
&>&&>&&>&>关于我的偶像的初中英语作文: My Idol正文
关于我的偶像的初中英语作文: My Idol-英文作文初中英语作文&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
这篇关于我的偶像的初中英语作文: My Idol&希望大家认真阅读,好好感受,勤于思考,多读多练,从中吸取精华。
My idol is Chairman Mao. I think he must be many people&s idol. He is a great hero. It is him makes us live a better life. Without him, maybe we still can&t satisfy our hunger nowadays. We may not live comfortable, eat delicious food and so on. All the happiness we have now maybe is due to his wise leadership. Though he made mistakes once, no one is perfet. I admire him. I think all the people should respect him.
关于我的偶像的初中英语作文: My Idol&是不是很好呢?同学们在欣赏的同时也要注意积累知识,多写多练,这样才能更好的提高自己的水平,/zUOweN频道伴你成长!
& 我的偶像英语作文
wei chen (english name: vision) is a chinese pop singer and actor who rose to fame through televised singing competitions.biographywei participated in the XX season of super boy,a famous national televised singing competition in china, and placed third. in the compitition, wei's contagious performances and sunny image had won him so much attention.wei was born on feb.22th in 1986. he was grew up in lanzhou, gansu province, china. in high school, he started having vocal music and piano lessons and later attended the sichuan conservatory of music. as a professional singers, he also good at piano, guitar, hulusi, guxun.there are 3 people in his family: father, mother and grandmother. his mother was a former singer.in XX, after super boy,wei participated in just the two of us with rujjana utaiwan from thailand, and the duo finished in second place.in XX, he co-starred in the movie shi qi (十七), starring joan chen and sam chow. in the film, he acts tian yi(chinese:天翊) who is a sunny boy and the friend of the leading man shi qi of the film.in XX, he filmed the television series let's go watch the meteor shower (tv series) . in the tv series, wei acts as ye shuo, an expert on computer. ye is a staid, introverted and he is clear about that who to love and who to hate. in his university, the university of alistun, a series of romantic stories are happened on ye and his 3 friends. ye falls in love with an elder lady who is not approved to a love of a younger man. but his persistence finally win he and the lady a happy ending. on the other side, ye hates and opposes his brother because of his carelessness to their family. however, they make peace in the end of the story and get more understanding on the importance of family.discographyrelease title china pop song charts peak weekly position song XX.05.29 &super boy season 1: wei chen& & XX.07.26 &shao nian you& & XX.01.02 &le tian pai& (1st ep) 14 yi ge ren shui 27 boys (featuring he jie) XX.10.29 &jia you! ni you me!& (with alan) 7 jia you! ni you me! XX.11.03 &you ni de xin fu& (with yu shasha)my idol my idol is leehom wang(王力宏).he is a talent singer.he can play many instrument.for example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. also,his songs are very good!such as &forever love&,&only one&,&mary says&,&the small love in big city&,&kiss goodbye&and so on. and he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. so many people like him very much. now,he concentrates on the chinese music . of course,he is very handsome.he also have the high academic records. he has many advantage,too.he is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. so many singers or actors are his friends.when he is making his cd,he even forgets the time and the meals.he is very earnest and gentle.i really take pride in his fans!
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我的偶像英文作文Myfavouritestar MyfavouritestarisismostfamousintheAsian.Heisveryhandsome. Heisborninanordinaryfamilyin1984inHeilongjiangChina. Hehasbeenawayfromhimhometownabouthim12yearsoldbyhimself. ThenheisgototheMinzuUniversityofChinastudy2001,HeistakepartinaHotChinaofSM. ThischangedhimlifeisadmittedtotheHotChina. ThenhegotoSourthyearslater,hejointaSuperJuniorband. Heisveryhard,allthetime,gettothesuccessnowdays.Iadmirehim,becauseheisstrongenough. Iwasverymovedbyhimstory.Ithinkheisthenationalpride. RecentlyheshoottheTVplayisQingChunWuTai.Thisisintwoparts. TodayheFansthroughouttheWorld.Iwillforeversupporthim. 译文; 我喜欢的明星是韩庚。他在亚洲是最出名的明星之一。他非常帅。1984年,他出生在中国的黑龙江的一个普通家庭。他独自一个人离开他的故乡大约在他12岁的时候。然后在中央民族学习舞蹈。在2001年,他参加了SM公司的HotChina。这次改变了他永远的生活。他入选了HotChina。然后他去了韩国,两年后加入了SuperJunior组合。他一直都很努力才获得现在的成就。我很敬佩他,因为他很坚强,他的故事使我感动。我认为他是民族的骄傲。最近他拍摄了电视剧青春舞台,它很好看。今天他的Fans遍及整个世界.我会永远支持他的。【扩展阅读篇】 作文是决定语文考试成绩的“半壁江山”,因此作文的成败往往决定了整个语文考试的成败。那么怎样让考试作文得高分呢?我觉得以下几点必须注意。 1、题和立意凡考试作文必须审题,原因是考生要在同一环境下,作公平的竞争。审题,就是要对试题展现的所有内容作全面、准确的审读和理解,把命题者的意图读出来,把题目的各种限制审清楚,明确要我写什么,怎么写,写到什么程度,真正做到全面领会,深刻把握,不偏不漏、不折不扣地按要求写作文。作文评判明确规定,凡审题有问题的试卷最后得分一般都不超过二类卷最低分。由此可见,审题的准确与否是作文成败的关键因素。立意,就是要作者站在时代的高度,去观察、认识生活,提炼主题,使主题体现时代的精神,既反映时代,也作用于时代,跳动时代的脉搏,推动着时代的前进。文章的“意”, 其实就是作者在体验生活中逐步孕育而成的一种思想,是作者的主观认识与客观实际相“撞击”的产物,它反映作者的思想水平、认识水平以及在社会生活中形成的世界观、人生观、价值观等。近两年的作文教改提倡学生写真实生活、真实自我,有些同学忽视了对文章思想倾向的把握,看问题不全面,观点偏激,更有甚者由腐败现象而怀疑党的领导和党的政策。尽管当今的中国社会政治清明,言论自由,话说错了不会追查什么政治问题,但作为未来社会的建设者,正确的是非观还是应该有的。这一点必须注意。   2、标题和段落标题是文章的眼睛,也是阅卷老师对文章的第一印象,特别是自拟题目写作,阅卷老师很看重考生所拟的标题。俗话说:“秧好一半谷,题好一半文”,可见题目的重要性。有些考生先写正文再拟标题,文章写好后也许是没有时间写标题,也许是忘了补写标题。虽然评分规定无标题扣2分,但实际结果却远非2分。有人曾做过这样的实验,将几篇写得较好的作文,按保留标题和隐去标题两种类型请两组老师分别予以阅卷,其分数差别一般都在5分以上。这是因为阅卷老师对无标题作文产生了一种心理距离,不知不觉便降低了分数等级。至于如何拟题,我觉得应做到这样几条:①确切。指符合文章内容,也指遣词造句符合规范)。②精练。指标题字数恰当。③生动。指题目能体现出一种活力,具有可读性,饶有情趣。④新颖。指有新视角、新思路、新感悟,能够给人一种新鲜感。⑤有意蕴。指有内在的含义。拟题多种多样,可以运用修辞拟题,可以引用俗语拟题,可以化用古语拟题,可以借用成语拟题,可以套用流行语拟题,也可以巧用其他学科公式或符号拟题等等,考生可以根据自己的情况灵活运用。段落:考试作文最忌首、腹、尾三段式的结构。把文章分为几段更好?千字以内的作文,我觉得分为5-8个自然段就可以了。因为自然段分得越自然,越显得你成熟老练。另外,要把每一段的首句写好。每一段的首句犹如人的眉目,把首句写好,“眉清目秀”,整个段落都显着精神。 3、文体和内容高考作文试题对文体的要求有两类:一类是规定必须写某种文体,如“写一篇议论文”;另一类是排除写某种文体,如“除外,其他文体不限”。考生必须按规定的文体去写。近几年高考作文题中“文体不限”,让考生自由选择文体,这里要特别注意,文体不限不是不要文体,而是要你在选择了一种文体后,一定要按这种文体特点写作,要写什么象什么。不可随心所欲,写成不伦不类的“四不像”文章。文章内容方面:不假思索就能想到的东西,绝对不要写;稍加思索想到的也不要写;花上几分钟,想别人想不到的内容来写。记叙文最好将主人公设定为自己,用第一人称入文,让“我”的激情在文章中闪光,情真意切,引起共鸣。议论文切忌大话、套话、废话,要避免空发议论,无病呻吟,滥提口号,乱发号召,空表决心等等。作文可以虚构,“允许”编写故事,但不等于提倡“编写故事”,编写故事要做到“大胆想象,自圆其说”。滥编、胡编,绝对不会得高分。 4、开头和结尾应试作文的开头结尾,就是文章的刀刃。平时在课内外所学的各种开头结尾的方法完全可以用在应试作文上。不管你使用什么方法开头和结尾,必须做到开头起笔入题,结尾点明主旨。为了给评卷老师一个好的印象,开头结尾千万不要涂抹。有道是:良好的开端是成功的一半。可有些考生犯“入题慢”的毛病:有的把大段的原材料全部照搬;有的把本来简洁的原材料进行扩展;有的开篇摆材料,古今中外,慢慢道来。开篇松散,占去了大量的篇幅,后面的真正应该说的内容却“千呼万唤不出来”,有的只是一笔带过,草草收兵,比例严重失调,使老师难以衡量其实际写作水平。古人写文章讲究“凤头”、“猪肚”、“豹尾”,这是有一定道理的。可有些考生作文来不及刹尾,或用一句话硬断,或点上一串省略号,这样即使你雕出了“凤头”,壮大了“猪肚”,也会因为没有“豹尾”而不成其好文章,得不到高分。阅卷老师衡量一篇文章的好坏,首先是看其整体。所以,考生交给老师的无论如何也应是一篇完整的作文。 5、语言和字数考试作文语言要规范准确,具有个性和活力。不要文白夹杂;不要使用别人看不懂的方言和词汇;少用长句多用短句;可引进部分时代新词汇,引用名言警句,引用流行的通俗歌曲歌词,引用百姓口头民谣,但取向一定要积极向上,真正让语言亮起来。照理说,文章是表情达意的工具,有话则长,无话则短,似乎不应有字数的限制。但考试作文,作为一种特殊形式的作文,为了达到一定的考查目的,并考虑到考试时间等因素,一般对字数都作了规定。我们必须按照规定去做。限最低字数的,一定要写够数量或稍微超过50—100字才好。字数不足,虽然评分标准规定,不足字数的,每少50字扣1分,但实际情况是,字数不足往往被认为文章内容单薄,分数很难上档次。限最高字数的,不要超过。否则,给人一种臃肿的感觉,再说,作文写得长,花的时间多,解答前面的题用的时间少,必定会受到影响。如果没有限最高字数,一般就是以作文纸为限,即要在作文纸格子内行文。千万不要自作多情,超出作文格子,以免出力不讨好。 6、书写和卷面近年高考作文评分标准中,书写都占相当的比分。一般不要求写得好看,但要求书写整齐易辨认,一笔一画清清楚楚,不写草字。标点符号书写也要规范,特别是格式要正确,句号、逗号、问号、叹号、顿号、分号不要出现在一行之首;引号、括号、书名号前半不出现在一行之末,可以在这些符号后面挤着写一个字;引号、括号、书名号后一半不出现在一行之首,可以把这些符号挤在上一行之末。省略号、破折号占两个格,不能断开,写不下时挤在一行之末。至于作文的卷面,正如人的容貌一样,给人的印象是重要的,尤其是高考作文,卷面整洁与否直接影响着阅卷老师的心理和情绪,书写工整,卷面清洁,让人一看心中先喜三分,其结果是可想而知的。 7、检查与修改考试作文试题和其他试题一样,做完后也需要认真检查,看有没有笔误的错别字,有没有不通顺的句子,有没有需要调整的内容。审查发现了错别字、错用了词语一定要修改过来,对于句段该删的要删掉,该增的要增补,只是要改得清楚、整洁,使人一目了然。不能因为修改而影响了卷面的整洁。 【推荐阅读】 考场作文万能写作技巧:万能写作技巧 本站更多精品作文:作文频道 作文频道网址: /zuowen
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我的偶像(My idol)
我的偶像(My idol)
Have you got someone in your heart ?Is there anybody who you will think of when you are in trouble?If so , congratulations , you've got an idol!
Like many adolescents ,I admired sport starts very much.The one who I adored most is Allen Iverson----an NBA baskeball player.It's well known that NBA is symbolic of the highest level of basketball in the world .It's the dream of all the basketball players around the world and it really gathered most of the best players from every country .Among all of the basketball stars ,Allen Iverson is a differt one . Allen is a small guy in his working field , only about 1.83 m,it's hard to imagine how to struggle well with this stature in the most fierce battlefield of NBA . However, it seemed that to be a little short cannot stop his step for his dream .Everybody who has seen his show in basketball court has a deep impression about his skills and the eagerness for victory.And it's also a legend of his history .Some fans summarize Allen's life into three words:"Blood,tears and sweat"Allen really set a good example to youngsters who like him.Just like many American negroes ,Allen led a poor childhood,he had no money to buy new clothes ,no big rooms to live in ,even had no father to love cause his family is incomplete.What he had is basetball, the whole of his life.He knows only basketball can change his life ,can bring his family good future ,can take his relatives far from hunger and death.So he tried hard to play basketball,he trained harder than anybody else .And finally, he succeeded !The famous saying of Allen Iverson is :"Only the strong survive!"That has become the convictions among the young people who want to achieve their goals.
Life isn't a bed of roses,only the strong survive!I have grown up ,it's time for me to strive for my own dream, like a real man , like my idol--Allen Iverson


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