
Windows版的Mathematica的图形界面是由两个部分组成的,一个是最上面那个长条的“菜单栏”,通称main bar,是放置各种系统菜单的地方,可以认为是Mathematica图形界面的“主窗口”;另一个部分是各个笔记本(Notebook)窗口,是实际工作的地方,可以认为每一个都是一个“子窗口”。关闭main bar就直接关闭整个Mathematica了(包括所有的kernel)。Linux版的Mathematica的图形界面略有不同,每个子窗口上部都有全套的系统菜单项,相当于把Windows下的main bar集成到每个子窗口上了,关闭任何子窗口都不会导致整个Mathematica退出,需要使用菜单项中的“退出”来实现之。Mac版没有用过,印象不深了。界面截图请自行查看官方网站或者ask Google。谢邀
就是jimogsh说的那样。&br&我在网上找了个截图:&br&&img data-rawheight=&561& data-rawwidth=&581& src=&/70326acc44aff118ed093ac9c1b8203a_b.jpg& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&581& data-original=&/70326acc44aff118ed093ac9c1b8203a_r.jpg&&(图片来自&a href=&///?target=http%3A//& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&&&/span&&span class=&invisible&&&/span&&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&。)&br&如果把下面的工作窗口关了,那就只剩一个菜单栏了。&br&不过不同操作系统会有所不同。
就是jimogsh说的那样。 我在网上找了个截图: (图片来自。) 如果把下面的工作窗口关了,那就只剩一个菜单栏了。 不过不同操作系统会有所不同。
打开以后你按ctrl_N试试会不会出来一个编辑的界面。。或者,你截个图呗,就是你双击完图标后出来的界面。 默认的界面和任何一代的Mathematica都差不多一样的,一个菜单栏一个工作窗口。Windows下是这样的。Linux下二者合一了,是一个带菜单栏的窗口。
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Installing Mathematica
Requirements for Installing Mathematica
Mathematica is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. For a complete list of platform availability, visit . Any supported machine can act as a client for running Mathematica, provided the following two conditions are met:
The client has access to the Mathematica files, either locally or from a file server on the network.
The license server running
is available on the TCP/IP network.
A license server can also function as its own client. However, this is not recommended. If the machine has to be rebooted for any reason, the serving of licenses to all other clients on the network may be disrupted.
If you wish to license Mathematica from a
license server,
should already be installed and running on a license server on the network (see
for details). To complete the Mathematica installation, you will need to know the name or IP address of the license server running .
To install Mathematica, you must be logged in with administrative privileges, or be able to elevate to administrative privileges. You also must activate Mathematica using the Wolfram User Portal in order to run it (see
for details).
Installing Mathematica from a File Server
One convenient way to install Mathematica on a client is to run the installer remotely from a file server. This is an efficient way of making Mathematica available to a large number of users without having to supply a CD/DVD to each one. You can install Mathematica from a file server on a client running any supported platform. It is not necessary that the client platform be the same as the file server platform.
To install Mathematica from a file server, you first must make the installer and Mathematica files available to the clients. You can do this by copying the contents of the CD/DVD to the file server and exporting the directory, or by exporting the CD/DVD mount point on the file server. Then, mount the directory with the Mathematica distribution on the client and change to this directory, and run the installer as usual.
Installing Mathematica from a file server requires first copying the installer executable and all files in the Mathematica distribution from the DVD onto the file server.
Starting the Mathematica Installer
The Windows Installer
Open the Windows directory from the DVD. Double-click the file Setup.exe to launch the installer and follow the prompts. The main Windows installer includes a custom setup option which allows you to control whether to install secondary components, including support for the Mathematica web browser plugin and components for indexing notebooks on the file system.
The Macintosh Installer
Mathematica may be installed by dragging the Mathematica application bundle into the Applications folder, as illustrated by the startup window when you insert the DVD. The DVD also includes an installer to install secondary components, including support for the Mathematica web browser plugin and for Spotlight and Quick Look support of Mathematica-created documents.
The Linux Installer
To install Mathematica under Linux,
1. &Mount the CD or DVD. For information on mounting a CD/DVD, see .
Note: This step may not be required on most Linux distributions, as most operating systems automatically handle mounting.
2. &Change directory to /cdrom/Unix/Installer. Note that the exact location of the CD/DVD mount point might be different for your platform.
3. &Run the installer. Default installation under /usr/local requires root privileges.
sudo bash
4. &Follow the installer prompts.
Installing Mathematica from a Script
If you are installing Mathematica on multiple machines, it can be time consuming to respond to all of the installer prompts on each individual machine. By supplying command-line options to the installer, you can customize various features of the installation process or automate it entirely.
/dir=&C:\path\here&specify the installation directory
DisableShellVerbsdisable file associations for .m, .nb, .nbp, etc. (enabled by default)
/group=&start menu folder name&specify the start menu folder name
/noicons disable creation of start menu folder and shortcuts
/norestartdo not restart the system, even if necessary
/restartexitcode=codespecify the installer exit code to return if restart is necessary
/silentforce an automatic installation and suppress installation windows
/suppressmsgboxessuppress installer message boxes (only effective when used in conjuction with /silent)
Mathematica Installer supported command-line options.
Creating a Script That Performs a Silent Mathematica Installation:
The following instructions explain how to write a simple script to silently install Mathematica from a file server. These instructions require that you have a mathpass file with a valid password. See
for more information on sitewide mathpass configurations.
1. &Follow the instructions in the first part of
to copy the installer and files from the DVD to a file server.
2. &Copy your mathpass file to the same directory on the file server as the installer and Mathematica files.
3. &Open Notepad (Start Menu ▶ Programs ▶ Accessories ▶ Notepad) and type the following lines into a new file.
4. &Change all instances of \\server\math to the pathname of the network share where the Mathematica installation files and mathpass file were copied.
5. &Change &C:\Directory\Name& to the directory listed here for your version of Windows. Be sure to enclose the name of the directory in quotes.
Windows 7/Vista—&C:\ProgramData\Mathematica\Licensing&
Windows XP—&C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Mathematica\Licensing&
Note: These directories are the values of
for different versions of Windows. See
for further information.
6. &To save the file, choose File ▶ Save. Save the file in the same directory as the Mathematica installation files. Type the file name install.bat and choose All Files from the Save as type popup menu. Click Save, then quit Notepad.
Performing a Silent Mathematica Installation:
1. &On the client, open a Command Prompt window, type the pathname of the install.bat file, and press Enter. For example, if the network share is called \\server\math, type:
The following messages are displayed.
2. &The installation is now complete. If you see any messages other than those printed here, check the file C:\Windows\Temp\install.log on the client machine for further information.
Installing Mathematica in this way eliminates the need to take the DVD to each client machine, and saves time by allowing you to run a simple script instead of responding to the installer questions.
-autoforce the installation to proceed automatically without prompting the user for any information
-createdir=valuespecify whether or not to create the directories specified by the options -targetdir and -execdir
-execdir=dirspecify the path to be used for the symbolic links to the executable scripts
-helpdisplay information about the installer options
-method=typedefine the type of installation you would like to perform
-overwrite=valuespecify whether the installer should overwrite any files that already exist in the target directory
-platforms=valuespecify the system ID of the Linux platform or platforms for which you want to do the installation
-selinux=valuespecify whether the installer should attempt to modify the security context of any included libraries so that it will function properly
-silentforce an automatic installation (equivalent to the -auto option)
-targetdir=dirspecify the installation directory
-verbosedisplay detailed information about the files and directories being installed
MathInstaller command-line options.
Note: Default values are used for any options that are not specified explicitly on the command line.
Valid input for -createdir is y for yes or n for no. By default, this value is set to y.
The default directory for -execdir is /usr/local/bin. This option only works with an automatic installation.
The values for -method may vary by product. When this option is applicable, the values can be determined by running the installer. The default value for this option is Full.
Valid input for -overwrite is y for yes or n for no. By default, this value is set to y. This option only works with an automatic installation.
The default for -platforms is the system you are installing on, if that information is available to the installer. This option only works with an automatic installation.
Valid input for -selinux is y for yes or n for no. By default, this value is set to n.
The option -silent suppresses any output from being displayed on the screen. The output is instead written to a file named InstallerLog-number. If the installation is unsuccessful, the log file is saved in the /tmp directory. Otherwise, the file is moved to the target directory and renamed InstallerLog.
The directory specified for -targetdir corresponds to the value of the global variable $InstallationDirectory. The default value is /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/9.0. This option only works with an automatic installation.
To complete the installation in one step, run a command like the following.
./MathInstaller -auto -targetdir=/home/mathematica
To do the same using the sudo command, you may need to use sudo's -- flag.
sudo ./MathInstaller -- -auto -targetdir=/home/mathematica
This allows you to complete the installation automatically in one step, while still being able to customize various details such as the directory to install to. You are not prompted to enter your password using this method, so you will need to enter a password the first time Mathematica is launched.
If you are doing many installations, you might find it convenient to include the MathInstaller command with all the relevant options in a shell script. Running the shell script is then an easy way to do an identical customized installation on multiple machines. You can further simplify the installation process by including a line in your script that copies an existing mathpass file to the appropriate location on the newly installed machine. Note that MathInstaller must be run from the directory in which it is located, so your script may require a command to change directory. See
for information on sitewide mathpass configurations.
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Windows, OSX, Linux
6.44Gb 计算点击复制内容Mathematica是世界上最强大的通用计算系统。自1988首次发布以来,它对如何在科技和其它领运用计算机产生了深刻的影响。基于26年世界级运算法则和软件的开发, Mathematica在扩展涉及领域和适用性上做出了重大突破并重新定义了我们对计算方法的理解。Mathematica独特的符号结构使Mathematica可以给我们带来一个全新的语言与界面的统一。这种概念可以使运算法则的自动计算、人机对话的操作以及动态表示都到达一个新的水平,同时可创造一个与数据世界相连接的新方式。自Mathematica首次发布以来,它的用户群一直在稳步的增长,目前用户总数以百万计。Mathematica已成为许多机构的标准工具, 使用范围包括财富50强的所有公司,美国政府15个主要机构,和全球最大的50所大学。Mathematica囊括了大量可立即计算的数据。用户可以通过编程访问这些数据,并且也可以通过Wolfram Research的数据服务器自动更新数据。某些数据如股票价格和天气数据都是实时递送的。产品概述几乎任何涉及计算结果的工作流程,都能用Mathematica来实现―从建立对冲基金交易网站、出版交互式工程教科书,到开发嵌入图像识别算法,甚至微积分教学,它无所不能。Mathematica作为计算领域的终极应用软件而享誉世界。但它的能力远不仅限于此,它是唯一一个将计算与完整工作流程完全融合的开发平台。从一个最初的创意出发,到最终个人或企业解决方案的部署,从始至终,乃至中间的每一环节,都可以由它来实现。功能综述(1) 核心计算Mathematica 在一个单个系统中收集了世界上最全的算法,每个算法均能跨领域应用于数值、符号或图形输入,它为在各领域的数学计算和方程求解提供广范围的覆盖。图和网络Mathematica 包括大量基本的图操作和算法,包括寻找路径、圈、团等。创建特殊图系列,产生随机图或构建交互式图。导入和导出到标准的图和矩阵格式。数论一个完整的函数库涵盖乘法、分析、加法和代数数论,包括因式分解、质数、同余以及模运算,使得Mathematica 成为数论实验、探索和证明的理想平台。概率和统计Mathematica 全面覆盖统计和数据分析,这意味着它比其它系统具有更多的统计分布;可以直接从数据中定义分布,支持典型的统计、大规模数据分析,统计模型分析,探索性数据分析,符号操纵和数值分析、图表等。(2) 数值计算Mathematica 利用符号式计算的功能,使数值计算更快更准确。对自动算法选择和任意数值精度的支持进一步增强了 Mathematica 在线性代数、求积分、局部和全局最优化、微分方程求解等许多领域的功能数值方程求解Mathematica 包含了函数和联立方程组的数值求根方法。具体有牛顿法、割线法、布伦特法,以及专用于求多项式方程组的有效数值解的方法。面向任务的自动求解器面向任务的 Mathematica 函数通过自动选择适当的数值方法求解问题,甚至还可以在计算过程中切换不同的方法。而且,在 Mathematica 中有上百种方法可供选择,所以这种经过优化的算法选择方式比手动指定而言,无论速度还是可靠性都有很大的提高。积分与求和计算单维和多维数值积分以及序列的数值求和与乘积。提供了多种积分方法,例如:全局自适应细分、高斯和Clenshaw-Curtis求积分规则,以及专用的多维和振荡规则。微分方程数值求解延迟和微分代数方程、偏微分方程和任意阶数的非线性微分方程组。Mathematica 的内置方法包括隐式和显式朗格-库塔和多步方法,以及刚性方程、直线法等专用方法。(3) 图形与可视化图形与可视化对于函数、数据、图表、图像或者注释等,Mathematica 的可视化引擎不仅可以为您生成高质量的静态与动态图形表示,而且能够自动取得计算效率和视觉复杂度之间的最佳平衡。交互式的图形和动画Mathematica 图形完全集成于它的动态交互式语言中。可以使用单个命令即时地实现任意图形的动画效果或者与其互动,并开发相应的动态可视化应用程序。函数可视化利用以区域和数量为导向的隐式绘图、自动奇异性分析、任意绘图区域和网格覆盖等方法,Mathematica 可即时创建美观、准确的二维和三维图形。内置类型全面的可视化函数集合,包括极线图和球形图、等高线图和密度图、参数型线条和曲面图,以及矢量和流线图。特定领域的可视化Mathematica 提供对许多应用领域提供专业的可视化支持,比如金融、统计、图论、控制系统、小波等等。创建并且使用蜡烛图、分位数图、箱须图、波特图以及许多其它领域的专用可视化图形。(4) 数据源与分析Mathematica 可以将您导入的数据与Wolfram|Alpha的可计算数据结合起来,并且立即使用高级模型和数据拟合、信号处理、分类或者统计方法进行分析。由于具备了高度自定义的数据可视化功能,您可以以崭新的方式查看所得结果。数据库链接Mathematica 可以与任何标准SQL数据库链接,支持安全链接、结果集、连接池和事务处理。它提供了数据库、查询条件和结果的一个高级符号表示,以及全面支持传统的基于字符串的SQL查询条件。数据可视化Mathematica 囊括了可视化二维和三维空间中的结构化和非结构化数据的所有函数集。内置函数包括等高线和密度图线;点、线和面图线;矢量图和流线图;直方图;以及标准统计图表,如饼图、柱状图、气泡图和分位数图。直接访问Wolfram|Alpha数据即时访问Wolfram|Alpha日益增长的数据集。可计算各个领域内超过10万亿字节的数据,这些领域包括科学、工程、金融、社会经济学等。您不仅可以通过编程访问这些数据,也可以采用日常英语进行查询。(5) 编程与开发Mathematica 为开发各种规模的项目提供了一个流水线式的工作流。作为一种灵活的符号式语言,Mathematica 支持多语言模态、高级调试工具、自动界面构建等等,因而可以简化从最初设计到最终部署的整个开发过程。独一无二的符号式语言Mathematica 统一地将数据、程序、公式、图形、文档等表示为符号表达式。而这种统一的表示方式仅在 Mathematica 独特的符号式语言中才可能实现,因而用户可以很容易地开发任何程序,从简单的applet小程序到复杂的软件系统。完全自定义的图形用户界面的快速实现从简单的工具栏到精巧的面板和复杂的应用程序,Mathematica 使用户界面的开发变得很简单。Mathematica 中的界面组件以符号形式指定,因而可以自动确定布局、控件类型和与变量之间的连接,以流水线方式构建界面,并且还可以缩短开发时间。(6) 交互性与图形界面Mathematica 为开发各种规模的项目提供了一个流水线式的工作流。作为一种灵活的符号式语言,Mathematica 支持多语言模态、高级调试工具、自动界面构建等等,因而可以简化从最初设计到最终部署的整个开发过程。独一无二的符号式语言Mathematica 统一地将数据、程序、公式、图形、文档等表示为符号表达式。而这种统一的表示方式仅在 Mathematica 独特的符号式语言中才可能实现,因而用户可以很容易地开发任何程序,从简单的applet小程序到复杂的软件系统。完全自定义的图形用户界面的快速实现从简单的工具栏到精巧的面板和复杂的应用程序,Mathematica 使用户界面的开发变得很简单。Mathematica 中的界面组件以符号形式指定,因而可以自动确定布局、控件类型和与变量之间的连接,以流水线方式构建界面,并且还可以缩短开发时间。(7) 部署与连接报告、演讲、网页、应用程序―― Mathematica 提供各种部署选项方便您交付成果。它们完美地集成于您的工作流程,并提供各种方式连接、控制以及与外部数据源和系统一起工作。集群部署gridMathematica 的自动进程协调和管理使得应用程序可以跨集群并行运行以获得更快的执行速度。由Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager创建的Ad hoc本地集群使得并行的 Mathematica 任务如虎添翼。实时图像获取借助内置图像捕捉,Mathematica 可以很容易地从相机中获得单幅图像以及图像流,并使用广范围的图像处理、小波分析、图形渲染等功能进行实时处理。可计算数据集包括:天文数据:155,000个天体的99个属性化学数据:34,000个化合物的111个属性,118个化学元素的86个属性以及1000个亚原子粒子的35个属性地缘政治数据:237个国家的225个属性,以及全世界160,000个城市的14个属性金融数据:186,000个股票和金融工具的历史和实时属性数学数据:187种多面体的89个属性,3000种图的258个属性,6种knots的63个属性,21种晶格结构的37个属性,52个测地学方案的32个属性语言数据:149,000个英语单词的37个属性。26个其他语言的词典生物医学数据:所有40,000个人类基因的41个数据,27,000类蛋白质的30个属性天气数据:全球17,000个气象站的43个实时和历史的测量数据Wolfram Alpha数据:来自Wolfram Alpha的亿万兆数据主要功能特性动态交互性引入全新的即时界面,Mathematica实现了一个前所未有的交互计算方式高效果自适应可视化自动创建高保真度的函数和数据图形数据集成语言包括数百种标准数据格式的自动集成可供随时使用的已归类数据数学、物理学、化学、金融学、地理学、语言学…符号界面结构从简易程序中即时创建任意界面自动化计算美学全新算法优化的视觉展示图形、文本和控制的统一性让动态图形和控制结构完美融入文字编辑和其它输入集成几何计算全自动图形显示组合优化约束非线性优化新一代数值积分新类特殊函数数字理论辅助的扩展公式理论的证明探索性数据分析符号统计计算高阶字符串计算排列计算的扩展符号性声音辅助动态图形输入集成图形编辑和绘制扩展图形语言即时三维图形内建游戏手柄及HID辅助三维打印及扫描辅助瞬时多媒体编程讲演创建结构的流水线过程自动报表显示符号报告的生成即时编码注释瞬时高阶调试全新参考结构Wolfram Mathematica 10.0.0 | 4.2 GbWolfram Research, one of the world’s most respected computer, web, and cloud software companies―as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation, announce the release of a major new version of Mathematica: Mathematica 10. New release represents the single biggest jump in new functionality in the entire history of Mathematica.Launching Mathematica 10― with 700+ New Functions and a Crazy Amount of R-), quickly draw the map of France on a parabola, or solve differential equations with 100,000+ solutions (Mathematica 11 will raise it up to \(10^{500}\) solutions which will kill all the individuals screaming that the landscape is intractable).There are huge new algorithmic capabilities in Mathematica 10 in graph theory, image processing, control theory and lots of other areas. And you may find hundreds of similar sentences in Wolfram’s description. Each sentence corresponds to a googolplex of new functions and tricks that Mathematica 10 can do for you.What new in Mathematica 10.0: /mathematica/new-in-10/About Wolfram ResearchFounded by Stephen Wolfram in 1987, Wolfram Research is one of the world’s most respected computer, web, and cloud software companies―as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. As pioneers in computation and computational knowledge, we have pursued a long-term vision to develop the science, technology, and tools to make computation an ever-more-potent force in today’s and tomorrow’s world.Over the course of more than a quarter of a century, we have progressively built an unprecedented base of technology that now makes possible our broad portfolio of innovative products. At the center is the revolutionary Wolfram Language, which defines a unique convergence of computation and knowledge.Name: Wolfram MathematicaVersion: 10.0.0Home: Blog:Interface: multilanguageOS: Windows / MacOsxSize: 6.44Gb项目演示视频:/?source=footer分享互联,分享快乐来源:谷普下载}


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