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STARTUP 时报&&ORA-1589时,你直接使用Alter database open NORESETLOGS 应该就可以正常打开数据库。
现在你可以试下使用Alter database open NORESETLOGS 是否可以正常打开数据库,如果打不开就要使用
recover database until cancel 进行恢复数据,不要使用&&recover database using backup controlfile 进行恢复
ORA-376, ORA-01110 while Attempting to Open Database - NOARCHIVELOG Mode (文档 ID )
***Checked for relevance on 17-Jul-2014***
Problem Description
Attempting to start the database results in the following at mount stage:
ORA-00604: Error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00376: File 2 cannot be read at this time
ORA-01110: data file 2: 'd:\oracle\oradata\oracle\RBS01.dbf'
Database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, no corruption, and there is no cold backup.
Solution Explantion
One option available is to fake a recovery to see what file(s) Oracle requires
to recover the database.&&If Oracle only requires the online redo logs then
database can be recovered and opened with no data loss.
Run the following query to determine sequence number of online redo logs:
SQL&select v1.group#,member,sequence#,first_change#
& &&&from v$log v1, v$logfile v2
& &&&where&&v1.group# = v2.group#;
Note the sequence number and member columns are of importance.
Next, attempt to recover database to see what file Oracle requires:
SQL&recover d
Again note the sequence number.&&Ignore the suggested logfile name.&&The name
will appear in the form of an archived log, but this is really the name of the
online redo log not yet archived.
If the lowest sequence number from the query results is the same as the
sequence number Oracle requires to recover database, then database can be
Simply copy the exact path and filename from the member column as the filename
required by the RECOVER DATABASE command.
Repeat the process for each online redo log.
Oracle will return prompt, recovery completed.
At this point you can issue:
SQL& Alter database open
If ORA-1589 &must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open&
SQL& & Alter database open NORESETLOGS
NOTE: The open may take a while to process.
Additional Search Words
ORA-1110 recovery online redo logs noarchive
Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
nkammerer Newbie
Hai, we use ArcServe for our Backups. Now i try to recover a Oracle Database which is backed up with ArcServe.
Unfortunately it doesn´t work.
Here what i tried:
i created a database. with same name, same configuration ...
then i shutdown the oracle tasks (windows system) and delete all files of this &temp&-database
then i restored the database out of our ArcServe backup.
finaly i tried to start the database.
i got the following messages:
SQL& startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area&& bytes
Fixed Size& && && && && && &1298184 bytes
Variable Size& && && && &
Database Buffers& && && &
Redo Buffers& && && && && & 2895872 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
SQL& alter dat
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
ORA-01110: data file 1: 'E:\ORADATA\TEST\SYSTEM01.DBF'
SQL& recover datafile 1;
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-01610: recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option must be done
SQL& recover database usin
ORA-00279: change 459494 generated at 07/04/:32 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
ORA-00280: change 459494 for thread 1 is in sequence #22
Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
ORA-00279: change 459659 generated at 07/04/:25 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
ORA-00280: change 459659 for thread 1 is in sequence #23
ORA-00278: log file 'F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC' no longer
needed for this recovery
Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
Media recovery cancelled.
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
SQL& alter dat
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01113: file 1 needs media recovery
ORA-01110: data file 1: 'E:\ORADATA\TEST\SYSTEM01.DBF'
The problem is, that there never was a sequence 23 of archive-logs.
somebody an idea how to recover the database?
or is it the wrong way for database recovery?
thanks a lot!
system: Windows Server 2003 R2
database: Oracle
正确答案 作者: nkammerer 在
I tested some things and now i know what happend.Apparently i used &recover database& without &until cancel&.
After that i were not able to open database without redolog.
Thank you all for your help!
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& & 1. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & VenkatB Legend
& & VenkatB
下午10:53 (回复 nkammerer)
& & Sequence 23 is already applied to the database.
& & Can you do exactly the following and show us the results? Instead of manual interaction, just set autorecovery on and do the recovery
& & Please make sure the database is MOUNTED.
& & SQL& set autorecovery ON
& & SQL& select * from v$
& & SQL& recover database using backup cont
& & Regards
& && &&&喜爱
& && &&&显示 0 喜欢
& && &&&(0) 回复
& && &&&操作
& & 2. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午11:46 (回复 VenkatB)
& &&&Hai VenkatB,
& & here´s the output:
& & SQL& select status from v$
& & ------------
& & SQL& set autorecovery on
& & SQL& select * from v$
& & ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ----------------
& & ------------- ---------
& && && && & 1& && && & 1& && && &22& && && && & 1 NO&&CURRENT
& && && &&&-JUL-11
& && && && & 3& && && & 1& && && &21& && && && & 1 YES INACTIVE
& && && &&&-JUL-11
& && && && & 2& && && & 1& && && &20& && && && & 1 YES INACTIVE
& && && &&&-JUL-11
& & SQL& recover database using backup cont
& & ORA-00279: change 459659 generated at 07/04/:25 needed for thread 1
& & ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
& & ORA-00280: change 459659 for thread 1 is in sequence #23
& & ORA-00308: cannot open archived log
& & ORA-27041: unable to open file
& & OSD-04002: unable to open file
& & O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.
& && &&&喜爱
& && &&&显示 0 喜欢
& && &&&(0) 回复
& && &&&操作
& & 3. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & VenkatB Legend
& & VenkatB
上午12:03 (回复 nkammerer)
& & Think the change is still in the redo log and not archived yet. And backup controlfile will not know about this. So please try this
& & SQL& select member from v$logfile where group#=1;
& & Note down the log file with full path (For example, C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\REDO01.LOG)
& & SQL& set autorecovery off
& & SQL& recover database using backup cont
& & When it&&says Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}, just do this
& & Specify the full path of the log file. Example C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\REDO01.LOG
& & This should fix the recovery. Once successfully applied, do CANCEL (cancel the recovery) and open resetlogs
& & Regards
& && &&&喜爱
& && &&&显示 0 喜欢
& && &&&(0) 回复
& && &&&操作
& & 4. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & user712697-Oracle Newbie
& & user712697-Oracle
上午12:17 (回复 nkammerer)
& & If there was never a seq 23 then the problem might be& && &
& & this backup was taken after a shutdown abort.& && &
& & You can also check if &archive log list& shows& && &
& & current log sequence as 1.&&If so, apply the online& && &
& & log.&&The minimum and maximum Seq needed should& && &
& & be in this query &select min(fhrba_Seq), max(fhrba_Seq)&&from X$KCVFH;&
& && &&&喜爱
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& & 5. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午5:10 (回复 VenkatB)
& &&&Hai, which redo log should i use?
& & from the original database or from the temp database?
& & The redo log of the original database doesn´t exist.
& && &&&喜爱
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& & 6. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午5:12 (回复 user712697-Oracle)
& & Hai, i used your query to check which seq i need.
& & here´s the output:
& & SQL& select min(fhrba_Seq), max(fhrba_Seq)&&from X$KCVFH;
& & --------------& && && && && &--------------
& & 23& && && && && && && && &&&23
& && &&&喜爱
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& && &&&操作
& & 7. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & user Rookie
& & user1-7-6 上午2:09 (回复 nkammerer)
& &&&You have to apply the current redo log as Venkatb said .
& & select a.member, b.status from v$logfile a, v$log b
& & where a.group# = b.group# and b.status='CURRENT'
& & -- this select will give you current redo to apply in recovery process
& && &&&喜爱
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& && &&&操作
& & 8. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午6:58 (回复 user)
& &&&Hai, i do what Venkatb said.
& & Here´s the output:
& & SQL& select member from v$logfile where group#=1;
& & --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & SQL& set autorecovery off
& & SQL& recover database using backup cont
& & ORA-00279: change 459659 generated at 07/04/:25 needed for thread 1
& & ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
& & ORA-00280: change 459659 for thread 1 is in sequence #23
& & Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
& & E:\oradata\test\REDO01.LOG
& & ORA-00310: archived log contains sequence 22; sequence 23 required
& & ORA-00334: archived log: 'E:\ORADATA\TEST\REDO01.LOG'
& & Then i used the select from Oracle First .. SQL Server Later and this is the output:
& & SQL& select a.member, b.status from v$logfile a, v$log b
& && &2&&where a.group# = b.group# and b.status='CURRENT' ;
& & --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & ----------------
& & Somebody an idea, what i can do now?
& && &&&喜爱
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& && &&&操作
& & 9. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & user Rookie
& & user1-7-6 下午7:35 (回复 nkammerer)
& & I would do 2 things .&&( yo have allready tried a lot & && &).
& & 1 ) read this Note . I think it can help you .
& & How to recover and open the database if the archivelog required for recovery is either missing, lost or corrupted? [ID ]& && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& & 2 )& && && &&&
& & It has been suggested in another post on this thread that a &shutdown abort& has ocurred . So maybe Arcserve was issuing a backup ( begin backup ..end backup for all tablespaces ) , and some of your datafiles remains in backup mode .& && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& & I have seen case , that db would not open if datafiles/tablespaces are in backup mode .& && && && &
& && && && &&&
& & SQL& STARTUP MOUNT .& && && &&&
& & sql & SELECT * FROM V$BACKUP WHERE STATUS ='ACTIVE'& &--- will give you datafiles in backup mode .& && && &&&
& & SQL & ALTER DATABASE OPEN:& && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& & Good Luck&&nkammerer& && && && && && && && && && && && &
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && && && &&&
& && &&&喜爱
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& && &&&操作
& & 10. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午8:38 (回复 user)
& & 1. i will read this note.
& & 2. select * from v$backup where status='active' brings &no rows selected&
& & can this select work? i try to recover a database out of our arcserve backup into a new / emtpy database.
& & so i created a new database and replace all files with the files in the arcserve backup.
& & another question.
& & is this the right way for a recovery?
& && &&&喜爱
& && &&&显示 0 喜欢
& && &&&(0) 回复
& && &&&操作
& & 11. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午11:30 (回复 nkammerer)
& &&&Now it works!
& & i tested to recover with all redo-logs.
& & here´s the output:
& & SQL& select a.member, b.status from v$logfile a, v$log b
& && &2&&where a.group# = b.group# and b.status='CURRENT' ;
& & --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & ----------------
& & SQL& recover database using backup cont
& & ORA-00279: change 459659 generated at 07/04/:25 needed for thread 1
& & ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
& & ORA-00280: change 459659 for thread 1 is in sequence #23
& & Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
& & E:\oradata\test\REDO01.LOG
& & ORA-00310: archived log contains sequence 22; sequence 23 required
& & ORA-00334: archived log: 'E:\ORADATA\TEST\REDO01.LOG'
& & SQL& recover database using backup cont
& & ORA-00279: change 459659 generated at 07/04/:25 needed for thread 1
& & ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
& & ORA-00280: change 459659 for thread 1 is in sequence #23
& & Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
& & E:\oradata\test\REDO02.LOG
& & ORA-00279: change 495621 generated at 07/05/:46 needed for thread 1
& & ORA-00289: suggestion : F:\ORADATA\TEST\ARCH\ARC
& & ORA-00280: change 495621 for thread 1 is in sequence #24
& & ORA-00278: log file 'E:\oradata\test\REDO02.LOG' no longer needed for this
& & recovery
& & Specify log: {&RET&=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
& & E:\oradata\test\REDO03.LOG
& & Log applied.
& & Media recovery complete.
& & SQL& alter dat
& & Database altered.
& & somebody an idea, how this works?
& & i thought the current redolog have to be newer than the other...
& && &&&喜爱
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& & 正确答案 12. Re: Recover a ArcServe Backup of Oracle
& & nkammerer Newbie
& & nkammerer
下午5:57 (回复 nkammerer)
& & I tested some things and now i know what happend.Apparently i used &recover database& without &until cancel&.
& & After that i were not able to open database without redolog.
& & Thank you all for your help!
To take tablespaces out of backup mode simultaneously:
1.& & & & Mount but do not open the database. For example, enter:
3.& & & & If you are performing this procedure manually (that is, not as part of a failure recovery script), query the V$BACKUP view to list the data files of the tablespaces that were being backed up before the database was restarted:
5.& & & & FILE#& && &STATUS& && && && & CHANGE#& & TIME& &&&
6.& & & & ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---------
7.& & & && && && &12 ACTIVE& && && && && && &20863 25-NOV-02
8.& & & && && && &13 ACTIVE& && && && && && &20863 25-NOV-02
9.& & & && && && &20 ACTIVE& && && && && && &20863 25-NOV-02
10.& & & &&&3 rows selected.
11.& & & & Issue the ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP statement to take all data files currently in backup mode out of backup mode. For example, enter:
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