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全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案
全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Unit 1 Ways of Learning Text A Learning, Chinese-styleI. Teaching Plan 1. Objectives:1) Grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and theWestern learning styles) and structure of the text (introduction of the topic by an anecdote---elaboration by comparison and contrast---conclusion by a suggestion); 2) Appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare andcontrast (point-by-point method or one-side-at-a-time method); 3) 4) Master the key language points and grammatical st Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. Time Allotment1st period Per- While-reading (Paras1-5) 2nd period While-reading (Paras6-13) 3rd period While-reading (Paras6-13Para 14) 4th period Post-reading (D Exercises) 5th period Check on exercises, students' home reading (Text B); 6th period Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks3. Pre-reading taskson the road: 1.traveling, esp. for long distances or periods of time 在旅行中;在巡回演出中 E.g. The band has been on the road for six months. 那支乐队巡回演出已有六个月了。 a) (of a car) in good condition so that it can be legally driven(状况良好)可行驶 E.g. It will cost about $500 to get the car back on the road. 要花大约 500 美元才能让车子重新上 路。 code:A systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct: 法规,规则的系统收集和程序或实施的规则。E.g. a traffic code. 交通法规 live by: 靠...为生, 按...规律生活, 住在...附近。live by one's hands 自食其力。live by oneself 独居1 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案hell: A sharp scolding: 怒斥严厉尖锐的批评或斥责: gave the student hell for cheating. 狠狠地训斥作弊的学生 go by: 1. (of time) to pass 逝去;过去。Things will get easier as time goes by.随着时间的推移,情况会有所 改善。2. 受指导;遵照,依照 Don't go by what she says. 别听她的。 feed sth. On: feed on.以...为食, 以...为能源 tender: Young and vulnerable: 幼弱的,年轻且易受害的:of tender age.年幼 inspire: 鼓励;激励 inspire sb. with hope 激起某人的希望 I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作 share sth. With sb.: to have or use sth. At the same time as sb else.共有,合用 go far: to behave in an extreme way that is not aceptable 走得太远;做得过分:He’s always been quite crude, but this time he’s gone too far.他一向很粗鲁,但这次太过分了。 1) T asks Ss the following questions. The first is based on the song Teach You Children:(5 minutes) -According to the song, who should teach whom? Is learning a one-way street? (Parents and children should teach other and learn from each other. Learning is a two-way interaction.) -Can you guess what the theme of this unit, ways of learning, refers to ? (Different people have different learning styles.) 2) Ss listen to the following quotation from 《文汇读书周报》 (2001 年 12 月 1 日第一版, “自主教育: ‘管’ 还是 ‘不管’ , ?” take some notes, and then T will invite some Ss to summarize in English how Chen Yuhua's parents handle her education. 一本由中国经济出版社推出的《千万别管孩子 ―― 自主教育哈佛启示录》的书近来极为畅销,问 世才一月,在去昂销售量已达到 20 万册。其所提倡的“自主教育”理念在教育界引发争议。 不少读者反映,这本书最初吸引他们的是出挑的书名――“千万别管孩子” ,难道真的应当对孩子 的教育放任自流?看了书后才明白,该书所强调的,其实并非让家长“别管”孩子,恰恰是“怎么去管” 这个老问题。但它鲜明地提出了“自主教育”理念,切中了社会热点。 该书主人公陈宇华的父母在讲述教育经验时说,虽然他们常说“从来没管过她” 。其实,他们一直 在管她,而管的内容,就是反复提醒孩子的自我意识,让她认识到自己才是教育的主体,一切要靠自己 的努力,才会成功,老师家长则仅仅起辅导作用。这正是自主教育的精髓所在?? (possible summary: They let her learn independently and seek out knowledge actively. They may help during the process, but don't expect to spoon-feed her with knowledge.) (15 minutes)2 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案3) T may lead in to Text A by saying: As you may have noticed from the book title 《千万别管孩子――自主 教育哈佛启示录》 ,Chen Yuhua's parents hold quite a western view on child education. They disagree with many other more traditional parents .In Text A, Howard Gardner made a detailed comparison between Chinese and Western attitudes toward learning.(2 minutes)4.While-reading tasks1) Do exercise Text organization 1 on p.10 and let the students find out the text is divided into three parts and determine the number of paragraphs in each part. Part Division of the Text Parts 1 2 Lines 1~32 33~97 Main Ideas An anecdote: the Chinese staff helped Benjamin to place the key. The author’s thoughts about different approaches to learning in China and the west 3 98~102 In the form of a question, the author gives a suggestion of a more rational approach to fostering creativity and basic skills. 2) Skimming (15 minutes) a) Ss skim Paras 1-5 and be ready to answer the following questions:__ Where and when sis the incident take place? (Jinling Hotel in Nanjing, spring 1987) __ Who are the main characters in this incident? (author, his wife Ellen, their son Benjamin, hotel staff) __ What is the attitude of the author and his wife toward Benjamin's efforts in inserting the key into the slot? (They let him explore and enjoy himself) __ What is the attitude of the hotel staff toward Benjamin’s efforts? (They held his hand and taught him how to insert the key correctly.) b) T asks some S pairs to report to the class, one asking the above questions and the other providing theanswers. c) T tells Ss that there are many ways of introducing a topic (see Text Analysis). Ss will decide which wayis adopted by Howard Gardner. 3) T explains language points from Para 1 to Para 5,and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes) 4) Paraphrase the sentence: Line 13~15: D…Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of theneed to position the key just so, he would usually fail.‖ D… Because he was so young and didn’t quite know that he should position the key carefully to fit into the narrow key slot, he would usually fail.‖3 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案5) T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization 2 and Writing Strategy. Then Ss scan the first sentence of both Para 6 and Para 7,and decide what method of comparison and contrast is used here (one-side-at-a-time method). (8 minutes). 6) T explains language points from Para 6 to Para 10,and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes)5.ExercisesConfusable words1) Ignore, neglect, omit & overlook这几个词都有忽略、遗漏之意。 neglect: give too little attention or care to 是指对职责、义务或应做的事没有给予足够的注意。这种忘记可能是有意的,也可能是无意的。例如: Those who neglect their duties should be punished. 玩忽职守者应受惩罚。 Why do they always neglect the traffic regulation. 他们为什么老是不注意遵守交通规则呢? He gave too much attention to his career, working long hours and neglecting his wife. Their investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was accused of neglecting his duties. ignore : pay no attention to sb./sth. On purpose, or as if sth. Has not happened. 指疏忽、不顾,强调对某人或某物故意不理会,有时还带有固执地拒绝的意味。例如: when I saw Tom, I stopped to greet him, but he ignored me and walked on. 看到汤姆时,我停下来和他打招呼,但他没有理我继续往前走。 The teacher ignored my difficult questions. 老师对我的难题置之不理。 I said DGood morning‖ to her, but she just ignored me and walked on. omit 指因专注或疏忽而忘记某事,这种失误可能是有意或无意的。该词还可指删除不利或不必要的东 西。例如: She should not omit to visit the museum. 她不应忘了去参观博物馆。 The third part of the book may be omitted. 该书的第三部分可以删掉。 E.g. The best way to deal with an impolite person is to ___ him.4 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案A. ignore B. neglect C. omitD. overlookoverlook, 看漏, (监督检查时)遗漏,忽略。 (A) 2) Investigate, examine & inspect 这几个词都有调查、检查之意。 investigate 较正式,指有条不紊地进行调查研究以发现事实真相,更常用以说明调查案件、情况、背景 来历先等。例如: They investigated the cause of the accident. 他们调查了事故的原因。 The police are investigating the murder. 警方正在调查这件谋杀案。 examine 是普通用语,指仔细地检查人或物。 该词还指官方主持的检查或医生进行的诊察,也表示对 某种观点的讨论研究,更指考试。 They examined our passports very carefully. 他们仔细检查了我们的护照。 An optician is qualified to examine your eyes and prescribe glasses. 眼科医生有资格来检查你的眼睛并给你配眼镜。 inspect 较正式,用得不如 examine 广泛,指对某人或某物进行检查、查问,带有揭示其差异或缺陷的 意思。更常指官员们的视察以发现下属单位的缺点等,还指检阅军队。例如: The firemen were inspecting the warehouse for potential fire hazards. 消防人员正在检查仓库以防火灾。 Every length of cloth is inspected before it leaves the factory.出厂之前每寸布匹都检查过。6. Writing StrategyComparison and contrast Topics can be developed with examples, as in Text A, unit 6, Book 1, or by analysis using cause and effect, as in Text A, Unit 8, Book 1. Likewise, topics can be developed by analysis using comparison and contrast, as is the case with Text A of this unit. When planning a comparison and contrast essay, you should bear in mind the following points: 1) What to choose for comparison You will find it advisable to choose the most significant points for comparison that would support the central idea in your essay. For instance, if you were comparing Smith and Parker in order to show that one is better as5 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案a professor, you would choose teaching style as the point of comparison and contrast. Other points, such as life style and age would be irrelevant. 2) how to organize your essay You can organize comparison and contrast through two major ways. One way is to examine one subject thoroughly and then start the other. The other way is to examine two subjects at the same time, discussing them point by point. The first pattern seems easier to manage. The second pattern, on the other hand, makes it easier for readers to see the similarities and differences between the subjects. While both patterns may be effective for short essays, it seems better to use the second for longer essays so as to make it easier for readers to follow. 3) Homework writing (1) How I learn at college (2) Changes in my hometownII. Text AnalysisAn essay is usually made up of three parts: a beginning where the the body part where the topic is elaborated on, and a conclusion. Besides stating the topic directly, there are many other ways to introduce a theme. In this text, an anecdote or an incident is used. The author of Test A, Unit6, Book 1 (What Animals Really Think) introduces his topic by posing a question: DDo animals all have thoughts, what we call consciousness?‖ Text B, Unit 3, Book 1 (How to Make Sense out of Science) begins by quoting newspaper headlines: DNew Drugs Kill Cancer Devastation by El Nino C a Warning 6:30 p.m. October 26, 2028: Could This Be the Deadline for the Apocalypse?‖ Text B of this unit, Children and Money, begins with an imagined argument between a child and his parent over the control of pocket money. Discover other forms of introduction as you read on. However, the more important point is that you should learn to vary your own writing by adopting various types of topic introduction. Without a conclusion, an essay lacks a sense of completeness. A conclusion may be a restatement of the main points previously mentioned, a proposed solution, a quotation from some book or person, a prediction of future developments, a suggestion for further study, etc. Text B, Unit 3, Book 1 ends by giving a simile, comparing scientific research to mountain climbing, Da process filled with disappointments and reverses, but6 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案somehow we keep moving ahead.‖ In this text, Howard Gardner makes a suggestion in the form of question.III. Cultural Notes1) Education in the West: Much of the current debate over education surrounds the extent to which learning should be teacher-based or student-based. Which of the two should decide what should be learned, how it should be learned, and when it should be learned? Comparing Western and Asian methods of learning it is generally true that Western methods are more student-centered, expecting students to discover things for themselves rather than relying on their teachers to tell them. An extreme version of the student-centered approach can be seen at Summerhill, a school in England established by the educationalist A.S.Neill. There children have complete freedom to decide what they are going to learn and which lessons they will attend. If they wish they need not attend any at all. Mainstream education in England is far more strict, demanding that children attend lessons and follow a national curriculum. This curriculum and the importance of achieving good exam results tend to reinforce a more teacher-centered approach, as both teachers and students find the pressure of time leaves less opportunity for an exploratory approach to learning. 2) Standing on the shoulders of giants: a well-known phrase, frequently employed by invertors to express modesty about their achievements. The suggestion is that while they have been able to see further than those who came before them, it is not because they themselves are intellectual giants. Rather it is because they have been able to build upon the accumulated discoveries of their great predecessors.IV. Language Study1. attach: vt. Fasten or join (one thing to another) E.g. Scientists discovered they could measure wind speed by attaching a wind meter to a kite and sending it up. A tag was attached to each article. Pattern: attach sth. To sth. Be attached to sth. 2. initial: of or at the bginning, first (adj.,used only before n.) E.g. If a car suddenly pulls out in front of you, your initial reaction may include fear and anger. Their initial burst of enthusiasm died down when they realized how much work the job involved. 3. await: (fml) wait forAwait is a fairly common word in formal writing, but you do not usually use it in conversations. Instead you7 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案use Dwait for.‖ E.g. We must the results of field studies yet to come. After I sent the letter asking for a job, I had nothing to do but await the answer. 4. on occasion: now and then E.g. I was usually the only foreign participant, although on occasion I brought other Americas in as guest. Steve spent almost all his time doing his research, but, on occasion, he would take his son to see a film. 5. neglect: give too little attention or care to E.g. he gave too much attention to his career, working long hours and neglecting his wife. Their investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was a c cursed of neglecting his duties. Cf.: Ignore: pay no attention to be./sth. On purpose, or as if sth. Has not happened E.g. I said DGood morning‖ to her, but she just ignored me and walked on. 6. relevant: directly connected with the subject (followed by to, opposite irrelevant) E.g. Only a few people feel the debate about the cloning of human beings is relevant to their daily lives. While writing my term paper I was able to borrow all the relevant books from the school library. 7. investigate: try to find out information about (used in the pattern: investigate sth., investigate +wh-clause) E.g. Police are still investigating how the car accident happened. We can assure you that your complaint will be fully and properly investigated. 8. throw light on : help understand E.g. These facts throw new light on the matter.这些事实使人进一步了解此事。 9. exception: sb./sth. That a comment or statement does not apply to E.g. Normally, parents aren’t allowed to sit in on the classes, but in your case we can make an exception. We feel that all the students in this class, with one or two exceptions, support the educational reforms. 10. desirable: adj. Worth having as by being useful, advantageous, worth achieving E.g. Main street is a very desirable location for a large department store. NB: antonym: undesirable 11. accomplish: manage to do (sth.) E.g. Unless you practice you’ll accomplish nothing. Considering their capacity, the possibility of accomplishing the task is not high. 12. in due course: eventually E.g. Your book will be published in due course.8 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Be patient. You’ll get your promotion in due course. 13. Critical: 1) very important E.g. Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city’s pollution is its population. How well you accomplish this task will be critical to the success of your career. 2) very serious or dangerous E.g. In yesterday’s car accident, ten people were killed and five people are still I a critical condition. As the situation in Afghanistan became critical, the UN Secretary-General appointed a special representative to tackle it. 14. principal: (rather fml ) main, chief adj.主要的, 首要的 E.g. The couple’s principal concern is to earn enough money to send their children to school. Her principal interest in life was to be a world-renowned pianist. n. The principal of a school or college is the person in charge of it. n.负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金 E.g. Complaints from the students began arriving at the principal’s office. 15. Make up for: repay with sth. Good, compensate for E.g. I didn’t travel much when I was younger, but I’m certainly making up for lost time now. Her husband bought her a present to make up for quarreling with her the day before. 16. rearing: (line 50) 1) vt. B look after (animals) E.g. rear children, rear poultry 饲养家禽 2)back part The kitchen is in the rear of the house The parking lot is at the rear of the building (停车场在这建筑物的后边) 17. retrospect: on evaluating the past: upon reflection E.g. The young man knew in retrospect that he should have married his first love Emily. In retrospect, I wish that I had chosen biology as my major. 18. facility: n. 1)ability to do sth. Easily and well E.g. Play the piano with facility 有学习语言的天才:have great facility in learning languages. 2) (pl.) equipment, aids, etc, which make it easy to do things sports facilities, there are facilities for cooking in the kitchen. 娱乐设施: entertainment facilities.9 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案19. apply: 1) be relevant (to sb./sth.); have an effect (used in the pattern apply to sb./sth.) 适用,涉及: E.g. The new pension arrangements won’t apply to people born before 1960.( 养老金, 退休金) The advice given by the professor only applies to some of the college students. 2).write a letter or fill in a form in order to ask formally for sth. (used in the pattern: apply for sth., apply to do sth.) E.g. How many jobs had you applied for before you were offered this one? We went to the sports club so often that we decide that we might as well apply to join. 20. priority: 1) sth. That one must do before anything else 优先考虑的事 E.g. Being a qualified teacher is her first priority. Earning enough money to maintain his family is a high priority. 2) sth. that holds a high place among competing claims(要求)重点 The school will give priority to English and computer studies. The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.V. Phrases1.被系在?上 2.探索行为 3.偶尔 4.父母的责任 5. 揭示,阐明 6. 最终目的 7. 要做的动作 8. 所希望的结果 9. 关键 10. 育儿观 be attached to exploratory behaviour on occasion parental duties throw light on an ultimate purpose desired action a desirable outcomecritical point a value of child rearing making up for a misdeed11. 弥补某种错误行为 12. 回想起来 13. 善意的in retrospect well-intentioned come to sb.’s rescue with extreme facility and gentleness14. 前来帮助某人15. 极其熟练地、温和地 16.适用于 apply to10 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案17. 发展到 18.发展创造力evolve to promote creativity worthwhile goals19. 值得追求的目标11 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Unit 2 Values Text A:The Richest Man in America, Down HomeI. Teaching plan (5 periods) 1. ObjectivesStudents will be able to : 1) understand the main idea(despite his wealth, Sam Walton remains down-home and devoted to his team) and structure of the text 2) appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying a person 3) grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4) conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. Time allotment1st period 2nd period 3rd period While-reading ( Pre- While-reading (text organization) While-reading ( language points) synonyms for Ddown-home‖) Post-reading (indirect description) Post- Check on students’ home reading (Text B) Theme-related language listening tasks 4th period 5th period3. Pre-reading tasks1) Teacher asks several Students the flowing questions to check if they have listened to the recorded story: i. What happened to Abraham Lincoln one day? (Working as a shop clerk, he overcharged a customer. Although the sum was insignificant, Lincoln walked a long distance to return the money.) ii. How is the story related to the theme of the unit-values? (Abraham Lincoln regarded honesty as an important value.) iii. If you had a billion Yuan, what would you do with it ? (to invest, to donate some to the poor,to live a better life ) 2) A picture of Sam Walton with his Dmuddy bird dog‖.12 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案4. While-reading tasks1) Text organization i. Listen to the tape, then T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization Exercise 1, so that they know the text consists of three parts. ii. Ss scan the Paras14, and try to sum up the main idea. Part 1 paragraphs1-4 The waiter was disappointed to find that Sam Walton lives such a simple life.Ss scan the Paras5―13, and try to sum up the main idea. Part 2 paragraphs5-13 Being cheerful, friendly, and easy-going, Walton devoted himself to the success of the Wal-Mart team. Ss scan the Paras14―22, and try to sum up the main idea. Part 3 paragraphs14-22 With the Wal-Mart team in mind, Walton devotes himself heart-and-soul to making the business a great success.13 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案2) Teacher explains language points and gives Ss practice ( see language study).5. Exercisescollocation: intransitive verb + prep: The original meanings are kept intact. E.g. think of, qualify for, work on, work at, burst into usage: plural form of nouns as attributes: When we want to give more specific information about someone or something, we sometimes use a noun in front of another noun, as in rice pudding. For some nouns their plural form must be used when functioning as attributes. E.g. sales meeting, corporate affairs director, arms race, a goods train, communications equipment, a customs officer, a current affairs programs, a clothes shop structure: Only + [adverbial ] + auxiliary verb / be + subject + notional verb + … E.g. Only in America can a billionaire carry on like plain folks and get away with it. the way(in which) + attributive clause E.g. The reason for our success is our people and the way they’re treated and the way they feel about their company.6. Writing Strategyhow to write invitations Invitations can be written in either a formal or an informal way according to different gatherings. Assuming that you are having a gathering at your home at 6:00pm on Saturday night, March 11, 2006, write an informal invitation to your classmate Jim Green. Assuming that your class are having a New Year party, December 30, 2006, write an formal invitation to your teacher Rachael Brown.II. Text AnalysisDescribe a person in a indirect way. To make a character portrait convincing, an author must refrain from telling readers directly what the person is like. Instead, he/she lets readers deduce. Of all the method of indirect description, the one used most frequently in Text A is quotation. The author quotes not only Sam Walton himself, E.g. DThe reason for our success …is our people and the way they’re treated and the way they feel about their company. They believe things are different here and they deserve the credit. ‖, but also his town folks and colleagues, such as Jamie Bealieu, Jonnie baker etc.14 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Begin an article with an anecdote. The text begins with the anecdote: waiter Jamie Beaulieu had anticipated a lavish mansion at the Walton’s, only to find an ordinary-looking household. This kind of beginning lures readers to go on. There are other anecdotes, like how Sam Walton forgot his wallet and insisted on fetching it to pay the local barber, and how he lost 4 straight games after a Wal-Mart employee asked him a question about pricing.III. Cultural Notes1. Rolls-Royce: any of the large, expensive, comfortable cars made by the British company Rolls-Royce. dime store: a store offering a wide assortment of inexpensive items, formerly costing five or ten cents, for personal and household use. 2. Wal-Mart: Sam Walton: any of a very large chain of shops in the US selling a wide range of goods at low prices. The first Wal-Mart Discount City was opened in 1962 by Sam Walton. 3. Ford Motor Company: a large US company that makes cars. It was established in Detroit in 1903 by Henry Ford, and the first Model T was sold in 1908. The company has produced the Lincoln since 1922 and the Mercury since 1938. 4. Forbes: an American business magazine. It is noted for its lists of the richest men and women in business. In its November 27, 2000 edition it published one listing the 50 richest businessmen and women in China, headed by Rong Yiren of CITIC with 1.9 billion dollars, followed in second place by Liu Yongxing of the Hope Group with 1 billion dollars. The richest businesswoman on the list was Yang Lan of Sun Television, with 63 million dollars.IV. Language Study1. remote: far away in space or time 遥远,偏远 E.g. Our university is located in a remote mountainous area. 2. discount: amount of money which may be taken off the price 折扣 E.g. Some stores offer discounts on festivals.3. folk: people in general 人 E.g. common folks4. local: of or for a particular place 当地,地方的 E.g. state and local government 州政府及地方政府 local outbreaks of bird flu 禽流感的局部爆发 5. treatment of: the way you deal with sb. or behave towards them 对待,处理15 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. He was known for his loving treatment of his parents. 6. cheerful: (of somebody) happy in a lively, 愉快,兴高采烈的][ E.g. She is always cheerful. 7. blend: ① vt/vi to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another 混 合,结合或混杂以使组成部分分辨不出彼此 ② vt. blend A with/and B E.g. He has no difficulty blending his study with his part-time job. 他毫无困难地把学习和打工结合在一起。 ③ vi. To fo intermingle E.g. Water and oil do not blend. blend in with somebody: get along well with somebody E.g. He has blended in with the class after a week. 8. reserve: vt. ① to keep back, as for future use or for a special purpose 保留,收藏:保留 E.g. These seats are reserved for the old and the sick. ② to book, order 预定 E.g. to reserve a ticket/ a table/ a room 9. headline: the title of a newspaper article, printed above the article in large letters 大字标题 E.g. When I am busy, I sometimes just scan the headlines of the newspapers. 10. hold to:keep to 坚持 E.g. He holds to the belief that one day he would be the best in math field. 11. be liable to do: be likely to do E.g. The sports meeting is liable to be postponed because of the bad weather. 12. loyalty to somebody/something: be faithful to 忠于 E.g. He has never changed his loyalty to his motherland. loyalty n.?adj. loyal E.g. Zhuge Liang was loyal to his emperors. 13. system: n. ① set of ideas , theories, principles, etc. according to which sth. is done 理论 E.g. One theory about the moon is that it is a piece broken off the earth. 有一种关于月球的理论认为它是从地球分离出的一部分。 ② group of things working together as a whole 系统16 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. control systems 控制系统 14. qualify: ① vt. to make competent or eligible for an office, a position, or a task 使胜任, 证明合格 qualify somebody for / to do / as sb E.g. The test will qualify you to be an interpreter. He was qualified as a lawyer. ② vi. to be or become qualified E.g. He qualified as a driver last year. 15.. option: a right to buy or sell specific securities or commodities at a stated price within a specified time 期 权 E.g. stock options option to do / of doing 选择 E.g. The scholarship will offer you an option to study abroad. I have no option but to fail him. 16. scholarship: (award of a ) grant of money to a scholar E.g. He won a scholarship which enabled him to study abroad for a year. 17. cultivate: ① till 耕作 E.g. In such hilly area, it is difficult to cultivate. 在这种丘陵地区很难耕作。 ② to nurture, foster 培养, 养成, 磨炼(才能等) , 启发 E.g. The teacher tried to cultivate the students’ habit of analysis. 辨析:nurture, cultivate, foster, nurse The central meaning shared by these verbs is Dto promote and sustain the growth and development of‖: 这 些动词共有的中心含义是“促使?的生长和发展” : 滋生希望; c 培养耐性; foste 促进友善的关系; nursed the fledgling business through an economic downturn.17 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案经济衰退中精心料理刚起步的生意 18. reward: to give a reward to or for 报答, 奖赏 reward somebody for something with something E.g. If you are admitted into a good college, I will reward you with a trip to Beijing. 19. retire from: (cause to)stop working at one’s job 辞职 E.g. The school employed some retired teacher to give classes. 20. deserve: to be worthy of 应受, 值得 E.g. She well deserved the scholarship.V. Phrases1. carry on: to conduct 生活,从事 E.g. A millionaire as he is, he carries on like plain folks. 2. get away with: 侥幸成功, 逃脱处罚 E.g. Don’t even have the slightest idea that you can get away with cheating. 3. by/ from all accounts: according to all 据大家所说 E.g. By all account, he is a good student and an honest boy. 4. blend in / into 与… 和谐相处,调和 E.g. It did not take long for him to blend in with the new class. 5. throw one’s weight around: 盛气凌人 E.g. From all accounts, Premier Zhou never threw his weight around. 6. open up: 打开 E.g. Peter opened up his little shop at 8:00 a.m. every morning. 7. hold to: 坚持 E.g. I always hold to my beliefs. 8. on the run: 奔忙; 逃避 E.g. As a self-employed man, he is on the run all the time. 9. steer clear of: 逃避 E.g. For some famous super stars, it is simply impossible to steer clear of reporters. 10. make up for: 补偿 E.g. Tom bought some flowers for Rose to make up for his being late for the date. 11. as laid down: 按照规定的18 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. As a director, he is expected to behave as laid down. 12. and the like: 诸如此类 13. come / get aboard: 加入 E.g. Shortly after he came aboard, Peter got a chance of promotion.19 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Unit 3 The Generation Gap Text A: Father Knows BetterI. Teaching Plan (5 periods)1. Objectives Students will be able to: 1) Understand the main idea (Father meddles in children’s affairs with good intentions, but only to find his efforts unwelcome) 2) Appreciate the mai 3) Grasp the key language points and grammatical st 4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of this unit. 2. Time allotment 1st period Pre-reading While-reading (introduction plays) to 2nd period While-reading ( part 1) to 3rd period While- post-reading (the are) way they 4th period Post- check students’ reading on home 5th period Theme-related language learning tasks3 pre-reading tasks (30 minutes) 1) Ask the students the following questions on the song The Time They Are A-changing: --- Who should be sitting up and take notice? Why? Parents, politicians, writers and critics should listen up, because the times are changing so fast that no one can be content with one’s old way of life --- What does the singer think of his parents’ way of doing things? He thinks it is outdated. 2) Pair interview Dictate the following list of questions to the students and require them to interview each o --- What are your parents’ birthdays and their wedding anniversary? --- Do your parents celebrate your birthday? How about their own birthday celebration? --- In your parents’ eyes, what are you interested in? --- In you eyes, what are your parents interested in?20 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案--- In what areas do your parents want you to improve? ----In what ways do you want your parents to improve? 4. while-reading tasks (90 minutes) 1) a brief introduction to plays its major components: characters, settings, stage directions, language, conflicts, climax and theme. 2) this play consists of three settings i. a fast restaurant ii. the Thompson family dining room iii. an office at a high school 3) The play can be divided into three scenes according to the changes in setting. i. father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager ii. father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom iii. father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an officer of her new school about how bright she was 5. exercises (45minutes) (1) collocation--- adjective+ to do Some adjectives can be followed by infinitives, e.g.: eager to do, more than willing to do, certain to do, lucky to do, likely to do, liable to do. (2) usage--- subjunctive mood There are quite a number of forms of subjunctive mood in English.e.g.: I’ll come as promised, be it rainy or fine. Some of the students requested that the trip be postponed. 6. writing strategy--- some stylistic differences between speech and writing (1) sentence In speech sentences are short and use few complex structures. Sometimes they are incomplete. (2) vocabulary When a shorter or longer-and-harder-to-pronounce word expresses the same meaning, the former is preferred in speech. Assignment: Write a dialogue between mother and daughter to illustrate one aspect of generation gap. Your dialogue should show the characteristics of informal speech and should be limited to 300 words.21 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案II. Text AnalysisIn plays, words can tell much about people―what their character is. As we notice, in her speech mother uses a lot of do’s and don’ts, please’s, dear’s and sweetheart’s. She is the real head of the Thompson family, giving out commands to her children as well as to her husband. On the other hand, knowing her children’s attitude to their father’s meddling, she tries to maintain the peace. E.g. D Don’t interrupt‖, DDon’t distract your father‖, and D give your father the respect he deserves‖.III. Cultural Notes1. family life Some families are very child-centered. The closest families eat meals at the same time and spend their free time together. Some families, however, only see each other for a short time in the evening, and though the children are still considered important, they have to fit in with the lives of their parents. 2. part-time job Many American teenagers earn a large portion of their college expenses by taking part-time jobs in the summer. They are not concerned with status. Being unskilled, they try to find jobs at whatever level they can. They seek not only money, but also experience.IV. Language Study1. location n. a place or position 地点;位置 E.g. Have they decided on the location of the new building yet? 2. embarrass vt. make sb. awkward or ashamed 使窘迫, 使困惑, 使为难 E.g. He felt embarrassed to make a fool of himself in front of her. 3. dumb adj. ① unable to speak 哑的 E.g. The little boy was dumb from birth. ② foolish 傻呼呼的;笨的 E.g. Don’t be so dumb. You cannot solve the problem by yourself. 4. fade vt.& vi. ① lose colour or brightness 枯萎;退色;失去光泽 E.g. Cut flowers soon fade. The colour in this silk material will not fade. ② disappear gradually 渐渐消失 E.g. The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will never fade from her mind. The shapes faded (away) into the night.22 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案5. overall adj. ① including everything 全部的,总的 E.g. The overall height is 17 feet. ② in general 大体上;一般地 E.g. Overall, prices are still rising. 6. interrupt vt. to stop sb. from what they are doing or saying E.g. Don't interrupt me. Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. It is rude to interrupt. 7. bet vt.& vi. be sure E.g. I bet it will rain soon! I bet our team will win. 8. clench vt.& vi. ① to squeeze or press together tightly 紧合;咬紧(牙关) ;捏紧(拳头) E.g. She clenched her teeth when she was operated on. ② to hold sth, tightly and firmly 紧握;抓牢 E.g. The girl clenched her money in her hand. 9. glorious adj. wonderful E.g. It is a shame to stay indoors on such a glorious day. 10. welfare n. good health, happiness, prosperity, etc. of a person or group E.g. Parents should be responsible for the welfare of their children. 11. mumble vt. to speak or say sth. in a quiet and vague voice 喃喃自语;咕噜 E.g. He mumbled sth. to me but I could not hear what he said. I wish you wouldn't mumble - I can't hear you clearly. 12.exhaust vt. ① make very tired, either physically or mentally 使筋疲力尽 E.g. We are all exhausted after the journey. The police have spent an exhausting day searching the woods. ② use up completely 用完;耗尽 E.g. My patience is exhausted. I think we've ex let's go on to the next. 14.swallow vt.& vi. ① cause or allow … to go down the throat 吞下,咽下 E.g. She swallowed some milk.23 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案② hide or suppress a feeling 忍受;容忍 E.g. She swallowed hard to check her tears. 15. frank adj. showing one’s feelings or thoughts openly 坦白的;直率的;真诚的 E.g. Will you be quite frank with me about this matter? 16. humiliate vt. make sb. feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of others 羞辱 E.g. The country was humiliated by defeat. 17. constant adj. ① unchanging 不变的;固定的 E.g. Driving at a constant speed saves gas. ② without stopping 时常发生的;连续不断的 E.g. There has been constant rain for two days. 18. dread ① vt.& vi. be very afraid of sth. 害怕, 恐惧; 担心 E.g. I dread a visit to the dentist. ② n. a feeling of great fear 惧怕, 担心 E.g. I have a dread of speaking in public. 19. exceptional adj. unusual 例外的;异常的;优越的 E.g. He is a man of exceptional talent. 20. patience n. the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or sth. annoying without complaining 耐性;容忍; 忍受;耐心 E.g. H the bus will come soon. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding. 21.talent n. ① a natural ability to sth, well 天资,天赋;才能 E.g. My sister has a talent for music. ② person with a natural ability to sth. well 有才能的人;天才;人才 E.g. They are looking for local talents.V. Phrases1. in unison: acting in the same way at the same time 一致地,和谐地 E.g. The students were asked to read the text in unison. 2. consist of: be made up of 由...组成 E.g. The committee consists of seven elderly members. 3. keep (sb.) in suspense: delay telling sb. what they are eager to know 让(人)担心[挂念]24 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.Here is the end of the story. 4. at any rate: in any case 无论如何 E.g. At any rate, you survived the car accident. 5. narrow down: make smaller 减少, 限制, 缩小, 变窄 E.g. The employers are trying to narrow down the list of the candidates. 6. come over: affect 影响 E.g. What has come over you? You are crying. 7. know better than: to be sensible enough not to do sth. 懂道理,有头脑,不会上当 E.g. You should know better than to judge by appearance. 8. in charge of: having control over or responsibility for 负责. E.g. Who is in charge of the whole company? 9. fill out: complete 填满, 填好 E.g. Please fill out the application form. 10. hand down: to give or leave sth. to sb. who is younger than you 传给后代 E.g. These skills used to be handed down from mother to daughter. 11. get over with: complete sth. unpleasant but necessary 完成 E.g. I’ll be glad to get this trip over with. 12.jut out: stick out further 伸出 E.g. She jutted out her chin stubbornly. 13.end up: find oneself in a place or position one did not expect to be 最终成为 E.g. At first they hated each other, but they ended up getting married. 14. be proud of: feel pleased and satisfied 以...为荣; 以...自豪 E.g. He is proud of his football team. 15. get on with: continue 继续(做某事) E.g. Let’s get on with our conversation. 16. up and down: in one direction and then in the opposite direction along sth.来回;上下 E.g. I looked up and down the corridor.25 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Unit 4 The Virtual World Text A: A Virtual LifeI. Teaching plan (5 periods) 1. ObjectivesStudents will be able to: 1) Understand the main idea (despite the many negative effects of virtual life, the author prefers it to real life) and the structure of the text (contrast between virtual life and real life ) 2) Learn some rules of interpreting new vocabulary and usage related to computers and the Internet in E 3) Grasp the key language points and grammatical st 4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. Time allotment1st period Pre- While-reading While-reading (Part I, Part II) (Part I ) ( Text B) reading Learning tasks While-reading Check on Ss’ home Language 2nd period 3rd period 4th period Post- Theme-related 5th period3. Pre-reading tasks1) Tasks Ss the following questions on the poem Surfing the Internet: (5 minutes) --What was the hero doing when his boss came in? ( Surfing the Internet) -- How did he act in front of his boss? (He pretended to be surprised at the computer which crashed Dunexpectedly‖.)2) Ss look at the theme of this unit (The Virtual World)and the title of Text A (A Virtual Life), then try to: (10minutes) --find antonyms of Dvirtual world‖ and Dvirtual life‖; (real world , real life) --suggest synonyms for Dvirtual world‖(cyberspace, cyberia, etherworld, virtual reality, Internet world, net world, etc.) --say what people can do on the Internet.( Communicating with people, shopping, reading, entertainment, education, working, hacking, publishing etc.)3) Imaginative writing (28 minutes)26 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案i. T dictates to Ss the following paragraph: For the past two weeks, other participants of the Net Survival Contest(网络生存竞赛) and I have been shut up in bare hotel rooms. Our only link to the real world has been a computer that is hooked up to the Internet(联网电脑). We have relied on it, not only for food, bed sheets, and other daily necessities, but also to set up an e-business (电子商务)of our own. ii. Now Ss will complete the next paragraph beginning with : DNow it is time for me to walk out into the light of day again…‖ They will give their imagination full play. They will write no more than 100 words. iii. Ss form groups of four to five, and read aloud to each other their own writings. iv. T asks some groups to recommend the best piece in their group to the class. 4) T may lead into Text A by saying: Some of us like to live a life in contact with real things and real people, but others favor a virtual existence. Which life is better? I’m sure you have different opinions. Now let’s read Text A to find out what Maia Szalavitz has to say about these two life styles. (2 minutes)4. While-reading tasks 1) Text Organization (15 minutes)i. T draws Ss’ attention to Text Organization Exercise 1, and lets them read its instructions as well as what has already been done for them in this exercise. ii. Ss try to complete the exercise by simply reading the first sentence of each paragraph in Text A. iii. Ss compare ans if necessary, T may help.2) T explains the key language points and gives Ss practice. (see Language Study) (45 minutes) 3) T guides Ss through Structure Exercise 2 (10 minutes) 4) Ss re-read Paras 4-10, work in pairs to find out consequences of Dmy‖ virtual life. Can they use the Dfindoneself +adj./ past participle / present participle‖ structure when summing up the consequences? (10 minutes) (5) Some pairs report to the class their findings, using the Dfind‖ structures (5 minutes)5. Exercises 1) Vocabulary27 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Words and Phrases to Drillabuse click data flee jar remark stretch tone at times on time angle communicate edit Internet nightmare restore submit tune but then suck in appointment conversely email interpret relationship routine suck virtual in sight take in keep up with arrange cue emotional interview rely spit symptomFill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. a) b) He would have preferred his wife not to work, but ______ he was also proud of what she did. The leaders agree that to maintain a friendly _______ between the two countries will be in the best interests of both nations. c) d) e) f) g) h) Things are much cheaper here than in New York, _______, our average salary is much smaller. His forgetfulness may be a ______ of brain trouble. The small boy started ______ blood and his mother panicked. These laws are intended to prevent government officials from ______ their power. DGo to the bathroom and wash your hands,‖ the nurse told the children in a commanding ______. Mary, a Harvard Law School graduate, was a very capable lawyer and our firm ______ her ________ as a partner. i) j) The article is interesting, but it needs some _______ before it can be published. The ability to _______ with others is a very important social skill that contributes to success.2) Usage Adjectives followed by an infinitive active in form but passive in meaning Adjectives like easy, hard, impossible, difficult and tough could be followed by an infinitive which is active in form but passive in meaning.28 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. His Liverpool accent suddenly becomes impossible to interpret.= His Liverpool accent suddenly becomes impossible to be interpreted.Now complete the following sentences by using one of the above adjectives, and see if you understand their meanings correctly.1) For a person who can not speak a word of English, life in the United States is _______ to imagine. 2) Even with the help of a dictionary, this sentence is ________ to understand. 3) Even for a beginner, this task is not ________ to fulfill. 4) During the press conference, reporters posed a number of questions which are _______ to answer. 5) Many Chinese students find the Dr‖ sound in the English language _______ to pronounce. 6) I like these tunes. They are merry and ________ to remember.3) Structure Rewrite the italicized parts in the following sentences after the model. Model:They are not useful to me. ? They are of no use to me. 1) Anyone who has talked with him will see Mark is a remarkably intelligent person.Anyone who has talked with him will see Mark is __________________________. 2) The book is not valuable to one who is not familiar with the subject. The book is __________ to one who is not familiar with the subject. 3) She is a wealthy woman. She never has to worry about money. She is _______________. She never has to worry about money.6. Writing StrategyInductive generalization Induction is the process by which we accumulate evidence or facts until, at some point, we make the Dinductive leap‖ and reach a useful generalization. Induction is often used in expository writing as well as in persuasive writing. Take Text A of this unit for example. Beginning from paragraph 4, the writer accumulates evidence to show the negative effects of the virtual life on her: her aversion to outside forms of socializing, her lack of discipline, a tendency to become shyer and bad-tempered, etc. Then, in paragraph 10, she makes the inductive leap and reaches the generalization that daily routine and socializing are important to a human being.29 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案II. Text AnalysisThe most dynamic combining forms/prefixes for new computer-and-Internet-related vocabulary in English are cyber-, virtual, Net-(net-), Web-(web-), and E-(e-). New English vocabulary items derived from them usually appear in the following forms: 1. combining forms/prefixes + noun: this is the most common type, E.g. virtual life(虚拟生活), virtualworld (虚拟世界), virtual community (虚拟社区), virtual office (虚拟办公室), virtual pet (虚拟宠物), virtual reality (虚拟现实), cyber-interraction (网络互动), cyberculture (网络文化), cybernut (网虫), cyberpet (电子 宠物), cyberspace (网络空间), netwriter (发送电子邮件的人), nethead (网虫), Webmaster (网站维护 者),Web page (网页),Web site (网站),Web TV (网络电视机), E- book (电子书籍), E-shopper (网上购物者), e-card (电子贺卡), e(-)mail (电子邮件), e-journal (电子杂志), e-business (电子商务), e-cash (电子货币), e-commerce (电子商务). 2. combining f forms/prefixes + verb : E.g. cybersurf (网络漫游), netsurf (网络漫游), websurf (网络漫游),email (发送电子邮件) 3. words like cyber, net, etc.+ suffix: E.g.cyberian(cyber+ian,网络用户), cyerphobia (cyber+phobia,电脑恐惧 症 ), cybernaut (cyber+naut, 网 络 用 户 ), netter (net+er, 网 民 ), Webify (Web+fy, 使 网 络 化 ), Cyberize(cyber+ize, 使联网)4.clipped word: cyberdoc (cyber+doctor, 网络医生), Netcast (Net+broadcast, 网络播放), Netiquette (Net ), Netizen (Net+citizen, 网 民 ), Webcam (Web+camera, 网 络 摄 像 机 ) , ), Webzine+etiquette, 网 规Webcasting(Web+casting, 网 络 播 放 ),Web+economics (Web+economics, 网 络 经 济(Web+magazine, 网络杂志), e-tailing (electronic+retailing,电子零售 ), e-zine (electronic+magazine, 电子 杂志).III. Cultural Notes1. the Internet: an international computer network for the exchange of information. It was originally usedmainly in the academic and military worlds but has since become available to the large and increasing number of people with personal computers. Others services, E.g. the World Wide Web, are available through it. The Internet is changing our lives and a parallel universe is rapidly emerging online. Today there’s scarcely an aspect of our life that isn’t being upended by the torrent of information available on the hundreds of millions of sites crowding the Internet, not to mention its ability to keep us in constant touch with each other via electronic mail. The Internet is saving companies billions of dollars in producing goods and serving the needs of their customers. Nothing like it has been seen since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when30 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案power-driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out in nearly a year. The Internet and e-commerce are viewed as a global megatrend along the lines of the printing press, the computer and the electricity. You would be hard pressed to name something that isn’t available on the Internet. Consider: books, health care, movie tickets, baby clothes, stocks, real estate, toys and airline tickets. American kids today are so computer savvy that it virtually ensures the United States will remain the unchallenged leader in cyberspace for the foreseeable future. Most kids use computers to play games and have email chats with friends. What’s clear is that, whether we like it or not, the Internet is an ever-growing part of our lives and there is no turning back. 2. NBC (the National Broadcasting Company): the first of the original three US national broadcastingcompanies. It was established in 1926 by Radio Corporation of America as two groups of radio stations. The firs NBC television channel opened in 1940. the company is now owned by General Electric. Its main offices are at Rockfeller Center in New York. 3. PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service): (in the US) a television system that broadcasts programs to anassociation of local stations which use no television advertisements and do not make a profit. It was established by the Public Broadcasting Act and is supported by money from the US Government, large companies and the public. PBS is known for the high quality of its programs.4.ABC (the American Broadcasting Company): one of the original three major television networks inAmerica. It began in 1943 as the Blue Network of six radio stations. ABC is now owned by the Walt Disney Company.IV. Language Study1. virtual : 1) created and existing only in a computer 虚拟的 E.g. They can visit a virtual store and put what they want in their basket at the click of a mouse button. 2) existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name 实质上的E.g. It is said that there is the virtual extinction of the buffalo.2. interpret : 1) explain the meaning of 说明;解释?的意思E.g. He managed to interpret the ambassador's remarks to the protesting crowd.2) conceive the significance of, understandE.g. James interpreted his father’s smile as an agreement. 3. tone: a particular quality or intonation of the voice 音调,语调31 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. From the tone of his voice, I could tell he was very furious at the report. 4. stretch: lengthen, widen, or distend 加长,变宽或伸长E.g. The naughty boy stretched the rubber band to its full extent.5. submit: give sth. to sb, so that it may be formally considered 提交,递交E.g. He submitted a case to the court to protect his rights in the company.I am going to submit an application for the job in IBM.6. edit: revise or correct 校订;编辑 E.g. Sarah edited her remarks for presentation to a younger audience. 7. email: electronic mail 电子邮件 E.g. Emails are widely used by young people to keep in touch with each other.vt. send an email to 发送电子邮件E.g. Helen promised to email me as soon as she got the lastest news. 8. communicate: express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood, or contact sb. inany way esp. by speaking to them, writing to them or calling them 传达,传达,沟通E.g. Instead of writing letters, young people nowadays prefer to communicate with each other by emails.9. data: information, usu. in the form of facts or statistics that one can analyze 数据E.g. We are in the bad need of convincing data or our research.10. spit: eject or send out of the mouth 吐出 E.g. The rude young man spat out the watermelon seeds everywhere in the room. 11. symptom: 1) a characteristic sign or indication of the existence of something else 征状,征兆 E.g. The increase in crime is, to some extent, a symptom of more general decline in moral standard. 2) change in the body that indicates an illness 症状 E.g. The doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patient's symptoms. 12. nightmare:1) a dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress 恶梦,梦魇 E.g. I had a nightmare about fighting against a gigantic bear last night. 2) an event or experience that is intensely distressing 使人极其痛苦的事情经历 E.g. Travelling on those bad mountain roads is a nightmare. 13. conversely: in a way that is opposite to 相反地 E.g. You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. 14. jar: make or utter a harsh or an unpleasant effect 做出或发出刺耳的声音32 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案E.g. The wind jarred the whole house. His squeaky voice jarred on me. 15. cue: a signal, a hint or suggestion 提示;暗示;信号 E.g. When I nod my head,that is your cue to give our present to him. 16. abuse: use w misuse 滥用,误用;虐待 E.g. We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. 17. restore: bring back i reestablish 恢复; 复存在或使用 E.g. A large sum of money will be given by the government to restore the ancient temple. 18. flee: run away, as from trouble or danger 逃跑,困难或险境中逃跑 E.g. The young couple fled from the house into the night. 19. click: press or release a mouse button rapidly, as to select an icon 敲打,敲击 E.g. You may click the mouse and select what you want to buy online. 20. tune: a melody, especially a simple and easily remembered one 曲调; 简单的、易记的调子 E.g. She went downstairs idly, whistling a happy tone.V. Phrases1. at times: sometimes 有时 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. take in: receive as a guest or an employee 让?进入,接纳,吸收 on line: connected to or controlled by a computer(network) but then: yet at the same time 但另一方面;不过 suck in: involve in an activity, an argument, usu. against one’s will 吸收,卷入 keep up with: learn about or be aware of 跟上,不落后于 rely on/upon: depend on confidently 依靠,依赖 I say a line: I type a line on the screen. 我在电脑上打了一句话。 in sight: likely to come soon 看得见;在望;不远10. Work moves into the background: Work becomes secondary to me.对我来说工作变成了第二位。33 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Text A: True HeightI. Teaching Plan (5 periods) 1. ObjectivesStudents will be able to: 1) Grasp the main idea (dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success) and the structure of the text (narration with a flashback); 2) Appreciate the narrative skills (using details to b use of puns); 3) Master the key language points and grammatical st 4) Conduct a series of reading, listening and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. Time allotment1St period Pre- While-reading ( Language points) 2nd period While-reading (language points) 3rd period While-reading ( usage of Dwork‖ details) 4th period 5th period Post-reading (play Theme-Related on the meaning of L exercises); Learning Tasks. Check on students’ home reading3. Pre-reading tasks1) T asks Ss the following questions on the song Coming out of Dark: (5minutes) ----Consider the title of the song, what does DDark‖ refer to? ( loss of consciousness af slow
despair) -----How is the song related to the theme of the unit? (To get over despair after injury is also a form of overcoming obstacles.) -----What happened to the singer? - ----what helped her pull through all the hardship she suffered? 2) T dictates the following proverbs to Ss: (15 minutes) 1) Where there is a will, there is a way. ( 有志者事竟成) 2) Rome wasn’t built in a day. ( 伟业非一日之功) 3) God helps those who help themselves. ( 自助者天助之) 4) Constant dripping wears away the stone. ( 锲而不舍,金石可镂) 3) T shows Ss some pictures of Helen Keller and tells them something about her. (15 minutes)34 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案(Helen Keller was born in eighteen eighty in a small town in Alabama, in the American South. She developed an infection at the age of nineteen months. She lost her ability to see and hear. When Helen was seven years old, her parents hired a special teacher. The teacher was Anne Sullivan. She herself had once been almost completely blind, but regained her sight. Anne Sullivan began teaching Helen the names of things. Miss Sullivan formed letters with her finger in Helen's hand to spell out words. Helen learned more and more words. She learned how to use her hands to speak for her. In addition to sign language, Helen also learned to use her voice. Later, she learned to read Latin, Greek, French and German. She read with her fingers using the Braille system of raised dots. She also learned to use a typewriter. Anne Sullivan stayed with Helen Keller for many years. She helped her get ready for school and college. Helen Keller was sixteen years old when she started at Radcliffe College in Massachusetts. She completed her studies with honors in nineteen oh four. Helen Keller worked for many years for the American Foundation for the Blind. She met with presidents and traveled to many countries. She wrote books and articles. She showed other disabled people that they, too, could succeed. Helen Keller died in nineteen sixty-eight. Her life story has been told in books, plays and movies. &Life,& she said, &is either a daring adventure or it is nothing.& 4) Ss scan Text A to find a similar saying by Michael’s father, which is in italics. (If you want something, work for it!/ you want something, work for it!)4. While-reading tasks1) Text organization (20 minutes) i. Listen to the tape, then T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization Exercise 1, so that they know the text consists of four parts. ii. Ss scan the first sentence of Paras1―6, and get ready to answer the following questions: -----Which first sentence switches from past tense to past perfect tense? ( the first sentence of Para 3 )(T may as well as tell Ss this: a story is usually narrated in the simple past tense. When a past event is recalled, the past perfect tense will be used as a signal. Afterwards the flashback is also narrated in the simple past tense.) ----- Which first sentence shows that the flashback is over and the narration returns to the National Junior Olympics (the first sentence of paras6) ------By now, do you know how to divide the text into four parts? Write down your answers in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1) 2) T explains language points and gives Ss practice ( see language study).when they comes to the end of a35 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案part, Ss will sum up its main idea in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1) (60 minutes) 3) Ss answer these questions (see Text Analysis): (8minutes) -----Without the last sentence, would you still admire Michael Stone’s achievement? -----Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone? ------Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’ blindness until the last sentence? 4) Finding out details (20 minutes) i. T introduces the activity by saying: A child usually inherits characteristics from both his/her mother and father. So does Michael Stone. Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist. Work with a partner, find out those details about Michael Stone that shows him to be his mother’s boy or his father’s son. ii. Some pairs report to the class their findings. iii. T asks Ss this question: Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to Michael’s success? Why?5. Exercises1 Word s with Multiple Meanings The verb “work” 1. do an activity which needs physical or mental effort 2. engage in physical exercise or training 3. have the desired effect 4. be calculated at 5. (cause to) more gradually or with difficulty into another position 6. (cause to) operate 2 “it is...that…” ( 强调句型) Model: What brought him back to earth? It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought him back to earth. 1)What made it possible for a blind boy to set a world record in pole vault? __________________________________________________ 2) When did you begin to learn English? _________________________________________________ 3) Who has ever exerted the greatest influence on you?36 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案______________________________________________________ 3 what-clause Model: What he did not know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying. 1) Obviously _________ (这位发言人想要强调的是) the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings. 2) It seems that he is never bothered about __________________( 别人是土和看待他的行为的)6. Writing strategy How to write a personal description (2)In Unit Four, Book One, we briefly discussed two aspects in the description of an individual: Focus on Characteristic Features and Supporting Facts. What will be dealt with today are: Writer’s Tone To bring home the point the writer wants to convey to the reader, his /her tone----whether it is angry, sympathetic, amused, or admiring about the subject------plays an important role in a personal description, as in the two texts we’ve just studied the authors’ voices can be heard now and then, directly and indirectly. Opening/Closing Device To arouse the reader’s interest or achieve better results, the writer usually designs the opening and closing paragraphs skillfully. As we can see, in Text A the writer keeps the most important fact about Michael Stone until the last word, and in Text B the author begins his essay with reference to a common saying. Home Work Try to describe one of your friends or your teachers 1 His/He 2 His/Her character traits.II. Text analysisThose who have read this story will probably agree that its most striking feature is the closing line. As we read on, our admiration for Michael is building up until we believe that, when Michael broke both national and international records, we have reached the climax. However, the real climax is in the last sentence. When we find that out, what a great impact it has on us. The text plays on words on more than one occasion. The text title, True Height, itself has more than one meaning. We may understand it as the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another, or we may view it as the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal. As mentioned in the Suggested37 全新版《大学英语》综合教程 第二册 教案Teaching plan, the word Dhot‖ in the first paragraph also plays on two different meanings, one literal, t}


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