Call it a night. middle age...middleage是什么时期意思?

: the period of life from about 45 to about 64
Examples of middle age in a Sentence
as our generation approaches middle ageThe patient was in late middle age.He feared the approach of middle age.
Recent Examples of middle age from the Web
Como, the once maniacal, me-hating escape artist, settled into a serene and even affectionate middle age, his morning bed visits and metronomic tail wags for food and walks and nightly treats a steady backbeat to our empty-nest life.
Researchers say to find both the coffin birth and the trepanation, especially trepanation during the European early middle ages, in one person’s remains is extremely rare, CNN reported.
Though Lyle's finely attuned to the anxieties of suburbanites on their scramble toward the complacencies of middle age, the wittiest segments of his script are the put-downs, which soon begin to grate.
The tale is related by a man of middle age remembering an early infatuation, though his memories weave a mystery that is never clarified, never explained.
Depression and cardiovascular disease rates declined steadily as fitness in middle age increased.
Women attempt suicide twice as often as men, the suicide rate is highest during middle age, 28 middle aged women end their lives each day and unfortunately, there is still so much stigma around getting help.
Many were sentenced to life in prison and will not emerge, if ever, until middle age or older.
Those in middle age have shown a particularly sharp rise
There are various theories about the cause.
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'middle age.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. .
First Known Use of middle age
14th century
in the meaning defined
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MIDDLE AGE Defined for Kids
: the period of life from about 45 to about 64 years of age
Medical Dictionary
mid·dle age
: the period of life from about 45 to about 64 years of age
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Word GamesMiddle age begins at 53 says new survey | Daily Mail Online
Something dramatic has happened to middle age – it has suddenly got a lot older than it used to be.For while we once believed that the landmark began at 41, we now think that middle age does not start until you are 53.Rising life expectancy and healthier lifestyles are credited with pushing the milestone back by a comforting 12 years. And the lines between young and old are increasingly blurred, a survey shows.You are seen as middle aged if you enjoy afternoon naps, choose comfort over style and groan when you bend down, according to a survey of 2,000 adults. Other supposed signs of middle age cited by those questioned included going on cruise holidays and preferring a quiet night in to a night out.
Only as old as you feel: Taking a flask of tea on a day out is considered a very middle-aged thing to do
Rising life expectancy and healthier lifestyles mean the average person doesn't hit middle-age until they are 53
The study of 2,000 adults, commissioned by healthcare provider Benenden Health, found that almost half of over-50s felt they had not yet experienced middle age, while three-quarters said there
was now a smaller divide between age groups.
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Eight in ten thought the term ‘middle age’ was much harder
to define than it used to be and
the same number said it was a state of mind now, rather than a physical milestone.Reassuringly for the Saga generation,
more than half of respondents even said there was no such
longer as a ‘middle age’ stage of life. When asked to describe signs of
impending middle age, Britons cited a frustration with modern
technology, forgetting people’s names, and thinking that teachers,
doctors and policemen look very young.
Losing touch with everyday technology such as tablets and TVs was another feature of turning middle-aged, according to the studyBuying travel sweets for car journeys and taking a flask of tea on day trips are also seen as signs of middle age, as are listening to
The Archers, watching The Antiques Road Show and joining The National Trust. Paul Keenan, head of communications at Benenden Health, said: ‘Brits are happily skipping over the traditional notions of “middle age” as the lines become blurred between what is classed as “young” and “old”.‘A variety of factors – including more active lifestyles and healthier living – mean that people find their attitudes towards getting older are changing. It’s clear what age you are has become less important in determining how young you feel.‘People no longer see “middle age” as a numerical milestone and don’t tend to think of themselves as “old” as they hit their 50s and beyond. Living a healthy and varied lifestyle helps people to keep feeling young and we see people embracing getting older. “Middle age” is becoming a term with less and less significance.’The survey found that people were three times more likely to say they had entered a new stage in life when they turned 50 than when they turned 30 or 40.Eighty-four per cent of those surveyed said that if you thought of yourself as old then you would start to feel old, while the same number said their happiness was directly related to their health.Illness and memory loss are the things that people said they most fear about growing old.
Past it: Needing an afternoon nap is another sign you have reached your middle-age
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Middle age begins at 53 says new survey
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User Comments
Leave a Reply1.The Middle Age was a time of feudal rivalries.
1.The Middle Age was a time of feudal rivalries.2.In the garden she took a lot of photographies.
1,去掉the.在表什么时期前面是不加the,Middle Age(中世纪) 本身就是特定的某个时期了2,photographies改为photographs/photos.而photography的意思为摄影或摄影术.
把rivalries 改成rivalry 再问: 为什么再问: 答案上写的是还要把a time 变成times 再答: 不是吧,这个time应该是指一段时间哈 再答: 不好意思,我也糊涂了再问: 没事,谢谢你,麻烦告诉我为啥要用rivalry,而不用复数呢 再答: 这是敌人的意思,封建制度的敌人,应该是一个集体,再问:
是C呀.有个搭配知道吗,see/hear等等感观动词+(to)+do/doing比如see 就是看着某人做完整个动作.see sb.doing 就是恰好看到,不一定是整个动作.比如see sb.cheating.发现人家作弊类似的还有make.一般都把to省略了但是,在被动的情况下,to不能省略.就是sb.
中年的:要么是middle aged,要么是middle-age这样才是形容词性,有‘中年的’的意思因为middle age意思只是:中等的年纪这样句子会变成:我 是 年纪 这样怪异的结构
1.The medieval period is also known as the _b) Middle Ages_2.Who was Charlemagne?_d) Ruler of the Holy Roman Empire_3.What was a manor?_a) A large estage or far
中世纪 中世纪(Middle Ages ;约395~1500) 中世纪(约395年—1500年),是欧洲历史上的一个时代(主要是西欧),由西罗马帝国灭亡开始计算,直到文艺复兴之后,极权主义抬头的时期为止.“中世纪”一词是从15世纪后期的人文主义者开始使用的.这个时期的欧洲没有一个强有力的政权来统治.封建割据带来频繁的战
句子主干:A new study shows +宾从宾从中:主(unhappiness in middle age)+系词(is)+表语(a universal experience.)also known as middle life (midlife) crisis:这是主语的定语,相当于定语从句,which is
你是说中世纪? 再问: 对,但加了个HIGH 有区别吗 再答: 百度了一下,就是欧洲的中世纪。如果是中世纪的话,是指欧洲的封建时代,注意是欧洲的, 中世纪(Middle Ages)(约公元476年~公元1453年),是欧洲历史上的一个时代(主要是西欧),由西罗马帝国灭亡(公元476年)数百年后,在世界范围内,封建制度占
young一般译为:年幼的;有朝气的;年轻人的;青年的 我国各部门对于青年年龄的界定很不统一:世界卫生组织14-44岁;联合国教科文组织14-34岁;我国国家统计局15-34岁;共青团14-28岁;青年联合会18-40岁middle-age一般译为:中年我国对中年的年龄范围为:45~59岁根据世界卫生组织的年龄分期:中
是的medieval period 是中世纪的形容词形式middle age 就是指中世纪维基百科里就有哦~
Cwell past middle age = 超过‘中年’很多年了(就是说他已经很老了),这是固定搭配
time作为时间段没有错误.应该是rivalry 用单数
第一题rivalries 改成rivalryrivalry是集体名词,表示敌人还要把a time 变成timestimes表示时代,是这个用法第二题改成 militiamilitia是集体名词 表示 民兵,而militias 表示各帮民兵
The Middle ages could be classified as many different ages,from the Dark Ages,to the Golden Age.It could also be known as the Age of faith,and the Age of feudal
age n.年龄龄期老年,晚年寿命; 一生世纪时代,时期[口]很长的时间累积量进程full age 成年golden age 黄金时代; 文艺的全盛时期an age ago 一代人以前,多年以前习惯用语a dog's age [口]好久,长时间act one's age 行为和年龄相称be one's age 行为和年


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