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基本信息 张人禾 男 博导 其它 电子邮件:renhe@cams.
邮政编码:100081 研究领域天气和气候学招生信息招收攻读博士和硕士学位i研究生招生专业 气象学
招生方向 亚洲季风 大尺度海气相互作用 教育背景 91-09 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士
87-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 硕士
82-01 兰州大学气象专业 学士 学历1. 1978年2月至1982年1月在兰州大学地理系气象专业学习,1982年2月获理学学士学位; 2. 1984年8月至1987年7月在中国科学院大气物理研究所天气动力学专业就读攻读硕士学位研究生,1987年7月获理学硕士学位; 3. 1987年8月至1991年9月在中国科学院大气物理研究所天气动力学专业就读攻读博士学位研究生,1991年9月获理学博士学位。学位-- 博士 工作经历1. 1982年2月至1984年8月在南京农业大学植保系任助教; 2. 1991年9月至2001年9月在中国科学院大气物理研究所工作,1991年9月任助理研究员,1993年1月任副研究员;1995年12月晋升为研究员; 3. 1994年4月至1995年4月,应日本东京大学和日本学术振兴会的邀请,在日本东京大学气候系统研究中心从事博士后研究; 4. 1998年5月至1999年2月,在美国马里兰大学气象系作高级访问学者; 5. 1996年4月至2001年8月任中国科学院大气物理研究所短期气候与季风研究中心副主任; 6. 1998年4月起任中国科学院大气物理研究所博士学位研究生导师; 7. 1999年8月至2001年8月,任中国科学院大气物理研究所副所长; 8. 2001年9月起,任中国气象科学研究院院长; 9. 2009年1月起,获专业技术二级岗位任职资格;工作简历 2012-10--今 中国气象科学研究院 中国气象局科技委副主任、研究员
08-06 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室 主任、研究员
12-10 中国气象科学研究院 院长、研究员
01-08 中国科学院大气物理研究所 副所长、研究员
99-02 美国马里兰大学气象系 访问学者
01-09 中国科学院大气物理研究所 研究员
95-04 日本东京大学气候系统研究中心 博士后
95-11 中国科学院大气物理研究所 副研究员
92-12 中国科学院大气物理研究所 助理研究员
84-08 南京农学院(现南京农业大学)植保系 助教 社会兼职 2011-09--今 第二十七届《气象学报》编审委员会,副主任委员 2011-05--今 中国科学技术协会第八届全国委员会,委员 2010-10--今 中国气象学会第二十七届理事会,副理事长 2010-10--今 全国科学技术名词审定委员会第六届全国委员会,委员 2009-12--今 《大气科学》第七届编辑委员会,副主编 2008-12--今 中国青藏高原研究会第五届理事会,副理事长 2003-07--今 《应用气象学报》编审委员会,副主编教授课程 热带地球流体动力学专利与奖励中国科学院优秀青年科学家奖二等奖(1993年),中国科学院杰出青年奖(1997年),国家杰出青年基金(2002年),赵九章优秀中青年科学奖(2003),中国青年科技奖(2004年),“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选(2004),中国气象局科学研究与技术开发奖一等奖(2004年),国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖二等奖(2007年),海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖(2012)。奖励信息 (1) 我国Argo大洋观测系统及其资料同化与短期气候预测,一等奖,部委级,2012
(2) Argo大洋观测与资料同化及其对我国短期气候预测的改进,二等奖,国家级,2012
(3) 我国新一代海洋实时观测系统(ARGO)—大洋观测网试验,二等奖,部委级,2007
(4) 中国青年科技奖,部委级,2004
(5) NCC全球海洋资料四维同化系统(NCC-GODAS),一等奖,部委级,2004
(6) 赵九章优秀中青年科学奖,部委级,2003
(7) 中国科学院杰出青年,部委级,1997
(8) 中国科学院青年科学家奖,二等奖,部委级,1993 专利成果
出版信息一、英文论文: 1) Zhiyan Zuo, Song Yang, Arun Kumar, Renhe Zhang, Yan Xue, Bhaskar Jha,2012: Role of thermal condition over Asia in the weakening Asian summer monsoon under global warming background. Journal of Climate, 25(9), .(SCI) 2) Zuo Zhiyan, Zhang Renhe, and Wu Bingyi, 2012: Inter-decadal variations of springtime rainfall over southern China mainland for
and its relationship with Eurasian snow. Sci. China Earth Sci., 55, 271–278, doi: 10.-011-4337-4.(SCI) 3) Lu, Er, Yali Luo, Renhe Zhang, Qiuxia Wu, and Liping Liu, 2011: Regional atmospheric anomalies responsible for the
severe drought in China, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D21114, doi:10.JD015706.(SCI) 4) Zhiyan Zuo, Song Yang, Wanqiu Wang, Arun Kumar, Yan Xue and Renhe Zhang, 2011: Relationship between anomalies of Eurasian snow and southern China rainfall in winter. Environ. Res. Lett., 6, 045402, doi:10.26/6/4/045402. (SCI) 5) Yang, Song, Min Wen, Rongqian Yang, Wayne Higgins, and Renhe Zhang, 2011: Impacts of land process on the onset and evolution of Asian summer monsoon in the NCEP climate forecast system. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 28(6), , doi: 10.-011-0167-8.(SCI) 6) Wu Bingyi, Su Jingzhi, and Zhang Renhe, 2011: Effects of autumn-winter Arctic sea ice on winter Siberian High. Chinese Sci Bull, 56, . doi: 10.-011-4696-4(SCI) 7) Wen, Min, Song Yang, Wayne Higgins, and Renhe Zhang, 2011: Characteristics of the Dominant Modes of Atmospheric Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation over Tropical–Subtropical Americas. J. Climate, 24, . doi: 10.JCLI3916.1.(SCI) 8) Zhang, Renhe, and Zhiyan Zuo, 2011: Impact of Spring Soil Moisture on Surface Energy Balance and Summer Monsoon Circulation over East Asia and Precipitation in East China. J. Climate, 24, . doi: 10.JCLI4084.1(SCI) 9) Kang Hongwen, Zhu Congwen, Zuo Zhiyan, and Zhang Renhe, 2011: Statistical downscaling of pattern projection using multi-model output variables as predictors. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 25(3), 293-302, doi: 10.-011-0305-3.(SCI) 10) Li, Lun, Renhe Zhang*, and Min Wen, 2011: Diagnostic analysis of the evolution mechanism for a vortex over the Tibetan Plateau in June 2008. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 28(4), 797-808, doi: 10.-010-0027-y.(SCI) 11) Rong, Xinyao, Renhe Zhang*, Tim Li, and Jingzhi Su, 2011: Upscale feedback of high-frequency winds to ENSO. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 137: 894–907. DOI:10.1002/qj.804(SCI) 12) Luo, Yali, Renhe Zhang, Weimiao Qian, Zhengzhao Luo, and Xin Hu, 2011: Intercomparison of deep convection over the Tibetan Plateau-Asian monsoon region and subtropical North America in boreal summer using CloudSat/CALIPSO data. J. Climate, 24, . doi: 10.JCLI4032.1(SCI) 13) Renhe Zhang, Yongqi Ni, Liping Liu, Yali Luo, and Yehong Wang, 2011: South China heavy rainfall experiments (SCHeREX). J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89A, 153-166. DOI: 10.2151/jmsj.2011-A10(SCI) 14) Zhiyan Zuo, Renhe Zhang, and Ping Zhao, 2011: The relation of vegetation over the Tibetan Plateau to rainfall in China during the boreal summer. Clim. Dyn., 36(5), , DOI 10.-010-0863-6(SCI) 15) Yuanshou Li, Renhe Zhang, Xiaohong Jia, Genxu Wang, Lin Zhao, and Yongjian Ding, 2010: Influence of alpine meadow land cover differences on precipitation-runoff processes on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Environmental Engineering Science, 27(2): 209-213.(SCI) 16) Min Wen, Tim Li, Renhe Zhang and Yanjun Qi, 2010: Structure and Origin of the Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation over the Tropical Indian Ocean in Boreal Spring. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(6), .(SCI) 17) Rong Xinyao, Zhang Renhe, and Li Tim, 2010: Impacts of Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies on Indo-East Asian summer monsoon-ENSO relationship. Chin. Sci. Bull., 55: , doi: 10.-010-3098-3(SCI) 18) Jingzhi Su, Renhe Zhang*, Tim Li, Xinyao Rong, J.-S. Kug, and Chi-Cherng Hong, 2010: Causes of the El Ni?o and La Ni?a Amplitude Asymmetry in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific. Journal of Climate, 23(3), 605–617. DOI: 10.JCLI2894.1(SCI) 19) Chen Bailian, Zhang Renhe*, Xiao Cunde, Bian Lingen, and Zhang Tingjun, 2010: Analyses on the air and snow temperatures near ground with observations of an AWS at Dome A, the summit of Antarctic Plateau. Chinese Sci Bull, 55(14), , doi: 10.-010-0099-1(SCI) 20) Chen Bailian, Zhang Renhe*, Sun Shufen, Bian Lingen, Xiao Cunde, and Zhang Tingjun, 2010: A one-dimensional heat transfer model of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and modeling of snow temperatures at Dome A, the summit of Antarctic Plateau. Sci China Earth Sci, 53(5), 763–772, doi: 10.-010-0017-z(SCI) 21) SU Jingzhi, ZHANG Renhe, LI Tim, and RONG Xinyao, 2009: Skewness of subsurface ocean temperature in the equatorial Pacific based on assimilated data. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27(3), 600-606, DOI: 10.-009-9150-y(SCI) 22) Han, Jinping, and Renhe Zhang, 2009: The dipole mode of the summer rainfall over East China during . Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26(4), 727–735, doi: 10.-009-9014-6.(SCI) 23) Wu, Bingyi, Renhe Zhang, and Bin Wang, 2009: On the association between spring arctic sea ice concentration and Chinese summer rainfall: A further study. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26(4), 666-678, doi:10.-009-9009-3.(SCI) 24) Wu, Bingyi, Renhe Zhang, Bin Wang, and Rosanne D'Arrigo, 2009: On the association between spring Arctic sea ice concentration and Chinese summer rainfall, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L09501, doi:10.GL037299.(SCI) 25) Luo, Yali, Renhe Zhang and Hui Wang, 2009: Comparing occurrences and vertical structures of hydrometeors between eastern China and the Indian monsoon region using CloudSat/CALIPSO data. J. Climate, 22, .(SCI) 26) Wu, Bingyi, Kun Yang and Renhe Zhang, 2009: Eurasian snow cover variability and its association with summer rainfall in China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26(1), 31-44.(SCI) 27) Qi Yanjun, Zhang Renhe*, Li Tim and Wen Min,2009:Impacts of intraseasonal oscillation on the onset and interannual variation of the Indian summer monsoon. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(5),880-884.(SCI) 28) Zuo Zhiyan and Zhang Renhe*, 2009: Temporal and spatial features of the soil moisture in boreal spring in eastern China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 52(2), 269-278.(SCI) 29) Zhang Renhe and Zhou Shunwu, 2009: Air temperature changes over the Tibetan Plateau and other regions in the same latitudes and the role of ozone depletion. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 23(3), 290-299.(SCI) 30) Zhang, Renhe and Xueshun Shen, 2008: On the development of the GRAPES――?A new generation of the national operational NWP system in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(22), .(SCI) 31) Xu, Xiangde, Renhe Zhang, Toshio Koike, Chungu Lu, Xiaohui Shi, Shengjun Zhang, Lingen Bian, Xinghong Cheng, Peiyan Li, and Guoan Ding, 2008: A new integrated observational system over the Tibetan Plateau. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 89(10), . (SCI) 32) ZHANG Renhe, WU Bingyi, ZHAO Ping and HAN Jinping, 2008: The decadal shift of the summer climate in the late 1980s over eastern China and its possible causes. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 22(4), 435-445.(SCI) 33) HE Jinhai, ZHAO Ping, ZHU Congwen, ZHANG Renhe, TANG Xu, CHEN Longxun, ZHOU Xiuji, 2008: Discussion of some problems as to the East Asian subtropical monsoon. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 22(4), 419-434.(SCI) 34) Qi, Yanjun, Renhe Zhang*, T. Li, and Min Wen, 2008: Interactions between the summer mean monsoon and the intraseasonal oscillation in the Indian monsoon region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L17704, doi:10.GL034517.(SCI) 35) WU Bingyi,ZHANG Renhe and D’Arrigo Rosanne,2008:Arctic dipole anomaly and summer rainfall in Northeast China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(14), .(SCI) 36) Bingyi Wu, Renhe Zhang, Yihui Ding and Rosnne D’Arrigo, 2008: Distinct modes of the East Asian summer monsoon. J. Climate, 21, . (SCI) 37) Wen Min and Zhang Renhe*, 2008:Quasi-biweekly Oscillation of the Convection around Sumatra and Low-level Tropical Circulation in Boreal Spring, Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 189-205. DOI: 10.MWR1991.1.(SCI) 38) Ping Zhao, Yani Zhu and Renhe Zhang, 2007: An Asian-Pacific teleconnection in Summer tropospheric temperature and associated Asian climate variability. Clim. Dyn., 29,293-303. DOI 10.-007-0236-y. (SCI) 39) Zhang, Zuqiang, Zhang Renhe and Song Yang, 2007: Roles of multi-scale disturbances over the tropical North Pacific in the turnabout of 1997-98 El Ni?o. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 24(4), 581-590. (SCI) 40) Wen Min and Zhang Renhe*, 2007:Role of the Quasi-biweekly Oscillation in the onset of convection over the Indochina Peninsula. Quart. J. Royal. Meteor. Society, 133, 433-444.(SCI) 41) Wu Bingyi and Zhang Renhe, 2007: Interdecadal shift in the western North Pacific Summer SST anomaly in the late 1980s. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(18), .(SCI) 42) Ping Zhao, Renhe Zhang, Jiping Liu, Xiuji Zhou and Jinhaihe, 2007: Onset of southwesterly wind over eastern China and associated atmospheric circulation and rainfall. Clim. Dyn., 28,797-811. DOI 10.-006-0212-y. (SCI) 43) Zuo Zhiyan and Zhang Renhe*, 2007: The spring soil moisture and the summer rainfall in eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(23), .(SCI) 44) Bingyi Wu, Renhe Zhang and Rosnaae D’Arrigo, 2006: Distinct modes of the East Asian winter monsoon. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, .(SCI) 45) He Jinhai, Wen Min, Ding Yihui and Zhang Renhe, 2006: Possible mechanism of the effect of convection over Asian-Australian “land bridge” on the East Asian summer monsoon onset. Science in China (Series D), 49(11), .(SCI) 46) Du Zhencai, Tan Yanke, Zhang Renhe, He Jinhai and Liu Huirong, 2006: Two modes of sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean: monopole, dipole and their interaction. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 30, No.4, 345-360. 47) WEN Min and ZHANG Renhe*, 2005: Possible maintaining mechanism of climatological atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation around Sumatra. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(10), .(SCI) 48) Xue, Yongkang, Shufen Sun, K.-M. Lau, Jinjun Ji, Isabelle Poccard, Renhe Zhang, Hyun-Suk Kang, Guoxioang Wu, John C. Schaake, Jian Yun Zhang, Yanjun Jiao, 2005: Multiscale variability of the river runoff system in China and its long-term link to precipitation and sea surface temperature. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6, 550-570.(SCI) 49) Zhou, Shunwu, and Renhe Zhang*, 2005: Decadal variations of temperature and geopotential height over the Tibetan Plateau and their relations with Tibet ozone depletion, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L18705, doi:10.GL023496.(SCI) 50) Liu, Yimin, Renhe Zhang, Yonghong Yin and Tao Niu, 2005: The application of ARGO data to the global ocean data assimilation operational system of NCC. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 19(3), 355-365. 51) Bingyi Wu, Renhe Zhang and Jia Wang, 2005: Dipole anomaly in the Arctic atmosphere and winter Arctic sea ice motion. Science in China (Series D), 48(9), .(SCI) 52) Wang, Bin, Tim Li, Yihui Ding, Renhe Zhang and Huijun Wang, 2005: East Asian-Western North Pacific monsoon: A distinctive component of the Asian-Australian monsoon system. The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast - Report of the International Committee of the Third International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-III), 2-6 November 2004, Hangzhou, China (Edited by C.-P. Chang, B. Wang and N. –C. Lau), WMO/TD No. 1266 (TMRR Report No. 70), 72-94. 53) Li, Tim, Bin Wang and Renhe Zhang, 2005: Western North Pacific monsoon: Its annual cycle and subseasonal-to-interannual variabilities. The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast - Report of the International Committee of the Third International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-III), 2-6 November 2004, Hangzhou, China (Edited by C.-P. Chang, B. Wang and N. -C. Lau), WMO/TD No. 1266 (TMRR Report No. 70), 115-135. 54) Huang, Ronghui, Chen Wen, Yan Bangliang and Zhang Renhe, 2004: Recent advances in studies of the interaction between the East Asian winter and summer monsoons and ENSO cycle. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 21, 407-424.(SCI) 55) Bingyi Wu, Jia Wang and Renhe Zhang, 2004: Effects of intraseasonal variations of the Arctic Oscillation on the Barrents Sea. Polar Meteorology and Glaciology,18, 82-95. 56) Yanke Tan, Zhang Renhe, He Jinhai and Zou Li, 2003: The interannual variation of the sea surface temperature anomalies and the air-sea interactions in the tropical Indian Ocean. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Climate Change (ISCC), 31 March-3 April, Beijing, China, WMO/TD-No.1. 57) Zhang Renhe and Tan Yanke, 2002: El Nino and interannual variation of the sea surface temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.. 58) Zhang, Renhe and Akimasa Sumi, 2002: Moisture circulation over East Asia during El Ni?o episode in northern winter, spring and autumn. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 80, 213-227.(SCI) 59) Zhang, Renhe and Yanke Tan, 2002: El Nino and interannual variation of the sea surface temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean. Journal of Geosciences of China, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, 10-16. 60) Zhang, Renhe, Zhao Gang and Tan Yanke, 2001: Meridional wind stress anomalies over tropical Pacific and the onset of El Ni?o. Part I: Data Analysis. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 18, 467-480.(SCI) 61) Zhang, Renhe, 2001: Relations of water vapor transports from Indian monsoon with those over East Asia and the summer rainfall in China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 18, .(SCI) 62) Zhang Renhe and Zhao Gang, 2001: Meridional wind stress anomalies over tropical pacific and the onset of El Ni?o. Part II: Dynamical Analysis. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 18, .(SCI) 63) Huang, Ronghui, Renhe Zhang and Bangliang Yan, 2001: Dynamical effect of the zonal wind anomalies over the tropical western Pacific on ENSO cycles. Science in China (Series D), 44, .(SCI) 64) Huang, Ronghui, Renhe Zhang and Qingyun Zhang, 2000: The
ENSO cycle and its impact on climate anomalies in East Asia. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 17, 348-362.(SCI) 65) Zhang, Renhe, 2000: Features of the East Asian monsoon during El Ni?o episode. CLIVAR Exchanges, Volume 5, No. 2, 21-22. 66) Zhang, Renhe, Akimasa Sumi and Masahide kimoto, 1999: A diagnostic study of the impact of El Ni?o on the precipitation in China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 16, 229-241.(SCI) 67) Wang, Huijun, Renhe Zhang, Julie Cole and Francisco Chavez, 1999: El Ni?o and related phenomenon Southern Oscillation (ENSO): The largest signal in the interannual climate variation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 96, .(SCI) 68) Huang, Ronghui, Xiaoyun Zang, Renhe Zhang and Jilong Chen, 1998: The westerly anomalies over the tropical Pacific and their dynamical effect on the ENSO cycles during . Adv. Atmos. Sci., 15,135-151.(SCI) 69) Zhang, Renhe and Huang Ronghui, 1998: Dynamical roles of zonal wind stresses over the tropical Pacific on the occurring and vanishing of El Ni?o. Part I: Diagnostic and theoretical analysis. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 22, 504-516. 70) Zhang, Renhe, Akimasa Sumi and Masahide kimoto, 1996: Impact of El Ni?o on the East Asia Monsoon: A diagnostic study of the '86/87 and '91/92 events. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74, 49-62.(SCI) 71) Zhang Renhe, 1996: A study on the effect of El Ni?os on the monsoonal flow over the East Asia in the lower troposphere. 1995 Annual Report of LASG,206-218. 72) Zhang, Renhe, 1995: Coupled waves in simple tropical air-sea interaction models and their instabilities (Ⅰ). Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 19, 293-302. 73) Zhang, Renhe, 1995: Coupled waves in simple tropical air-sea interaction models and their instabilities (Ⅱ). Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 19, 363-374. 74) Zhang Renhe and Chao Jiping, 1993: Unstable tropical air-sea interaction waves and their physical mechanisms. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 10, 61-70. 75) Zhang Renhe and Chao Jiping, 1993: Mechanisms of interannual variations in a simple air-sea coupled model in the Tropics. In: Climate Variability (Eds. Ye Duzheng at el.), China Meteorological Press, Beijing, 236-244. 76) Zhang Renhe, 1993: Unstable air-sea interaction waves in a simple tropical air-sea coupled model. In: Climate, Environment and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (Eds. Ye Duzheng at el.), China Meteorological Press, Beijing, 225-236. 77) Zhang Renhe and Chao Jiping, 1992: Numerical experiments on the tropical air-sea interaction waves. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 6, 148-156. 78) Chao Jiping and Zhang Renhe, 1988: The air-sea interaction waves in the tropics and their instabilities. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 2, 275-287. 二、中文论文: 79) 左志燕、张人禾,2012:中国春季降水异常及其与热带太平洋海面温度和欧亚大陆积雪的联系. 大气科学,36(1),185-194. 80) 梁宏、张人禾、刘晶淼,2012:青藏高原大气水汽探测误差及其成因.气象学报,70(1),155-164. 81) 康红文、祝从文、左志燕、张人禾,2012:多模式集合预报及其降尺度技术在东亚夏季降水预测中的应用.气象学报,70(2), 192-201. 82) 武炳义、苏京志、张人禾,2011:秋-冬季节北极海冰对冬季西伯利亚高压的影响. 科学通报,56(27),. 83) 汪会、罗亚丽、张人禾,2011:用CloudSat/CALIPSO资料分析亚洲季风区和青藏高原地区云的季节变化特征.大气科学,35(6),. 84) 容新尧、张人禾、苏京志,2011:副热带-热带太平洋密跃层水量交换际变化的模拟研究. 海洋学报,33(5),9-22. 85) 钟水新、王东海、张人禾、刘英,2011:一次东北冷涡降水过程的结构特征与影响因子分析.高原气象 ,30(4),951-960. 86) 钤伟妙、罗亚丽、张人禾、宫宇,2011:引发舟曲特大泥石流灾害强降雨过程的成因分析. 应用气象学报,22(4), 385-397. 87) 孙虎林、罗亚丽、张人禾、刘黎平、王改利,年6月3~4日黄淮地区强飑线成熟阶段特征分析.大气科学,35(1),105-120. 88) 武炳义、张人禾,2011:东亚夏季风年际变率及其与中、高纬度大气环流以及外强迫异常的联系. 气象学报,69(2),219-233. 89) 黄大鹏、郑伟、张人禾、霍治国、李加林、彭顺风,2011:安徽淮河流域洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力评估. 地理研究,30(3),523-530. 90) 钟水新、王东海、张人禾、刘英,2011:基于CloudSat资料的冷涡对流云带垂直结构特征.应用气象学报,22(3),257-264. 91) 张人禾、王凡,2011:陆地水循环与近海变化.《第二次气候变化国家评估报告》(《第二次气候变化国家评估报告》编写委员会编著),北京:科学出版社,96-116. 92) 左志燕、张人禾、武炳义,~2004 年中国大陆南方地区春季降水的年代际变化特征及其与欧亚大陆积雪的联系. 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(2) Argo大洋观测资料的同化及其在短期气候预测和海洋分析中的应用,大气科学,2013,第1作者
(3) Kinematic features of a bow echo in southern China observed with Doppler radar,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2013,第2作者
(4) Predictable patterns and predictive skills of monsoon precipitation in Northern Hemisphere summer in NCEP CFSv2 reforecasts,Climate Dynamics,2013,第4作者
(5) Gridded hourly precipitation analysis from high-density rain-gauge network over the Yangtze-Huai Rivers Basin during the 2007 Meiyu season and comparison with CMORPH,Journal of Hydrometeorology,2013,第3作者
(6) On the relationship between winter sea ice and summer atmospheric circulation over Eurasia,Journal of Climate,2013,第2作者
(7) Comparison of Rainfall Characteristics and Convective Properties of Monsoon Precipitation Systems over South China and the Yangtze and Huai River Basin,Journal of Climate,2013,第3作者
(8) The zonal propagating characteristics of low-frequency oscillation over the Eurasian mid-high latitude in boreal summer,Science China: Earth Sciences,2013,第3作者
(9) Relationship between an abrupt drought-flood transition over mid-low reaches of the Yangtze River in 2011 and the intraseasonal oscillation over mid-high latitudes of East Asia,Acta Meteorological Sinica,2013,第3作者
(10) Comparison of the structure and evolution of intraseasonal oscillations before and after onset of the Asian summer monsoon,Acta Meteorological Sinica,2013,第2作者
(11) 中国北方秋雨与热带中太平洋海表冷却的关系,大气科学,2013,第2作者
(12) 夏季欧亚中高纬大气低频振荡的纬向传播特征,中国科学:地球科学,2013,第3作者
(13) 一次冷涡发展阶段大暴雨过程的中尺度对流系统研究,高原气象,2013,第3作者
(14) ECHAM5-simulated impacts of two types of El Ni?o on the winter precipitation anomalies in South China,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,2013,第2作者
(15) Long-term variations of broad-scale Asian summer monsoon circulation and possible causes,Journal of Climate,2013,第3作者
(16) Decadal variability in springtime snow over Eurasia: Relation with circulation and possible influence on springtime rainfall over China,International Journal of Climatology,2012,第2作者
(17) Estimation of hourly solar radiation at the surface under cloudless conditions on the Tibetan Plateau using a simple radiation model,Advance in Atmospheric Sciences,2012,第2作者
(18) Impacts of Model Resolutions and Initial Conditions on Predictions of the Asian Summer Monsoon by the NCEP Climate Forecast System,Weather and Forecasting,2012,第5作者
(19) An assessment of multidimensional flood vulnerability at the provincial scale in China based on the DEA method,Natural Hazards,2012,第2作者
(20) Areal differences in diurnal variations in summer precipitation over Beijing metropolitan region,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2012,通讯作者
(21) 东北冷涡活动的季节内振荡特征及其影响,大气科学,2012,第4作者
(22) 中国春季降水异常及其与热带太平洋海面温度和欧亚大陆积雪的联系,大气科学,2012,第2作者
(23) 青藏高原大气水汽探测误差及其成因,气象学报,2012,第2作者
(24) 多模式集合预报及其降尺度技术在东亚夏季降水预测中的应用,气象学报,2012,第4作者
(25) 北京降水特征及北京市观象台降水资料代表性,应用气象学报,2012,第2作者
(26) 青藏高原探空大气水汽偏差及订正方法研究,大气科学,2012,第2作者
(27) 青藏高原对流层顶高度与臭氧总量及上升运动的耦合关系,大气科学学报,2012,第3作者
(28) 北京不同区域表面气温的变化特征以及北京市观象台气温的代表性,气候与环境研究,2012,第2作者
(29) Seasonal variation of climatological bypassing flows around the Tibetan Plateau,Advance in Atmospheric Sciences,2012,通讯作者
(30) A China-Japan cooperative JICA atmospheric observing network over the Tibetan Plateau (JICA/Tibet Project): An overview,Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,2012,第1作者
(31) 青藏高原及东缘新一代大气综合探测系统应用平台 — 中日合作JICA项目,中国工程科学,2012,第1作者
(32) 南亚高压的南北偏移与我国夏季降水的关系,应用气象学报,2012,第2作者
(33) 近30年青藏高原臭氧总量亏损的可能原因及其与对流层顶高度的联系,高原气象,2012,第3作者
(34) Inter-decadal variations of springtime rainfall over southern China mainland for
and its relationship with Eurasian snow,Science China Earth Science,2012,第2作者
(35) Role of thermal condition over Asia in the weakening Asian summer monsoon under global warming background,Journal of Climate,2012,第4作者
(36)Intercomparison of deep convection over the Tibetan Plateau–Asian monsoon region and subtropical North America in boreal summer using CloudSat/CALIPSO data,Journal of Climate,2011,第2作者
(37) The relation of vegetation over the Tibetan Plateau to rainfall in China during the boreal summer,Climate Dynamics,2011,第2作者
(38) Upscale feedback of high-frequency winds to ENSO,Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,2011,通讯作者
(39) Statistical downscaling of pattern projection using multi-model output variables as predictors,Acta Meteorologica Sinica,2011,第4作者
(40) Regional atmospheric anomalies responsible for the
severe drought in China,Journal of Geophysical Research,2011,第3作者
(41) 副热带-热带太平洋密跃层水量交换际变化的模拟研究,海洋学报,2011,第2作者
(42) 一次东北冷涡降水过程的结构特征与影响因子分析,高原气象,2011,第3作者
(43) South China heavy rainfall experiments (SCHeREX),Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,2011,第1作者
(44) 安徽淮河流域洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力评估,地理研究,2011,第3作者
(45) ~4日黄淮地区强飑线成熟阶段特征分析,大气科学,2011,第3作者
(46) 东亚夏季风年际变率及其与中、高纬度大气环流以及外强迫异常的联系,气象学报,2011,第2作者
(47) 用CloudSat/CALIPSO资料分析亚洲季风区和青藏高原地区云的季节变化特征,大气科学,2011,第3作者
(48) 引发舟曲特大泥石流灾害强降雨过程的成因分析,应用气象学报,2011,第3作者
(49) 基于CloudSat资料的冷涡对流云带垂直结构特征,应用气象学报,2011,第3作者
(50) Impact of Spring Soil Moisture on Surface Energy Balance and Summer Monsoon Circulation over East Asia and Precipitation in East China,Journal of Climate,2011,第1作者
(51) Impacts of land process on the onset and evolution of Asian summer monsoon in the NCEP climate forecast system,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2011,第5作者
(52) Characteristics of the Dominant Modes of Atmospheric Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation over Tropical–Subtropical Americas,Journal of Climate,2011,第4作者
(53) Diagnostic analysis of the evolution mechanism for a vortex over the Tibetan Plateau in June 2008,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2011,通讯作者
(54) Effects of autumn-winter Arctic sea ice on winter Siberian High,Chinese Science Bulletin,2011,第3作者 发表著作
科研活动在研项目:1) 国家科技支撑计划“中国重大自然灾害风险等级综合评估技术研究”课题:“重大气象水文灾害综合风险评估技术”课题负责人(课题编号:2008BAK50B02;经费:550万元;起止年月:2008年9月至2011年12月); 2) 国际科技合作项目“全球季风监测、评估、研究和预测”项目负责人(项目编号:2009DFA21430;经费:153万元;起止年月:2009年7月至2012年6月); 3) 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金项目“东亚副热带季风变异机理” 项目负责人(项目批准号:**;经费:500万元;起止年月:2010年1月至2012年12月); 4) 公益性行业(气象)科研专项经费项目“高原环流系统对东部地区天气的影响技术分析” 项目负责人(项目编号:GYHY**;经费:345万元;起止年月:2010年9月至2012年10月); 科研项目 (1) 东亚副热带季风变异机理,主持,国家级,15-12
(2) 华南季风强降水外场试验与研究,主持,部委级,15-12 参与会议
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