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My daughter is 4 months old and i want to start cereal is it to soon? | Mom Answers | BabyCenter
My daughter is 4 months old and i want to start cereal is it to soon?
I know they say you have to wait untill they are sitting up but my daughter isnt sitting up yet but she seems so hungry. I'll give her her bottle and it dosnt seem like its enough. She always watches me closly when i eat. does that mean she is ready or should i wait?
Asked 9/18/07
Mom Answers (5)
This is one of those taboo questions. With my son, I started putting some rice cereal in with is bottle at around 3 months (he's not sitting up by himself yet). I started reading more about feeding cereal and things of the such on the internet and it totally freaked me out. I quit giving him the cereal in the bottle and he started to fuss more and even begin spitting up alot. After a couple weeks of that, I said screw what other people says, go with my own instincts. I now feed him rice cereal mixed with formula twice a day, and am introducing the green veggies to him. He tried green peas yesterday. So I would say, go with your instinct. You know your child best, not your friends, your peers, or even your pediatrician. Just watch her closely to see if she has any bad reactions to the food. Good Luck to you.
11 found this helpful
Well my son is 4 months old at 18 pounds and I started him on cereal. He dont sit up alone but it seems to work out great for him. With just his formula he always seemed hungry and would stare as others while they ate. He is doing just fine with it and back to his regular eating schedule. I know if you feel your child is ready go for it. He will let you know if it is not time yet.
Answered 6/8/10
3 found this helpful
I started feeding my son cereal at about 4 months because the bottle just wasn't enough for him and he would watch us eat with such interest. We started out with just cereal maybe once or twice a day and kind of let him lead us. I think it gets easier to go with your gut after the first time. If you really have concerns you can always talk to babies dr about it and they will give you their expert advice&#x3b; but really every baby is different so you can't always just go off of what everyone is telling you. Good Luck to you and your LO.
Answered 2/16/10
2 found this helpful
I had the same concern, my baby was four months and weighed 18 lbs, and seemed to always want more after a feeding. We started on cereal. I didn't give it to him in a bottle though. I would put him in his bouncer and feed him with a spoon. He will also tell you if he is not ready. Hoped this helps.
Answered 12/30/09
2 found this helpful
If your baby can hold up her head without support, shows interest in food, and no longer exhibits the tongue-ejection reflex (you put something in her mouth and she immediately sticks out her tongue so it comes back out), she might be ready for a little cereal. I highly doubt she's really ready at four months. Try giving her more formula/breastmilk. Feeding schedules are kind of mean in my opinion. If your baby is hungry, feed her.
Answered 2/4/10
2 found this helpful
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