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扫描下载二维码&&&来源 在 中国语言文字 分类中
&&&&The Nature and Source of Semantic and the Origin of Fuzzy of Semantic
&&&&The Nature and Method in Morphemic Research and the Source of Corpus
&&&&Source of the Sentence Structure of V (O) bude(不得)
&&&&The Appearance and the Source of Newly Words and Phrases in Contemporary Chinese
&&&&It analyzes the source and change of the zhi (祗) and the adaptation on characters zhi (祗) and zhi (只).
&&&&As one of sources of Modem Chinese neology, the parlance of computer networks contains many terms of computer networks.
&&&&On Sources of -j- in Tibetan and ~*-i- in the Middle Ancient Chinese
&&&&The Historical Sources of "X不比Y·Z" 's Semantic Meanings in Contemporary Chinese
&&&&Two Sources of Meaning and the Mission of Philosophy of Language
The sources of idioms
&&&&They are corresponding with "jing" ("景") and "ba" ("霸") in Chinese respectively, "yang" ("阳") in Chinese have the same origin with "Yi" ("哎") in Yi Language, but "yin " ("阴") does not have the same origin with "bu " ("哺") .
&&&&On the Origin of “V + de + Loc” Pattern in Beijing Dialect
&&&&On the use and the origin of modern Chinese affix“sheng”(生)
&&&&The Nature and Source of Semantic and the Origin of Fuzzy of Semantic
&&&&Regarding the Origin of -γula,-güle,Suffix to a Mongolian Numeral to Denota a Collective
&&&&On the Origins of the Initials of "fei"(非) group, "zhang"(章) group and"ri"(日), "yu"(喻), "xie"(邪) in Middle Chinese
&&&&Some origins of
modern Chinese and its evolution
&&&&Some researcher considered 益 and石 as the representations of two kinds of Chong-niu (重纽) owing to their origins from Old Chinese, and deduced that Chong-niu in Qie-yun(切韵) was the synthesis of ancient dialects accordance with modern Min(闽) Dialect.
&&&&They were either selected from works of different times or employed by authors living in different regions,hence the complicated origins and components.
&&&&On the Origins and Historical Strata of Old Min(闽) and Hakka Dialects
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Chinese dialects, like English and other languages, are comprised ofseveral lexical strata. In Chinese, these strata are mostly due to the influence of formsof the standard language at various periods in the past. Evidence of this type of lexicalstratification is preserved very well in the Min dialects, especially in the conservative dia-lect of Amoy. An inspetion of etymological doublets and triplets in Min dialects leadsto the conclusion that Proto-Min already showed considerable stratification in its lexi-con.... Chinese dialects, like English and other languages, are comprised ofseveral lexical strata. In Chinese, these strata are mostly due to the influence of formsof the standard language at various periods in the past. Evidence of this type of lexicalstratification is preserved very well in the Min dialects, especially in the conservative dia-lect of Amoy. An inspetion of etymological doublets and triplets in Min dialects leadsto the conclusion that Proto-Min already showed considerable stratification in its lexi-con.语言里往往有读音不同而来源相同的词,譬如英文的shirt和skirt都可以追溯到同一个古日耳曼语的词根;只是前者为固有的盎格鲁撒克逊语,后者却是从与古英语很相近的一种古斯堪的纳维亚方言借来的。许多语言的词汇是这样分层次的;研究语言的历史演变,辨别这种词汇层次(lexical stratification)极其重要。汉语方言里类似的现象也很普遍。北京话有不少又读字:薄bao/bo,落lao/luo,熟Shou//shu,模mu/mo,更jing/geng,等等。这些字的又读都和上述英文例子一样:前者是北京方言固有的,而后者可视为外来的借词。这种词汇层次起因于方言受某一时代共同语或标准语的影响。在中国历史上方言不断吸收共同语的成份。在华南这种情形特别地普遍而复杂。汉族多次南迁。每次都带着某种汉语方言。秦汉时,汉人第一次涌进南方,与当地土著民族杂居。关于这些早期移民的语言,我们知道得很少,据《史记》记载,多半是犯逃亡罪的人、赘婿及小商,可以推测他们的语言是当代民间通用的共同汉语。南方方言,尤其是闽语方言,还保存着这个语言的遗迹。秦汉以后,汉族第二次大规模地迁移南方是在西晋灭亡的时候(公元316年),那时...语言里往往有读音不同而来源相同的词,譬如英文的shirt和skirt都可以追溯到同一个古日耳曼语的词根;只是前者为固有的盎格鲁撒克逊语,后者却是从与古英语很相近的一种古斯堪的纳维亚方言借来的。许多语言的词汇是这样分层次的;研究语言的历史演变,辨别这种词汇层次(lexical stratification)极其重要。汉语方言里类似的现象也很普遍。北京话有不少又读字:薄bao/bo,落lao/luo,熟Shou//shu,模mu/mo,更jing/geng,等等。这些字的又读都和上述英文例子一样:前者是北京方言固有的,而后者可视为外来的借词。这种词汇层次起因于方言受某一时代共同语或标准语的影响。在中国历史上方言不断吸收共同语的成份。在华南这种情形特别地普遍而复杂。汉族多次南迁。每次都带着某种汉语方言。秦汉时,汉人第一次涌进南方,与当地土著民族杂居。关于这些早期移民的语言,我们知道得很少,据《史记》记载,多半是犯逃亡罪的人、赘婿及小商,可以推测他们的语言是当代民间通用的共同汉语。南方方言,尤其是闽语方言,还保存着这个语言的遗迹。秦汉以后,汉族第二次大规模地迁移南方是在西晋灭亡的时候(公元316年),那时大量的北方士族移居江南,南朝的首都建菜就变成中国的文化中心。因为建业的文化声望远播四方,其语言对中国南方各地方言有相当大的影响,有时甚至于代替了当地方言。陆法言的《切韵》编于陈朝灭亡后不久,据周祖谟先生研究的结果,建业和邺下的雅言对《切韵》音系的影响很大。唐代的共同语大概以长安方言为基础,与《切韵》音系颇有出入。这个方言对当时各地方言的影响非常大。到辽金元三代,北京话就成为中国的新共同语,即所谓的“官话”。中国各地方言虽然也吸收了许多“官话”的成份,但其影响力不如上面所提的那些共同语那么广泛。闽语地区比较偏僻,受其他外来影响较少,至今还保存了不少秦汉时移民带来的词汇,同时也吸收了许多南朝和唐代的词汇。因此间语里同一个汉语词根,因为历史来源不一,往往有不同的读音。这就是词汇的时代层次的宝贵证据。厦门话里这类同源词特别多:譬如《切韵》昔韵的字时常有两三个或更多的读法。我认为这些“又读字”是由不同时代遗留下来的:最早的可以推测是汉代移民所说的汉语方言的遗迹;还有些是从南朝的雅言借来的;较新的就是唐朝中叶以后借的。比方说厦门话“石”字有三个读法;最老的是[tisio?~8],就是石头的意思;第二个读法是[sia?~8],用于石砚[sia?~8hi~6];第三个读法[sik~8]是一般的文言音。福州话有相同的现象:“悬”字读[kei?~2]是高的意思;读[hei?~2]用于悬落来[hei?~2 lo?~8 li~2],是下垂的意思;读[hie?~2]用于悬空[hie?~2 khu?~1]。[kein?~2,hei?~2,hie?~2]三个音都是从一个“悬”字演变下来的,反映出三个不同时代的层次。这样,闽语方言大体上可以分成三个重要的时代层次。闽语里也许有一些词不能归到这三个层次中,可以视为例外。一般说来,中国南方方言的词汇几乎都能追溯到上述的时代。这个现象不仅汉语方言里有,中国边缘上的和国内的非汉语也都吸收了大量的汉语措词,这些借词也可以追溯到不同的历史时代。譬如越南语“墓”字有三个音:ma,mo,mo,这三个读法正相当于上述三个层次。日本语也有类似的情形:所谓上古音(Joko-on)相当于第一个层次,吴音(Go-on)相当于第二个层次,而汉音(Kanon)乃是第三个层次。泰语、朝鲜语和苗瑶语都具有大量的汉语借词;这些语言是否也有这类层次现象,有待进一步研究。 Sir William Jones, a British orientist,declared in 1786 that Sanskrit bore to Greek and Latin "a stronger affinity……than could possibly have been produced by accident……have sprung from some common source, which perhaps no longer exists." From then on, comparative philology came into being.English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family, which in turn is a member of Indo- European family, the largest one in the world. Therefore, some common-sense knowledge about English's evolution from... Sir William Jones, a British orientist,declared in 1786 that Sanskrit bore to Greek and Latin "a stronger affinity……than could possibly have been produced by accident……have sprung from some common source, which perhaps no longer exists." From then on, comparative philology came into being.English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family, which in turn is a member of Indo- European family, the largest one in the world. Therefore, some common-sense knowledge about English's evolution from its various ancestors will lead to a rational comprehension of this particular language. This essay proceeds from a diachronic approach and, with the help of many examples, draws a detailed pedigree of English. For those whose fields of research concern linguistics, Anglo-American language and literature, this essay would serve as a concise guide. As to the average undergraduates of English departments or others who attempt to master English, this paper would broaden their cognitive horizons.十八世纪英国学者Sir William Jones指出:梵文与希腊文和拉丁文“如此相象,绝非偶然”,“它们具有共同的来源,这个来源或许已不存在。”从此以后,一门新的学科——比较语言学诞生了。英语属于日耳曼语支中的西日耳曼语分支,而日耳曼语本身又属于世界上最大的语系——印欧语系。所以,掌握一些英语与其各代语祖之间在进化过程中的一些基本知识,可以使读者对英语有一个理性的认识。本文以丰富的实例,从历时性角度,为读者描绘了一幅详细的英语家谱图。对有志于研究语言学,研究英美语言文学者,本文也许具有提纲契领的指导意义。对大学英语专业的本科学生以及其杷愿意掌握英语者,阅读本文可能会收到扩大视野,升华认识之效。 This paper presents a synthesized account of J. L. Austin's speech act theory illustrated with Chinese data. It consists of six sections. The first three present the theory's philosophical origin, the method it uses in abstracting a series of acts out of the total speech act, and the way it recognizes and classifies illocutionary acts. Section 4 examines the relations between the rhetic act, the locutionary act and the illocutionary act. Section 5 reviews Austin's notion of convention and his criteria for illocutionary... This paper presents a synthesized account of J. L. Austin's speech act theory illustrated with Chinese data. It consists of six sections. The first three present the theory's philosophical origin, the method it uses in abstracting a series of acts out of the total speech act, and the way it recognizes and classifies illocutionary acts. Section 4 examines the relations between the rhetic act, the locutionary act and the illocutionary act. Section 5 reviews Austin's notion of convention and his criteria for illocutionary act classification. The last section argues that Austin's conception of the perlocutionary act is fatally undermined by the Act=Effect Fallacy and by the notion of causation.英国分析哲学家约翰·兰肖·奥斯汀()在我国语言学界并不是一个陌生的名字。他的关于言语行为理论的开创性论著《如何以言词行事》(以下简称《行事》)于1980年由许国璋教授部分译介给我国读者。涂纪亮所著《分析哲学及其在美国的发展》也对之立章述说。本文着重诠释与评述奥斯汀言语行为理论的来源和方法。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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