this is what i wantt a village like this

Rift in Reality 4 by fuusunshine on DeviantArt
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Jun 4, :29 PM
Tsunade still leaned over her desk glaring at you with her intense eyes.&&It seemed like hours passed before her serious face softened into a mischievous grin.&&She leaned back in her chair tapping a pencil on a stack of papers.&&The room was silent and all eyes were on you.&&"Well (y/n),&&it won't be easy and this is not a game." Tsunade stated.&&You took a deep breath held it for a moment then exhaled.&&"May I speak freely?" you asked.&&Tsunade raised an eyebrow and with a wave of her arm said "Of course."&&"I understand that this is not a game.&&I also understand the seriousness of what I just said.&&However I do not want to be a burden on anyone while I am here.&&Finding this rift of origin is a priority for both myself and this village.&&If I can help it I would like to be able to at least defend myself somewhat if necessary.&&I do not expect to become a ninja nor do I think I am cut out for that but my being here alone is problematic." You said.&&"Problematic?" Kakashi questioned speaking for the first time.&&You looked towards him with a very stern face and explained.&&"Yes problematic.&&If these rifts between fiction and reality were opened by someone then in all reality they do not want them closed.&&This makes me a target as I am the only thing that can seal them shut.&&This person or persons having the knowledge to open them is actually farther ahead then we are here and probably has the information on how to seal the rifts as well.&&This makes my presence a danger to those around me.&&I understand that I am protected here but if I can learn even the smallest amount it will lessen the burden on the village."&&Shikamaru looked at you with a slightly surprised face.&&Very slightly.&&"You have thought this through then?" Tsunade asked with more of a rhetorical tone.&&She continued.&&"Very well, I had a feeling you would want some training but to have thought this out as much as you have, I'm impressed."&&You smiled slightly at the compliment but beamed inside.&&"(y/n) This is Hatake Kakashi and Haruno Sakura." Tsunade introduced.&&"They will be evaluating what skills you possess and the best course of action for your training." She said.&&Before Tsunade could continue you cleared your throat and spoke again.&&"I have more to say if you would allow Mame?"&&"By all means." She said with a smirk.&&"There is another way that I can help.&&It is my understanding that creatures and such that do not belong here have been making their way into your reality much as I have.&&I might be able to help with information on such creatures.&&Fiction in general is something I enjoyed and my knowledge could be useful." You stated.&&"For example." You continued.&&"The pictures on your desk, I know what that is."&&With that everyone turned a wide eye towards you.&&All waiting on the edge to hear you finish.&&"It's a velociraptor." You said flatly.&&Tsunade was now back to staring at you intensely.&&In fact Kakashi, Sakura, and even Shikamaru were all looking at you that way.&&Tsunade broke the silence. "And what is a velociraptor?"&&"It's actually not a fictional creature but has been used in fiction quite often.&&It is a dinosaur." You explained.&&"What is a dinosaur?" Shikamaru asked.&&"It's a type of animal that exsisted 66 million years ago.&&All of the various sorts of dinosaurs are now extinct," you answered.&&"What type of powers do they have and what is the most efficient way to kill them." Kakashi queried.&&You answered. "Well they have no powers per say but these velociraptors are quite good at killing.&&They can be killed like any animal but these are particularly intelligent.&&They hunt in packs and actually communicate with sounds.&&They use the claw on their feet to rip apart their prey and start to devour them while they are still alive."&&Everyone in the room looked at you in amazement.&&"Would you be so kind as to write a report for me on what you know of these creatures." Tsunade order.&&You nodded your head in the affirmative.&&"Well , well, well, you really are surprising (y/n)." Tsunade said.&&At that you wrote up what you knew about the creature in question then handed the paper to the Hokage.&&"I will have this sent right off to Intel." She said.&&"Now back to business, (y/n) you will go now with Kakashi and Sakura, they will report to me when they finish your assessment, Shikamaru you are to accompany her as well of course."&&Tsunade said with a shooing motion of her hand dismissing everyone.&&You looked to Shikamaru out of the corner of your eye.&&He still looked bored and slightly annoyed.&&I guess babysitting you was not his idea of a good mission.&&The four of you left the Hokage tower and walked in silence.&&The others seemed to know where you were going but you had no idea.&&You were in for a surprise.You walked a short distance more then came upon an open field.&&There were three solid logs buried deep in the ground standing upright.&&You recognized this place.&&The training ground where team 7 had their first session.&&You were actually a bit awestruck.&&Even though you had accepted the fact that you were actually here in Konaha some things just seemed so surreal to you.&&You looked around the training ground running through what you knew of the place. Tinkle tinkle.&&Your head snapped forward and your daydream stopped abruptly.&&Kakashi was holding up two small bells.&&The bells!&&"I would like you to take these from me (y/n)" Kakashi said.&&Your thoughts were chaotic.&&"He seriously wants me to try and take them from him?&&As if I even stand a chance.&&Team 7 couldn't do it on their first try and they were genin. Then years later Naruto and Sakura had to trick him in order to take them and they nearly destroyed this whole area in their attempt" Was the running commentary inside your mind.&&You had to think quickly and carefully. An idea came to you. It was a good one.&&"Oh my god!" you exclaimed.&&"Those bells, they are famous.&&Honestly to actually see them up close like this is truly an honor.&&I can't believe I am in their presence." You practically gushed.&&Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, Sakura looked at you in surprise and Kakashi appeared pleased and proud at your reaction.&&"Please Kakashi-sensei may I hold them just for a minute it would mean so much to me, they are such a pivotal item in your universe that I would like nothing more then to look at them close up." You begged.&&Kakashi looked at you and though you couldn't truly see his face with his mask you new he was smiling because small creases appeared around his one visible eye.&&"If it would make you as happy as you seem (y/n) here" he said handing you the bells.&&You took them carefully into your palm and whole heartedly looked at them with awe.&&Honestly to be holding these bells was something incredible.&&You felt connected to this world with the tiny tinkling orbs in your palm. You felt ecstatic because you had just won.&&You composed yourself because you were truly taken by the bells then your expression turned from rapture and awe to a confident smugness.&&"Well, I seem to have taken the bells from you Kakashi-sensei." You chimed.&&Sakura snorted trying not to laugh and even Shikamaru gave a small haha.&&Kakashi simply looked from the bells in your palm to your face over and over again.&&"Well Kaka-sensei she got you." Sakura laughed.&&"It was the only way I could think of that would give me even the smallest chance of getting the bells from you, I'm sorry I guess this is not really what you meant for me to do." You said shyly.&&"No (y/n) this is but one way of obtaining the bells.&&Good work." Kakashi admitted.&&"I see that you are very clever and think fast on your feet.&&This is an admirable skill and I am impressed." He stated.&&Twice in one day you were complimented on your intelligence.&&This made you feel a warm sensation in your stomach that was pride.&&"However we also need to assess your physical strengths and weaknesses." He said.&&"It is already known that your nature type is fire as you demonstrated in the episode at the village gates." Kakashi added.&&"The episode?" You thought . "I guess I made a bit of an impression as a crazed maniac the other day." Your thoughts continued.&&"This won't take long (y/n) and it will be quick." He followed.&&"I want you to simply punch the palm of my hand as hard as you can."&&&Kakashi then held up his right hand palm towards you at about shoulder level.&&You hesitated.&&You were very nervous.&&What if your punch was so weak that he laughed at you. What if you missed his palm altogether?&&You had never really been a fighter.&&There were a few times when you were younger in the school yard but that was nothing like this.&&"(y/n) this is important and I need to make an accurate assessment in order to train you in the most efficient manner." He encouraged.&&You looked at his palm and squeezed your hand into a tight fist, thumb on the outside of your fingers.&&You brought your hand back and then shot it forward with as much force as you could muster.&&Surprisingly his arm moved backwards by about 30 cm.&&You had thought it would feel like more of a brick wall when you made contact.&&Again the creases around his visible eye appeared.&&"Well done" he said.&&"Sakura, your up." Kakashi told Sakura.&&The pink haired girl approached you.&&She smiled kindly at you and said.&&"This won't hurt at all, I am just going to see the amount of chakra you have and observe you network."&&Her hands began to glow with a soft green light as she placed them a small distance away from your chest.&&&This little examination went on for about two to three minutes.&&Then pulling her hands away she looked to Kakashi and said. "I have all the information I need."&&Your head swung form Kakashi to Sakura back and forth looking to gain some understanding.&&Kakashi then told you, "Thank you (y/n).&&We will report all the information to Lady Tsunade and contact you with a plan for your training."&&Kakashi and Sakura then started walking back towards the village.&&"Ummm thank you." You said.&&At that Kakashi raised his arm in a wave as he continued walking away.&&You were left standing there in the training grounds not sure of what just happened alone with Shikamaru.You stood watching the two depart till they were out of sight.&&Sighing deeply you turned to Shikamaru.&&You looked from right to left, where did he go?&&You realized that he was lying down in the grass staring at the sky indifferent to your presence.&&He said nothing as he relaxed.&&"Should we head back to?" you asked.&&He tilted his head slightly towards you and shrugged.&&If you can't beat them join them. So you planted yourself on the grass next to him.&&Bringing your knees up you placed your hands behind you and looked up as well.&&The sky was a rare shade of blue.&&Not a cloud was to be seen.&&The sun was just starting to make its decent.&&"I guess I owe you another apology." You said.&&He looked at you fully now.&&His face was blank.&&"Why?" he asked simply.&&"You got stuck being my babysitter.&&I mean being stuck to me like glue can't possibly all that much fun for you."&&His mouth curved up on one side into a slight grin.&&"I was assigned this mission as troublesome as it is." He answered.&&Just as you were about to speak again he said.&&"I wouldn't want anyone else assigned to it.&&I am probably the best choice to keep you out of mischief troublesome woman."&&He smiled at you wholeheartedly this time and the tension in your shoulders disappeared.&&Ok this was a start.&&"Well thank you pineapple head I'll try to stay out of trouble." You responded.&&The next half an hour was spent in comfortable silence before the both of you began your walk home.
Ok so here is chapter 4. Wow your really smart
Good luck with your training.Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3Chapter 4 (you are here)Chapter 5 Chapter6 Chapter7I don't own Naruto Kishimoto doesI don't own any dinosaurs but I did have alot of plastic ones when I was little.And I also don't own you.
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thanks. Its really hard work
You're welcome, it shows you worked hard on them.
creepiest pokemon ever
I like it! You're making progress, the narration is more fluid, it's great!
Thank you so much. It really is hard and your advice is so helpful to me thank you.
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