互看来girl,fourteen 18 21yearsold video old,男的别来了

>>>阅读理解。 Lily is a poor fourteen-year-old girl. Her paren..
&&&& Lily is a poor fourteen-year-old girl. Her parents died when she was little, and she now lives with her &grandma. They are so poor that Lily's grandma has to recycle (回收) things on the street to make a living.& She works hard to give Lily the things that she needs in life.&&&& One day, a man riding his bike very fast knocked Grandma down when she was walking on the street.& Grandma was badly hurt and she had to be in bed for a long time. Lily was very sad, and she had to look& after her grandmother and herself. After school, she did all the housework herself. And she also did the &recycling to make some money on weekends. After doing this, she knew how nice Grandma was. It made& her really appreciate what Grandma had been doing for her.&&&& Fortunately, Grandma got well a few months later. Lily made up her mind to be a doctor. She wants to& help people who are in need and make a lot of money to help her grandma. She works hard because she& knows it will not be easy to make her dream come true. And she will never give up.&
1. What's the story mainly about?
&&& A. An accident.&&& B. A poor family's life.&&& C. The importance of recycling. &&& D. A poor but hard-working girl.
2. What do we learn about Lily's grandmother?
&&& A. She is funny. &&& B. She is rich.&&& C. She is strict with Lily. &&& D. She is very kind to Lily.
3. Which of the following is true?
&&& A. Grandma can't walk any more. &&& B. Grandma needed a long rest after the accident.&&& C. Grandma got hurt in a car accident. &&& D. Lily recycled things every day.
4. Why does Lily want to be a doctor?
&&& A. Because she hopes to help others. &&& B. Because she wants to become rich.&&& C. Because she hates recycling. &&& D. Because she wants to leave her family.
5. What does the underlined word "appreciate" mean?
&&& A. 迷惑&&& B. 怀疑&&& C. 讨厌&&& D. 感激
1—5: DDBAD
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Lily is a poor fourteen-year-old girl. Her paren..”主要考查你对&&故事类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
与“阅读理解。 Lily is a poor fourteen-year-old girl. Her paren..”考查相似的试题有:
she is only a (fourteen years old )girl.()里的有错吗?
应该是fourteen -year- old
年龄可不可以这样表达 ;如:she is a fourteen-year-old girl!用年龄作定语!
she is 14就可以了,但是你的也对
&&&&&&&& ? —No, she is a
&&&&&&&&& girl.
A. fourteen years old.
B. fourteen -year -old.
C.twelve - year - fourteen years old.
D.twelve - year - fourteen - year -old.
扫描下载二维码A girl named Jo Hale has won her battle against the school rules. What was the battle about? It's about whether students should wear pants at school. Jo Hale is fourteen years old and is a student at 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
& &A girl named Jo Hale has won her battle against the school rules. What was the battle about? It's about whether students should wear pants at school.& Jo Hale is fourteen years old and is a student at Whickham High School in the northeast (东北) of England.& &Jo wore pants when she was at her elementary school (/j、学) ,but she wasn't allowed to wear them when she went to Whickham. Jo was unhappy because she was cold in a skirt in winter,but the school didn't change its rules about uniforms (校服) . Jo said, “If you are in class doing your work,what difference does it make if you are wearing pants?”& Jo's mother,Claire,is a professor at the University of Leeds. She contacted (耳关络) the school because she thought the rules were unfair. “The female (女性的) teachers can wear pants but the students can't,” she said. “Pants are warmer in winter and cheaper to wear than a skirt. ”& & Finally the school changed the rules. Now Joe and the other girls at Whickham are allowed to wear pants. Jo says that she's “delighted” .1. Jo Hale has won her battle about whether students should .&&&A. wear skirts at school&&&B. wear pants at school&&&C. study at home&&&D. design their own uniforms2. Why did Jo feel unhappy when she went to Whickham?&&&A. Because she has no good friends.&&&B. Because she didn't have money to buy pants.&&&C. Because the school didn't allow students to wear pants.&&&D. Because her teacher didn't like her very much.3. Jo's mother,Claire thought .&&&A. the school rules were reasonable&&&B. the school rules were not fair&&&C. the female teachers shouldn’t wear pants&&&D. the pants cost more than skirts4. What does the underlined word “delighted” mean in Chinese?&&&A. 沮丧的&&&B. 失望的&&&C. 高兴的&&&D. 惊讶的5. The passage shows us that .&&&A. Jo Hale is a student at a school in the northwest of England&&&B. Jo Hale could wear pants at the elementary school&&&C. the school didn't change their rules about uniforms&&&D. Claire and Jo Hale said sorry to the school about the battle
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B导读本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了 Jo Hale与学校校规之间的 抗争。抗争的焦点是学生是否可以穿裤子上学,甚至连 的妈妈也加人了这次抗争。最后这场关于是否可以穿裤子 上学的抗争以Jo的胜利而告终。详析1. B细节理解题。由第—段中的“It's about whether stoudents should wear pants at school. ” 可知,Jo Hale 就学生是否 可以穿裤子上学的问题与学校进行了抗争。2. C推理判断题。由第三段中的描述可知,Jo感到很不开心,因为学校不允许学生穿裤子上学。3. B细节理解题。本题是问Jo的母亲Claire的观点通读第四段可知Claire的观点,选项B提到“校规不公平”,和文 章中的“…she thought the rules were unfair. ”一致。4. C词义猜测题。结合上下文可推断,Jo最后感到“非常开心”,delighted意为“高兴的,开心的”。5. B细节理解题。由第三段开头处的“Jo wore pants whenshe was at her elementary school." 可知,她上小学时 是可以穿裤子的。battle n.斗争;抗争 allow v.允许unfair a办不公平的障碍句分析A girl named Jo Hale has won her battle against the school rules. —个名叫Jo Hale的女孩在和校规的抗争中获得了胜利。句中named Jo Hale是过去分词短语作后置定语的用法。against在句中是介词,意为“对抗,反对”。
题目来源: &
& &Many years ago there was no water for travelers on the train. A rich man called Tom was on such a 1
He felt thirsty and got down at a station to look for some 2 . But when he ran back,the train started. It was getting 3 and he decided to spend the night at the station.& The next morning he asked about the 4 train. He came to know that the next train was on the other day. So he decided to find a place for a day's 5 .& &He went to the nearby hotel to ask for a room but all the hotels were 6 At last he got to a small hut. That day the friendly 7 gave him food but did not ask for anything.At night Tom heard a 8
at the door. A man dressed in rich clothes came into the hut and 9 the owner to pay his debts.& &The next morning the owner found a note,and it read “Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the stranger and came to know that you 10 money. This is what you need. ”1. A. bus&&&B. station&&&C. train&&&D. plane2. A. water&&&B. fruit&&&C. milk&&&D. rice3. A. lighter&&&B. darker&&&C. earlier&&&D. faster4. A. slow&&&B. last&&&C. next&&&D. cheap5. A. visit&&&B. travel&&&C. job&&&D. stay6. A. full&&&B. empty&&&C. old&&&D. expensive7. A. driver&&&B. clerk&&&C. owner&&&D. policeman8. A. knock&&&B. speaker&&&C. song&&&D. program9. A. helped&&&B. invited&&&C. told&&&D. watched10. A. saved&&&B. needed&&C. wasted&&&D. lent&
& & &Sandy is a nine-year-old girl. She has a big family. She lives with her parents,a brother and a sister. Sandy thinks her family life was not happy. She and her brother and sister often fight with each other for many reasons.& Max is Sandy's classmate and neighbor. He also has a very big family with two brothers and their parents. Sandy notices that Max never fights with his brothers. They always have big smiles on their faces.& &Sandy thought that was strange. One day she asked Max why they get on well with each other. Max smiled and asked Sandy to go home with him.& &As they came into the house,Max's elder brother saw them. “Hi,Sandy and Max ,” he said, “Why not come here and share some ice cream with me?”& At that time,Max's younger brother came out of his room. He looked very excited and said, ‘‘ Oh,Max,I have a story to tell you. ”& Sandy knew Max's secret of getting on well with his brothers was to share. Sharing their snacks (零食) and stories with each other made their life more happy.Sandy decided to go back home and try this from then on.1. How does Sandy like her family life?&&&A. Very unhappy. B. Very boring.&&&C. Very colorful. D. Very hard.2. How many people are there in Max's family?&&&A. Three. B. Four.&&&C. Five. D. Six.3. Sandy felt very when she saw Max never fights with his brothers.&&&A. lucky&&&B. worried&&&C. excited&&&D. surprised4. Why can Max get on well with his brothers?&&&A. They help each other.&&&B. They do housework together.&&&C. They share their snacks and stories at home.&&&D. They live together.5. What is the best title for the passage?&&&A. Sandy's Family&&&B. Max's Family&&&C. A Visit to Max's House&&&D. Secret of Getting on well
& &It was a sunny Saturday afternoon. My friend Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play golf (高尔夫) .He walked up to the young man at the ticket counter (柜台) and said, “How much is it to get in?”& &The young man answered,“ $3. 00 for you and $ 3. 00 for any kid who is older than six. We let them in free if they are six or younger. How old are they?” Bobby said ,“Sam's three and Henry's seven,so I think I should pay $ 6.000. ”& &The man at the ticket counter said , Hey,you are too honest (诚实的) . You can save yourself three dollars if you tell me that the older one is six. I don't know the difference. ” Bobby said, “Yes,that may be true,but the kids know the difference. ”& When ethics (道德规范) are more important than ever before,make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with.1. What did Bobby Lewis and his sons want to do?&&&A. Do some shopping. B. Go fishing.&&&C. Play golf. D. Go for a walk.2. What does the underlined word “free” mean in Chinese?&&&A. 有空&&&B. 免费&&&C. 清闲&&&D. 散漫3. The words “the older one” in the fourth paragraph refer to (指的是) .&&&A. the young man&&&B. Bobby Lewis&&&C. Henry&&&D. Sam4. Which of the following is TRUE?&&&A. Bobby Lewis wanted to save three dollars.&&&B. Bobby Lewis should pay $ 3. 00 for him and his sons to get in.&&&C. The man at the ticket counter wanted Bobby Lewis to pay $ 9.&&&D. Bobby wanted to set a good example for his children.5. What's the best title for the passage?&&&A. To Be Honest&&&B. How to Buy Tickets for Children&&&C. Playing Golf Is Interesting&&&D. A Father and His Two Sons
& &Though the Internet can help to keep and download information,not many people around the world know about its rules. This article will give you useful advice on the rules of netiquette. Each user should follow these rules if he wants to enjoy the world of the Internet.Rule 1 : Learn to Forgive& & Someone wrote a not-so-good comment on your blog!It is natural for you to get unhappy. However,if this is his first mistake,you can ask him for the reason. The person may be new to the Internet or may not be able to write his comments in a right way.Rule 2: Don’t Lie&& & &Lying is the most common bad netiquette!People lie about their jobs,work places,their addresses,ages,and even their sexes!You may lie just to have fun,but it does hurt others. And if the reader catches your lie later,then you are surely in trouble. Once they know that you lie,no one will ever believe you again,at least on the Internet.1. If you don't follow the rules of netiquette,you may&&&A. get nothing from the Internet&&&B. feel unhappy&&&C. download the wrong information&&&D. send your email to a wrong address2. If a new user writes an unfriendly comment on your blog,you should .&&&A. try to find out why he did so&&&B. keep quiet&&&C. write him an unfriendly comment&&&D. try to make him angry3. What does the writer think of lying online?&&&A. Ifs OK.&&&B. It can help you keep safe.&&&C. It can bring you trouble.&&&D. It can make others laugh.4. When other users find out you often lie on the Internet,they .&&&A. may be interested in you&&&B. may read your blogs more often&&&C. are sure to make friends with you&&&D. may not believe you again5. What's the best title for this passage?&&&A. Keeping Yourself Safe on the Internet&&&B. Netiquette Rules&&&C. How to Chat Online?&&&D. How to Write a Blog?
& &When you think of documentaries (纪录片) ,you may think they are long and boring. But documentaries can be wonderful and bring stories from the real world into our homes. With fantastic (精彩的) pictures and stories,documentaries mainly offer us much knowledge we don't know about.& &So,what should we pay attention to when we watch one?& &While watching a documentary,you should keep your eyes and ears on the themes,and listen to what the people in the documentary are saying. The themes of a documentary can go a long way in telling you its idea.& If you’re sitting at the computer and can't think of anything to do,why not look up the ideas the documentary made? And you can make sure if they are believable (可信的) . Maybe you could leam more information.( )1. What can we get the most from a documentary?&&&A. Fantastic pictures.&&&B. Funny stories.&&&C. Practical skills.&&&D. Much knowledge.( )2. According to the passage,what should we care about most when we watch a documentary?&&&A. Its theme. B. Its advertisement.&&&C. Its pictures. D. Its ending.( )3. According to the underlined sentence,what does the writer advise us to do?&&&A. Not to watch the boring documentary.&&&B. Not to believe what the documentary tells.&&&C. To watch the documentary on the Internet.&&&D. To further understand the documentary.( )4. What is the best title for the passage?&&&A. Documentary Programs in China&&&B. Kinds of Documentary&&&C. How Can We Watch a Documentary&&&D. What Documentary Should We Watch
& & &In a small village called Ban Lie in Guangxi Lu An’ke is quite popular. In fact,his real name is Eckart Loewe.& & &In the early 1990s,Loewe traveled to China for the first time and became interested in the country. In 1997,he started working as a volunteer teacher in different schools.His teaching methods are different from Chinese teachers. ( A) Loewe hardly uses textbooks in his classes. Instead,he uses other teaching methods. For example,to teach his students about the spirit of teamwork,he asked them to paint a picture together.& & Some students painted first. Others found there was not enough space left for them, (B) 但是他们可 以改变图画。The students who painted first had to agree that their drawings might be changed. It might hurt them,but in their future lives,there will be a lot of things that they cannot finish alone and they have to work with others.& & Loewe is very popular with the kids. There are often many kids around him,and they like to play with him. He says ,“I'm doing what I really like. ”根据短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一:将(A) 处的句子翻译成汉语。任务二:将(B) 处的句子翻译成英语。任务三:回答下列问题。3. What does Loewe think a student should do if he can't finish his task by himself?任务四:从短文中找出能表现洛伊喜欢他的教学工作 的话。4.
& &I am Brad. I like thrillers and action movies. My favorite movie star is Jackie Chan. I think Jackie Chan is a great actor. He has a movie am /. It's a very successful action movie. It's exciting.& & My name is Patricia. I am a girl. I like comedies and romances,but I don't like thrillers. I think thrillers are scary. I think Beijing Opera is interesting. On weekends,I often go to see it with my father. I can learn a lot about Chinese history.& & I am Carlos. My favorite movie star is Jet Li. I think Shaolin Temple is a great movie. I also like thrillers. I think they are very exciting.& & I'm a girl. My name is Mary. On my weekends,I often watch cartoons and science fictions (科幻电影) on TV. I think they are interesting and funny. I don't like documentaries. They are boring.1. Who like thrillers?&&&A. Brad and Carlos. B. Patricia and Brad. C. Carlos and Patricia. D. Brad and Mary.2. What does Patricia think of Beijing Opera?&&&A. It's boring. B. It's interesting.&&&C. It's scary. D. It's sad.3. Jet Li is favorite movie actor.&&&A. Patricia's&&&B. Mary's&&&C. Brad's&&&D. Carlos ,4. Mary likes to watch .&&&A. action movies and cartoons&&&B. comedies and documentaries&&&C. cartoons and science fictions&&&D. Beijing Opera and comedies5. Which one is NOT true?&&&A. Brad likes Jackie Chan very much.&&&B. Patricia and her parents all like Beijing Opera.&&&C. Shaolin Temple is an action movie.&&&D. Mary thinks documentaries are boring.
() 6. [2015 • 跨泽]Helen is going to work in an old people's home to help the old people.&&&A. look forward to&&&B. look after&&&C. look through


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