
Hold是什么意思 沪江词库精选Hold是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标。 英音 [ h?uld ] ; 美音 [ h?uld ] 名词 动词 抓住,拿着,握住,保持,容纳,控制,抑制,举行,掌握,占有,认为… 同义词:,,;,,,;,,;,,,;,;,,,,。 单词分析:这些动词均有“有,具有,持有”之意。:最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。:指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。:不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。:较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。:指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。:指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。 C grasp hold of 抓住;握住;找到;搞到 跨躇,退缩;阻止,抑制 holding detent 制动爪,掣子 "举起,阻挡,使停止;抢劫,拦截" Have [hold] a parade 举行游行[阅兵] Tspellbind. 使呆住使不动;被迷住 Hholding hands To hold onto something with or as if with a grapple. 抓牢,握紧用或好象用抓钩钩住某物 The gable holding such a window. 老虎窗的屋顶部分 have as a major characteristic hold without crowding remain in a certain state, position, or condition have within stop dealing with be pertinent or relevant or applicable secure and keep for possible future use or application of rights, titles, and offices take and maintain control over, often by violent means maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings) 全星海胆目 全星海胆科 全身关节炎 全身关节炎的 2017Hold是什么意思由沪江网提供。最近浏览论坛: 关注/收藏的论坛: 热门论坛推荐: 验证码:输入右侧的字母和数字 下次自动登录 还未注册用户?&&& 您的赞赏是对楼主的鼓励! 1~200元之间 金额须在1~200元之间 去车系频道 自动加载图片 遥控钥匙上“hold”是什么意思? 引用 随风泊舟 08:06:25 发表于 主楼 的内容: 禁止发布色情、反动及广告内容! 发表500字以上推荐口碑,点评客观公正,通过工作人员审核,特授予【推荐口碑】专属勋章。 参与汽车之家问答有奖活动。点击“有用”按钮,将获赠“拯救”电子勋章。 地球一小时以熄灯为象征号召关注环境。2014以“蓝天自造”为主题,号召关注空气污染,找回蓝天。 我有我想法,你有你高见。参与编辑选题,给予自己的意见,good idea! 分享购车价格,点评购车服务感受,通过工作人员审核,特授予【家de报价员】专属勋章。 按后备箱的按住手不要动,会开启。 爱车,守纪,安全,节约。 引用 只想开K5 08:08:15 发表于 1楼 的内容: 禁止发布色情、反动及广告内容! 汽车之家公益系列活动,让我们一起关注儿童安全座椅,支持汽车之家的公益活动,关爱孩子请使用安全座椅 一路从童年走到如今,成长的代价有无数,或许快乐或许悲伤,“爱”感恩母亲节,对妈妈说说你的心里话。 汽车之家公益系列活动,汽车之家倡导出行安全-说说你的安全宣言,留下你出行安全宣言,报名即可获得。 汽车之家公益系列活动,让我们一起抵制安全带卡扣!汽车之家呼吁大家一起来响应抵制危害安全用品的公益 2011年汽车之家“春节回家的日子”征文活动,表彰汽车之家网友们春节回家过年的所见所闻所感。 楼主你好,HOLD的英文在这里可以理解为托住,也就是托举后备箱的意思希望我的回答对你有所帮助 引用 爱在烟台不离开 08:42:26 发表于 2楼 的内容: 禁止发布色情、反动及广告内容! 分享购车价格,点评购车服务感受,通过工作人员审核,特授予【家de报价员】专属勋章。 上传购车发票,点评购车服务感受,通过工作人员审核,特授予【真实报价员】专属勋章。 发表500字以上推荐口碑,点评客观公正,通过工作人员审核,特授予【推荐口碑】专属勋章。 完成汽车之家·知道升级任务,解答问答,并被提问者采纳为满意回答,可得解答达人一级勋章 发表追加口碑,评价500字以上,通过编辑审核为优质追加口碑,特此奖励优秀追加口碑勋章,以示鼓励。 后备箱开启按键 人间正道是不装.... 引用 _闪烁_ 09:35:44 发表于 3楼 的内容: 禁止发布色情、反动及广告内容! 所属:爱车: 参与汽车之家论坛内部测试的网友,在测试中找出隐存的问题,为正式上线的时候,能保证无问题,无BUG。 参与汽车之家口碑内部测试,在测试期间填写口碑,反馈意见,提出合理建议。特颁发口碑内测勋章。 为庆祝汽车之家口碑上线,填写真实汽车口碑,分享对汽车的真知灼见,即可获得口碑达人勋章。 我有我想法,你有你高见。参与编辑选题,给予自己的意见,good idea! Olá,Olá,2014巴西世界杯来啦~快来加入汽车之家世界杯车迷盛宴吧,下一个预言帝就是你。 hold,字面意思是托住;要理解为摁住不松手。大部分的遥控器,这个键持续摁住约3秒,是开启后备箱的。 忙忙碌碌为了啥 引用 wolf-23 08:36:18 发表于 4楼 的内容: 禁止发布色情、反动及广告内容! 正在提交回复,请稍候... 楼主有更新时通知我 已取消此帖的收藏 您已被楼主屏蔽,不能回复该帖子高频词,一定要记得哦! n. 控制;握住;保留v. 拿住,握住;保留;保持不变,持续;约束,控制;拘留;容纳;持有;适用 He held the pistol in his right hand. 他右手拿着一把手枪。 Can you hold this for a minute? 这个你能拿一会儿吗? If only he would hold her close to him. 要是他能紧紧地抱着她就好了。 They used steel rods to hold the foundations in place. 他们用钢条固定住基座。 搭配:[+ part of body] Hold your palms upwards. 手掌保持朝上。 Try to hold your back straight. 尽量使背部保持挺直。 the large cardboard boxes used to hold my new appliances 用来存放我的新器具的大硬纸板盒子 搭配:[+ data, information, details] We will hold details of your complaint for three years. 您投诉的详细资料我们会保留三年。 This bottle holds one litre. 这个瓶子可以装一升液体。 The stadium can hold 10,000 people. 这个体育馆可以容纳一万人。 搭配:[+ opinion, view] a widely held opinion 一种普遍的看法 搭配:[+ feeling] It holds no interest for me. 我对它没有兴趣。 搭配:[+ title, position] He continues to hold the office of army Chief of Staff. 他继续担任陆军总参谋长。 She has held her position for exactly a year. 她任职刚好一年。 搭配:[+ degree, passport, ticket] Passengers holding tickets will be entitled to refunds. 持票乘客将有权获得退款。 She holds a degree in law from Oxford University. 她拥有牛津大学法学学位。 搭配:[+ election, referendum, inquiry, investigation, meeting] 搭配:[+ conversation, interview] Can you hold a conversation in Spanish? 你能用西班牙语对话吗? It's done in a way that will hold children's attention. 那是按照会吸引孩子注意力的方式来办的。 The public, meanwhile, hold architects in low esteem. 同时,公众对建筑师评价很低。 搭配:[+ stock, shares] The Fisher family holds 40% of the stock. 费希尔家族持有40%的股票。 搭配:[+ person] I was held overnight in a cell. 我在牢房里被关了一夜。 搭配:[+ train, plane, lift] I held the lift so that she could get in. 我停住电梯让她进来。 They held the fort against the attack. 他们占据堡垒,抵御进攻。 搭配:[+ table, room, ticket] They'll hold our tickets until tomorrow. 他们会帮我们把票保留到明天。 Administration costs will be held at 2013/14 levels. 行政成本会保持在年度的水平。 The pound held its value against the euro. 英镑保持与欧元的比价不变。 Labour held the constituency from . 工党在1974年至1979年获得了该选区的支持。 Please hold the line. 请别挂电话。 He can't hold his drink. 他酒量不好。 搭配:[+ resentment, ill-will] 搭配:[+ note] vi /h??ld/ 搭配:[offer, invitation, agreement +] Will you tell her my offer still holds? 你能否告诉她我的提议仍然有效? 搭配:[luck +] Their luck held. 他们继续走运。 搭配:[weather +] We were fortunate that the weather held. 我们很幸运,天气一直晴好。 搭配:[theory, argument +] That argument doesn't hold. 那个论证并不成立。 搭配:[rule, law +] These laws also hold for universities. 这些法律对大学同样有效。 搭配:[structure, glue, fastening +] How long will the roof hold? 房顶可以支撑多久? The line's engaged: will you hold? 现在占线,你能别挂电话吗? The ceasefire held. 依然停火中。 For a time they held their own against the imperial troops. 在与国王军队的战斗中,他们暂时守住了自己的阵地。 He held his own in the debate. 他在辩论中表现毫不逊色。 Climb on to my back and hold tight. 爬到我背上来,抓紧了。 Investors would be well advised to hold tight. 给投资者的稳妥建议是保持观望。 I hold up my hands: I got it wrong. 我承认是我弄错了。 I don't hold with faddy diets. 我不赞成节食减肥。 He released his hold on the camera. 他紧握着相机的手松开了。 I caught hold of him by the shoulder. 我抓住了他的肩膀。 He got hold of my arm. 他抓住了我的手臂。 She took hold of the dogs by their collars. 她抓住了所有狗的颈圈。 搭配:[+ of ship, aircraft] a hold that was impossible to break 不可能挣脱的影响力 I need to get hold of Bob. 我需要和鲍勃取得联系。 I eventually got hold of his phone number. 我最终得到了他的电话号码。 He first had to get hold of some basic facts. 他首先需要理解一些基本事实。 The club is keen to keep hold of its star player. 这个俱乐非常想留住它的明星球员。 1.the act of grasping he released his clasp on my arm he has a strong grip for an old man she kept a firm hold on the railing 2.understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something he has a good grasp of accounting practices 3.power by which something or someone is affected or dominated he has a hold over them 4.time during which some action is awaited instant replay caused too long a delay he ordered a hold in the action 5.a state of being confined (usually for a short time) his detention was politically motivated the prisoner is on hold he is in the custody of police 6.a stronghold 7.a cell in a jail or prison 8.the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it he grabbed the hammer by the handle it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip 9.the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo 1.organize or be responsible for Hold a reception have, throw, or make a party give a course 2.keep in a certain state, position, e.g., keep clean Hold in place She always held herself as a lady The students keep me on my toes 3.have or hold in one's hands or grip Hold this bowl for a moment, please A crazy idea took hold of him 4.to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement This holds the local until the express passengers change trains About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center The terrorists held the jour 5. of rights, titles, and offices She bears the title of Duchess He held the governorship for almost a decade 6.have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense She has $1,000 in the bank He has got two beautiful daughters She holds a Master's degree from Harvard 7.keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view take for granted view as important Hold these truths to be self-evident I hold him personally responsible 8. have within The jar carries wine The canteen holds fresh water This can contains water 9.les hold or keep within limits moderate your alcohol intake Hold your tongue Hold your temper control your anger 10.remain in a certain state, position, or condition The weather held They held on the road and kept marching 11.maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings) bear a grudge entertain interesting notions harbor a resentment 12.assert or affirm Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good 13.remain committed to I hold to these ideas 14.secure and keep for possible future use or application The landlord retained the security deposit I reserve the right to disagree 15.be the carry the weight of The beam holds up the roof He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam What's holding that mirror? 16.hold the attention of The soprano held the audience This story held our interest She can hold an audience spellbound 17.keep from exhaling or expelling Hold your breath 18.support or hold in a certain manner She holds her head high He carried himself upright 19. hold without crowding This hotel can accommodate 250 guests The theater admits 300 people The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people 20.be capable of holding or containing This box won't take all the items The flask holds one gallon 21.be valid, applicable, or true This theory still holds 22.take and maintain control over, often by violent means The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week 23.protect against a challenge or attack Hold that position behind the trees! Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks 24.declare to be She was declared incompetent judge held that the defendant was innocent 25.have as a major characteristic The novel holds many surprises The book holds in store much valuable advise 26.cause to stop Halt the engines Arrest the progress halt the presses 27.b cause to be indebted He's held by a contract I'll hold you by your promise 28.cover as for protection against noise or smell She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate Hold one's nose 29.drink alcohol without showing ill effects He can hold his liquor he had drunk more than he could carry 30.be pertinent or relevant or applicable The same laws apply to you! This theory holds for all irrational numbers The same rules go for everyone 31.arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance reserve me a seat on a flight The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family please hold a table at Maxim's 32.resist or confront with resistance The politician defied public opinion The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear The bridge held 33.keep from departing Hold the taxi Hold the horse 34.stop dealing with Hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting 35.aim, point, or direct Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames 36. be in agreement We agreed on the terms of the settlement I can't agree with you! I hold with those who say life is sacred Both philosophers concord on this point 只有登录后,才能查看此项,现在是否? 1.The religion has a deep hold upon the people. 宗教对人们有很大的控制力。 2.The military regime has not loosened its hold on power. 军事政权尚未放松对权力的控制。 3.Sadly, a few tabloid newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip. 更为糟糕的是几家惯于耸人听闻的报纸抓住这些私下闲谈大作文章。 4.She took hold of my wrist. 她握住我的手腕。 5.Can I put this merchandise on hold? 能帮我保留这件商品吗? 1.& to hold sth shut 2.& to hold sth open 3.& to hold the door open for sb 4.& to hold that … 5.& to hold the view that … 6.& to hold office 7.& to hold talks with sb 8.& to hold sb in high/low esteem 9.& to hold sb responsible for sth 10.& to hold sb liable for sth 11.& to hold sb prisoner 12.& to hold sb hostage 13.& to hold a grudge 14.& to hold steady 15.& to hold firm 16.& to catch hold of sth/to grab hold of sth/sb 17.& to get hold of sth 18.& to take hold of sth 19.& to have a hold over sb 1.&contain,include,embrace,involve,comprehend,hold,comprise 这些动词均含有“包括,包含”之意。contain普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。include普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。embrace正式用词,指把某事物纳入整个之中。involve把包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触知的东西,多用作引申。comprehend正式用词,指包含在整体范围以内。hold常和contain换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。comprise书面用词,暗指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,可与include交换使用。 2.&have,hold,own,possess,keep,enjoy 这些动词均有“有,具有,持有”之意。have最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。hold指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。own不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。possess较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。keep指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。enjoy指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。 好文推荐:下载作业帮安装包 扫二维码下载作业帮 1.75亿学生的选择 HOLD都可以和什么介词组成``是什么意思`如题 ゛妆雪雪_She52 hold n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt.拿着,保存,支持,占据,持有,拥有 vi.支持,保持,有效 n.习惯用语:控制,保留 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 Hold it!不要动!hold one's own 坚守;坚持立场 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 Hold it!不要动!hold one's own 坚守;坚持立场 常见用语:hold against 归咎于;责怪 We mustn't hold against him that he has been in prison.我们不要因为他过去坐过牢而对他有偏见.We shouldn't hold his past mistakes against him.我们不该因他过去的过错而歧视他.hold back 阻止 (= keep back) The villagers built banks of earth to hold back the flood waters."村民们筑起土坝,防止洪水泛滥." No one can hold back the wheel of history.谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进.抑制(情感、情绪) (= hold in,keep back) The boss was unable to hold back his anger any longer.(喻) 老板再也抑制不住怒火了.阻碍发展 (= keep back) 退缩不前 (= hang back,hang behind) 保密;隐瞒 hold down 保有(一份工作) 压抑;压低;控制 to hold prices down 把物价压下来 hold forth 长篇大论地讲,滔滔不绝地讲 hold off 保持距离;不接近 Mary tends to hold off from people.玛丽总是不接近人.(= keep off) 拖延;延期 (= put off) "The rain may hold off,but it won't hurt to take the raincoat with you." "雨可能下不下来,不过把雨伞带去总没有坏处." The board of directors will hold off making a decision until next Wednesday.董事会将推迟到下星期三才作出决定.使离开;延缓到 (= keep off) We must be ready to hold off the coming storm's attack.我们必须准备好阻挡即将来临的暴风雨的袭击.Will the rain hold off until after the game?这场雨能拖到比赛结束之后再下吗?hold on (打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂上 Could you hold on?I'll just see if the manager's in.你不要挂断电话好吗?我去看一看经理在不在.坚持 = hold out hold out 给予;提供 支持;继续 Will the car hold out till we reach London?这车能支持到我们抵达伦敦吗?'How long will our fresh water supplies hold out?' captain asked."船长问道,'我们的淡水还能支持多久?" 坚持;忍耐 (= hang on,hold on) He seems to hold out no hope of succeeding.他好象对成功不抱有希望.I can't hold out much hope that the weather will improve.对于天气会变好我们不能过于乐观.伸出 He held out his hand.他伸出了手.hold out for 坚持要求 (= stick out for) hold out on 隐瞒 扣压不复 hold over 延迟;延期 期满后继续上映 威胁;勒索 hold to 坚持;遵循 I shall hold to my decision.我将坚持我的决定.(= hold by,keep to) hold up 使停滞 拦路抢劫 举起展示;提出(作榜样) His son was held up as a model of hard work.他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的榜样.见 hold out 见 keep up 举起来 hold with 同意,赞成 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 hold against归咎于;责怪We mustn't hold against him that he has been in prison. 我们不要因为他过去坐过牢而对他有偏见。We shouldn't hold his past mistakes against him. 我们不该因他过去的过错而歧视他。hold back


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