benders分解法 分解 有收敛的说法吗

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OptionsBint = optimset('MaxRLPIter',100000,'NodeSearchStrategy','bn', 'MaxTime',50000);
这条语句时发生错误,错误为参数名称 'MaxRLPIter' 无法识别、参数名称 'NodeSearchStrategy' 无法识别。
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楼主可以给我发一份benders 的代码源吗??谢谢啦,
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请问楼主 这个问题解决了吗?同遇到这个错误
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3秒自动关闭窗口上传用户:vjtzrqscui资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)传统化石动力日趋干涸,而人类需求却一日千里。若何减小动力消费和净化物排放,已成为人类追随的配合目的。在此配景下,深刻研讨影响电力体系运转调剂的机组最优投入成绩具有主要的实际意义和理论价值。本文以最优化实际为基本,根据最近几年数学计划范畴的热点研讨办法一狭义Benders分化,以电力体系机组组合成绩为研讨对象,展开了深刻过细的实际研讨任务。狭义Benders分化是依据非线性对偶实际获得的求解混杂整数计划的有用算法。其根本思惟是依据变量类型的分歧,将成绩分化为主成绩和子成绩,主、子成绩瓜代求解,并依据子成绩求解成果的分歧,向主成绩添加分歧的Benders割,用以修改主成绩优化空间,直至全体束缚被知足,最优解收敛。机组组合成绩是混杂整数非线性计划成绩,而且团圆变量的个数占变量总数的50%之多,启动费用的时变性,爬坡束缚的时段耦合性,这些都增长了成绩求解的艰苦。本文基于狭义Benders分化提出一种求解机组组合成绩的GBD-UC法。将机组组合成绩分化为具有明白物理表达的主成绩和子成绩,且对主、子成绩的目的函数和束缚前提做了恰当改良,以加速成绩收敛速度,获得成绩的更好成果。经由过程求解主成绩获得恰当的机组启停状况,子成绩应用主成绩的成果,求解后获得机组出力。提出具有明白寄义的衔接主、子成绩的Benders割,其可有用进步算法收敛到可行解的速度。GBD-UC应用分化下降成绩求解范围和求解难度,对团圆变量的求解,应用贸易优化软件的优越机能:对持续变量的求解,充足应用古代内点法速度快、精度高的优势,从而综合应用各类成熟数学优化办法进步成绩的盘算效力。最初,经由过程对24时段10-200机、TEST-6节点和IEEE-30节点体系的盘算仿真,验证了所提办法的有用性和准确性,算法收敛特征优越,盘算效力较高,实用于年夜范围成绩的运用,展现了优越的运用远景。Abstract:The traditional fossil fuels has dried up, and human needs is a thousand li a day. How to reduce the power consumption and pollutant emissions, has become the common goal of human to follow. Under this background, the research on the profound power system running optimal adjustment has practical significance and theory value of investment performance. The optimization theories, according to the recent years mathematics project category of hot research methods a narrow benders differentiation, to power system unit commitment scores as the research object, launched a deep and meticulous theoretical research task. In the differentiation of Benders is useful for solving nonlinear mixed integer planning algorithm according to the actual dual. Its basic thought is based on differences in the types of variables, the performance differentiation based scores and sub scores, main and sub scores alternately solving and sub scores of the solving results according to the different, to the main results add differences benders cut, used to amending the main performance optimization space, until all the bound is satisfied, the optimal solution convergence. Unit combination record is mixed integer nonlinear program performance, number and reunion variables accounted for more than 50% of the total number of variables, the startup cost of degeneration, climbing bound period coupling. These increased the performance for solving hard. GBD-UC this paper presents a method for unit commitment based on the results of narrow Benders differentiation. The unit commitment score differentiation is with a clear physical expression of the main achievements and results and appropriate improved on the main and sub scores of objective function and constraints, in order to accelerate the convergence of results to obtain better performance results. Through the process of solving the main results obtained proper unit commitment, the main achievement sub result application results obtained after solving the unit output. Understand the meaning of the link is proposed, the Benders cut its performance, can effectively improve the convergence speed of feasible solution. Results solution scope and the difficulty of solving the decline in GBD-UC application of differentiation and solution of variable reunion, business application software to optimize the superior performance of: the solution of continuous variables and adequate use of modern interior point method speed is quick, the accuracy is high advantage, excellent and comprehensive application of various mature mathematics of measures to improve the results of the calculation effect. Initially, through the process of 24 hours of 10-200 machine, TEST-6 nodes and IEEE-30 bus system of computer simulation to verify the usefulness and accuracy of the proposed method, the convergence characteristics of superior, computational efficiency is high, practical in the use of the scope of the eve of the results, show the excellent application prospect.目录:摘要4-6ABSTRACT6-7目录8-10第一章 绪论10-22&&&&1.1 引言10&&&&1.2 机组组合问题10-12&&&&&&&&1.2.1 机组组合问题概述10&&&&&&&&1.2.2 模型的历史和现状10-12&&&&1.3 算法回顾12-20&&&&&&&&1.3.1 启发式方法13-14&&&&&&&&1.3.2 数学优化方法14-18&&&&&&&&1.3.3 智能优化方法18-19&&&&&&&&1.3.4 其他方法19-20&&&&1.4 本文主要研究工作20-22第二章 机组组合问题的数学模型22-26&&&&2.1 引言22&&&&2.2 目标函数22-23&&&&2.3 约束条件23-24&&&&2.4 问题求解分析24-25&&&&2.5 本章小结25-26第三章 广义Benders分解和现代内点理论26-42&&&&3.1 引言26&&&&3.2 Benders和广义Benders分解26-36&&&&&&&&3.2.1 Benders分解27-30&&&&&&&&3.2.2 广义Benders分解30-36&&&&3.3 现代内点法36-39&&&&&&&&3.3.1 现代内点法概述36&&&&&&&&3.3.2 原始—对偶内点法36-39&&&&3.4 CPLEX求解器39-41&&&&3.5 本章小结41-42第四章 基于广义Benders分解的最优机组投入方法42-57&&&&4.1 引言42-43&&&&4.2 基于广义Benders分解的UC模型及求解43-47&&&&&&&&4.2.1 主问题43-44&&&&&&&&4.2.2 子问题44-45&&&&&&&&4.2.3 连接主、子问题的Benders割45-46&&&&&&&&4.2.4 GBD-UC求解流程46-47&&&&4.3 GBD-UC应用示例47-49&&&&4.4 求解中关键问题探讨49-56&&&&&&&&4.4.1 优化过程中计及启动费用的实现49-52&&&&&&&&4.4.2 最小启停时间约束的处理52-54&&&&&&&&4.4.3 内点法求解子问题的公式推导54-56&&&&4.5 本章小结56-57第五章 计算结果及讨论57-78&&&&5.1 引言57&&&&5.2 10机及其扩展系统57-73&&&&&&&&5.2.1 计算结果58-64&&&&&&&&5.2.2 优化过程是否计及启动费用结果比较64-67&&&&&&&&5.2.3 算法收敛性分析67-73&&&&5.3 其他系统73-77&&&&5.4 本章小结77-78第六章 结论与展望78-80&&&&6.1 结论78-79&&&&6.2 展望79-80参考文献80-86附录86-89致谢89-90攻读学位期间发表论文情况90分享到:相关文献|}


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