如果有约,我们你是谁 就会遇到谁是那本书里的句子

用定语从句翻译下列句子 1 这就是你要的那本书 2 他就是我们刚才讨论的那个人 3 我永远记得我参_百度知道&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
八年级英语牛津8A Unit 45课时检查及单元练习
Unit Five Bird-watchers助你解题(
)1. (安徽中考)They all looked __ at the teacher when he told them the good news.A. sadly
B. happily
C. carefully
D. angrily导析
本题look是行为动词,要看清从句的意思,老师告诉的是好消息当然选高兴的副词形式,故选B。2.(南通中考)Please say it louder. I can't hear you (清楚地).导析
)3. (金华中考)-Tell him to come to see me, will you?-Sure. I'll let him know when he ____.A. return
B. returns
C. will return
D. returned导析
)4. (扬州中考)-Don't forget to give my wishes to your mother.           -____________________________.           A. No, I won't
B. OK, I will           C. Yes, I would
D. Yes, I do导析
本题较难,回答祈使句常常须用一般将来时,表示会这样做或不再这样做了。题目第一句意思是别忘了问候你的母亲,第二句回答就该用好的,我会的。故选B。5. (北京中考)(
) The children will climb the hill if it __________ tomorrow.A. won't rain
B. didn't rainC. doesn't rain
D. isn't raining导析
) (河南中考) 6. -Where is Mr Yu, do you know?-Well, it's hard to say. But I saw him ________ a football just now.A. was watching
B. watchingC. had watched
D. watched导析
该题考查see的用法,see是感官动词,后接不带to的动词不定式,或动词-ing, him是宾格,所以不是宾语从句,A不能选,故本题选B。(
) 7. (陕西中考) He is a man of _________ views.A. broad
D. abroad导析
本题句意为"他是一个见识广广博的人"。修饰人的"宽阔"用broad; widely是"广泛地、范围广地";wide是"广大的",一般修饰物;而abroad则表示"在国外"。供你积累洋县朱鹮自然保护区濒于灭绝的珍禽朱鹮,1981年5月在秦岭南坡的洋县境内被重新发现,这是我国自1964年以来复查到的第一个野生朱鹮群体。朱鹮属鹮形目,成鸟似雁,通体白色,翅膀粉红色,头部朱红色,十分美丽,在世界上被列为一类珍贵保护动物。保护区位于秦岭南坡中山与低山丘陵的过渡地带,海拔800-1600米,河谷宽广,水资源丰富,大部分为森林所覆盖。现在,保护站已接待了日本、法国等国的科学家前来考察观赏,已成为陕西省发展特种旅游的独特资源。  朱鹮是当今世界上濒临灭绝的鸟类和中国的四大国宝(大熊猫、朱鹮、金丝猴、羚牛)之一,被誉为"世界珍禽"和"东方宝石"。1960年第十二届世界鸟类学会议将其列为"国际重点保护鸟",被我国列为一类保护动物。保护环境和发展经济是当今世界的两大热点问题。珍禽朱鹮历史上曾广泛分布于中国、日本、朝鲜、独联体东部。本世纪五十年代以来,由于栖息地环境逐渐恶化,朱鹮数量急剧减少。朝鲜(1978板门店最后一次见到)、独联体境内(1963年哈桑最后一次见到)的朱鹮相继灭迹。日本国早在1934年指定朱鹮为"天然纪念物",1952年指定为"特别天然纪念物"当时尚有32只,1974年减少至10只,1996年底随着最后一只老龄朱鹮死去,朱鹮在日本绝迹。1978年国务院环保领导小组和林业部决定寻找研究朱鹮,委托中国科学院动物研究所组成考察小组,对朱鹮出现过的地区进行考察。终于在1981年5月中旬,在陕西省汉中市洋县境内秦岭南坡中山地带发现了幸存下来的七只野生朱鹮群体,引起了国内关注。从此使中国成为目前世界上唯一有野生朱鹮种群分布的国家。多年来,国家和地方各级政府高度重视对朱鹮的保护和拯救。陕西省政府于1986年决定成立了"陕西省朱鹮保护观察站"全面对朱鹮实施保护、观察、拯救、饲养、繁殖。现已使朱鹮数量达到80只,为中国和世界濒临物种的保护、拯救做出了重要贡献。为使朱鹮这一"东方宝石"在世界上大放光彩,还需要全社会都树立起保护环境的意识,让社会更加了解朱鹮,人人行动起来,为保护自己的生态环境做贡献。请你品读  Protecting the Birds  The birds, as the symbol of the volitation and freedom, act a very important part in human life. In the compositions written by children who love the nature, the four words---"birds' singing, flowers' fragrance" even more incarnate the true meaning of nature.  However now, when people wake up in the morning, push the windows, how many of them can hear the sweet singing from the birds? In our capital---Beijing and some other big cities, the bird markets have a all-time development with fewer and fewer birds in the nature. According to the numbers disclosed by concerned departments, about one million birds in Beijing and two million and six hundred thousand birds in Guangzhou are sold in the bird market every year. And every one bird is caught into the cage, which means nine birds are dead during the catch and traffic.  In Zhanjiang City Guangdong, the circumstance of arresting, trading and killing precious and scarce beneficial birds is further intensified. When late autumn comes, the bird markets forms spontaneously. That's because of its natural conditions and old bad habits --- whenever the autumn wind blows, the idle farmers on the Leizhou Byland all go out to catch the birds of passage which come here to overwinter and other beneficial birds. They use different kinds of tools like powder guns, nets and traps, they call it by a good name of "To live depending on the nature", the oppidans also taste the birds racily, they called it "to build up health in winter", so there is no escape for the beneficial birds. According to the incomplete statistic, there are more than two thousand birds markets like this in Guangdong. Over six to seven hundreds birds are sold in each market everyday---.  On the Jiaodong Byland in Shandong, every early November, swans fly here in groups to spend their warm winter from the far northern part. However, the local farmers live on killing swans actually, and they even form professional bands to catch swans. During one day, over forty swans lose their lives. In the middle of 1980s of last century, the local farmers began to circle the sea to build fields for feeding shrimps including the swan lakes, two of the three swan habitats were filled and leveled up.  We don't know if the environment and Aves experts' angst and appeals have got any responses from parties concerned, and yet what people can't forget is, there is still someone shot the cruising swans on the lake in a famous park in our capital Beijing only a few years ago.译文    保护鸟类  鸟类,作为飞翔和自由的象征,在人类的生活中扮演着十分重要的角色。在热爱自然的孩子们的作文里,"鸟语花香"四个字更是集中体现了大自然的真谛和精华。  但是现在,当清晨人们从睡梦中醒来,推开窗户,有多少人能够听到窗外清脆悦耳的鸟鸣?在首都北京及全国各大中城市,随着鸟类越来越少,鸟市却空前地兴旺起来。根据有关部门透露的数字,北京市每年有约100万只,广州市每年有260万只"笼养鸟"在市场上成交,而每有一只鸟被捉入笼子,就意味着有9只鸟在被捕捉和贩运的途中死去。     在广东湛江市,掠捕、摆卖、宰杀珍稀益鸟的情况变本加厉,愈演愈烈。一到深秋季节,鸟市就自发形成了。这是由于当地的自然条件和陈旧陋习......每逢秋风一起,雷州半岛农闲的一些山民们便纷纷出门捕捉到此过冬的候鸟及其他益鸟,动用火药枪、 网罩、圈套等多种工具、器械上阵,美其名曰"靠山吃山",而城里人也津津有味地品尝山珍野味,谓之"冬令进补",益鸟的命运也就在劫难逃了。据不完全统计,在广东省,这样的鸟市不下2000个,每个市场每天售出的各种益鸟都多达六七百只......    在山东的胶东半岛,每年的11月初,天鹅就成群结队地从遥远的北方飞来度过温凉的冬季。然而,当地的许多农民居然以捕杀天鹅为生,并成立了打天鹅专业队。一天下来便有40多只天鹅丧生。上世纪80年代中期,当地开始围海造田养虾,天鹅湖也在此之列,3 个天鹅栖息地被填平了两个。  环境及鸟类专家们的担心及呼吁,不知是否已得到有关方面的回应,可是人们不能忘记的是,在短短几年以前,在首都北京的一个有名的公园里,还有人端起枪向在湖中自由游戈的天鹅瞄准射击。能力展示坛基础篇Welcome to the unit一,将下列词组翻译成英语。1.去观鸟
4. 在中国北部______________5.宽马路______________
10.在农场______________二、用方框里所给词的适当形式填空。flying, board, forked, north, hooked, point, feather, strong, good, becauseAmong all the birds, I like the swallow ______. They have long ______ wings. They have _______ tails. They _____ to _______ countries in summer. They are both beautiful and clever. Golden eagles are almost the ________ birds in the world. They have brownish _______ and _______ wings. Their beaks are ________. I like them ________ they look cool.三、任务型阅读The peacock is a kind of lovely bird because it is beautiful when it opens its tail. So when children go to the zoo they always shake something colourful to make the peacock show its fine tail feathers.The peacock in the forests of southern Yunnan Province in China is green. The head of the peacock is covered with dark-green feathers. The face is light yellow. Its upper(上面的) tail feather are often used to make fans(扇子) or clothes.When a peacock wants to marry a peahen, it dances around his girlfriend and seems(似乎) to say, "Am I beautiful?"1. When does the peacock look beautiful?_____________________________________________2. Where do the green peacocks in China live?_____________________________________________3. Why chidren shake something colourful in the zoo?______________________________________________4. 根据文章内容猜词:Peacock ______________
peahen ___________________5. 将画线句子翻译成中文。_____________________________________________Reading一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Zha long is one of the world's most important ________ (wetland).2. The two girls talked so _
___ (noisy) in class that the teacher became very angry.3. Xie Tingfeng is ______
__ (happy) today because he lost his love.4. I think it is important for us ____
____(protect) birds.5. Keeping taking the lands means more and more wetlands will ___ __ (appear).6. If you
___ (not study) hard, you'll fail the exam.7. Our plane_____
___ (leave) at nine o'clock tonight.8. ___
__you____ ___ (go) to the airport tomorrow?9. What _______ (make) you so sad yesterday?10. Do you think ______ __ (give) is better than____
___ (receive)?二、根据课文内容判断正误,正确写"T",错误写"F"(
) 1. Zhalong is in Heilongjiang Province in north-west China.(
) 2. Many wild animals live in Zhalong because it's a very good home for them.(
) 3. All the red-crowned cranes in the world live in Zhalong.(
) 4. There will be less and less space for wildlife if people change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings.(
) 5. Zhalong is the only nature reserve for the endangered birds in China.(
) 6. Many tourists go to Zhalong to kill birds every year.(
) 7. Everybody knows the importance of wetlands.(
) 8. The Birdwatching Club wants to make many people take actions to protect wildlife.三、单项选择题(
) 1. The rich man ______ much food _______ the poor family during the hard time.  A. provided, to
B. provides, with  C. provided, for
D. provides, for(
) 2. He wants to put my schoolbag here. Can you make_______ for it?  A. a small space
B. some spaces  C. some rooms
D. some space(
) 3. She is too old to run_________ to catch the bus.  A. fast enough
B. fastly enough  C. enough fast
D. enough quickly(
) 4. I think ______ necessary for us to learn English well.  A. it
D. that's(
) 5. I love this game _______ I spend ______ time practicing.    A. and, much
B. and, a lotC. but, a lot of
D. but, many(
) 6. Do we need more people______ you ______ the apples?  A. help, pick
B. to help, pick  C. help, to pick
D. to help, picking(
) 7. This kind of bike looks ____ and sells ______ in the shop.  A. nice, well
B. good, good  C. nicely, well
D. cool, nice(
) 8. About one third of the city _________ by water.  A. is covering
B. is covered  C. are covered
D. are covering(
) 9. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _____ down too many trees.  A. keep people from cutting
B. prevent people from cutting  C. stop people cutting
D. all the above(
) 10. ____animals are in danger and there will be ___ space for them if we don't take any actions.  A. More and more, more and more
B. Less and less, less and less  C. More and more, less and less
D. Less and less, more and more四、翻译下列句子1. 政府应该为每个成年人(adult)提供工作。The ________________________________ jobs for ______________.2. 观鸟俱乐部一年做一次鸟的数量统计。The _________________ a bird _____________ a year.3. 每年许多鸟儿来这里停留很长时间。Every year many birds come here _________________.4. 这个商店一年到头都在出售福娃玩具。The shop ________ the Five Fu Wa toys ____________.5. 我没有足够的空间放自行车。I don't have __________ to _______ my bike.6. 越来越多的人感觉到学好英语的重要性。____________
people find the _________ of learning English well.7. 我认为保护这些濒危动物是所有人的责任。I think ________ these _________ animals _____ everyone's duty.8. 北京将在2008迎来比平常多得多的游客。There ______________ than usual in 2008 in Beijing.五、阅读理解  The elephant is the largest of all animals that live on land. An elephant's trunk(象鼻) is rather like an arm and a hand. It is used to pick up and pull things in its mouth .It is also used to pull up trees when the elephant wants to make path(道路)through the forests.  The African elephant is usually larger than the Indian elephant. It often stands 10 or 11 feet high, and weighs over 6 tons(吨). Both males and females grow trunks. But only male Indian elephants have tusks.  The elephant lives mostly on grass , leaves and fruits . It has been easy for men to train elephants. They are used to carry heavy things. Elephants can live for about fifty years or more .(
) 1. Elephants are ________.  A. not found in the forests  B. only found in Africa  C. larger than any other animal on land  D. the largest animal in the word(
) 2. Elephants use their________.  A. trunks to do things as men use their hands toB. trunks to pull up trees only  C. tusks to do what men use their hands to  D. tusks to eat up trees(
) 3. Which of the following is NOT right?  A. Female Indian elephants have tusks.  B. All African elephants have trunks.  C. The Indian elephant is usually smaller than the African elephant.  D. The African elephant usually weighs more than 6,000 kilograms.(
) 4. The food for the elephant is _____.  A. grass
D. all of the above(
) 5. Which of the following sentence is TURE according to the passage?  A. an elephant is very clever and a good friend of men's  B. we can hunt elephants as we like  C. we should not train the elephant  D. there are elephants everywhere in the worldVocabulary一、 翻译下列词组1. 稀有的丹顶鹤 _______________
2. 让出更多的空间_______________3. 越来越少 _______________
4. 中国政府_______________5. 濒危的鸟 _______________
6. 许多游客_______________7. 进行鸟类统计 _______________
8. 一年一度_______________9. 请某人做某事 _______________10. 了解...的重要性_______________11. 让某人做某事_______________12. 一个不诚实的人_______________13. 一个受保护的地区_______________14. 走很远的路_______________15. 一切皆有可能_______________二、根据括号里的解释写出单词1. These birds are __________ (in danger) animals, I think.2. Nobody doesn't understand the ________ (what is important) of protecting our environment.3. It's hard for me to remember these ________ (not regular) words.4. I think what you did is __________ (no need).5. What makes you do so many _________________ (unusual, excellent) achievements?6. Look! You are all ______ (not dry) in the rain.7. Who said these __________ (not friendly) words to you?8. "Water" is an __________ (not countable) English word.三、同义句转换1. His wife went to America by plane last month. His wife ________ _______ America last month.2. I need more money to buy a car.I don't have _______ _______ to buy a car.3. He is not careful enough to do the exercise right.He is so ________ that he does the exercise _______.4. There are fifty men teachers in our school._____ __________ _____ men teachers in our school ____ fifty.5. I think it is important for me to study hard.  I understand the _________ of _________ hard.Grammar一、根据首字母或英文解释完成句子1. We call the people who are interested in birds and study on the birds b_____.2. Modern ladies prefer the p_________ shoes although they are too narrow(狭窄)and long and make them uncomfortable.3. We must try to help the e _________ animals.4. Wetlands in Zhalong p_________ food and shelter for wildlife.5. We can go in from the e________ of
the cinema.6.The shy girl speaks so s________ that I can hardly hear her clearly.7. Look outside! It was raining __________ (very big rain).8. My first teacher is still __________ (not dead).9. The man and his wife quarreled(争吵)_________(not quietly) behind me that I had to get off the bus.10. There is no enough _________ (place to sit) for you now.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Tom ________
(do) a lot of homework every day.2. Lily wants ________
(be) a dancer and travel around the world.3. Hobo is very good at ________
(tell) stories.4. It ________
(take) me an hour to make a model plane yesterday.5. She liked to tell funny stories to make people ________
(laugh).6. Uncle Li enjoys ________
(make) things.7. If it ________
(not, rain ) tomorrow, I'll go fishing.8. Liz is kind and never ________
(say) a bad word about anyone9. I ________
(see) my uncle next Sunday.10. We ______ (leave) for Beijing on Tuesday.三、改错1. My father told me didn't to frighten the birds.
_________2. They are going to a tip next week.
_________3. The moon is running around the earth.
_________4. Why did he make you to stay at home on Sunday?
_________5. We are all very exciting at the good news.
_________6. When we got the zoo, the zookeeper greeted us warmly.
_________7. Zhalong is a protecting area.
_________8. Why are you shouting at me so angry?
_________9. Mr. Wu will plan a school trip to the Sunshine Park.
_________10. Who will want to have a look at the kangaroos this afternoon? _________四、根据首字母写出单词Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most i________. Not many people u_________ this, but it is quite true. The human(人类) body can go w________ food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually make people d_______.  Many people do not understand how much water the human body n_____ to work well and they don't drink e_______ water, especially in h_____ weather. Most people drink only when they want to drink. But in fact they often need m______ water especially when they have had sports. A man's body is 65 to 75 percent w_______. If we don't have enough water, we feel tired and may become i_______.Integrated skills一、翻译下列词组1. 向......介绍不同的鸟 ______________________2. 成为...的一个成员/加入______________________3. 对做某事感兴趣______________________4. 迫不及待地做某事______________________5. 来参加俱乐部活动______________________6. 在世界的其他地方______________________7. 在观看(鸟)期间______________________8. 例如_________________9. 有空_________________10. 发出很多噪音,吵闹_____________________二、根据括号里要求写出单词1. impossible (反义词) _________
2. careful(反义词的副词)____________3. e.g. (完全形式) ____________
4. noisily(名词) _____________5. south(形容词) ______________
6. info(完全形式) ____________7. %(英文写法) _______________
8. &(英文写法) ______________9. $(英文写法) ______________
10. ≠(英文写法)____________三、单项选择题(
)1. The correct symbol of "therefore" is ___________.  A.∵
)2. I have nothing ____ .A. to speak
B. to talk
D. to tell(
)3. The teacher is coming .Please stop ______and keep __________.A. talking, quiet
B. talking, quite  C. to talk, quietly
D. to talk, quite(
)4.____number of students in Class 5 ___forty-five .A. The, is
D. The, are(
)5. Jim did his homework very ___ _ , so his father shouted at him ___.A. careless, angry
B. carelessly, angrily  C. carefully, angry
D. careful, angrily(
)6. Autumn _____after summer .A. will come
C. is coming
) 7. Our teacher told us _____ make _____ noise.A. don't; some
D. don't; any(
)8. Please call __ 025- and e-mail me __ .A. on
) 9. I'm sorry I _____ come.A. will can
B. will be unable to
C. will can't
D. am able(
)10. If someone doesn't show good ___ to others, he is __ .A. polite
B. impoliteC. polite
D. impolite(
)11. I like the parrot ____ because it has ____ feathers .A.
colourful  C.
)12. She found _______ to sleep these days.A. difficult to get
B. it difficult getting  C. it difficult to get
D. that difficult to get(
)13. Chinese is one of ___ in the world .A. most important languages  B. the most important languagesC. the most important languageD. a most important language(
)14. Zhao Aijia was very ill yesterday, but now he is ________.A. in danger
B. in the danger  C. out of danger
D. out of the danger(
)15. The correct symbol of " greater " is _________.A. %
C. 四、完形填空 A shop owner closed his shop and went home. He was very _1_, but just as he went to bed, the telephone _2_. A man asked, "What time to you open your shop?" The shop owner was _3_ about this phone call. He put down the receiver without _4_ and went upstairs to bed. A few minutes _5_ the telephone rang _6_ and the man asked the _7_ questions. The shop owner became very _8_ and he shouted , "You needn't ask me when I open the shop, for I won't let you _9_." "Oh, no, I don't want to get in." the man said, "I want to go _10_."(
)1. A. sorry
)2. A. called
C. shouted
)3. A. unhappy
B. surprised
C. worried
)4. A. answer
B. answered
C. answering
D. answering(
)5. A. after
)6. A. much
)7. A. one
C. different
D. another(
)8. A. happily
)9. A. out
)10. A. out
D. to五、根据中文完成句子1. 成都是大熊猫理想的家园。Chengdu is the
pandas.2. 这些天鹅没有足够的地方生活。The swans don't have ________
________ .3.这意味着野生动植物的空间将越来越少。This _____ there will be ______
______for wildlife .4. 把垃圾留在公园里是不礼貌的。It's _______
__________ in the park.
.5. 当我们到达野生动物园的时候,饲养员很有礼貌地向我们表示问候。When we _____ at Wildlife Park, the zookeeper _______
______6. 他们迫不及待地想参加下周的聚会。They _______
the party next week .7. 他们对喂鸟感兴趣。I'm ________ in ________ birds.8. 他叫我们别吵闹也别跑。  He told us _____
_____ and not to run .Main task一、完成对话A: Hello! 7654321.B: Good morning. _1_ I speak to Tom, please?A: Speaking.B: Hi, _2_ is John. Do you have time this afternoon?A: Yes, I _3_ so.B: Shall we go _4_?A: Good _5_.B: What time shall we leave?A: _6_ we leave at three o'clock?B; Oh, I'm _7_ I may be a little late.A: That's _8_. It doesn't _9_.B: Ok. See you at the swimming pool.A: See you _10_. Bye.1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________6. _________
7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________二、书面表达请你根据课文给观鸟俱乐部写一封信,要求加入俱乐部。包括以下要点:1.想成为观鸟俱乐部的一员。2.是八年级的学生,我对音乐感兴趣,我最喜欢的科目是英语和地理。3.热爱鸟类,热爱大自然。4.每个星期六和星期天下午3点到4点可以参加俱乐部的活动。5.联系方式:Tel: 025-.Dear Sir or madam,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours sincerely,____________拓展篇听力部分一、听录音,根据所听内容给下列图排序按要求配图,并在图下画横线。图1:几只丹顶鹤 图2:一些垃圾 图3:北京烤鸭 图4:一个男孩在观看鸟 图5:几本书二、听录音,选择正确的应答句(
) 1. A. It tastes nice.
B. It looks well.
C. It feels soft.(
) 2. A. I went swimming.
B. I will stay at home.  C. I go swimming.(
) 3. A. They are happy.
B. They live alone.  C. They come from China.(
) 4. A. Once a year.
B. Two days.
C. At seven.(
) 5. A. Last year.
B. Tomorrow.
C. The day before yesterday.三、根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案(
)1. A. Meat
B. Vegetables.
C. Fruit(
)2. A. About 40 kilometers.
B. About 4 kilometers.     C. About 14 kilometers.(
)3. A. On Monday.
B. On Tuesday.
C. On Saturday.(
)4. A. In a restaurant
B. In a park.
C. In a bookshop.(
)5. A. For five days.
B. For three days.C. For two days.(
)6. A. A singer.
B. A teacher.
C. A dancer.(
)7. A. Yes, she will.
B. No, she won't.C. Sorry, I don't know.(
)8. A. It's a small house.B. She doesn't like it.C. It's a big house.(
)9. A. His bike was broken on his way to his office.B. The traffic is too heavy.C. He got up too late in the morning.(
)10. A. More than forty-five minutesB. Less than forty-five minutes.C. As long as forty-five minutes.四、根据所听到的短文选择符合短文内容的正确答案(
) 1. What class is Zhao Yuanyuan in? She's in _________.A. Class 8
B. Grade 3C. Class 3, Grade 8
D. Class 8, Grade 3(
) 2. What subject does she like best? She likes ________ best.A. PE
C. English
) 3. What would she like to be? She'd like to be _________.A. a keeperbirds
B. a playerC. a volunteer
D. a member of the Birdwatching Club(
) 4. What birds become fewer around her village? __________.A. Swallows
C. Parrots
D. Sparrows(
) 5. Why does she want to join the Birdwatching Club? She wants to ______________.A. watch birds
B. protect birds
C. catch birds
D. buy birds笔试部分一、词汇(一)根据句意及英文提示,完成单词 1. The Chinese government wants to protect these ________________
(in a dangerous state ) birds. 2. Would you like
___________________ (give sth. to sb.) food for the wild life?. 3. Mr. Liu often _____________ (to give support to) his students to learn English well. 4. Lily wants to be a __________ (a person who watches birds) in the future. 5. Many __________ (people who are traveling ) come to visit the Great Wall.(二)根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。 6. Don't shout at the old lady. You must speak to the old p _________ . 7. There are many k ____________ in Australia. 8. The l ___________ on the tree turns green in spring. 9. Take the m__________ three times a day, have a good rest and you'll feel better. 10. The opposite word of "exit" is
e_____________.二、单项选择(  )1. Do you know when
____ ?   A. does the film begin
B. begins the filmC. the film begins
D. will the film begin(  )2. If people change the wetlands to make ___ for farms, the birds will not have enough __ to live.    A. room, space
B. rooms, spaceC. space, rooms
D. spaces, room(  )3. Look at the ____ mother ! How ___ she is crying.   
A. sad, sad
 B. sadly, sadly    
C. sadly, sad
D. sad, sadly(  )4. Korea is __ the east of China while Jiangsu
is ____ the
east of China.    A. in, to
D. at, to(  )5. The number of the red-crowned cranes will become ______
if we don't take any actions to protect them.    A. fewer and fewer
B. less and less    
C. smaller and smaller
   D. larger and larger(  )6. How many times do you ___ a bird count during a year?   
D. take(  )7. Swallows usually fly to the _____ parts in winter.   
B. northern
D. southern(  )8.If it _____ rain the day after tomorrow, we'll go on a field trip.   
A. doesn't
C. will not
D. will(  )9. The little boy kept ____ and his father was ____ .    A. to cry, worried
     B. cry, worrying      C. crying, worried
    D. from crying, worried(  )10. Is ___ possible for Chinese to fly to the moon in a spaceship ?    A. now
D. it(  )11. Can you write a report ___ an animal ___ danger for the club?    A. about, on
C. to, from
D. in, with(  )12. Next Saturday she will go to visit the giant panda reserve ___ .    
A. for first time
B. at a timeC. for the first time
D. once(  )13. Which subject do you like __ , Science , Chinese or English?    
D. very much(  )14. Many birds go to Zhalong ___ a short stay.     A. for
D. at(  )15. Don't leave _____ everywhere in the park.    A. litter
B. litters
C. many litter
D. many litters(  )16. What does "etc." mean?    A. exercise
B. exercises
C. and the rest
D. example(  )17. ---What is she going to do?
---She is ____.  
A. go birdwatching
B. going birdwatching   C. going to birdwatching
D. go to birdwatch(  )18. Golden eagle has a ___ beak and ____ wings.   A. pointed, small
B. hooked, longC. hooked, broad
D. pointed, big(  )19. The ___ he is, the ____ he feels.A. busy, happy
B. busier, happyC. busier, happier
D. busy, happier(  )20. There are _____ pandas in the zoo, they look like white big ____.    A. hundred of, mouse
B. hundreds of, mouse    C. one hundred of, mice
D. hundreds of, mice三、用方框里单词的适当形式填空try,
help, leave,
important, watch 1. _________ Zhalong helps us learn more about wildlife . 2. Because of the ________of living areas, wild animals have less and less
places to live in. 3. Keep ________ , we believe you can make it. 4. The boys continued ____________ football after class. 5. We hope more and more people can understand the ______________
(important) of nature reserves. 6. The word "sing" is an ___________ (regular) verb(动词). 7. The man on _______ fell asleep last night. 8. We should take actions ________the poor child. 9. The train ________ at 11:00 a.m tomorrow morning, doesn't it? 10. What about _________ some shopping with us this afternoon?四、同义句转换 1. Many birds stay in Zhalong Nature Peserve all year round.Many birds stay in Zhalong Nature Reserve _____
_________. 2. They did the work by themselves.  They did the work ______
_______. 3. Sally likes the clothes. The clothes are made of wool.Sally likes the clothes _______
________ wool. 4. Jim is very careful when he drives. 
He _______ very __________. 5. Many soldiers died during World War One.Many soldiers _________ ________
________ during World War One. 6. Learning English is very difficult.It ______
very _______ to learn English. 7. They don't have any places to live in.They have ________ to ___________.8. I will be very happy if I can join your club.I will be very happy if I can become _____
____ your club.五、将下面的句子翻译成英语1. 许多人都是整年地忙于赚钱. __________________________________________________ 2. 猎人们为了毛皮和虎骨而猎杀老虎。 __________________________________________________ 3. 我再也不买动物毛皮做的衣服了。 __________________________________________________ 4. 孩子们迫不及待地想更多地了解奥运会。 __________________________________________________5. 我认为英语是最重要的科目之一. __________________________________________________ 6. 长江为我们提供了各种各样的鱼。 __________________________________________________六、完形填空  We live in the "computer age". People like scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do _1_ work. More than 40 years ago, _2_ couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very _3_ people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and
_4_ . And they can do a lot of work. Many people like to use them. Many people _5_ have them at home.Computers become very important because they can work _6_ than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can _7_ people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to teach. They can also remember what you put _8_ them. Computers are very _9_ and helpful. They are our good friends. Do you want to _10_ a computer?(
)1. A. many of
B. a kind of
C. a lot of
D. very much(
)2. A. scientists
B. teachers
C. writers
D. computers(
)3. A. few
D. a little(
)4. A. cheap
B. cheaperC. expensive
D. more expensive(
)5. A. also
D. always(
)6. A. slow
D. faster(
)7. A. help
)9. A. heavy
B. careful
D. beautifully(
)10. A. pay
D. have七、阅读理解A  A crow(乌鸦)is standing in a big tree. She has a big piece of meat in her mouth. "My babies will have a nice breakfast." she thinks. An old fox is looking for his breakfast. He sees the crow and the meat. "How can I get the piece of meat?" he thinks."Good morning, Mrs. Crow," says the fox, "How are you? May I see them?" Still the crow doesn't say a word."You're very beautiful, Mrs. Crow. And you have a beautiful voice,too," says the fox, "Would you please sing a song for me?" 
Mrs. Crow thinks, "How nice Mr. Fox is! I must sing him a song." So she opens her mouth, "Caw! Caw!" Down drops(掉)the meat into the foxes mouth.(  )1.There's ___ in the crow's mouth.A. a small piece of meat
B. a cup of teaC. a piece of meat
D. a big piece of meat(  )2.The old fox ____ very much.A. likes the crow and her babiesB. wants to eat the piece of meatC. wants the crow to sing for himD. wants to eat the crow(  )3.The crow doesn't say a word to the fox because ____ .A. she doesn't like foxes at allB. her babies are not wellC. she has a beautiful voiceD. she has a piece of meat in her mouth(  )4. Who will have a nice breakfast?A. The crow.
B. The old fox.C. The baby crows.
D. The fox and his friend.(  )5. What's can we learn from the fable(寓言)?A. We should always believe others
B. Everybody is kindC. Don't listen to nice words only
D. Nothing is impossibleB"Mum, come and see this," John said. He took his mum's hand and led(lead的过去式,带领) her to the side of the house. "Look at all the bluebirds."There were dozens of bluebirds behind their house. "They're beautiful," Mum said. "Where did they come from?""I don't know, but watch this," John said. He threw some birdseed(鸟饵) into the air. The bluebirds flew around the seed. Some caught it in mid-air. Others waited until the seed landed on the grass."That's amazing. Can I try?" Mum asked. John handed her some seed. She threw it high into the air. The bluebirds flew here and there and tried to get the seed before it fell. "They are noisy," she said and laughed. "This is fun, John."John smiled. "That's a lot of birds. I hope Mrs Mill's cats don't see them, or hear them," John said.Mum said, "Maybe we shouldn't feed them any more. Let's go and drive them all away."They went into the back and just at that time, several of Mrs Mill's cats came outside. When they were going to catch the birds, John started to shouted, "Look, Mum. Cats!" John ran towards the birds, waving his arms shouting, "Go away, birds!" The birds flew high into the air and landed in the trees. "At least the cats can't get them now.""Feeding the birds is fun, and it is amazing to see all those bluebirds. But I think it's the best that we don't let too many come at once. There are too many cats around here," Mum said.The next day John built several bluebird houses nd put them in the trees, up high, out of the reach of the cats. He put seed into the bluebird houses every morning. He was able to watch the bluebirds. The cats weren't happy with him, but the birds were safe.(
) 6. Who found the bluebirds first?A. John.
B. John's mum.
C. Mrs Mill.
D. Mrs Mill's cats.(
) 7. They knew where the birds came from, didn't they?A. Yes, they did.
B. No, they didn't.C. Yes, John did.
D. No, John kew where they came from.(
) 8. "That's amazing." Here "that" refers to ____________.A. the bluebirdsB. the bluebirds caught the seed in mid-airC. birdseed John threw into the airD. The passage didn't tell us.(
) 9. Which of the following statements is not true?A. John was a bird lover.B. Mrs Mill's cats weren't interested in the bluebirds.C. John built several bluebirds houses to keep the bluebirds safe.D. Mrs Mill's cats weren't happy with John.(
) 10. Which is the best title for the passage?A. John and his mother.
B. Bluebirds and cats.C. John and the bluebirds.
D. The cats were not happy.八、书面表达请你根据以下提示写一篇介绍丹顶鹤的短文,不少于60字。1. 丹顶鹤个子很高,长腿,长嘴,长脖子。2. 丹顶鹤主要生活在湿地,以小鱼小虾(shrimp)为食。3. 丹顶鹤会迁徙到南方过冬,江苏盐城有个很大的丹顶鹤自然保护区。4. 丹顶鹤是濒危鸟类,我们要保护湿地,保护丹顶鹤赖以生存的家园。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:基础篇Welcome to the unit一、1. go birdwatching 2. at the market 3. roast bread 4. in the northern part of China / in the north of China 5. broad road 6. white feathers 7. in Northeast of China / in the northeast of China 8. protect wildlife 9. rare birds 10. on the farm二、best, pointed, forked, fly, northern, strongest, feathers, board, hooked, because三、1 When it opens its tail. 2. In the forests of southern Yunnan Province. 3. To make the peacock show its fine tail feathers. 4.(雄)孔雀,雌孔雀 5. 它在它的女朋友周围跳舞似乎在说:"我漂亮吗?"Reading一、1. wetlands 2. noisily 3. unhappy 4. to protect 5. disappear 6. don't study
7. is leaving, leaves 8. Are, going 9. made 10. giving, receiving二、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T三、1. C 2. D (space和room表示地方,空间时都是不可数名词) 3. A (fast也作副词用,而enough须放在形容词和副词的后面) 4. A (形式主语和宾语通常都用it) 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B (one third是三分之一的意思,可数名词的分数仍然可数,不可数名词的分数仍然不可数,另外这一题要用过去分词表示被动) 9. D (keep, prevent, stop都可以用于阻止某人做某事,故选D) 10. C (越来越多用more and more表示,能用复数也能用不可数;less and less表示越来越少,只用于不可数名词,可数该用fewer and fewer)四、1. government should provide, every adult 2. Birdwatching Club does, count once 3. for a long stay 4. sells, all year round 5. enough space, park 6. More and more, importance 7. protecting, endangered, is 8. will be more visitors五、1. C (可从文章的第一句找到答案)2. A (短文告诉我们大象使用鼻子就像我们人类用手一样灵活。注意是像人类的手,象鼻并没有人类手的全部功能,所以只能选A)3. A (短文的第二段最后一句说印度象只有雄的才有象牙,故A错。)4. D (仔细阅读第三段可知A, B, C三个都对,应选D)5. A (动物是人类的朋友不能随便随心所欲地杀害大象,C、D陈述内容和文章不相符,故选A)Vocabulary一、1. rare red-crowned cranes
2. make more space
3. less and less
4. Chinese government
5. endangered birds
6. a lot of tourists
7. do a bird count8. once a year
9. invite somebody to do something 10. understand the importance of11. make somebody do something 12. a dishonest person
13. a protected area
14. walk a long way
15. nothing impossible二、1. endangered 2. importance 3. irregular 4. unnecessary 5. uncommon
6. wet 7. unfriendly 8. uncountable三、1. flew to 2. enough money 3. careless wrong / incorrect 4. The number of is 5. importance studyingGrammar一、1. birdwatchers 2. pointed 3. endangered 4. provide 5. entrance 6. softly
7. heavily / hard 8. alive 9. noisily 10. space / room二、1. does 2. to be 3. telling 4. took 5. laugh 6. making 7. doesn't rain 8. says
9. will see / am going to 10. are leaving三、1. 将didn't改为not (记住不定式的否定形式直接在to前加not)2. 将to改为on (去旅行应是词组go on a trip)3. 将is running改为runs (自然界的各种客观规律通常都用一般现在时)4. 将to去掉 (make后面加不带to的不定式)5. 将exciting改为excited (表示对......感到怎样应该用-ed后缀的形容词。-ing后缀的形容词用于直接修饰名词)6. 在got后加to (到达某地用get to)7. 将protecting改为protected (意思是受保护的,被保护)8. 将angry改为angrily (修饰动词应用副词)9. 将will plan改为plans,(plan不能用于一般将来时,want也是这个用法)10. 将will want改为wants四、important, understand, without, die, needs, enough, hot, more, water, illIntegrated skills一、1. tell about all the different birds 2. become a member of /
join 3. be interested in doing sth. 4. can't wait to do sth. / can't wait for sth. 5. come to club activities 6. in other areas of the world 7. during the watch 8. for example 9. be free / have time 10. make a lot of noise二、1. possible 2. carelessly 3. for example 4. noisy 5. southern 6. information 7. per cent 8. and 9. dollar(s) 10. do(es) not equal三、1. A 2. C (I have nothing to say翻译成我无话可说) 3. B 4. A (the number of指的是整体数目,谓语用单数;a number of或a large number of翻译成许多,大量的,等于many或much) 5. B(修饰动词要用副词) 6. D 7. B 8. D(打某个电话号码用call on,电子邮件后用介词at) 9. B(注意be able to = can这两者不能同时使用) 10. D 11. C (like --- best常用于表示最喜爱某物,colourful是colour的形容词,翻译成五颜六色的,多姿多彩的。注意许多词的后面加上-ful变成形容词) 12. C (find后常跟it作形式宾语,在加形容词加动词不定式来表示发现觉得做某事怎样) 13. B (one of后需要加名词的复数形式,另外最高级要加the)14. C (根据整句话的意思这个人应该脱离危险了,故用out of danger) 15. D四、1. C (根据下文下班回来应该很疲劳了)2. D (电话应是铃响了,其它选项的主语应是人)3. A (这位店主接到这个电话一开始应该不怎么高兴)4. C (他没有回答对方在电话里提的问题)5. C (多长时间后用later放在表示时间的词的后面,而after要放在表示时间的词之前)6. C (根据上文判断是电话又响了)7. B (打电话的还是刚才那个人,问的就是同一个问题)8. D (店主再接到这样的电话当然会生气)9. C (这句话里的for是因为的意思,店主是想告诉对方他并不欢迎这样的顾客,所以不让他进商店)10. A (通读全文就知道是店主搞错了,打电话的人是想出来)五、1. ideal home for 2. enough place to live 3. means less and space 4. impolite to leave litter 5. arrived greeted polite 6. can't wait to join 7. interested feeding 8. not to make any noiseMain task一、1. May 2. This 3. think 4. swimming 5. idea 6. Shall 7. sorry 8. OK 9. matter 10. then二、One possible version: I would like to become a member of the birdwatching Club. I am a middle school student and I'm in Grade Eight. My favourite subject is music. I am very interested in English and geography. I want to become a birdwatcher because I like birds and nature very much. I think it is everybody's duty to protect birds and other wildlife. I want to know more about birds, too. I can come to club activities from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. You can call me on 025-7088888 .拓展篇听力部分一、听录音,根据所听内容给下列图排序1. I want to be a birdwatcher when I grow up.2. Don't throw litter anywhere.3. Beijing roast duck is yummy.4. We can provide some books for the poor chidren.5. The red-crowned cranes are endangered birds.(5-2-3-1-4)二、听录音,选择正确的应答句1. How does the meat taste? (A)2. What will you do if it rains tomorrow? (B)3. Who do the animals live with? (B)4. How often do they visit the zoo? (A)5. When will you give a talk on the wild animals? (B)三、根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案1.
M: I like vegetables very much. I have them every day.W: Sure. Eating enough vegetables is good for our health. I like eating vegetables, too.Q: What do they like to eat every day? (B)2.
M: Excuse me. Is there a shopping mall near here?W: No, there isn't The nearest shopping mall is about four kilometers away. You' d better take a bus.Q: How far is the nearest shopping mall? (B)3.
M: Hi, Liz. I hear you will go to Nanjing soon. It' s already Saturday today.
When are you going to leave?W: The day after tomorrow.Q: When is Liz going to Beijing? (A)4.
M: Can I help you. Madam?W: Please show me the book on the shelf. Is that a book about computer?Q: Where are they talking? (C)5.
M: Hello, Liu Mei. Is Jill better now?W: Oh, yes. Much better. He has been in hospital for three days. But the doctor says he'll have to stay in bed for another two days.Q: How long will Jill be in hospital together? (A)6.
M: Judy, you say your brother is a dancer. What about your sister?W; She is a teacher.Q: What is Judy' s sister? (B)7.
M: We are going to play volleyball this Sunday. Would you like to join us, Millie?W: I'd love to. But you see, I have a meeting next Monday morning. I have to get ready for it.Q: Will Millie go to play volleyball on Sunday? (B)8.
M: Kate, I hear you are moving to a new place.W: Yes. My house here is too small.Q: What's Kate's new house like? (C)9.
M: Sorry, I'm late again.W: Oh, Tom. It's nine o'clock now. Our meeting has lasted for half an hour. Why? Is the traffic too heavy?M: No, I thought the meeting was at nine, so I didn't get up until half past eight.Q: Why is Jim late again? (C)10.
M: Hey, Anna. How do you go to work every day?W: I usually drive my car, but sometimes I ride there.M: Is it far from your home?W: It will take about forty-five to get there by bike, but it's much faster by car.  Q: How long will it take Anna to go to work by car? (B)四、根据所听到的短文选择符合短文内容的正确答案My name's Zhao Yuanyuan. I'm a Class 3, Grade 8 student. My favourite subject is PE. I run fastest of all in my class. But now I like birds very much after listening to your talk. I know some birds become fewer and fewer. I think it's very important them. Now there are fewer sparrows around our village and there are more and more worms in the fields. So I want to learn more about birds and do something for them. I'd like to be a member of the Birdwatching Clubs. ( 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B )笔试部分一、1. endangered 2. go provide 3. encourage 4. birdwatcher 5. tourists / travelers / visitors 6. politely 7. kangaroos 8. leaves 9. medicine 10. entrance二、1. C (英语的从句要用陈述句形式,即不要使用助动词或将其提前) 2. A3. D (名词前用形容词修饰,动词用副词修饰。这种题目较常见,需要记住英语单词的基本词性及常见用法) 4. B (弄清这些介词表示方位的区别就行) 5. C (the number of是指某种东西的整体数量,而这种数目我们用庞大不庞大来表示,few和less是指具体的数目) 6. B 7. D (鸟类冬季往南飞) 8. A 9. C 10. D (it在句子中做形式主语,通常我们都用it做形式主、宾语) 11. B on (表示关于时与about意思差不多,处于危险中要用in这个介词) 12. C 13. B (三者及以上要用高级) 14. A (介词for常用来表示目的) 15. A 16. C 17. B (be going to后不要再加go,并且省略to,直接用going doing,如I'm going skating this afternoon。故本题选B) 18. C 19. C (the + 比较级,the + 比较级表示越......越......) 20. D三、1. Studying 2. loss 3. trying 4. to play 5. importance 6. irregular 7. watch 8. to protect 9. leaves 10. doing四、1. the whole year 2. without anyone's help 3. made of 4. drives carefully
5. lost their lives 6. is difficult / hard 7. nowhere live 8. the / a member of五、1. Many people are busy making money all year round.2. Hunters kill tigers for their fur and bones.3. I won't buy the clothes made of fur any more.4. The children can't wait to know more about Olympic Games.5. I think English is one of the most important subjects.6. The Yangzi River provides different kinds of fish for us.六、1. C (电脑可以帮我们做许多工作) 2. D (这句是说电脑以前并没有如此的功能) 3. A (few不加a修饰可数名词表示几乎没有;little不加a修饰不可数名词,也表示几乎没有。这两个词加a后表示有一些,是肯定用法) 4. B (电脑现在应该讲更便宜了) 5. B (这里even是甚至的意思,其它选项没有这种用法) 6. D (电脑工作速度比人快) 7. A (电脑主要还是帮人工作,没有哪个工作不要人做) 8. B (输入进电脑要用into这个介词) 9. C (电脑是非常有用的) 10. D (have这里当拥有讲)七、1. D (看短文的第二句话)2. B (狐狸的目的是乌鸦嘴里的肉)3. D (乌鸦一开始还是知道不能的张嘴的)4. B (狡猾的狐狸最终得到了乌鸦嘴里的肉)5. C (这个寓言告诉人不能光听好话,做事要三思而后行)6. B (由原文第一段,John牵着妈妈的手去看,可知是John先发现的)7. B (由第二段第一句话John的回答,可以知道他们并不知道)8. B (that常指代上文提到的事,令妈妈吃惊的事是鸟儿争食的情景)9. B (猫想抓住那些鸟,可知它们对鸟是感兴趣的)10. C (本文描述的是John和鸟之间发生的事情,所以其余三个答案都不全面)八、One possible version: There is a kind of beautiful birds called red-crowned cranes. They are very tall birds with long legs, long beaks and long necks. Red-crowned cranes live in the wetlands mainly, the wetlands can provide many small fish and shrimp for them. In winter, red-crowned cranes will fly to the south because it's warmer there. There is a big red-crowned cranes nature reserve in Yancheng Jiangsu. Red-crowned cranes are endangered birds, so we must protect wetlands---the last home for red-crowned cranes.}


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