
Copyright &
蜀ICP备号 公安备案:1  1、此呼彼应 :
  (1) 全班学生坐在原位。
  (2) 教师描述一些事物,如果的是对的,例如:The dusks are swimming.学生就学叫&嘎嘎&,如果的是错的,学生就保持沉默。
  (3) 做错的学生暂且退出游戏。游戏继续进行。
  (4) 剩下的一个学生即游戏的优胜者。
  (5) 变化:The bike is coming .或 A cat can run. 等。
  (6) 作用:可用于现在进行时态和can 句型的教学,可训练学生的听力。
  2、补全句子:在学习句中,要慢读,必要时分解读。在跟读几遍后,可以让学生补全老师没说完的部分。比如:my name is rebecca.可让学生补rebecca、is rebecca、name is rebecca。这是个反应练习,可让学生熟练掌握句子。
  3、1、&碰地雷&:在英语单词教学中,学生不太愿意跟读。用此法不错。在一个词下放一个地雷, 这个词是不能读的,如果学生不小心跟读,就是踩到雷了。大家一起数one two three,bomb,向他砸过去!有趣,气氛也好,学生在玩中也学得扎实!
  4、拍皮球 :
  (1) 学生分两组坐在原位,合上眼,教师为两组打分。
  (2) 教师拍皮球,学生默数教师拍了几下。假设教师拍了19下。
  (3) 教师突然停下,问一个学生&What&s the number?&该学生应该答,&Nineteen&。如果他答对了,该组得分,并由该学生接替教师拍球,游戏继续进行,如果他讲错了,就让别的学生纠正。
  (4) 哪组学生得分多,就为胜者。
  (5) 变化:教师拍球时可以在中间来个停顿。如先拍4下,停一停,再拍3下,接着问:&What&s the number?&学生应答&Seven&&Four plus three is seven.&
  (6) 作用:操练数词和加法运算句型。
  5、将错就错 :
  (1) 学生坐在原位,注视着教师。 教师在教室里随意走动,他可以突然停在一个学生面前,用手指着自己的鼻子说:This is my eyes(有意讲错) 那个学生也将错就错,指着自己的眼睛说:This is my nose.
  (2) 如果学生讲错了,就让他代替教师,再同样地做一遍。
  (3) 变化:教师可以手拿一些文具,指着钢笔说:This is my pencil.学生则指着自己的铅笔说:This is my pen.
  (4) 作用:巩固单词,操练句型。
  6、各就各位 :
  (1) 教师读一段对话Dialogue或课文Text,也可以读一段自己编的短文。
  (2) 让几个学生担任对话课文中的角色(或人或人物)。
  (3) 教师先把整段文章念一遍或讲一遍。
  (4) 教师在讲述第二遍的时候,每提到一个人或物,扮演该角色的学生就得马上站起来,如教师讲Saturday afternoon. The pupils are cleaning their classroom. The teacher is with them. (&Teacher&站起来)Look, Wang Hai is cleaning the window (Wang Hai 站起来)。
  (5) 变化:可编排其内容,如At the Zoo 或In the Park. (6) 作用:培养学生理解短文内容,找出关键词的能力。
  2. 主持人边说一个字母,边向四周的学生滚动皮球。接球者必须说出其听到的后面的一个字母。主持人说两个,接球者也得说出其后的两个字母,依此类推。
  1. 准备好印刷体和书写体的大小写字母卡片若干张,分成几组。
  2. 选出其中几组卡片,发给学生每人一张,允许他们互相看一看,但不能读出声音来。
  3. 教师发令,学生在最短时间内以最快速度找到相同字母的三位学生为优胜。
  Game 4:友谊之圈
  Game 5:抛绣球
  目的:练习使用&What's your name?& &I'm...&以及一些学过的问候语。
  Game 6:猜颜色
  Game 7:找帽子
  2. 点一位学生上来,蒙住她的眼睛,用英语告诉她&Find the blue\....&
  3. 学生根据自己的记忆,走向相应颜色的五品,并将它拿起。那对的学生得到一个小奖励。拿错的同学再试一下。如果还错的话,就换另一位同学。
  Game 8:传球数数
  方法:1. 让学生站或坐成一圈。
  2. 由拿球的人开始向任意一个学生传球,球出手后说出一个数字。
  3. 接球的同学必须说出传球者所说的的数字的上一个或下一个数字。
  4. 说对了继续游戏;说错了,罚唱一首英文歌或韵句。然后开始新一轮游戏。
  Game 9: 丢手绢之数数版
  方法: 1. 这是一个类似&丢手绢&的游戏。
  2. 同学们围成一圈坐好,由老师先开始做示范。老师在圈外,边从1数到10边围着圈走。每数一个数字,就轻拍一位同学的肩膀。数到10后再从一开始。
  3. 假如那一位同学的数字与前一位同学的数字不连贯,必须立刻站起来去追老师,并在老师跑到他的空位坐下前抓到老师。
  4. 如果没有抓到,就由他取代老师的位置,重新开始数数,继续游戏。如果捉到了,还是由老师数数,知道他成功地逃脱一次才换人。
来生动回复“how are you ”
Is it a banana(an apple,orange)?
Is it a plan(ship,bike)?Yes. No.
This is a plane(car).What colour is it?Please guess.Is it red(black)?Yes.No.
Peaseguess What is missing?10
run,walk,sit,stand,swim,skate,play,football,play basketboll
Mike,Kate581115Is he(she)twelve(eleven)?10
Three and four.seven,three
, Touch your head(eye,ear,nose ...).Put up your hands. Close your eyes. ,Touch your book(your pen,the desk ...)Open the door(your book ...)Hold your book(pen, pencil ...)Wash your face(hands,teeth ...),,,,()()10
[28] (Simon says)
[65],Simon says,Simon says, touch your nose.Touch your nose.Simon says,,Simon saysTouch your nose.,,,,,,,
,,Good morning,XXX.Is he(she)XXX?Yes.No.,,
,,,Is the one a boy? What row is he(she) in?What line is he(she) in?What colour clothes does he(she) wear?,
,,10,,,,,10,Is it an animal?Does it have four legs?Yes.No.10,,,,
This is a red pen. 6, thisis,ThisIs,thisis,.,?,,,?(Is this a red pen?), 6is,this,
these arehavethere bebe going to
is ,,Mike,12,6,3,12,6,3,,I am a boy. My name is Mike. I am twelve years old. I am in Class Six,Grade Three.,,
fat, thin, tall,short4Tom,Jim,Mike,Bob,4,,,Who is he? Please guess.Is he tall?Is he fat?,Yes.No.Oh,I see. He is Mike.
Is it in ...? ,6,(),,6,6,,,Is it in your left hand?5,
( What your name?),( How old are you?)( What class are you in?),
Is this ...?Are these ...?,Are there ...?,,,,,What is in the bag?Is this a pen?Are these pencils?Yes.No.,How many pencils are there in the bag?Are there three pencils in the bag?
,()(),What is this? What are they?Is this a book? Are they books?No.,Yes.
,,teacher, doctor, worker, nurse,,What am I?What does he do?Are you a worker?Are you a doctor?No.,Yes.
,()(,,,,),()How many pens are there in this bag?Are there three pens in this bag?Yes.No.
,(),Where is my(her,Jim&s) ruler?on,in,under,near ,Is it in your(his) pocket?Is it under the book?Yes.No.
,It isn hot in summer,yes or no?It never cold in winter,yes or no?A horse is heavier than a dog,yes or no?YesNo(),,,,,,,,
can,bookpenfishwatchknife,,book,What can you do with a book?I can read it.,
bike,What is a bike made of?
What is it used for? It is made of metal.
It is used for riding
, : , , , , , , , , , , , , 5,1,2,5,,,A, A(S)(C):
S: What can I do for you? (: Can I help you?)
C: I want (: I&d like to buy) a pen, please. ()
S: Certainly. Here you are. ()
C: Oh, I&ll take it. How much is it?
S: It&s six yuan fifty fen. ()
C: Here is the money. ()
S: Thank you.
, : , , , 5~10, , 5~10
(35), , ,,:It&s here.:
A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? (: Is there a post office near here? : Which is the way to the nearest post office?)( )
B: Walk along this street, and take the third turning on the right. It about a hundred metres on the left. ()
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all.
A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the railway station?
B: Go down this road. Take the third turning on the left (: Turn left at the third crossing). Walk along until you reach the end. You&ll find it in front of you.
A: How far is it from here?
B: about 4 kilometres. I think you&d better take a bus.
A: Which number do I need, please?
B: The No. 3 bus. Itl take you right there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: That all right.
(M)I am M Follow me ,please.NMI am N.Follow me. please10 I am M.Who is before me?LM
Is it a plane (bus,bike)?Yes it is.NoIt isnt.10
Is it a banana(an apple,orange)?
Is it a plan(ship,bike)?Yes. No.
This is a plane(car).What colour is it?Please guess.Is it red(black)?Yes.No.
Peaseguess What is missing?10
run,walk,sit,stand,swim,skate,play,football,play basketboll
Mike,Kate581115Is he(she)twelve(eleven)?10
Three and four.seven,three
, Touch your head(eye,ear,nose ...).Put up your hands. Close your eyes. ,Touch your book(your pen,the desk ...)Open the door(your book ...)Hold your book(pen, pencil ...)Wash your face(hands,teeth ...),,,,()()10
[66](Simon says)
[65],Simon says,Simon says, touch your nose.Touch your nose.Simon says,,Simon saysTouch your nose.,,,,,,,
,,Good morning,XXX.Is he(she)XXX?Yes.No.,,
,,,Is the one a boy? What row is he(she) in?What line is he(she) in?What colour clothes does he(she) wear?,
,,10,,,,,10,Is it an animal?Does it have four legs?Yes.No.10,,,,
This is a red pen. 6, thisis,ThisIs,thisis,.,?,,,?(Is this a red pen?), 6is,this,
these arehavethere bebe going to
is ,,Mike,12,6,3,12,6,3,,I am a boy. My name is Mike. I am twelve years old. I am in Class Six,Grade Three.,,
fat, thin, tall,short4Tom,Jim,Mike,Bob,4,,,Who is he? Please guess.Is he tall?Is he fat?,Yes.No.Oh,I see. He is Mike.
Is it in ...? ,6,(),,6,6,,,Is it in your left hand?5,
( What your name?),( How old are you?)( What class are you in?),
Is this ...?Are these ...?,Are there ...?,,,,,What is in the bag?Is this a pen?Are these pencils?Yes.No.,How many pencils are there in the bag?Are there three pencils in the bag?
,()(),What is this? What are they?Is this a book? Are they books?No.,Yes.
,,teacher, doctor, worker, nurse,,What am I?What does he do?Are you a worker?Are you a doctor?No.,Yes.
,()(,,,,),()How many pens are there in this bag?Are there three pens in this bag?Yes.No.
,(),Where is my(her,Jim's) ruler?on,in,under,near ,Is it in your(his) pocket?Is it under the book?Yes.No.
,It isn hot in summer,yes or no?It never cold in winter,yes or no?A horse is heavier than a dog,yes or no?YesNo(),,,,,,,,
can,bookpenfishwatchknife,,book,What can you do with a book?I can read it.,
bike,What is a bike made of?
What is it used for? It is made of metal.
It is used for riding
, : , , , , , , , , , , , , 5,1,2,5,,,A, A(S)(C):
S: What can I do for you? (: Can I help you?)
C: I want (: I'd like to buy) a pen, please. ()
S: Certainly. Here you are. ()
C: Oh, I'll take it. How much is it?
S: It's six yuan fifty fen. ()
C: Here is the money. ()
S: Thank you.
, : , , , 5~10, , 5~10
(35), , ,,:It's here.:
A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? (: Is there a post office near here? : Which is the way to the nearest post office?)( )
B: Walk along this street, and take the third turning on the right. It about a hundred metres on the left. ()
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all.
A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the railway station?
B: Go down this road. Take the third turning on the left (: Turn left at the third crossing). Walk along until you reach the end. You'll find it in front of you.
A: How far is it from here?
B: about 4 kilometres. I think you'd better take a bus.
A: Which number do I need, please?
B: The No. 3 bus. Itl take you right there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: That all right.
, , :How many people are there in your family?/Who are they? / How old is your father? / What does your mother do? / Where does your brother work? / Where does your sister study? / Does yourbrother like swimming? / Does your brother like his work?
, , , AA, BB, ,5~10
A: Hello. 890621.
B: Hello. Is that Li lei?
A: Yes, it is. Hi, Jim!
B: Li Lei! Are you free next Sunday?
A: I think so. Why?
B: Would you like to go to the park with me?
A: I'd love to. When shall we meet?
B: What about half past eight? Let's meet at the park gate.
A: Right. See you.
B: See you. Bye.
, , (), , ,
, (), , , (), , , ; , , ,, , ,
, A, (), : Hello, XXX! I have lost my pen. Have you seen it anywhere?(B),:Yes, I think I have. Look at the pen (on the desk). Maybe it's yours.A:Oh yes, it's mine! Thanks a lot.B: Not at all. A, AB, :Sorry, I haven. Why don you ask C?A:Thanks. I will.ABAB, B(C), ,
P (): Good morning, Doctor.
D (): Good morning. What's your trouble?
P: I've got a bad headache. ( a cough, a fever, a temperature, a sore throat, a cold)
D: How long have you been like this?
P: Ever since last night. ( Ever since this morning, For two days)
D: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”.
D: Don't worry. Maybe you have caught a bit of cold.
got a fever, got a temperature
P: What shall I do?
D: Take this medicine, and you'll be all right soon. ( have a good rest, lie in bed, drink more water)
P: Thank you, Doctor. Good-bye.
D: Bye-bye.
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