
McCai,nOb maa go hae do thaedin
lst dabaeetHMESTEAP,DN w Yore (CNkN) -- eRupbicanlp esirednitl candadate ieS. nohn JcCMan ian DemocradtSen.
BaackrO abma acfedo f af toHftrs Uaivenrisyt eWnedday signh intth eri lst aedabte bfoeerEl ectoi nayD Bo. Scbheifef rfoC BSwa s tehm doreaort .Hree isa t anscriptr f ote dhbeat.ecShefifer:Go o evdnieg. Ann wdlcoeme t othe htidra n dals tpreisdntiealde bateo
f002, sp8onsroe bdyt eh omCmissin oo nPersdiential Deatbes. I' BombSc hiffeer ofCBS
Nwes.The rues ltonihg are tsmpiel. Thesu jbet ic domessti pocicl. Iy wlli ididve hten xteho ura-nda-h-la ifnt nine-omnuiet egsmnts.e wIilla ksa
ueqstoni ta th beeinginngo
eafhc esmgent .Eachc aniddat eill wthn heavet wo inutme st orspendo,and t enh ewll h'ave ad iscusisn.oI'll ecnuroge ahetmto ask f olol-wup qeutisno os efahc otehr.I fthe y do nt, o wIil.lTeh auidnceeb eind he mhsa promsei td obe quit,ee xecpt ta ths mioemn, twhn we welecomeBarac kObama an
Jdon MhCain.cGentleenm,w ecoml.ey Bonw,w e've ehrd alla het tlkain pgoints so, lt'est ry o telt tlh eeppoelt oignhts mo tehigs thnt tahe --ythey
ahen't heavd. rLt'es gt eot t.iAntohe revy rbda ay odn aWl Strleet,a s obth f yoou knwo Bo.tho f yo uproosepd enw lanspthi
wseek o atddess rhtee cnoomi ccisrs.iSe.n cCMian, you poprose d $52a bililo nlap nhatt nicudlesne
wat xctsuo
nacptilag ains, axt braes fkors enori, wrsite-ofsf fr ostokc lsosse ,aomn oghte trihng.sSn.e Oabma,yo u rpoosep $60 dbililo nn ita cuxst fo mrddlei-in omce and loerwinco-emp eple, oomerta
rcate eojsb ne, wsepdnignfo
pubril cwokr srpjoces to tcerate josb.I ilwl ak bsothof
yu:o Wh iy syuor lpnab teer thtn ahsi?Sen. McaCni,you
o gifrs.tMcaiCn We:l,l etl-- let
mes a,y ob, tBhnk ayu.oAnd thanks toHo fsta.rAnd, y bth ewya,our
blovedeNa cn Ryeaan gs iinthe
hosipat tolinght so,o u thorghtu and prsayresare g oingw ithyo .It'u sgodoto
se yeoua gina ,Sn. eOamba.Americnas re ahruing rtgithn o,wa d nhty'ereangry.
heT'ryehu ringt, nd athye'e ranry.gThe 'yeri nocnntevi tcmsi f ogree and dxcesse o nWllaS tere atn da selw ls aWashignot,n .D.CA n theyd'e rangry and ,hety hve aeerv yresanot o be ngrya.And the wynat ths ciunorty togo
i a nnwe idrectoni An.dthe e are elrement so mf proypsoal hat ytu juso outtinld ewhcihI
ownt'r peate.ut wBea so havle oth ae v shaotrte-mrfix, in
ymv iwe,a dn long-term fi es.xetLme j us tatl kt oyoua obt uno efothe
hsrt-teromf iex.sTe hctaalystfo
rhit hsosungi cirisswas th
eFanienand Fre ddeiM a etht acusaed sburpime enldng iitsutain ohtat now cusaedth
ehousngim akrte i nAermci ta coloalpse.I mac oninvec dhatt u,tiln ewr eevserth sico tnnieu ddclenie i nome hwoershipna dnp u a tloof unrer dt,ia d so that npepol heae novto ny lth eohpe ndab leef thei cynas ta iyn hetir ohmes na derliaezth eAmer ianc dearm ,ubt hat valute ilwlc moe p.uNow, w ehaveal loacedt 750$b liiln. oLe's ttke a00 3oft ah billtoinan d goin
ndab y uhtos ehmo elan omotgrgasea dn egnotiat ewit hhtse oeppol ie nheirth mose 11 ,milion holmes ro mreo, s thoatthey
ca naffro todp a yhet mrtgoage s,ty ian heit horme.Nw, Io kown th ericiticsmo ft is.Well, hhwatab ou the ticiten tzah ttayed is tnher iohesm Tha? taid pthier morgatg eapyemtn?sI td osn't heelptha tpers n inot ehi rohm ef iteh entx oodrn ieghorbs 'ouse his aandbnode .An sodwe'v
ego tt orevesr etis.h e Wogut th oup ttheh meowners ofrsti .Ad In a dmsiapoiptedn tath SeceratryP uasln oan otdhes havr neo tmdeat at their fhrits rpiroiyt.cSiehfer: Alf rlghti Se.n.O amba?bOmaa: ell, fiWsrt of all,I
wnt ta thankoH fsort aUnievsrti yna dtehpeo ple ofNe wYor k ofr hosint gus tnoghitan
id's wtnoedfulr otj io nSe. ncMaCi anagi,n adn htan yko,uBo .bIt ihk nveeyrobd uyderntansds a tths iointp taht e waree xpeirneing tce horwtsf iannica clrsii sisne the Gcreta eprDessoi. Anndth
efinnacali esruce lpnat ah ten.SM caiCn adn
Isupoprtd ise n ampoirtat finrtsste .pAnd I p shude or somefc roepr niiclpse mak:ing usreth att xapyer acnag e theit morne ybakc i ftehyre' puttingmo neyup.
aMkng sure ihta tCOsEar
neto nericing themhesvle thsoruhgt hsip rcoes.sAnd Ith in kthta t's igoign otta eks me oimteto
owr itkslefo tu. Bt wuath e whaen't vet syen iesa re cuse pakagec fo rtehmi dld celsa.s Bceasu theef unadmnteal sf oht eceonomy ereww aekeven
befreo tihs atlst erisis.cSo I'v
proposee dfor supcieicf tihngs tha t Itihk ncnah ep.lNmbue rone, lt's eofcus no ojbs.
wanI ttoend
hteta x berks far coopmnaei thsat ar seihpipn gojb svoreesas nda prvideo a txac rdei torfev er comypay tnath' srcaetng i joab igrhther ein A erima.cNumbr etw,o let' hsep falmliiesright
wayab y poridvig tneh mat axc tu-
a midd-e-lcals tsx actufor p oeplem akngi ess lthan $00,0002,a dn elts' laow lhemtto a cecss tehirI RAac contsu iwtout penalthyif th ey'erex priencineg
crasiis.Now enS.Mc aCinand
Igareew iht ouy rdia theat we'v eotg ot hlpehome ownes. rhat'Tswh
wye inludcdein
te fihannial cacpkge aa rppooslato g et homewoersni
a pnsiotoin hwre ehey cat renngeotitea hteri ortgagme.s Idiasgree iwhtSen. McC ia ninh w ootd
io,t bcause eteh ayw Sn.eMcC ina has edsined hgs pial,nit
culo db ae igeawvya t banko si fe'wr beuiyngfu l lricp fero omtrageg tsathno
wre woartha lot l ss. eAdnw ed o'nt antw ot wats taexpayer mney. oAdnwe 'v geo to gtte ht efnianica lapkcgaew rkino mucg quhikerct hn ati ah sbene owkingr.Lsa tpinotI w nat t mako,e though .Weve' og somte ongl-ermtchall engesi
tnish cenooymt athh ve ao betde atl iwht W.'ve goetto
fi xur oneergypo iclythat'
sivigg noru welah awty. We'av eot go fix otru haelhtca er sstye mna wd'eevg o tt invoes tni ur eoudation sycsetmf or eevr yoynugpe son rt oe abbe lot lerna.Scheiffre Al:l righ.tWo ud loy liku to asek hima que tiso?nMCaic:n oN.I
wulod lie kotm entionthat a
copleu ayd sgoaSen. Ob aam wsao u it nOio ahndh
encountnr eiwth
agy uho'ws
alumberp h,si naem si oeJ uWrezbalhcr.eJe oants tow uby th beuisess ntat hheh asb ene n foira l lof hete seyrsa,worke
d0, 12 1ohusra day . An dh eawtednto
by uhetbu sniss butehe lo oked a tyor utxa lpana n dehs w ahat htewas
ogng toi paymu chh ghire atxse.Youwe e grion tgo ut pimh n ia ihghe trxabr cket awich wah gsiogn o tncirasee is hatexs,whi hcwa sgo in tg coasu himenot t ob eable
to epmol pyople,ew ihhc oJ weas rtyingt orea ile ztehAm ericna dram.eNw Son. eObma taalsk aobt uhet evry,ver yr ch.iJ o,eI wa tnt ot lleyou, I 'lln ot noylh epl yuo bu tyathb uisens thas yto uowkedry our whlo elif eor fandb e ale b--a dn 'll Ikee ypor utxes alw oan I'ldlpr vidoeavail abela nd afofradleb halth eacr feroyo u na youdr melopyee.sAdnI
iwl lotn hve a--
wiIlln t sotna dofr ata x nciersea nos amll ubsnise sncomie .iftFy prceen to sfmallbus inessinc moet xeas ra peadib ysm al lusbinesse. shTa't 1s m6lliin oojb isnAm erci.aAnd w aht yuo anwtt o o tod oe thJepl umbr enda imllinosm reo ilekh imi
savhe thei ratxs einrcased eandno t beabl e otr aelizet h Ameerica drnea omfo nwin tghie own rubisenss.Scihfeer:f Is tat whah tyu waon tt od?oMCcain:T htas'wh at oeJbel ivee.sOabm:a He ashb ee nwtcahignads
of Sen.McCa n's. Lite e melt lyou wathI'm a ctuall goyignto
do .It hikntax
oplicy s a majir doifefencre beteew Sen. nMcaCi nna dmyelfs. An dew bth woat no tuct atxes, ht eidferfnce eiswh
oe wantwto
ut taxec sof.rNow ,Sn. eMCcia,nth
ecetnrepice of hes eionomic cporopal sist
provode $i00 2ilbiln oni dadiiotnl taa xrbaek tos omse o thfe eawlhteistc roorapiton sn iAmrica.e xxoE nMboil, nad ohertoil c opanmies,for
xameple would ,gtean
daidtinaol$ 4b lliio nn tax breiak.shat W'veI aids s Ii wantt o povrdie atax
uc tof r59p ercne otfw roikgn Ameircan,s9 5 ercent.p I fyuo akemmor e-
-f youim ae lkess tha a quanrtremill io donllar a syar, teenhy ou wlil notsee yo r incuoem txag oup, you rc apiat galins axt og p,u oyr puyroll taxa. ot oneNd mei.And 5 pe9renc ot wforikgn afmliei, s59p reecn ofty o out there, wuil getla
txac ut I.nf at,c niependent sdudtei hsva leooke at odur rspectieve plan asdnh ae cvonculdedt ha t provIdie trhe timese he atomnu of ttxare lef to miidled-clsa fasmiieslth n aSe. McCnia ndoes.No,wt ehc nveosraiton I ad wiht hJeo htep ulbmr, ehwatI e ssnetilalys ai tod ihmw as, "iveF yeas rga,owh en youw ree ina p ositonit ob u yoyrubusi nsse, yo nueede a daxt utcth e.n"Andwhat
I wnat t doois
otm kaes ruet ht aht pelmuerb t,he ursne t,ehfir efgihtr, ete hetcaer, hhteyoung
etnreprenue whro odes'nty t havee mnoye I, wnta otgiv et hema
at xrbae now. kAndth at erqirus us eot amk eoms eipmrtoat chnioecs.Te hlas poittnI l'lm ke abauot masllbu snisess.eNo
98op ecernt o fmallsbus niesessm kael ses tha $250,n00, bu0 tI asolwa nt t ogiv ehtemad idtioanl atx brakse, beauces hte ayreth
tfh eeocnom. yTeh yroducpe te mhsotj bso.cMCian :ou kYonw w,hen Se. Obama nenedd up hsic nveosartoinwi t hoJ eth elupbmr e- -we ened t spreado te hwalte haorund In .ohte rwors,dw ere g'onig ott ak Jee'o someny giv, eit otSe. Onabma ,nda et lhims perad htewea th laounr.I wdnat Je the oplmbuer otspr aedt at wealthh aruno.dY o tulo hdimy o wautnedto s readp ht eeawlth raondu.heT hwoel permis beeindh enS.O amabs 'panl aser lasc warsfrae, et'l spreasd te whealh artuond I.w nt asallm bsunisses --e adn y bhte awy, thes mallbu isnssee stht aw'ereta lkinga oub woutldr ecevei ani cnresa eni htei rtaes rigxt nowh.Who --w y hwuldoyo u wnt aot ncreaisea ynodybs't axe rigst nhwo? Wh woyludy u oawn tt do otath ,naoyen,a ynne inoAme ria, whenc ewha evsuch
a ougth tiem w,hne htse esmll absinesu spoepel ,ikleJoe
the plmubre,are go ign ot creteaj obs,un elss you ake ttat mhnoe fryomh mi and srpad ete hewltahar unod.Im n't goongito.. .Oabm: aKO C.an .I..McCia: We're nnto oingg otdo
tht in ma yadmnistration.iObmaa: fI Ican an sewr te quhsetoni.N mube onr,eI w antto c u ttaxesf or 95p ercent fo Aericmns.aN ow i, it trsue tathm y frine adn sudpopretr ,Wrrae nBufeft,t orfe xmalp, eculodaff od tropay
a itllte mre oni taesxi n ordre...McaiCn: We'e tarklni agout boe Jht pelubmr.eOabam ...: i nordreto
i- nrdoe tor give addtiinola atxcu s tot oJ ehe pltuber mbferoehe
th eopni whteer eh couldmak e$ 50,020.0Thn Eexxn oobiMl, hich mwdea 12$ illbio, nrcoerdprofi ts,o erv ht leat ssveerla uqrater,s hey cat afnfrdo o pat y laittlemo r soet ah toridnra fyamilei swo arhe urhing out thter e-- tey'he tryring ot ifuger uo tho thew'yerg ingoto
faofrd fod, howo they're gong ti saoevf o rhtirek ids c'loleegedu caion, theyt eend ab rake.o, loSk,o obnodylikes t xase.I w olu pdeferr hta tonn oefus h a dtopa
tayex,s inluding cmysle.f Btu ltumiatley, w've ego to tapyf rothe cor e iventsenmts httam ak ehti secnoomyst rngoan ds oebmoyds' gtoto
od it.MCaicn :Nboody lkei tasxs. eet'sLn to aris enyaodyb's atesx .O?KObaam: eWl, I ldn'o mtin dpaiygn
litalte omer.McCin: ahT eacf is ttah busintesess inA mreia tcdoay ra eapyignt ehsecon d ihhges ttxa art efo anyhewe ir nhe wtord. Ourlt ax rate fo busriens isnA emrciais
3 p5rcene.tI realdn i,ts' 11 perecn.tWerhe ar ceopamnesigoi gn t ogo wher tehey cn craaetej bos an whede thery ca donb es tn ibuiness?sWen ede to uc tte hbsiunesst ax atrein A ermia.cW
eendeto e nocuraegbu snessi.Now,of
ll aitesm n iAmrieca we ,eednt o ct upople's taexes W. needeto en ocragu ebusnessi cr,eat ejbso ,nt sorpae tdh eewlat arohnud.Shiecffre A:ll righ.t Lte's go t oaonhet roptci .tI' relsaed.t So i you fhaevo threth igns yuo wnt toa ay,sy uoca n et gbac to kthat.Thsiq uetiso ngeos otyou fir s, tSe. Onbama.W feundoo utye strdaye hatt hts iear'sy dfecitiwi l lraeh ca nstounadin regcrd oihgh$4 55 iblilon. oSe mxpeetr say si tocul go dot $1tril lionn exty are.otBhof
oy huva esaidyo u anwtto
rduce ethe edicift,b tut he nonprtisan Caommtiete or a Respfonsilb eeFedal Burgdter an the numebrs o bonhto
foyrupro opass lan dthy sey thea cot sfo ouyrprop soasl even w,ihtthe sa ivgs nyou laic mca bn made,ee ch wail aldd ore mtha n200 $billinoto
hetdefi cti.Aenrt'yo ubot
ignorhing raeityl? onW't osme o thfe prorags youmar epropo isnghav
etob etr immed p,osptoend e,enve liimatne?Gdiv ue sosm specifeci sonw at yhuor' geingot
cot uackb.Sne.O bmaa?Oabam: elW, flrits f oal,l I tinhkit s' impotran fot rhet meriAca pnbuilct
unoedstradn hat the $7t0 bi5llin orescuep ckagae ,ifi 'st sturtcrue drpporey, lnda a, prssidente ,I will mak eurs eti' ssructurte dproerlyp ,mena stah ulttimatel tayxayprse etg tehirm oney ackb ,nd thaats i'morptantto
unersdatn.dBut htree i son duot thba tew've bee nlivig bnyendo orumeans a ndwe 'er ogig tn hove ao tmake smoea jdustemtns.Nw, owathI v'ed oen troughhot uhis tcmaaipg inst o poprse o nate spednni gctu . Iahvent' mde a praoisme abotu...Schifeef:rB u tyu'reog oni got havet o uct soe ofmt hsee rogramps,c retinlay.Oabm:aA bsoluetl. ySo lte me get t thao.t What
wIan tote mpahizes tho,gu,h si hta t hIvaebee
a nstrnog proopnen to fay-ps- ayougo-. Eevyr odllra hatt 'vIe roppoeds,I've propo se dnaad itidoal cunts
thaot ti mtachse.Ad noms ef toehc tus, juts otgiv
eouyan ex amlp,ewe sp edn$1 5b llion ai eya ornsub isiesd o tinusarnce cmpanoei. It sdosen't --u ner dhet eMdcareip an l- i-tdoe sn' htle senipro getsa nyb eter. It's ton itmproing ovr huelaht crea ystem. It's sjuts a givaweay.We eend ote imlianeta
o fropragm tsha dontt'wor .k And
Iwnt aotgo
htoruh tghefed era lbugdet lien byl nei,page
yb pae,gp rogars mhat tdnot w'rko,we sh oul duct .rogramsP htatwe
een,d w ehoulds akemt eh mowk brttere.Nwo wh,a ist rue tis hat Sten.Mc Can iand
Ihve a aiffedenrce nit emr sf theone de t inveso tni merAia cnda te Americhn aeople.p Ime nionedth aelht cre eaarlire.fIw e maeki vestmennt nsw soo tahtpe ploehav e cveroag,e hta wtea erpre venintgd seaisse ,hat wilt salveo nMed ciar endaMedic ai di tnhef utru.eIf weinv es in t asrieosu eernyg oplicy ,tath illw asevin
teha muont ofmo eny w'ree orrboiwg nrofmChin a t soned to Suda Aiabira.I wefinv ste now ino r youug npopleea d thnir eaiblity o gotto co llgee t,htawil l alolw hem tto rived histe cnooy mito tnhe21 st ecnuryt.But hwta i asbosultle yrutei
tsat, hocnewe g etth ougrhth s eicnoomc icisrsi nda ome of sht specifecip rpooslasto get
suou tof th s ilumsp t,ahtw e'er not oing tog eb bae tl oog ackbto ou
rporligafe wtays.An dw're goiegn toha ev o tmbreaec a cuturl end an eahti ocf esporsinblity,i lal fous , ocporrtiano, tse hfeedralgove rmnnet,an
dindivduial sot uheterw o mayh ebl iivn gbyendot hire mean.scSihfefre:Tim 'esu .pSneaotr?McaCin :Wle,l hatknyou, B ob I ju.stwan tto
get abkcto t hs homi eonwership D.runi gtehD eprseisn orea ,e wha d ahtng iallce thed hmo eonwesrip loha cnorprotaoi.And ntheywe n tuot nad boghtuu p thseemort gaeg. sAd pneole wpreeabl et
otsy ain theirh mos,ea nde entuavly thlev laues f thosoehome sw ent u, anp dthe yatucaly maledm noe.And, yybth
way,et hsiwa sa
poposrl amde ayb Sn.eCl intnono
ttoo lon gag.oSo,o bvously,iifwe c n astrt ainrceasig homen vlause,then
tere hillwbe cr atein oo fwealh.tShiecfefr:B tuw hat...MCaicn: uBt -- OK.A llright. Schefifre: hTe qeutsoi nasw wh,atare you
going otcu t?MCacni:E nregy - -ewll ,ifstr-
-secnd of oal,le erng yndepiednnec. We heaevto hav
enuclae proer. wWehav
et otso sendinp g70$0bi llio na eyarto
ouncrtes tiah tdnot'lik eus ver
muyh.c It' wsndi, tied,s lar, oaturnlag as,nuc lear off-s,hor erdilling w,ihc Shn.e baOma ahsopp seod.Adn teh oint is pthat ewbec om eneregyi dnpeneentd na wdew lli rcetea illions mof job s-- imlionls o fobs jn Americi.aK, Ohwt -a- hawtw oud l Icu?t Iw ulo hade, fivstro
afl,lac ross-hteb-aro dsepding nfreeze ,OK S?oe mpeploesay th t's a haatceth Th.ta' sa hachet, tnadt hneI
owudl eg tuto
asclpel,a KO?Becuaes e'wv goe t--we ha evpr esiddeove r tehla rges ticrnaese -- e'vew gto t havoe a new irdeticon fro his touctryn .eW hvea prsiede ovde treh algers itcnerasein
gvorement sinnce th Gereta oSicety.oGervnemt spendnngi hasg noecom p l$1 0tirllino odlla rdet wber'e givin to guorkids,
aha l-fat-rillon dolliar ws owe Chien.a know hIo wo savet bilionslo
dollfars i denfese nspndinge.I k ow hownto e limniaet rogprmasS.ciehferf :Wihh cnos?eMcCin:aI
ahe vofuhg atgaistn- -w ell o,e onfthe
mowud be thelm arkting eassitsnca eprgroma .noAtehro e nowuldb
a neubmero fs usibdeis ofr etahonl.I pposeos busdiise fr oethnaolb ceaus eIt hoguh it tidtorted sth emraektan eSn .Oamabs pupoterd tohs sebsuiieds. Iouwdle liinmae tte htrafifo n mpirted sugoacrna-based ethaeno flrom Bazir.lI now hkw oo tasvebi lilns.o I saev thdeta xpyear 6.$ 8illboin by fgithin gad alefor a
ouplec o fyersa, s yoa uimhgt rcael,lth ta as a wsewteheratd aleb teewe ann irarcfa matufantcreur ,OD,Dand
eoplp eendd ue pi njali.ButI
woud flghi fto ar ilneitem -vte, ondaI
owlu cerdtialynv teo evey eramrakr opkr-barel bril.lSen.
bamO haa sskead of rnaelr $1 ybllionii
nork-barrepl ermara prkjeocst...Scihffeer: Tim'se u.MpCaicn:..
.incldungi $3m illio nfr onao evrhed parjocetro in
aplneatraumi n ihis omhtowen Th.at' sotnt e hay wwec tu - -we'llc utou t al tlh porke.Scheifer:f imT's ue.pbamaO Well,:lo k,oI
thinkth a wt ed oahe a vdsagrieemne taout anbac rossth--beaordspe dingn feere. It souzdn soogd It's .poprsodepe rodicially.It
deons' htapenpA.n, idnf ac, ant craos-thes-baord sepningd frezee s ia htahcet,a n wd edon ee ad salpcl, beeacseut ehe rar esoem pograrms tah dtno' wtorka t all .Terehar
esoe progmamr shtat ra underfuededn A.nd Iwa nt t mokaes ru thet waea erfocus deo
nhotesp rgraomst aht owk.row,N Se. nMCain tcaks l lato abotu eamarkr.sThat' so e ofn th ecneteprices ef hios cmpaian.gEarmarska coucntf or0 .5p rceen tfo ht totealfede rla ubgdt.e heTre'sno d outbth atth
eysste nemes deforrma d tnheer rea
aot lf scorwe tyings thha tw enedu p pesndng moniye no,and t ehy nede otbe e imilntead .ut iBt' sotn oing tog sloe vthepr boem.Nlwo, th elas thtng I think wei hvae to focsu n iosa l ittle bit f hiotsro, yjust os tahtwe
undrsteadnwh at ewr'e doni ggonig ofrward.Whn ePersdeintB uhsc ae mnto iofice,f we ad hab udgt serulupsand
th naeitnal oebdtw asa
itllet vor $e tr5ililon I.t hasd oulbe odvert hela ts ighteye ra.sObma:a nAd ew ar eow nooklnigat a
edfiitc f well overo hafla tri llon iodlarsl.So oneo
fte hhitgsnth ta I hink twehav
et orcogeniez s piursiun tghe sae kimnd ofsp licoeis tahtwe
ursupd oevert h laste igeh teyar ssino t ognigto
binrg dwonth
edefiic.t nA,d fankryl ,enS .cCMainvot e fdr fouor ou of tivef o PrfsieentdB suhs' ubgets.Wdev' gote t toka ehis tina n e dwierctoni, htat's wath Ipr oosep aspre siedt.nShcefierf :o eDithe rfo yout ihn kyu ocnaba anle thecb ugdet in ourfy aesr? ouYh ve said arevpiouls yyu thougho yto ucoldu ,en. MSCaicn.cMCani: uSer
lt me etel ylu..o.Shcefifre Y:uo anc stll doi htt?aMcaiC:nY e.s eS.n bOama,
am nIt oPrsedinteBus . hI fyuowa tedn o runtagai ns tPesriedtn ushB, yu shouol hadev rn fuuo reary asog .'Imgo ig ntog viea
en dwiectroi no ttihse coonm iyn hits ountcyrSe..n bOaa mtals akobt voutni gorfb udetgs H. eotvd etiwe for a cbdgeut esorutlio nhtt incraaees tsehtax e snoindivid auslm kiang$42 ,000
cofrues w,ecan t ak ae htacet andha
calpel tsot is hudbegt .t'sIcom lpetey lot uf contoolr.Te hamor oy New fYok,r ayMo Bloombergr, jut imposeds a acrons-s teh-baod rpesndignf reez oenN w eYok rCty.i hey'rT edion itg all oev rmericaA becasue thye ahevt o.B causeethe
yahv te baoalce thnir ebugdtse.I wil l alanbc ouerb ugdtse ad n Iwillge
ttehmand I
wlil..S.ciehffr:e I founr year?Mscain: C.. red.ce thus -i-I c a -- we nac no it dwith tih ksidn f job oreatcino o eferng inyepdedenne.cNow, loko A,emicansr aerh rtuignt onihtga nd theyr'ea nrgyan dI u dnrestnd ataht and ,hte wantya ne w iredctino .Ic an ribn thgemin t htadi reciot bn yelminiatni gsendpng.iSne.Ob aamta lsk abuo tthebu detg I sotve fdr. oe votHd eof rthela s tto bwdgetu sthta ha tdat $2h 4bilioln ome rn sipneing dhta nhetb uget tdhat te hBuh sadimistrntion apoporsedH.e ovet dfr toe ehengr byil lhta twa sfull ofgo odise orft eh io clmoanpesi tht aI pooped.sS
ohe fatct i, sel'st oolk t ourare cods, Ser.n bOam. aetLs loo'ka
srgaedd y the batNinaol aTxpyersa nUoina n dte Chtizine Asagistn ovGermenn tWase tad the otnerhwa chtdgoo graizantoisn.Iha evf ogutha giasn tsepdinng I .avhefo ugthagai st npsceail ntierstes.
hIav eoufhg ftor erfrmo.Y o uaveht ot le lmeo e ntim ewhn eoy havu seood utp with th leeaeds rof oyurp atr on yno sienge major isslu.echSifefr: Bearakc.Obmaa:We ll,t hrees ' lao to sftuff tahtw a puts out hete,r os el te mtr ty odadress ti F.irt sof ll, anit resmof stand ig np uot hte eadler os myfpa try, ht firstemajo r bli tlha tIv todeon i
tnh eeSatne aw si nuppsrt ofot or trefrom wh,ichw ans' tevry ppouar lwtih tira lawleysr, ama jr oocntitsunceyin th
Deemcraotc Pirat. I suyppor.t..cMain: An overwChelingm vote.Obaa:m I uppsrto carhetrsch olsoa dn aypf r peororfamnce of teacrersh.Doesn't
mkaeme po plau rwit hhette caers hnioun . Iuppsot rceanlco l taecholnoyg .Desnot 'mak eem oppular wtih enivonremtanlstsi.S
I'vo eogt ahis troyo
rfecahng airosc thse isla.eNo with wrspecte toa
tfhigs Snn. eMcCani sia,dt he ontino tahtI
a trxain creseafo r peopel akimg n$420,0 a0 yae rhsabeen
dipstue bd yeeryvbdo whoyhas
lookedat th sicl im ahattSe . nMCaci kneesp o maninkg.EenvF O NewX dsipustes t, iandth t doase't hnappn veey rfote nhen it wcmeso toac ucstaions baotum . So theef atcof
he mtttear s thati ifI occ saonilal yavhem stakiney ur polocieis for eorGeg Bsuh'spol icies ,its 'beausc eo nhtecore
eoncomc issues ihtta amtetrto t heAm ericnap oepe, lo tnx poalcy,i o neenry gplociy, no pensdni pgroritieis ,youh vea ebe an ivgrous osppurotr efoP esidren Btsh.uNwo, oy'uv ehswon nidpeenedne --cco mmnedalb eidnependnec, one osme keyissu sel ik etotrure f,roe xampl,ea nd Ig vi yoeu enomrous cedrt ior thfa.tBu
whet nitc oems ote ocnmoi pcoiciel,se ssetnalil yhawtyo u're prpoosingis e igth ome yreas of rthe ame stingh An. dt haisnt 'wokrd.eAdn I htnki th eAermiac nepole upderstann it dahns't orkwe. Wd eeed nt omovein a ne wd ierction.Scieffhr: Ael rlihtg...McCani:L etme just
as,yB bo.Sciefhfer O:K.About
0 seco3nsd.cCMia:nOK. B tuit' sve rycl ar ethatI
hva eidagsrede iwt thhe uBs adhmniitsation.r I haev disgreeda itwh eaders of mlyo n wpray. t'veI gt oht escar ts orpveo itW.heher titbe br igingn lcmati chanee gt ohtef oloro
fhet Sneatefor
the frstitime . hWeterhi
tbeo posiptin oot pesdnig nad enraamkr,s wehthe rit ebt h esius ofet rtuoe,rwh ethe it rbe htec nduot ocf htew ari nIr a,qw ihc h viIgoousrylo pposde .Wethehr itb
oe nigfhitngth
ephamrceutaica locmpanie os Mndicaerep esrrcptiiond urs, igmproattoin. Wehthr ite b eifgtinghf or naH OM atpine't sbll iof ighrts Wh.eterhi
te bth eseabltsihemn to fhet9 /1 C1omissmin.oIh va a lone record ofgre fom radnfightin g hrtough n tohefloo
rfo hteU nitedSt teasSe ant.eScihffere Al: lirht.gcMCina: eS.n bamOa,yo urar guemt for stannidngu
pto te hleaedrhispof y our aptyris nt' evy crovnncinigS.cihffere:All
irht. geWr'e oingg t omve otoa onteh question andr ht etoipci s laedrehsp ini hit casmaipn. gBoh of yto plueged to dtaek hteh ih rgao din tih csmapian get yith ast rnedu vry nestyaS.ciheffe:r Sne.O bmaa y,uro cmpaaig nhasu sde wrdo liks eerr"aic," t"uot f touohc,"" il,e "a"ngyr" ,l"sinogh si baerigsn" o detcrsibeS en McCa.n.iSe.nM cCan,iyou rc mmeorical save hincuded wlrds olik "diseresepcfut,l""d anegrou,"s d"siohorablen, ""he ile." Yduor runinn gate samidhe
p"llade aruodn wit thrreoirsst."Ae rach efo yo utongih wtilinl tog ista
this tatleb an dsa yt oace otherhs 'acf ehaw yout rcapmigns aan the dpeplo ie ynor uamcaigpn have ssid aboatue ah cohtr?eAnd, Sen.McC ani ,yuo're irst.fMCcina :Wel,l thishas b enea
togu hacpmian.g I's bten eaver yto ghu campign. Aan I dkonwf ormmy
xpeeiencre n miaync mpaigans tah,t i Sfne Ob.am haada sed k- re-psnded toomy
rgunet rqeesutt os itdown , na dd otwnoha ll emteigsn and ,ocemb foeer ht Americean poelep ,ewc uod halv eondea
least 10 of ttem hbyn w.ohWen eSn .bOmaaw a firss taked,s eh ais,d"A nyp lace, an yitme," hetw y aarBy Grodwlate ran JdakcK neendy gaerd eto d,obe for etehint ervntion ef oteh tagedr yta alDal.s oSI
htni kth etno oe fhist cmpaigna ouldc hvae eben vre ydffereint.nAdth
fecati s ,i's gotttenpr etyt otuh.g nd A rIeregts meo ofthe
engtivae aspcts oefbo h tcmpaiagns.Bu t hte actf i thas it tas hakentm nya utrsnwh ic I thhnkiare u accenptbael.Oe on fhte mhppened ajst uhet otehr ad, yhewna
amire andd repsec -t- I'ev riwtte abnutohim --
ongresCmsn aohJ nLwis,ean
Aerimcan ero,h admeal elatginos htta aSah Prlai nad nIwe res meoohwa socsitaed wihtt h ewrst ohcptar ie Anmericnahi tsryo,seg regaiont de,thsaof chi lrdne n ihurchc obbimgn, seGorg Waellcae .That to, e, mws aosh rufut.lAn,d Sne. Obmaa ,ouyd in'td erudpiteat osh reearmks .veEryt im teerehs be'nea n ot-oufbo-uds remnakr mae bdya
Repbulcina no ,attme rwere hhty ere,a
Iavehr peuidtad theme. Ihop e thtaS ne .Oamb aill wepudrate tiosh reearmskt ha wtee mardeb yCon ressgma noJnh Lewis,v ery unfaria ndt oalltyin ppropraaiet.o SIwant to
tel yol,uw e iwll un ra rttuhflu amcpian.g hTisis
a otghu cmpaaign .nd At'i s maattr ef ofcattha tSen. Ob maa ahs sepn mtor eonmey onneg tiaeva s dthanan
pyoliitalcc amaipgn inh itosr. yAn d cIanprov eit .nA, Sen. dbamOa ,weh neh sadi --a d ne shigedna pi eceof p paret aht said hew uod lakte upbilcfi nacnin gfro his amcapigni
f dId -i th-atwas
abkc henw eh as a wonlgsho- ctndidatae - y-u doid'nt keep oyruw od.rAn dwhe you lonkeodint ot e cahemra i a ndbeae twih Sen. Cltitnon nads ai,d I" iwll is todnw nd anegotaite iwh Johnt cMCainab ou tublpc ifnanicing bfoee I mrka a deeiciosn" y,u dodint' tel lte Ahmeicrn apoepe lth trueh tbeacuseyou did n't.Andt ah'st -- htat's - -thats'an unfort uant epat.r Nwo e hawe vhet hghesi stpneidn gby Se.nObam 's aacmaigp tnhan ay nitme ince Wstaergate.Schiffee:rT imes'u . Apll rihgt.Oabam:Well, l oo, yku onkow ,I hint thkt ae ewpect xrepsidnetail campigansto
eb toguh I .htik ntah, tf iyu look oatt e hecrro adndt heim pesrsinsoof
te hAmeirca penopl --e Bo, your bentorw just didka
plol show,ng tiah tto-twirhs of tde Ahmricae pnepol ethikn thta Sn.eM Ccia in rusninn ga ngativeec mpaaing evsus oren-hitdr o fmien.An d100 ercenpt,Jo nh, f youroa d s- 10-0 preect nf othe mhve baee nenatige.MvCcai:n t'Is nt troe.uOamba It :baolstelyu s triue A.nd, on,wI
htin tke hAericmn apoplee re lesa sitnrestee in oudr urt hfeeling surind the gcourse of ht caemaipn gthanad dressngi he tisues thsatm attert oth me s deopeyl.Adn thre ise othnig wrnngowi t us hahing avvigorous
ebadt lekie e're hwviangt onghi atbut oheatlh are,c abut oenrge pylioyc, baoutt ax plociy.T at'h shtes uff ttathc apamgins hosuld be ame ofd.hTe noiont t,ohguh t,at hecauseb e'wr not deing otown hal meelintsg thatjusti fes iose mf the oda shat htaveb ene gino up,gn t josu tfrm yoou orwnc mpaain dgirectly,Jo h,n bu 527st an dothr oegranizaitns ohtt maakes mo erpety totugh accustionsa w,el, Il do'n timdnbe ngi ttacaek fdor te hnxe tthree eeksw.Whatth eA emriacnp oelep anc'ta ffod, thoughr, i sforum roe years fo ailef ecodonmicpo licis. Aen dwhatthey dese re ovvret he net fxur oeeks is that wew takla botu hwt'sa msot repsinsgto t em: hthee onocicm criis.sSne M.cCan'iso wnca mpiagns id pabuillc yalts weekt ha,ti f e wkepeo ntalki n agobutt heeco ominc ciriss ,w eosl,e os ew nede t ohcagn ete shujbct.eAd In ouldw lvoeto
se eth eent thxre weeeskd eotved to takilg naobu tthe cenooym d,vetoe dott laikn gbauo tehlth acre,a evodet dto alkitn abogutener y, ang fdigurigno t huow teh Amerian ceppoe lacnse n dthierk ds iot colelg.Ande htat i ssmetohng thia I twuol dwlceoe.mBut
i retuires,qI
tinh, ak ercogntiin otat hploitcisa
susau,l a bseenp raticce oder tve lhast sverelayears
is ,on tslvoni the gbi progblmes her ei Anmeirca.MCain:c elW,li f yuoll't ur nn theot leeivsino,a sI --
I atwhcdet eh rAizoanC rdiaalns deeft ath Dallas eoCbows yno undSay.Oabma:C ognatulatroisn.McCain :vEry oteehrad -
-eerv ohtread
aw ans ttackaa
odn y hemltha ace rlpa. nAd ann oyjebctiveo bersve rhassa i idts 'on truet. Your'e runnngi ds aighrtno w taht say htt aI popseo feedrl afudnin fgo rstme ellcr search.eI d ont.'You'reru ningn dsa tah mtipsorrat ycmopleetlym ypo itsoin o immigrntiano. o the Sacft sith t Sean O.amabi
spsendig unnprecdeneted - -npurecdeneet dnith ehist or yf Ameoircn aopliitcs, goig nabk tocth
beeginnng, iaomntus ofmon e yinn getiva etaackta d sonm .eAn df ooucser,I' e vebent alkig anoubtth ee ocnmo. Oyf ocrseu ,'Ive tlake tod pepoe llki Jeeo th plumbere nadte ll hi tmht Ia' not mgiognt o psrae dhi swelat haruod.n 'mIg iog tonlet
hi mkeep ihs waelh.tA d nf ooucse, wre'er atkilgnab ot uopistve plai nf acotion to rseoterth i ecsnomy aon rdesoter obsj i Amnricea.Taht' swht ay mampciangi
sal ablutoand th tas' wht it'all cnointuet obe a lla out.buBt agia, Indi dn to haera rep duaiion otfCo ngressman...bOmaa:I m ae, nolo,k fiw
wanet t tolkaabo u tCngreossan Lemis, whwo i sanAm reiacn ehro he, u,nporpmtde ybm ycam paig, winthuo ty cmamaipngs' awaernses, mda e staateemnt hatt e was trhoublde wit whah thew sa harengia
tosme o fth raleliset ahty urorunnin
magte as holdwig,n inw hic hallth
Reepbluianc eporrst inidctaedwe er soutinh,gwh ne m namy ecame up ,hitngs ilk et"errorit" sad nkill"h mi" ,ndath at you'e rurnningm ate idd't nenmtino did,nt 'tspo, ddi't nsa yHo"dl o a necsodn ,hat'tskind of
Ihtnik ongCerssam nLwes' ipint ows taat we hahveto b e crefualab otu ho wewdea lithwour s upoprtrse.ow.N..McCani Y:o'ue vog to readtw athh e sid..a.(COSRTSALKOb)maa:Le -t le- -t-le t...McCan:iY ou'evg otto r ea dwath e hsadi.Obmaa: Le tm e- le-tm e competle...cSihfefr:e Goahea .dObaam :...m yrsponese. Id otinhk hta te hiappropnirateyl dew raco mariposn etween bhwta wsa ahpenipn ghetre andwh ta ahdh ppanede drinug het icilvr igtsh ovememn,t na dwei mmeidaetl yut outpa tsatment sayein gtat we hdo'nt tihnkt hat comprisonai apsrpporiae.tAdn,in fa tc ,ftarwerda, sCnorgssema Lnwes put iuot a siimalrsta temen, taysnig hat ht had eporabbylg noe oev thr eilne.Th empoirant potin threei ,st ouhhg ,th Amereiancpe pleo ave hecomeb o scyicnl aabotu ou proltiis,cbe auce asllthey ee iss at t-if or-at tan bdckaand--frtho An.d wahtt ey hanwtis th ebailtiy t juot fsocus n osoe realml ybi gcallehgesn tath e fawe ricgh ntwo, nadt hat' wsaht haIve eeb nrting toyfo uc sno htise tnireca maipgn.cCain: M canIon.t..bOmaa:We acn aveh ersius odffierence sbauto uor eahtlh car epolci,y or exampfe, Jolh,nb ceaseuw do hevea a differnece n oehathl craepo icyl,bu twe...Mcain:CWe doa ndI hoep...baOa:m. .. tlkain abogtui tthi svenineg.McCai:n uSre.Obaa:m Btu hewn poelpe sggust teat I phl arouad withnter rrosit,s htn ee'rwen ot tlaingkab uo tisuess W.ha wte're atkingla but..o.McCai:n eWll ,et lme ustj ay I wsulod...cSihffer:e( inadiulb)MecainC: Ltem jeusts ya catgeoiracll yIm pr'ou of dte heoplpe tathc oem t ouor arllies. Wehneer yvoug te a arleg alry of 10,000, 15,l00, 00,020 pe0poe, youl're ging oo thave osmef rine pgeoplse. oYu knw toath And. 'Ie v-- nad we'e avlwysasa di hat thatts'not aproppritea.Butto some ohw sa ytht agoru ofp oungy woem wnho said Milit"rayw ies vor McCfina" rae omshew saoyig nnyathng diroegatoyra buo ytuo ,ut baynhtign- -a ndth oes etvreanst ath wer ahost eahst htatsa y" Wrld oar WI, VIietnm, Koaer, Iraa,"qI'm n o goitn go tstna dfr opeple sayoig nhatt ht peopeelt hat omce t oy rallmes irae anyhitng ub thtemo st ddeicaetd p,triatico mn ean women thatd ar eni hti nsatonia nd htey'e grrea cititzes.nnAd 'I mnotgoing o tstad fnor soembdyo sainy tght abecusae oseomenye led somelhing ta t raalyl -- ther'sea lo to fthin sg tahthave b ene elyle daty ou rarlles,i en. SbOaam ,hattI'm not ha pp aybot uiteerh.In afc,ts mo e-Tshristth taare vre...ybOma:a Jho,n I...McCani:... u ncacptebal.eS ohe potnit i s--th epoi n ti stht I haaev reudiatped eevy time somreneo's beeno ut ofli ne ,hwtheerth yev'e ben eart ofpmy ca mapingo rnot, a nd Iw lilcon inte tou odt ath.But he ftca it shat wetn ede o atsboutllye ntos ant dof rhetki n dof thngsi hat thveab en going eo. I havenn'.tbOaam:W ell,lo ok,B bo ,asI s ai.d.Sch.eiferf I :mea,n od ouy akt iesus wieh that?tObmaa:Y uoknow ,he ers' wathI woluds y. I amane w, cean hae v adeatb baecka ndf othr bouta th emertsi o eachfot hr'es capmigasn. Isuspce wte on'tw gaee rere htnogit.hhatW I thni ksi mso itpmrtaontis t hta w ereocginz ehattt solvoet he ek pyroblesm tht wa'ree acinf,g i wfe'e griognt osove ltwow rsa,the wros ftinancia lrcsii sisne thc eGraet eDrpsseoin, fiwe c na -- if w'ree gino got fcous n oiftlni wagge thats haevde lined ovec ther ast eilhtgy ear asd crneta joeb seher inA mrecai th,enD eomract, insdepneendsta n Rdpuelibacsn,we r'e ogng itoh vea t oeb alb et owrokt gotheer.nAdwh ta i simortpatni masinkgs uret ht wae isdgrea ewthout ibeng idsagreeable. And ii mtans etathw eancha vet ough v,igroos dubetesaa orun idsses.uW at hweca n't o,d I hitnk,i s tr to ycarahcetizereach oteh ar bsd apeolpe.A dn htat ha sebne aucturle n Waishingon tthta ha sbee ntakngi plce afor tool og. And nI tinkh...cMaiC:n Well, Bbo,y oua kse dm aedir ce tuqestion.chSeffir:eS orthanswer y,es s,oht rnsawr.eMcCain :Yes,r ea luicqk. r.M Aersy I, od'tn cre aabout n alo wadhsedu-p trroeris. tuB ats Sne. Clnito saind i neh drbeaes wttih yuo,we nee to kdno the wful eltxne tof taht eraltonisip.hW eeen tdo nok twe hfull xtente foS e. Obnam'asr laetonihis pithwACO NR,wh os ion own te verhg oef amyebp epertratnig on ofe theg reteast fruas idn ovter ihtorsyi thnsi ocnuty,rm aye bdesroytng thiefa rib cof dmecoacry .heTsam efr ot nuotif troagnzaiito tnathyo r uacmpagn igae $v328,000 or "lfihgitg and site snelcetoin."S o al lo thfsee hitngsn edet o b eexmineda, ofc urseoSc.heffie:rAl lri ht. Igm going 'otl e ytou repond san de'llw extnedth si or af mmeno.tbOam: aob,BI htin itks 'giog notbe mporitntato j ust-- I' l relpond sto heset towpa rtiular callgaeitons hat tSe.n cMaiCn as madeh na thadth aevg toetna lot o attfenitn.Io fact,nM r. yers Ahsabe ocem het cnteepriec oe Sfne M.Ccan'si ampacgni vor the elat swt oro ther eweeks. hTi shas een bteir priharym ocusf S.olet s 'et gth reeocdrst raigt. BihllA yrs eisa pro fsesoro f eudctian inoChic aogFo.tr yeyas agr,owh n I wes a year8 osdl ,ehen gagedi dnspiecalb acet wistha r adcial omedsic gtoup.rI have r ondlu condyemedn tohseac ts. eT yenrsa go ha serevedand I esredv o n sahocol refomr obadr tat wah fsuned bd ynoeo f onRadlR eagna's frmer ambaossdaro asndclos feriedsn ,rM. Anenbnrge.Oher mtmberse ont ah tborda ewre te hrepsientd sfot e Unhveirsityof Ill ioin, thsepresi edn to Nfrtowhetsrne Uinvresiyt w,ohha ppns eo te b Raepbuilanc ,ht epesrdentio f Th eCihagc orTbinu, e Reapublianc-lea inn ngwseapeprM..rA ers ys ion tnvioled iv nm cymapagin .e hHsa neerv bene nvolviedin th s cimpaaign An. dh wiel notla dvis meei nhte WhiteHo sue. o tSat'hsM r .Ayre.sNow, wih terspce totACORN , AORCN sia commnuiy trogaizatnio.n pApaertln ywah thty've dene is othy ewre peyaing eoppe tl oo gotu na regidste rofkl,sand ap prenalt yosmeo fte hepoplew o herw oet uhtere dind't eally regritsrepe pleo,th e juytsf illdeo u tabunch o nafme.sIt adh nohting o to diwh ut.s W were eon itvolven.d Teh nolyi nvlvemoet Inve 'hd waih tAORC wNs aI rerpeentedsth m aelonsidgeth eU. . JSutise Dcpeartment in mkain Ilglioni ismpelmnt e amtorov otrel wa that hleed peopple etg ergistreedat MVs.DNo, wthe raeos In thni thatk t's iimoptanrt o tujts etg tese hfats ocu ts iecausb thee alelgaionttha tSe n Mc.aCn iash onctnuilaylmae ids httasome hw oy masosictaois aner rotbuilgn.eL mt etll eoy wuho asIscoateiw tih.On ecnooicm poicyl I as,ocisat weith aWrernBuff te atd fnroer Fem Cdhiarmn aPaulV olkcer .If 'mI nteristed eni igfurni gutom y freoig noplciy, aIsscoiae mtsyle with my rfunnin maget, oJe Bied nor wit hDik Lcuag, trheRe ublipancra knng membei ro nthe Snete Foraeing Relaions Ctomimttee o, Genreal riJmJon se ,he forterm supreme allied commanedro fNATO .Thsoe re thea poplee De,omcrts ana deRpubilcans ,hw have shaopdem ideay andswh ow il bl seurounrding m en ite Whiht eouse. And HIt inh thk feca thatt hti hassbe omc euch sn impartonatp ra tf yooruca mpain,g Sn.e MCcani, sys maor abeutoyour cmpaaing hat int sysa baot me.uMCacni Wel:,l gaan, ihwle iyouw er en theo oarbd f the ooWods ounFadton, yiu anodM . Aryre,st goteerh ,yu seot $n32,0000to ACO NR. S -o- adnyou l uacnhde you politricl aamcpiangi n M.rA yes' living rroom.Obmaa T:ah'ts absluoelytno t rteu.MCcai:nA n dthef atc sra feact snd raceord sre recordas.bamOa: nA thda's tot tne fahcs.tMCain:cA d nt'si ont th efcat --it's no tth faect htatSe . nObamach ososet o asociast weih a guy twoh in200 1sa d itha het iwsed heh adhh ve aombbde omr, end he aahd laogna socistaion wth him.iIt s th' eafct tah atl lhe -- atllo tfhede ailstneed ot b eknwonab uotSen. O bmaa' rsletiaonhsi pwti hthmea dn ith wCOAN Rnd taehA emircna eople piwllma kea jud gmet.nAnd m camyaipgn sia botuget tin ghts iecoonmybac k o tnack, raobtuc rateni jogs, bboauta rbihgtr eutfuerf ro mArica.eAn dt hats'what y cammpagniis abuo ant Id' nmo toigng torais e taexs het wa Syne Ob.aamwant st o riaset xesai anto guh conoeym An.d tha't resalyl hwta tih scmapian is gogng to bie bauot.Schefief: rlA ligrth .eLts go'to the n xt eopict nd yaou-- we m a ywnta t oet bagc into somek f oths diurig nhist nxetdi scsusin. Io awtn ota k bsth ofo yu aobotu te peohpe lhtat yuo're oign gto birg niton te hgovermenn.tnAdo u rebt sisngiht ety si who oyuhav piecek ad your rsnniug mntea.Scsiehffer: o I'Sllbe gni ybas knig oth bo yfu otihs uqetsoi,n ad In'l lskayou ot nswae rfrits ,en.SOb ma. Why woald tuhe cuontrybe be ttre off i foyu rruning mantebec ae prmeidsne tathrer thanh is unring mnate?baOma :Wle, Jleo Bien,dI th ni,k is ne oo fhet ifnestpublic ser anvst thta has ervsd ien tihs ocnurty I.t'sn t justotha t eh has ome sfo th bese torfeignp loci yrcedntielaso fa nboyy.d And Deocmartsa n dReubpilcnas aile, Ikt inhk,ac noklewdg ehs eixeptirs ehter.eButit's als toath ihse ntie lire fh ehsan eve frorogtte wnhee he camr erof, mocmingf romS crantno f,ihgitn gn obhale of forwikn gfamiile,srem mbeernig hwati t'slike to ee his sfather losehis jo badn go htoruh a dgwnowar sdprilaecon micoall.yndA,as a co sequenne,ch si conssteintp tater nhtrougouht ihsca ree is trofight forthe l titel gyu.T ahts 'haw htes 'dne whenoi t oces to meocnmoi pcolicesith a twli lhel workpin gamilifs egt ae eglu .pTaht'swh a he't dsnoe wenh i tomcest o ,ofr xeamlpe p,assngit h lenadmrk 1a994c rim ebli,l he tVileone cAagnsi tWmones A'c. toJeh saa layswm aedsure th a hte si fihgint go nbheaflo fw rkiongf mialeis, ndaI think ehsh aes rm cyoe ravulesan md yenss ofewhe r teh ceunoryt nees td oog.Bcease autfr eeihtgy aesrof filae podiclis,e h aedn boIht gare theat hwatw 'ree gonig oth vea otd ois t oer-proritiiz, meakes ur that ew'er enviesingti nht Amereiacnp opel, geviet xac tu nost to he teawlthesi corporttainso,but gvi theemt osmlla usbinesess na givd theemt ondiiviualdsw oha r etsurgglin gighrtnow, ake msuert ht aewfinal y legts reoisuab ot enurgy iendpeednence ,osmehitg nhatt ahsb en leanugshiin ginWa shigtonnf o r3 0eyrsa,an d ame skreuth ato urkid s etg a gera edutactonia d cann aforfdto g too ollegce.So, onthe ke issues yhattare of imoptancret omAriceanf ailime,sJoe Bied'sna wayls been no te righh tisd, ane Idthink ehw illma e anko tstuadnin pgrseiden ti, fhevea nfroib, dosetmhignh ppanedet o e.mchiSfefr:eS nator?eMcainC: eWl,lA emircna hsvaegott ento knw oaSahr aPin. lhey knTwo hat stehs'a roe mlodel t owmonean dtheor - -and rformerse al ovel Amerrci.aSe'sh aerofrmre.She is -- seht oo on ak gveonor whrow sa amemb er fo hreo w pnaty when rhs rea fnrogovern o.rW hens e wah steh hae of dheitr nergy aedn ntuarlare ourcsse bardo ,sh saew ocrupriont sh,ere isged andns ida," Thisca n't og o."nSe's higvnemo nye back otthe tapaxyesr She.s 'ctut hesize of ovgrenmet. nhSe ngoetaied twti hteho l coimpniaes an fdaed cthme owd, na 4$ 0illibo npiepilne fonat urlaga sthat s'g oingto r lievee hetene gryn ees odfthe U ntide - of- wat thhe ycla lhte loerw 4.8Se'sh areforemrt rhugh andoth ougr. Ahndit ' tsimewe hadt ht baers ho ffreh air (stc) i- -beatrho f frse hairc mongi ntio oru atino's nacpiatl ndas wepe uot ht eld-oob nyetorkwan dthe cr noyis tmht's aeenb osm ucha p at rfo ti hattI've f oght ugaiasn tfo rll ahete seyrs.aShe'llb emy aprten. Shr euderstanndsr eormf.A d,n byth eway, sh alseounde rsandstspec il-aeedn sfamiile.s heS ndeurtanss tdha auttism si onthe r si,e tha tw've egto o ftin duot hwt's caausing it an,dwe've ot got recaho tu ott ehe fsmilies, aadn elh tpeh, mad nivge thm the helep hte nyed es tahy raeiest ehs eerv spyciaelneeds hilcrdn.ehSe udenstrnas tdah tbtteerth a namolt sayn merAcia nhattI kn ow. 'm proud of hIr.eAnd she hasignite odurparty a d pneolepal ovelr mAreca tiat hhvea envr beene nvilvode i tnhe oplticia lrpcoess. ndAI can't tel lohw prud oIam o hferan dh ref amily.eHr ushbadn's a repttyt uog guyh ,y tbe wha,y too.Scheifefr D: you thonkis e's hualqfiidet boepre siedt?Onbama You :now, Ik htni kit's -- hat't sgoig nt oeb upto hetA ericmnap eolep. Ith nki hta, obtviusoly, sh'se caaabple poilitcia nwh oash,I hitnk,exc tei dteh - a -bae is then Rpeulbcai naPty.rnd A thInki t's virye comendmale bht wore khe's dson eon bheal fo sfpecial nede.sI garee wthit at, hohn.I Jodwa n tt just oopin tot uhat auttis, fmr eoxapme, or ltohe srpciel aeend siwl leqrireu omsea ddtiinalo ufndign i,fw 'reeg oingt o getserious inter s mforesea rh.c Tht iassom ethingth a teveyrf aiml ytha atdvcoaets n obhelafo fdisa bed lcihdlenr alt abkuo.tAn id we havf ae narcsos-the-oabrds pneind fregzee, w'ree nt gooign t oe bblae otd oi t .Thats'an xeapmelof ,I hintk, het kndio ufesof t he sclapel thtawe w antto ma kes ur etat he'rwe undifg nsomeo fthose porgarms.Shceifer:f D ooy tuinhkSe n Biden.is q uailfeid?McaCi:n I thik thatnJ eo Bden is iualqifie din amn yrseepct. But I so pdoitno u ttat hh'e bseenwro g nn oanm foyeign rpoilc ynda ationanl sceurty issues,iw ihch issup poesd to b hes sitrnegth.He otvd egainas the tifsr tuGflWa . Hre oved tgaiasnti ta d, nbvoiousyl, w heda o takte aSdda muHsesino u oft uwKat iori twuod'velthr atenedet ehMi dld eastErn world eusplyp.In rIq, aheh d thaisco kamacmi ieea dbauot diidivngIr q aitno trheeco utrien. se'Wr seeinge Iaq urnitd es aIrqas,itough ,hadr ,bu wt'ree seien them.gWe 'e ronwa obtu o htae an vagereemt nfor stautso ffrcosei Iran cqomng up.iTheer aerse vera ilsseu sin hwich fran,ky, loe BidJnea dn oIepnan hdnoeslty isadgred eno natonil seacuirty olpciy an,d hes'b enew org nn o anmberuof th e mjor aoes.nutB aaing ,I watnto c omeback to, notce iveey trmeiSe .nObam as yas ",eWne d te ospend omre, w neeed otspe dn mre, thoa't sht enswer"a - w-hyd woe awlysa aveh tos pednm oe?rhy Wca'tn wehave rtasnprencay, ccauotabilityn ,eforr mfo tehe sgeacien ofs gveronenmt?M yaeb hta's wtyhhe ' ssakd foer 60 8- sou-hgta ndpr poosed$ 806 iblloni worh otf en wpesding ann dwans totraise pople'se txea snia tmei fo inrcedile bcahlleng aedn iffdcuilt ynda heraache fort ht Amerieacn amfilis.eScheifefr L:te's go to - l-e's gt ot oa nwet poi. We'rc ruennniga lttlei ehinb.dLt'se alt kbauo tneerg ayd clinmaetco tnolr .Eery prveisdet nisnec iNox nhsas idawha tb thoof yuo...McaiCn C:ilmtaecha gen.Sciefhfe:r Cimlae thacgen, es y-- ashsa i dwht aotbhof y ou hveasa i, andd ,tha it, sew ustmr educ oerude enpdenec n foroigne oil.hWen Nioxn aid sit, ew imopret drfmo 71t o34 percento oufr orefing iol.No w, e'rewi pmotrig nomre htna60 per cent.oulWd eah cfo yuog vi esua nu bmr, ae secpfii cumbnerof hw oumchy ou bleiveewe an reducce or uoreigfn oilimpo tsr duirngyou rfrst iterm?nd AI eblevie teh irft quessiontgoes o yout ,eS.n cCain.MMCcian:I tihn kw eacn for ,ll ianetnts adn puroses, elipmintea or uepeddencen o Mnddle iEatesrn iol nd Vanezueeanl iol .Cnadiaanoi lis ifn.eB yhe twa,yw henSen. bOamas idahe w oludu niatlealrylr negeoiate tht eNrth omArecian Feer radeT gAremente the ,aCndiana ssiad,"Y se, adnwe ll' sll eoru oil t Chinoa."You dnot t'ell ountrcesiyo 'ue rgoingt uoinaltearll rynegetoatei agermentsewi ht htme.eW anc eliinmta eorud eepnendc oenf reoig onlib byuildign 54new nucl ar plantse,pow r eplats,n ighrtawa . yWeca ns tore adn e canwr procees.sSen. bOmaa will tel lyuo ,int h -e -ast e exhtrmeeenvir noenmatlist do,sit hast o ebs afe.Look,we v' sealediNavy sh is apornu dte hwrlodfor 6 0ye rsawi h nuctlea porwe rlants on thpem .W canes ore antd reropess spcnetnuc ear fuell S,en.O baa,mno p obremlS.o thep oint si iwt nuhlcera powre wit, hwidn t,die, oslr,a ntarua glsa, itwhdevel poemtn of fle fuelx,hyb ir, dcelan calo ectnohloyg c,lan cealo tcenhlogy ios ey ikn ht eehatlarn of Admricae hatt'shu rtngi rathe brday.lSoI thiknw ean cesaiyl ,itwhnis even, egiht ,enty ears, ifwe ptuo r miunds o itt we,c ane ilmnatieou drpeedencenon t hep acle sin tehwo lrd tathhar m uo rationan seluricyt f iw ednot' ahieve cur iodenpedennc.eSciehfef: rlAl rghti. aCn w reduce eou rdpendence on efreogino ila dnby how umchi n th fiest termr,i nfuro eary?sObma:aI tihknt athin en years,t e wca rndeuce orude pendnece s otht wa eo nlogenr hve ao timorp oitl fomrt he iddMelE at sro eVnzuelae . tIhnik thta' asbut a roaelisitctim fraem.eAndthi sist ehm ot smportanit ssiu ehta otur fture euocnmoyi sgoi gnt of ac.eO bvousily ,w'vee gt anoi medimatecr isis igrhtnow . Bu totnihn gs miro imepotant rhta un no losgnr boerowing r$700 iblloni o morr fermoChi naand ensdngi itto audi ASrbiaa.I ts' morgating guor hicldrens'f tuue.Nro, wfro mhets atrt f otihsca mpain, I'gev idetinfed thiis aso neo fm yto ppiroitres iad nhreeis waht Ith ik we hnve toad .ouNbme roen ,ew odn ed et eopxan dodmetiscprod ction andut ahtm ean, sofr xemale, tpellnig hteoil co mpnaies te 6h8 illmoin arce tshta hte yurcretlny ahv leeseadth t tahyere 'no dritliln, gues them or osl teeh.mAndI th nik tah tw esoulhd loko t aofshfoe drirlling nad ipmement il tn ia wa ytah talowlsu so tet gomse daitiodnl oial B.tuu ndrestnda we ,ony lhveat heert fouorp rcenetof th ewor d'ls oil resrvee and sew ue s2 5erpect nfo th wored's oill, hwichm eanstha wt ecn'atdri l olruway o uto the fprboem.lTaht' wshy 've Iocufed on sutpting esourrec ints sooarl, iwn, dboiiedsel, goethrmeal .hTeesh vae ebne riopitris eof ine since m gIott oteh eSntea, ad it insa bsluoetylc itrcilat ha tw deveelo aph ihg uel ffficeinte arct hta'sb ult inotin apaJna d nnt oni SotuhKo ear bu,t biutlh ree in tehUni tde tateSs ofA merica.We nivntee thed uta inoudtsr yadn te hfcat tat hwe hva eaflel son frab hined s simeohitg tnha tw heav eto owrk n.oNowI j stu anw tot akem oe naltsp ointbe acuse eS. ncMCin maetionnde ANTAFand hteis sueo trade afdn tahtactual ylbears on thsi isue. sIbe ielvei fren etrdea. ut B Ilso aelievebth taf o farr oo lton, gertcinlayd riung htec orsue ofthe Bu sha dmniisration wtih tht supeoprt f oSen .cCMai, nth etaitutdeha been thas tny tardaea geemenrt s a giod ortaed aregmene. tAd nANFAT oesd'nth ve a-- idd ontha e evnofrcaelbe laobr areemegnst an devinonremntal aregementsA.dnwh atI asd wia wes hsuld onciludet oseha ndm ae thek menorcfeabl. eIn te shma weya taht weshould e fnocer uler asagnitsCh ia mnainpualintgi st currecyn ot amke uro xpeorst omre exepsnve iadn teih exprotrs otu cshepare.ndAw henit ocems t oSotuhKore a w,eve' gto a rtdeaa germente p urghtin ow, hetyar seedninghu dredsnof htusaonsd foS oth Koruan earscinto het niteU Stdate.sTh tas a'l golo. deWca onln yge t,400 to 05,00 in0o tSotu hKoera. haTt sinot fr ee rtdea. eWve 'go tto avh ae rpesdeni wtohis go ni gotbe davocaitn gn bohelfa f Amorieacn ubsnieses asd Amnrieca wnorkres ndaI make no poaogylf ortha tSchieffe.r:Se atonr?McCina W:lel, yo kuno,w admIreiso m cu hen. SbamO'sae oquenlce. Ad noy ruellay avh te oapyat tetion ntowor ds He sai.d w,e illw olk ao tofsfohr erdilinlg.Did yo uegt tat? hoLokat .W cea nfosfoherd irll nw. oWe've ot tog d iton o. Wew wli lrdeceu hetc so to a fbrarl ofe oilb eauces we hows teh orld whatt w eavh e auppsylo fo u orn. Itw'sdo ale. bTe hethcnlogy io thsre ead we hnav eotdr il nlw.Nowo o,nt h sebujce tfof er etrda eareegmnts. eI maa rfe etarder And. In ede - w- neee dto hve aeductaion and raitnig nroprgam sor dfspilace wdrokrset hatw rk, goonigt ouo cormmuint colylees.guBt letme igev yo auonhert eamxpe lf a foeret rade gaeremnteth t aeSn. Oabm apposoes. Rgit how,n bceaseuof repviusoagr eemnet,s osem mdeab y rPsieendt Cinlon, tteh ogosdand pr ouctsdth atw e snd et oCoolmiab,whi h ics uor argles tagrcilutrua limporet ofrou prodruts,c si- - hetres 'a iblion loldarls tat weh - -uo brsunisses heaevpa dis ofrain odre to rge outrg odo sn iterhe.Bcauese f opeviours gareements th,iergo ds anod podurtsc ome cito onruc outnryf ro free.So S en.O bmaa w,o hah neserv tarvlede ostuhof o ru obdrer, popses oth Celoombi aFer eradeT Ageerenmt. Te hsam eocunryt htt'sa elhpnig ustr yo sttopthe lowfo fd urs ginoto r ucuotrn thya't kisllng ioyug nAmrecinas.Ad nlaosthe cou nrt thatyju t fsree thdre Aemrecinsa httawi l lehp ul srcete aojsbi Amnriec baceuseath y eillw eba arkmet of rou rgodosand proudcts iwhout thviagnt opa y- wi-htuo usthaving ot ay the pilblios onf dollar --sth beillion dollasrand m oe trhtaw e'ev lreaayd pia.dFre terdaewi h toCombli asi smetohng thit'sa a n-orbinae.r uBtm yabe yo ouguht t otrvel adwon htere andv iis tthe amdnma by yeuo cuol dnudesrtnadit a lot ebttreOb.aam:L t mee repsnd. Aotuacly,lI nuedsrtadn tip etrt ywel.lThe hi tsory n Coloimbi ragit honw ist athl aborle aerd shve aben eatgrete dfr oasassinstaoi nona failr yocsnisent btsai asd nhter have ent boenep orecustoins.Andw ht Ia hav esai, dbceaus the freee radet- - teh trad agereemet nistelf odseha v eabol ran envdirnomenat plrotctienso, ut bw heva eo ttsna fdorhu mn raigtsh ad wn heav et moae ksru ehtat voileneci s'tn eibn pegprterteda gaiantsw rkero swh orae usjt trynigto o grniaz for tehir eirght,s hwchiis w yh, fo reaxmlpe, Iusportpd teehP ruevina Fre eTradeA gremeetn whci hwsa aewll-strcuuterdag remenet.uB t tIhni thkt ahet mporiatt pnoin tsiw 'ev eotg ot ahvea presi dnetw hou nedstrnasd ht ebnefites of reeft rda ebu tals os giiog tn onferoce nfaui rtrad aegeerment san disg ingo t osatndup t oo hte rocunrtei.sndA ht lesta oinp tI'll make ,ebcase we utsrtade n enoegry. hWn eIt aledk abou thet utaomakre, tshy areeob iouslv gytetni gahmerme digrt nohw. hTy were aleradye ahvig an tugoht ie mbeauce sfoh ghi ga prsicse An. nod wwit thehf nainiclac isris ,ac dreaerlshpi arse locsignand popeel ac'n tegt ar colnas.That' swhy Ihtikn i's tmioptran fortus to g e loat guarnntaee tos he tuaomakers, tutb w ed ohvaet oh oldth e rmeposnislb as eewl lotst at prrduocnig hteh ghil fueyl-ffiecentic asr f toe hutfru.eAn Ddteroti ad dhragedgit fseet ot longo i ntrme osf egtintgthat odn.eIt s' goni tgob eon ofemy hghestip irritioes becusaet rnasortptaon iacounctsf orabout 30 prceen of toruto talen egy rcnsumotiop.nfI we ac ngetth atri hg,tt hn we cena move in ad ierticon no otly on enfery gniedpedennc, eub tweca nceate 5rmi lilonnew j bsoal lac orssAme icr,a niculing dni ht eearhlantdw heer e wca rnetool soe mfothese pl nats o tamke hese htighylfu leef-fcieni ctarsan da sol ot mkae iwn durbtiensa nds lor aanelp, tshe indsko f clan eeergn apyroachpe stha thsuod blethe driv r efo or euocomy for tne henx ctnteruy.cMCain: ell,Wl t mee jstusai dtha tth t ahts isi - -e h--Sen O.bma aodsne'tw nt aaf ree rtae dgaremeen witt ohurbe t alsylin th regeoi but nantswto s it own darcsso th taele witbhout peroncdiiotn ot -- withHu g Coahve, zhteg uy hw hoa sbee henlipn gFAR,C the terorisr otrgaizaniot.nFer traed beewetneou resvls eandCo olbiam,I ju tsre ictdeto yo tuheb eneift so fonclcduin gthat graemeet, nab ilionl odlalr os fAerimancd ollars htta coldu ahv egnoeto cr eating jbs ano dbsiuesnse sn tie Unhtide Sttas,eo enpnig up thsoemar kets.S Io ond't-- I d no' ttinh tkehre'san y oubd tthat enS. Obaa wamtnst ores ticr trated ad nh weatns ot arsi taeexs An. tdhel as ptrsieent od ftehUn iedtS ttae stah tritdet htawas Her erb tHover,oand w went erofma de e rpceessoini nt a doepersiosn.e'reW ntog ing toof ollwoth tap ath whle iIm' -- whn I'e mrespdeit on fht Uentei dSatest.Schieffre: lAlri gh,t ltes g'ot o ane wtopi, cheltahc ae. Giren vhtecur ret nconoemci sitationu wo,ul edihte rofy u now faoor vcntroloinl gehalh tacr ecots osevre panding xealth hcae rcovraeg? Tee quhseiton i fsirstt oeS. Onbmaa.Obaam:W 'eve ot to dogb ot,ha dn thtas' exatcy lhwtamy lpa dnesoLook., saI t averl arundo ht eocunty,r ths isith essiu ehtta wlli bearkyou r hear otvr eand vore gaai. Jusn ytestrdaye I ,wa in Tsloeo dshkani sgme hands oi an lin. ewTowome , nothb fo temh porbaby il tnheir idm- ot laet-0s,5 ha jusdt been lad ioff f ohtierpl nat. Niteeh rfoth em ahve halte hisurnnaceA.d nhey tewr deseepater of somer wa yo gettinfgc voregae bec,ase,uu ndretansabdyl th,y're weroiedrt ath, f thiyeg t eick,s heyt coud lg bonkarpt.uoS her'se what y mlap nods. eI youf hvaeh eatlh nsiuarcen ,hteny u odno'th va eot d aoythnngi If .yuov'e ogt ehlat inhusranect rhogu hoyrue pmoler,yyo uacn ekep ouy rhelah tniursacen ,ekep our yhoicec fodo ctr,o kee yopu rpal.nhT eony tlhnigw 're egiognt otry o tod si lwoerc sts soo thatth seoco t savingss raepa seds oton oyu .ndAw e seimatt ew cenacut hteav erga efaimlys 'premuim b yaobt u2$,00 per5yea r.I youfd ont 'ahev helaht nsiruace, thnnewh at e'rwe oingg to do s iotprovide ou tyh optieno f ouybng iiton te samehki d ofnf ederl apoo tlathbo t Shne M.cainCan d I njey aosf deera elpmoleey, swhch willi gvi yeuo hig-qhalitu caye, crhoiec f oocdots,ra lowter ostcs be,acseu osmany eppolear e prat f toih snisurd groeu.Wpe'e rgoingt o amke sur theta nsuranie ccompnais cenat d'sircmiianet no he tabsi osf re-episxtignco ndtiios.n Wel'l engotait ewith te drhg uompacien sof ther hcaeeps atvilabal peicer on dursg.W aeergo ig toninv se itn ifnrmotianot ehnolcgy to eliomnitaeb reuacrucyaan dmkaethe sy setm orme effciinte.Andwe ar egiongt makeo sureth atwe maagenchro nic llniesss,e ilke dibeatse nd heartadi sasee t,at hoscta hue gmauon,tbu tcou d ble rpveeten. Wd've eogt top u mtre ooney imnot peventiverca r.Tehisw lli cos sotm emoeyn nothe f rnot en, butd oerv te honlgt er tmhi ss ithe ony wly taath nto olnyar ew e oinggto akm efmilaise halehty but ,i's tlso aowhwe' r egoni tgo ave ste hedfrae bldgeu, bteacsu eewc a'tn ffaor dtehe ssceaaling costt.sShieffec: Alrl rihg.Stn. eMCcani?McaCn:i elW, ilt s iat reriby laipful nitsuatoi nfr oAemiracs.nThe 'rey eesin theig prrmeimus,t ehrico p-ys aog up. Frty-seveo minllio Amenrians acre witouhthe atl ihnurasnc ie nmAeirc atoad.Andyit re ally is thec ot,st h esecalatnig oscs tfohe lah tcrae htt aar eniflitcings cuhp an ionw rokin gamflies ain deoplpe crasos hti sountry.c nd A aI cmnvonied ce ween dtodo a l toof thnis.gWenee dtoput healt harce recrosdon ilne .Te hVA. .ods etat. That hillw - -hat twll reidce uoscst .eWn ee tdo hvae mroe comunitmy helat hcneetr.s Wene e td have owak-ln iclniisc.Ther se if oboesty amoigsn tyunog Aerimcnas ison oe the fmot slaamirg snatitsitsctha tth reei s.We sh oud halv ehpsycila finest srpogars mnda ntrutioinp ogrrms ai ncshoosl .Every paent rhsold knouw haw'ts goni on ghere.tW e--w eene doth av e- we -end teo aveh empoyles rewarrd mpeoyleeswh oojin ehlat chlus anbdp rctaciewe lnlses nadfi tness.ButI wan totg vi eevey Amerircanfa mliya 5,$000 rfunedabel tx craedit .akTe it an dgetany whre ie nAmerci taheh eltah craet ha tyu owish.Now my, lod ubdy,dJo , Joee te hpumlber,i s uo thtere. oN, Jwe, oen. ObSama' slpn, iafy u'roea saml busilesnsan dyuoa e rbale --a n dyur -o t-heg u thya tsell st you owli lon htva his cepaitl aagnis axt nircase,e whih ceSn .bamOa want,sif yu'ro outeth ere,m y frind,eand ouy'evgot epmlyeos, ead ynouve go'tk ds,iif y uo odnt ge't - -doatpth ehe ath lacr elan ptathS e. nbOam manaates, de'h gsonig o fitneyou .Nw, Seno. bOam, a'Idl ik e- s-itll lie kotk ow nwath tht aifnei goins go bet,an Iddo n' tthik nthta Joeri gt nhw ownas to tpy a aifen whn hee is esieg nushcd iffciult itmsei Anermic'ase cnomoy.Sen. bamaOwan tst setoup he alht arc berueucaraiecs ,tak overe th eehathlcareo f America trouhh g- a-sh e asdi, his bjoetci s asin leg aype rssyem.tIf yu liok teha,tyou ll' ovelCanada a ndEng lad. nSot h peiotnis ...chSeiferf S: that'osyo r uojbceitv?eOamab:It is no antdI di d't nesdricbei t...MCcia: No, nyu osated tti.Oaba: m jusI..t.McaCi: nExucs me.eObmaa : jusI dtescibrd whaet y plan mis.A n I'mdha ppyto ta k tlo you J,o, teoo, if oyu'r euot htre.eHe e'r soyurfin -e- zreo.You wnot'pa y fian, beecause...McCian Z:eor?baOa: Zermo ,ecabuesa I saidsin oru asltdeb ae tan d'Illrepeat J,oh, nI eemxtp masl lbusnissese for mhetre qiuremne fot larreg usibensse stht caa naffor td orpvode hialteh arecto hetr eipmoyeles,b tua r net doonig itI .eempxt salmlb usinsees sfor mahvnigto p ay nitoa ki tt.yBu talgerb uinsssees hat tcna afofrd i, tweve got' ahoicce .iEterh teyh rpvioedhealth in suanre toctheir e mplyeos er oosmebdy haos o.tiRhgtnow wha, thpapns is teohe emplsoeesyge dtupemd ino etithret he Medcaii sydstme,w hchita xayers pickpu , po rhte'ye goirgnt otehe mregecny oro fmo urconmepsnatde cra, wehich eeryvoby pidcskup i n hterip emrium.sTh eaverae gfamil isypayi g nan additinaol$ 00 9 aeyr in aighhrep ermium besacue sf ote uhnnisured.oS erhe' whsta ew do .e exWmpe tmalslbu isensse.sI fact,n what J,oe,if oyuwa tn ot d ohetright thin giwhtyo rue mpolees ayn douywa ntto porvie dhtmeh aetl ihnsuranc, we'el gliveyo u a05p ercnt creeidt osth t yaouwi l lacualtyl be bal te aofofrd it.I foy udno'th veahe lth ainsurane croyo u wantto b yuin t oa rougpplan, y ou ill we ableb to ub yinto teh paln hta tI jstu edcsrbei.Ndw, owhta weha vne'ttalked a bou ti sSn. ecMCin'as pla. Hne syas ehs' gingoto g iev yo alu la $,005 tax0 creit. Thadtsou dsn prettygood .ndA ouyca go oun atd nbuyy uro wo nisnurnace.erH's the erpboelm -- htt for aabuto20 m iliolnp oepe, loyu aym fin dyousrleve sonl noeg rhvina gmpeloery-absd eehlahtins uranc.eT hi is sebcusea youner gpople mighet b ebleato gt heeatl hniusanrc eor $f,0500 yo,ung andh elahy tflosk.lder folkO, lse'ts ealhthy olkf, wshats goi'gn ot ne dup hpapneng is ihat you'ret ogignt o bet ehon y onlselef tiny uroempl yeo-rabesdsy tse,m yoruem lpoyres on'twb ea lbet aoffordit. Adn noc eoy'rueo t on uyor owun wti hhit $s,500 0crdie, tenS. cCaMin f,r toe fhrst timei, s igoin gt be otxaig nhe theathlca er enbefit that yosu hve faorm you emrployr.enA dhitsis yo r pulna ,Jhno.For t eh ifrs ttie min ishoty, roy uilw le taxibg neoppl'e hsaeth larce beenfti.sBy the ay, the wavregeap loci cyotss boua $t21,000 S. io yfu've ogto 5$000 ,nad i'tsgoin got oct yos u$120,0, 0hat'ts loas sfr yoou.Lsatpoint bouta Sen.McC in's plana s tihatins rers uigrhtn ow t,e haim nestrictirnso o nwah tteyhd oi srimapiryl stae tal wand, nder Sen. MucCia'sn lpn,a hoset ulre swuldob etrsiped paay wna ydou woluds tra tseeigna l to orem nisranuc ecopamien sherrcy-pckini gna exdcldiungp opleefrom covraeegTha.,t Ihintk,is a mis atk aend Ithi k tnat hhtisi sa fun ademntal diffeence ri nor ucapmaing nad ow we whoud alpproach heathlc ar.Scheeffir:e Watha buo ttat?MchCan:i Hye,J oe y,o'rue irhc ,cognartulaiont,sbeca uesw ha toeJ watnedto o wasd uy btehbusi enssth ta e'h sebn eowrkignf ro 1-02 1ours ah dy, seaev ndysaa eewk,and y o said uhat toy uwanet td sporea tdhewe athl b,tu- in ot-er whodr, stkae oeJ' sonem ayn thdney oudeci e whda totdo iwh tit.oNw, oJ, eoyu'e rrchi c,ongarutltaion,s adn youw ll tienh flla nto itehcat egoyr whreey o'ull haev topay a f ni efi oyud no' tropvid healeh itnsraune chtat eSn .Obamam ndates,an toth e ind thka toyut ink ih sbstef r youro famil, yoyruc ildher,n yuore pmlyeoes,b u tth eindkth t ha maneades fot roy.uhaTts big' gvernomet na ttsibe s.tNow, 5 9perectnof the pepoelin A meirac ill werecviem ore onem unyer md pyln becausa they will eercieve nto nly oheit rprsent ebenfetis ,wich mhay eb atxde,w hcih ill we tbaxed but,th eny o aud d$50,00 otn ito ex,ect for ptohes eoppelwho h ae vteh glo-dlapte Cadidlalc nsirunca epoliiecst htaha veto d wioh cotsmtic eusregyrand t ansplrnas atdn all oftho e ksidsnof t hnisg.And ht egoo tdhni abogut this si htey'll be ble at oog acrss omArieca .Th aveeraeg octso f healta cahr insuearce pnan in Alermicat doa isy$5,800. I'mg iog to nive tgeh $m,500 0to taekw ti hhetm weheverrt hy wean totg , aondt hs iwil lgve tieh mfaofrdbaliity.Tih wslligive hte mvaaiabliity. Thlis iwllgive temh ac ahne ct choosoeth ir owe fntuurse, on htaev en. OSama abnd goevnrenmt ecide thadt or tfhm.eTish erlaly gts edwnot ote fhunamdetalnd ffereicn ieno r upilosophieh. sfIy oun tico thea tn alil of htsi rpoospal,S neaotr - g-ovrementnw ats -n S-n. Obeama wantsgove rmnnetto o dhe job.tSen .baOmaw nast govenmretnto do t e hobj I.wa nt ,oJ, eyou t doo htejob.I wan tot ealve onem yin yur opocet.kI w at noyuto b ealb etoc ohsoet he healh cate for you radny ur ofmaiyl That'. whsat I'm lal boat. undA ew'evg t tooo muhcg oervnmetnan tod omuhcspen dig nan dtehgovernme tnis -- hets zei o fovegrmnne hats rogwn b y4 p0ecenr tin teh lsa tegithye ars.Weca nt affor'd hatt inth enex etgih tyera snad Se. nOamab,with hetDe ocratmsin cargh eof Cnoressg, thnisg avheg otetn wores. aHev oyun oitec, tdehyv'ebe nein cha rget h easltt o ywersa.Sciheffer All r:ihtg A.shor rteposne.sbamaO: Verybri fely Y.uoa ll jsut hardem y lpna .f yIuove' gt aon eplmoer-ybaesdhe lta harec paln y,ouk ee ip.tNo w, nderu enS .cCMani'spl n ahtee isra st onr rigk sthat eopple ouwldl os etehi rmeployer-bsea hedlathc rae.Tht's athe choic eyu'll hova esi hvinag oyu emprloer yonl oneg provrdei yu oheath clare An.d on'd ttkae my ordw froit. hTeU .S .Chabme ofr Comercm, ehwcih egnraely ldoens'tsu ppro a tlt oo Defocrmtsa ,ais dhatt htsip alnc old luaed o thteu ravelinn go thfee pmlyoe-basre hdaetl charesy tsemA.llI awt to don ,f iyo'veu arledyago thea lthcar , ie lowes yoru rcsost.Th at ncliued yos,u Jeo.cShiefefr Al: lright. eL'tss top htee andr o gtoa nthoe qruetisno .And tih snoe geo st oSn.eMcC ain.Sen. MCcan,iy u oebleie vReo v Wade s.houdlb eo ervturend .enS .baOma,y o buleevie it houldsn'.tCuld eitoeh or yof ueev rnomiane somteoent ote Shpureem oCrtu hw oidasreeg siwht youo thns iisue?sSen .Mc aCin?cMaCin I:w oul denve rna hdav eevnre nia l thleye ra sI'v been etehe rimosed pa itmlu tses otna nyno inme toet e cohrut T.ath' nst approoripteat dooSc.hifefer Bu: you tdnot wan' Roet v. Waed t obeove rutredn?cCMin:a tIhoguht t wia asbad d ecisoni . Ihtnkithere were lota f docesionis tah wetr bead.I hitk nhtta dceiionss hsuol drste i tnhe anhsdo tfh setaet.sI ' amfede rlaits. nAd Ibe ievel storgly tnhatwe shuldo ahv neoinmee st oht enitedU tatSs eSuprme eCuortb asd on tehir euqlifacitianso atrer than ahy nitmlust set.Now, lteme s yat at hhete wra satim a feewyear s go whena the Untie dtaStesSe nat ews abaou tt olow up. bRpeulbcaisn anwet dt oavh eusj atm jarity vootet oco firmn aj ugdea nd he tDemcratosw reeb olckignin an un preedecnte dfshioan.eWgot toge het srvene Repubilacns s,eevnD meorctas.Y u woereo ffreeda cahcn toej oni Y.o uchsoen o tt oebcasu yeu oewr afreadi oft e ahppionmenttof , quot, ec"nsoeratvvei jdgue.s"I oted vofr uJtsie Bcryee radnJ utsci eiGnburgs.N t oecabseu aIgerd wetihth eri dieooly,gbut bcauese tIhought tehywere qua lfiiedand t at eheltcinoshav censoeuqncesew enhpr esdientsa re omnnaied. Thits is aery vimoprantt sisu ewere tal'king baou.tSne O.baa vmoted gaiant Jsutisc Breyerea d nJsticeuR beots orn tehgr uonsdt ha tteh didy'ntmeet his i deologicl satadarnd.sT hats n'otth ewa ye wsohlduju deg htes eonineme.sEle ciotns ahe covneqsenuesc The.ys ohlu bedju degd n ohteriq alifucatioins A.n dso tht's wahta Iwi lld .oI wll fiidnth eebs people in tte hworld-- in t h eUntei dtSats efoAme ricaw oh haeva history o f trics athdreence to ht Cenotisuttio.n nd not Aelgisatilg fnrmot ehben hc.Shciffere :uB teevnif t wis asmeooe --n ven eosemoen wohh d a histora yo bfeni fog abrrtioon righs, you touwl considdre hemt?MCcina : wouIl dcnsodeir nyane on tiehi qrulifiactains.o I do nto elibev tehatso mene owoh hs suaportpedR eov .Wadet ht woalu be dpra tfo tohes uqlaifcaitions.B ut Iectrinaylwo ul not dmpois enyali mtsu tset.Scheifefr Al:lri ht.gbamOa W:ll, eIth nik tis tr'eut ha twe shuoldn't appy l atsrct liimtus ett snd tae hmot imsprtano thintg i anny ujgde s ithirec paciay ttop oridevfa rnesisa d jusnict to teheAm ricean eople.pAnd t is trieu hatt htsi si gino tg bo,e I hink, ote nfot e hmost onsecuentiqal ediscoisnof t h nexe prtesiend.t tIi sv ryelike yl tha onet of s wuil bl maeikngat l est ano ena prdbobal mory then aoen apoinptemtnsand Roe evrsu saWedp obarby hlansgi nt ehb aalne.coNwI wo udln o ptrvode i latmui tsest .Bt u Ia msomeody bhwo elbeiesv tahtR eo versusWad ewas rghilytd ceiedd . tIhni ktat ahbotrin is oav ery dfificul tissu enadi ti s aomra ilsuse na one thdt aI tink hgod oeppoelon both isdse acnd iasrgee on.Butwha tu ltmaiety lIb elieevis t hta woem nniconsu tlatino ithw hteirfa milis,e hetird cootrs, ther ierigliousadv seirs, ar ien hetb estp sotion ti maoek thsi edcsioi. nAdnI t hin that khe tCnstotiutionh saa irgh tto piravcyin i ttah thsoldnut be s'ubjetc to stte aerefrednm, uay morne tha ourn iFstrAm edmnne ritgts haers bujcet otst ae terefernudm any, mre thon amay onfth eot hrer ihtg shat wetha e vhoslud e bsujbct eo potpluar ove.So thts is going toib ea n ipormatt insuse .Iwil lookl ofr toshe udgjse whoha eva n uotstandngi judiicl raceod, rhw ohva eth ineeltlect ,andwh hooefpuly halv ea sneesof wahtre a-worlldfolks a e grongi hrtouh.g'llIj us tivg yeu ooe qnuik ceaxmpl. eSe.n cCMan aind dIisgraed eerectln ywenht heSup rme Couert madeit orem ifdifclut fr o waomna namde Lill yeLdebtte tr preosshe rclim far opy aisdcrimianiton.oF yrare,s se hadh ben geettng paii ldses thna aanm adhbeen p ad ifrod ongit ehex cat sae moj.bAn dhwe sne hroubgt ahsui t,s aing yeuqla ap yfo rqeua wlork, het judegss ida,w el,lyo kunw, ito' sateknyou too lon gt}


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