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品评校花校草,体验校园广场英语翻译_膜拜 捐款600亿美元的四位慈善大亨_沪江英语
膜拜 捐款600亿美元的四位慈善大亨
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook made headlines this year when he announced that he plans to give away the vast majority of his estimated $785million fortune.今年苹果CEO蒂姆.库克因为一项声明而广受关注,他表示将会贡献出他绝大部分的资产:7.85亿美元。
The head of the world's largest technology corporation told Fortune magazine that he intends to donate all his money to charity, after paying for his ten-year-old nephew's college education.这位世界最大公司的领导人告诉《财富》杂志他打算在支付完侄子的大学学费后将自己所有的财产捐献出来。
But Cook is far from the only high-profile&&to show such generosity.&Dozens of the world&s wealthiest men and woman have committed to donating the majority of their impressive fortunes to charity - either during their lifetime of in their will - through The Giving&.但像库克一样热衷慈善的千万富翁还有很多。许许多多世界富豪们都曾在生前或者在遗嘱中承诺过会通过&捐赠誓约&贡献出他们大部分的财富为慈善事业添砖加瓦。小编注:捐赠誓约是比尔盖茨和巴菲特发起的推动人们为慈善捐款的活动。
Bill and Melinda Gates比尔.盖茨夫妇
Co-founders of The Giving Pledge Bill and Melinda Gates set up the initiative in 2010 as a means to encourage the wealthiest families to make a moral commitment to devote at least 50 per cent of their fortune to philanthropy.&捐赠誓约&的联合创办人比尔.盖茨夫妇在2010年首次提出了该活动,鼓励富人们做出道德承诺:贡献自己至少50%的财富给慈善事业。
According to Forbes, Microsoft founder Bill Gates& net worth rose to a staggering $79.2 billion in 2015, making him the richest person in the world for the second consecutive year.据《福布斯》数据,比尔.盖茨所持有的微软公司市值在2015年上涨到大约792亿美元,比尔.盖茨连续两年成为世界首富。
But he was also the top charitable donor. The billionaire businessman and his wife invested a massive $1.5billion into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is committed to tackling some of the world's toughest problems .同时他也是最大的慈善捐赠者。这位亿万富翁及其夫人拿出15亿美元创办了比尔和梅琳达.盖茨基金会,用以应对世界卫生和教育难题。
The donation brought Gate's lifetime giving up to $29.5 billion, Forbes reported.《福布斯》报道盖茨至今已经捐出了295亿美元资产。
The couple continue to devote most of their time to philanthropy through their foundation, with a focus on improving U.S. education and tackling extreme global poverty and health.盖茨夫妇继续将自己大部分的时间用以经营基金会的慈善事业,主要集中在改善美国的教育,及应对全球贫困和健康问题。
In 2010, Gates made one of the largest single charitable donations ever when he committed $10billion to develop and distribute
in the hope it will save the lives of more than eight million children in the world's poorest countries.2010年,盖茨做出了单笔金额最大数字的捐款&&100亿美元,用以支持研究疫苗来救助世界最贫穷国家的800万儿童。
Warren Buffett沃伦.巴菲特
Close friend of the Gates and Giving Pledge co-founder, Warren Buffett has made a public commitment to gradually give away more than 99 per cent of his wealth over his lifetime or in his will.比尔.盖茨的朋友和&捐赠誓约&的联合创办人,沃伦.巴菲特也做出了公开声明承诺在有生之年和死后逐渐拿出自己99%的资产贡献给慈善事业。
With a net worth of $70.6 billion, the 84-year-old investment mogul is currently the third wealthiest person on the planet, according to Forbes.据《福布斯》数据,现年84岁的股神巴菲特拥有706亿的资产。成为世界第三巨富。
Known for his modest lifestyle & he still lives in the same Nebraska house he bought in 1958 & Buffett broke his own charitable giving record in July 2014.巴菲特素以生活简朴闻名&&他至今仍居住在他1958年购买的位于内布拉斯加的房子里&&但他在2014年刷新了自己的慈善捐款记录。
The philanthropist gave away $2.8billion in shares of his diversified holding company Berkshire Hathaway, bringing his lifetime giving up to a total of nearly $23billion.这位慈善家将其持有的各种公司股份中的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司28亿美元捐献了出来,他一生共计已经捐献了将近230亿美元。
Some $2.1billion of the generous donation went to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, while the remainder was shared between four of his family&s charities.其中21亿美元捐给了比尔和梅琳达.盖茨基金会,剩余的部分捐款分别捐给了自家拥有的4家慈善机构。
Mark Zuckerberg马克.扎克伯格
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was one of the earliest converts to the Giving Pledge, making the commitment when he was just 26.脸书创始人马克.扎克伯格是最早投向&捐赠誓约&的富豪之一,当他宣布捐赠誓言时年仅26岁。
&People wait until late in their career to give back. But why wait when there is so much to be done?& he said at the time.他当时说:&人们总说等事业成功了以后再回馈社会,但为什么一定要等到所有事情都做完呢?&
&With a generation of younger folks who have thrived on the success of their companies, there is a big opportunity for many of us to give back earlier in our lifetime and see the impact of our philanthropic efforts.&现在正有许许多多成功的青年才俊们,他们都已经拥有了成功的公司。这正好使我们拥有了更早回馈社会的机会,并且能让我们更早看到自己为慈善事业带来的改变。
Now aged 30 and with a net wealth of $36.6billion, Zuckerberg is leading the pack of young philanthropists dedicated to using their wealth for charitable causes.现年30岁的扎克伯格拥有价值366亿美元的净资产,他正领导越来越多的年轻富豪们投身于慈善事业。
In February, the entrepreneur committed $75million to a new trauma center at San Francisco General Hospital, and in October 2014 he pledged $25million to fight Ebola.扎克伯格于今年2月向旧金山一家综合医院的一个新的创伤中心捐赠了7500万美元,去年10月也曾承诺捐出2500万美元用于对抗埃博拉疫情。
Michael Bloomberg迈克尔.布隆伯格
Along with running his financial news and information company Bloomberg LP, former New York mayor and business magnate Michael Bloomberg dedicates much of his time to philanthropy.商界巨鳄,财经新闻公司彭博社的领导人,同时也是前纽约市市长迈克尔.布隆伯格也为慈善事业贡献了很多时间。
He has already donated more than $1 billion to Johns Hopkins University, where he studied, and $100million to the Gates Foundation to help
and . Forbes places his total lifetime giving at $3.8billion.他已经捐出了超过10亿美元给自己的母校约翰.霍普斯金大学,1亿美元给盖茨基金会用以根除疟疾和小儿麻痹症。《福布斯》报道其至今已经捐献了38亿美元。
As one of the first signatories of the Giving Pledge in 2010, Bloomberg, now 73, spoke publicly about his choice not to leave his vast fortune to his two children.作为首个在2010年签署&赠予誓言&的富豪,现年73岁的布隆伯格公开宣称不会将巨额财富留给自己的两个孩子。
In his Pledge letter he writes: &If you want to do something for your children and show how much you love them, the single best thing - by far - is to support organizations that will create a better world for them and their children.他在誓言信中写道:如果你想要为你的孩子们做点什么,并告诉他们你有多爱他们,到目前为止唯一最好的做法&&就是支持能够为你的孩子们创造一个更加美好的世界的组织。
&And by giving, we inspire others to give of themselves, whether their money or their time.&通过赠予,我们也希望激励其他人一起参与贡献,无论是贡献金钱还是贡献时间。可以出去嘚瑟的英文歌-谁能把这首英文歌的歌词弄出来,我就膜拜他了
你正在浏览: &>&
★★9:呃; fools garden介绍:又一经典歌曲,张韶涵黄小琥等都翻唱过,个人觉得张韶涵翻唱的版本适合小女生一些…特别甜蜜. Love you like a love song-Selena Gomez介绍:非常温柔的一首歌,很清新很轻快: 也是欢快型儿的~这个要有点rock的女生才唱得出那种感觉吧.,而且高音不高低音不低,算容易驾驭的一类…推荐指数:
★★★★★10.Over the rainbow-张韶涵介绍. My happy ending-Avril介绍:跟第3首风格很像:很有百老汇感觉的一首经典歌曲, 这2首名同曲不同,都各有各的风格,不过fools garden版本的流传很广,有种俏皮的感觉.男声出来是个慵懒的感觉,如果女生唱应该会很可爱,嘎嘎:这首听起来很好听,也够摇滚够动感,唱起来就.so what-pink介绍:又是rock来了…快乐女声的洪辰也唱过这首,你可以参考一下她…歌词和节奏都给力啊…不过一般的女生不敢轻易尝试吧,这首听起来好听,唱起来难啊!,但是Avril的声音超级高!一般人都能驾驭:JUSTIN BIEBER的女友,其实她唱得很好听,唱得好很能打动人的,自己唱的时候不用吼那么高,就很好唱而且好听了.推荐指数.Waka -shakira介绍,不用介绍了…唱这个绝对能high,就看你敢不敢唱的问题….推荐指数1.when there was me and you(歌舞青春插曲)介绍:我第一首学的英文歌.!推荐指数:
★★5. Who says-Selena Gomez介绍:
★★★★★2. innocence -Avril介绍:这首算是我第二首学的英文歌.....这首不是Avril的.因为节奏太难了,转音多了点.推荐指数:
★★★4. complicated-Avril介绍,但是很青春很励志的感觉(原谅我用词不当).原唱的K有点点高.推荐指数:
★★★★3. When you are gone-Avril介绍..可以参考下快女洪辰版本…推荐指数..个人不太喜欢这种风格…但是根据兰州的”欢快”要求…推荐指数:
★★7.Lemon tree-sandie shaw&#47,所以自己也要降一点啊.:QQ空间曾经首页推荐过的歌曲~觉得这首比第2首难唱一点.推荐指数:
★★★下面这些歌曲8.When you say nothing at all-alison krauss介绍
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1.when there was me and you(歌舞青春插曲) 介绍:我第一首学的英文歌.....]嘚瑟英语什么写的? [
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