高中英语选修6unit2 Roy's story 全文课文翻译 无错误的

Iwas twelve and, having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my newschool, and when he came back it haddisappeared. The head teacher asked anyone who thought they might knowsomething about the theft to come to him, but instead he he said, and he did so. Wetrusted each other and we could talk about personal matters, things that wereimportant to us, who had always been very close to his father. Our class teacher, Mr White, came andchatted to a group of us that included Roy, and held up a box for us to see  外研版高中英语必修6 罗伊的故事课文原文  Roy's Story  I remember the first time I met Roy, smallamounts of money started disappearing from students&#39, and this morning I went to see him. Roy was out,and I went upstairs to his bedroom to wait for him. It was a cold day and hisjacket was lying on the back of a chair. I put it on and put my hands in thepockets. I could feel a lot of paper notes and I pulled them out.  It looked as if there was about £500 there. I was sosurprised that I just stood there, holding the notes in my hands. At thatmoment, the door swung open, and Roy walked in.;500 lockers. I wondered if the thief was Roy but decided not tosay anything to anyone. I hoped it wasn&#39.  Five years later, Roy and I are still in the sameclass. But just under a year ago.  There were 33 students in my new class, and mostpeople weren't very interested in a shy new boy.These days, Roy and I see each other from time to time, but we're no longer close,&quot. When he reachedthe final line, everyonThere&#39. Roy laughed too, a loud happy laugh.&Popular boy,& I thought to myself. But to our surprise,s coats.&quot, we were told that the money had been stolen. Mr White hadleft the box in a classroom for a few minutes. In his hand he had a wallet—and I knewit wasn't his! My mouth fell open and I just looked at him, I decided to ask Roy about the theft. Roy went bright red.&I'll put it back right now. My name is Daniel. I was the newboy in the class, becoming silentand moody, and our whole family had moved there, Roy's father was knocked over by a car.  Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for a charity. I turned roundand walked out w500. Our family was from the north of England, but my father hadbeen offered a better job in L s &#163.  This weekend, having thought about the situation fora while. Roy was one of the few peoplewho was kind to me. He often invited me to join his particular group, and as aresult, I started getting to know people. Roy and I became good friends. He had always been a clever, hard-working studentbut now he seemed to lose all interest in his work. He started losing friends.  About three months ago, a group of us were playingfootball together after school. Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it.  I really hoped that Roy would explain why he hadbeen stealing. He died afew days later. The family had to move to a much smaller house in order tomanage financially. Rt him, changed completely. It was very successful and by theend of the day, we had made about &#163, and found Roy goingthrough the pockets of people&#39. At the same time,&quot. He was standingin the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke
你可能喜欢&&&&&&& 摘要:语言的学习与应用重在阅读与交流,能读懂、看懂文章并与人交流就是我们能力的表现。在高中英语教学中,阅读因此也变成了教师和学生学习与教学的重中之重。今天就外研社选修六Module3 Roy&s story这一教学案例来探索英语阅读教学中需要注意的问题。要想讲好一节课就得深入了解教材编排的特点、意图及文本折射出的深层次的内涵,大胆取舍与整合才能收到较好的效果。由于讲的是reading部分,所以锻炼学生跳读(skimming)和查读(scanning)的阅读能力就变成了重点,也需要认真思考怎么样设计这节课才能符合新课改的要求。本文就采取了学习、合作、展示、反思的教学模式。
&&&&&&& 关键词:英语教学;教学案例;教师;学生
&&& 一、教学内容分析
&&&&&&& 本模块的话题是&友谊&。朋友在每个学生的人生中起着重要作用,每个学生都会有一些关于友谊的美好回忆和对好朋友的理解与认识,友谊贴近学生生活,能够引起学生的学习兴趣,令他们在快乐中获得知识。?本课时主要是阅读,这一部分提供了本模块的主要阅读语篇,呈现了本模块的大部分词汇和主要语法结构,是本单元学习的重点。文章介绍了我(Daniel)因父亲来伦敦工作而进入了一个新学校,和罗伊(?Roy)?成为好友,五年后活泼乐观的罗伊因父亲死于车祸而发生了彻底的改变,我们友谊变淡,后来罗伊开始偷东西,在这过程中我不断努力帮助他。这对学生如何正确交友、学会珍惜友谊有很大的帮助。
&& 1.知识与技能
&&&&&&& (1)学会用英语常见句型陈述和表达自我观点。(2)学会本模块所要求的重点词汇,短语和句型。如:offer,moody,steal,knock over, go through,having lost all my old friends, I felt shy&the first time/for the first time。(3)掌握阅读中涉及的阅读技巧。
&&& 2.过程与方法
&&&&&&& (1)通过阅读课文做阅读理解题从而掌握阅读理解能力。(2)通过讨论掌握记叙文写作的时间顺序。(3)通过小组讨论的学习活动,体验合作学习的过程和方法,从而培养学生的合作能力。(4)通过发表自己的观点和表演,掌握与人交流和生存能力,建立健康生活理念。
&& 3.态度与价值观
&&&&&&& (1)本节课对我(Daniel)和罗伊(Roy)如何成为好友,这种友谊如何变淡但我依然尽力帮助罗伊进行了描述,进一步增强学生对友谊的理解和珍惜;使学生能够对友谊有一种正确的认识。(2)帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,尤其是朋友之间出现问题该怎么处理。
&&&&&&& 学生是高二年级的学生;学生对友谊话题已经非常熟悉;学生对the first time等句型非常熟悉;通过平时的观察了解发现学生思维活跃,善于和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望达到同学和教师的赞许;学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,但是英语的听读能力还有待于加强;学生对于ppt talking和picture talking的呈现形式感到很好奇。学生希望能够小组活动共同讨论问题,但表达能力还欠缺。
&&&&&&& 本课设计采取任务型阅读的策略,给予学生一定的任务,在完成任务的同时掌握学习方法和阅读技巧。
&&&&&&& 1.怎样分析和抓住文章的中心思想,掌握阅读技巧。2.掌握故事人物和发展。3.怎样帮助同学处理问题。
&&& 1.视频导入,师生互动
&&&&&&& (1)一起欣赏关于友谊之间的同学帮助残疾同学上学感人的故事。教师提出问题,引出话题:What is the topic of this video? Can you tell me the story?
&&&&&&& (2)同学头脑风暴,自由回答。引出故事friends---problems---help out---kind/friendly. 让学生多说,多发挥自己的想象力是重点,教师起启、引导的作用。
&&&&&&& (3)通过这个小故事引出今天的课文Roy&s Story.
&&&&&&& Let us read the text and find out what happened.
&&& 2.快速阅读,理解文章大概信息和作者意图。
&&&&&&& (1)跳读skimming:快速阅读完成match the paragraphs with main ideas.
&&&&&&& (快速阅读鼓励学生运用阅读能力独立思考,让更多的学生参与自主探索)
&Part 1(Para.1-2)&I learnt about Roy and made friends with him.
&Part 2(Para.3)&Unhappy things happened to Roy and he changed.
&Part 3(Para.4-5)&I found Roy stole other students& wallets.
&Part4(Para.6-8)&I found Roy stole the money raised for a charity by accident.
&&&&&&& (2)读后请同学一起回答问题,如有不同意见,其他同学可以帮助修改。让学生自己发现问题。同时也是锻炼学生听的能力。学会对别人进行评价,有自己的思考能力。
&&&&&&& (1)细读scanning :完成一些细节信息。由于是记叙文,比较简单理解。通过这些题学生就可以对文章有了精细的了解。通过阅读学习,最终达到情感升华。
&&&&&&& Time: for the first time
&&&&&&& Roy: He was standing in the ___________of the boys telling a ___________.
&&&&&&& Daniel: My father got a ________job, so we moved to London. I____________all my friends so I felt ________________.
&&&&&&& Result: Roy was___________to me and invited me to __________his group, so we became_____________.
&&&&&&& Time: under a year ago
&&&&&&& Reason&& Roy&s father ________& ________& ________&
&&&&&&& Money&& The family moved ________ a much smaller house.
&&&&&&& Mood&& Roy became ________& ________& ________
&&&&&&& School Work&& Roy ________& ________& ________ in his work
&&&&&&& Friendship&& Roy and his friends, including me, were not _________.
&&&&&&& Time: about three months ago
&&&&&&& (underline the sentences in your book)
&&&&&&& 1.Why did I go back to the cloakroom?
&&&&&&& 2.What did I find Roy doing?
&&&&&&& 3.When small money continued to disappear, what did I do?
&&&&&&& Time: last week
&&&&&&& £500 was lost. This weekend, I __________ his coat and found£500. I was______ surprised _______ I just stood there, __________the notes in my hand&.
&&&&&&&& (精读促使学生运用阅读能力独立思考,让学生了解更多细节全面理解文章。)
&&&&&&& (2)做完之后同桌互相讨论,查找问题。在讨论之中发现问题,解决问题。培养学生的合作学习和讨论的能力。
&&&&&&& (3)学生根据时间顺序,谈论这个时间里发生了什么事情。根据设计题就可以完成故事重现的任务。为之后的讨论想象环节做了铺垫。
&&&& 4.互相讨论,交流心得
&&&&&&& (1)采用讨论交流、小组合作的方式提出探究性问题。给出关键词和句型,利用本课学到的词汇和句型(大屏幕)讨论故事的发展,故事的结局续写。并且可以发挥想象力,大胆地把故事情节表演出来。让学生在实践、合作、交流与探究中达到运用语言技能的目的。
&&&&&&& (2)选择有代表性的几组展示给全体同学。发挥学生的自主创新能力。同时也在考验学生的语言口头表达和随机应变能力。教师给予赞赏性评价。鼓励学生不管遇上什么问题都要大胆表现自己。?
&&&&&&& (3)小组同学发言时,其他同学专心听讲,发现问题,解决问题,给予评价。
&&&&&&& (1)阅读技巧记叙文描写时经常依据时间顺序(time order).
&&&&&&& (2)情感升华朋友遇上问题,要去帮助,做一个友好善良的人。
&&&&&&& (3)利用重点词汇句型变成一首诗歌,总结全课,引起反思。
?&&& 6.Homework(作业巩固)
&&&&&&& 查找文中相关的知识点,词汇短语和句型。
&&&&&&& 通过这节课,教师起了比较好的引导启发作用,带领学生自主学习和发挥想象力。通过采用了任务型阅读和情景教学法,让学生身临其境,在白板上准备了故事发展的彩色配图。学生也通过自己的自主学习和讨论过程完成了对文章的理解和结尾的想象。通过学习了阅读技巧,阅读能力有所提升。表演中有些同学表情丰富,有些口语虽然还不太流畅,但也在大胆地表现自己。这些都是学生自己努力的体现。只要学生愿意,有兴趣学习,有进步就是教学的最终目的。
&&&&&&& 不足之处在于整个课堂中教师的语言多样性还有待提高。
(作者单位:山西省太谷中学&& 030800)
您的邮件地址:外研社选修六Module 3 Roy’s story教学案例
张晶晶摘要:语言的学习与应用重在阅读与交流,能读懂、看懂文章并与人交流就是我们能力的表现。在高中英语教学中,阅读因此也变成了教师和学生学习与教学的重中之重。今天就外研社选修六Module 3 Roys story这一教学案例来探索英语阅读教学中需要注意的问题。要想讲好一节课,就得深入了解教材编排的特点、意图以及文本折射出的深层次内涵,大胆取舍与整合才能收到较好的效果。由于讲的是reading部分,所以锻炼学生跳读(skimming)和查读(scanning)的阅读能力就变成了重点,也需要认真思考怎样设计这节课才能符合新课改的要求。本文就采取了学习、合作、展示、反思的教学模式。关键词:英语教学;教学案例;教师;学生中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(1一、教学内容分析本模块的话题是“友谊”。朋友在每个学生的人生中起着重要作用,每个学生都会有一些关于友谊的美好回忆和对好朋友的理解与认识,友谊贴近学生生活,能够引起学生的学习兴趣,令他们在快乐中获得知识。本课时主要是阅读,这一部分提供了本模块的主要阅读语篇,呈现了本模块的大部分词汇和主要语法结构,是本单元学习的重点。文章介绍了我(Daniel)因父亲来伦敦工作而进入了一个新学校,和罗伊(Roy)成为好友,五年后活泼乐观的罗伊因父亲死于车祸而发生了彻底的改变,我们友谊变淡,后来罗伊开始偷东西,在这过程中笔者不断努力帮助他。这对学生如何正确交友、学会珍惜友谊有很大的帮助。二、教学目标1. 知识与技能(1)学会用英语常见句型陈述和表达自我观点。(2)学会本模块所要求的重点词汇、短语和句型。如:offer,moody,steal,knock over, go through,having lost all my old friends, I felt shy...the first time/for the first time。(3)掌握阅读中涉及的阅读技巧。2. 过程与方法(1)通过阅读课文做阅读理解题从而掌握阅读理解能力。(2)通过讨论掌握记叙文写作的时间顺序。(3)通过小组讨论的学习活动,体验合作学习的过程和方法,从而培养学生的合作能力。(4)通过发表自己的观点和表演,掌握与人交流和生存能力,建立健康生活理念。3. 态度与价值观(1)本节课对我(Daniel)和罗伊(Roy)如何成为好友,这种友谊如何变淡但我依然尽力帮助罗伊进行了描述,进一步增强学生对友谊的理解和珍惜;使学生能够对友谊有一种正确的认识。(2)帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,尤其是朋友之间出现问题该怎么处理。三、学习者特征分析学生是高二年级的学生;学生对友谊话题已经非常熟悉;学生对the first time等句型非常熟悉;通过平时的观察了解发现学生思维活跃,善于和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望达到同学和教师的赞许;学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,但是英语的听读能力还有待于加强;学生对于ppt talking和picture talking的呈现形式感到很好奇。学生希望能够小组活动共同讨论问题,但表达能力还欠缺。四、教学策略选择与设计本课设计采取任务型阅读的策略,给予学生一定的任务,在完成任务的同时掌握学习方法和阅读技巧。五、教学重点及难点1. 怎样分析和抓住文章的中心思想,掌握阅读技巧。2. 掌握故事人物和发展。3. 怎样帮助同学处理问题。六、教学过程1. 视频导入,师生互动(1)一起欣赏关于友谊之间的同学帮助残疾同学上学感人的故事。教师提出问题,引出话题:What is the topic of this video? Can you tell me the story?(2)同学头脑风暴,自由回答。引出故事friends——problems——help out——kind/friendly. 让学生多说,多发挥自己的想象力是重点,教师起启、引导的作用。(3)通过这个小故事引出今天的课文Roys Story.Let us read the text and find out what happened.2. 快速阅读,理解文章大概信息和作者意图。(1)跳读skimming:快速阅读完成match the paragraphs with main ideas.(快速阅读鼓励学生运用阅读能力独立思考,让更多的学生参与自主探索)Part 1(Para.1-2) I learnt about Roy and made friends with him.Part 2(Para.3) Unhappy things happened to Roy and he changed.Part 3(Para.4-5) I found Roy stole other students wallets.Part4(Para.6-8) I found Roy stole the money raised for a charity by accident.(2)读后请同学一起回答问题,如有不同意见,其他同学可以帮助修改。让学生自己发现问题,同时也是锻炼学生听的能力。学会对别人进行评价,有自己的思考能力。3. 仔细阅读,精读理解文章信息和作者意图(1)细读scanning :完成一些细节信息。由于是记叙文,比较简单理解。通过这些题,学生就可以对文章有精细的了解。通过阅读学习,最终达到情感升华。
Time: for the first timeRoy: He was standing in the _____ of the boys telling a _____ .Daniel: My father got a _____job, so we moved to London.I_____all my friends so I felt _____ _____ .Result: Roy was _____ to me and invited me to _____ his group, so we became _____ .Time: under a year agoReason Roys fatherMoney The family moved a much smaller house.Mood Roy becameSchool Work Roy _____ in his workFriendship Roy and his friends, including me, were not _____ .Time: about three months ago(underline the sentences in your book)①Why did I go back to the cloakroom?②What did I find Roy doing?③When small money continued to disappear, what did I do?Time: last week£500 was lost. This weekend, I _____ his coat and found£500. I was _____ surprised _____ I just stood there,_____the notes in my hand...(精读促使学生运用阅读能力独立思考,让学生了解更多细节全面理解文章。)(2)做完之后同桌互相讨论,查找问题。在讨论之中发现问题,解决问题。培养学生的合作学习和讨论的能力。(3)学生根据时间顺序,谈论这个时间里发生了什么事情。根据设计题就可以完成故事重现的任务。为之后的讨论想象环节做了铺垫。4.互相讨论,交流心得(1)采用讨论交流、小组合作的方式提出探究性问题。给出关键词和句型,利用本课学到的词汇和句型(大屏幕)讨论故事的发展,故事的结局续写。并且可以发挥想象力,大胆地把故事情节表演出来。让学生在实践、合作、交流与探究中达到运用语言技能的目的。(2)选择有代表性的几组展示给全体同学。发挥学生的自主创新能力。同时也在考验学生的语言口头表达和随机应变能力。教师给予赞赏性评价。鼓励学生不管遇上什么问题都要大胆表现自己。(3)小组同学发言时,其他同学专心听讲,发现问题,解决问题,给予评价。5. 反思构建,归纳总结,畅谈收获(大屏幕)学生总结,教师引导。(1)阅读技巧记叙文描写时经常依据时间顺序(time order)。(2)情感升华朋友遇上问题,要去帮助,做一个友好善良的人。(3)利用重点词汇句型变成一首诗歌,总结全课,引起反思。6. Homework(作业巩固)查找文中相关的知识点,词汇短语和句型。七、课后反思通过这节课,教师起了比较好的引导启发作用,带领学生自主学习和发挥想象力。通过采用任务型阅读和情景教学法,让学生身临其境,在白板上准备了故事发展的彩色配图。学生也通过自己的自主学习和讨论过程完成了对文章的理解和结尾的想象。通过学习阅读技巧,阅读能力有所提升。表演中有些同学表情丰富,有些口语虽然还不太流畅,但也在大胆地表现自己。这些都是学生自己努力的体现。只要学生愿意,有兴趣学习,有进步就是教学的最终目的。而不足之处在于整个课堂中教师的语言多样性还有待提高。
中学课程辅导·教学研究的其它文章This Day in History - What Happened Today - HISTORY.com
Russell Mitchell gives us a recap of some of the major historical events that occurred on March 2nd in this video clip from "This Day in History". Famous writer, Theodor Geisel, or more commonly known as Dr. Seuss was born. Also, the movie King Kong premiered in New York where it's most popular scene on top of the Empire State Building was shot. Texas declared it's independence from Mexico, even though the United States did not recognize the new Republic, and George W Bush announced the deal that was made with India concerning nuclear cooperation.
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Dr. Seuss born
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Dr. Seuss born
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March 02, 2018
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On this day in 1904, Theodor Geisel, better known to the world as Dr. Seuss, the author and illustrator of such beloved children’s books as “The Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham,” is born in Springfield, . Geisel, who used his middle name (which was also his mother’s maiden name) as his pen name, wrote 48 books–including some for adults–that have sold well over 200 million copies and been translated into multiple languages. Dr. Seuss books are known for their whimsical rhymes and quirky characters, which have names like the Lorax and the Sneetches and live in places like Hooterville.
Geisel, who was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts, graduated from Dartmouth College, where he was editor of the school’s humor magazine, and studied at Oxford University. There he met Helen Palmer, his first wife and the person who encouraged him to become a professional illustrator. Back in America, Geisel worked as a cartoonist for a variety of magazines and in advertising.
The first children’s book that Geisel wrote and illustrated, “And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street,” was rejected by over two dozen publishers before making it into print in 1937. Geisel’s first bestseller, “The Cat in the Hat,” was published in 1957. The story of a mischievous cat in a tall striped hat came about after his publisher asked him to produce a book using 220 new-reader vocabulary words that could serve as an entertaining alternative to the school reading primers children found boring.
Other Dr. Seuss classics include “Yertle the Turtle,” “If I Ran the Circus,” “Fox in Socks” and “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.”
Some Dr. Seuss books tackled serious themes. “The Butter Battle Book” (1984) was about the arms buildup and nuclear war threat during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. “Lorax” (1971) dealt with the environment.
Many Dr. Seuss books have been adapted for television and film, including “How the Grinch Stole !” and “Horton Hears a Who!” In 1990, Geisel published a book for adults titled “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” that became a hugely popular graduation gift for high school and college students.
Geisel, who lived and worked in an old observatory in La Jolla, , known as “The Tower,” died September 24, 1991, at age 87.
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