
exploitative是什么意思 exploitative在线翻译 exploitative什么意思 exploitative的意思 exploitative的翻译 exploitative的解释 exploitative的发音
exploitative英 [?k'spl??t?t?v] 美 [?k'spl??t?t?v] exploitative 基本解释形容词开发资源的,剥削的手机查看exploitative的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 exploitative 即可exploitative 网络解释1. 1. 开发的:exploitation 推销 | exploitative 开发的 | exploitive 剥削2. 开发资源的:exploitation 开发 | exploitative 开发资源的 | exploitee 被剥削者3. 剥削的:in hock 负债 | exploitative 剥削的 | undermine 破坏4. 4. 开发资源的,剥削的:spiral 螺旋形的,螺旋,盘旋 | exploitative 开发资源的,剥削的 | promenade 散步,散步的exploitative 双语例句1. In name of Sustainable shopping, the producers are going to make you believe that whatever they sold till date was exploitative to natural resources and what they are going to sell you now is sustainable to environment.&&&&借助环保购物理念的名义,制造商将使你信服到目前为止他们所销售的任何产品都是源自于天然资源,同时他们目前售卖给你的是环保理念。2. With its strong openness, XML increasingly becomes the database techniques assistent exploitative language, having the vast applied foreground.&&&&XML以其很强的开放性而日益成为数据库技术的新宠,具有广阔的应用前景。3. With its strong openness, XML increasingly becomes the database technique's assistent exploitative language, having the vast applied foreground.&&&&XML以其很强的开放性而日益成为数据库技术的新宠,具有广阔的应用前景。4. danci.911cha.com4. Too poor to invest in power-looms, they are too divided, and perhaps naive, to wrest greater control of their market from exploitative middlemen.&&&&他们太穷,买不起机动织机;他们太势单力薄,也许也太天真,根本不可能从那些抽筋剥皮的掮客手中争夺到市场。5. It is often the case that brief encounters can be mutually exploitative.&&&&通常情况都是这样,短暂激情过后就是相互的剥削。6. 6. The results suggest team composition is an important antecedent of exploitative and exploirative behavior and firm ambidexterity.&&&&这个结论认为团队组成是企业的共享与创造活动以及企业这两种能力的一个重要的先行因素。7. Mr. Yan has handled over two hundred and sixty penal cases as a counsel, and nearly twenty accused men He has represented over six hundred cases in economy, administration, civil disputation, retrieved loss about RMB 8, 700, 000; As a counselor for 145 enterprises in all, he has taken part in negotiation of cooperating investment and making system of enterprises, represented enterprises to negotiate collaborative projects with enterprises in HongKong, Thailand, Malaysia, taken charge of exploitative projects about land expropriation and transfer of the right to the use of land.&&&&共办理刑事辩护案件二百六十余起,被判无罪释放的达十余人;民事、经济、行政案件代理六百余件,挽回经济损失八千七百余万元;在为企业担当常年法律顾问累计145家,参与企业投资合作项目的谈判、企业建章立制等经营管理活动,代理企业与香港、泰国、马来西亚等外商进行项目合作谈判;代理土地征收、土地使用权转让等大型开发项目的操作。8. D leading exploitative Sustainable development of Marine Economy&&&&根据浙江中南部大港湾至隘顽湾海域的环境条件及其优势资源,阐明了该海域的四大主导开发功能:海水养殖、围涂造地、海洋捕捞、滨海旅游,探讨了保持海洋经济持续发展的对策。9. Study four used case study and survey methods to explore the influence of organizational learning on organizational performance. By analyzing eight key events of Geely group, we found exploratory learning can greatly improve organizational performance but also make firms meet many risk to fluctuate, exploitative learning can minish the variance of organizational performance but also can improve the means of organizational performance. However the effect of exploitative learning is short-lived. Exploratory learning and exploitative learning must cooperate reciprocally. Regulative learning is a meta-element for balancing exploratory learning and exploitative learning to make the model of learning match with internal and external environment dynamically.&&&&利用案例分析和问卷调研方法,对吉利集团的8个关键事件进行分析发现:探索学习能提高甚至大幅提高组织绩效,却会给组织经营带来较大风险;开发学习能减小绩效波动,也能在一定限度内提高组织绩效,但其作用的持续时间往往不长;开发学习和探索学习是一对需要相互平衡、相互支持、相互促进的基本学习模式;调节学习则正是实现两者有效实施并相互平衡的元成分。10. Many banks have been accused of exploitative business practice with such loans including misinforming buyers, especially about adjustable rate mortgages.&&&&许多银行因这种贷款包括误导买家,尤其是可调整性抵押贷款等原因被指控采用商业剥削手段。11. 11. A rational society should draw a line Between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering.&&&&&&一个理性的社会总应该在正当盈利与暴利剥削之间有一条界限。12. Through its labor diplomacy efforts in diplomatic missions, as well as key partnerships at home and abroad, the Department of state will continue to promote labor rights, and develop and implement effective approaches to combat exploitative child labor.&&&&&&国务院将通过其外交使团以及国内外的关键伙伴关系展开劳工外交工作来继续倡导劳工权利,制定并执行打击剥削童工行为的有效方针。13. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.&&&&&&西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。14. 14. Based on the windows environment and VB exploitative implement, the system can automatically test many capability index, such as pressure, flux, rotating speed, torque, temperature, power of pump, power of axis and efficiency. and it can draw the capability curve.&&&&&&该系统基于Windows环境下,采用VB开发工具,可对压力、流量、转速、扭矩、温度、泵功率、轴功率及效率等多项性能参数进行自动检测,并自动绘制性能曲线。15. Exploitative Degree Evaluation of Bay Based on PVS Framework & A Case Study of Daya Bay&&&&&&基于PVS的海湾开发利用程度评价&以大亚湾为例16. According to the different character and purpose, this action is divided into two kinds: impedimental abuse and exploitative abuse. They have different effect on the competition.&&&&&&依据行为的性质与目的不同,滥用市场支配地位行为可分为妨碍性滥用和剥削性滥用两大类,此两类滥用行为对竞争产生不同的影响。17. But in normal circumstances, the landlord class, which possessed a greedy and exploitative nature, tried every possible way to annex pieces of land owned by small peasants and to shift tax burdens on to them.&&&&&&但通常情况下,地主阶级具有贪婪的剥削本性,总是千方百计地兼并小农土地,转嫁赋税负担。18. Children in situations of exploitative child labor are deprived education, and lack the opportunities to rise to their full potential and lift themselves, their families and their communities out of a cycle of poverty.&&&&&&沦为童工遭受剥削的儿童被剥夺了受教育的权利,他们缺乏发挥出自己的全部潜能并让自己及家庭和社区摆脱贫困的恶性循环的机会。19. exploitative在线翻译19. " Yet eliminating the most hazardous and exploitative forms of child labour is within our reach, " she said.&&&&&&“然而,根除最危险和最富剥削性的童工劳动形式是我们能力范围内可以做到的,”她说。20. 20. A HANDFUL of professors at Stanford, sensitive to the exploitative potential of graduate school but convinced of its value, are trying to instigate meaningful change.&&&&&&在斯坦福大学,一些教授敏锐地意识到研究生院的开发潜力,但坚信它的价值。他们目前正尝试着鼓动有意义的变革。exploitative 词典解释1. 剥削的;压榨的&&&&If you describe something as exploitative, you disapprove of it because it treats people unfairly by using their work or ideas for its own advantage, and giving them very little in return.&&&&e.g. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.&&&&&&&&&&&西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。exploitative 单语例句1. The problem is that the " symbiotic relationship " has turned decidedly dysfunctional, if not downright exploitative.2. He rejected perceptions in the West that China's involvement in Africa was exploitative.3. Migrants who were not trapped in exploitative jobs flocked to areas that needed workers and shunned the intense competition of big cities.4. As for Olga, one might expect that she would become involved in the west's exploitative sex industry.5. It is not an exploitative relation, and this is very clear now.6. They worked without pay, and yet had to support themselves and pay exploitative taxes.7. The sorrowful incident in Heyuan is a new footnote on the exploitative nature of capital in the stage of primitive accumulation.exploitative 英英释义adj1. tending to exploit or make use of&&&&Synonym: exploitative是什么意思,exploitative在线翻译,exploitative什么意思,exploitative的意思,exploitative的翻译,exploitative的解释,exploitative的发音,exploitative的同义词,exploitative的反义词,exploitative的例句,exploitative的相关词组,exploitative意思是什么,exploitative怎么翻译,单词exploitative是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Recent Examples of exploitive from the Web
The scenes of violence against women are critical to the points of the shows, and not usually gratuitous or exploitive.
The company repurposed two photographs from recent migrant rescue operations by staff members from the Franco-German charity SOS Méditerranée for an advertising campaign, drawing howls of protest that the ads were insensitive and exploitive.
But the precedent that BrainStorm will set by turning what should be an altruistic act into a money-making venture is extremely dangerous and potentially exploitive.
This is a homogeneous group of exploitive and corrupt people, whose primary purpose is to advance themselves professionally and economically at the expense of Mr. Cosby’s life.
Both want to see even deeper ties with China, Chile’s top trading partner, and have rebuffed Trump administration warnings that Beijing is consolidating itself as a colonial, exploitive power in Latin America.
This story details the sexist and exploitive treatment of NFL cheerleaders, who must often follow a litany of controlling rules—all while typically making little more than minimum wage and receiving no benefits.
China denies its investments in Africa are exploitive.
When a developing country embraces manufacturing to propel itself away from agrarian subsistence, the work is invariably rote and exploitive and often even life-threatening.
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'exploitive.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. .
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