
videochat是什么意思 videochat在线翻译 videochat什么意思 videochat的意思 videochat的翻译 videochat的解释 videochat的发音 videochat的同义词
videochatvideochat 双语例句1. Now you can video message and videochat with your shared broadband connection.&&&&现在,您可以视频邮件,并videochat与您共享宽带连接。2. For the next four years, do have a short videochat with her every few days, and do email her when you have a chance.&&&&在你的大学四年,有空时你一定要常常跟妹妹视频聊聊天,写写电子邮件。3. There are thousands of online cams on ww. com everyday, with our Elite upgrade you can even easily search, meet, monitor and videochat with all of them.&&&&有数以千计的网上凸轮对 (原camarades ),每天与我们的精英升级你甚至可以轻松地搜索,满足,监测和videochat与他们所有人。4. Visual Instant Message, VideoChat, V-Mail and Visual Buddy Icon work with modems or broadband connections.&&&&视觉即时的消息,VideoChat,V-Mail和视觉的带调制解调器或者宽带联系的伙伴图标工作。5. Throughout your lives. For the next four years, do have a short videochat with her every few days, and do email her when you have a chance.&&&&在你的大学四年,有空时你一定要常常跟妹妹视频聊聊天,写写电子邮件。6. 6. ISpQ VideoChat is affordable, easy-to-use software that connects you to a video community where you can share your web cam images with friends, family or someone new.&&&&ispq videochat是负担得起,易於使用的软件,您连接到一个视频社区,您可以分享您的Web CAM的图像与朋友,家人或某人新。7. 7. Adriano Galliani has been speaking to fans in Italy as a guest on a videochat hosted by Gazzetta. it where over 500 questions arrived for the Milan chief executive.&&&&加里亚尼接受了米兰体育报的采访,他谈到了转会市场。加里亚尼接受了米兰频道的采访,球迷们提出了超过500条的问题。videochat是什么意思,videochat在线翻译,videochat什么意思,videochat的意思,videochat的翻译,videochat的解释,videochat的发音,videochat的同义词,videochat的反义词,videochat的例句,videochat的相关词组,videochat意思是什么,videochat怎么翻译,单词videochat是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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be located near or adjacent to
a nearby object of the same kind
live or be located as a neighbor
a person who lives (or is located) near another
We were, however, worried about our nearest neighbors, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district.
A continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division
It was a decaying building in a dying neighborhood, inhabited, you felt, only by doomed old men and derelict young men
All of this could have been avoided, I fumed, if Andy, a neighborhood mutt, had only stayed on his side of the street.
His poem ends: Promise, I pray, the someday when task done, we go back farming, we'll surely rent a plot of ground and as pairing neighbors let's live
You never know who these people may be (possibly your roommate,neighbor,co-worker,long-lost friend,lover, or even a complete stranger)
I am unfamiliar with the streets in this neighborhood.
The benediction closes the service, and then, as the organ plays a postlude, everybody turns to greet his neighbors
&So we are neighbors, call me Frank. &
&There were a lot to choose from, so the shopping was kind of fun. Finally, we found a 3 bedroom 2 bath home in a prime neighborhood. &
马修福音 第二条戒律
phr. 以邻为壑政策
n. 睦邻友好
a. 与邻国和睦相处的;睦邻的
a. 没有邻居的;孤立的
[ neighbors ]的过去式;[ neighbor ]的过去式;[ neighboring ]的过去式
a. 不像邻人的
n. 纸牌游戏的一种
n. 不亲切,不友善
n.(英 neighbour)
1. 邻人,邻居;邻近的人或物,邻国
1.[I][neighbor on sth](与某物)相邻,邻近(某物)
2.[T] 邻接
adj. 邻近的
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数chit-chat是什么意思_chit-chat在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
chit-chat是什么意思 chit-chat在线翻译 chit-chat什么意思 chit-chat的意思 chit-chat的翻译 chit-chat的解释 chit-chat的发音 chit-chat的同义词
chit-chatchit-chat 双语例句1. chit-chat的意思1. I'm not afraid of being in public. But I am horrible at chit-chat and gossip.&&&&我不是一个害羞的人,我并不害怕出席在公共场合,但我要我跟人闲聊或者说一些八卦消息时,我会感到很焦虑。2. I`m not afraid of being in public. But I am horrible at chit-chat and gossip.&&&&我并不害羞,也不害怕公众场合,但是我害怕聊天闲谈。3. 3. But I am horrible at chit-chat and gossip.&&&&但是我害怕闲谈和聊天。4. 911查询·英语单词大全4. I had a chit-chat with one of my new friends and the conversation came up with some topics of marriage.&&&&在我的婚姻生活中我很幸福,不过我仍然羡慕他。5. Read any kind of novel i like, sing, chit-chat wit fren, meet new fren...&&&&读任何喜欢的小说,唱歌,和朋友聊天,认识新朋友。。。6. Last night I chit-chat with ChenHao, he asked me how's my daily fitness?&&&&昨晚跟陈昊聊天,他问我健身得怎么样?7. I don`t know if it`s because men tend to be more respectful of women who are obviously taken, but I can tell you women practically shove me aside to chit-chat with my guy.&&&&我不知道这是因为男性往往更尊重已经名花有主的女人吗?但我可以告诉你,女人们实际上把我推到一边,和我的男人聊天。8. Usually the person you've called, 14 they'd like to chit-chat too.&&&&一般和你打电话的那个人,也会喜欢闲聊。9. A large number of female friends have been lost in translation when, at a club or party, a brief interchange involving an exchange of names and a little chit-chat ends, in about five minutes flat, in an attempt at groping by the man or an offer to go to a hotel or to directly engage in sexual congress.&&&&在夜总会或派对上,在相互通报了姓名并随便扯了几句淡之后,许多女性朋友在期望有男人能主动搭讪或是去开房间亦或是直接去参加性派对的无聊单调的5分钟中,往往会错误地理解男性语言。10. danci.911cha.com10. Everyone in my family is well educated, which is why simple dinner chit-chat usually segues into an exuberant discussion chock full of sarcasm, wit and the occasional clash of opinions.&&&&我家中的每个人都受过良好的教育,所以在我们家,单纯的晚餐闲聊常常演变成充满讽刺、机智与偶尔的意见冲突的热烈讨论。11. After some stilted end-of-interview chit-chat, park puts her thatcheresque handbag over her arm and leaves.&&&&&&在一些客套的采访结束语后,朴槿惠挎上她的撒切尔式手包离开了。12. This is a process based on chit-chat and they obscured what they needed to.&&&&&&这是在闲聊的过程中,某些人隐晦的提出自己的要求。13. If you walk into any crowded machine room, chances are you'll catch chit-chat about " shebangs, " slashes, dot-dots, root, pipes, ports, and dash-dash this and that.&&&&&&如果您走进一个拥挤的机房,可能会听到有关“shebangs”、斜线、点、根、管道、端口等等这个那个的闲聊。14. Not being a mother, I found the chit-chat exceedingly dull.&&&&&&我没当母亲,所以觉得那样的闲谈无聊透顶。15. chit-chat在线翻译15. Encourage others to talk so you wont have to make the idle chit-chat.&&&&&&鼓励别人去多说,这样你就不必说些家长里短的话了。chit-chat是什么意思,chit-chat在线翻译,chit-chat什么意思,chit-chat的意思,chit-chat的翻译,chit-chat的解释,chit-chat的发音,chit-chat的同义词,chit-chat的反义词,chit-chat的例句,chit-chat的相关词组,chit-chat意思是什么,chit-chat怎么翻译,单词chit-chat是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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chatted是什么意思 chatted在线翻译 chatted什么意思 chatted的意思 chatted的翻译 chatted的解释 chatted的发音 chatted的同义词 chatted的反义词
chatted[t?aetid] 原级:第三人称单数:现在分词:chatted 基本解释闲聊;闲谈;聊天( chat的过去式 );参加网络闲聊;chatted 双语例句1. 1. Before haveing not started chatting, in fact also have no what chat so much of, but in the beginning you an a ground to me chatted, can also chat a lot ofly, But she that says that she gose to school how don't ascend, the reason wanted to review to test to grind, so I din't want to bother heras well, but she says like don't ascend, on the but again, Iam really not understand she, so Idon't chat as well from now or little chat, it amkes her able to with concentration order to review.&&&&在还没有开始聊之前,其实也没有什么好聊的,但是一开始就你一句我一句地聊,也能聊得很多。但她那次说她去学校就不怎么上了,原因是要复习考研了,所以我也不想打扰她,但是她说好了不上了,却又上了,我真不明白她,所以从现在我也不聊或少聊,让她能够专心点复习。2. chatted的意思2. Secretary-Ling speak last week and then hope that we meet online, publication of the results, This chatted about something else, has been a long time before to have receded, Yang on the last one off the assembly line, looking around sean, sweet smile upon his side.&&&&司灵最后发言希望大家一周后再网上相聚,公布结果,这才聊起了别的事情,一直到很久才纷纷退去,杨晓月最后一个下线,看着身边的sean,甜甜笑着靠在他的身边。3. In the afternoon, i chatted with my friends on the internet, i really feel good about it.&&&&下午,我和我的朋友们在网上聊天,我对此感到十分开心。4. When I returned home, I chatted with my boyfriend.&&&&我回家的时候,我跟对象5. I chatted with his father for a while.&&&&我与他父亲聊了一会儿。6. 6. I invited them to my learning place and chatted with them for a very long time.&&&&我邀请他们到我的学习场所去,并且同他们谈了很长时间的话。7. He chatted with me about my study and my family, and&&&&问我的学习情况,我的家庭情况,又谈了他自己来武8. 8. Today is the last day of the Spring break, I chatted with my grandma.&&&&今天是春假的最后一天,我和婆婆聊天的。9. chatted的翻译9. Tonight, everything was fine until I laid my head on LCY's lap and chatted with her, I missed such feeling of being a baby to someone and I started to thing about every possibilities for me and HIM to go for a trip together, which would surely be great according to my perfect imagination......&&&&此后,我听说他过得活色生香热闹非凡的,我也只说,和我不是一路人,也就冷眼过去了。08年的一天,我莫名其妙地开始写space,又因为一个模棱两可的缩写所引发的具有争议的留言,我与他联系,明白了所有的事情原宥,是两个都成长了的人,释清误会,及至他说他从05年底到08年初,一直过着的混乱生活,我也沉默地理解了。10. They laughed and chatted in a natural way, and he keenly enjoyed this new entrance into the radiant world of youthful happiness.&&&&他们已经能够很自然地欢笑和闲谈了,他之得能重新进入这种青年幸福的光辉世界,是深切地觉得欣幸的。11. We chatted about our babies, their first rolls, nappies and missing socks, and Harry played merrily with the other tots that were there something which really made me smile as he s an only child and I was worried that when it came to mixing with other babies he d wouldn t cope.&&&&&&我们的交谈了解我们的婴儿,他们的第一卷,尿布和失踪的袜子,和哈利发挥merrily与其他tots说,有一些真的令我微笑,因为他是一种唯一的孩子和我很担心,当它来到混合与其他婴儿,他也不会d吨应付。12. We chatted about our babies, their first rolls, nappies and missing socks, and Harry played merrily with the other tots that were there – something which really made me smile as he`s an only child and I was worried that when it came to mixing with other babies he`d wouldn`t cope.&&&&&&我们对我们的宝宝聊天,他们首先滚、尿片失踪袜子亨利和其他小孩,与扮演泰然有一件真正令我微笑,他的独子,我很担心到时候他吃到混入其他婴儿不会应付。13. Really should thank fion, although we on-line have chatted only, but she gives me to feel we very ripe are very ripe........&&&&&&真的应该谢谢fion,虽然我们仅在网上聊过而已,但她给我的感觉我们很熟很熟。。。。。。。。14. chatted的解释14. We chatted from their brand strategy, products positioning to their brand image representatives in the world.&&&&&&我们从他们品牌的发展策略谈到该产品品牌全球代言人形象定位。15. In my, this thought present was already by no means切迫 but cannot already Yu Yan person, but or also has not been ableto dismiss from mind lonely to the same day sorrowfully, thereforesome times still unavoidably cried out several in, chatted consolesthat in the fierce gentleman which was lonely runs quickly, caused himnot to fear to the forerunner.&&&&&&在我自己,本以为现在是已经并非一个切迫而不能已于言的人了,但或者也还未能忘怀于当日自己的寂寞的悲哀罢,所以有时候仍不免呐喊几声,聊以慰藉那在寂寞里奔驰的猛士,使他不惮于前驱。16. While waiting for the transit plane to Paris, I log on to MSN and chatted with Deniz.&&&&&&在Dubai的机场,我还上MSN 跟 Deniz聊天。17. chatted在线翻译17. But there is no preparation that can reduce all three risks. For this reason, I really think the recommendation to use natural estrogen combined with dydrogestrone is a good recommendation and lastly we have chatted last week together with china menopause society.&&&&&&上周承中国妇产科学会绝经学组盛情相邀访华,与同行们交流了国际绝经协会对HRT的一些最新观点。18. 18. Finally and one day the opportunity came, I said, and said in a public situation, oneself easy a lot of, but also really let own heart and sank a lot of, true afraid disappear in my view because of speaking out, antinomy of I ego, continuously looking at a computer screen, much expect is oneself think of so, but the God be tireless to attend to me, but a give again give, so I etc., had been wait till an another create into my vision and in fact with he also chatted a period of time, but always suddenly concealed suddenly now of felling, not and clearly can become my that him, but I still drum the courage said that come out, accepted, but I ain't happy, because we really don't understand, but I for forgetting the person of that in the mind noodles, I accepted, be unlikely while also hoping that the person of in the mind noodles sees me&&&&&&终于有一天机会来了,我说了,并在一个公开的场合说了,自己轻松了很多,可是也真的让自己心一下又沉了好多,真怕因为讲出来而在我的视线里面消失,矛盾的我自我,目不转睛的看着电脑屏幕,多期盼是自己想的那样啊,可是上天并不倦顾我,而是一托再托,所以我等,一直等直到一个另一个创进我的目光中,其实和他也聊了一段时间,可是总是忽隐忽现的感觉,不清楚会不会成为我的那个他,但我还是鼓了勇气说了出来,接受了,但我并不开心,因为我们真的不了解,但我为了忘记那个心里面的人,我接受了,也希望心里面的人见我时不至于19. We chatted with him, until the craft arrived to take us away to an off-shore island.&&&&&&我们跟那位作者聊了聊,直到船来了要把我们送到一个离岸的小岛上。20. After lunch our several people took a walk in front of teaching building yesterday. We saw on the window flower, Ms Wang and I chatted the flower growing.&&&&&&养花昨天,午饭之后,我们几个人在教学楼前散步,看到了窗台上的花,就此我和王老师聊起了养花。chatted 单语例句1. Afterwards the officers had lunch together with the Chinese soldiers in the cafeteria, during which time they chatted with each other.2. Some protesters and police shared food and chatted on Tuesday evening after a day of protests that closed many Cairo roads to traffic.3. Blake was very casual in a black jacket as she chatted on her phone and she managed to keep her wedding ring under wraps.4. Some were watching TV and would laugh from time to time at the comedy, while others just closed their eyes or chatted casually with masseurs.5. Bush and Putin chatted over a dinner of red caviar and veal loin.6. Prosecutors said that in July 2004 Li stripped off her cloths and chatted with people in nude using her webcam.7. Senior aides stood along the wall or sat on a couch in front of him as he chatted with reporters for 36 minutes.8. " Every day he locked himself in his room and never chatted with others, " his elder brother said.9. To distract our minds from the desperate situation, we chatted - and everyone promised not to cry.10. Cui often chatted with the deliverymen who sent express mail or packages to the company he worked for.chatted是什么意思,chatted在线翻译,chatted什么意思,chatted的意思,chatted的翻译,chatted的解释,chatted的发音,chatted的同义词,chatted的反义词,chatted的例句,chatted的相关词组,chatted意思是什么,chatted怎么翻译,单词chatted是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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谁知道“殇”的近义词,反义词啊 汉字殇的解释殇汉语拼音:shang
gqtr(98版)汉字解释:殇 die young;殇 (1) 殇 shāng (2) (形声。从歺(è),伤省声。“歺”是剔肉剩下的骨憨,与“死”有关。本义:未成年而死) (3) 同本义。亦称“殇折”、“殇夭” [die young] 殇,不成人也。――《说文》年十九至十六为长殇,十五至十二为中殇,十一至八岁为下殇,不满八岁以下为无服之殇。――《仪礼·丧服传》未家短折曰殇。――《周礼·谥法》固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭殇为亡作。――晋·王羲之《兰亭集序》 (4) 又如:殇折,殇夭(夭折) (5) 横死,非正常死亡 [die a violent death]。如:殇亡(横死) 殇 (1) 殇 shāng (2) 未成年而死的人。亦称“殇子” [die-young person] 病变而药不变,向之寿民,今为殇子矣。――《吕氏春秋·察今》 (3) 又如:殇服(古代为殇亡者居丧的服制);殇宫(殇者的灵魂) (4) 死在外面的人;战死者 [the dead in a battle] 无主之鬼谓之殇。――《小尔雅》禁迁葬者与嫁殇者。――《周礼·媒氏》。注:“谓嫁死人也。今时娶会是也。” 投躯报明主,身死为国殇。――鲍照《代出自蓟北门行》 (5) 又如:国殇(为国牺牲死于战场的人) 殇(殇) shāng ㄕㄤˉ (1) 未成年而死:幼子早~。 (2) 为国战死者:国~。~魂。郑码:ARYO,U:6B87,GBK:E9E4 笔画数:9,部首:歹,笔顺编号: die young;参考资料:[]}


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