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拼音fēi fǎ 注音ㄈㄟ ㄈㄚˇ词性反义词基本解释◎ 非法 fēifǎ[unlawful] 不合法非法手段非法的行为引证解释1. 违反法律。《商君书·定分》:“吏明知民知法令也,故吏不敢以非法遇民。”《北史·孙腾传》:“非法专恣, 腾 为甚焉。” 明 顾起元 《客座赘语·三宜恤》:“向有议裁寄庄户之兼并,禁质铺之罔利,与搜富户之非法者,其説固亦有见第。”2. 指不合规范。 明 黄宗羲 《<吕胜千诗集>题辞》:“余观当今之作家,有喜平淡而出之率易,有喜艷丽而出之委曲,有独创以为高,有妮古以为非法。”相关汉字、||
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【法】 不合法, 非法, 违反道德准则
This is only the cover for their unlawful activity.
The unlawful possession of drugs is a serious crime
The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing.
Abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse.
It's unlawful to try to duck out of paying taxes.
Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's home is prohibited
Because sexual harassment and intimidation constitute unlawful discrimination.
Because it is unlawful to condemn a man without a hearing.
The unlawful killing of one human being by another,especially with premeditated malice.
the quality of failing to conform to law
生物同位素, 生物同位体
大学英语六级词汇 endangerment
endangerment 含义
endangerment英 [?n'de?nd??m?nt] 美 [?n'de?nd??m?nt] 来自
- endangerment 基本解释危害;受到危害;来自
- endangerment 网络解释1. 濒危等级:濒危等级* Endangerment | 保护等级 Protection | category CITES 附录2. endangerment2. 瀕絕度:Endangered瀕危 46,47,50,57,58,60,63 | Endangerment瀕絕度 60 | Endemic species特有種 683. 3. 危害:endanger /危害/殆/ | endangerment /危害/ | endangium /血管内膜/4. 伤害:interdependence 相互依赖 | 伤害 endangerment | abduct 劫持来自
- endangerment 双语例句1. On it were many of the familiar species that have since become synonymous in the public's mind with endangerment: the black-footed ferret, the Florida panther, the whooping crane, the bald eagle, and of course, the California condor.&&&&名单上有许多熟悉的物种,他们从那时起就成为公众脑海中危险的同义词:黑脚雪貂、佛罗里达黑豹、美洲鹤、秃鹰,当然还有加州秃鹰。2. Therefore the PA-S25 W is marked with the S-sign and operation under enhanced electrical endangerment is allowed.&&&&如果 缺少保护帽或装配不正确,则等离子电源无法合闸。3. Li JD. System study of endangerment medicinal animals in China.&&&&李军德。论我国濒危药用动物的系统研究。4. The authorities said he was taken to Logan Regional Medical Center, after which he was to be arraigned on charges including aggravated robbery and wanton endangerment with a firearm.&&&&警方证实他已被送往洛根地区医疗中心,随后将会因严重抢劫罪和滥用武器罪而被传讯。我叫阿陇,是09《司考周报》总编辑。这里没有太多的东西,只有爱在牵通你我他!09年司法考试网络课堂现在报名只需要400元!5. But the newly obtained documents show that Dr. Carlin`s highly skeptical views on global warming, which have been known for more than a decade within the small unit where he works, have been repeatedly challenged by scientists inside and outside the E. P. A.; that he holds a doctorate in economics, not in atmospheric sc that he has never been assigned to wo and that his comments on the endangerment finding were a product of rushed and at times shoddy scholarship, as he acknowledged Thursday in an interview.&&&&但是,新获得的资料显示:卡林博士对全球变暖持有高度怀疑的观点,十多年以来,这些观点在他工作所处的小圈子里是人人皆知的,而且不断地遭到来自美国环保局内部和外部科学家们的挑战;他在经济学方面拥有博士学位,而没有大气科学或气候学方面的博士学位;有关气候变化的工作从来没有分配给他;对于气候变化危害性的发现,他的评论是贸然的,有时甚至可以称之为劣质的学术成就;在星期四的一次采访中,他曾经对此予以承认。6. So vitality of the seeds has no effect on its survival. While the seeds can germinate without after-ripening and vernalizating, which is perhaps a reason that does harm to Tetraena mongolica seed bank and causes the species in endangerment.&&&&种子活力没有影响到四合木的生存,而其种子不需要后熟和春化作用当年即可发芽,这一环节可能使得土壤中四合木种子库贫乏,进而导致物种处于濒危状态。7. This paper introduces the endangerment of antiseptic agent in food to human body, the importance of producing non- antiseptic agent and sterilizing mechanism through radiation as well as the safety principle of WHO about.&&&&介绍了防腐剂对人体的危害,指出生产无防腐剂系列产品的重要性,阐述了辐射杀菌机理及世界卫生组织在安全性方面的规定。8. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures&&&&如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,就能及时采取补救措施。9. Parents are threatened with child endangerment when they resist state usurpation of their rights and responsibilities.&&&&家长受到威胁与危害儿童抵抗时,他们篡夺国家自己的权利和责任。10. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too late.&&&&如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,就能及时采取。。。11. If we know more about what abuses endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too&&&&&&假如我们更多地了解致使生物濒危的起因,我们就能够及早采取措施。12. 12. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures brfore it is too late.&&&&&&如果我们知道更多导致灭绝的原因,我们就可以提早采取措施。13. The man is expected to be charged with false reporting, and his friend has been arrested for investigation of reckless endangerment.&&&&&&这名男子将以报假案的罪名被起诉,他的朋友也因危害他人安全罪被捕并接受警方调查。14. endangerment14. In this paper, the definition, endangerment of harmonic problem in power system are introduced firstly.&&&&&&我们常用变频器的主电路拓扑一般为交直交型,即将工频的交流电源变为直流电源,再将直流电源变为控制交流电机所需要的频率和电压,这种变换形式的低压变频器,在交流变为直流时,使用的是一个典型的三相整流电路。15. Solveira also arrested the cat's owner, Ruth Cisero, charging her with failing to comply with the restraining order and reckless endangerment.&&&&&&索尔维拉还拘留了这只猫的主人鲁丝·西塞罗,以给他人安全带来严重威胁为罪名向她提起了诉讼。16. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take&&&&&&如果我们对于引起濒于灭绝的原因所知更多,我们就有可能17. His most recent publication is Bradley (2005), which contains a number of studies by various authors on language endangerment in China, with examples from all areas of China. Bradley (2005) is a new dictionary of Southern Lisu, complementing Bradley (1994), a dictionary of Northern L he was also one of the editors of Wurm et al.(), a language atlas of China.&&&&&&他最近的研究成果还包括正在编辑之中的《中国语言濒危研究论文集》(布莱德雷2005),该论文集收录了中国濒危语言研究各位同行的近期研究成果,包括中国各区域濒危语言的范例;付印之中的《傈僳语南部方言词典》(布莱德雷2005)将与《傈僳语北部方言词典》(布莱德雷1994)合为姊妹篇;他还与乌尔木等合作编著了《中国语言地图集》()。18. 18. The study based on air bubble endangerment in hydraulic system of NC tool&&&&&&基于数控机床液压系统中气泡危害的研究19. This p aper analysised endangerment of weeds, and introduced some weeding methods.&&&&&&文章分析了杂草的危害,介绍了一些防除的方法。20. 20. This article tries to discuss the problem of language endangerment and endangered language including the contents of the definition, the consequence, and the reasons for that.&&&&&&这篇文章针对语言濒危问题讨论濒危语的定义,语言濒危的后果,并探讨引起语言濒危的原因。来自
- endangerment 单语例句1. Tapp faces possible misdemeanor charges of unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon, prohibited use of a weapon and reckless endangerment.2. Six degrees of endangerment - including extinct, critically endangered and severely endangered - described the current situation of many languages.3. She was arrested Monday on charges of reckless endangerment, carrying a firearm without a license and criminal conspiracy.4. Gabriel - who is being investigated for child endangerment following the alleged incident - vehemently denies pushing or even touching the nanny.5. She faces up to five years in prison if convicted of reckless endangerment and criminal impersonation charges.6. City officials said the structure increased traffic to the point of endangerment and that the snowman itself was unsafe.7. He said he reviewed laws related to stalking, harassment and child endangerment before making his announcement.8. " Apple considers this series of incidents to be a core violation for worker endangerment, " the report said.9. Bieber's manager was charged with reckless endangerment and criminal nuisance, but the charges were later dropped.10. Pennings says Rainey will be charged with driving under the influence, child endangerment and driving without a license.来自
- endangerment 英英释义noun1. a source of danger&&&&a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune&&&&e.g. drinking alcohol is a health hazard&&&&Synonym:
endangerment 更多
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英音 [ '?n'l?:fuli ] ; 美音 [ '?n'l?:fuli ]
ad. 非法地不正地
To dispossess unlawfuoust.
Unlawfully distilled Irish whiskey.
To seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom.
He is the one who's peddling the drugs unlawfully
In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts
To place an unlawfully or unreasonably high value on the nominal capital of(a corporation.
False imprisonment is frequently alleged by a person who feels that he or she was unlawfully arrested.
not conforming to the law
a. 非法的,私生的
vt. 拔掉门栓
vi. 未栓上


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