柑桔生长有利,夏季降 温对缓解重庆、 万县等地气温有利。三峡工程的兴建将使长江中下游城镇的供水和农田排灌 用水用电有了保证, 对跨流域南水北调提供了充足的水源。通过发展水库水产养殖业和旅游 业,将有力促进改三峡库区的经济发展。三峡工程自从 1919 年由孙中山先生在《建国》中提出,经历七、八十年的中外专家反 复考察论证,其可行性方案于 1992 年全国人大七界五次会议中通过。大坝坝址终于选在长 江三峡西陵峡中段的宜昌三斗坪镇,距下游的反调节水库葛洲坝水路距离是 38 公里。这与 它得天独厚的地址地形条件分不开,庙河宽谷河床的开阔有利于容纳布置工程众多的建筑 物,坝址基石为坚硬的花岗岩,是世界公认的建筑大坝的最好的地址构造,江心有狭长的沙 洲―中堡岛,将江水一分为二,一边为大江,一边为后河,为大坝提供了分期施工、分期导 流的条件。三峡工程总工期长达 17 年,从
年我们把它分为三期工程。三峡工程的动态投资 2000 多个亿, 三峡发电站发电功能巨大, 5 年之内, 就可以收回成本, 三峡工程不仅给我们带来了光明,而且创造了财富,经济效益非常显著。在三峡大坝的下游方向, 有座设计美观的大桥―西陵长江大桥, 其造型与美国西海岸的旧金 山金门跨海大桥类似。西陵长江大桥属于第四代桥梁―悬索桥,桥面设有 4 车道,于 1996 年 8 月 10 日建成通车。它的特点是没有桥,由两根塔柱及两根钢缆来承担重量,其载重 量为 290 吨,桥身全身为 1118。66 米,跨度居中国第三为 900 米(前二名分别为香港的青 马跨海大桥、江苏江阴长江大桥) ,桥两端的塔柱海拔高程为 187。5 米,只比未来的大坝高 出 2。5 米,各位如果有兴趣,回去的途中可以过一过西陵长江大桥,一下未来的大坝 究竟有多高。也许各位已经注意到了,这座桥的颜色为橘红色,那么为什么我们要将桥身的 颜色定为橘红色呢?原因是多方面的。一、橘红色鲜艳醒目,有利于导航;二、橘红色代表 富贵吉祥。三、宜昌是全国有名的柑橘之乡。桥身下面江心绿带为人工修建的隔流堤, 长 3750 米, 它将江水一分为二, 现在您可看见 “半 江瑟瑟半江红”的场景,而将来,隔流堤一边为动水区域,高水头泄洪时可观赏雷霆万钧、 惊涛拍岸之景,另一边为静水区域,行船时保持、平稳、安静。这就是所谓的“动水发电、 静水通航” 。在模型上大家还看得见另外一座大桥―覃家沱特大桥, 是进出二期施工现场的主要通道, 大 量的沙石料、 机电设备和人员物质源源不断地通过它运往口子形的围堰基坑。它是亚洲承重 量最大的一座桥,最大载重量为 690 吨。(每台机组的重量为 600 吨左右) 三峡坝区是一个美丽的旅游度假区,休闲娱乐设施齐全。欢迎各位再次到三峡坝区参观,期 望再次与您同游!现在请大家前往坛子岭观景台欣赏坝区全景。如果您还有什么问题,请尽 管提出我将尽力为大家解答疑问。最后在这里谢谢大家对三峡工程的关注!谢谢大家对三峡工程所尽的一份心愿!
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