
汗啊,你这个题目里面不是用红笔写了咩。。分子上用二项式展开。然后前面都可以约掉一个(x-1),但是x的次数都小于n,所以n次求导之后都变成了0。只有一项-1/(1-x),它的n次导数就是(x-1)^(-1)进行n次求导,用求导公式,等于-1*(-2)*。。。。(-n)(x-1)^(-1-n)=(-1)^n n! (x-1)^(-1-n)
结合第(2)小题判断出乙病的遗传方式可知,每个成员的基因型为: 1、AaXBY;2、AaXBXb;3、AaXBY;4、AaXBXb;5、aaXBY;6、AaXbY;7、AaXBXB或AaXBXb;8、AAXbY或AaXbY;9、aaXBXB、aaXBXb;10、AAXBY或AaXBY;11、AAXBXB或AAXBXb或AaXBXB或AaXBXb;12、aaXbY。
& 中考英语组合训练完形填空+短文填词 & 组合训练42 详细解析
& I know my brother better than anyone else in the world. Since the moment of his birth,I've been part of his life. I had spent seven 1&&&&&& years in the world with the attention of those around me. But when Rohan was born,life 2&&&&&& Suddenly I had to 3 &&&&&& my toys and there were no more bedtime stories or my own choice of food.& Finally,I felt my 4 &&&&&& at my brother. The poor baby had no idea what had made me so unhappy. Maybe he found me strange,the only person in this house 5 &&&&&& did not like him. Whatever the reason was,he loved 6 &&&&&& me around. However,I seldom talked to him and 7 &&&&&& asked him to leave me alone.& Then all that changed. I hardly remember everything of that day six years ago,8&&&&&& I do remember that I was feeling very angry. Somehow my feet led me to my brother's bed. My hand,completely 9&&&&&& from my mind,reached through the bars. At once,he reached his small hand and softly touched 10 &&&&&&. And that was all I needed. Through all the unhappiness of the day,that one moment changed 11 &&&&&& How could I hate someone who made me feel so important? For the 12 &&&&&& time,I saw my brother,not through the eyes of a child who was no longer favored (宠爱) ,but through the eyes of a 13&&&&&&&& To this day,I can't imagine life 14 &&&&&& my brother. It is unbelievable how much I have 15&&&&&&about life from a seven-year-old boy. Above all,Rohan has taught me that one should not care only for himself.( & ) 1. A. happy&&&B. hard&&&C. lonely&&&D. busy( & ) 2. A. began&&&B. continued&&&C. changed&&&D. saved( & ) 3. A. collect&&&B. choose&&&C. hide&&&D. share( & ) 4. A. fun&&&B. anger&&&C. fear&&&D. worry( & ) 5. A. which&&&B. where&&&C. who&&&D. what( & ) 6. A. showing&&&B. carrying&&&C. meeting&&&D. following( & ) 7. A. always&&&B. already&&&C. hardly&&&D. almost( & ) 8. A. but&&&B. so&&&C. or&&&D. for( & ) 9. A. far&&&B. sick&&&C. different&&&D. free( & ) 10. A. one&&&B. both&&&C. mine&&&D. them( & ) 11. A. nothing&&&B. everything&&&C. something&&&D. anything( & ) 12. A. first&&&B. second&&&C. last&&&D. next( & ) 13. A. student&&&B. parent&&&C. teacher&&&D. sister( & ) 14. A. except&&&B. besides&&&C. without&&&D. through( & ) 15. A. cared&&&B. learned&&&C. talked&&&D. heard
1. A 由下文文意可知&在弟弟出生前,&我&受到家人及周围人的宠爱&,所以&她度过了幸福的七年&。只有happy符合句意。2. C 由短文文意可知&弟弟出生后,她的生活发生了改变&,故changed符合句意。3. D share意为&共享&,符合句意。4. B 由文意可知&由于弟弟的出生,父母对自己的疼爱转移到弟弟身上&,因此&作者对弟弟感到生气&。故B项符合句意。5. C 句后半部分属于定语从句,先行词为person指人,故用who引导,C项正确。6. D follow意为&跟随&,故只有D项符合句意。7. A always意为&总是&,故A项符合句意。8. A 此处表示转折关系,故A项符合句意。9. D 句意为&我的手完全不受大脑的支配&。D项符合句意。10. C 此处意为&我的&,指前文中出现的my hand ,其他三项均无此意,故C项符合句意。11. B 弟弟的举动让姐姐把对他的怨恨都消散了,故B项正确。12. A 弟弟却对她主动示好,这感动了她,故A项正确。13. D 因为文中只出现了作者和弟弟两个人物,所以D项符合人物之间的关系。14. C 句意为&我无法想象没有弟弟的生活会是什么样&,是因为弟弟的举动让她明白了一个道理,即&人不能太自私,不能只为自己活着&,这个道理对她以后的生活非常有用。所以C项符合文意。15. B 句意为&难以置信,我从一个七岁男孩的身上学到了很多生活的真谛……&,故B项正确。
& A group of working people got together to visit their university teacher. The teacher was happy to see them. They talked 1 &&&&&& He asked them how they were going 2 &&&&&& Then his students started to 3 &&&&&& about the stress in work and life.& The teacher just 4 &&&&&& and smiled. Then he went to the kitchen to 5 &&&&&& some cups : some porcelain (瓷制的) ,some plastic,some glass,some cheap and some looked 6 &&&&&& expensive and beautiful. The teacher 7 &&&&&& his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.& When all the students had a cup 8 &&&&&& hand with water,the teacher said ," If you noticed,all the nicelooking,expensive cups were 9 &&&&&& up,leaving behind the plain and cheap 10 &&&&&&. In fact,you only want the 11 &&&&&& for yourselves. That is why you have problems and stress in your work and life. 12&&&&&& all of you wanted was water,not the cup,but you unconsciously (不知不觉地) went 13 &&&&&& the better cups."& Just like in life,14 life is water,then the jobs,money and position (地位) in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold life,but the life itself doesn't change. If we only pay attention to the cup,we won't have time to 15 &&&&&& the water in it.( & ) 1. A. friendly&&&B. happily&&&C. carefully&&&D. lively( & ) 2. A. away&&&B. off&&&C. for&&&D. on( & ) 3. A. complain&&&B. speak&&&C. think&&&D. worry( & ) 4. A. heard&&&B. listened&&&C. watched&&&D. sat( & ) 5. A. take&&&B. buy&&&C. bring&&&D. get( & ) 6. A. rather&&&B. such&&&C. so&&&D. much( & ) 7. A. asked&&&B. told&&&C. offered&&&D. moved( & ) 8. A. to&&&B. at&&&C. on&&&D. in( & ) 9. A. held&&&B. taken&&&C. looked&&&D. took( & ) 10. A. one&&&B. ones&&&C. others&&&D. other( & ) 11. A. good&&&B. better&&&C. cheaper&&&D. best( & ) 12. A. That&&&B. How&&&C. What&&&D. Where( & ) 13. A. for&&&B. to&&&C. off&&&D. away( & ) 14. A. when&&&B. if&&&C. where&&&D. even( & ) 15. A. drink&&&B. save&&&C. enjoy&&&D. change
1. B happily是副词,修饰动词talk ,意为"高兴地谈话"。2. D go on"进展"。3. A complain about是固定搭配,表示"抱怨"。4. B listen表示听的动作,后面没有所听的内容,故不需要介问to。5. D 强调了去厨房拿杯子的往返过程。6. A 限定形容词,相当于very ,表示"很,非常"。7. C offer"给,提供"。8. D 某物在手上用介词in。9. B 好看的杯子被学生们拿起来了,留下一些平平常常的杯子,were taken构成被动语态。10. B ones代替上文中的名词cups。11. D the后跟形容词最高级,强调人人都想得到"最好的"这种心理,如果用比较级,通常the better后面要接名词。12. C what在此引导主语从句。13. A go for是固定搭配,表示"追求,以……为目的"。14. B if引导一个假设的条件。15. C have time to do sth"有时间做某事"。enjoy在这里不仅表示"喝水",也喻指享受人生。
& Michael's birthday was coming soon,so he asked his dad for a bike so that he would not need to walk to school anymore. However,Michael's dad had 1 1&&&&&& his job and didn't have much money. Michael got a book instead but he didn't c 2&&&&&&&& One bright and sunny day while Michael was walking past a store on his way to school,he saw a big boy on a bike. The bike was too small for the boy. As the boy was t 3&&&&&& around a corner,the bike skidded (打滑) on the wet street and went d 4&&&&&&nto the wall.& The boy was in Michael's school. Michael knew him. His name was William. William seemed to have b 5&&&&&& his leg. Michael picked up William's bike which was not d 6&&&&&& and rode to the nearby hospital to get help. A few minutes later,an ambulance came and brought William to the hospital. Michael rode William's bike to school so he would not be 1 7&&&&&& for class. After school,Michael quickly rode the bike to William's house with a book for William. William was not too seriously h 8&&&&&&. He left the hospital for home after his leg was in a cast (石膏) .& To Michael's surprise,William was getting a new bike on his birthday in two months' time and Michael could have W 9&&&&&& old bike. Michael was very happy. From then on,Michael and William became good friends. Michael v 10&&&&&&William every day till William's leg healed.1.1 &&&&&&2. c &&&&&&3. t &&&&&&4. d &&&&&&5. b &&&&&& &6.d &&&&&&7. 1 &&&&&&8. h &&&&&&9. W &&&&&&10. v &&&&&&
1. lost & 2. complain & 3. turning & 4. directly & 5. broken &6. damaged & 7. late & 8. hurt & 9. William's &10. visited
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