who likesmy living cityin the city jim什么

根据文章内容,选择正确的答案。New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to go to. You can go to different kinds of museums,plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world.But there are some problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs,to study at good schools.But sometimes these people can't find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe(安全的)and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities,others do not. Before moving to a big city,they should think about the problem of living there.小题1:Who likes living in big cities?A.Everyone.
B.All people.
D.Not everyone.
小题2:What should people think about before moving to a city?A.Money for study.B.The problem of living there.C.Life at night.D.Time for sleep.小题3:Why do many people move to the cities?A.To see their friends.B.To buy things from other countries.C.To find jobs.D.To see films.小题4:To live in a city is very_____.A.expensive
小题5:From the article we can see it is hard to keep the cities_______.A.busy and noisy
B.safe and clean
C.cool and sunny
D.fine and large
根据文章内容,选择正确的答案。New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to go to. You can go to different kinds of museums,plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world.But there are some problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs,to study at good schools.But sometimes these people can't find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe(安全的)and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities,others do not. Before moving to a big city,they should think about the problem of living there.小题1:Who likes living in big cities?A.Everyone.
B.All people.
D.Not everyone.
小题2:What should people think about before moving to a city?A.Money for study.B.The problem of living there.C.Life at night.D.Time for sleep.小题3:Why do many people move to the cities?A.To see their friends.B.To buy things from other countries.C.To find jobs.D.To see films.小题4:To live in a city is very_____.A.expensive
小题5:From the article we can see it is hard to keep the cities_______.A.busy and noisy
B.safe and clean
C.cool and sunny
D.fine and large
根据文章内容,选择正确的答案。New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to go to. You can go to different kinds of museums,plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world.But there are some problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs,to study at good schools.But sometimes these people can't find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe(安全的)and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities,others do not. Before moving to a big city,they should think about the problem of living there.小题1:Who likes living in big cities?A.Everyone.
B.All people.
D.Not everyone.
小题2:What should people think about before moving to a city?A.Money for study.B.The problem of living there.C.Life at night.D.Time for sleep.小题3:Why do many people move to the cities?A.To see their friends.B.To buy things from other countries.C.To find jobs.D.To see films.小题4:To live in a city is very_____.A.expensive
小题5:From the article we can see it is hard to keep the cities_______.A.busy and noisy
B.safe and clean
C.cool and sunny
D.fine and large
小题1:根据文章内容Some people enjoy living in big cities,others do not. Before moving to a big city,they should think about the problem of living there.可知答案为D小题2:.根据文章内容Some people enjoy living in big cities,others do not. Before moving to a big city,they should think about the problem of living there.可知答案为B小题3:根据文章内容Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs,to study at good schools.可知答案为C小题4:根据文章内容可知答案为A小题5:根据文章内容But sometimes these people can't find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe(安全的)and clean.可知答案为B知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
学年度九年级第一次月考试题英 语 卷
第一部分 听力 I(30分)
)1.A.Great. B.That’s nothing. C.You’re welcome.
)2.A.Never mind.
B.Sure, I’d love to.
)3.A.What a pity. B.I’m fine.
C.I agree with you.
)4.A.It’s great.
B.Well done.
C.Of course.
)5.A.That’s all right.
B.Have a good time.
C.Help yourself. Ⅱ.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)
)6.A.Tom is a student. B.Tom is not a student. C.Tom doesn’t like school.
)7.A.Kangkang is at home.
B. Kangkang is at school. C. Kangkang isn’t at home.
)8.A.She works hard.
B. She is a good woman.
C. She teaches well.
)9.A.School ended a little earlier.
B.School ended as early as usual.
C.School didn’t end so early as usual.
)10.A.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic. I don’t like it, either.
B.I don’t like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it.
C.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic, but I like it.
B.Tom and Mike.
)12.A.A river.
B.A market.
C.A school.
)13.A.Last year.
B.Before 3 years.
C.Since 3 years ago.
)14.A.I’ve no idea.
B.Can I have some fish?
C.Yes, you can.
)15.A.It is tall.
B.They are wide.
C.She is in the office. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)
)16.What did Jack want to do one day?
A.He wanted to borrow some books from Jim.
B. He wanted to play with Jim.
C. He wanted to buy some books.
)17.Where did Jack want to read the books?
A.In the reading room. B.At Jim’s home.
C.At his own home.
)18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jim’s books?
A.Two weeks.
B.Less than two weeks.
C.More than two weeks.
)19.Why didn’t Jack want to lend the brush to Jim?
A.Because his brush is broken.
B.Because he had lent it to others.
C.Because Jim didn’t lend the books to him yesterday and this made him very angry.
)20.What might happen after Jack’s words?
A.Jim was happy.
B.Jim was unhappy.
C.Jim thanked Jack very much.
第二部分 基础知识运用(80分)
)21.―When did the Greens come to China?
―They_____ China for seven years.
A.have come to
B.have been to
C.have come in
D.have been in
)22.―Have you cleaned your room_____?
―Yes, I’ve_____cleaned it.
A.already, already
B.yet, yet
C.already, yet
D.yet, already
)23. ―What are you reading about?
―It’s about the one-child policy. It says that the policy has_____controlling the population in China.
A.been good at
B.taken good care of
C.worked well in
D.got on well with
)24.―_____ you _____ your homework yet?
―Yes, I _____ it ten minutes ago.
A.Did, do, finished
B.Have, done, have finished
C.Have, done, finished
D.Will, do, finish
)25.Xi’an is a city with many places of interest and _____ tourists come here every year.
A.thousand of
D.thousands of
)26.This is the most beautiful park I have _____ visited.
)27.―Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six?
―Yes, it is _____.
)28.Now most families have only one child _____ our country’s one-child policy.
C.because for
D.because of
)29.―David has made great progress recently.
―_____, and _____.
A.So he has, so you have
B.So he has, so have you
C.So has he, so have you
D.So has he, so you have
)30.―Which country has the_____population in the world?
)31.Compared with last year, our pay _____ about ¥500 every month.
A.has increased by
B.has increased
C.increased by
D.increased to
)32.―It seems _____ you like to work with children.
―Yes, they are so lovely.
)33.In our class _____ of the students _____ girls.
A.third fifths, is
B.third fifth, are C.three fifth, is
D.three fifths, are
)34. I used to_____my dream. But now I get used to_____doing everything. I think I’ll be
successful one day.
A.give up, keeping
B. giving up, keeping
C.giving up, keep
D. give up, keep
)35.―In the old days, most teenagers had to work for the landlord (地主) in the field to
help _____ their families, because their families couldn’t _____ education for them.
―What a pity!
A.support, supply
B.afford, support C.support, afford
D.afford, give
(A) 从方框中选择句子,补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。(5分)
A: Have you ever read the novel War and Peace?
A: What a pity! It’s a wonderful book.
B: Well, I’ve been waiting to read it for a long time, but I can’t get a copy. The library has only three copies.
If you like, I’ll lend it to you.
B: Thank you. By the way, when can I get it?
Will you please come to my house after school?
(B) 在横线上填入适当的单词或短语,补全对话。(10)
A: Hi, Mary! Did you go to the concert last night?
B: Yes. I with my parents.
did you like it?
B: Wonderful. Many famous singers sang at the concert. It
“Saving the Children”. A: What does it mean?
B: The concert was held to for poor children. You know many children in the world don’t have enough food to eat.
A: That’s true.
B: I think people all over the world
A: That’s right.
根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格处的最佳答案。 Whenever(任何时候)we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the developing world. But in fact, the truth is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a wealthy, developed country like Germany?
Kurt Muller and his
Rita have spent eleven years making meals for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first began to do that in a hot summer when most Germans were away and enjoyed themselves on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at and some delicious food by themselves, set up a table in the street and gave the to the homeless.
The Mullers soon realized that food wasn’t enough. Most of the homeless people are lonely, they have no friends or relatives. “ these people also need is warmth and caring,” says Rita. The Mullers gave their phone number to the street people
thinking and told them to phone anytime. Rita made sure there was
at home to answer the phone and their home was always open to anyone who couldn’t face another night on the street.
The couple were soon all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to ask for donations. Today, over thirty companies donate food and other goods and volunteers
to give them away to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a backpack producer donates new backpacks.
Kurt and Rita put their love to good use by helping homeless people in Berlin, they didn’t receive any payment for their hard work. “ We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t expect money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.”Rita says she often gets tired, she feels good about helping other people.
They will go on with their work because they like the feeling of having made a difference in the world.
)46. A. friend
)47. A. school
B. hospital
D. factory
)48. A. food
D. clothes
)49. A. How
)50. A. without
)51. A. nobody
B. anybody
C. somebody
D. everybody
)52. A. spending B. losing
D. lending
)53. A. let
)54. A. who
)55. A. And
Li Ruyan, 13 years old, did something special last summer with his classmates in Shanghai. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order and stopped people from jaywalking (乱穿马路). As part of the school project, Li’s school has encouraged its students to do more community (社区) work. After the half day of exhausting work, Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore.
来源: 九年级英语unit7单元语法小专题(Grammar Focus)及答案.doc
请从方框中选择合适的“linking words”,使文章更流畅、更富有逻辑。
what's more,so…that…,to be honest,however,what's worse,
in my opinion,not only…but also…,all in all
There are many school rules in our
school. For example,we
have to get to school early in the morning. I don't agree with that because
it's& __1______ early ____2____ we don't have enough
can't take mobile phones to school. If we do,our teachers will be angry and take our
mobile phones away. ____4____________,we should be allowed to do that. Mobile phones now are very
useful. We can use them _____5___________ to communicate with parents and
friends in time _________6_______ to search for information on the Internet.
They bring us many conveniences._________7_______ ,we have to take extra classes on
extra classes doesn't work very well.____9____,we are allowed to do sports after school.
I believe that doing sports can make our school life colorful and help us keep
fit!And our
teachers also allow us to listen to music after class. I agree with that
because it's relaxing to listen to music after class and that can help us pay
more attention to what the teachers say in class.
_________10______,school rules are good for us
some are too strict. I think some of them should be changed.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-148309');">&
来源: 九年级英语unit7第五课时 Section B(2a~2e)练习题及答案.doc
1.It is believed that you will ________ if
you try your best.
2.—Which football team will you ________,RM or FCB?
—FCB.I think it is better than RM.
3.You shouldn't treat him like that. I
think it's ________ to him.
4.He had to make a ________ between the
black shirt and the white one.
5.All the students stopped talking when
the teacher ________ the classroom.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-148283');">&
来源: 九年级英语unit7第二课时 Section A(3a~3c)练习题及答案.doc
1.I'm sorry to hear that Jack is ________
2.The girl can write some excellent
________ at the age of fifteen.
3.We'll never regret ________ as
volunteers in the community.
4.I felt very terrible after ________ that
5.I think winter is a beautiful season,________ when it snows.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-148263');">&
来源: 桐乡市实验中学片区学年第一学期期中联考九年级英语试卷及答案 .doc
&able& speech&
necessary& twelve& worry&
1. It is &&&&&&&&&to
have a good diet to stay healthy.
2. I went to that game with my mom and Tom on my ________ birthday.
3. With an empty head, I am ________ to
do my homework! Who can help me?
4. Your son is thirteen and he can look
after himself . You needn’t be ________ about him.
5. Thanksgiving is celebrated with a
meal among family and friends. They make short __________ and give thanks for
their food.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-148201');">&
来源: 2016 仁爱英语七年级一单元练习题及答案.doc
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& is&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& are
1. Mr. Green &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
at school.
2. --- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
you twelve?
--- Yes, I &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
3. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
everyone here today?
4. I &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
in Class 2, and my friend &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
in Class 3.
5. Who &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
that woman?
6. Tom and Joy &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
in Grade 1.
7. --- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
these your books?
--- Yes, they &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-148124');">&
来源: 崇仁一中学年度上学期八年级英语第一次月考及答案.doc
exercise,& sleep,& is,& get,& healthy,&
maybe,& but,& three,& think,& help
Do you have a healthy lifestyle? I think I do.First,I have many good
eating habits.I like junk food,_____ 1___I hardly eat it.I eat fruit and
vegetables every day.____ 2____they are not very delicious,but they____3____good
for health.Second,I ___4____every day.It is said that if people run
every day,then will have more____5____hearts than others,so I run for
about thirty minutes every morning. ___6___,I have good living habits.I
try to___7_____eight hours every night.That____8____me to be
the next day.And I can study better and ___9_____good grades(成绩).
What do you &&&10&&& of my
lifestyle?Can you learn something from it?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-147849');">&
来源: 人爱版英语九年级(上)英语期末综合练习(二)及答案.doc
Make, provide, understand, care, speak
government ________ homeless people with nice homes.
2. I’m sorry
for ________ so much noise.
3. Everyone
should ________ for wild animals and plant more trees.
4. Is English
________ as the official language in Cuba?
5. Could you
make yourself ________ in the USA?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-147813');">&
来源: 七年级英语unit4 SectionA(2a-3c)练习题及答案.doc
in where and sorry photo know under plant books bookcase
This is a 1.     
of Gina’s room.A bed, a 2.       3.      a desk are in it.Some shoes are 4.      
her bed.Her5.      are&
the bookcase.A green 7.     
is near the bookcase.8.     is her schoolbag?9.     ,
I don’t 10.     .&
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-147350');">&
来源: 平凉十中学年第一学期九年级英语中期质量 检测试卷及答案.doc
to&&& turn into&&&& to work
out&&&& depend on&&&&& put
1. Let’s ________________ the new picture on the wall, shall we?
2. She is ________________ seeing her children again.
3. I found it difficult
________________ the problem.
4. Water can ________________ ice below
5. Children ________________ their parents for food and clothing.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-147305');">&
来源: 广东省东莞市中堂星晨学校学年八年级上学期开学考试英语试卷及答案.doc
home , busy , watch , I , breakfast,& for , play game
,& finish ,& fun ,& subject
My name is Mary. 1____ favorite day of a week is Sunday. On
Sundays, I’m not very 2___. In the morning, I get up late. At 8:30, I have 3_____.
And after that I often 4_____ TV. It’s very 5____. My
parents and I eat well 6____ lunch. In the afternoon, Jim often 7_____with me.
After dinner, I do my homework at 8______. I like all the 9______ and my
English is the best in my class. I always go to bed after I 10____ my homework.
I like Sunday because it’s a free day for
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-147085');">&
来源: 南华初级中学2016年秋学期期中教学质量检测九年级英语及答案.doc
look up,&&& lay
out,&&&&&& put on
,&&&&&& take pride in,&&&&
1. Mary can______________ all kinds of
difficult problems
2. My mother &&&&&&&&&&&&&two
pounds last year.
3. Her father always__________________her.
4. In The Mid-Autumn ,we___________the
mooncakes and fruits.
5. If you don’t know new words, you
may_______them______ .
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-147018');">&
来源: 海南省澄迈县白莲中学年度第一学期初二英语第一次月考试题及答案.doc
1.You should eat _________ meat
and do more exercise because you’re too heavy.
2.We think the best way
__________ is through exercise.
3.Look! There are many new and
tall ___________ here.
4.Can you tell me your
5.My sister goes to the cinema
__________ a month.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146820');">&
来源: 河南省安阳市安阳县曲沟镇一中学年上学期九年级第一次月考试卷Unit1—3月考试卷及答案.doc
My family moved to America last year from a small town in north China.
I had a part-time job as a
was serving food to a middle-aged cou in a Chinese restaurant. One day, when Iple,
the wife asked me how I could bring their food so
I told her I always respected the elderly. I found her
when she heard that. My manager heard my words. He took me aside and
told me that Americans were sensitive (敏感的) and 4
the description (描述) of “old”. I then walked back to the table and
said sorry to the wife. After they learned about the 6
, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural
, so they laughed.
In the USA, people think “growing old” is a problem. Here many
people try to keep themselves away from growing old by
, like jogging or swimming. When I told the couple I respected the elderly,
they got angry because this made them feel they
stay young. They didn’t want to hear that.
Now I have changed the way I treated the elderly. I still respect them, but now in a different, less
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146683');">&
来源: 北师大七年级英语第四单元测试 Topic 3及答案.doc
&have , has , there is , there are ,
&many animals in the zoo. Let’s go to the zoo .
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&an English book under the desk. Can you see it ?
3、Jane comes from England . She &&&&&&&&&&&&&a
good and& happy family .
4、We &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&a
nice time in the zoo.
5、Does he have an apple &&&&&&&&&&&&&an
orange ?& He has a red apple .
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146641');">&
来源: 北师大英语七年级第四单元测试 Topic 1及答案.doc
where , how many, how much, what, what grade, what class,
how old, there
are , whose
&&are they ? They 80 yuan .
&&&&&&bottles do you
need ? Six bottles , please .
&does she come from ?& She comes from England .
&is he ? He is thirteen.
&are you in ? I am in Class Seven .
&is she in ? She in Grade One .
&can I do for you ? I am looking for a coat
&&books are these ? They are theirs .
&one do you like ?& I like the&
green& one .
10 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&five
people in my family.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146599');">&
来源: 河南省商丘市柘城中学学年八年级上学期第一次段考英语试卷及答案.doc
take , beautiful, make, many, much, old, vacation, like, night, live
and Sandy are sisters, They live in a big city .Kate is two years_____1____
than Sandy. She likes___2_____ in the city very much .She thinks living in the
city is______3____ more interesting than living in her city. She likes the
lights at___4________ in her city .she thinks the lights are
than the stars. She enjoys reading and she reads____6_____ books
than Sandy .Sandy dislikes living in the city .She___7___ _the countryside very
much. She often visits her grandma in the countryside and takes a____8____
there. Sandy likes__9______Walks after supper . She thinks it___10______ her
very relaxed.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146586');">&
来源: 2016七年级英语第三单元测试 Topic 2及答案.doc
father, boy, sister, grandpa, mother
me, Long Fei. Is that a photo your family?
B:Yes, it is.
A:The _____1__ must be you.
B:That’s right.
A:Is the girl your ___2_____?
B:Yes. She’s my sister Long Mei.
A:Who’s the man behind you?
B:He’s my ____3_____.
A:Is the woman your _____4_____?
B:Yes, she is.
A:Who’s the old man?
B:He’s my _____5_____.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146493');">&
来源: 初级中学学年八年级上学期期中考英语试题及答案.doc
after&&&&& because&&&&
anything&&&&&&&& take
am Jack. I didn’t go to school today__ 1___my mother was ill and my
father went to Beijing. I ___2__ to look ___3____ her at home. I
cooked for her and helped her __4___ medicine and drink water. I washed
the clothes and dishes. My mother was very happy. I was also very happy because
I can do ___5__ for my mother.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146467');">&
来源: 北师大英语七年级第三单元测试 Topic 1及答案.doc
this,& China,& my,& Who’s,& mine
A:Is ______ a letter in English?
B:Yes, it is.
A:_______ the letter from?
B:It’s from Henry.
A:Who’s Henry?
B:He’s a pen pal of ________ .
A:Where’s he from?
B:He’s from ___________, Australia.
A:What does he say in the letter?
B:He wants to come to __________.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146354');">&
来源: 2016八年级英语第三次月考试题及答案.doc
&用所选单词的适当形式填空, 每词只用一次。
tall&&&& visit&&&
leave&& take&&&
1. Her daughter is __________ for Hong Kong next
2. My American friend is going to _________ me next
3. Yesterday he didn’t come to the party because
he was __________.
4. Tina is a little _________than Mary.
5. It usually ______ me about ten minutes to walk
to school every day.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-146203');">&


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