
第一节课 初级语法- 名词短语与英语的五种基本句型 - 简书
第一节课 初级语法- 名词短语与英语的五种基本句型
-& TOEFL1)高中10年级 -& 本科或研究生入学语言成绩要求 - 申请2)提高交流效率,融入留学当地文化生活 - 能力3)学英语 -& 用英语学
社科;文科;商科;理工科;通识教育留学生活典型的一天:seminar, presentation, workshop, lecture互动 - 学生的学习目标是什么?人生规划以及理想是什么?WHAT -& 打基础托福不直接考语法,但是考察学生使用语法的能力 -& 什么意思,往下看?- Mathematicians who have tried to use the computers to copy the way the brain works have found that even using the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos.- Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens.
互动 - 如何划分句子结构?定语从句,状语从句,名词性从句(主宾表同)作业随堂练习课后作业 (30分钟~60分钟完成量)
语法的三个方面形式:某个语法结构式怎样构成的,例如“现在完成进行时”的构成行驶时have been doing。这是使用语法规则的七点,即首先要做到能够准确的构造某个语法结构。意义:比如“现在完成进行时”表示“一个活动从过去一直延续到现在说话时刻”,这是现在完成时态这一结构所具备的语法意义。特定意义&-对应-&特定结构形式特定的结构形式能够表达特定的意义,对于一个句子,它的含义不仅仅是来自于剧中所使用的词汇的含义,而是还有来自其中特定语法结构所含有的语法意义。用法:与实际交流中的语境有关系,即在什么样的语境中,采用何种语法结构来表达特定的意义。例1:I have been coming to Beijing for fourteen years.我来北京14年了我倒北京一路上走了14年在过去这14年当中,我常常来北京have been coming在英文里表示的是一个重复的活动,即用短暂动词的完成进行时来表示到目前为止的一段时间内重复发生的动作。例2:I have been coming to Beijing fourteen times.现在完成进行时态在表示重复活动时,不能说明具体的次数。例3:辨析三者的区别I am married.I got married last year.I've been married forover a year.学好语法的方法思考+练习学习路线:初级语法[构造简单句,使用简单谓语] -& 中级语法[构造复合句,使用复杂谓语] -& [复合句与简单句的转化,运用非谓语简化从句]初级两大主线:名词性短语:名词,限定词和形容词。动词:五种基本句型。中级:从句入门:如何将两个简单句合并成为三大从句,即名词从句,定语从句和状语从句。[选讲 复杂谓语:虚拟语气等。]高级:从句提高:分析和构造复杂的难句,用于轻松应对各类国内外考试中的阅读理解及写作。三大非谓语:不定式,动名词和分词。三大从句和三大谓语联系与转化初级语法- 名词短语名词短语是英语句子的核心组成部分。
句子 -----学习语法用于正确造句
短语:动词短语 have been doing介词短语 for you* 名词短语 my best friend名词短语 = 名词 +修饰语例4 名词短语在句子中的成分:Theser ed roses are for youI have three close friendsI really need a new computerI can't find the best answerHe is my best friendThere are some red rose on that small table表语用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动名词、不定式、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。如果句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。表语形式 名词作表语  Africa is a big continent.  非洲是个大洲。  That remains a puzzle to me.  那件事对我来说任然是一个谜。代词作表语  What’s your fax number?  你的传真号是多少?  Who's your best friend?  你最好的朋友是谁?形容词作表语  I feel much better today.  我今天感觉好多了。  He is old but he is healthy。  他很老,但他很健康。数词作表语  She was the first to learn about it.  她是第一个知道的人。不定式或ing形式作表语  Her job is selling computers.  她的工作是销售电脑。  Our next step was to get raw materials ready.  我们下一步是把原料准备好。  作表语的不定式短语通常是说明主语的内容,这时主语通常是如下名词:  hope, idea, job, plan, wish, aim, purpose, thing, business  The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.  新技术的目的是使生活更便利,而不是更繁琐。  Her wish is to become a singer.  她的愿望是当一名歌手。  Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks.  我们的计划就是在两星期内完成这项工作。介词短语作表语  The patient is out of danger.  病人脱险了。  I don’t feel at ease.  我感到不自在。  作为表语时,英语介词可以表示正在“进行”的动作。例如:  He is at work..  他正在工作。  The house is on fire!  房子着火了!  The road is under construction.  路正在修。副词作表语  The sun is up.  太阳升起来了。  I must be off now.  现在我得走了。从句作表语  This is what he said.  这就是他所说的话。非谓语单词作remain的表语。  Remain作“仍需去做(或说、处理)”讲时,后面加“to be done”作表语。  例: One problem remains to be solved。  有一个问题尚待解决。表语从句That’s not what I want.That’s why I have come.My opinion is that things will improve.One advantage of solar energy is that it will never run out.The truth is that he didn’t really try.The problem is who is to pay and when we can start.The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late.What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it.What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us.What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.It looked as if it was/were going to rain. (虚拟语气)That is why she had a day off yesterday.My idea is that individual rights should be fully respected.The question is whether the God really exists.What I want to know is how he managed to complete the project in such a short time.修饰词:前置定语(定语)- 简单句中常见;后置定语 - 复杂名词短语(定语从句,同位语从句,分词短语,不定式短语,介词短语,形容词短语和副词短语)修饰语 :限定词 (these, three, a, the ,my 和that)+形容词(red, close, new, best和small)The cute boy in blue jeans.The cute boy wearing blue jeans.The cute boy who is wearing bule jeans.分析a red rectangle emblazoned with five stars限定词+形容词+中心名词+分词短语名词可数名词 student不可数名词people不可数名词可以转化为可数名词,例如room空间-&a room房间抽象概念具体化之后变为可数名词课堂练习P20作业:总结常用作不可数的名词及分类语法课程优先讲解后置定语,前置定语部分自己复习有时间再讲解,包含以下内容(主要是词法和情态动词):
限定词:冠词 a, an, the等
数量限定词与个体限定词 a few, few, a little, little, some/any, each/every, another/other, either/neither, both/all, neither/none, the other/another, each/every, a number of, several
后置修饰名词(a mistake typical of beginners of E the songs popular in the 1970s)
形容词+介词短语(as large as)
形容词+不定式(eager to support them)
形容词+动名词短语(a writer busy serving the guests)
be: am, is, are, was, were, been, being
do: does, did
have: has, had
can/could, may/might, shall/shuold, will/would, must, had better,[dare, need]
实义动词能够独立充当句子谓语,实义动词不仅是句子谓语的核心成分,更重要的是他决定了一个句子的骨架结构(宾语数量及其他句子成分)最基本的词序:主语+谓语动词+宾语(subjective-verb-object, SVO),在英文句子中占80%。中文 vs 英文SVO 我吃了饭OVS 饭吃了我 -& “饭吃了么,你?“SOV 我饭吃了OSV 饭我吃了VOS 吃了饭了我OV 饭吃了VO 吃饭了OV 鸡不吃了&-要不要吃鸡观看视频英语简单句的五种基本句型解决day day up, good good study例句 分析句子结构:I am a WebaholicI like chatting onlineChatting on the Internet is interestingChatting on the Internet brings me a lot of funWe can call Internet addicts a WebaholicInternet dating hurts陈述对象+陈述内容 | 主语+谓语 | 名词+动词 | 物质+运动
总结动词对于句子构造的重要性,因为句子的骨架结构完全是由谓语动词决定的 -& 学习英语单词时,特别关注动词的用法特点 -& 动词是灵魂课堂练习:找出下列句子的主语部分和谓语部分
句型一:主语+系动词+表语该句型的谓语动词是系动词(如be后其他系动词),系动词全称联系动词(linking verb),不表示具体的动作,而只是起连接主语和后面成分的作用。这种动词后面所借的成分是用来说明主语的特点,表明主语的性质特征的,因此称之为主语补足语,或表语(能表示主语特征的成分)。课堂练习:翻译造句He looks happyI am a WebaholicChatting on the Internet is interestingLearning English is importantThe music sounds niceHe became a teacherThe leaf will turn yellow in autumn
be: am, is, are,
课堂练习:使用系动词造句句型二:主语+谓语该句型的谓语动词是不及物动词,所表示的工作没有作用对象,其本身的意思完整,其后不需要带宾语。课堂练习:翻译造句He diedThese children are playingInternet dating hurtsThe fire is burningChildren giggleThe sun rises and the sun sets. Stars glitter and stars vanishThe sun sets in the westHe works hard谓语动词的后面虽然不接宾语,但通常会接副词或介词短语来说明动作的方式,地点或时间等。英文中把这种修饰动作的成分称作状语。The sun sets in the west He works hard课堂练习:翻译造句They shouted loudlyHe died at homeHe died in 2007课堂练习: 区分下列两个句子He shouted loudlyHe looks happy (happily) -& look是系动词,没有具体的动作。形容词happy不是修饰looks的,而是补充说明主语he的特征,作表语。句型三:主语+谓语+宾语该句型的谓语动词是及物动词,这种动词告诉我们由主语发出的动作所作用的对象是什么,这里所作用的对象就是我们通常称之为宾语的,即宾语是主语动作的承受对象,因此这类动词是带有宾语的。英文中的绝大多数动词都是及物动词。These children are playing footballThese children are playingI love EnglishI like chatting on the InternetHe speaks English well句型四:主+谓+间接宾语+直接宾语该句型的谓语动词是双宾动词,这种动词的后面所街成分有”人“又有”物“。一般来讲,这里的”人“表示动作的接受者,称作间接宾语。”物“表示动作作用的对象,是动作的承受者,称作直接宾语。间接宾语和直接宾语合起来叫做双宾语。Chatting online will bring you a lot of funHe lent me ten yuanI will buy you a mealI gave him my bookHe showed the guard his possport句型五:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语该句型中的谓语动词是宾补动词,这种动词的后面接宾语,而此宾语的后面又补充说明宾语的补足语。宾语和宾语补足语合起来叫做复合宾语。We can call Internet addicts a WebaholicWe elected John chairmanI found this answer wrongYou can leave the door openA hedge between keeps friednsip green课堂作业:如何区分句型四和句型五在宾语的后面加上be动词,若能构成一个语义通顺的句子,则是补足语。因为宾语与宾语补足语的语义关系就相当于主语与主语补足语的关系,即类似一个”主系表“结构,所以,在宾语的后面添上一个系动词be,自然就应该能构成一个逻辑语义通顺的句子。而间接宾语与直接宾语之间就没有这样的语义关系,所以,添上be之后,自然就不能构成一个语义通顺的句子。I made John our chairmanI made John a cake总结五种基本句型是解读英语句子和构造英语句子的基础。因为英文中各种复杂的句子均是由这五种基本句型扩大,组合,省略或倒装等各种变化形式变化而来的-&熟练掌握五种基本句型
词类 词类(Parts of Speech) 汉(英)语名称 定义 分类 实词(在句子中独立担任成分) 名词 n. (noun) 表示人或事物的名称 专有名词、普通名词 代词pron. (pronoun) 代替名词、形容词或数词 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示...
“感觉自己的英语语法很差劲,虽然知识点也都知道,但是感觉自己语法基础不牢固,没有系统,有什么方法能让自己尽快掌握语法?” 这句话估计道出了很多同学的心声,英语语法其实很简单,你学不好的一个重要原因就是专注度不高,另外掌握语法系统很重要。认真把这篇文 章看完并认真做好笔记的话...
原文地址:https://book.douban.com/annotation// 第一章 基本句型及补语 五种单据的基本句型:S主语,V动词,O宾语,C补语 S+V S+V+O S+V+O+O S+V+C S+V+O+C 要了解补语,只需要研究要写解释为“...
高中阶段的英语学习,其实就是学语法、记单词和研究并熟练题型。其中,语法是大多数同学最头疼的问题,原因在于其内容之繁杂和零散,因此,百分教育小编将高中英语所有语法专题总结在一起,供大家系统学习。(高中是系统学习语法的最佳时机,到了大学,就主要是以背单词为主了!) 专题一 定语...
最近和朋友们都很少联系,除了妈妈和杨先生。 每每与他俩聊天,回复最多的问题是:吃饭了吗?!吃的什么?!睡觉了吗?!什么时候睡?! 时间一长,他俩又默契地将以上疑问句换成了祈使句:回家,我养你! 我真的真的超级感动!因为男神是这样说的:滚回来,给我拖地,月薪8个硬币!摔~ 客...
月色泛起心潮 秋的味道 是心深处缱绻着的一丝妖娆 晚风带着丝丝凉意 触摸着夏花隐去的美丽 袅袅清茶的气息 托起夜空优美的旋律 星星坠落了 被拓荒者一颗一颗的拾起 夏虫不愿离去 依旧把音乐奏响 踩着凌乱的舞步 不在乎有没有人欣赏 也不在乎有没有人惦记 只想把那颗沉甸甸的心 留...
有人说:“少年不知愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁。”想到这个也就想到过年的时候亲戚朋友跟我说的太多太多不想听的话,也不是我矫情,确实是怕了,说我这个年纪的人应该干嘛干嘛,说我这个年纪应该怎么怎么,要知道,一个过年说的也就是这些了。 这不,年龄越大,这个词是越敏感,仿佛是我身上最敏感...
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一、句子的分类(按语气) 1. 陈述句 2. 疑问句 3. 祈使句 4. 感叹句 1. 陈述句:用来说明一个事实或陈述一种看法。Light travels faster than sound. The film is rather boring. 注意: 第一:陈述句的否定结构 否定转移:主句谓语动词是 think, expect, believe, suppose, guess 等表“认为” 的 动词时,宾语从句的否定习惯上前移到主句谓语上. I don’t think I know you. She doesn’t believe you are wrong. 注意: hope 不在此列. 第二, 句中含有 never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, nothing, nobody, nowhere 等词时, 应视为否定句。1) I could hardly hear anything. 2) He rarely comes to see me. 3) None of us has been to Beijing. 4) I saw nothing in the darkness. 5) We could find her nowhere. 第三, 部分否定和全部否定: all, both, either, every, everybody, everyday, everywhere, always 与 not 连 用时, 表示部分否定。表示全部否定要用 no, neither, none, nobody, nothing, never , nowhere 等词. All the ants go out for food. Not all the ants go out for food. All the ants don’t go out for food. None of the ants goes out for food. Not any of the ants goes out for food. 2. 祈使句 用来提出请求,建议或发出命令,肯定的祈使句 用动词原形开头,否定的祈使句用 Don’t 或 Never +动词原形开头。Sit down, please! Don’t be nervous! 有时为了加强语气还可以在动词前面用上助动词 do。Do come earlier, please! 有些祈使句还可以没有动词。Silence! No parking! 3. 感叹句
表示说话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等情绪,常用 what 或 how 来引导。常见的句型结 构是: What + 名词 +主语+谓语! How +形容词或副词 +主语+谓语! 1) What good news it is! 2) What a silly question he asked! 3) How cool it is today! 4) How hard the students are working! 4. 疑问句:可以分为四种: a. 一般疑问句:常指用 yes 或 no 回答的句子,常把助动词 be、have、do 或情态 动词等提到主语之前,例如: Can you finish the work in time? Are you a student ? --Yes, I am a student. Do you like dancing ? --Yes, I do. b. 特殊疑问句:指用疑问词开头的疑问句,不能用 yes 或 no 回答,时间(When)、 地点(Where)、因(Why)、方式(How)、人物(Who)、名称(What),等等 Where do you live? Who is in charge of English in your class ? c. 选择疑问句: 这种疑问句通常提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择,供选择的部分常用 or 连接。Would you like some tea or coffee? Which jacket did he buy, the green one or the red one? d. 反意疑问句:在陈述句后附上一个简短问句,表示说话者对所叙述的事实虽 有一定见解,但没有把握,提出疑问,希望得到对方的证实。常见句型结构是: 前肯定后否定;前否定后肯定两种。注意:陈述句中的否定有多种形式,除了用 not 之外,还可以用 hardly, few, little, never, seldom, nobody, nothing, nowhere 等词表示否定,但否定的前缀和后缀不算 否定。1) Work is a big part of your life, isn’t it? 2) They all had a good time, didn’t they? 3) She dislikes pets, doesn’t she? 4) He doesn’t know her, does he? 5) Nobody came here just now, did they? 6) Tom can hardly cook, can he? 注意: 1. 陈述部分为含有宾语从句的主从复合句时,通常要对主句主语进行反问;但 如果陈述部分是“I (don’ ) think / suppose / believe 等+ 宾语从句” 时, t 则要对 宾语从句的主语进行反问。1) He has told you that he will go to America, hasn’t he? 2) I don’t think he will go to America, will he? 2. 陈述部分为祈使句时,不论祈使句是肯定形式还是否定形式,反意疑问句部 分通常用 但 let’s 引起的祈使句的反意疑问句部分通常用 shall we。
1) Come here this evening, will you? 2) Don’t make a noise, will you? 3) Let’s go out for a walk, shall we? 4) Let me do it again, will you? 按结构句子的分类 1. 简单句 2. 并列句 3. 复合句 1. 简单句 说明:由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。I closed the door, stepped off the stairs, got into the car and drove away. My father、my mother、my sister and I went to the park yesterday. The teacher and the students swept the floor, cleaned the blackboard and threw away the garbage. 2. 并列句 由并列连词(and, so, but, or 等)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的 句子。I often help her and she helps me, too. Harry likes eggs, but he doesn’t like chicken. 3. 复合句 由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子,从句是主句的一个成分。I believe you are right. If he studies harder, he will pass the exam. 并列句第一种分类:关系词,分为五种并列、选择、转折、递进、因果。1. 常用并列连词 and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, neither, nor, at the same time, in the mean time, meanwhile, as…as, as, than, as well as,both... and...,on the one hand…on the other hand 等连接,用 not only…but also… 时,前面一句要用部 分倒装。Use your head, and you’ll find a way. Not only does he want to come, but the students also need him. 2. 转折连词:but, rather than, instead, on the contrary, yet, however, while, whereas, notwithstanding 等,前后分句时态一致。Father was reading newspaper in the sofa, while mother was cooking in the kitchen. He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 3. 选择连词:or, otherwise, or else, either…or…等,前后分句的时态往往保持一致 关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。Hurry up, or (else) you’ll be late. Will he still be there or will he have gone away? You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus.
Either Tom is coming or his sisters are. 4. 并列连词 so, for, as a result, consequently 等连接因果并列句。It was late, so we went home. The manager was ill so I went in her place. 5. 我们常用 then, and then, when, and when, still, furthermore, what’s more, in addition, besides, after all 等连接递进并列句。I was just leaving when the telephone rang. In addition to French, he has to study Japanese. The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable. 注意: when 和 and when= just at this time 表示当某人或某物正在或正要做某事, 就在这时突然又发生了另一事 when 作这种用法时,主要用于 1.was/were doing sth. when sth./sb. did 2.was/were about to do sth. when sth./sb. 3.was/were on the point of doing sth. when sth./sb. did 等句型中 并列句的第二种分类 1)S+V+,+并列连词+S+V; I was going out, but she was going in. 2)S+V,+并列副词+,+S+V. The meal was cooked, however, she disappeared. (并列副词在连接两个并列分句时,需要在它的前后同时带上一个“,”。) 注意: 1. 在“祈使句 + and/or + 陈述句”结构中 a.当前后两部分为承接关系时,用 b.前后意思为相反关系时,用 or c.如果将前面的祈使句转换成由 if 引导的条件状语从句, 要将 and 或 or 去掉。Hurry up, and we’ll be there in time. = If we hurry up, we’ll be there in time. Study hard and you will succeed. Study hard or you will be punished. 2. so 不能与 because 连用; but 不能和 although 或 though 连用。第一篇:谓语并列的句子一、简单句 简单句的基本句型 简单句(simple sentence)只有一个主语(或 并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。有以下五种基本结构: 1)主语+谓语 (SV) 这种句型可简称为主谓结构(SV),其谓语 一般是不及物动词 。如: ① Things change. ②Nobody went. ③--Did you go by see? ---No. We flew.
2) 主语+联系动词+表语(SLP) 这种句型可简称为主系表结构(SLP),联系 动词只是形式上的谓语动词,但在实质上表语却变 成了谓语。如: ① Trees are green. ② Mr. Smith is an artist. ③ She seems kind. ④ The milk turned sour. 3) 主语+谓语+宾语(SVO) 这种句型可简称为主谓宾结构(SVO),谓语 一般是及物动词,其宾语多是直接宾语。如: ①We don’t beat children. ② The car hit the tree. ③ My sister cooks dinner.
4) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(SVOO)
这种句型可简称为主谓宾宾结构(SVOO),谓语 须是可接双宾语的的及物动词。如: ① He gave his sister the piano. ② He bought his wife a fur coat. ③ I will write you a long letter. ④ Would you show me the picture?
5) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(SVOC) 这种结构可称为主谓宾补结构(SVOC),
宾语。宾语和宾补存在逻辑上的主谓系。如: ① I found the book easy. ② I ‘ll let him go. ③ I saw him running.
二、并列句 并列句由两个或者两个以上的简单句并 列在一起构成。常见的并列句结构是简 单句+并列连词+简单句。并列连词之前 可用逗号,也可不用逗号。如: ① This is me and these are my friends. ② They must stay in water, or they will die. ③ It’s not cheap, but it’s very good.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I made him cry. 主+谓+宾+宾补 Something terrible happened. 主+谓 She is my friend. 主+系+表 He plays basketball well. 主+谓+宾 My friends call me Peter. 主+谓+宾+宾补 I bought a computer last month. 主+谓+宾 My father gave me some money. 主+谓+间宾+直宾 He works very hard. 主+谓第一篇:谓语并列的句子句子的种类 第一节 简单句 一、简单句(Simple Sentences)的定义 只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子叫做简单句。He learns German.他学德语。(一个主语和一个谓语) Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.汤姆和杰克都喜欢乡村音乐。(一个并列主语和 一个谓语) We sang and danced yesterday evening.昨天晚上我们唱歌跳舞。(一个主语和一个并列 调语) My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and back home at seven in the evening.我和哥哥早上 7:30 去上学,晚上 7:00 回家。(一个并列主语和一个并列谓语) 二、简单句的种类 (-)根据句子的基本结构分 根据句子的基本结构简单句分为 5 种句型 1.主语十连系动词十表语 The weather is very cold.天气很冷。She felt happy 她感到很愉快。Please keep silent!请安静! My father is a physics teacher.我父亲是一个物理老师。The Lijiang River looks especially beautiful in the early morning. 漓江在清晨看上去格外 美丽。2.主语十不及物动词 Winter is coming.冬天来了。His father has gone abroad.他父亲出国了。The baby is crying in the next room.婴儿在隔壁房间里哭。He works in a big company.他在一家大公司工作。We have lived in the city for ten years.我们在这座城市已生活了 10 年。3.主语十及物动词十宾语
I like popular music.我喜欢流行音乐。She knows what to do next.她知道下一步做什么。I usually do my homework at home in the evening.我通常晚上在家做功课。He began learning English ten years ago.他 10 年前开始学英语。He has decided to work harder at English.他决定更努力学习英语。4.主语十及物动词十间接宾语十直接宾语 He teaches us chemistry.他教我们化学。Please tell me your telephone number.请告诉我你的电话号码。Father bought me a new bicycle.父亲给我买了一辆新自行车。The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree.农民正在教那个男孩怎样种树。This gave us great encouragement.这给了我们很大的鼓舞。5.主语十及物动词十宾语十宾语补足语 They won’t let me go.他们不让我走。We must keep the room clean.我们必须保持房间干净。When he came in,he found the old man dead.他进来时发现老人死了。He likes to watch the boys playing football.他喜欢看男孩们踢足球。Yesterday I had a picture taken with two Americans.昨天我和两个美国人一起照了相。(二)根据句子的目的分 根据句子的目的简单句分为 4 种句型 1.陈述句(Declarative Sentences): 用来叙述一项事实。(1)基本结构:主语十谓语十?? The earth turns around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。He often talks English.他常讲英语。注:there be 句型和某些句型中主语和谓语有倒装现象。如: There are 12 months in a year.一年有 12 个月。Hardly had the plane landed when the people ran toward it.飞机几乎没有着陆,人们就朝 它跑去了。(2)否定结构:主语十谓语(be,have 或助动词,情态动词十 not)+?? China is not a developed country.中国不是一个发达国家。
He has not finished the experiment.他还没有做完实验。He will not come to the party because of his illness.因为生病,他将不参加晚会。当谓语由行为动词单独构成时,其否定结构为: “主语十 do(does 或 did)+not 十动词 原形十??” He did not go to the cinema last night.昨晚他没有去看电影。Do not waste your money.不要浪费钱。He does not speak French.他不说法语。注:never,hardly,scarcely,neither,nor,no,none,nothing,nobody 等词表示否定 意义。这些词所构成的句子相当于否定句,无需再加“not” 。如: I’ll never forget the day when I joined the League.我永远忘不了我入团的那一天。We could hardly(或 scarcely) understand his English.我们几乎听不懂他的英语。None of the answers is(或 are) correct.所有的答案都不正确。Nothing will prevent him from carrying out the plan.没有任何事情能阻止他执行这项计 划。2.疑问句(Interrogative Sentences) 用来提出疑问, 句末用问号 “?” 疑问句的语序一般都部分倒装, 。即把谓语中的 be (如 is,are 等) 、助动词或情态动词等放到主语之前。当谓语由行为动词单独构成时,则须在主 语前面加助动词 do(或 does,did 等) 。疑问句有下列 4 种形式: (1)一般疑问句(General Questions) 通常要求用 yes 或 no 来回答,句末通常用升调。如: Are you in Senior Grade One?你是在高中一年级吗? Is there anybody in the room?房间里有人吗? Does he speak English?他说英语吗? Have you considered our plan?你考虑过我们的计划了吗? 注 1:对一般疑问句进行肯定回答,除了可以用 yes 之外,还可以用下列词语:certainly (一定) ,of course(当然) ,please do(请便好了) with pleasure(好的) if you please , , (随你便) ,quite so(相当对) ,exactly(正是如此) ,quite right(完全对),I think so(我想 是这样的) ,yes,if you like(是啊,随意好了) ,by all means(完全可以,务必这样)等。注 2:英语用否定句形式提问时,回答仍可把它视为肯定句形式的问句来回答。但译成
汉语时,差别很大。如: Haven’t you been to the United States?你没有去过美国吧? Yes,I have.不,我去过。No,I haven’t.是,我没去过。(2)特殊疑问句(Special Questions) 疑问词出现在疑问句之前构成特殊疑问句,句末通常用降调。这时句子中主语、谓语仍 按一般疑问句结构的特点,需要部分倒装,但当主语是疑问代词或受疑问词修饰时,主语、 谓语则不倒装。如: What is the reason for your being late?你迟到的原因何在?(句中 what 作表语) Where are you going?你上哪去? How long have you studied English?你学英语有多久了? Who has read the book?谁读过这本书? Which English books were bought by you yesterday?你昨天买了那些英语书? 注 1:如果特殊疑问句中插入类似一般疑问句形式出现的插入句,则特殊疑问句本身的 主语、谓语仍按正常陈述语序排列,不用倒装。如: How many English novels did she say she had read?她说她读过几本英文小说?(句中 did she say 为插入句,特殊疑问句中的主语 she 和助动词 had 为正常语序) What do you think should be done first?你认为应该先做什么?do you think 为插入句) 注 2:名词从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等)用疑问词引导时,其后面的主 语、谓语不必倒装,因为这不是问句,不要求对方回答。如: When we’ll leave for Beijing has not been decided yet.我们什么时候去北京还没有决定。(主语从句中 we’ll leave 为正常语序) I wonder why he failed in the physics exam.我不知道他物理考试为什么不及格。(宾语从 句中 he failed 为正常语序) That was how they won the football match.他们就是这样赢得这场足球比赛的。(表语从 句中 they won 为正常语序) (3)选择疑问句(Alternative Questions) 句型结构和一般疑问句相同,只是句子中用连词 or 提供两个或更多个选择方案。语调 通常前升后降。如: Are you doing this exercise or that one?你在做这道练习还是做那道?
Will you go out or stay here?你是出去还是留在这里? Do you work in Guilin or Manning?你在桂林还是在南宁工作? (4)反意疑问句(Disjunctive Questions) 提问者先提出情况和看法,然后问对方是否同意。在句子结构上前部分为陈述句,后部 分为前面部分的简短问句。如果前部分是肯定句,后面的简短问句则为否定式;如果前部分 为否定句,后面简短问句则为肯定式。如: She is a famous actress,isn’t she?她是著名的演员,对不? He hasn’t been abroad,has he?他没有出过国,是吗? They said nothing about it,did they?关于这件事他们没有说什么,对吗? 注:反意疑问句的 14 种特殊句型: ⑴在由 “祈使句十疑问部分” 构成的反意疑问句中, 疑问部分通常用 will you, won’t you, would you,有时也可用 can you,can’t you,why don’t you,could you 等,但不能用 do,即 使祈使句中有助动词 do 时也是这样。如: Pass me the dictionary,will(或 would)you?把词典递给我好吗? Don’t do that again, will you?别再做那件事好吗? 在含有 let 的祈使句后的反意疑问部分,如果 let 的宾语 us 包括听者(常写为 let’s)时 用 shall we,不包括听者(常写为 let us)时用 will you。let 的宾语是 me 时,要根据意思 用 will you 或 may I。let 的宾语是第三人称时用 Will you。如: Let’s go for a walk,shall we?我们去散步好吗? Let us do it by ourselves,will you?让我们自己做这件事好吗? Let me have a look at your photo,will you?(你)让我看看你的照片好吗? Let him speak first, will you?(你)让他先说好吗? ⑵当陈述部分带有情态动词 must 时, 反意疑问部分要根据 must 的意思不同而有所变化、 如果 must 表示“必须”或“有必要”时,反意疑问部分用 mustn’t 或 needn’t。如: I must hand in my exercise book now,mustn’t I (或 needn’t I )?我现在必须交练习本, 是吗? 如果 mustn’t 表示“禁止”时,疑问部分一般用 must. You mustn’t take the magazine out of the reading-room, must you?你一定不要把杂志带出 阅览室,好吗? 若 must 表示“想必”“一定”等推测意义时,则疑问部分不用 must, 而要根据 must 、
之后的动词结构及含义使用相应的动词形式。如: He must be your English teacher,isn’t he?他一定是你们的英语老师,不是吗? The professor must be working in the laboratory,isn’t he?教授一定在实验室里工作,是 吗? Chinese must have the largest number of speakers,doesn’t it?说又语的人数一定是最多 的,不是吗? You must have been there before,haven’t you?你以前肯定到过那里,是吗? He must have read the book yesterday,didn’t he?他昨天一定读了那本书,不是吗? ⑶当陈述部分的主语为 nothing,anything,everything 等不定代词时,反意疑问部分主 语用 it。如: Nothing could prevent him from going there, could it?什么也不能阻止他去那里, 对吗? 如果陈述部分的主语为 nobody,somebody,none,someone,no one,anyone,anybody, everyone 等不定代词,反意疑问部分主语用 they 或 he。如: Somebody took my umbrella away yesterday, didn’t they/he?昨天有人拿走了我的雨 伞,是吗? ⑷当陈述部分带有 that 从句作宾语时, 反意疑问部分应与主句的主语和谓语一致。陈述 部分是 I think, I suppose, I believe 时,反意疑问部分应与 that 从句的主语和谓语一致。如: He said his father had been sent to hospital, didn’t he?他说他父亲已送去医院了, 是吗? I think he’ll come to help us with our work, won’t he?我想他会来帮助我们工作, 是吗? I believe you have met each other before,haven’t you?我相你们以前彼此见过面, 对吗? I suppose they are waiting for us now, aren’t they?我猜想他们正在等我们,是吗? ⑸在英语口语中,由 neither? nor?,neither or 来连接主语时,反意疑问部分的主语 用 they。如: Neither of them knew his address, did they?他们没人知道他的地址,对吗? ⑹如果陈述部分是 I am?,反意疑问部分用 aren’t I 。如: I’m late,aren’t I?我迟到了,是不是? ⑺当陈述部分为感叹句时, 反意疑问部分用否定形式, 主语仍与感叹句的主语一致。如: What a fine day today, isn’t it?今天天气多么好,是吗? ⑻当陈述部分含有 wish 时,反意疑问部分助动词用 may。如:
I wish to use your dictionary, may I ?我想用一下你的词典,行吗? ⑼当陈述部分含有 you’d better, you’d like to 时,反意疑问部分分别用 hadn’t you, wouldn’t you。如: You’d better take his advice, hadn’t you?你最好还是听他的建议,好吗? You’d like to go to the party, wouldn’t you?你想去参加晚会,是吗? ⑽当陈述部分含有 have to 时,反意疑问部分助动词应根据 have 的变化,分别用 don’t, doesn’t,didn’t。如: I have to take this medicine,don’t I ?我必须把这药吃下,是吗? ⑾当陈述部分是 there be 句型时,反意疑问部分用 be there。如: There is something wrong with the machine,isn’t there?机器出了毛病,是吗? There is no time left,is there?没有时间了,是不是? ⑿当陈述部分含有 seldom,hardly,scarcely,no,never,rarely, few,little,nobody, nowhere 等否定词时,反意疑问部分的动词用肯定式。如: He hardly speaks English,does he?他几乎不会说英语,是吧? She seldom lends her money to others,dose she?她很少把钱借给别人,是吗? ⒀当陈述部分的主语是从句、 不定式、 动名词或词组时, 反意疑问部分的主语通常用 it。如: What he said at the meeting is very important,isn’t it?他在会上所说的很重要,对吗? To master a foreign language isn’t easy,is it?掌握一门外语不容易,是吗? Swimming in rivers is a good sport,isn’t it?在江河游泳是一项好运动,是吗? ⒁如果陈述句部分含有 un-,in-,im-,ir-,dis-等否定前缀构成的派生词时,该陈述句 部分仍作肯定处理,疑问部分用否定形式。如: He dislikes chicken,doesn’t he?他不喜欢吃鸡肉,是吗? 3.祈使句(Imperative Sentences) 祈使句用来提出请求、命令等,它的谓语动词用原形,否定形式在动词原形前加 don’t (=do not) ,主语 you 常省略。如: Be careful! 小心! Don’t be late for school again!上学别再迟到! Remember me to your parents, please!请代我向你父母问候! Please don’t make so much noise!请勿喧哗!
下面的句子也是祈使句,用以表示祝愿、建议。如: Long live the People’s Republic of China!中华人民共和国万岁! May you succeed.祝你成功。对于第一、三人称的祈使句,一般要加 let,而把主语变为宾语。Let’s(=Let us) help the blind walk across the road.让我们帮助盲人过马路。Don’t let him say that!不要让他那样说! 4.感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences) 感叹句用来表示强烈的感情, 常用 what 和 how 引出强调的部分并且放在句首 (what 修 饰名词,how 修饰形容词、副词) 。如: What a tall building (it is)! 多高的楼啊! How tall the building is! 这座楼多么高啊! How beautifully she is dancing! 她的舞跳得多美啊! What a mistake (it is) to have refused his invitation! 拒绝他的邀请是个多大的错误啊! How time flies! 时间过得多快啊! 巩固练习 一、把下列句子变成一般疑问句和否定句: 1. She found the work very easy. 2. He can work out the maths problem himself. 3. You must hand in your exercise book now. 4. He dares to tell the truth. 5. The classroom needs cleaning. 6. They went for a walk after supper yesterday evening. 二、对画线部分进行提问: 1. That is my exercise book. 2. The first one is better. 3. There are nine cities in this province. 4. This magazine comes out every other week. 5. They have lived here for more than ten years. 6. I go to see my uncle once a week. 7. Tom often goes to school on foot.
8. They will graduate from school in two months. 9. My home is only about half an hour's ride from here. 10. The dictionary cost me fifty Yuan. 11. He drove his car at the speed of l00 kilometers an hour. 12. Tom's bicycle is made in China. 13. He didn't come to school yesterday because he was ill. 14. He was talking to his father when I saw him. 15. These workers all live near their factory. 16. The People's Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. 17. Our English teacher is always encouraging us to speak English both in and out of class. 18. I would like to choose this dictionary. 三、完成下列反义疑问句: 1. There will be a sports meet at the end of this month, 2. I don't suppose that he will come in time, 3. They must have gone there two days ago, 4. We must go right now, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
5. We'd better ask the teacher for advice, 6. He has never been to America,
7. The manager has a meeting every Monday, 8. They could hardly believe his words, 9. She used to like fish, ? ?
10. He can speak three foreign languages, 11. You have nothing else to say, 12. There was no water in the glass, 13. Mary knows something about it, 14. He stayed at home yesterday, 15. She seldom goes out on weekends, 16. Everyone likes to live a happy life, ? ? ? ? ? ?
17. I didn't believe that he has failed the English exam, 18. Have a cup of coffee, ?
19. Let's go out,
20. You have to go to see a doctor, 2l. He must be a worker, ?
22. Nothing could make him change his mind, 23. I think he’ll be back in a month. 24. Neither of them knew the way, 25. I'm late, 26. Don't forget it, 27. What a good book, ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
28. What they need is more practice, 29. To learn English well isn't easy, 30. She dislikes maths, ?
四、把下列句子变成祈使句: 1. You must be careful with your pronunciation. 2. I want Tom to fetch me a cup of tea. 3. We should ask our teacher for advice. 4. You should not forget to bring your exercise book next time! 5. You go and ask him to keep his promise. 6. You should always keep this in mind. 7. You mustn't play football in the street. 五、把下列句子变为感叹句: 1. He is a clever boy. What How 2. It is fine weather today. What How 3. It is an interesting story. What How ! ! ! ! ! !
4. He is an honest man. What How 5. The building is very high. What How 6. That's a good idea. What How 7. He is very diligent. 8. It is a great pity. 9. She loves her students dearly. 10. We are very lucky to be the students of the famous professor. 11. He has drawn a very beautiful picture. 12. Your mother is very kind. 13. The moon is shining brightly. 14. We work very hard. 15. Guilin is a beautiful city. 16. I was foo1ish to think like that. 六、指出下列简单句各属于五种句型中的哪一种: 第一种: 主语+连系动词+表语(S+V+P) 第二种:主语+不及物动词(S+V) 第三种:主语+及物动词+宾语(S+V+O) 第四种:主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO) 第五种:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语(S+V+O+OC) 1. Madame Curie's motherland was Poland. 2. Jack became a skilled taxi-driver soon. 3. The world is changing. 4. Advertisements go everywhere. 5. A single egg in the mother's body forms identical twins. ! ! ! ! ! !
6. The temple needs cleaning and repairing. 7. The doctor taught the gymnast (体操运动员 ) how to protect his own body. 8. The boy told the policeman where he lived. 9. The two men behind will not let him escape. 10. The air in loose snow keeps the animals warm. 参考答案: 一、 1. Did she find the work very easy? She didn't find the work very easy. 2. Can he work out the maths problem himself? He can't work out the maths problem himself. 3. Must I hand in my exercise book now? You needn't hand in your exercise book now. 4. Does he dare to tell the truth? He doesn't dare to tell the truth. 5. Dees the classroom need cleaning? The classroom doesn't need cleaning. 6. Did they go for a walk after supper yesterday evening? They didn't go for a walk after supper yesterday evening. 二、 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Whose exercise book is that? Which one is better? How many cities are there in this province? How often does this magazine come out? How long have they lived here? How often do you go to see your uncle? How does Tom often go to school? How soon will they graduate from school? How far is your home from here?
10. How much did the dictionary cost you?
11. How fast did he drive his car? 12. Whose bicycle is made in China? 13. Why didn't he come to school yesterday? 14. What was be doing when you saw him? 15. Where do these workers live? 16. When was the People's Republic of China founded? 17. Who is always encouraging you to speak English both in and out of class? 18. Which dictionary would you like to choose? 三、1. won't there 2. will he 3. didn't they 4. mustn't we 5. hadn't we 6. has he 7. was there 13. has he 18.
doesn't he 8. could they 9. doesn't she 14. will you 19. did they doesn't she 四、 1. 2. 25. didn't he shall we aren't I 20. 26.
didn’t she 10. can't he 15.
11. have you 12.
does she 16. doesn't he/don't they 17. don't you 21. isn't he 22. isn't it 28. could it isn't it
23. won't he 24. 29. is it 30.
will you 27.
Be careful with your pronunciation!(Do be careful with your pronunciation!) Fetch me a cup of tea, Tom.
3. Let’s ask our teacher for advice. 4. 5. 6. 7. 五、 1. What a clever boy he is! How clever the boy is! 2. What fine weather it is today! How fine the weather is today! 3. What an interesting story it is! How interesting the story is! 4. What an honest man he is! Don't forget to bring your exercise book next time. Go and ask him to keep his promise. Always keep this in mind. Don't play football in the street.
How honest the man is! 5. What a high bui1ding it is! How high the building is! 6. What a good idea that is! How good the idea is! 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. How diligent he is! What a (great) pity! How dearly she loves her students! How lucky we are to be the students of the famous professor! What a beautiful picture he has drawn! How kind your mother is! How brightly the moon is shining! How (hard) we work! What a beautiful city Guilin is! How beautiful a city Guilin is! 16. How foolish I was to think like that! 第 3, 4 句属于第二种基本句型 第 7, 8 句属于第四种基本句型 第 5, 6 句属 第 9, 10 句属于
六、第 1, 2 句属于第一种基本句型 于第三种基本句型 第五种基本句型
第二节 并列句 一、并列句(Compound Sentences)的定义 含有两个或更多的相互并列的主谓结构的句子,叫做并列句。换句话说,它是由两个或 更多个并列的简单句构成的。各分句靠连词和逗号、分号来连接。其基本结构为:分句十并列连词十分句。在并列句中,常用的连接词有并列连词,如:and,but,or,while,for,so,neither, nor 等; 还有连接副词, 如: still, yet, however, consequently (结果) therefore , (因此) then , 等。另有一些相当于连接词的词组,如 on the contrary(相反) ,not only?but also(不仅?? 而且) ,on(the) hand? on the other hand(一方面??另一方面)等。
二、并列句的分类 1.表示连接两个同等概念 常用 and, not only?but also, neither?nor, so, on (the) one hand?on the other hand 等连接。如: The teacher’s name is Smith, and the student’s name is John.老师的名字是史密斯,学生的 名字是约翰。Not only did the restaurant overcharge me, but they hadn’t served me well. 餐馆不仅要价太 高,而且对我的服务也不周到。Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so. 他既没有改变主意,也不打算这样做。Jim plays football and so does his brother.吉姆踢足球,他的兄弟也踢足球。On one hand I have to work,on the other hand,I have a great many visitors.一方面我得 工作,另一方面我又有许多来访者。2.表示选择 常用的连词有 or,either?of,otherwise 等。如: Hurry up,or you’ll miss the train.赶快,否则你就要误火车了。I must work much harder,otherwise I cannot catch up with the other classmates.我必须更 努力学习,要不然我就赶不上其他同学。Either you are wrong,or I am.不是你错了,就是我错了。3.表示转折 常用的连词有 but, still, however, yet, while, when 等。如: He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.他的个子矮小,深度近视,但他有独特的方法使课堂生动有趣。She is seriously ill, still there is hope of her recovery.她病得很重,然而仍有希望康复。One cannot see wind, however, it does exist.人们看不见风,可是它确实存在。It is very good, yet it can be better.这很好,但还能精益求精。Some experiments are difficult while others are easy. 有些实验是困难的, 而其他一些实验 则是容易的。He was just going to speak, when the bell rang.他正要说话时,铃响了。4.表示因果关系 常用的连词有 so, for, therefore 等。如:
August is the time of the year for rice harvest,so every day I work from dawn until dark. 8 月是每年稻谷收割的时节,因此,每天我从早干到晚。The oil must be out, for the lamp has gone out.油一定用完了,因为灯已熄灭。Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train.快点,要不然你就赶不上那趟火车了。He overslept and, consequently he was late.他睡过了头,迟到了。巩固练习题 一、用适当的并列连词填空: 1. Hurry up, 2. Practice more, you’ll be late for class. you'll be able to speak English better. he was ill.
3. He didn't come to school yesterday, 4. He is in his sixties, 5. It was very cold yesterday 6. Our English teacher is a nice man, 7. 8. you are wrong does she sing well, he is.
he has made up his mind to learn a second foreign language. we stayed at home. everybody likes him.
she dances beautifully. he is not very good at spoken English.
9. Warned English for ten years, 10. One cannot see air, 11. You must take a rest,
,it does exist. you will lose your health. go further turn back.
12. They had lost their way in the forest, they could 13. You don't like it, does your sister.
14. I have read one of his novels 二、选择: 1. The singer is not well thought of A. but B. and C. or D. whi1e
a few of his plays.
his records do not sel1 well.
2. I want to pick up the programmer, A. for B. so C. and D. but
I haven't got a short-wave radio.
3. Don't tell a lie any more, A. nor B. neither
I won't make friends with you. C. but D. or we need healthy foods. D. but
4. Every person wants to keep fit, A. so B. and C. while
5. The fire was very big, A. but B. while
, the firefighters put it out in half an hour. C. however D. yet the number increases year
6. They are going to return some of the milu deer to the wild, by year. A. so B. for C. therefore D. and
7. There are some jobs that men can do well us well. A. while B. because C. or
there are also some jobs that men cannot do
8. He is over forty, he insists on learning another foreign language. A. and B. so C. or D. still , you will fall into the water. C. Or D. And did we.
9. Be careful when you stand on the dam. A. Otherwise B. Therefore
10. They did not invite Dr Smith to the medical conference, A. either B. so C. neither D. and
11. Would you like a cup of coffee A. and B. then C. or
shall we get down to business right away? D. otherwise , in fact, I was talking about my daughter. D. while
12. She thought I was talking about her daughter, A. whom 参考答案: 一、 1. 8. or 2. and 3. . . for 4. but also 13. but / yet 9. 5. B. where C. which
and/so 6. 10.
so / and 7. however 11.
Either ? otherwise
neither. . . nor. . . 二、
as well as
1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. D
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