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英文翻译百科解释casperogusathinleaf milkwort stem and leafwheatgrasswispxiao cao:&&&&xiaocaoba:&&&& herblet:&&&&kokusagawa:&&&&xiaocaohu:&&&& ogusai:&&&&grass plot:&&&&kimjin:&&&&tiny grass your steps are sm ...详细百科解释
例句与用法Yet she called herself "nothing more than a blade of grass. "而她说:“我只是一棵小草,一棵野草。”It passed, and was no more than the shadow which bends the summer grasses .它过去了,就象夏季笼罩在小草上的阴影。Every leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining .每片树叶,每块砖瓦乃至一叶小草,都被洗刷一新,闪闪发光。The narrow street with its modest two-family dwellings and tiny lawns was packed with his followers .这条狭窄的街上都是两户合住的朴素房屋和小草地,这时已被跟随他的人挤得水泄不通。“ i leave my answers in tears upon the grass小草上的泪珠,就是我留下的回答。 ” The grass is also of the value of painting the spring小草也有点缀春天的价值If you were the morning dew , i would be the grass如果你是朝露,我愿是小草。 Courage is a blade of grassbreaking through icy snow勇气,是小草从冰雪下破土而出Soon the leaves will be discarded , the grass will sere很快树叶将凋落,小草将枯萎。 You like to make jokes about herbs that nobody gets你喜欢拿那些没人知道的小草开玩笑更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
Copyright &
All rights reserved草的英语单词
script type of calligraphy
script type of calligraphy
young grass cover
rough draft
pioneering stage
good-for-crude fellow
couch grass
irresponsible manner
army provisions
fragrant thoroughwort
tough grass
green grass
lawn mower
a silage cutter
resurrection plant
sensitive plant
couch grass
cursive hand
grass style
tiger lily
evening primrose
grass cutter
ground ivy
monkey cup
mowing machine
wood sorrel
herb doctor
lawn tennis
&&&版权所有 在线新华字典词典 &&浙ICP备号&取个有意义的英文名 射手座 中文名是小草_百度知道小草的英文怎么写?_百度知道只需一步,快速开始
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[&Peacebloom&] = &宁神花&) ?$ d. i( W, @, W$ C6 \" ?
[&Silverleaf&] = &银叶草&5 A; {; n/ \( m8 q
[&Earthroot&] = &地根草&" \9 r0 ~& z8 ~, Q
[&Bruiseweed&] = &跌打草&7 r* J: }9 N* y' N; v$ q/ z&&a
[&Briarthorn&] = &石南草&
[&Liferoot&] = &活根草&, b&&C7 P7 G7 ]1 }% N' }&&A
[&Mageroyal&] = &魔皇草&" u5 u+ A6 |. K# h5 ]- R- Z&&a+ x
[&Wild Steelbloom&] = &野钢花&% x! j9 H3 i/ N$ q& D% [) M
[&Arthas' Tears&] = &阿尔萨斯之泪&4 X4 W% N; ]! F+ e& Z' A
[&Black Lotus&] = &黑莲花&( }! U3 x. ~) I" b! M1 |. L
[&Blindweed&] = &盲目草&. ]: O1 C$ K9 P& v& s
[&Wintersbite&] = &冬刺草&
[&Bloodthistle&] = &血蓟&
[&Dragon's Teeth&] = &龙齿草&
[&Stranglekelp&] = &荆棘藻&4 }9 m9 g' b4 d* e
[&Sungrass&] = &太阳草&
[&Dreamfoil&] = &梦叶草&2 X. O. s8 Y, t$ f
[&Fadeleaf&] = &枯叶草&% |5 w5 i: `; c. k+ a
[&Firebloom&] = &火焰花&
[&Ghost Mushroom&] = &幽灵菇&
[&Golden Sansam&] = &黄金参&7 T( Z3 a, l( @7 F1 T5 L) v
[&Goldthorn&] = &金棘草&. [/ F/ T* N$ Q5 |, R&&Q7 [' ?2 c
[&Grave Moss&] = &墓地苔&4 b5 x' x: B& i6 {
[&Gromsblood&] = &格罗姆之血&
[&Icecap&] = &冰盖草&
[&Khadgar's Whisker&] = &卡德加的胡须&6 B3 f* Z+ P9 @
[&Kingsblood&] = &皇血草&- O# C3 }0 j* U0 H# Y4 E9 W
[&Mountain Silversage&] = &山鼠草&
[&Plaguebloom&] = &瘟疫花&1 Z, \$ w& |& R8 p( I; r
[&Purple Lotus&] = &紫莲花&
[&Sorrowmoss&] = &天灾花&7 w- G$ m: f3 k, z! R, x0 X
8 B2 @2 q! `. b( S) Z3 b- g+ F
[&Copper Vein&] = &铜矿&
[&Tin Vein&] = &锡矿&" u/ o% b: a& i& J! z4 u
[&Silver Vein&] = &银矿&
[&Dark Iron Deposit&] = &黑铁矿脉&
[&Gold Vein&] = &金矿石&( m7 J&&]6 L1 K/ c! V% X7 H
[&Indurium Mineral Vein&] = &精铁矿脉&; ^/ E3 [% B- y7 @&&n
[&Iron Deposit&] = &铁矿石&
[&Mithril Deposit&] = &秘银矿脉&* k# ~1 |9 b6 a: ~0 U1 v
[&Truesilver Deposit&] = &真银矿石&
[&Ooze Covered Gold Vein&] = &软泥覆盖的金矿脉&
[&Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit&] = &软泥覆盖的秘银矿脉&
[&Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein&] = &软泥覆盖的富瑟银矿脉&5 L2 P% d6 R, T&&[- Y
[&Ooze Covered Silver Vein&] = &软泥覆盖的银矿脉&
[&Ooze Covered Thorium Vein&] = &软泥覆盖的瑟银矿脉&* I. }# o) I7 R: b" h
[&Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit&] = &软泥覆盖的真银矿脉&: B&&}) }&&E3 p, S&&x# [
[&Small Thorium Vein&] = &瑟银矿脉&
[&Rich Thorium Vein&] = &富瑟银矿&
[&Felweed&] = &魔草&# i3 d( T3 M' z" R! c$ x
[&Ancient Lichen&] = &远古苔&: l# t&&q2 N& ?$ s/ X
[&Dreaming Glory&] = &梦露花&
[&Terocone&] = &泰罗果&: I" p) j* j&&}( ~* j% A
[&Ragveil&] = &邪雾草&; Z. F+ L" ]2 X2 Y0 Q" [
[&Flame Cap&] = &烈焰菇&&&d% b/ L( m8 C, h
[&Glowcap&] = &亮顶蘑菇&
[&Mana Thistle&] = &法力蓟&
[&Netherbloom&] = &虚空花&& H/ L( Y5 k" O4 D
[&Nightmare Vine&] = &噩梦藤&
1 c$ d&&o* [( k$ ]2 L
外域矿' Y4 S! S' i/ z8 r3 X0 G0 l&&C5 ]+ v
[&Fel Iron Deposit&] = &魔铁矿脉&, H7 e- \% O; V8 n) y
[&Khorium Vein&] = &氪金矿脉&
[&Nethercite Deposit&] = &虚空矿脉&
[&Adamantite Deposit&] = &精金矿脉&, ?2 ?. V9 W" }
[&Rich Adamantite Deposit&] = &富精金矿脉&
[&Goldclover&] = &金苜蓿&; A7 J2 G8 `, K6 Z- f9 k
[&Tiger Lily&] = &卷丹&9 B: e5 Q, V: s- ~
[&Talandra's Rose&] = &塔兰德拉的玫瑰&" h6 _( w( }# [; N# s
[&Frozen Herb&] = &冰冷的草药&
[&Adder's Tongue&] = &蛇信草&
[&Frost Lotus&] = &雪莲花&- ^5 i&&u$ ~: D+ l7 e( c
[&Lichbloom&] = &巫妖花&
[&Icethorn&] = &冰棘草&
7 x0 Q6 H# ?! t9 c
[&Cobalt Deposit&] = &钴矿脉&) j' k0 T2 L3 y2 h/ j! ?# M( S
[&Rich Cobalt Deposit&] = &富钴矿脉&
[&Saronite Deposit&] = &萨隆邪铁矿脉&
[&Rich Saronite Deposit&] = &富萨隆邪铁矿脉&% M! N; T6 N# W
[&Titanium Vein&] = &泰坦神铁矿脉&1 Q' v8 z' `&&|
[&Cinderbloom&] = &燃烬草&&&I1 M% r% C3 S$ Y! u1 Q1 p
[&Azshara's Veil&] = &艾萨拉雾菇&
[&Heartblossom&] = &心灵之花&
[&Stormvine&] = &风暴藤&1 N&&w; {" P- F: r( R
[&Whiptail&] = &鞭尾草&
[&Twilight Jasmine&] = &暮光茉莉&
大地裂变矿) I0 q8 A- P5 d5 A3 G
[&Obsidian Chunk&] = &黑曜石碎块&& O7 w3 h5 R, l- R3 @
[&Obsidium Deposit&] = &黑曜石碎块&
[&Huge Obsidian Slab&] = &巨型黑曜石石板&
[&Large Obsidian Chunk&] = &大型黑曜石碎块&
[&Rich Obsidium Deposit&] = &巨型黑曜石石板&8 F. U) k( H9 f- |
[&Elementium Vein&] = &源质矿&' H; c8 l$ ]* G3 N3 y7 V4 H6 O
[&Rich Elementium Vein&] = &富源质矿&
[&Pyrite Deposit&] = &燃铁矿脉&
[&Rich Pyrite Deposit&] = &富燃铁矿脉&1 ~7 z- @) u! j* _&&D
" b# g7 m* z/ ^8 }
MOP草, |( X( I3 R$ M# o
[&Green Tea Leaf&] = &绿茶叶&
[&Silkweed&] = &柔丝草& ' @: K7 F7 b0 e/ Z: E) ]
[&Golden Lotus&] = &黄金莲&8 Q, L2 [7 @( O8 A
[&Fool's Cap&] = &愚人菇&' C) q$ v& `/ l8 s- x6 K
[&Rain Poppy&] = &雨粟花&
[&Snow Lily&] = &雪百合&4 L; _" h0 r7 e4 M& c7 {
[&Sha-Touched Herb&] = &染煞草药&, c: C3 x- j5 c0 P&&W) ]5 ?' c. N7 y
MOP矿1 ?&&d+ H1 C) w5 _) o&&g1 t
[&Ghost Iron Deposit&] = &幽冥铁矿脉&
[&Rich Ghost Iron Deposit&] = &富幽冥铁矿脉&" O9 W8 P2 z/ `+ U; _
[&Kyparite Deposit&] = &凯帕琥珀矿脉&: V; f" c( ~. O, `
[&Rich Kyparite Deposit&]= &富凯帕琥珀矿脉&5 @- Q1 p* c' F( z0 T5 ?&&K
[&Trillium Vein&] = &延极矿脉&. O# N+ f1 H, u1 ?
[&Rich Trillium Vein&] = &富延极矿脉&
( ~6 |; {6 J! [. M
挺好 感谢楼主


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