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猎云网近日独家获悉,国内初创公司溯源链Traceability Chain (简称TAC )在2017年底完成了一轮天使轮融资,融资金额700万人民币。由创世资本、星耀资本、先知资本和区块链领域的早期投资人参与了天使投资,主要用于搭建全球化区块链平台。溯源链团队成员主要来自新三板溯源公司灵动快拍,创始人王鹏飞希望能通过由区块链技术搭建的溯源公链实现商品生命周期数字化。
据猎云网了解,溯源链由王鹏飞团队联合纸贵科技共同开发,其主要架构分为三层:溯源链协议底层、平台层、应用层。底层开发技术采用跨链模式,以以太坊协议和自主协议构建双主链模式,并在自有协议主链上设置了21个超级节点对数据进行储存查询。出于打造B端平台的目的,溯源链允许技术公司或销售公司在平台上自由开发应用小模块,以实现更多服务功能。 溯源链对追溯商品来源有着去中心化的作用。无法保证防伪溯源的结果,正是老百姓对中心化商品厂家缺乏信任的原因。导致用户对整个行业的诚信度存在“Max”值,而即便是防伪检验中心、协会、或民间溯源平台都会存在被人修改数据的可能。在这一点上,区块链作为公开化技术平台,正在成为推动行业规范的新工具。
播放数:148709原标题:世联翻译公司为溯源链提供区块链技术英俄日韩等多语言翻译支持 2018年初,世联翻译公司专业区块链翻译团队出色完成溯源链项目白皮书、官方网站等文档的英语、俄语、日语、韩语多语言翻译工作,并持续项目新闻更新的翻译,得到了用户的好评。随着区块链技术的火爆和发展,世联翻译公司将进一步丰富IT通信软件、区块链技术的多语翻译人才储备,不断完善和提高区块链行业翻译解决方案,助力区块链信息流、资金流的引进来和走出去。 区块链翻译 区块链技术翻译 区块链翻译公司 专业区块链翻译公司 北京区块链翻译公司 上海区块链翻译公司 深圳区块链翻译公司 新闻翻译: 王鹏飞:上链信息真实性是区块链成功落地的首要关键 溯源链创始人王鹏飞3月11日3点钟财经沙龙演讲实录 3月11日下午,溯源链创始人王鹏飞受邀出任“3点钟财经沙龙”第二期演讲嘉宾,在中关村的3W咖啡,做主题为《区块链行业应用落地展望》的演讲。以下为此次演讲的文字实录。 王鹏飞:非常感谢三点钟财经的邀请,我们是奋斗在区块链第一线的溯源链,今天借这个机会跟大家聊一聊区块链技术在一些商业应用领域的发展,包括未来的发展趋势。 区块链的核心在于把价值传递和业务相结合 先讲一下我个人对区块链的几个理解: 首先,是关注区块链的人都比较理解的一点,区块链的核心是信任。我们过去是对中心化机构的信任,现在是对机器的信任,这个已经被验证了,在比特币近十年的发展时间里,已经被验证了。从最初大家对它怀疑,到不断地涨涨跌跌,再到现在,大家认为这些由上万个节点所构成的网络,它所带来的唯一性、不增发,到后边每个交易的确认,基于这个网络带来的信任已经被验证了。 第二,组织方式的转变,从中心化到分布式,这也是区块链的一个基因。怎么样从自己业务的抓手出发去找到适合自己项目的链化的方式,其实就是从过去的中心化进化到一种分布式,这里边包括有业务逻辑的分布式、包括价值传递的分布式。 第三个理解,关于区块链跟互联网有什么不一样的,有个观点我比较认同:互联网传递的是信息,区块链传递的是价值。我也算是接触互联网比较早的,从1998年开始,中国第一批互联网项目刚刚开始的时候,我自己就开始做网站,里边的核心是“信息”。后来有了支付宝、有了微信支付,也有了交易,核心承载的还是信息。区块链传递的是价值,上面跑的东西在区块链1.0时代一开始就是以数字资产的方式呈现的。在全世界慢慢生根发芽,获得更多的认可,接下来有了区块链2.0,以太坊,现在出现了很多区块链3.0的东西。其最核心的一点还是在于怎么把这种价值传递和自己的业务能够结合起来,这也是区块链应用落地最关键的一个部分。 2018最大看点在落地 2018年,我们认为最大的看点就是落地: 第一,在我们身边,基本上能够看到越来越多的团队进入区块链的领域,不管是过去拿到风险投资的还是新创业的,大家都在里边寻找自己的机会。今年出来的项目估计至少上千个,甚至数千个。 第二个,现在我们也看到,整个区块链市场很热,也很冷。大家心里都能感受到,我觉得问题的核心还是缺少价值支撑。讲了很多的故事,但是最后发现故事还没出来,即使有一些技术出来了,但是商业化没有落地,没有落地就不产生价值,不产生价值一切都是空的,空的东西怎么估值? 想要这个市场发展得更好,必须还是有很多能落地的,能够为我们衣食住行、吃喝玩乐提供服务价值的东西出来,这个时候才能感受到它的价值。所以说今年应用落地还有这样的诉求,如果没有应用落地这个市场一直飘在空中,支撑不了很好的市值。 第三个,区块链市场是螺旋式上升的,有了大量的关注,有了大量项目的进入,就会出来很多应用落地的项目,很多应用落地的项目真的产生很好价值的时候,其实就是类似于当年的以太坊。以太坊最初的时候也是挺空的,很多人不信它,国内有些做得比较早的基金,他们当年都看过以太坊这个项目,最后都没投。只有万向给以太坊投了50万美金,大家现在都知道了,这笔投资已经变成圈子里的传奇投资案例了。如果后来没有这么多的开发者在上面做开发,没有在这个生态里边运转,那以太坊它也没有价值。 所以说有应用、有价值呈现,有了价值呈现,有更多人进来做应用,这样一个螺旋式上升,市场就会做得越来越好。也就是说,2018年区块链这个市场能不能有很好的发展,和应用落地有很大的关系。 区块链应用落地的关键 我们溯源链自己做了一条公链,从2017年下半年开始一直在方方面面做基础搭建,从技术的角度、业务的角度、平台的角度、商业模式的角度来论证我们溯源链的业务。怎么样能够更好地落地?这中间有哪些坑?有哪些机会是留给我们的?在这里,结合溯源链这个项目讲几点: 第一个,我们到底要做什么? 过去一段时间,每天都会接到传统防伪溯源领域老朋友们的电话、微信咨询,问的最多是:我们的业务要不要币改?到底做公链、联盟链还是DAPP?想要进入区块链,这可能是团队或者公司所要面临的第一个问题。 目前来看,无论是技术,还是资源和资金,大部分的团队还都不足以承载、运作一个公链。做一个最简单的、很小的公链,投入至少上千万,而且还不是个单纯靠钱就可以解决的事儿,现在普遍缺人才,百万年薪都找不到一个CTO。做公链的,要么是在有些领域有很深积淀的,比如,一些在大学里、在科研实验室里的专家,这些专家与做市场的一些人配合,一起做公链。要么是过去在企业做公链项目的核心人员出来创业,做公链。 目前,做公链的机会在国外还是更多一点,中国还是做应用的机会更多,毕竟,DAPP做起来相对还是比较容易,门槛没那么高了。 第二个,业务能否落地,用怎样的结构? 像前面所提,落地是很关键的一环。公司的业务得能够与区块链比较好地结合。区块链+Token的模式是区块链业务生态化发展的底层逻辑,在业务生态里,最终发的不是股票是token,token不是用利润来回购或者来兑现的,Token的价值仰仗于token能否在业务应用里被很好地用起来,像生态的燃料一样利用起来。这是关于业务落地很重要的一点! 什么样的业务是比较容易落地的? 纯线上的。业务本身数字化了,这个时候想做到链上去就比较容易。 第二个,2C的,有线上的部分,来做链化会好一些,和区块链的业务特性比较接近。我们做的溯源链是B2B2C。我们有大量的客户还没实现信息化,还没走到线上。虽然做起来比较辛苦,但追溯本身是和区块链的特性非常匹配的,不可更改、可追溯。所以我们选择并抓住了区块链溯源防伪这样的机会。 上链的关键 实际上除了链上的信息,上链这个环节的信息也是需要再确认的。链上的信息,基于区块+链的网络结构,会变成一个不可篡改、全程可追溯的可信任的信息存储下来。但最初的上链信息,是要做认证或者确权的。 我们知道,80%的企业应用场景还是在线下,和线下有关,这部分怎么上链?做追溯,很多人第一个问题是:上了链之后,信息不可更改,但是上链的时候,这些信息如何保障是真的? 这的确是做应用落地时必须解决的一个问题。溯源链也做了一些相关的探讨,比如,建立行业标准、把法律合同的履行环节做抓手、联合第三方检验检疫部门、当地政府,一起参与进来确保这个上链信息的真实度;甚至配合建立相应的Token激励奖惩机制,对提供不真实信息的加以惩罚,对提供真实信息的加以奖励。相当于一种类似ISO的标准,用一种标准的方式逐步建立自己的生态规范,确保上链信息的真实。 平台的机会很多 最后一点,讲一下平台,目前做区块链,基本上都是做平台,即使你是一个DAPP,实际上你也是一个平台,这个平台怎么讲呢?就是过去我们说一个新闻网站它也是一个平台,刚才说的今日头条它也是一个平台,淘宝也是一个平台,搭这个平台之后,相关的利益方和相关方在你这个平台上来做,做招聘的,有企业、有求职者。现在有做平台的机会,即使你在这个行业里面,过去我们知道招聘网站已经有很多了,每一家很多都是十年以上的招聘网站了,巨头、大佬了,有没有机会超越他呢?前几年也出来了一些新的,包括像拉勾、Boss直聘,现在还有机会吗?我认为有,就是基于区块链的招聘平台,引入Token的机制,求职者需要把信息做真实,招聘公司也要把信息做真实,对他们过往的记录去做追踪…… 平台的机会很多,在区块链的应用落地里面有很多平台的机会。溯源链是做追溯的,我们也是做平台,我们过去八年时间做二维码,我们是技术提供方、我们是系统集成方,我们是靠喝酒、做关系去拿项目,一个项目10万,一个项目100万,几百万,都有,但是很辛苦,现在我们利用区块链平台之后不用做那个事情了,我们只需要把底层的事情做好,由其他的技术提供方他们做过去给品牌企业服务落地的事情,包括他的流水线的改造、信息化,我们就做底层平台这一部分,这是一个生态的运营,这是给了大家很多的机会。 什么样的团队更适合区块链 我们回过头再讲团队,同样一个招聘项目,中国能做招聘项目的人很多,什么样的团队可能会更适合、更有机会在区块链里面来做呢? 第一点,综合能力强的团队。一个团队,过去最早做区块链的都是技术团队,以工程师为主,但是到现在绝对是一个综合的,因为你在做项目的时候,你可能没过多长时间就上市了,等于说这种概念,你推向公众市场了,包括从财务的角度、从法务的角度、从业务的角度、生态的角度、市场传播的角度都要适应它,很快的组建这样的团队来发展,你需要有执行力比较强的综合能力。其实过去这些创业者CEO,他们都是要具备这些综合能力,如果没有这些综合能力,你做不了一个互联网公司的CEO。 第二点,有平台运营的经验。刚才说了,可能不是再去做系统集成、解决方案,不是一个一个攻客户,现在有大量的平台机会在我们身边,都没有链化、也没有被币改,大家就要去寻找了,如果有平台运营的机会,有平台运营的经验,在这里边获胜的概率就比较高。这里边刚才说到商务能力要强、对外沟通协调能力要强、怎么样让更多的开发者,包括你下面的元素能够进来,并且很好的发挥作用。 第三点,最好有创业经验。现在一个大学生出来,要在区块链里面创业,我想难度可能比互联网时代还要大,不是说没有机会,我认为难度还是比较大的。特别现在整个市场还是比较混乱的市场,这个时候我认为有创业经验的,真正经历过从零到一的过程,最好既经历过烧钱阶段也经历过赚钱阶段。 什么样的业务更适合区块链? 打个比方说,给产业“送水的”最适合在早期的时候赚钱,区块链市场里边最赚钱的是什么?是交易所,他们是最赚钱的,他们是送水的,只是说人家在过去创业的时候做得比较早,他们抓住了这样的机会,包括现在很多做钱包的,这一拨现在机会是比较多的。 第二点,线上的、已经数字化的,刚才已经谈过了,比较容易落地。 第三点,有大量用户群的业务,如果有大量用户群,2C的改造起来比较快。我强调一点,目前的业务已经国际化了,因为区块链本身是一个全球化的系统,得到了全球的共识,如果在中国能把一个业务做好,想全球去普及、去推广的时候,也相对比较容易,因为全球大家都共识,因为是数字化的,可以很快做到全球去。最后一点,区块链特性比较匹配的。 我以最后这一页结束我的讲话,也借此机会跟大家讲一下我过去的经历: 我2003年的时候大学毕业,高中的时候就开始做网站,大学的时候已经做过商业网站,在全国有些排名。2003年毕业的时候,我接触到手机上网,当时是小屏幕,GPRS,但是我感觉到手机上网会成为未来的趋势,所以,2003年的时候做了一个预测,手机互联网会普及,从内容到使用,不仅是预测,我全身心进入到移动互联网里边去了,那时候大家认为可能是2010年APP出现才叫移动互联网,我们2003年开始进来了,做WAP,在手机浏览器里面做网页,算是中国最早一批做WAP的公司,我们基本上从年开始做,后来比较知名的像UC卖给了阿里,像3G门户上市了,我们当时做的是天下网,做了美元融资,两轮之后,在2009年年底卖给了一家日本上市公司。 2010年的时候,我又做了一预测。2009年底去了日本,那时候日本的二维码已经有应用场景了,国内还没有二维码,连扫码软件还没有,当时我就认为二维码是移动互联网很好的入口,二维码会普及。现在,90%的国人每天至少扫一次码,我是在2010年的时候进入到二维码这个行业的,开发了中国最早的一个中文二维码平台,叫快拍二维码,两年的时间做到2000万用户,并且是在一分钱的市场推广费用都没有花的情况下。后来我们开始微企业提供营销的服务、溯源的服务、防伪的服务,2B的业务。 2018年,今年,我个人预测,数字资产的总量在三年内会增长10到100倍,数字资产我们看到,现在最近还在跌,有时候高、有时候低,但是我认为只用三年的时间会翻10到100倍。 我还有一个预测:我预测到2023年的时候,区块链会在我们的生活方方面面普及开来。 全社会聪明的人,聪明的钱,都进到区块链里边来了,它能不产生很大的推动力么? 当然,这当中,99%的区块链项目会死掉,未来只会有很个别的项目剩下,未来还会有新的公司进来。 如果你是创业的,祝愿大家都能成为未来生活方方面面普及开来的应用,如果你是做投资的,也祝愿你能够早日投到三年内增长10倍到100倍的项目。谢谢大家! 区块链翻译 区块链技术翻译 区块链翻译公司 专业区块链翻译公司 北京区块链翻译公司 上海区块链翻译公司 深圳区块链翻译公司 Wang Pengfei: The authenticity of the information in the chain is the key to the successful landing of the block chain The speech of the founder of Traceability Chain, Wang Pengfei in 3 O'clock Financial Salon on March 11 In the afternoon of March 11, Wang Pengfei, the founder of Traceability Chain, was invited as the guest to give speech on "Prospect for the Application Landing of the Block Chain Industry" in "3 O'clock Financial Salon" in 3W Coffee in Zhongguancun. The following is the text of this speech. Wang Pengfei: Thank you very much for the invitation from the 3 O'clock Finance. We are the Traceability Chain which is struggling in the first line of block chain. Today, we should talk to you about the development of block chain technology in some commercial applications, including the future development trend. The core of block chain is to combine the value transfer with the business Let's talk about my personal understanding on block chain: First, it is understood by the people who focus on block chain that the core of block chain is trust. We used to rely on the trust of the central authority, but now the trust of the machine, which has been verified, in the development time of Bitcoin for nearly a decade. From the outset it was suspected to present, it was thought that the network which was made up of thousands of nodes, from the uniqueness and uncertainty to the confirmation of each transaction behind it, the trust based on the network had been verified. Second, the change organizational mode, from centralization to distribution, it is also the gene of block chain. How to find a suitable way to chain for your own project starting from your own business, actually it means to evolve from the centralization in the past to distribution currently, which includes the distribution of business logic and the distribution of value transfer. Third, about the difference between block chain and Internet, I accept one opinion: what is transferred in Internet is information, but value by block chain. It was very early for me to involve in Internet, since 1998, when the first Internet projects in China were just beginning, I started to do the website myself, the core of which is" Information ". Later, there're Alipay, WeChat payment, and also transaction, what they carry as the core is information. What block chain passes is value, the things in the chain is shown in the mode of digital assets since the era of block chain 1.0. Taking root in the world, getting more recognition, then, there're block chain 2.0 and Ethereum, now a lot of things on block chains 3.0 have occurred. Its core point is how to combine this value transfer with own business, which is one of the most critical parts for the landing of block chain application. In 2018, the biggest focus is landing In 2018, we think the biggest focus is landing: First, beside us, we can basically see more and more teams are entering the field of block chain, both the teams which have obtained venture capital in the past or the new start-up, everyone is looking for their own opportunities. It is estimated that nearly one thousand and even several thousands of projects will launch. Second, we also see that the whole block chain market is hot, but also cold. As we all feel, I think the core of the issue is that it is lack of value support. We have talked a lot, but finally we find that the story hasn't come out yet. Even if there are some techniques, the commercialization hasn't landed yet. Without landing, no value will be generated, and everything which doesn't create value is empty, how to estimate the value for the empty things? To develop the market better, many of applications must be landed to provide service value for our food, clothing, housing, transportation and entertainment, then its value will be realized. So this year's application landing also has such appeal, if no application has landed, the market still is floating in the air, which can't support the good market value. Third, block chain market rises spirally. With more concerns, if a lot of projects have launched in it, there will create many projects with application landing, when many landed projects have really created very good value, actually, it is the same as Ethereum in the past. Ethereum was also empty in the early stage, many people didn’t trust it, some domestic funds which operated it earlier have watched the project of Ethereum, and didn’t invest it at last. Only Wanxiang invested USD500,000 to Ethereum, now, you have seen that this investment has become the legend investment case in the circle. If there weren’t so many developers develop in it and run in this ecosystem, then, Ethereum won’t have value. Therefore, when there’s application and value presentation, more people will enter it for application, with such spiral rise, the market will become better and better. That is to say, it is closely related with the landing of application whether block chain can have a good development in 2018. The key for the application landing of block chain Traceability Chain has established a public chain. From the second half year of 2017, we have operated some basic constructions in different aspects, thus demonstrating the business of Traceability Chain from the angle of technology, business, platform and business model. How to land better? Which are the hidden troubles in it? Which opportunities will we get? Here, let me introduce with the project of Traceability Chain: First, what actually we should do? Over the past period of time, I received the consultation from the old friends in traditional anti-counterfeit traceability field by phone and WeChat, the commonest issue is: should our business be changed in coin? Should we operate public chain, alliance chain or DAPP? It may be possibly the first issue that the team or company will face to enter block chain. Viewing currently, for technology, resource and capital, most teams are inadequate to carry and operate one public chain. The investment for one most simple and smallest public chain will reach at least RMB10 million, additionally, it can’t be settled only with investment, the market is lack of talent, and you can’t even find one CTO with the annual pay reaching RMB1 million. Those who are specialized in public chain should be profound knowledge in some fields, such as the experts in the university and scientific laboratory, these experts work with those who are specialized in market to operate the public chain. Or the core staffs who operate the public chain project of the enterprise to start own business and operate public chain. Currently, there’re more opportunities to operate public chain at abroad, and China have more opportunities to operate application, after all, DAPP is relatively easy, and the threshold is not so high. Second, can the business be landed, which architecture should be adopted? As what mentioned above, landing is the very key factor. The business of the company should be capable of perfectly combining with block chain. The mode of block chain +Token is the underlying logic for the ecological development of block chain business ecological. In the business ecology, what issued finally is not stock but Token. Token is not bought back or encashed with profit, the value of Token depends on whether Token can be perfectly used in the business application, the same as the ecological fuel which is utilized perfectly. This is the very important point for business landing! What kind of business can be easily landed? Pure online business. Business itself is digital, then, it will be relatively easy to launch it in chain. Second, 2C business, the online part will be better to launch in chain, which has similar business characteristics of block chain. Traceability Chain what we are operating is B2B2C. A lot of our clients haven’t achieved informationization yet, and haven’t launched online. Although it is hard to operate, traceability itself matches the characteristics of block chain, which is irrevocable and traceable. Therefore, we have selected and grasped the opportunity of block chain traceability anti-counterfeit. Key factors for launching in chain Actually, besides the information in the chain, the information of the procedure of launching in the chain shall also be confirmed again. The information in the chain, basing on the network structure of block + chain, will change into the irrevocable, traceable and trustful information, and will be saved in the chain. But the earliest information in the chain shall be certified, or the ownership shall be confirmed. We all know that 80% enterprise application scenes are offline or are related with offline, how does this part launch in the chain? The first question for many people to operate traceability is: after launching in chain, the information can’t be modified, but when launching the information in chain, how to ensure that the information is true and real? It is really the issue must be solved when operating application landing. Traceability Chain has also made some discussions, for example: establishing the industry standard, focusing on the procedure of performing the legal contract, cooperating with the third party inspection and quarantine administration or local government to ensure that the information in the ch and even support to build corresponding Token incentive, reward and punishment mechanism, punish those who provide untrue information and reward those who provide true information. The same as the standard similar with ISO, a kind of standard mode is adopted to gradually build the own ecological criterion to ensure that the information in the chain is true and real. The platform has a lot of opportunities Finally, let me introduce to the platform. Currently, platform is operated by most operators of block chain, even though you are operating DAPP, actually, it is also a platform, how to describe this platform? The same as the news website what we talked about in the past, it is also a platform. Even the Toutiao what we talked about just now, it is also a platform. After building this platform, relevant stakeholders and parties are operating in this platform, including the operators on recruitment, enterprises and job seekers. Now, there’s the opportunity to operate the platform, even you are in this industry, in the past, we knew that there were a lot of recruitment websites, and everyone is the recruitment website with over 10 years of experience, including the magnate and tycoons, do you have the opportunity to surpass them? Some new websites occurred in a few years ago, including Lagou, www.zhipin.com, do them have the opportunity now? In my opinion, there’s opportunity, which is the recruitment platform basing on block chain, introducing the system of Token, job seekers shall make the real information, so does the recruitment company, and tracking their past records …… recruitment company, and tracking their past records …… Platform has many opportunities, there’re a lot of platform opportunities in the application landing of block chain. Traceability Chain is specialized in traceability, and is also operating the platform. In the past 8 years, we were specialized in QR Code, we were the technical provider and system integrator, we got the project through drinking and public relation, our projects valued RMB100,000, RMB1 million and even several millions, but it was very hard. Now, we don’t need to do as that with the block chain platform, we only need to do well in the underlying, and the issue of serving and landing the brand enterprises is operated by the technical provider, including the reconstruction and informationization of their flow line, we only undertake the underlying platform, this is the ecological operation, which provides a lot of opportunities to every one of us. What kind of team is more suitable for block chain Let’s talking about team, for the same recruitment project, there’re many people who can operate recruitment project, but what kind of team may be more suitable and get more opportunities to operate in block chain? First, the team with strong comprehensive ability. The team which operated block chain earliest in the past is the technical team, mainly the engineers. But, till present, it is absolutely a comprehensive team because the project will launch into the market soon when you are operating it, which means this concept, you have promoted it into the public market, and it must be adapted from the angles of finance, legal affairs, business and ecology, and you should have the strong comprehensive ability to build and develop such team. Actually, in the past, these entrepreneurs CEO have these comprehensive abilities, otherwise, they couldn’t be the CEO of the Internet company. Second, with the experience of operating platform. As what I said just now, it is possible not to operate system integration and solution, and not to win the clients one by one. Currently, there’re a lot of platform opportunities beside us, which are not launched in the chain and modified in coin, therefore, we should seek for it, if there’s the opportunity of operating the platform, with the experience of operating platform, the probability of winning will be relatively high. I mentioned that the business ability and external communication ability should be strong, how to promote more developers and the elements to enter in the chain and exert good functions. Third, it is better to have the entrepreneurial experience. Now, in my opinion, it is more difficult for a college student to start a business in block chain than the times of the Internet, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t opportunity, but in my opinion, it is more difficult. Especially in the market which is still relatively disordered, currently, I think those who have entrepreneurial experience must have passed the process from zero to one, it is better to pass the money burning state and money making stage. What kind of business is more suitable for block chain? For example, those who “deliver water” to the industry are most suitable for making money in the early stage, what is most profitable in block chain market? It is the exchange which is most profitable, they are those who deliver the water, they operated it earlier when they were starting business, they grasped such opportunity, including many operators specialized in wallet, they have more opportunities now. Second, those who have launched online and achieved digitalization, we have talked about just now, they are relatively easier to land. Third, the business with a lot of users, it is faster for 2C reconstruction if it has more users. What I want to emphasize is, at present, the business is internationalized, because block chain itself is the global system with global consensus, if one business can be operated well in China, it is relatively easier to promote it all around the world, because there’s consensus in the world, it can be easily achieve globalization since it is digital. Finally, those which match the characteristics of block chain. I want to end my speech with the last page, and introduce my experience with this change: I graduated from college in 2003, I started to make website in my middle school, I have made the business website which listed in China when I was in my college. When I graduated from college in 2003, I accessed the Internet with mobile phone, at that time, the mobile phone had small screen and accessed Internet through GPRS, but I felt that mobile network would become the trend in the future, therefore, in 2003, I made a forecast that mobile Internet would be popular from content to use, it was not only the forecast, I was devoted to the mobile Internet, at that time, people thought that mobile Internet was started from the occurrence of APP in 2010, we launched in mobile Internet in 2003, we specialized in WAP, made webpage in mobile phone browser, and our company was the batch of companies which operated WAP earliest in China. We started from 2003 and 2004, later, the famous WAPs such as UC was sold to Alibaba, 3G Gate had launched into the stock market, what we operated at that time was the Tianxia network, which financed in USD, after 2 rounds of financing, it was sold to a Japanese listed company at the end of 2009. In 2010, I made another forecast. I went to Japan at the end of 2009, at that time, the QR Code in Japan had got the application scenes, but there wasn’t QR Code in China, and there wasn’t even the code scanning software, at that time, I believed that QR Code would be the excellent entrance of mobile Internet, and QR Code would be popularized. Today, 90% Chinese people scan the QR Code at least once a day. I launched in QR Code industry in 2010, and developed the earliest Chinese QR Code platform in China, named Snapshot QR Code, within 2 years, Snapshot QR Code developed 20 million users, under the condition without costing any market promotion expense. Later, we operated the service of providing marketing, traceability, anti-counterfeit and 2B business for enterprises. In 2018, this year, I personally forecast that the total volume of digital assets will increase by 10-100 times within 3 years. We have seen that digital assets keep dropping recently, it is sometimes high and sometimes low, however, in my opinion, it will increase by 10-100 times within 3 years. I also have the other forecast: till 2023, block chain will be popularized in every aspect of our life. When all smart people and money of the whole society have entered in block chain, couldn’t it generate extremely high driving force? Of course, among them, 99% block chain projects will die, in the future, only a few of individual projects can survive, and new company will involve in block chain in the future. If you are starting your business, wish you to be the application which can be popularized in different aspects of life. If you are operating investor, wish you to invest the project which can increase by 10-100 times within 3 years. Thank you!最新网 www.zuinow.com
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