rei rei什么意思我女朋友的网名她是惠学日语语的但是又不能问只好求教大侠们了

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裸麦地 裸麦地 从一个来自两个不同来源的姓氏。作为爱尔兰的姓,它是REILLY的变种。作为一个英语姓氏,它源自一个地名,意思是“黑麦清理”在旧英语。
百科明星James Whitcomb Riley 詹姆斯•惠特康姆•赖利:(),美国诗人,作品包括“小孤儿安妮”和“褴褛的男人”等。电视虚构人物:2个字
Riley Finn 1997 捉鬼者巴菲
Riley Dawson 2008 终结者:莎拉康纳志 名人堂成员:1冰球
(冰球)Riley Hern 1962 著名的运动员:1冰球
(冰球)Riley Hern
布鲁斯 奥运奖牌得主:1金/银/铜
(金/银/铜)Michael Galitzen(又名里利)
潜水-潜水跳板 平台;标题字符:1本书,1首歌
(歌)莱利 1992 莱利 生活
(书)莱利 2013 赖利 真相James Whitcomb Riley 詹姆斯•惠特康姆•赖利:(),美国诗人,作品包括“小孤儿安妮”和“褴褛的男人”等。
Riley (男性)
Riley (女性)
原I didn't mind this name for the character "Riley Andersen" depicted in Disney's "Inside Out". Aside from that, I really don't like it. I agree with the remarks about this name being more befitting of a family pet. More than that, I just don't see a girl over 10 carrying this childlike name. I do not like it on a boy. It's just common and ugly.
原To me, Riley sounds feminine like a girl's name. However, I also know a boy named Riley and I think it suits him well. I have had people ask me why my name is Riley because it is a boy's name. I think that it is rude and wrong to say such a thing. As for Riley being a dog's name I've never heard of that. Anything could be a dog's name, my dog's name is Amber. I know a girl at my school named Amber and I think it's a very pretty name. So you can keep your dog's name. There's people that name girls Joe so before you start hating on my name, think of something better. Also, I don't see that the spelling has anything to do with whether or not it's a feminine or masculine name. I have always thought of it as a feminine name but if there's a guy that's named Riley then I think it's a very very nice name. I think it's a very nice name for either gender. In conclusion, I think that Riley could be a dog's name, as well as anything else, and it is a unisex name although I believe it is rather feminine.
原A friend named her daughter Reilly. My first impression was not positive. I was curious as to other people's reactions. I have to admit, it would make a great name for a male Irish Setter. Male, but not terribly masculine, good natured, kind of goofy in a fun way.
原Why is this now a name? It is beyond abysmal for use aside from yelling it out your front door to call in the family pet for dinner. I most often hear this name on little girls. I may be biased because I utterly detest names ending in "y" because they're cutesy and not elegant, but this one is particularly loathsome, even compared to "y" ending names. I wish this would go away. I picture a woman chomping gum, wearing too much make-up and having dark roots saying "this is my daughter, Riley!" Ugh!
译我喜欢这个名字,但我永远不会看到自己使用它。我喜欢别人比它,我有一个狗叫这个。是的,惊喜惊喜哈哈。如果我曾经使用它,虽然,这将是一个儿子。我讨厌这个名字对一个女孩。没有理由支持这样一个明显的男孩的名字对一个女孩。 *叹息* \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e名字本身是好的。所以有:D。
原I like this name but I could never see myself using it. I prefer others over it and I have a dog named this. Yeah, surprise surprise haha. If I did ever use it though, it would be for a son. I HATE this name on a girl. Makes no sense to support such an obvious boy's name on a girl. *sighs*The name itself is good though. So there's that :D.
原Only trendy dufi (that's the plural of dufus) would name their kid Riley, regardless of how it's spelled.
原I've met both a girl and boy with this name, both spelled Riley. I do prefer the spelling Rylee or Rylie but I think it's a really cute name and I would definitely consider it one day if I have any future kids!
译绝对鄙视这个名字!它是如此受欢迎和过度使用,不会老化。我不能看到它在一个25岁。 UGH,我讨厌这个名字。
原Absolutely despise this name! It's so popular and overused and will not age well. I couldn't see it on a 25 year old. UGH, I hate this name.
译伟大的名字为女孩和男孩。 Riley是最好的拼写。
原Great name for girls and boys. Riley is the best spelling.
译我真的很喜欢这个名字,虽然我更喜欢拼写Reilly。我也强烈喜欢男性;在一个家伙,它听起来像一个人的名字强,安静,平静,非常亲切。在女孩,这听起来像一个三岁的被宠坏的小猪的名字。这种惹人厌恶的东西适合公众和呜咽,直到你给她想要的东西。或者一个tween女孩喜欢泡泡糖流行音乐,读宗教的Tiger Beat杂志,而卷曲在她明亮的粉红色Snuggie。这个名字引起了非常不同的图像,你真正需要做的是改变性别。
原I really like this name, though I prefer the spelling Reilly. I also strongl on a guy, it sounds like the name of someone strong, quiet, calm, and very kind. On girls, it sounds like the name of a spoiled brat of a three-year-old. The kind that throws obnoxious fits in public and whines endlessly until you give into what she wants. Or a tween girl who likes bubblegum pop music and reads Tiger Beat magazine religiously while curled up in her bright pink Snuggie. Very different images conjured up by this name, and all you really have to do is change the gender.
原Riley Curry is the name of basketball player Stephen Curry's daughter.
译我的侄女的名字是Riley。她是我所知道的最可爱的女孩。她最近命名她的新大丹犬自己。除了她的名字拼写为莱利,她命名她的狗Rileigh。我相信它是两个美丽的。我知道许多莱利的,所有的人都讨厌的事实,人们指定他们的名字只用于一个性别或只有动物。 Riley是一个美丽而亲切的名字,可以用于性别和动物。
原My niece's name is Riley. She's the most adorable girl I've ever known. She recently named her new great dane after herself. Except whereas her name is spelled Riley, she named her dog Rileigh. I believe it is beautiful on both of them. I've known many Riley's and all of them have hated the fact that people designate their names as being only used for one gender or for only animals. Riley is a beautiful and kind sounding name that can be used for either gender as well as animals.
原Riley sounds adorable on a little child but it just doesn't sound right on an older person. I think that this name should only be a pet name.
原I only like this name if it's used on dogs because it sounds too "canine" to me. If it's used on a person it should be strictly masculine only.
原Cute name, reminds me of a sweet little girl.
译Riley对男孩,女孩和狗都很好。我的丈夫和我正在考虑一个男孩,但我们有担心,这是一个年轻的声音名字,不会与他年龄。因此,我们将Ryland视为真正的名字,而Riley则简称为Ryland。这是不寻常的,所以我犹豫,但我丈夫更大的关注是一个太常见的名字。在我们的朋友圈里,我们有一个Ryan Y.,Ryan K.,Ryan W.,Ryan C和另一个Ryan C.我相信他们都只是喜欢是“Ryan”。
原Riley is nice for boys, girls, and dogs. My husband and I are considering it for a boy, but we do have the concern that it's a young-sounding name and won't age with him. So we're considering Ryland as the real name, and Riley for short. It's unusual so I'm hesitant, but my husband's bigger concern is a name that's too common. In our circle of friends, we have a Ryan Y., Ryan K., Ryan W., Ryan C, and another Ryan C. I'm sure they'd all just love to be "Ryan".
原Why can't a name be for a girl or a boy? I don't understand why this offends people so much... especially the person up above who said it "DISGUSTS" them. My name is Kelsey which was originally a male's name. However, I think it is better suited for a female. Which is how I think Riley is. I named my daughter Riley and it cute and spunky. I think it would be just fine as a boy's name though, too. Let's stop getting so offended over what someone else wanted to name their child.
译我肯定喜欢一个男孩更好的对我来说听起来不像是一个女孩的名字。\u003cbr\u003e我这一生的终身协会是来自Homeward Bound II的(男性)帮派领袖狗:Lost in San Francisco。
原I definitely lik simply doesn't sound like a girl's name to me.My lifelong association for this one is Riley the (male) gang-leader dog from Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco.
原My own name is Riley (I'm a girl) and a really really (did I mention really?) good friend of mine has an older brother named Riley and it's spelled the same way... obviously... But when I found out I kinda just laughed it off. I've seen guy Riley's on TV and have even met a blind guide dog who's name was Riley. I'm okay with however it's used and I personally think it sounds good in any use... though maybe not for something weird like a hamster or snake...
译Riley Anderson是电影“外出”的主角。
原Riley Anderson is the main character of the movie Inside Out.
原For a boy? What? It's more for a girl but girls who are named that can be pretty but some are sweet and nice. For a boy it should be Rylan not Riley.
译我认为莱利是一个不错的名字,适合任何性别。这是一个更常见的女孩在美国比男孩。就我个人而言,我更喜欢男孩,但是,我认为这听起来不错的女孩。对于一个男孩,我会拼写Riley或Ryley。对于一个女孩,我会拼写Riley或Rylee。 Rylee是一个有这个名字的女孩最常见的替代拼写。
原I think Riley is a nice name that works well for either gender. It is a little more common for girls in the US than for boys. Personally, I prefer it on boys, however, I think it sounds fine on a girl as well. For a boy I would either spell it Riley or Ryley. For a girl I would either spell it Riley or Rylee. Rylee is the most common alternative spelling for a girl with that name.
原My name is Riley. I was named after my aunt who passed away at a young age. In Finland, Raili (pronounced Riley) is a common girls name. My parents changed the spelling so it would be pronounced correctly. I was born in the 60's and this name had 0 popularity. Despite the fact that some people gave me a hard time when I was younger, I have always loved my name! It's unique and classic all rolled into one. People that are hung up on whether it is too masculine for a female or a dog's name, need to get a grip. Glad I didn't get stuck with a boring common place name.
译我命名我的儿子莱利,我的家人认为这是一个艰难的声音起初的名字,但它完全适合他。我后来发现,在他命名他的爸爸的真正的爸爸是爱尔兰和英语在我身边,所以Riley罗伯特(中间名)是完美的。他在他的小学里有两个男孩叫莱利。他刚刚完成高中,我还没有见到一个名叫莱利的女孩,但我的表弟的狗的名字是莱利。它适合作为我的儿子和爱尔兰塞特犬我们都在一切,当年轻的时候:)它适合一个非常运动的男孩的名字,因为大多数莱利我知道是非常参与运动。我绝对爱一个男孩的莱利的名字。他确实有一个非常好的女孩朋友Kiely,我认为是真的可爱的女孩的名字。如果他是一个女孩,我永远不会命名他为莱利,太阳性给我听。 Kiely为一个女孩,Riley为一个男孩得到我的投票!会爱它的女孩/男孩双胞胎!
原I named my son Riley, my family thought it was a tough sounding name at first but it fits him perfectly. I later found out after naming him that his dad's real dad was Irish and English on my side so Riley Robert (middle name) was perfect. He did have two other boys in his grade school named Riley. He just finished high school and I have yet to meet a girl named Riley but my cousin's dog's name is Riley. It fits both as my son and the Irish Setter dog we're both into everything when young :) It fits the name of a very athletic boy as most Riley's I know are very involved in sports. I absolutely love the name of Riley for a boy. He did have a very good girl friend named Kiely that I thought was really cute for a girls name. I would of never named him Riley if he was a girl, too masculine sounding to me. Kiely for a girl, Riley for a boy gets my vote! Would love it for girl/boy twins!
原Riley is a wonderful name! It is a very classy name and sounds very Irish! I prefer it for a male than female but the nice thing is it's unisex. Anyone that thinks it's a dog name needs to consider naming their pets real pet names and not traditional people names! Besides... Who doesn't want the Life of Riley?
译它绝对禁止我如何这个男性和男孩的名字变得如此受欢迎的女孩 - 更常见的女孩和这是一个男孩的名字... \u003cbr\u003e美国人,请停止给你的女儿的男性名字。适可而止。莱利可能在#47为女孩,但这不会使它成为一个女孩的名字。 Riley是女孩的一个时髦的男性名字。
原It absolutely DISGUSTS me how this masculine and boyish name has become so popular among girls- even more common for the girls AND IT'S A BOYS NAME...Americans, please stop giving your daughters masculine names. Enough is enough. Riley may be at #47 for girls but that does NOT make it a girls name. Riley is just a trendy masculine name for girls.
译Riley Abel,“我最后的我们”视频游戏中的角色。
原Riley Abel, a character in The Last of Us video game.
译我的名字是Riley。我是男性,出生于80年代末。这是一个不常见的名字,当我是一个孩子,我不知道任何人用我的名字。随着我变老,名字变得如此流行和流行,似乎每个人都命名他们的孩子莱利 - 男性和女性。现在我知道男性Riley,女性Riley和我最好的朋友之一有一只名为Riley的狗(不在我之后 - 他在我遇见他之前有狗...疱疹)\u003cbr\u003e个人,这个名字听起来很阳刚。我不喜欢时尚和“独特”的选择拼写的名称,所以拼写“Ryleigh或Rylee”看起来更多的女性看起来发粘在我的眼睛。
原My name is Riley. I'm male and born in the late 80s. It was such an uncommon name when I was a kid that I didn't know anybody with my name. As I got older, the name became so trendy and popular, it seemed like everyone was naming their kids Riley - male and female. Now I know male Riley's, female Riley's and one of my best friends has a dog named Riley (not after me - he had the dog before I met him.. phew)Personally, the name sounds and looks masculine. I'm not a fan of trendy and "unique" alternatives to spellings of names so spelling it "Ryleigh or Rylee" to look more feminine looks tacky in my eyes.
译我10个月大的儿子是Riley William。我们有选择的名字,因为我们发现我们怀孕了,我们应该有一个男孩。我丈夫的家庭有一个传统,所有的男性有最初的RWJ和诚实地大多数其他名字,我们不关心或在家庭中太常见。我绝对喜欢它。我知道一些其他莱利也是,拼写不同,和同一个男孩和女孩。虽然我个人喜欢Ryleigh一个女孩。我的儿子的名字适合他。我知道这听起来很奇怪,但你知道当你看到某人,和名字的种类匹配吗?那么,莱利威廉喜欢他。哈哈我们爱它。希望他长大了,也!对所有其他莱利(但你拼写它)爱名字!
原My 10 month old son is Riley William. We had the name picked since we found out we were pregnant, should we have a boy. My husband's family has a tradition, all the males have the initial RWJ and honestly most other names we didn't care care for or were too common in the family. I absolutely love it. I know a handful of other Riley's as well, spelled differently, and the same boy and girl. Although personally I like Ryleigh for a girl. My son's name fits him though. I know that may sound odd, but you know when you see someone, and the name kind of matches up? Well, Riley William fits him. Haha we love it. Hopefully he grows up and does too! To all the other Riley's (however you spell it) love the name!
原I am newly pregnant and came across the name Riley for a girl. I love it. I thought I would google it to see if there were any ways kids would find a way to make fun of the name and instead I came across a site with adults using terms like disgusting, trashy, get off drugs. Personally, I think if you love the name use it, anyone who spits off such hateful opinions generally fits the profile of the insult they themselves used. They therefore don't have anything to say worth respecting. Why insult people?P.S. Spell it anyway you like. Use it for a boy or girl. I love it!
原I love the name Riley for a girl. I think it's an awful name for a boy. For a girl, though, I think it's a wonderful name. I've liked it since I was in elementary school.
原This is the name of Cory and Topanga's daughter on the Disney Channel show Girl Meets World, the spin-off of Boy Meets World.
原My son's middle name is Riley. My husband and I absolutely fell in love with the name when I found it online when I was looking for name ideas. It also compliments my son's first name beautifully. I believe if I had had a little girl first, Riley would have been in her name somewhere. I love it for a girl or a boy. It's just a great name.
译Riley是Raghallaigh的翻译版本。一旦有名的人死了,他就叫他的名字给他的儿子; Raghallaigh(Raghallaigh)。这个名字多年来一直是一个姓氏,直到爱尔兰移民到美国,并开始翻译áRaghallaigh到O'Reilly。甚至O'Reilly开始被翻译成Riley。最终,它再次成为一个名字。它目前在美国的男孩为#133。在爱尔兰盖尔语中的意思是“勇敢的”。
原Riley is a translated version of the name Raghallaigh. Once the man with the name died, he made his name to a surname an ? Raghallaigh (Of Raghallaigh). The name remained a surname for many years until the Irish immigrated to America and started translating ? Raghallaigh to O'Reilly. Even O'Reilly started being translated to Riley. Eventually, it became a first name once again. It currently hits #133 for boys in the United States. The meaning is "Valiant" in Irish Gaelic.
译我不能相信没有人提到“Riley Euegene Daring”,一个角色在迪斯尼频道的美国动作 - 幻想喜剧动画电视系列中称为“替代品”。
原I cannot believe no one's mentioned "Riley Euegene Daring", a character in the American action-fantasy-comedy animated television series for Disney Channel called "The Replacements".
译到Rileysmom24。 “任何名字都可以不被取代”呃...不可能不能。这是绝对荒谬!停止毒品。
原To Rileysmom24. "Any name can be unisexed" uh... no it can not. That is absolutely absurd! Stay off the drugs.
原You people are so immature, cause honestly, any name can be for either gender. Some of you just have no respect for others and that's why you hear about children committing suicide, cause people like you bully them and tell them their names sound like a dog's name or your mom named you after a girl/guy. Grow up people.
译我是一个女孩,几乎每次我告诉别人我的名字是Riley我得到,“嘿,这是我的狗的名字! -__-
原I'm a girl and almost every time I tell someone my name is Riley I get, "Hey, that's my dogs name!" -__-
译歌手B.B. King出生了Riley B. King。他是87岁,所以我认为这个名字可以在一个男孩年龄很好。对一个女孩,不是。
原Singer B.B. King was born Riley B. King. He's 87 years old, so I think the name can age well on a boy. On a girl, not at all.
原My son's name is Riley, it suits him very well and I love the name, as for the comments it's a dogs name, I think people tend to call their dogs human names not the other way round, I have never met a dog called Riley but I have met lots of dogs called jack, Sam and Ben and I wouldn't say to them people you named your son/daughter after a dog!
译这是一个好狗的名字。 Riley是一个可爱的昵称为一个女孩,但我永远不会使用这个作为一个名字。想象一个叫Riley的老人!不太漂亮...
原This is a good name for a dog. Riley is a cute nickname for a girl but I would never use this as a first name. Imagine an old man called Riley! Not too flattering...
原I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with the user above me, I find using this name for a female nothing short of disgusting. The name "Riley" only became an uber-'trend' name for girls in the past few decades (starting about the mid-eighties), but it has been a boy's name for centuries and centuries. Any website or baby name book will verify this. What's next? Edward or Bartholomew for girls? I find this name extremely handsome and rich in history for a guy, but unsightly on a female.
译每个人都会认为我疯了,说这个,(这是一种悲伤),但莱利是一个男孩的名字!它只成了一个女孩的名字,因为这个整个愚蠢的趋势,给女孩男孩的名字,如麦迪逊,麦肯齐和泰勒。这些都是男孩的名字,一次,仍然声音超级男性,至少对我。 Kre8tiv拼写像“rylee,ryleigh,ryley或rylie不使它女性化,它只是看起来朴素和不成熟。
原Everyone's going to think I'm crazy for saying this, (which is kind of sad) but Riley is a boy name! It only became a girl name because of this whole stupid trend of giving girls boys names like Madison, Mackenzie, and Taylor. Those were all boy names at once, and still sound super masculine, at least to me. Kre8tiv spelling like "rylee, ryleigh, ryley, or rylie doesn't make it feminine, it just looks plain stupid and immature.
译哇,我对于人们如何抨击这样的名字感到震惊。任何一个有这个名字的人,在读完这些评论之后,必须感觉很糟糕。就个人而言,我认为它适用于男孩,女孩和狗。我不明白为什么这是一个大的交易,它可以是一个狗的名字。我有两只狗,其中一只叫贝利,另一只是杰克 - 两个“人类”的名字。谁喜欢这个名字,我同意。我认为这是一个非常好的名字。此外,我感到非常厌恶的术语“拖车垃圾”。我在一个拖车公园的环境中长大,它不是任何形状或形式的“垃圾”。我遇到了一些美好的朋友,谁将永远是我的朋友,因为他们是非常谦虚,真正的人。这就是我要说的。
原Wow, I'm kind of stunned on how people can bash on a name like that. Whoever has this name must feel like crap after reading some of these comments. Personally, I think it works with both guys, girls, and dogs. I don't see why it's such a big deal that it could be a dog's name. I have two dogs and one of them is named Bailey while the other is Jake- both "human" names by the way. Whoever likes this name, I agree. I think it's a very nice name. Also, I feel very offended by the term "trailer-trash". I grew up in the environment of a trailer park, and it wasn't "trash" in any shape or form. I've met some wonderful friends there who will remain my friends forever, as they are very humble, genuine people. That's all I have to say.
原I like Riley. It has spunk whether it's used for a girl or a boy.
译我生病了,厌倦了男性的名字变成女性的名字!莱斯利,悉尼/西德尼,现在莱利都被打伤了对立的性别。 \u003cbr\u003e Riley是一个很好的男名字,但在一个女孩,它只是听起来时髦和垃圾,像一个少年尝试太难以“独特”。选择一个不受欢迎或不寻常的名字没有什么错,但只是确保它是正确的性别和正确的拼写,m'kay?
原I'm sick and tired of male names being turned into female names! Leslie, Sydney/Sidney, and now Riley have all been mauled into the opposite gender. Riley is a good MALE name, but on a girl it just sounds trendy and trashy, like a teenager trying way too hard to 'be unique'. There's nothing wrong with choosing an unpopular or unusual name, but just make sure it's the right gender and the correct spelling, m'kay?
原I know this one girl who spells her name "Reilei" and I think it looks goofy. I also like the spelling Rhylee. I like the beginning. But then again I might just be saying that because it's a different way of spelling it that isn't totally crazy.
原I love the name Riley, but more as a girls name. I think it isn't too common but not too uncommon. I think if I had a boy I would call him Riley or Connor. I also like the spelling Rhylee, but more for a girl than a boy.
译我很难想象一个名叫莱利的成年男人(或女人)。我的意思是,它比那些Aiden / Jayden / Kayden的名字更好,当孩子们喜欢,7个左右时,它很可爱,但它只是听起来不成熟。
原It's hard for me to imagine a grown man (or woman) named Riley. I mean, it's better than those Aiden/Jayden/Kayden names out there, and it's cute when the kid's like, seven or so, but it just doesn't sound very mature.
原Preferable as a male name for the masculine sound of the name, I just wish parents of girls would realize how many names that are ACTUALLY feminine sounding are out there and stop stealing boy's names.
译这是我的名字,除了它是拼写Rylie。对所有说这个名字的人听起来像一个狗的名字或听起来像一个愚蠢的名字,我是100%与你!我绝对LOATHE和ABOMINATE这个名字在各种方式,形状或形式!它是我一生中听过的最丑陋,最白痴的白色垃圾名称之一,我很amed愧这个名字。我希望我的父母可以给我一个不同的名字,听起来更优雅,在任何年龄都会听起来不错(如Madeline或Adrienne),但NOOO他们不得不选择一个华而不实的,低级的声音名称,如Rylie不,年龄很好! UGGHH!此外,我总是要拼写正确的大家。期待母亲和父亲,我恳求你,请不要命名你的孩子或任何形式的RILEY!很可能,他们会讨厌它。
原This is my name, except it is spelled Rylie. To all the people who are saying this name sounds like a dog name or sounds like a stupid name, I'M 100% WITH YOU! I absolutely LOATHE and ABOMINATE this name in every way, shape or form! It is one of the most ugly, idiotic white trash names I have ever heard of in my entire life and I am ashamed to bear this name. I wish my parents could have given me a different name that sounds much more classy and will sound well at any age (like Madeline or Adrienne), but NOOO they had to pick a gaudy, lower-class sounding name like Rylie that doesn't age well! UGGHH! Plus, I always have to spell it right for everyone. Expecting mothers and fathers, I beg you, Please DON'T NAME YOU KID RILEY OR ANY FORM OF RILEY! Most likely, they are going to hate it.
原I've always felt that Riley was more of a feminine name than masculine. There is actually a girl in my grade named Riley, and it fits her country-esque style perfectly! We also have another, more city type girl with an in-your-face personality. She pronounces it the same way, but it is spelled Reili.
原Riley Bears was the name of the vampire created by Victoria in the Twilight saga. He acted as the secondary antagonist in Eclipse.
原I don't like this on a girl AT ALL. On a boy, it's a little bit better, but still not my favorite.
原I love this name for a girl :) It's a cute name!
译Riley Keough是美国模特和女演员和丽莎玛丽·普雷斯利的女儿和埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的孙女。她出生了Danielle Riley Keough,但去了Riley。
原Riley Keough is an American model and actress and daughter of Lisa Marie Presley and granddaughter of Elvis Presley. She was born Danielle Riley Keough, but goes by Riley.
原It's such a wimpy, unmasculine name on a guy, yet it's trashy and totally unfeminine on a girl. To put it simply, this name sucks.
Caylee Ann
原I really don't understand why people feel the need to comment on how much they hate a name. My son's name is Riley and I think it's a beautiful name and I love that it means valiant. For those who think it's only a dog name... a lot of people give their dog's people names. I have two dogs named Emma and Charlie, both people names... what do you expect people to do, name their animals after planets or vegetables?
原Way too masculine for a girl, way too feminine for a guy.
原I've always liked the name Riley. I prefer it as a guy's name because it would work well for a little boy, a teenager and an older man. It would be cute on a little girl and edgy for a teenaged girl but once the girl gets older it wouldn't be the same as it would for a guy. But I prefer the spelling Rilee on a girl, to make it look more 'girly'.But I've considered when I start having kids and I have a son, I would like to call him 'Riley James' depending on how popular this name is in around ten years time.
原I've honestly never heard of it until my brother was born. As he grew older, he gave me a very positive opinion on this name. It now gives the image of a sweet little boy, like my brother is now. It's a very good name.
原It's overused and clearly masculine but sounds still girly. Not my cup of tea.
原My boyfriend's name is Rielly, and I've never seen it spelled like that. I've seen it spelled 'Riley' and 'Reilly' but I really like his name. I think it's a good name for a dog, cat, female, male, inanimate object, you name it. It's just an all-around good name.
原I think it's a awesome name also because it's mine and whoever called it a dogs name I also agree but it's kinda rude.
原Also alternative spelling Rylee seems so sweet.
译我的名字是Riley,我喜欢我的名字。 90年代初,当我出生时,这个名字是非常不寻常的。但现在它变得流行,我为此感到自豪!
原My name is Riley and I love my name. In early 90s , when I was born, this name was very unusual. But now it became popular and I'm proud of it!
原I've always liked this name, but I was a little disappointed when I learned that it was more popular as a guy's name. I like it either way, but I think it sounds better on a girl.
译“莱利的生活”是一个非常受欢迎的广播节目在20世纪40年代和以后的电视节目。标题字符是Chester A. Riley。短语“Riley的生活”或“生活Riley的生活”是从20世纪初,意味着生活一个良好,舒适的生活。
原"The Life of Riley" was a very popular radio show in the 1940s and later a TV show. The title character was Chester A. Riley. The phrase "life of Riley" or "living the life of Riley" is from the early 1900s and means living a good, comfortable life.
原I used this name in the play I wrote for my senior project. I use it for the main male character. I imagine Riley's as shy. This is probably because the one Riley I've met (who is actually a girl) is extremely shy. I also think of the arts when I hear this name. I could see a Riley being a theatre techie or one of those kids who carry around cameras everywhere.
译我认为莱利是一个伟大的名字,年龄很好。当我听到这个名字的时候,我经常甚至不想到一个小男孩,我想到一个男人围绕Riley Poole在国宝的年龄。我讨厌这个名字在女孩虽然。它应该只用于男孩。
原I think Riley is a great name that ages well. When I hear this name I often don't even think of a little boy I think of a man around Riley Poole's age in National Treasure. I hate this name on girls though. It should only be used on boys.
原For a boy, I think this name seems childish, like when the guy gets older, I'd be embarrassed to call him "Riley".
原I don't think this name is limited to just guys, girls, or pets. I like it for all, however, I can't really imagine a 80 year old woman saying her name was Riley. It's cute for a younger woman, but not too sure if the name ages with the person. And more than half of the animals I encounter have human names like Jack, Annabelle, Isabella, Rudy, and so on. I don't see why some people only see Riley as a dogs name. Even though it does make a good pets name.
原I like this name on a pet.
译是的,不断告诉自己这是一个女孩的名字。这将使它更真实。阅读蜂蜜,然后回来,评论,你会吗?无知不是一个借口。和IMHO Riley是一样的狗的名字作为斑点和流浪。
原Yes, keep telling yourself it's a girl's name. It will make it that much more real. Read up honey and then come back and comment will you please? Ignorance is not an excuse. And IMHO Riley is as much a dog's name as Spot and Rover.
原Riley is a girl's name to me because 5 people that are female have this name, so apparently, it's a girl's name, not a dog's name or boy's name!
原The kind of name people use that profess to be Irish when they're just Irish in the 4 generations removed, I only drink Guinness on St Paddy's day and think Leprechauns exist kind of sense.
原It sounds weird on a girl, but it sound weird on a boy as well.
原It would be a cool name for a son, if only it wasn't so damn popular and overused, and if only it didn't remind me of the despicable Bill O'Reilly. It sounds a bit youthful, but I suppose that has a lot to do with the fact Riley isn't exactly a common name on old men. It's not the most infantile name out there, that's for sure. However, this name is bad for females. It's a bit of a pity that there are so many cute little girls named Riley, a name that sounds like O'Reilly, the surname of a person who certainly won't respect them if he's still alive when they've reached age 16 or so. This sounds more like a name for a tomboy who sneers at girls more feminine than herself. The name is so damn trendy that it won't sound spunky on young indie fans or androgynous females. Middle-aged women named Riley will probably feel quite pissed off about their name, as it sounds too youthful on them because of the whole tomboy sound.
原I love this name. I think it is better for a boy than a girl. But it sort of works for a girl also.
原I would never name a creature that is part of my family "Riley." Naming your pet something ditzy is a waste of a name, and with pets you can get away with really weird names. I love this on guys. Go Riley!
原I think Riley is quite trendy and a bit superfluous. That said, it does have a pleasant sound compared to other names in the very popular surname-as-first-name category. It's an energetic name. I would expect Riley to be a girl or boy born between 1995 and the present. Personally, I don't think people should be offended if someone says this is a name for dogs. I think it's great when pets have "human" names.
原Riley Freeman, the youngest little boy on the show, "The Boondocks."
原Yes, very doggy. Funking up the spelling will not help. It becomes an illiterate dog name then.
Patricia Underwood
译我喜欢FAR的一个女孩。其他拼写是:\u003cbr\u003e Rilee'\u003cbr\u003e Rilee \u003cbr\u003e Rilie \u003cbr\u003e Riliegh \u003cbr\u003e Ryley \u003cbr\u003e Rylie和\u003cbr\u003e Ryliegh。
原I prefer it for a girl by FAR. Other spellings are:Rilee'RileeRilieRilieghRyleyRylie and Ryliegh.
原I just read all the comments, and I'm shocked. Who'd name their dog Riley? I don't name my pets nice-sounding modern names. And I don't see what's so terrible about it, it has a very casual feel to it and doesn't make any weird impression on the people you meet.
原Would make a beautiful boy's name, but for a girl it wouldn't be hideous.
原The ultimate canine name. Beats Rex and Rufus. Trailer park business on a human.
原I've known many people with the name Riley and I never once thought of it being trashy, uncool, too masculine, trailer-parkish, or too much like a dog. Names can go either it all depends on the person.
原I have a friend with this name, but it's spelled Reighley. Pronounced the same way, though.
原Why would you use Riley on your son if you like Irish names? That makes no sense as Riley is the English surname related to 'rye clearing'. You were after the anglicized Irish surname Reilly (from Raghilleach). Better yet, use an Irish name that would be used in Ireland. The only saving grace here is that you used it on a son. That's awesome. This name is ralph-inducing on girls.
译我喜欢名字Riley。我儿子的名字是莱利·斯金纳。我爱爱尔兰的名字,我爱我的儿子的名字,虽然很多人有不好的事情来说说。我讨厌一个女孩的名字莱利。这听起来太阳了。 :)
原I love the name Riley. My son's name is Riley Ray Skinner. I love Irish names, and I love my son's name although a lot of people have bad things to say about it. I hate the name Riley on a girl. It sounds too masculine. :)
译一个漂亮的女孩的名字?醒来。这是一个Joe Bloggs姓。无聊的史密斯或黑色和可能的最好的狗的名字的所有时间。
原A beautiful girl's name? Wake up. It is a Joe Bloggs surname. Boring as Smith or Black and possibly one of the best dog names of all time.
原If I ever use it, which I doubt highly, it'd be on a boy, mainly because well, it's ugly for a girl.
原Pure trash. Boring surname too. It is not "cool".
Brianna Angela
原Yes, I agree with Riley_Walsh44. I read Summer of Riley also (great book, btw), and agree that it is wonderful as a boy, girl, or dog name.
原I love the name Riley and I can't wait to name my daughter Riley Lynn. Also it's a cool name.
原I really like it (spelled Rylie). Really nice!
译绝对是一个好狗的名字:)。 Kinda时尚/ trashy一个人。拼写品种是soooo拖车公园。它是好的小剂量和拼写正确,但现在我只是有一个怀孕的16岁的老人站在典当店外面的图片。
原Definitely a good dog name :). Kinda trendy/trashy for a person. And the spelling variety is soooo trailer park. It was okay in small doses and spelled right but now I just have a picture of a pregnant 16-year old standing outside a pawn shop.
译我有一个6岁的女儿,名叫Rylie Drew,我喜欢这个名字!我不知道6年前的名字,但我最近听到了一点更多!我不在乎它是一个男孩的名字,但可能只是因为我习惯了它是我的女儿的名字。我们对拼写进行了很多讨论,最后选择了Rylie,我喜欢最好的。我不能想象一个男孩拼写这样。至于狗的评论,好,到每个自己。我的狗的名字是悉尼,所以去图!哦,对于你们,我对她的名字多么可爱很赞。有很多名字我不喜欢,所以我完全得到,很多人不会喜欢这个名字,。没有biggie!
原I have a 6-year-old daughter named Rylie Drew, and I adore the name! I didn't know anyone with the name 6 years ago, but I've heard it a little more lately! I don't care as much for it as a boy name, but probably only because I'm used to it being my daughter's name. We debated a lot over the spelling and finally chose Rylie, which I like the best. I can't imagine a boy spelling it that way. As for the dog comments, well, to each their own. My dog's name is Sydney, so go figure! Oh, and for you naysayers, I've had a ton of compliments on how cute her name is. There's a ton of names I don't like, so I totally get that a lot of people won't like this name, either. No biggie!
译虽然我喜欢一个女孩的莱利,我喜欢它为一个男孩。我的表弟生了她的第一个孩子10月06日,一个儿子名叫莱利迈克尔。她的名字挑出了几乎整个怀孕,似乎适合他。此外,她的名字从R(Rhianna)开始,我认为这是一种甜蜜(虽然是无意的)。羞耻我现在不能使用的名称。好吧;很高兴有一个叫做莱利的新娘。 :P
原While I like Riley for a girl, I adore it for a boy. My cousin gave birth to her first child October 06, a son named Riley Michael. She had the name picked out for pretty much the whole pregnancy and it seems to suit him. Plus, her name begins with R (Rhianna) and I think that's kind of sweet (although unintentional). Shame I can't use the name now. O happy to have a newphew named Riley. :P
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